SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 29, 1915. Cleaning Up Battlefield Is a Whooping Big Job By William PhlUp Simms. (United Press staff correspondent.) With the French Amny in Cham pagne, Oct. 2-J. (By mail.) Cleaning tip a battlefield is a whooping big job, The battle of Champagne begun a month ago and several regiments are jrtill trying to make it presentable. This battlefield, which will bje known in future text books as in many ways unique, is 15 miles long and three miles wide, running east and west. As the French advanced they faced the Ger mans at its southern edge of it, their trenches, cut in chalk white as curds, being 00 to ZOO yards apart. Two months before their drive the French began to accumulate amuuition; mass artillery, dig trenches, build nar row and ataudard-guage railways; wide, well-graded rook-and-gruvel highways and other things of the sort. September 22 the French artillery turned loose a hell's fury of shells. A German officer's letter, interrupted by death, said the shelling resembled the collapse of a world. Practically every square yard of this 45 square miles of ehalky ground was tossed into the air by explosives. White as a sepulchre, it is hard to believe that ever again will man be able to make his home amid these fields. For three days the French poured mo linite and chedite into the Merman's barbedwire entanglements, steel turrets, machine guns, armored trenches, secret traps, hidden defenses, invisible wire coils with cutting edges, centers of resistance, fortified woods and what not. The Germans, their food supply cut off because supply trains cou'.d not ap proach, huddled at the bottom of thei bomb-shelters 20 feet under the ground, while their trenches were blown to nothing. Homo companies lost half their men during the bombarcYnont . alone. Underground ammunition Btorcs explod ed; shelters wore ripped up as though they were roofed with paper inntead of yards of stone nnd earth. . The world never saw Buch shell fire. At 9:15 a. m. on the 25th the French infantry charged, and at 0:15 and a half the house-cleaning began. As the attackers entered what was left of the Gorman first line trenches, the clean-up began with -tiie bayoneting all roniaiu-1 .Exhibits Are Coming In For Coming Corn Show Exhibits are coming in and the I. inn building is being placed in readiness for the Marion County Corn and Potato show to be held In Salem, four days bo- j ginning next Wednesday, December 1. The cash nrizes for all the corn ex hibits have ncen offered by the Copl t,.l Nntlnrnl l.mih. Pn.l. nrire. j,,, tlm 1 t.;:S. Jack mot tno traiu hero . ... ... T I , , n't. 1.., ..1. t "1 ' 71 TnTl, .. addition to these prizes, Dr. E. K, Fish er has offered cash prizes amounting to $17.50, to be pnid in three awards for the best 100 ears of yellow Dent corn. The following Is a complete list of awards to bo given on corn: Community exhibit First, $15; sec ond, $10. 100 ear exhibit yellow Dent FirHt, $7.50; second, $5; third, $2.50. 100 ears white Dent First, $5; sec ond, $.1; third, $2. 10 enrs yellow Dent First, $5; sec ond, $.1; third, $2. 10 ears white Dent First, $5; sec ond, $3; third, $2. 10 ears Flint corn First, $2.50; sec ond, $1.50; third, $t. Single ear Dent corn First, $2.50; second, $1.50; third, $1. 12 ears sweet cam First, $2.50; sec ond, 4)1.150; third, $1. 12 enrs popcorn First, $2.50; second, $1.50; third, $1, FERN RIDGE NOTES. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O. fiiegmund re turned Stiudny from a two weeks visit with relatives nt Salem and Gervnis. (Julto a number from here attended I lie J. A. Itichni'da sale on Saturday. Carl Downey of Happy Hollow was a liiilge visitor one day last week. 1. F. Richards who had the misfor tune of getting his leg broken, was moved to his homo from Mehauia on Saturday and is reported as doing nice ly. 1,. K. Sicgmund, of Gervnis, helped install a siphon water system for his brul her, Henry, lust week nud is now the guest of his pnreuts, Mr. and Mrs. .lac. Nicginmid. Fred Morrils, of Lyons, was on the Hidge one day last week to meet his fiilheriii lnw, Win. Little, who had been working lit Keller's mill. Adidpli Tiem Is spending a few days In Htnytun. Messrs. I' A. Siogmund and Adnlph Tietue attended the shooting match nt Meliamn on Friday and Mrs. Sicgtmmd and baby visited nt the Grime's home nl Lyons. Grace llottingor, Helen nnd Theo dore Fioros spent Holiday evening nt the K. G. Slogimmd home. Stnyton Standard. MT. PLEASANT ITEMS. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. It. liny spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Don MeKnlglit nt Hclo. D. Townes made a business trip to Allmiiy Wednesday. I The Farmers uiilon held their reiiu- lur meeting Saturday night. Several business matters were transacted. G. II, Hnv called at the Twin Wal nut Farm Friday. Jnn, Huber nnd wife were out enjoy- ing Hie good roads Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ifnbberinau pont tlio week end with friends at Manners. 11. It, Shank took a load of porkors to Sclo Wednesday. Hnxnnn Shnnk called on Angellne Jtyan Friday. Lee Downing Is helping 1'. X, Het tinger with some farming. The Misses LnYerne and Crystal Bhnnk attended the dedication o( the new Btayton high school. Mr, and Mrs. Kd Smith were Shel burn Visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. II'. Shank called at tie Mrs, n. Shank homo Tuesday. btayton Standard, ing Germans who offered resistance and making prisoners of those who sur rendered. Then the dead were thrown out and the position turned around for a possible counter-attack. The dead Germans were buried in their own trenches. I have heard th; 20,000 to 25,000 bodies were thus dis posed of, while bodies at the bottom of cave-ins, under destroyed bomb-shelters and in like places were left in the graves of .their own choosing, Brand new cemeteries were made for the French who fell. The new graves are cunous. There being no time to place crosses or head stones to mark the graves, a wine bottle,, with name and (matriculation number corked in side, ig stuck nock down in the middle of each new mound. In eases where identification was impossible, the dead are buried in a common grave with some such mark as this serving for all : "Horo He the bodies of 27 French soldiers wro died for their country." The dead removed, the cleaning-up continues. Broken transports, shattered wheels, splintered planks, clothing, German and French helmets, ammuni tion, guns, swords, books, shoes, revol vers, and numberless other odds and ends including arms and legs lie pro misculnusly about on the churned-up earth. These all must be disposed of. This is a sanitary war. If there have been no plagues It is because the cleaning-up has been thorough. All this gruesome collection is disposed of hy glenically. Useable material is parked and sont to the rear; guns are stacked in orderly piles, according to make; bayonets and scabbards and swords and head-sear and all the rest, ditto. The stuff is listed and shipped and re ceipts and way-bills are all properly made out and signed and sealed. Then . the advancing army settles down in its now home. It had made a fairly comfortable place during the months of waiting, but all tnis nos been left behind and a new start is made. The former quarters of German officers and men are transformed, with much scouring and furbishing and dis infecting, into quarters for the French officers and men. Today the battlefield of Champagne Is comparatively clean. But one still occasionally stumps one's toe against something or other very unpleasant. HOMER HARMON DIES AT THE DALLES Homer Harmon, formerly of Mnr qnam, passed nwny at The Dalles, Tues day morning, November 23, nt the age of 44 years and 4 months. The imme diate cause of death was liver trouble. Mr. Harmon Is survived by a wife, two daughters, father nnd mother, two brothers and one sister. The body was shipped to this city and taken to ul'" Iu.r " etcotts Wills tor burial Wednesday, vt. Tuesday evening and took chnrpo of the re- '"Bi"- The f"(,r"1 services were con ducted by Rov. J. n. Irvine, pastor of the Methodist church and the local K. of P. lodge, of which he was a mem ber. A large delegation of brother lodge men went to Seotts Mills to attend the funeral. Silverton Appoal. 8TAYTON BIRTHDAY CLUB Something new in the way of a club is the Birthdnv club, which was organized last week. They met for the first time with Mrs. (1. L. ltrown, in honor of her birthday, November 111 nnd a very enjoyable afternoon was spent. The Brown homo was tastily decorated with bowls of yellow chrys anthemums nnd tlio ladies found their places nt the table by means of place cards In the form of l'uritnn hats. Twelve Indies will constitute the members of the club, and they will meet once In each month on a mem ber's birthdnv, and bring their sewing. Small dues will be paid each month and these 'will bo used to purchase birthday gift for the hostess. Mrs, W. F. Follis was elected president and Mrs. (', H. Jtrewer Boerctar.v-trcasurer. The twelvo Indies who make up the club's membership are: Mesdames W. F. Follis, (.', H. llrewer, A. (,', Thomas, Jos. 1'eerv, (leo. Korinek, J, I Wil bur, K. T. Mnttliieu, Dora Shrove, Al va Smith, (1. 1.. Brown, K. D. Alexan der and T. W. Creech. With the excep tion of the latter two ladies, all pres ent al the first meeting. The next meeting will be with Mrs, J. F. I'eery nt her home on December I t. Stnyton Standard. A DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY. Dr. and Mrs. Brandt, of Iowa, and his brother, II. A. Brandt, with whom the doctor nnd wife have been visiting, v.nit to Salem Monday to spend the day with Mr. nnd Mrs.' II. F. Fletcher. Mondny evening they took supper with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Wrny, of this city. It luiifened to be the thirty third anniversary of Mr. ami Mrs. V ray's wedding and also the ninth an niversary of Dr. and Mrs. Brandt '1 wedding. The evening was pleasant ly spent In celebrating tlio double wed ding anniversary occasion. Dr. nnd Mrs! Ilraiult nnd II. A. Brandt went In Portland Tuesday anl from tiiere motored up the new Colum bia highway. They will also visit- the coast at Seaside or In Washington. Silverton Tribune. GUN CLUB HELD AT SILVERTON. Plana are being made for the organ ization of n gun club in Silverton nnd it niny develop into a live militia coin puny, Messrs, ltohert Mount ami Chris tjiinll are nt the head of the movement iu Silverton. It Is understood that the government will furnish guns and am- niiinltlon If a eomnanv of twontv mem bers can be obtained. Moro thaa fifty young men In this vicinity have ex- pnssed a willingness to join and it. 1 1 believed that a militia conmpny will be the ultimate result of tho efforts nowl being made Silverton Is the place for a good com-'lze. puny nnd affords the right kind of ma- terial, With the proper encourage- ment a permanent organization con be completed.-Trihune. 1 1 1 I,1 WW gsjiji!Fl' New tfodajr Ads, one cent per ABOUT 380,000 BABIES DIE BEFORE ONE YEAR The Census Bureau estimates that 300,000 babies died in this country last year before the age of one year, and it is stated that one-half of these deaths were needless if all mothers were strong and infants were breast-fed. Expectant mothers should strive to in crease their strength with the strength building fats in Scott's Emulsion which improves the blood, Suppresses ner vousness, aids the quality of milk, and feeds the very life cells. Physicians prescribe Scott's Emul sion; it is doubly important during nursing. No alcohol.- Everydrvggist baa it. Insist on Scott's the white food medicine. No advanced prices. Scott & Bewn. Woomflcld. N 1. IMS 4c WAR ODDITIES. Cardiff Sir William J. Thomas of Ynisliir, contribut ed 4.),000 for the endowment of a bed in King Edward VII hos pital, in memory of Nurse Ca vell. London The village of Wil lesden has purchased three mo tor fire engines, each, in turn, having been commandeered by the government for war pur poses. Londpn Over 8,000 British officers and men, wounded at Gallipoli, are convalescing at Palmero. Police Judge Receives Letter From Black V City Recorder Charles Elein yester day morning received a letter from the "Black Mit" which la probably the Juvenile department of the Block Hand. It appears that a bunch of boys were soized with the notion to charivari Frank Noedtiam who has been recently married and resides on South Capital street. The boys were making considerable din and as it was in the vicinity of Mr. Elgin's homo he went out and scattered the bunch with their inharmonious musical instru ments. Sunday morning the iudee found pinned on the door of his garage the letter winch informed mm, "you aint no offisore nud have got no rite to butt in. Bewonr the bluck Mit." The letter was signed with a large black hnnd but tho perpetrators left the pa per smeared with the imprints of their fingers and should the boys ever be haled into police court it would be an easy mutter to identify them from their thumb prints wi,ch they left on the letter. MANY LIKE JHIS IN SALEM Similar Cases Being Published In Each Issue. Tho following case Is but one of many occurring daily in Salem. It is an easy matter to verify, You cannot ask for bettor proof. F. A. Sutton, tent and awning dealer, Salem, gays: "I had kidney trouble for ten years nnd sometimes I was laid up. Doctorg did not help mo. Sharp pains extended through my back and were most severe iu my kiduoys. Often when workiug I had to give up. I lost weight and was in very poor health. I had headaches, rested but little at night and didn't know what to do, On a friend's advice, r tried Doan's Kid ney Pills and to my surprise they brought great improvement in a few days. I continued to got hotter steadi ly. I got moro sleep, my appetite im proved, and tho pains gradually, but surely, left me. After I had used three boxes of Doan 'g Kidnoy Pills, I was in hotter health than I had been for ton years and not a Bign of kidney com plaint remained." (Statement given Jnn. 31, 19U0.) Over Six Years Later, Mr. Sutton added: "I confirm my formor endorse ment of Doan's Kidnoy IMIls. Thoy effected a permanent cure iu my case.'' Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy got Donu'g Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Sutton has twice publicly recom mended. Fostor-Milbiim Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. .Negro Must Hang I ror Brutal Murder Joilet, III., Nov. !!. "Chicken Joe" I Cnmplioll, negro trusty, must hang for the brutal murder of Mrs. Edmund Al len, wite of the former warden of tho penitentiary. The jury iu iiis trial re turned H VPl-ilii't itf ititillv tn.lnu a.,.' - - "- - ""V hum recommended denth. The jury retired Snturdiiv. Mrs. Allen was outraged and her apartments tired to, hide tho crime. Campbell, who was her personal ser vant, was later seen coming from the room in the penitentiary, Later, Warden Allen,' who Instituted the "honor system'' at Joliet, declared he could not live in the prison whore his wile a former actress had been killed. Governor Dunne refused hfs request to tnke apartments elsewhere, so Allen resigned, lie declared, how even, that, despite tho murder Ins faith In -lii boys" had not been shaken, Zemo for Dandruff YOU do not Wnnt nlonr lu.1...! T " " m 1 " "","u ' "? """''"'"t K.Jlno h balt fouli When hair Is falling nnd the dandrutt lucnns no hair. tint, nf niltf flrn iIkm ' & . wuo for Sfc or 1.00 for extra law , I'se as directed, for It doe 1 he work quickly. It kills the dandrutt germ, nourishes the hair roots ami Immediately , ! """ '! c is sure ami safe, 1 V"' ' r'i"J7 ns0 "uJ wm nu' statu. touug and shampoos are harm- 1 "? ,l','3, ,coutul' lkall. The best tuluf to use Ig lemo. for It la num I luMpenslve. " n 'uJ SALEM POLICE RAID Six Chinese and Two Japs Booked On Charge, of Playing Fan Tan The-Salem police brought nine Chinese and two Japs to the station at noon yesterday after a raid on the rooms at 149 South High street where they say a gambling game was in progress. Three of the Chinese were said to be mere spectators and were not booked but the othor six and the two Jap anese were charred with engairin? in a gambling game commonly known as run tan . The officers brought the fan tan layout and $24.80 in cash to the sta tion where it was held as an exhibit in the trial which will be held tomorrow morning. The Chinese enraged A. O. Condit at their attornev and Mr. Con- dtt took Si hours to enter a plea for aiB clients. Tno Chinese were re quired to put up $25 bail for each one and they immediately furnished $00 in casu. The officers decided to make the raid at 12:30 yesterday aad knocked at the outer door which contained a pane of glass. A Chinese came to the door but refused admission and turned and ran for the inside room. The of ficers went through the door and fol lowed in at the man's heels. Accord ing to the story of the officers, the oc cupants of the room were grouped around a table where the beads, but tons, money and mysterious pasteboard slips were spread out. Three Chinese scurried out through, the back door but the officers halted the other eleven and took charge of the paraphernalia. rne uiinese protested against tneir a-rest with their well known fluency but the officers consider they have a good case against them. Officers Htubbs, Nicholson and Varney made the raid. The Chinese gave the names of Lem Sing, Jim, Wong, Oin, Lai and Leon doing, the two Japanese were Riu and Oyu. HERE'S NEW VIGOR FOB OVERWORKED STOMACHS Daniol J. Fry, the popular druggist, has been in the drug business long enough to have his own opinion of the best way of gelling medicines. He says the plan adopted by Mi-o-na, the great dyspepsia remedy, is the fairest he has ever heard of. He doesn't believe that a medioine ought to be paid for unless it does the user some good. And Mi-o- na la sold under a positive guarantee to relieve dyspopsia or to refund the money. You simply leave 60 cents on deposit with Daniol J, Fry and if, after you have used the box of Mi-o-na you decide that it has done you no good, all you have to do is to tell him so and he will return your money. Hundreds of people have been relieved of stomach agonies by nsine this re markable remedy. It is not simply a food digester; it is a medicine that puts an or the digestive organs into normal condition and gives ruddy, glowing, vig orous health. A change for the better will be seen aftor the first few doBes of Mi-o-na, and its continued use will soon give the power to cat anything at any time and not Buffer distress after ward. Mi-o-na is sold under a positive guar antee to refund the money if it does not cure. This is the strongest proof that can be offered as to the merit of the medicine. Nothing lessons a man's success in hia work or a woman's fascinating per sonality more than a weak stomach, with its attending evils. Use Mi-o-na and see how much more there is in life. GERVAISMWS Miss Verna Keppinger is home from O. A. C. during Thanksgiving Vacation. Henry Scguin has been confined to his homo tlio past week with In grippe. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Schwab returned Thursday from a month's visit at New port. Walter Sohram, of Woodburn, attend ed the Urassman Kappes wedding Tues day. The Misses Kate and Grace Malo of Monmouth are spending a few days with their parents. j Ben Kppcrs of Donald met with a serious accident a week ago where his i team ran away. His shoulder was dis located an collar bono broken. Miss draco Shields and Miss Vesta Marshall arrived on the evening train Tuesday from Monmouth to spend Thanksgiving vacation with their par ents. Miss Margaret Barnes nnd Master Alfred Nys drove to Yamhill for a few days visit with the former's par ents, last Wednesday, Albert Becker who hns been spend ing a few weokg with Mr, and Mrg. John Schocn nenr Turner came home Tuesday evening. Tho ilaznar and piny given by the tallies Aid Society of the Preabytorinn church at the City Hall Saturday night was a success both financially and in the way of entertainment, Mr. and Mrs. John CutBforth enter tained their sons and daughters nnd tneir families Inst Sunday with a big Thauksglving dinner. Owing to tho fact that some members could not be present on Thnnksglving Dny, they had tho dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. U, MeDougnll were surprised last Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Carr of MYVIllc, North Da kota, a4 brother-in-law to Mr. MeDou gnll, arrived for a few days visit. It has been twenty years since Mr. Me Dougnll left Dakota and they had not met in that time. Mr. and Mrs. Carr I left Tuesday evening for the Panama j M position, James Lelth has In the past week moved his 14 by 0 houno from the Lea- mumttititmiMiitttititntHttttumtttttittttttt 1 he t f f T Probl "iiii Can be solved in the easiest way by :oming to a store that specializes in the things for Men and Boys. We can help you because we are acquainted with the articles Men and Boys buy for themselves. You will find innumerable things here that will be ideal gifts because they are practical gifts. By way of suggestion we list a few of the things you might wish to settle on: BATH ROBE GLOVES GARTERS NECKTIES SWEATER Come in and look around, we want to do all we can to make your gift buy ing a pleasant duty. ... ..4..... tn Hart, Schaffner ft Marx Clothes Emery Shirts Kaiser Neckwear man place about 2 1-2 miles east of here, upon his lot located here. The feat was accdmplished by building a sled the same dimensions as the house, under it and hitching twelve horses to the same and pulling it in. The plan, though novel proved valuable judging by their speed. .'' The intermediate and advanced grades had the pleasure of -hearing Miss Caldwell aud Mr. Druilette, both workers in the State School work, give talks on the Club project work, Tues day. The vocal selections rendored by Mrs. Homer Alloman of Woodburn, were excellent. The net proceeds of the bazaar anirthe evening entertain ment was $80. ' All those who assisted in different ways to make it a success can have the consolation that they must have done their work well. Star. AURORANEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Fargo, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Eberrnon and Floyd Ebermnn were guests at the Hig ginbotham home Saturday. Among the well known farmers and hop growers here Thursday were Ed Graves, Phil Graves and Wm. Heinz, of the Macksburg district. Mrs. C. W. Damm and Mrs. Wm. Heinz, who same in from Macksburg Saturday, stayed over until Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Damm. Mrs. Nida Cox Drogg, of Junction City, who has been visiting friends and relatives at Macksburg for a couple of weeks, was a visitor here Saturday Bt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Damm, leaving the same day for her home. Jas. Ogle has purchased several hundred sacks of potatoes here the past week and has 1,200 sacks stored in the Mishler & Oribble warehouse which he hns rented. He is shipping most of the potatoes south as fast as cars can be obtained. The Btock of liquors aud other goods, in the Bergen saloon, were sold this week to S. A. Miller for $200. The fur niture of the Now Aurora hotel was sold to G. . Simkius for $25. Both have removed thoir property and the saloon nnd tho hotel are permanently closed. Tuesday afternoon some excellent talks were giveu at the Woman's club rooms. Prof, C. V. Ruzek spoke upon Com Culture; Prof. Chnpiu upon Seed Sclcctionj Guy N. Hickok upon, The Bunk and the Farmer; and Grant B. Dimick npon, Diversified Fanning as a fossible solution of "What May Follow lops," if that industry is ever aban doned. Among thoso in the city to see the display of corn were Mr, and Mrs, A. McConnell, J. J. Sperb, M. Bisang, Mr. Lankins of the Dimick Stock form, Woods and Dugnn of Meridian, J. J. Llppuuer, Otto lvnorr. John Whitworth, H. U. Whitworth, Kd B, Miller, D. B. Yoder, J. C, Mark, Sam S. Yoder, Miss Elsie Klnyon, Mrs. H. C, F.hlen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keil, John Pugh, Sr., John Gnhler, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). I.of gren, Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Dentel, Fred Yergon, C. Glesy, and man others. Au rora Observor. BANDITS LOOT SAFE. ,- Evanston, 111., Nov. 29. After bind ing the watchman, five auto bandits blew the street railway company's aare here and escaped with the contents early today, not heeding a policemen's shot. Authorities commandeered a passing automobile and kept up a running tire In pursuit of the thieves, whose car was going 60 miles an hour. The bandits had barely crossed the Chicago river bridge when tho draw opened. Gift 4 em HOSIERY SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS SMOKING JACKET SHOES SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Polk County Will Have Monthly Sales Day (Capital Journal Special Service.) Falls City, Or., Nov. 29.1-An effort is being made to establish a monthly sales day which will be hold Saturday. The plan is to have live stock and oth er articles of value that people desire to have disposed of auctoincd off. The merchants are going to take advantage of this proposition and auction off goods that are of a slow sale. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Lewis, Thursday, a boy. A basket dinner was given at the Christian church, Thanksgiving, which was well attended. N. Selig and wifo returned from a week's attendance at tie fair in San Francisco and report it to be O. K. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Powers, of Cher ry Grove, Oregon, are visiting thoir son, A. C. Powers, agent at tho S. P, depot, this week. Joseph Mickalson, the real estate man has effected several real estate deals this week. R. L. Chapman, the Dallas under taker was in Falls City Tuesday pre paring the funernl arrangements of W. S. Bedient, who died Monday. A masquerade ball was given here at the local dance hall .Thanksgiving night which was well attended by the dBncing public of both FallB City and Dallas. Prizes were given for the best costumed lady, and was won by Mrs. Alice Bell. The best costumed man prize was carried off by George March, and for the comical costumed man, was awarded to Roy Me Murphy Prof, and Mrs. Haley spont Thanks giving visiting an uncle at Carlton, Oregon. A log train loaded with logs from Pluck Rock for the Dallas mill was derailed at the crossing hore Saturday afternoon. It was six hours before the train crew could get the car back on the track again. W. 8. Bedient died at the home of his son, Hnrvcy Bedient, who lives one mile north of Falls City, Monday at 11 o'clock. His death was due to organic heart trouble. The deceased was born at Lock Port, N. Y., and leaves six children to mourn his do mi so. J. C. nnyter, formerly editor of the Dallas Observer, and P.' A. Finsoth, of the Beehive store nt Dallas, were in the city Thursday. Mrs, Jennio Snodgrnss has returned to Falls City for a short stay with her father, J. L. Elkins, who is seriously ill. A crew of lumber jacks with ennt hooks left Tuesday for the Big Luckia mute whore they will make a log drive for the Spaulding Logging company. A meeting of road district No. 21 was held at tho Oakhurst school hoiiBe Saturday for the voting of ndditolnnl taxes. The vote stood 35 to SO against the levy. ' W W w Tell your neighbor of the sat- lsfactlon of reading the Cap- if ltal Journal. Always Watch Thia imtMIttlimillllllllMIIHIIIIHIMimfrfH rjK inc. wuuusman We have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saws and Equipments for the woods. All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs and Buildings. A good $800.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for one-fourth original Cost. $15 AND $20 NEW OVERCOATS AT $5.00. X pT 1 1-2 cent per pound for old rags. I pay highest price for nldes and fur. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Bargains. 808 North Commercial Street Tlm Ana INDIAN ROBE HAT OVERCOAT SUIT RAINCOAT Roberts Hats Dent's Gloves -Just Wright . Shoes, Interwoven Hos r-r Ttitttii. ZT t-tttttttttttiiiiMiiitLiI MONMOUTHNEWS NOTES (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Ore., Nov. 28. Miss One, daughter of W. H. Steinberg, of this city, passed away Friday evening oi last week after a brief illness cover ing little more than a week, typhoid fever being the causeof her death. Miss Steinberg was born in Iowa in December, 1895, and came to Oregon in 1907, tho pnst four years being Bpent in Monmouth where she graduated from the State Normal school here in Jun of this year. This fall she acccptod a position as teacher in the Airlie school. Her death is mourned by many friend in this vicinity. The next meeting of the Parent Teachers' association will be somewhat different than any heretofore hold. Miss Hohnm promises the training school orchestra will spell, or try to, the words tho children have to spell; a prize to the best speller. Next will be the auction of boxes. No boxes will be sold for. moro than 50 cents or less, than 25 conts. A brief business meet ing will precede the program. The city council mot Tuesday of this week. Many claims were ordered paid. More concroto sidowalks and high can dle power street lights will be installed soon. Mr. Alfred Smith and Mr. George La franco, both young men of this city, while on thoir way to tho mountains on a pleasure trip, shot and killed a domestic house cnt. The owner of th animal had them arrested and took thom to Dnllaa where thoir case wa hoard and bound over to the granrl jury on a charge of shooting a domestis animal. Mr. Miller McAleb. of this oUi, (, been busying himself during the 'past ' our or six montng catching gopbera for which ho has received 25 cents each from the farmers for ridding them of thoso poets. Mr. McAleb has caught something over 1,500 since spring. Tranners in this vicinftv nra had m.. ting to the woods and gotting busy. juiuiy moro iurs win do cnugnt in thin section this winter thntl Inn, von, nn eft. count of the advance in prices on all raw iurs. x.nrge catcnoB 01 oiuskrnt, mink, coon and skunk are reported from tho vicinity of tho Luckiamuta river. ,t Students of the Monmouth high school hore are now engaged in a dif- rorent line of bnglish work than Bny horetofore used in tho Behool. They write nows articles for tho local paper which adds much to thoir benefit and also to the readers of the paper. Two very good fast and exciting games of basketball were played in the) Monmouth high school gymnasium, ort tho night of Friday, November 20. Tha first gnme of the evening was between! Dallas high school, seconds, and M. If. 8., seconds, tho home boys being victors over tho visitors by a ecoro of 15 to 12. In tho second gnme between M. H. 3. first team and Bucnn Vista high school first team tho homo boys had the visit ors outclassed by far. They showed tha value of team work and long practice) by defeating the visitors to the tuna of 35 to 5. Ad Changes Often