EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 29, 1915. 1 GREEN TAG SALE:; , ' i im , , -' . "" ' " "" """"""" " " A , :: Blankets, Comforts, Pillows and Wool Baits ', Three-Days' Surprise Specials Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Black Silk and Heavy Coatings Heavy Winter Coatings h i r newest weaves and patterns. :K I H Values up to $3.00 per yard Y v v Black Messaline, regular $1.00 yard, . . .79c Black Messaline, regular $1.25 yard, . . .89c Black Faille, regular $1.75 yard, ....$1.39 Black Peau de Soi, regular $2 yard, . .$1.69 Black Taffeta, regular $1.00 yard, 69c Black Satin de Paris, regular $2 yard, $1.69 Our Men's Section The showing in this department is complete in "Quality Merchandise." Most beautiful stock of Handkerchiefs in the very newest designs, put up in neat and attractive holiday boxes. Neckwear that will please the most fastidious dresser. Then there's gowns, pajamas, underwear, shirts, sox, hats, suspenders everything a good dresser wears. This is a timely event. Save on desirable bed coverings I I ml. a I i i t m v t in oca. ine mosi complete secona noor. The House of Quality nmrnnti All Around Town sroaitti Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting glasses eorroctly. U. 8. bank bldg. A. A. Mlckol, recently appointed freight agent of the Nouthcrii Pacific at Salem, is "now loenfod with his frni ily nt 757 Center street. Mr. Mickcl was formerly freight 'agent lit Albany. Dr. S tone's Drug Btore. Roturnlug to the University of Ore gon lust evening, ut'ter the Tlninksgiv ing vacation at home, were Hiss .Mnrj Tisclior, Jliss Mario Churchill, Min Agues Driscull, Don Byrd, llert I'ord and Kenneth .Moorcs. Befora placing your printing order, Thouo lil7B. Fuller Printing Concern. tf Only 22 more shopping days until Christum. Merchants lire urging shop curly, the pnstol't'lco department sug gests mail early and everybody is in vited to join tiio Kor.ioty fur the l're ventiou of Useless Hiving. Dr. B. T. Mclntirs, pnyaician and urgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. l'hono 410, KRMOKT irr 1hA vision. , All 1HW KYc; OLD AGE FINDS COMFORT Beyond comparison In a correctly fitted pair of glasses. In old flRO the chief soureo of enjoy moot U the ability to read easily and comfortably, This la a prlvilego that should be enjoyed by ovcryone and good glasses mako it possible. If you are not now wearing glasses or the ones you have ara not satisfac tory it will pay you to como and see me at once. I giiarnnteo you perfect satisfaction In every respect, if glasses will help you I will tell you at ouco. I do not um drops or drugs In ni lik ing eiaminttions, as they are danger ous. DO. MENDELSOHN looms 210-211 V. S. Bank Bid. TOYLAND Second Floor is SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS Toys of all kinds, for young and old. Books, Games, Dolls, Engines, Model Builders, Electric Trains, Tool Chests, Automobiles, Drums complete Toy land. Bring the Children, find their wants and shop early while the stocks are complete. line or liianKeis, iomioris ana nuows on our " ittitintuiiiiitiinniui Cliickcn pis dinner, December 1st, Unity church. . o The Elks will soon have a lunch room of their own. Partitions nro being torn out today and within u week, ev erything will be nrrnnged for the mem bers of the lodge who prefer to lunch in their own club rooms. 0 Hygrade, a S cent cigar without an equal M loin made. "Blessed Be the Tie That Binds" was sung by the delegates to the Old er Hoys' conference, nud those interest ed in the work, as they circled, with joined hands, the audience at the Hup list church last evening. This closed the tenth annual Older Hoys' confer ence. If its a lunch you want try the White Swim Dairy lunch none as good. A wedding danco and suppor were given by Mr. and Airs, lleorgo Yost at their new homo nenr Miiiw, Saturday evening, They were married Novem ber IS. Mrs. Yost was formerly Miss 101 In Ask, of Pintiiiii. About 115 were present to enjoy the dance, their friends coming fn.ii till parts of the county. Attention, Robckahs. Salem Re bekah Lodge No. 1, will be called to or der nt 7:lo sharp, tonight, Ida Tniglio, N. (1. The river is falling fast, the guage this morning reading 111 feet above low water mark. At the present rate of fall, the gunge will perhaps read II feet above by tomorrow, as there lias been a fall of three feet wi' last 21 hours. The precipitation during the 2 hours preceding 8 o'clock this morning was .It of nn inch, Winifred Dusonbury, manicuring, iinirdressing, shampooing. Imperial Hon ut v Parlors, Dill Sleeves Bldg. l'hono MX The funeral of John R. Zachnry, who died In tho citv Saturday, November 27, 11115, was held this afternoon nt the parlors of Itlgilon & Hichardson, the Itev, dames Klvln officiating, with burial In tho Odd Follows cemetery, He is survived by a wife and five chil dren. The Weat Central Circle of the First M, K. church will give a Grandmothers' Social In the church Tuesday evening, November .loth, Kverybndy invited. Admission 10 cents. 7:30. o Traccy Strong, of Seattle, who de livered an address before tho Older Hoys' conference) on, "The Most In fluential Person in the World," is re A Few Special Prices from our Blanket Sale 50c Cotton Blankets, . . .46c $1.25 Cotton Blankets $1.15 $1.65 Cotton Blankets $1.46 $2.25 Cotton Blankets $2.05 $2.85 Cotton Blankets $2.53 $4.95 part Wool Bl'kts $4.59 $6 all Wool Blankets $5.45 $8.75 all Wool Bl'kets $8.15 $1.00 Comforts, special 90c $2.50 Comforts, special $2.25 Etc., etc. and pillows. Don't shiver X a i -!! . T SALEM'S - Style Store 4 garded by tho Salem workers as one of the most successful workers in the northwest, rVnnng young men. He is giving all his time to work with boys and ut. present is secretary of boys' work in Seattle. ' ' , Given away. $7.50 to $20.00 on ev ery suit nt Mosher's, the tailor, and he does not take it out of tho workman ship or material, as all his men are union tnilors and nro puid by tho piece. Therefore thero is no slighting or slumping beciuiBo of reduction in price. .'141 Stute. And now comes tho bedless house, not in Salem, but in Los Angeles where an npartment hOuso is under construc tion, without a bed. Tho occupants will not sleep on clothes hooks in the closet, however. I he be.ls will fold di rectly out from tho wall onto a sleep ing porch. With such an arrangement, it might lie advisable lor wives to look carefully into the lolding bod lie fore reporting a lost husband to the ponce. Prizes awordod at the Horticultural Palace of the I'annmn-I'iicific exposi tion hnvo just been nnnounced. A gold modal, which Is a first prize, was awarded to n. 1). 'Peters on his exhibit of Champion prunes, and K. D. Teters was given honorable mention on his ilmiiiottc prune exhibit. A second prize, or silver incdnl, was awarded I 1). M. Field on his display of Italian jinnies. S. N. Kimball was given a bronze medal for his exhibit of Hing cherries. With the advance in price from 35 cents to $10 a pound for fancy dye stuffs within the last your, inn'nufa'c furors of dross goods are finding thorn selves up ngniust a hard proposition, and dry goods merchants in the city are receiving letters announcing that in certain linos of fancy dress goods, prices have ulsn advanced radically within the last few months. A tnffet' dross goods that was worth wholesale 00 cents a yard, is now quoted nt 1.2''' and advances were announced in al most all dross goods, on account of the scarcity of dye. All of which seems to indicate, that along with gasoline, dry goods are going, up Do not mall your best friend a fancy tinsel jpostal Vnrd aiong towards Christinas and expect said friend to acknowledge receipt, as there is not one chance in a thousand of the card being delivered. The postofflca depart ment has repeatedly ruled that tinsel cards are uniiMiiliililo. When such curds roach the mailing clerk, they are stamped "not mailable," and that cuds their travels. If any one wants to mail a tinsel card, enclose it in nn envelope, place thereon a two cent stamp, and it will be started on its way. Hut the tinsel card by Itself Is a poor traveler as it never pets any further than the locnl postoltVc. Mayor Harley O. White has received an invitation to bo present nt a ban quet to be given nt the Chamber of Commerce, Portlnnd, the evening of l'ecember 9. tendered by the Chamber of Commerce to those attending the fifth annual Unci fie International Live Stock exposition. This exposition will Election Day Here and Congress Meets One week from today, Monday, December 6, Beveral things will happen. On that day congress will convene in Washington and a city election will be held in Salem An alderman for thei fifth ward will be elected, the candi dates being O. M. Roberts and Levi Mc.Ornj'keil. TtiA seventh wnril will 1 so elect an alderman, choosing be tween John White and M. D. Elliott. An amendment to the city charter Will flldn fnma nn hnfnm tha lnrrnl voters of Salem. This amendment pro vides for means to facilitate the sale of property on which there is delinquent usat'nsiiienis. ine present cnartor is faulty in that it does not give a satis- mtiuiy line to rann soia lor assess ments unit tfc nftpn h.innona thnt tli. city is obliged to take over the prop erty, or jet me assessment, remain un paid. The amendment proposod provides for the sale and foreclosure on delinquent assessments in the same manner now provided by the state law for jale and foreclosure of delinquent taxes. meet at tho Union StocK yards in North Portland, December 0 to 11, wnen livestock from tho entire west will be shown. - At the banquet, it is expected that the governors of Ore gon, Washington, California and Idaho will be present and take part in the expressions of good will, following the banquet. The exposition to be held at the Union stock yards is purely an educational affair, and there is no ad mission charged. Dr. O. L. Scott, who hna hpon 111 fnr several days, .is reported to be much improved although he will not be able io resume nis pract.ee tor several days. ....The first dance of the season at the Elk lodge will be given Tuesday even ing for tho members of tho lodt'o nml their ladies. These dances will be held once a month during the winter. The Klk orchestra will furnish the music. Ponnoyer English" Alfred Oliver and Homer Egan returned yesterday to the Oregon Agricultural " college, after spending the Thanksgiving holiday's with realtives. Dr. Will S. Skiff" who has been in a i'ortland hospital for several weeks, is reported today to be slowly improv ing, with the chances favorable to re covery. The concert tonight at the armory is billed to begin at- K::t() o'clock. Ma dam Kihejdaffor uud her company, who open tho season, me regarded lis one of tho best attractions of the course Scott and Scott, the bicycle firm at 2u2 State street, hnvo sold their fur niture rmrt nf tlm )i L ........v .lit uilt.. J1UIU- utter the business will bo run exclusive ly lor Dicyclcs and bicycle repairs. J. N. Cossalman, of Cheney, Wash., has moved to the city with his family und will live at 1170 Union street. Until two yours ago, when he went to Cheney, he had been a resident of Salem. The German-American Society of Sa lem, Ore., hold its regular annual meet ing yesterday and elected officers for the coining year as followsi August Kehrberger, president; Fred Hartniiin, vice-president; 11. Scheusner, secre tary; John Stollmnii, treasurer. Dole gats elected to the Stuatos Verbaud uro Mr. Kehrberger and Mr. llumbuig. The meeting was largely attended. Thirtny new members were admitted in to tho society, making a total member ship of -S5. , . - The citizens of Wasco county have agreed to vote road bonds amounting to 4tf-li,U(l0 but ennnot agree upon the division of the bonds according to Chief Deputy Stato Engineer Cantino who returned to this city yesterday af ter attending n meeting at Tho Dalles Saturday night. The residents of tho southern part of tho county want to expend $200,000 in their vicinity and the residents along Columbia highway want $20X,0(IO for tho completion of Columbia highway. Pulling a loaded shot gun from a bug gy, with the muzzle pointing directly towards hWn, was rather disastrous this morning to John Wirt, who lives with his father four miles east of the city. The gun whs discharged, and Mr. Wirt is now in tho Salem hospital with nn ugly wound in his fore urni. He was at once taken to the office of Drs, El lis and Wislicciuis, where the wound was dressed. The shots entered the fore arm midway between the wrist and elbow, nud while they touched the bone, no arteries were severed. Mr. Wirt, who is 22 years of age, will bo obliged to stay at tho hospital for several days, Hore is a chance to practice practic al Christianity. About "0 men, all of families ami good citizens of Suleui, want work, nud have njiplied for work to the Salem Social Service (Voter. These men will cut wood or do farm work, or any kind of work, it 'ins been suggested by several interested in the work of the Social Circle, that those who have wood to cut should telephone Ivan (I. Mi'lianiels, secretary of tho Circle, at the Commercial club. Men will be supplied at once for any jobs and nt the same time, parties having this work done will do their share to wards helping tho families of tho many unemployed men in tho city. With many men, it is urgent thnt somo work should be provided, in order that their families should have tho necessities of life. Mr. Benjamin Williams and Mr. R. A. Harris wore the speakers at the So cial Service meeting at tho Uiiitnrinu church lust evening. Mr. Williams spoke on "Modem Conception of So cial Justice." It was a fine address dealing with vitul interests in an ever enlarging field of social responsibility. Mr. Harris read a carefully prepared paper upon, "Jnstloo in tho Division of Cost mid Trofit." Thnt Mr. Harris is a patient and careful student of so cial and political economy was thor oughly demonstrated by tiio care and scope of the paper. These social serv ice meetings nro of Tcnl value to our peonle, especially those who believe In public education through public discus sion, Next Sunday Mr. Walter Denton will speak upon the subject, "Whnt Society Owes to tho Underworld." Caucuses Over Filling Com mittees Are Harmonious Only Nine Absentees Washington, Nov. 29. Machinery for the sixty-fourth congress got slowly in to motion today. Harmony was the watchword in both the democratic sen atorial caucus and the house ways and means committees session to pick com mittee selections. Neither gathering raised the vital question of party policy. The senators adjourned to Wednesday when the rules committee will place a cloture plan to choke off unlimited debate, and Sen ator Kern will announce the steering committee. Kern was unanimously chosen caucus chairman, and Senator Pittman, of Ne vada, was named secretary succeeding Senator Saulsbury of Delaware. Only nine out of the 56 democrats were absent. The house committee started the ere liminary work of drafting committees, and reached a satisfactory division of places with the republicans. Selection of president pro tem for the senate went over to Wednesdnv. Opposition to Senator Clarke, of Ar kansas is lessening, hence no difficulty is expected in choosing him, Senate May Have Cloture. Washington, Nov. 29 Wheels of the congressional machinery turned up to day. Senate democrats in cauous, be gnn consideration of organization for the winter. Cloturo and revision of the rules promised some fireworks. The house ways and moans committee start ed the job of chalking up committee recommendations, and all becnusc con gress moots next Monday. The somite caucus heard from Sen ator Owens' committee which has been considering revision of tho rules. Their report, it was understood, was a recom mendntion for a modified cloture. Some senators, however, seemed to resent on croachment on tho time honored right to talk without hindrance. Despite this there appeared to be a notimto prospect that some means would be nitopteil whereby an uneudiud filibuster cannot prevail as in tho past. Re-organization of the senate loader Bhip promised to return Senator Kern ns majority leader, Senator Lewis as party whip ami Senator ClarKe ot -r knnsns as president pro torn. Committee assignments are likely to be much ns m the past. Two republican vacancies exist on tho important foreign relations com mittee by virtue of the retirement of Senators Burton and Hoot. While there aro no democratic vacancies, the com mittee must assign Senator Uhelan of California, Senator Underwood of Ala bama, and four others to berths ns new members. On the house side, there are ninny cemmittee vacancies. Likewise, there are many new republican members to be taken care of. The domocratis will caucus Saturday night. Then the re publicans will hnvo an opportunity to present their' lists of committee recom mendations. ' Chairmanships on the foreign rela tions, appropriations, military, banking, judiciary, merchant marine committees will remnin unchanged. When tho house budget committee gnthered this forenoon there ser, nod little prospect of reaching nn agree ment on a recommendation for a special budget system. Dr. Stone's drug store. Yayne Peike anrt Harold W. Wil liams, delegates to the Older Boys Con ference, from tho First Christian church, Portland, returned to their homos this morning. While here, they woro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U.S. tlile. According to an expert automobile dealer, it will cost the owner of an automobile four cents nu hour more ... llm.. lfut siinnnor. rirnv iiliner he III 1JUU l".it D drives at the rate of 20 miles an hour and uses about a gallon or gasoline. Tho price last summer was 12 1-2 cents n gallon anil now every gallon pumped into the tank costs 10 1-2 cents. The championship for High schools will practically bo decided next Sat urday, when the Salem High school foot' ball team goes up ngniust the I'ortland Washington high school bnvs. in Portland, The Port land Wash ington High school tenm defeated Col umbia University several weeks ago, while the best Salem could do Inst Sat urday w n s to play a tie game. Which ever wins next Saturday will be acknowledged to be the host team from High schools in this part of the state. Mrs. Fred D. Weber of Portland, la in the city today, coming cpocinlly to hear her friend, Madam lliholdnffer, who nppears at the nnnorv this even ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Velio, also of I oitland aro hero especially to attend the concert. Mrs. Weber is a member of the Lnurelhtirst Club, a musical or ganization, nnd she hopes later to ar range for the appearance of Mudiiin Kiheldnffer in I'ortland, under the aus pices of the l,nurolhurt club. "Lusher is always at the bnr." "Vos; that's his fixed post," J I Have YOUR EYES I COMPETENT OPTOMETRIST 209 KNOX'S SHOP GIRL BRIDE DISMANTLES PHILADELPHIA HOME Mrs. Philander C. Knox, Jr. Indications that Philander C. Knox, Sr., former secretary of state, has never completely forgiven Philander C. .Knox, Jr., for his marriage to a Providence, R. I., shop girl i3 seen in the dismantling of the homo of Mrs. Knox, Jr., in Philadelphia. It is un derstood that the home was dis mantled and tho furnishings sold to meet the demands of creditors. The former secretary of stato is said to have denied his son financial aid. &Ltf -1 fcl -f- l fcfy kl- fcf- J TT'P'n'rTVTTT'rTTT STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use 4c Columbia QUALITY Carbons? Made in Oregon ijt 100 Copies Guaranteed from 4c Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co. 33rd & Broadway, Portlund, Ore. 4iV lie 4e s Af iV I k b L L ;:::;illf I'll i ! sV si : ' p:;Hy$c& j ,ttMmJmJmttmmmmtttttnuu:mtuMutunm;Ktt. Store and Home 1UEWSPAPER ADVERTISING IS the direct link between store and home People look to the advertise ments for news that will guide them to satisfactory buying. 'THEY PATRONIZE THE STORES that advertise and they buy ad vertised goods- There is no other me dium that forms such an active link between store and home as the daily newspaper. ATO ADVERTISING BRINGS SUCH profitable results as the evening newspaper which comes to your home and is read by every member of the family after the day's work is over. .ttffimmtiitttmmmiiiittiiiiiiMmrmi ' i Bob fleorge Rot a Ivrrible shock lat ni-ht, Heth Live wire? Bob Not ho nked Pete for the loan of 43.00 and got it. Examined by a I Our glasses are carefully fitted. Our lenses are accurately ground. Our patrous are our best advertisers, because they are satisfied. Miss A. McColloch, Optometrist - 210 Hubbard Bldg. PhohelOD The Man-Spun Silk Luxlte is the new discov ery of science in its search for a synthetic silk. It is the climax of man's yeare of effort to duplicate worm-spun silk at far less cost. It has a new and amaz ing durability, and a lustre rivaled only by natural silk. It gives you this quality, and luxury, at one-half the cost of natural silk. That is why we offerHose of Luxite at this store. -25c ancf 35c the pat G. W. Johnson & Co. Ul N. Commercial St. When in SALEM, OEEGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem Tree and Private Baths . RATES: 75c, 51.00, $1.50 PER DAY The onlv hofl.in the business district. Nearest' to all Depots, Theatics and (.'apitol Buildings. A Homo Away From Homo. T. G. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Tree Auto Bus. If the carrier does not give service notify the office. ii ami mi in Businem Term "Holding up a. c'uech," I