itorial Page of "The Capital Journal"' MONDAY EVENING, November 2l, 191.". CHAHLES H. FISH EE, Editor and Manager Ed PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OBEOON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. B. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FISHER, Vice-President DORA C. ANDRESEN, See. and Trcas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES rtoilT he carrier, ner Tear 5.00 Per month 45c Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capitnl Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not tho carriers aro following instructions. Phone Main 81. GREAT EXPOSITION NEARS END The Panama Exposition, closes at midnight Saturday. In every way it is the greatest affair of the kind the world has ever seen, l ne total attendance win oe arounu uie 18,000,000 mark, probably somewhat in excess of that number. What the attendance would have been had the European war not interfered is of course problematical, but it would undoubtedly have been much greater than it was. It is too early yet to even do any guessing as to the re sult that will accrue to the coast, but that it will be beneficial cannot be doubted. It is perhaps fortunate that it took place while the war was in progress, for it served to make thousands of Americans acquainted with the coast and to stir up a de sire to see some of the beauties of our own country among those who heretofore did not realize there was any scenery worth looking at outside of Europe. It has demonstrated to these globe trotters that they had seen little until they had seen America. Europe has nothing to con-mare with .the Yosemite for grandeur; nothing that is even in the same class 'with the grand canyon of the Colorado; nothing approaching tne mignty chasm of the Columbia: nothing even suggesting the awe- inspiring vision of Crater Lake; nothing more beautiful than Ranier, Hood, Adams, Whitney and the other ma jestic peaks that lift their snow crowned summits to skies as blue as ever Italy boasted; nothing in the same cate gory with the Yellowstone and the bad lands where a small section 'of hell seems to have broke through the earth's crust. Then besides .their ideas of the vastness of the country have been changed. They no longer think Chicatro is the western boundary of the Unitted btates and that the Pacific coast is a remote section of the great American desert thev read about in their school histories While the number has been in a sense small that came from the east, they are all good advertisers of the west, and will do much to educate their benighted brethren and send them in ever increasing numbers to see America first and get acquainted with their own country. This feature alone is worth all the worry and trouble and cost of the great fair, and this even had there not been a cent of revenue from it. It is gratifying, though to know that those who backed the exposition have had their judgment indorsed and that the fair has not been a loser financially. The whole coast owes San Francisco a debt of gratitude for her energy and faith backed by works that has laid the foundation for a closer acquaintance be tween all sections of the country. It might be added that the balance of the country owes her as great a debt as do we, for she has not only delighted them with her great display but has added largely to their fund of knowledge about their own country. Dun's Commercial Review has the following to say of business conditions throughout the United States: "Not only does business continue highly favorable in actual performance, but there is every promise, especially in industrial lines, of a degree of expansion limited only by facilities. These are being increased as rapidly as possi ble in iron and steel, yet, though more wheels are turning, there is not sufficient machinery running to keep pace with the rush of new orders, many of which extend far into 1916. Nothing in history parallels existing condi tions in the great basic industry, while all of the minor metals, particularly copper, are more active, at advanc ing prices. Generally, manufacturing operations are on a steadily broadening scale though the dyestuffs scarcity continues a handicap in textile production and the ef fect of the additions to the working force is now more clearly apparent in strictly mercantile branches. One re flection of the greater ability and disposition of the peo ple to purchase is seen in' the enlarged sales of holiday goods, while it is also significant of the improved financial position of consumers that there is a growing, demand for the more costly grades of merchandise. There would be less warrant for optimism if the business development were confined, as was formerly the case, to a few special lines in a restricted area of the country. But all of the statistical barometers tell the story of general progress. It is now not unusual to hear of railroads reporting the largest traffic movements in their history, and gross earn ings of systems making returns for the first week of Nov ember were at the maximum for the period. Bank clear ings continue to reflect the growth of trade volumes, there being a gain at outside centers this week of 29.8 per cent over last year and of 17.8 per cent over 1913: oversea commerce is still of remarkable proportions while 89 advances and 21 declines occurred this week in the 322 wholesale commodity quotations regularly com piled by Dun's Review." Governor Withycombe and State Treasurer Kay think the management of the flax experiment is all right but Secretary Olcott believes just the other way, and .that the gentleman in charge is not the right man for the place. We sincerely hope the secretary is wrong, for it would be little less than a calamity to have the experiment turn out unsuccessful on account of bad management. The valley, and in fact the whole state is interested in having the growing of flax tried out in a practical way, for if it proves a success it will open a new field of industry and provide a crop for which there is an abundant and eager market. Splendid Meeting Here Ends Banquet Big Feature of Bigger Occasion Corvnllis was ehosen as the next meeting place of the Older Boys' con ference, by an unanimous vote. The IDlti onference will bo held about this time next yeur, although the exact date has not been decided. Eugene Vincent, head of "the Portland division of tho conference, was elect ed president of the stato conference for the coming year. Other officers elect ed are: Vice-president, Lloyd Holdi man, Salem; secretary, C. E. Ostrand er, St. Helens; treasurer, Zenith Olson, Forest Grove. One of the big events of the session was the Fathers' and Sons' banquet Saturday evening at the Y. M. C. A., when 450 bohs and fathers gathered to gether to hear about the work being accomplished bv the members of the conference, and what each thought about tho other. Judge Charles T,. McNary, as toast master, paid a tribute to the great work being done in tho state by the Y. M. C. A. and of its influence on the younger men. mong those responding to toasts were Governor Withvcombe, speaking on "The State of Oregon and Its Boys," and President V. I.. Campbell, of the University of Oregon, whose subject was, " Why I Am Interested in Boys." The boys were welcr.ned in a short talk by Mayor Harley O. White. Those responding toonsts, and their subjects were: " Word of Welcome," Mayor H. 0. White, of Salem; "The Kind of a Boy I Like," Supt. O. M. Elliott, Salem; "The Kind of a Dad I Like," Eriel Tetty, Mcllinnville; "Tho Prodigal Son," Lloyd O. Dawson, Eugene; "De veloping a Boy," lr. Carl G. Doney xt XX tx TO those who wish to conduct their personal finances on a sound, businesslike basis, en' large their acquaintance and estab lish a standing among business peo ple, we extend an invitation to open a checking account in this bank. We will be glad to have you call and talk to us about it. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SALEM, OREGON Member Federal Reserve Bank XX It is stated that the first shot fired by the big German gun killed or wounded some 1700 men and that another shot put 2200 out of commission, and yet complaint is made against the use of dum-dum bullets. This is swal lowing a camel and gagging at a gnat. Already the political pot is beginning to show the first evidences of making steam. Saturday H. H. Corey an nounced his candidacy for the, position of Public Service Commissioner from Eastern Oregon. The advancing prices of lumber and steadily increas ing demand for the product is the best news the North west has heard in a long time. THE LAST OP THE GREAT RAILROADERS The latest development of our highly civilized warfare is the placing of deadly disease germs in bombs thrown into the enemy's trenches. , Greece is very slippery, even in a diplomatic sense, if we may believe the every varying news reports from Athens. James J. Hill had the imagination to build up a country around his railroads. To Dakota he made a present, at the outset of his career, of a hundred head of cattle and many blooded swine. The rest is history and Webster Herrifield president of the University of North Dakota, has called Mr. Hill's foresight "A finer exemplification of imagination than is ISyron's Prisoner of Chillon." "There are two men of real genius in the country", said Mark Twain. "They began life on the decks of Mis sissippi steamboats. One of them is James J. Hill. Let some future historian of the highest capacity name the other.'' The last of our great railroaders is James J. Hill. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Leland Stanford, Collis P. Hunting ton and a score of others are dead, and in their places are Ktock promoters,' the high financers, the buccaneers, and the lesser fry of manipulators. But Hill is a railroad man the man who uttered the epigram, "Railroading is not like politics; in railroading the competent men win." SUCH IS LIFE I i LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL - $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business " Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT I had a stately pony, the smoothest nag alive, no fea ture of him phony, and safe for girls to drive. His skill at fancy pacing was known both wide and well, and folks were always chasing, and asking me to sell. They offered fancy prices, and dogged me every place, and often brandished slices of money in my face. "I'll keep my nifty charger," I said. "He's not for sale, though larger still and larger you make your roll of kale. I'll put no price upon rum, nor value him in bones: I treasure him, doggone him, far more than precious stones." At last I was persuaded to buy a motor cart, in which I have parad ed around the busy mart. I said, "HI sell my pony, for steeds are out of date, and what he brings in money will help to pay the freight." I thought that many a buyer would hustle to my door, and bid the price up higher than e'er it was before. But not an eager duffer came round to put up ice, and no one seemed to suffer for nags at any price. No person wished to cop him at bargain counter rates, and so I had to swap him for rusty roller skates. And in my mind has jaunted this thought, until it's stale: A thing is seldom wanted, unless it's not for sale. , W.,l.,.. i XI ; 1, Hl,.l Tn,. " Ml,,. ii ton, Salem; "Boys Will Be Boys," Sec retary Charles Fhipps, Portland; "Tho Boy Factory in Salem," Oscar B. Gingrich, physical director, L. II. Compton, secretary Y. 1L C. A.; "A Word From Northwest Canadian Boys," Fred Witham, general secre tary Victoria, B. C, Y. 11. C. A.; "Why I Am Interested in Boys," President Campbell, pregon university, Eugene; "The State-of Oregon and Its Boys," Governor .limes Withycombe. The Saturday afternoon sessions of the conference wero held in senate chninber and house, of representatives. After a discussion of the several , branches of tho boys' work. Tracy j Strong, who has charge of tho boys work in Seattle, .spoke on, "The High School Club." V.'i II r. Strong, who. is regarded ns one of the most active nnd also one of the most successful wotkers with boys, ad dressed tho session held Sunday after noon at the Baptist church. Tho final meeting of the conference was held lust night, when all business of the tenth annual conference was disposed of. There is a general feeling among those who were on tho various commit tees and those who wero actively en gaged in the work of the conference, that this tenth unuual session of older boys was in many respects one of the most interesting ever held. The boy 1b wero all well taken enro of, the sessions were all full of intorest and the speakers were all men prominent in the affairs of tho state and in the work for which the Older Boys' conference was organized. isits(s(sccs(cs(3(ijc)(s4fV'l''l' OPEN FORUM live in a city with paved streets find walks, but there is both a right way and a wrong to get them, let ns try the right way. We hear that some lit our more pros perous citizens get their pavement done out cost by helping some contract-1 more than two thousand a month, said to me, "I hear there will be some very cheap property to buy in Salom, some that can bo bought at little., ovor tho cost of paving. 1 wish yon would look around and let me know. I would like to buy some if I can get it at a bar- or to get a job or paving at a largo gain.",! have had similar requests figure, have boasted of it to their i quite a number of times, friends in confidence. I think there should be a law that Tbout two years ago, while visiting no person should voto on this question in a neighboring town, a childless t but those who pnv tuxes, wiilnw, whoe income I was told was " A TAXPAYER. FREIOHT TRAIN WRECKED. Philadelphia, Nov. 20. Main line traffic on the Pennsylvania, was de moralised today by a rear end collis ion between two 'freight trains near Comwells Statioa, Pa, Thirty freight ears were wrecked, and debris piled up five feet high, blocking In some point five entire tracks. Proposed Amendment. To the Editor: I hnve been waiting in hopes some of our Salem papers would say something in regard to t'.ie proposed charter amendment to bo vot ed on the 6th of December. If this amendment becomes a law, it. will be the cause o.f quite a number of poor people losing their homes. Some years ago the cry was, every person should try to own their own homes, stop faying so much for rent, etc. Since then some persona hnve succeeded in paying for a home, by denying themselves many needed com forts. Then comes tho cry for paved streets, side walks, sewers, etc., which if done, at expense of property owners, also the additional expenses of fore closing liens, etc., which must come out of their property when they are not able to pay, should this amendment be come a law their home is lust to them forever. Why should all these needed Im provements come at the expense of property owners, when the- are needed for tii o public good, fully as much as propertv owners Would it not be muctl better to meet all these expenses by a tax on all property, the same as other expenses are met for ...e public good 1 know the thought is, our taxes are now too high. Is that making it any better I Why spend so much money in voting on just such measures as the proposed charter amendments and a great many other unnecessary things? Why pay so much money on a bridge that can never he made safe! Why pay seven men two nnd one-half dollars per day to catch and kill dogst I could call atteutiou to a great many other things too numerous to mention. All these things seem quite unjust to those who have worked hard to be able to own their own home, Then when we have tried not to have the streets paved .till we could pay for it, we unci a law that we nave to get a remonstrance of twotlalrds of the prop erty owners, bol'ore It can be stopped. Having failed in this our street is pav ed, wo have plenty of offers to pur chase our homes at less than one-fourth their value. Somo could not get enougn ior it io pay street improve- ineuis. Vie nil love our homes and like to KM Special Pflice TEN LOADS 1 AT SOat Prompt Delivery Spaulding Logging Company California and the world must Bay Good-bye to the PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION For this Great Fair must close its gates on Saturday, December 4 TIIERE is but a short time left. If you miss seeing this exposition, you will lose a wonder ful opportunity to study the advances la science, art, manufacture or farming being made at the present time. Low rouud trip fares on the , SHASTA LIMITED with liberal stopovers. VTrlto for our illustrated booklet "Wavside Notes". It it an lnvaluablo guide book. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John IS. Scott, General passenger ' Portland, Oregon Agent, Nov. 15th, Oregon-Washington Apple Day