Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 29, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social and
A NOTABLE affair of the week is
the Elks danoo which will tako
place in the spaeioui ball room
f the club bonne Tuesday evening, No
vember the thirtieth.
As tlii is the premier of many de
lightful informal affairs which will be
given by the Klks during the season,
it is keenly anticipated.
Tho personnel of the- committee in
charge are: .llurinnn Meiring, Cbarlcs
Deiwuion, and Milo Kasmusscn.
Mrs. Josoph Alberts accompanied by
Miw Helen Kruuse, who has been vis
iting with friends and relatives in Sa
lem, left Saturday evening for a trip
to San Francisco, where they will re
main until the tlosing of the expo
sition. The musical and concert season which
will bo formally opened tonight in the
rmory rjy jnaciuine virnce nun nuau
slier, one of America's greatest so
prano will be greeted by a large as
Over one thousand tickets have been
reserved by the Lyceum management
for this season's course which promises
to b one of the best otferod in Baiom,
Madame Kall-Hiboldaffer is support
rd by the brilliant violinist, Alexander
Von HKiDinsKy, ana ncr aoie accompan
ist, Clarenco Velio.
Mrs. W. T. Slater entertained with
a deliirhtful "500" and dancing party
Friday evening in honor of her son,
Jr. Harvey Slater, who IcaveB Monuay
week for St. Paul, whore he will take
op his hospital worK. ut. Biater graa
tutml last year from John Hopkins.
Six tables were arranged ror tne
players with card honors falling to
MiB Anna Yantis and Joe McAllister.
Mrs. Slater was assisted in tho serving
ny Mrs. Sadie Yantis, Miss Virbeen
Yantis and her daughter, Miss Lela.
Mrs. Henry B. Thielscn opened her
home Friday afternoon to a largo group
of. women who congregated to organ
ize a chapter of the Daughters of tho
American Revolution which was named
the Cheinokcta Chnptor.
Mrs. I. L. Patterson presided over
1ho mooting and tho following chapter
officers wero elected: Mrs. L. Dyer,
regent: Mrs. Henry Meyers, vice re
pent; MrB. A. H. Kar.marek, registrar;
Miss Ellen Thielscn, secretary; Mrs.
Homer Smith, treasurer; Miss Lillian
Applcgute, historinn; Mrs. Henry Thiol
cen and Mrs. C. Best, directors. Tho
members present were: Mrs. Henry
Meyers, Mrs. La Moine Clark, Mrs.
Isaac Patterson, Mrs. 8. C. lycr, Mrs.
Ifomef Hmith, Mrs. A. S. Kar.marek,
Miss Lilian Applcgate, Miss Ola (.'lark,
Miss Ethel Benedict, Mies Ksthor Kyan,
Mrs. O. M. Post, Mrs. 0. C. Best, Mrs.
J. 1. FrUzell, Mrs, H. L. Looney, Mrs.
B. Wilson, Mrs. K. W. Craig, Miss El
len Thielsou. Others present besides
the members ware: Mrs. Hindman,
Mrs. K. II. Prothcro, Mrs. J. O. HelUel,
Mrs. Houjtrom, Mrs. O. P. lloff, Mrs.
Hill, Miss Dorothea Hill, Miss Mablo
Robertson, and Mrs. S. A. Judson.
A wedding of considerable interest
to Salem people is that of Philip Men
delsohn, second son of Dr. Mendelsohn
Of this city, and Miss Flossio Rogers,
of Seattle, which took place in Seattle,
Wahingtoa on Friday, November the
The ceremony, which was a beautiful
and large affair was solemnized at five
$7.50 1
Mosher, tailor
344 State. Next to Pattern's Book Store
Add That Piano
To Your Home This Xmas
See the finest line of Pianos in Salem at 421 Court
Street Formerly occupied by Howard Piano Co.
"Quality" our Motto. Terms t suit everyone.
Cherrington & St. Helen
Piano Company .
o'clock at the Hotel Washington. The
Rev. Kock officiating. ,
Attending the bride were her two
sisters, the Misses Kodgers, and the
Misses Shalcr, Caiutman ana ntone.
The groom wa attended by William
After the reception which was also
in the hotel parlors, the guests enjoyed
dancing in the ball room.
The brido wno is an attractive ana
popular young larty, has a wide circle
of friends in Seattle, and is a clever
Mr. and Mrs. Mendelsohn, left the
same evening for a mouth's honey
moon trip to San Francisco and other
soumern emeu. Aiior mwn icmiu
they will be at home to their friends in
Mrs. Elmer McKinney entertained a
number of friends delightfully at a
card party at hor home Wednesday
"Five hundred" was played at six
tables after which a dainty luncheon
was served.
The miests were: Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Schomaker, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davidson, Mr. and
Mr. O. L. Hkosstnd. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Nadon, Miss Susie Nowd, Miss
Evelyn Grcmmels, Miss Leotta Nowd,
Miss Helen Savage, Miss Ratio Lynch,
Deddil Nadon, Thomas Nowd, Alfred
LaBranche. Mrs. A. J. Davidson as
Hinted in serving.
Mrs. E. B. Houston has had as her
guest for several days, Miss Burrow, of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scott, of Myrtlo
street, are roceiving congratulations
upon the advent of a duughter, born
Snituruay, .November we iweniy-sev'
ft w
Mrs. P. E. Buuer entertained a jolly
number of young folk Saturday in
honor of her son Harold's niuth birt".i
day. gathering around n tnnio, pretuiy
decorated, wore: Manning Bross,
Robert Boytou, Clyde Johnson, Harold
Jennon, Harry Wnltber, Herman Bauor
and Master Harold.
Miss Bessie Rowell, who has been the
chnrming house guest of Miss Laura
Grant for several weeks, left Friday
for her home in Afton, lown.
Miss Luella Zosol entertained a num
ber of her friends Wednesday evening,
(lames and music furnished the evon-
ing's diversion after whic'.i a collation
was served by Miss Martha Zozcl and
Miss Gertrude Wylant.
Circling tho table were the Misses
Annio Wilant, Elsie Zozcl, Stella
Bloom, Essie Prince, Helen Harris, Nel
lie Ivree, Jessie Uolmnr, Jessie ana iua
Gibson Francis Hrubctz, Birdie and
Violet Hoffmane, Kate Mize, and the
Messrs. Oris Hoffman, Eugene Oritton,
Curl GihBon, Glenn Roberts Harry Wit
to, Ilnilcy Senmster, Walter Durmnn,
Charles Buggies, Walter and Harold
A prettv holiday dinner was that
presided over by Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Lauterimtn, on North Summer street.
Covers were placed for six.
Wl E. McElroy and son, Earl, and
daughter, Agnes, spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. William Eldrige and
Salem, Oregon
Werner Breynian went to Portland
Thursday, where thev were the Thanks
giving dinner guests ot captain a. ui-
fley and Mrs. Offley.
A delightful Thanksgiving dinner on
Thursday was that presided over by
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. wood, eentea
around tho prettily appointed table
were: Air. ana Mrs. vviiiam jmcuu
christ, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hard
ing aud the hosts.
Mrs. W. H. Dancv returned from
Portland Sunday evening, whore Bhe
has been visiting with her mother, Airs.
M. J. Creighton.
D. E. Hart is here today, from Hub
bard. Harrison JoneB is in the tity today
from Gervnis.
Solomon Roberts went to Portland
today on business.
Corey Enstman, of Silverton, is here
today on business.
G. D. Burdick went to Albany this
morning, to buy stock.
H. A. Bennett, of Highland, is in
the city transacting business.
Zenaa Olson, of Farrington, Ore., was
a visitor in the city yesterday.
8am Irvine, an Independence hop
grower, was in Bnlom yesterday.
George Vick drove to Portland today
in one of their new Studebaker ears.
Fred Suver and wife, of Dallas,
were visiting friends here over Sunday.
Miss Clara Albert is spending the
week visiting with her brother at Eu
gone. Ira Gilmer, a prominent fnrmor of
the Liberty district, and wife, are here
today on business,
A. T. Huffnan, proprietor of the
Huffman Confectionery, is in Portland
today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills returned
last night from a short visit with their
son at Hood River.
1 Attorney Dana H. Allen returned to
day from a visit of a few days at his
farm near St. Paul.
Arthur Bnrkhond, principal of the
schools at West Salem, wag in Mon
mouth Saturday of last week.
G. E. Lee returned to Salem yester
day after an absence of three months
at Hand Lake, Tillamook county.
Miss Ethel Frazicr and Miss Vivian
Hargrove returned last night from a
week-end visit with relatives at Cor
ynllis. L. H. Higgins is in Supokane and
eastern Washington on a business trip.
He will b away the remainder of the
Mrs. Henrietta Pomeroy, of Portland,
will arrive in the city this evening for
a visit of several weeks with her son,
C. T. Pomeroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Burnett, of Eu
gene, were visiting friends in Salem
Sunday. Mr. Burnett is city editor of
tho Morning Register.
Miss Harriet Loren, who has been
visitinir for several days at the home
of R. F. Richardson, returned to her
home at Camas, Washington, this even
ing. .....
Charles rJ. Mpence, or Arlington,
Kansas, will arrive in tho city this ev
ening for a short visit with his friond,
W. W. Moore. They are on their way
home from the exposition.
W. B. Hardeubrook and wife, of
DouglaB, Wyoming, are rn the city, the
guests of B.' L. Hunlenbrook. They are
on their way home from the San Fran
cisco fnir and will visit here a few
Miss Helen Cornelius returned to her
homo at Monmouth last evening. Al
though but 11 years of age, Miss HcJ
en is an accomplished ' violinist and
Jlnyed at a meeting of tho Yeoman
ur'iug her visit.
Donald Mevers and Ray Pomeroy re
turned to Portland last evening afto.'
spending tho Thanksgiving vacation in
the city with relatives. The young
men are attending the Oregon Medical
college at Portland.
Gale Seaman, general traveling sec
retary of tho college Y. M. C. A.s of
the northwest, is here to see what t'.ie
local organisation is accomplishing. He
snoke at chaiiel this morning on the
I subject of when docs a colege man real
ize his opportunities and responsibili
Itics. Mr. Soainnn- is an active worker
land was instrumental in securing tho
I grounds at Senbeek, Washington for
I tho annual summer conferences which
the Y. M. C. A. holds.
Nono Bennett, ex-'1ft, was a campus
visitor during the week end. He was
home for the Thanksgiving vacation
with his sprouts, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Bennett. He is now studying dontist
' ry at tho dental college in Portland
where he expects to graduato from
next year.
; A number of students returned last
night and this morning from Thanks-
! giving vacation visits at home; many
of tiie classes had several missing mem-
jbers. Great anxiety is held by a num
ber of the professors as it is feared
that the "Turks" havo gotten the best
i of them. Hope still remains as they
will perhaps come Russian back to re
sume their studies in a dnv or so.
IW'nn Chace, of the college of music,
will give an organ recital at tho First has 1.8 mills for intersections and in
Presbvterinn church on the evening of i terest. rock crusher .3 mills, interest on
l December tlth. This will be the third
number of the facility lecture course
aud is to be free to thelmblie.
H For the construction or the super
B structure of the V. V. Moore build-
I iug on Court street, the following bids
were submitted this morning:
Dalrymple 4 Bailey $rt,500
A. J. Anderson fl,5S0
Southwick I lleadrick fi.tictlt
t 0. Denison 7,(15
C. Vun Putteu 7,32
Fred Krixon 8,1117
Siewert & Kngstrnm 8,200
Marv Miles Miuter, tho radiantly
youthful .-etro star, will be seen here
at Ye Liberty Tuesday and Wednes
day in the pii'turiuttioit of the Colum
bia Pictures torporntion version of J.
Hrerkenridg Kllis' novel of the same
name, "Kuimv of Stork's Nest," and
lovers of motion pictures are promised
a treat in Miss Winter's natural and
bewitching characterisation of the lit
tle mountain girl of Kiissourl.
4 ' -
' f :
' 4 fi- v . 11 .iW-,r r 1
Madame HaU-Eiheldaf fer, of the EiheJ
will open toe seaaoa tonigbt in tne A
Co. V of Salem Beats
Co. UV of CorvalKs
In 3rd Regiment Shoot
Company M, O. N. 0., of this eity
scored 377 at the rifle range at Finzer
yesterday while Company K at Corval
iis was chalking up 2!)6 points. In or
der that the scores might count as of
ficial the department 'detnilB an offi
cer of another company to supervise
the shooting and Captain Max Gehlhar
went to Corvallis to check up the Com
pany K gunners, whtlo Lieutenant Rul
lfson, of Company K, watched over the
rifle team at the Company M range.
The riflemen shot over the 2UO and
300 yard range at rapid fire and BOO
on slow fire. On the 200 and .100 yard
ranges there was at each distance a
possible uO points and on the two yard
rango a possible 10. Sargeant Mitchell
scored for the Company M team with
104 out of a possible II u.
Tho individual scows' fellow;
- 200 300 COO
Sargeant Banta 44 42 7 93
Sareeant Mitchell 48 47 9 104
Sargeant Wygant 3S M o K
Corporal Keunen 4 47 7 98
Churchill Publishes New
DirectoryFor Teacbers
By far the most complete official di
rectory yet compiled by tho State De
partment of Education has just been
published by Superintendent of Fublie
Instruction J. A. Churchill. In the di
rectory are listed all of the schools of
the state in which more than one teach
er is employed. The districts arc ar
ranged alphabetically by counties. The
names aud addresses of the school
clerks and teachers are giveu, together
with much valuable infonnation re
garding the enrollment of pupils, salar
ies of teachers, tax levies, etc.
A new and distinct feature of the di
rectory is a department showing the
standard high schools of thestut and
the enrollment in each by grades. The
amount of apparatus used in the va
rious science courses and tho number
of standard library books in each are
also given. The different vocational
courses, such as manual training, do
mestic science, etc., which are offered
by the atandard high schools, are also
Marion County Cities
Notices of 1916 Taxes
The cities and towus of Marion
county hnve begun to send in notices
of their snoc ml taxes for tne coming;
year to the county clerk. Tho city of
Snlem is the highest with 14 mills, Jer
ferson has 8 mills. Silverton 8.5 mills
and Snbl'"'!'- 3 mills.
Tho Snlem tax is divided into 8 mills
for general purposes, roads and streets
1.5 mills ami speciul sewer tax 4.5 mills
or a total of 14 mills. Jett'ersna hns
8 mils tor general purposes. Silverton
; fH.tK'O bonds .! mills, warrants out
standing 2.S nulls and for tho general
fund 3 mills.
San Francisco, Nov. 20. James W.
Cof forth will leave here this afternoon
for Sun Diego, where he will work on
fiuul details of the race meet at Tia
jnnna early in lillrt.
T rOUNTINt). HOTCL), 0)1 WlMt
Tho Food-Drink for All Ac
( yom may HOIttMOICS
yo my got a Smatltut9m
daffer - Skibinsky Concert company Who
MACITADOO In the city, November
att, lstlo, Alfred Machadoo, at the
age of 1 1 years.
H is survived by relatives living at
Mvrtle Point, to whom the body was
shipped by boat from Portland to Ban-
don, lie was a iisnermnn ana naa oeen
in the city but seven days.
BENT At the home of his brother,
M0 South Liberty street, Salom,
Monday. .November 29. 1915, William
Fred Bent, at the age of 46 years
ami -lve months,
Funeral services will be held Tnes
vlay afternoon at 2, o'clock from the
chanel of Webb ,4 Clough, the Rev.
Miss Ethel Williams, pastor of the
Church of God, officiating. Burial will
take place at City View cemetery. He
is survived by his mother, Mrs. Jessie
Bent, who has charge of the Cottage
SMITH At her home four miles west
of the city on the Lincoln road, M jn,
day, November" 29, 1915, Mrs. Eliza
beth J. Smith.
Funeral services will be held Tuos-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
parlors of Kigdon & Richardson. Burial
will take place at the City View ceme
tery. She is survived by her husband,
James Smith and two married children
living in the city.
Hop Market Takes
Live Sport Saturday
Tortland, Ore., Nov. 21). The coast
hop markets yesterday had the biggest
spurt of the season, and more strength
was displayed iu values than at anv
tkno since the cmrop was harvested,
not excepting the lively period of short
covering in October. Close to 4,000 bales
were transferred, and the extreme price
paid was the best of the year. Trade
was not confined to spot goods, either,
for a large business ns transacted in
future growths.
The most encouraging development
of the market was the fact that while a
part of tho buying was to fill Novem
ber sulcs, the grenter part was for ac
count of new business with the cast.
Brewers have been holding off for sev
eral months, but are now in the mar
ket, and there aro records of several
largo deals- lately concluded. The
prices indicate that sellers worked on
small margins.
The liveliest trading of tho day was
in the Yakima section, where 2.000
bales changed hands. McNeff Bros,
alone bought 1,500 bales. The buying
reduced the unsold stock of Yakimns
to between 6,000 and 7,000 bales. Mc
Neff Bros, also contracted for 1,200
bales of If 10 Yakimns. A buyer for
Hugo I.oewi, of New York, contracted
for 1,700 bales of Ynkimss for a term
of five years at 11 1-2 cents. The popu
larity of Yakima hops this year is due
not mily to their uniform good quality,
but also, it is snid, to the fnct that
they can be used in the east as anubsti
tute for imported hops.
Hop buying in Oregon was mainly in
the Aurora niul the southern sertions.
The Henry Kyle crop of 00 bnlcs at
Aurora v.ns bought by McNeff Bros, at
12 1-4 cents. T. A. I.ivesley Co.
paid Fred Yevgen. o Aurora. 12 1-2
cents for . 75 bales. I.ivesley also
bought the l-Vneed lot of 120 bales at
Kugene at 12 cents, the Anderson crop
of 140 bales at Kugene at 12 1-2 cents
and 93 bales from J. J. Hayes, also of
Kugene, at a price said to be 13 cents,
or elose to it. He also secured a Grunts
Pass lot. The Senvey Hop company
bought a carload at Kugene at 12 cents.
About 800 bales of Sonoma and
Sacramento hops were sold, according
to California wires. The bnvers were
Horst, at 11 14 rents; Hull, at 11 12
cents; Proctor, it 10 cents, and Wolf,
at 12 12 cents.
Nothing was heard of export busi
ness during the day beyond the cover
ing of previous sales.
Yoa can make money by
reading tba Journal New Today
You will find here an excellent assortment of Toys,
Dolls, Games, Blocks, Children's Xmas Books, Xmas
Cards, and Deiinison's Xmas Novelties.
At Exceedingly Popular Prices
This store is prepared to supply your Holiday
wants. A visit here will help to decide
...... . . ii v n
"What shall l Buy ror Amas ums;
Ribbons, Neckwear, . Gloves, Handkerchiefs,
Hosiery, Sweaters, Kimonos, Umbrellas, . Infants'
Wear, Plain Linens, Novelty Linens, Middy Blouses,
Silk Petticoats, Cotton Tetticoats, Parisian Ivory,
Leather Purses, Leather Hand Bags, Novelty
Jewelry, Hurd's Stationery, Carter's Underwear,
Bedding, Blankets, Veils, Veiling.
"Women's Lingerie and Crepe Waists"
Extraordinary Low Prices on Women's Suits, Coat.3
' and Dresses.
145 North Liberty Street.
Cheerful Philosophy
A Requisite of Artists
'Cheerful philosophy," whatever
that is, is the hobby of Madam liihel l
affer, who will appear this evening
with her company at tho armory, as the
opening number of the Lyceum course.
Having travelled five days aud fivo
nights, filli'ig engagements from Can
yon City, Colorado, she feels that a
cheerful philosophy is one of tne re
quisites of an artist, especially ot a so
loist. Madam Riheldaffar has appeared in
concert with the New York Symphony
orchestra, the Russian orchestra and
the famous Pittsburgh orchestra. She
has also appeared in the Messiah with
the Washington Oratorio.
Songs from Charles Wakefield- Cad
man will be incuded in her program
this evening, the Intent compositions of
this gifted composer.
When only 18 months oil, Madam
Riheldaffer was singing Home Sweet
Home and it was then thnt her mother
decided that her career was in the mu
sical world.
From here, the couipnny will go to
Spokane, Boise, and Helena, .Montana.
Portland. Or., Nov. 29. Dr. Earl V,
Morrow, Portland surgeon, has been
made chiei surgeon Bnd director of all
the Red Cross hospital units in Belgium
according to a letter here today. When
the F.uropenn war broke out. Dr. Mor
row went to the front with tho Red
New York, Nov. 29. Figuring orch-
One More Week Necessary Owing to the
Great Demand for
Sciatica, Neurulgia, Lumbago, Chest or Lung lMseases, Weak or Painful
Back, Kidney and Liver Coinplaints,l'leurisy Or Oout.
We invite all who ure troubled with any of the ubovo diseases to try
We Know
Can Do
The past wck we. have
persuaded Spalding's rep
resentative to stay another
week with us to meet tho
people and explain about
' these wonderful absorbing
s I
r V OJ B
Salem, Oregon
ids as worth $2 a piece, Mrs. Cult, thw
president's financee, wore fully $100
worth during her two days appearance
with tiio president here. All of them,
came, however, from the White Udura
hot houses. She wore fresh bouqucM
on fivo different appeurauces.
for the traveler
Spells' Athomeness'-alwayS
Here one finds dictinctive
Comfort" Here one meets service that
Here is food that is savory
v and satisfying
Htra it stmoipluM thit chirms
tnd ckxrf-
Hr is found thit nr HOME
LIKE sltmsnt which rvtr orw
Thm mtlit Wei; diyt of Noi
tonis itiyj.
TKs thing that pptil-modrte
114. off
12m and
We Want
You to
For Rheumatism, Sciati
ca Lumbago Chest or Lung
rdseuses, Weak Back,
Kidney and Liver Com
plulnts, p!curiy.
Shipley Co.