Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 29, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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warmih or
Perfection Oil Healer
Makes the house warm and
cozy on the cold, damp days.
Inexpensive to operate wily curled from
loom to room. Smokeless and odorless. Deal-.
rs every where. Fat htt rttulh mm Purl Oil.
Standard Oil Company
S. & C.
10c TODAY 10c
Always the Best Pictures
3 Acts Vaudeville - - - - Pictures Reels 5
A Big Laugh Show
Don't Miss It Admission 25c
" II ay-TV f 4W
Au important event announced for
the Grand theatre on Monday, Decem
ber 6, will be the initial local presen
tation of "Twin Beds," a rollicking
farce of life among the flat dwellers,
by SaliBbiejpy Field and Margaret Mayo,
author of "Baby, Mine," which comes
here direct from a record run of an en
tire year in New York City where press
and public acclaimed it as one of the
funniest the American stage has ever
known. "Twin Beds" U a vanctic and
imgratiating exposition of the amaz
ing and amusing adventures of three
married couples who arc neighbors in
ono of the fashionable tall apartmeut
buildings which abound in certain sec
tions of New York City. In conform
ity with its title the scenes of the play
are laid in a sleeping chamber. The
appearance there of an Italian tenor, in
tho bibulous misapprehension that it
is his own instead of his neighbor's,
provides the situation from which a
vnfiety of ludicrous complications re
sults. Previously this tenor and his wife
and another nowly married pair have
been neighbors in another apartment
house. The tenor persists in forcing
attentions upon the girl-bride, whoso
husband insists upon moving. So, also,
does the tenor's w:ife, and, of courso,
tne two couples, unknown to each oth
er, move into the satuo building.
The brilliant cast to be seen here in
cludes: Juliette Day, J. Morrill Morri
son, Marian Lord, P. Puul Porcasi
Editha Mnxham, William Weston
Eleanor Wilton and others.
"Twin Beds" is playing, this week
at tne ueiiig theatre, Portland.
Libertys' Thanksgiving
The Liberty Progressiva club invited
their friends and neighbors to join
them in a Thanksgiving dinner and gen
eral good timo, and from tho looks of
the tables Liberty has much to be
thankful for. After dinner tho tables
were pushed hack and the afternoon
was spent in "500" and dancing until
7 p. m., when all enjoyed a Thanks
giving supper immediately aftor the
boys entertained tho crowd with a short
basketball game. The. remainder of
the evoning until midnight was spent
in a good old-fashioned country dance.
The day was very much enjoyed by
both young and old, there were 98
Miss T.uella Zozcl gave a Thanksgiv
ing party at her home Wednesday ev
ening, it wns very much enjoyed by all
who attended.
Silas Rich had a public sale Friday
ana win leave shortly tor Washing'
We seo Walter Dormnn with us
again. Ho says Liberty is a good gilnw
to bo.
The school gave a very interesting
program Wednesday afternoon. We
aro pleased to see tho childreu show
ing such marked improvement, especial
ly in deportment.
Mrs. Walter Huffman is visiting
with friends at Florence.
Mrs. Curtis Hnggorty has Bono to
California to visit with her mother.
Hugh Westcnhouso and family have
moved into the houso vacated by Rod
ger Batt.
Wm. Coekrell and family have
moved bock to their place at Liberty
having disposed of their property at
Onk Grove. We are all glad to seo
them back.
Mrs. Shields has just returned from
a visit with friends in Portland.
Only Accurate Scales Will Be
Required At Salem Public
The Salem Public Market which was
held last Saturday was rather slim on
account, to a large extent, of the mis
understanding thut arose in the minds
of a large number of the growers of
produce as to the requirements of the
scales to be used. Home of the farmers,
no doubt, labored under the impres
sion that they were liable to arrest if
they did not purchase an expensive
scale and as hey use their scales only
one day in two weeks at the most they
cannot afford as elaborate scales as
tho merchants.
The office of weights and measures,
however, does not require the farmers
to purchase an expensivo scale, simply
an accurate one, and they tnay buy as
costly or an inexpensive scale as will
meet with their pocket book limits as
long as the scale will weigh accurate
ly. The only scale that will bo uni
versally condemned is the "family
scale." This family scale is an over
suspended scale, that is, the article
to be weighed is placed in the pan
above the mechanism of the scale and
the scale will, not weigh accurately in
all instances as has repeatedly been
proven by tests.
No complaints have been made
'though to the office that the patrons
of the public market havo been short
weighted but the only recourse of the
office of weights and measures under
the law is to see that the scales weigh
correctly to the fraction of an ounce
This hag caused some of the farmers to
believe that they must buy an expen
sive scale or be arrested and rather
than conflict with the law some of
them refrained from coming to the mar
ket at all. The worst thut could hap
pen to them would be to have their
scales condemned if they were found to
be inaccurate end they would not be ar
rested unless they persisted in using the
particular scale that had been condemn
ed by an official weigher after a test.
I he state office of weights and meas
ures has lately received a number of
requests from people desiring to sell
commodities, through the medium of
the "public market," for information,
relative to tho kind of scales to use.
As a number of cities in this state
have made provisions for these mar
kets, and that there 'may be no mis
understanding as regards the attitude
of this office in relation to the numc,
the following statement is issued by
Fred G. Bucktel, deputy state scaler:
"The status of the public market in
sofar as . the . office of weights and
measures is concerned, is exuetly the
same as that of any other place of busi
ness where commodities aro sold to the
general public, and tjiq sole interests of
this office lies in seeing that the scales
in use nro correct and that full weigh,
and measure is delivered. The scale
may be as expensive as the owner may
desire to purchnso, or as inexpensive, if
accurate, as he can obtain.
"Inasmuch as the scales must be
carried each timo to and from the mar
ket and as they are frequently exposed
to tho weather while in use, the lntter
class (inexpensive) willy' probably be
found better suited to the requirements
of tho average market man; and of
these there are many; tho ordinary
swinging dial, with the commodity pan
suspended beneath, being a type that
will be found sufficiently accurate to
pass inspection and yet cheap enough
to appeal to all who desire to do busi
ness correctly.
"Do not buy scales commonly known
as 'family scales' or those of a similar
type; as the name implies they are not
nor never wero intended for use in
trade, aro generally inaccurate and will
not puss inspection. Furthermore pur
chase your scalo Bubject to the approv
al of tho offico of weights and meas
ures, with tho privilege of returning it
if inaccurate. Any conscientious mer
chant dealing in scales and desiring to
retain your patronage, will not hesitnte
to afford you this protection. This
offico will bo pleased to furnish
further information, rclutive to weights
and measures, or their use, to any one
desiring the same.
"Deputy Stutc Scaler."
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Woodburn, Or., Nov. 29. Mr. and
Mrs. Al Fellers, of Donald, spent Wed
nesday and Thursday at. the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fellers.
Mrs. Mublo Brune entertnined Sat
urday evening Miss Ethel Bouncy,
Delia Heck and Messrs, Eugene Riches,
WillarJ Colo and Mr. and Mrs. Hay
McKinnoy and (leorgo Brune.
Mrs. II. M. Austin wns hostess to a
few of her friends Thursday afternoon.
Five hundred wns played, Mrs. L. 11.
Shorey winning honor prize. Tho host
ess served refreshments.
B. M. Diiuick and Hi in on Yoder spent
Saturday in Aurora.
Mrs. L D, Powers and children left
Saturday for Tennessee where they
will stay during the winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. Whitman enter
tnined the 500 club nt their home on
Settlemier Hvenuo Friday evening. Tho
rooms were decorated with yellow
chrysanthemums. Mrs. Fred Dose and(
Dr. O. P. Overton won the honor
prizes, the consolation falling to Mrs.
O. P. Overton. Lunch was served by
the host and hostess.
Word has boon received here of tho
death of Mrs. Al Mnricle of The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Mariele formerly resided
in Woodburn, but moved to The Dalles
for tho benefit of Mrs. Mariclos'
health. Besides her husband sho leaves
four small children.
Misses Evelyn Conklln and Klwina
Schrnm attended tho Orcgon-O. A C.
game at Kugene Saturday.
F. H. Ritchie, traveling agent for the
Northern Pacific stopped off at Wood
burn Friday.
K. F. Smith and Bert Pratt, of Ba
lem, visited friends here Monday.
Mrs. L. M. Bitncy and daughtors,
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove it
Tir. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute tor calomel, act gently on the bowels
ami positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad brenth And
quick relief throuuli Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets, rne pleasant. suKar-coaieu mo
tets are taken for bad breath by all who
know them.
Lir. Edwards' Olive Tablets act trontly
but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimu
lating them to natural actum, clearing tne
blood and gently purifying the entire sys
tem. They do that which dangerous calo
mel does without any of the bud after
effects. .
All the benefits or nasty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping;
pain or disagreeable effects of any kind.
Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the for
mula after seventeen years of practice
among patients afflicted with bowel and
liver complaint with the attendant bad
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely
a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil ;
you will know tliem by their olive color.
Take one or two every night for a
week and note the effect. lOo and 25c per
box. All druggists.
The Olive Taniet t-ompany, Columbus, o.
niuiJut ami Aiu.i;i. nuu juio. tt . x. dcu-
kins and Miss Nell ltinkley attended
a party at the home of Mrs. Fred Yer-
llnlL. .1 TT-,A1 (- tir m Tn..
gen, at Donald, last week.
Mrs. 8. A. Galbrnith, of Portland, is
visiting at tho home of her daughters,
Mrs. G. L. Shorey and Mrs. D. C.
Mrs. Chester Cox, of Salem, spent
the week end as the guest of her moth
er, Mrs. B. Cowles.
Dr. C. E. Waiste attended the Ore-gon-O.
A. C. football game at Eugene
Mrs. D. Cowlea was hostess Tuesday
afternoon to the members of the St.
Mary's Guild. Sewing was indulged in
during the afternoon by ladies pres
ent. Luncheon was served by the host
ess. Grant Sims, of The Dalles, is visiting
at the home of his parents.
Air. and Mrs. T. P. Soulos spent the
Thanksgiving holiday with friends at
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. WWste are spend
ing the . week end with friends in
Ravmond Sims is home from Cor-
vallis to Bnend Thanksgiving.
Gilbert oles returned Wednesday
from Mc-Minnville where he has been
visiting relatives.
Ellis Harper, of O. A. C. spent
Thanksgiving at the homo or. nis par
Chauneey loder, of Hubbard, wsb
visiting friends in Viooauurn murs
Lenard Roberts who has been work
ing in Washington is visiting at his
A very interesting football game was
nullod off Thursday betwoen Wood-
burn high school and Alumni. The
score was IS to 7 in tavor or Aiumui.
H. Ballenscifor, of Pendloton, is vis
iting friends here.
Ed Morris, of Portland, visited
Wnndhurn Momlav.
Arthur Krausse, Lorin Giesy, Velma
Bents, Leta Bent, and Mr. and airs
Clarence Scheucr, all ot Aurora, at
tended tho Thanksgiving dance on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Duncan. and son, of Kent, Ore
gon, is the guest of her parents, Mr,
ami Mrs. M. J. Lindnhl.
Miss Ruth Reistad left Saturday for
Snokane. wnere she will spend the win
ter with her uncle and aunt. Sho was
accompanied as far as I'ortland by her
Mr. 8. E. Bruno and son, Geo., trans
acted business in Portland Tuesday.
Geo. Beach, of Portland, but former
ly of Woodburn, wns calling on frionds
here the first of tjie week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaymond Fisher spent
the week end as guests ot friends at
Earl Irvin and Roscoo Reese visited
in Portlund Saturday.
Criscenta Cilntt and Jessio Hicks vis
ited their brothers in Portland a few
davs last woek.
.Miss Mary Goudy, of Hubbard, vis
ited friends hero Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bruno, Jr., on
tertnined at dinner Thursday,' Mr, and
Mrs. E. E. Brune, Clarence Bruno nnd
P. L. Kennedy.
Linn Koycroff, of Portland, !s vis
Itinir nt the home of his pnronts.
Adolph Glntt and Warren Ticks, who
attends the i'ortland military academy,
aro spending Thanksgiving vacation
at the nome oi ineir paroiim.
Miss Nell Binkley and sister, Mrs
W. T. Jenkins, visited friends in Port
land Saturday.
Kenneth Schooler is ill at his home
with the measles.
The masquerade ball given by the
Mooso in tielr nnil Vteancsuny even
ing wns not largely attended, but all
there hud a good timo. I'rif.o for tho
best costume was won by Mrs. Homer
Alleman, second best by Miss Louise
Scunner, and i'rnnk Toiiard received
the men's prize. Music was furnished
by tho Sleeliiainmer ana Kent orcnes
Misses Esther and Murio Borge left
Wednesday for llillsboro where they
will spend Thanksgiving with their
Mrs. W. M. Klinker and baby, of
I'ortland. who wero visiting her sister,
Mrs. B. Killen, returned to tioir homo
Mrs. Joe B. Kennedy visited frionds
in I'ortland Sunday.
Will Jenkins attended tho football
gamo at Eugeno Saturday.
iMiss Mttino f eathers, or nninm, is
the truest of Miss Hordie ttchrnm.
Will Ooulet, of Salem, spent Thanks
giving at the homo of his parents.
Mrs. nomer Aiieuian visiiou in ucr
vais Tuesday.
Mrs. N. G. Priest and sister, Eliza
beth Mc.Kce, went to Portland Wednes
day, to attend Thanksgiving with rul
Henry Bomhoff visited I'ortland
W. II. Ooulet was looking after busi
noss interests in Aurora Friday.
A nine pound baby boy arrived nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Jack
son Saturday. . .
Mrs. Robert Johnson nnd two chil
dren, of Portland, spent Thanksgiving
at tne home of her mother, Mrs. Sudle
Diniirk. ...
("has. Randall, of Salem, played In
the football game between Woodburn
high and Alumni.
Homer Alleman fctitrned Wednesday
ironi I'onnld where he has been work
ing tho tinst few days.
William Robinson and Miss Carrie E.
Bowers woro married at Vancouver on
The state fish and game commission
has posted a notice in the county
clerk's office that the fishing season
in Butte creek and tributaries, Abiqua
creek and tributaries, and Silver creek
and its tributaries, is to be closed from
December 10, 1915, to March 31, 1916.
The reason for closing the fishing sea
son in uicse particular creeks is given
that the stock of trout and other fish
is rapidly being cleaned out and in
the interests of the sport the fish and
game commission issued the order to
prohibit fishing of any kind in these
C. B. Roades has brought suit against
Mrs. R. L. Moudy to collect the snm of
$59.85 on a claim assigned to the plain
tiff by J, F. Shea. In addition to the
original claim the plaintiff seeks judg
ment for tne costs and disbursements
of thojiction. -
After being married over 30 years.
divorced in 1913 and remarried after
three months, Susio M. Hanson has
filed a suit for divorce in the circuit
court against E. P. Hanson. The plain-
tilt charges her husband with deser
tion and in a second cause brings the
charge of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. They were first married in
Houston, Texas, in 1884 and were di
vorced in Kansas, February 3, 1913.
They were remarried May 8, 1913 and
removed to Salem. The plaintiff charg
es tnat her husband deserted her in
this city and that he drank to excess
and failed to provide for his family. A
son, irnest U. Hanson, nearly -1 years
of age, is at present in the U. S.
navy. The plaintiff seeks the care and
custody of Ursol. a 15 vear old daugh
ter. Martin & Martin are attorneys
for the plaintiif.
Judge Bushey today issued an order
appointing Bertha Anderson as guar
dian of James W. Anderson, aged 18;
Fern Anderson, aged 16; and Buth An
derson, all of Jefferson, upon the pe
tition of the heirs of James W. Ander
son, docensed. The estate is valued at
$12,000. Dr. W. Allen. Harry Roland
and George Humphrey were named as
appraisers of tne estate.
George A. Bonter, the son and only
heir of Jackson Bonter, doceased, has
petitioned the county court to bo ap
pointed administrator of tho eBtate of
the doceased. The estate consists of
real and personal property to the value
of $150.
Herminia Knapp Seely was given a
decreo of divorce today from Clarence
E. Seely her husband by Judge Gullo
way. The plaintiff was also given the
custody of their four year old son and
tho defendant was directed by the
court to pay $3 per month toward the
support of the child and the payments
to date from November 1. The property
rights of the couple wero settled out
of court. The ca,so was beard early in
the month aryV the arguments wero
made November 23 when the judge
took the matter under advisement.
William H. Burghardt today notified
the county clerk that the tax for school
district No. 24, of the city of Salem,
would be 0.7 mill for the coming year.
Of this amount, p.l mills is to be used
for muintainauceind 1.0 for other pur
poses. . .,-
Threaten To Blow Up
Seattle Waterfront
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 29. A letter
threatening to blow up Seattle's en
tire waterfront has been turned over
to Pinkerton detectives following its
receipt by Dodwell St, Co., lessees of
Pier 14, which wus destroyed by an in
cendiarv fire recently.
Rulcigh Falconer, an ex-convict un
der arrest in Tncoma, has offered to
discloso the identity of "higher ups"
who plnnned tho destruction of Pier 14
and the explosion of a scow load of
dynamito in the bay hero last summer,
in exchange for immunity.
Believing Falconer may know some
thing of the new threat, Pinkerton nnd
federal secret service men went to Ta
coma yesterday to interview Falconer.
At tho progressive caucus held in tho
Christian church Monday night tho fol
lowing nominations wero inudo:
Mayor, J, M, Ringo.
Counciliiieii, C. M. Holford, J. R.
Recorder, J! I). Grier.
Theasurcr, V. Dare Sloper.
Marshal, John Downing.
Mr. liiii'ro refused to accept the nom
ination and tho committee endorsed Dr.
Tho citizens caucus was held Tues
day ovening in tho city hull with S. II.
Helt.el in tho chuir and E. M. Olm
stend secretary.
Nominations wero as follows:
Mayor, II. A. Benuchainp,
Councilmen, Grunt Murphy, O, A.
Recorder, John Thoma.
Marshal, W. A. Riggs.
Committeemen, Grain Murphy, Dr.
Heauehainp. Juc. Sp.iulol, Stuyton
''( 'W 'H"! ( iP
:v 1 t
vC. flr!lW. .'fy..
- .
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Scene from "Emmy of Stork' Nest," a five act photoplay, with that win
some flower of the screen, Mary MUes Mlnter, at the Ye Liberty, Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Rheumatism depends on an acid which
flows in the) blood, affecting the mus
cles and joints, producing inflaraation,
stiffness and pain. This acid gets into
the blood througj some defect in the
digestive processes, and remains there
because the liver, kidneys and skin are
too torpid to carry it off.
Hood'B Sarsaparilla, the old-time
blood tonic, is very successful in the
treatment of rheumatism. It acts di
rectly, with purifying effect, on the
blood, and through the blood on the
liver, kidneys and skin, which it stiin-ulates,-and
at the same time it improves
the digestion.
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Sold
by all druggists. '
The Elkhorn bridge across the Little
North Fork has been completed and the
distance from Mehumu to Elkhorn
Ernest Luthy, of Bend, Ore., is in the
city this week shuking hands with his
many friends and visiting at the home
of his brother, Chas. Luthy.
Miss Vida Young, who is attending
O. A. C, is expected tonight to spend
a few days with her parents, Ed Young
and wife.
Dr. C. H. Brewer, W. A. Wcddle and
Mrs. Oren.Weddle left this morning
for Salem, as word was received that
Mr. Wcddle wus not so woll, and anoth
er operation may be necessary.
Last evening about 8:30 Mrs. E.
Weddle, who has been quite feeble for
a long time, passed away at the home
of her son, Orcn. The funornl service
will be held Friday morning at 11
o'clock. Obituary next week.
son, of Ft. Dodge, la., and Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Arend, of Alexandria, S. D.,
arrived yesterday for a visit with rcltt'
fives here and in time to eat Thanks
giving dinner at tho M. Streff home.
Rev. John Hunsaker and wife, of
McMinnville, arrived iu town to spend
tl. ..;!. h . ;aA. -vivo I. -I
Xflltni Ppv TTuiifuikpr in one nf the
pioneer Baptist preachers of the stnte
ana one ot tne lounuers oi .ui-jiiuiimih-college.
Mr. N. Zimmerman arrived home
Sunday morning from a two weeks'
visit in California, where ho went to
visit Jos. Laux and fnmily at San Jose
nnd also to visit the exposition nt Hnn
Francisco. He says tho fair was A.
No. 1 and that California sure is the
"state of sunshino and flowers."
Di. C. J. Korinek arrived in town
Thursday for an extended visit with
relatives. The doctor has just returned
from a 10 weeks' business trip to Chi
cago, Omaha, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, unH
other eastern cities. While iu the east
the doctir had a book published, which
he wrote and which is meeting with a
very successful sale. Staudurd.
The card party given Inst Sunday
evening at the Young Men's club rooms
wus well attended and everybody re
ports a good time. Ed Etzel won the
grand prize, while Angeuno rumz se
cured the consolntion. The older folks
enjoyed themselves playing solo on
tables set aside for them.
One of the best shows ever staged in
Sublimity was played here last Friday
night by the Scio Dramatic, club. The
rocm was iu a roar of laughter u'll even
ing which would indicute that all en
joyed themselves.
A few of tho younger set gathered at
he Simon Boedigheimer home lust
Wednesday night to give a pleasant
biithduy surprise to Miss Lizzie Oden
thai. The evening was spent pluying
cards and dancing. The party broke
up at a lute hour and all left for home
after wishing Miss Lizzie many happy
returns of the day.
A well appreciated surprise party
was given Mi's. August Hendricks last
Sunday when a number of friends gath
ered to help Mrs. Hendricks celebrate
her fifty-first birthday. A bountiful
dinner was served by Miss Emma
Hendricks and neighbors. Among those
attending the party were: Alva Smith
and family, Jos. Koenig and fumily,
Mrs. Geo. II. Bell and sou Wulter,
Frank Rauscher nnd family, Jake
Frank and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Ktzel and Gust Hendricks. The titne
was spent in playing cards und other
Jako Frank has just recently pur
chased tho V. J. Svuncnra place six
miles northeast of Sublimity and in
tends to move out there next full.
Stnyton Stundurd.
Washington, Nov. P!). Storm warn
ings were displayed today on the Great.
Uiltcs ami tho upper Atlantic. i
To Cure a Cold in One Day j
Tablets. Druggists refund money If it
fails to euro. E. W. GHOVE'tt slgna-1
turo is on each box. 25c. j
'.'" .' . . ,
,-. 4
" "4 I
y v -l V..,v -4 f-'P--
W. W. JOHNS hus mover his har
ness snop and shoe repair shop to
first door south of Salem Steam
Laundry, 174. South Liberty, J. C.
Lally in charge of shoe repairing.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
OAK WOOD $4.50. Phone 413. tf
AUTO FOR HIRE Phone 144. Dec23
768. Decll
FOUND iirooch, Mrs. E. T. Barkus,
dio xvearney. ovasi
WANTED To buy a 2 year old bull.
Phone 994. NovSO
rhone 827W. Dec
DO YOU NEED the "Handy Man."
rnone i:i it, Dec
FOR SALE Potato sacks, 3c. Damon
& Son. 855 N. Coni'l. Dec!
ACRiEAGFj To exchange for house or
lots. JO, care Journal. Decl
DUCKS FOUND At my place. For
information call 598. Nov2!)
WANTED Work team for winter
feed. C. E. care of Journal. NovSO
GOAT MEAT First class only, 3o per
pound, dolivered to any part of city.
156 S. 12th. Phone 2419. Dec 13
RUMMAGE SALE Now on at 200
State, by the Court street Christian
church. tf
$1000 AND $200.00 TO LOAN on real
estate. B. T. Randall, 303 Bank of
Commerce. Nov31)
FOR RENT New house, nenr MeKin
ley school. $0.00 per month. Phono
2501 J5. Decl
WANTED Young lady boarded, room
and board, all modern conveniences.
352 N. 12th. ' Dec!
TRaDE .-line months old Jersey heif
er for wood. Phone 72F13 or call
594 N Liberty. Nov29
FIR WOOD Stuinpage for sale, 95e
per cord. W. M. Sehuett, Route 2,
Slem. Phone 8F23. Decl
SPLIT BODY OAK Guib oak, ash,
second growth fir, old fir. J. II.
.baton. Phone 1954. tf
Fat and breeding stock, big and
small ones. Phone 84F2. Nov30
North Commercial street and have
tbem repaired and recovered. Dc3
FIVE ROOM furnished, house for rent.
Prieo $12.00. Phone 64 . Also fur
. nihhed housekeeping rooms. Decl
WANTED To hear from cwner of
good ranch tor sale. Send ensh prieo
and description. D. F. Bush, Minne
apolis, Minn. Dec4
Portland, to trado for acreage near
Salem. A .1 assume some. J. C,
rare Journal. Doc i
FOR SALE Good driving horse, nuT
ness and rubber tired buggy, $90
takes the outfit at quick. sale. Phono
092, or call 110(1 Court. tf
WANTED To trade 7 room house and
lot in Riverside, California, for a
bungalow in Sulem, or small ucreugo
near Sulem. W. A. Listou Dect.
FOUND Peanut and popcorn wagon.
Lost on Liberty street. Friends in-!
forested will find same at 147 N.
High, opposite Court House. Tho
Huffman Confectionery. tf
I WANT TO RENT a grain farm of
100 to 200 acres, prefer to rent on'
shares, but may pav cash rent. Ad
dress i). B. Stoltley, 140 Center. Nv29
O. W. EVRE and L. O. Cavanough are
buying fat hogs and paying highest
ensh prices to ship to Portland.
Phone G. W, Eyre, 2200M or L. O.
('nvnnaugh, 218.1M. tf
Paramount-Famous Players
Mary Pickford
The Girl of
(Not a Moving Picture)
It's Clean It's Human ajal
Oh, It'l Funny