Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 29, 1915, Image 1

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    ?K 2l ?fe ?H 'K ?fe ife ife )j( )jc sjs )! sjc
PMf IIM til SiM ifii
Starving Refugees Vulti
From Dead Horses To
Children Clinging To The.
Snow. Starving Freezing
Frightful Incident of Most
By William O. Shepherd.
(TTiiited Press staff correspondent.) !
Salonika, Greece, Nov. 29. Vultuie
like, starving Serbian refugees are
stripping the flesh from horses, dead
beside the roads, in their mad flight be
fore the Bulgarians. I
The horrors of the Albanian trail are
grow ing, Women and children are strug-1
filing from Prizrend to Monastir with-1
out food, fncing a biting blizzard that
hns been sweeping that region for two
diiys and nights.
When the snow curtain lifts, tho
corpses of hundreds of human beings,
will almost certainly be found buried '
beneath its white blanket,
Knch contingent brings stories of
tragedies along the highway on which
there is a stream of Albanians, Serbs
mid 50,000 Austrian prisoners. Storv
jug men are staggering along the rough
mads. Women with their children cling
ing pitifully to them, struggle through '
the snows, camping at night beside piti
ful shrub fires.
Monastir is the goal of the caravans
of refugees, who hope to find there
food and rest. They do.not know that
it must fall within a few days, leaving
thon cut off nnd forced to choose be
tween seeking refuge in the mountains
amid winter blizzards, or meeting their
fiite at the Bulgars' hands.
Olnusboro Findlny, his wife, T.ndy
Sylbil, 10 English nurses and eight
doctors arrived today at Salonika. Tl
hud walked seven days in the snow nnd
ifiud of tho Albnninn trail. They were
entirely without food except for the
little breud 'that tho authorities com
mandeered for them. Fifteen of their
prick mules died from starvation.
The party told of the terrible nivnges
of hunger among straggling refugees.
Along tho last day of their journey, the
Findlny passed the bodies of three
men with their faces horrible death
masks from starvation.
"The world must prepare to shudder
when the happenings of the Albanian
trail come to light," said one member
of the party.
The Serbian army is retreating to
Klbnssan in central Albania. Twenty
British automobiles, laden with flour,
are fighting their way toward Dibra
on the Albian frontier, hoping to ar
rive in time to nllevinte the sufferings
of some of the fleeing. They cannot
Arrangements Completed for
Closing Day of World's
Greatest Exposition
Sun Francisco, Nov. 29. While
crowds were surging through the gates
of tho Pnnnmu-Pacific exposition in
record breaking numbers, Sun Francis
co is planning to make closing day the
most memorable of the whole, exposi
tion period.
President Wilson's toast to the expo
sition will be received at noon next
Saturday by wireless at the exposition,
ou n stand in front of the Tower of
Jewels nnd it will bo read by l'resi-
Abe Martin $
Cheor opt Ther hain't nobuddy
ever 'buddy likes. Home fellers my
mothln', but draw th' line on lawin'
Like Strip, the Scant Flesh
tain Life-Women with Their
Skirts Struggle Through the
Almost Hopeless-Most
barbarous War
make the entire journey in machines,
and mules must make the Inst lap.
Families of the French, British and
Hussion ministers to Serbia are report
ed to be somewhere on the trail, and
the authorities are doing their utmost
to reach them.
Expect Russian Attack.
Bucharest, Nov. 29. Civilians have
evacuated Kustchuk, Bulgaria, upon or
ders of the military authorities. This
step was taken in preparation for a
Eussinn attack.
Kustchuk is 130 miles northwest of
the Bulgarian Black sea port of Var
na. It lies on the Danube pposite
the Rumanian town of Oiurgevo. This
vecuation is taken to mean that Russia,
as reported, is prepared to rush her
troops across Rumnuia, and perhaps to
effect n junction via Varna. Recent
reports indicated Russian warships
were again sighted iu the Black sea,
1500 Serbs Prisoners.
Berlin, Nov. 2!). Fifteen hundred
Serbs havo been added to tho Teuton
list of captures during the past 24
hours, today s official statement de
clared. Captured Serb cannon now num
ber 502.
Tho Teutons are still pursuing tlie
Sorbs, but tho statement said nothing
to show that the central powers fore
es had crossed the Montenegrin and Al
bian frontiers, though it is believed
they hnvo done so.
Greece Makes -tteply.
Athens, 'Nov. 29. The Greek reply
to tho allies' latest note was handed
to the entente minister Sunday, it was
announced today.
What tho note stated was not made
public. It was believed, however, that
while conciliatory, the messago fell
short of granting tho allies' demands.
Says Greece is Willing.
Athens, Nov. 29. Greece is ready
to accept any terms the allies raoy im
pose in, connection with the Balkan
r.nmpagn as long as Greocian neutral
ity is not violated, according to an
authoritative source today. Previous
reports had indicated that the new note
addressed by the entente powers meant
some hitch in negotiations,
dent C. C. Mooro As tho Sturs and
Stripes nro hauled down frcm the Tow
er of Jewels warships off the exposi
tion will ronr out their parting salute.
Executive heads of departments, rep
resentatives of tho army and navy,
commissioners general of states, for
eign nations and Governor Johnson
nnd his stuff will participate in the
Looks Like Rumania
Would Join Allies
"By J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Nov. 29. The central
powers are beginning to fear that Ru
mania will join the allies. The Turks
are concentrating In Bulgaria near the
Rumanian boundary and tho Austro
Germans have moved across Hungary
to threaten Humnnia's flunk,
German 's announcement that tho
Serbian campaign has closed is probab
ly due to the necessity for threatening
Hiimanin. Nevertheless, the subjuga
tion of southern ami western Serbia is
still inconplci. The niiiin Serbian
army is still intact and yet Germany
has abandoned the campaign. It is
therefore apparent that the Teutons
believe that Kumnuin 's entrance into
the combat on tho allies' side is the
more pressing dnncer.
As a result of tho Teuton mnneuvers,
tho Utilitarian in southern Serbia may
soon find themselves between two fire's
with no German help near, but tho Ru
manian peril must bo guarded, Ger
many eels, at all hazards.
Chicago, Nov. 29. Wheat opened
sharply higher today, as a result of
Canada's seizure of vast quantities of
wheat held in her domain. Deeember
was up 1 1-2 at $1.05. May-was up
2 1-2 at 1.0M 1-2.
Nothing like tho expected advances
occurred, and Deeember closed at $1,
05 3-4 and May at 1.08 1-2. There
wo a growing feeling among brokers
that Canada' action will not have the
affect that wa at first feared. The
market quieted immediately after the
opening when prices did not soar,
New York, Nov. 29. The govern
ment plan to closo tomorrow it case
against Hamburg-American line offi
cials, charged with custom violations,
and the rase will probably go to the
jury Wednesday,
The Russians invaded Dark-
ehmen, about 25 miles inside
the German irontier. British
resumed bombardment of Zee-
. brugge, Flanders. King George
went to the front.
Makes Heroic Effort to Save
Passengers and Then
Spares the Ship
New lork, Nov. 29 Out of the mass
of stories of Teutonic " rightfulness"
there loomed today a description of
how a Turk submarine, apparently with
an Austrian commander, did its best to
save passengers aboard the British
steamer Bnrulos.
"For God's snkc go back to your
ship,'1 Mrs. Eleanor F. Egan, author,
quoted 'the commander as shouting to
panic stricken passengers. "We are
not murderers.''
His command, however, did not come
until 25 persons hud already drowned
in their haste to get off tho ship and
not until nt least one woman hud gone
stark mad, realizing that her three
babies hail perished when she hurled
them overside.
Mrs. Ejnu told of sighting the sub
marine some distance from Crete. The
Barulos hud picked up survivors of a
submarine attack. When the subma
rine nppeared, panic broke out and ev
erybody crowded to the rail.
When the Austrian commander spoke
however, the panic subsided somewhat.
Mrs. Egan paid tribute to the crew of
the Barulos for their heroic efforts to
quiet passengers. Many of the 250 pas
sengers were rescued' by the subma
rine. Mrs. Egan declnred the vessel fire.l
but one shot and that apparently only
in warning for n halt. The undersea
br-.i-finally disappeared after every
one had been cared for, as far as pos
sible. Boy-ed Not Considered
One of Conspirators
New York, Nov. 29. The defense in
the' trial of directors of the Hamburg
American Stenmshi company, accused
of being customs violators, avlted and
got a biiow down today as to whether
the government regards' Naval Attache
Boy-ed of the Germany embassy as a
conspirator In tho case.
Defense Attorney Kauri flared up af
ter a wordy battle over introduction of
testimony concerning the activities of
the supply ship Quesznda, with which
it is alleged Boy-ed was connected.
"Wo demand to know what position
the government takes regarding Boy
ed," he shouted. "Come out with it
Woods," (Assistant United States
district attorney.) "Does tho govern
ment consider Boy-ed a conspirator in
this case?
"We do not," Woods retorted, "but
we nro usiii" all evidence necessary to
bring out our contentions."
Seward, Alaswka, Nov. 29. With
both Sekurd and Anchorage speculating
as to their fate, Fred Tracey, agent
for tho Alaska Steamship company at
Anchorage and five others who put out
in a launch from the steamship Ad
mirul Furragut, .'10 miles out from An
chorage, and attempted to make that
port through rapidly accumulating lee
floes, arrived hero safely. They were
picked up by tho S. S. Alumcda.
search party had been organized at An
Omiiha, Neb,, Nov. 29. The Union
Pacific railroad's 2,1)00.000 luno cut
off bridge ocross the Pnppio valley
was afire curly today, und ono section
had nlready been destroyed. Railroad
men desperately tried to save tho re
mainder, while trains detoured over the
old line, making an extra distunco of
eight miles.
Aided by city firemen, however, the
rnilrond men put out the fire during
the forenoon.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 29. Relatives
of Raymond Hnrrigan, aged 15 years,
have just secured his release from
British army, which he joined last
summer, He is in London. Britisl
authorities refuse to pay him for the
time served in the trenches on the
ground that he swore falsely as to his
age. His father, Willium Hnrrigan,
formerly of Seattle, now lives in T
Portland, Ore,, Nov. 29. The Syra
cuse university footbnll team had a
long workout on Multnomuh field to
day for the game with O. A. C. Wednes
day. The stiffness due to the joust
with Montana Thanksgiving was rapid
ly disappearing and Couth O'Noll suid
that if beaten hi crew would have bo
The weights, announced today show
that Syracuse will outweigh the Ore
gon former 11 pounds to the man.
111 Of AVALOfl
Hotel Metropole, One of Most
Famous On the Coast,
Is Burned
Dying Down of Wind Saved
Balance of TownLoss Is
Million and a Half
Avalon. Catalinn Tulmwl v
29. (By wireless.) Half the town of"
Avalon. often called tlm '(:.
r ii nn
l'aciiic" was destroyed by fire early
today. The wind died down nt 9:00
o clock and the small fire department,
assisted by the boots in tho harbor,
was able to get the flames under con
trol. The ITotcl Mii'trnnnln l
.....p.-.v, uim ui uiu
best known tourist hostelries on the
coasr, was entirely destroyed.
It belonged to the Banning company,
which controls the isjnud, nud was in
sured for $100,000.
One hundred sntnmnr onttnana n,.,i
tents were wiped out.
The Tunn club.
from all parts of the world, is n black
ened ruin.
Tho northern lmrf of tlm l,iiaiua
section, lying btween the Grand View
hotel and the Hotel Metropole, burned.
rire oroite out in tne Grand View
hotel nt 8:45 this morning nnd in a
few minutes the entire western section,
mostly composed of light wooden struc
tures, was o mass of flumes. The fire
swept on ar I enveloped the three story
Fire fighters tilnvml n uton.li, cfvnn...
of water from tho top of the jail, which
is ou high ground, and tho steamer
HennOSn. Slimmed bv uririilnua Inn nil
nossiblo aid, but sho was considerably
hampered by the flames which swep't
down' upon tho wharf and licked up
several small boats in tho harbor.
Only the dvinff ilnnm nt II, n ,.,l,l
saved the entire city from destruction.
Several fire fighters wero slightly
iniurcil but nn fnt-ilill,,0 um .,......i
The fact tll!lt It U lintnnnn o.,unJ
at tho island resort probably saved
TIlO loss is cnlianrrnfU-,iK, nul ...!
at $-.00,000, partially covered bv in
NoithIco A riv V,. oo n-l
p""--, ........ ., MI-Mt-lUl
Funston is waiting a reply from the
vuniimgiou nimiorines today as to
whethpr tin will tuvn P,,ttnn l...l..n
. ... ..... ... VHIIUB UUMUIlll,
former Villista governor of Sonorn,
over to General Obregoii, lender of the
Cnrranza forces. Obregon is believed
to have told Funston that Randall or
dered Jesus Bcltran. a Villi officer, to
kill all Americans in the C'tinnnea nnd
destroy their property.
Washington, Nov. 29. Delayed by a
wreck Hlntiir thn linn Prnu,l,ni W;iu.,t,
arrived hero today a half hour late.
After detouring, the presidential train
made up nearly an hour's time by hit
ting a 75 milo nn hour clip.
Mrs. Gait, the president's fiancee,
romaiued In Now York to do somo shop-
rtiniT. The rtrnHtdnilt nvrinntu in nnm.
plete his messago to congress tonight.
NEARLY 19,000,000 SEE FAIR
San Francisco, Nov, 29, Ex
position officials estimated to
day the attendance at. the Tan
am I'nei fie exposition will
touch lH,7fi0,000 when tho
lights arc extinguished nt mid
night next Buturdny.
Sunday found a gigantic crowd
in attendance, the fifth lnrgest
number thus fur, reaching near
ly 103,000.
The total attendance to this
morning showod 17,P.1fi,579 had
passed through the turnstiles,
lust week's totul was more thnn
Oregon! Tonight
and Tuesday oc
casional rain
west ; rain or
mow east por
tion; southerly
Berlin, Nov. 29. Germany
will launch a fourth war loan
of $2,500,000,000 in the middle
of January, it was 'announced
Commandeers 20,000,000
Bushels and May Seize
150,000,000 More
Ottawa, Out., Nov. 29. Canada to
day lias, under governmental seizure,
20,000,000 busnels of first class wheat.
This qunntity Boon will be heading to
Knglnnd an.. Italy, it is believed, while
at the same time 150.000,000 bushels
more are in danger of seizure.
ine rirst seizure came late Saturday
night nnd included holding elevators
from Fort William to the Atlantic
Prevention of skyrocketing of prices
is assigned b- the Government as the
reason for thus commandeering this
vast supply. Some of it is owned by
Amoricans, but tho government hits
promised to pay a reusonablo figure
for it.
The Winnipeg wheat exchange mot
the upset in the wheat situation bv de
claring there should be no trading to
day in wheat futures.
1' allure of the allies to force the
Dardanelles, thus releasing Russia's
great store of wheat, is assigned
among experts as tho reasou for the
governmental action.
Wheat Is for Italy.
Winnineir. Nov. 29. Twelve minimi
bushels of tho wheat seized Saturday
night by the government was "for
Italy." official announcement todnv
showed. Tho wheat was purchased
inrougn urenf Britain at ifl.ui - a
bushel. '
Oregon City, Or., Nov. 29. Tho
young folks tire- certainly strong for
Bishop Sumnilh of tho Episcopal church
today. Af a .reception to Rev. Thomas
J. Williams Saturday night, tho bish
op plnyod popular melodies on the
piano wliilo tlio parishioners danced
tho one step and other old time favor
Soword, Alaska, Nov. 29 Water was
listed nt following prices todnv at An
chorage, ocean terminal of tho govern
ment railway: Per barred, (fl; per
bucket, 15 cents; two buckets, 25 cents.
Cold weather came botore the gov
ernment wuter system was completed
und all water is being obtained from
holes chopped in the'ico of Ship creek.
T.os Angeles, Cnl., Nov. 29. Startled
by a noiso, Mrs. L. A. Hauser, wife of
the president of tho L. A. Hauser Pack
ing company, arose to be confronted by
a burglar's flashlight. The buglnr fled.
At his heels trotted a bulldog kept by
the Hausers for protection. He veil hun
dred dollars in jewelry went with the
Financial Circles Stirred and
Price of German War
Bonds Affected
(Copyright 1915 by the New York
Evening Post,)
New York, Nov. 29. Decidedly the
most noteworthy financial event of the
day In the market wus the break of n
point in German exchange to 79 5 8.
The previous low rocord was 80 3-8
when sterling exchange was at $1.50.
The movement today stirred fintincinl
circles. It resulted In a readjustment
of tho price at which tho market was
offering Imperial German war bonds
here, The various explanations of
fered for the break wero mostly of a
commercial nature, hearing ou somo
chunge in tho bulunce of merchandise
trade, either direct or Indirect bo
tweeu Uorniuny and America, Hut the
break must nave somo larger economic
Stocks continued their desultory
movement. The markot was not active,
but varied slightly from tiie opeuing.
New York, Nov. 29. Troops in the
Belgian and Ocrman colonic In the
Congo, cook and devour their enemies
after battles, doclarod Dr. Laurent La
ment, of the Belgian forces, when ho
arrived hero today.
Nothing, he declared, can save ( cap
tured white officer.
A Thousand Bodies Heaped In One Spot Show Desperate
Nature of fighting Looks like Italians Would Win
Germany Prepares To Meet Russian Offensive Through
Rumania Which Latter Is Expected To Grant Permis
sion For Them To Pass Through
Vienna, Nov. 29. Heedless of losses,
the Italians are continuing their grim
task of wiping Goritz off the map. To
this end, they have brought forth fresh,
now troops. Tho attack against tho citv
is stubborn, the Austrian resistance was
The fortunes of the battle sec-saws.
The war office admitted today the Ital
ians, after uninterrupted attempts in
holding for a time the summit north
cast of Oslavia in the Goritz section.
Artillery blasts, however, drove them
Dead bodies litter the territory about
the Goritz bridgehead, the Italian ob
jective. One thousand wero heaped in
one Bpot alone; other hundreds mark
the strugglo throughout tho Goritz re
Near Podgora, tho Italians admitted
ly gained a temporary hold, only to be
hurled back as they were around -Os-
Klscwhero along the Austro-Itnlinn
line, the battle continues, but without
the spectncular tenacity and the ter
rible fatalities and destruction, nun king
tho Goritz buttle.
Say City Must FalL
London, Nov. 29. Kenewed Swiss re
ports today that Goritz had fullen be
fore tho Italians bombardment were un
confirmed and disbelieved hero.
Tho Homo war office claimed that
the Austrian arc losing their outpost
stntions so that tho ultimate fall of the
city is certain.
Prepare to Meet Russians,
t'nris, Nov. 29. Germany is making
strenuous preparations to resist an ex
pected Kussinn nttack in the Bnlknns.
Indications now nro that Russia's next
move will bo to rush her big new army
through Kumnnia to Bulgaria with or
without Rumania's consent.
Press reports, howover, tend to show
that Rumania iB taking a moro' favor
able position toward tho entente pow
ers, and thero is a growing belief here
that she will allow the Kussinns to
march through, unmolested. At the same
time, Rumania has told Germany she
will not open tho Danube to pnssago
of Teuton men nnd munitions destined
to Constantinople.
Germnnv, however, does not intend to
bo thus blocked, and her plans call
for meeting the Russians at the llulgar
frontier and flanking them in central
and western Rmnania,
To do this, she must withdraw a con
r.iderublo forco from tho bodies now on
the wostcrn border of Serbia, Berlin
Berlin, by wireless to Sny-
ville, L. I., Nov. 29 Kniser
Wiihelm and Emperor Franz
Josef of Austria arc conferring
nt Vienna in their first meeting
sinco tho war started. Crowds
cheered the kaiser upon his nr-
rival at tho station where' ho
was met by the heir, Archduko
Charles. e
Ford Is Pro-British
But For Peace First
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 29 On a stool in
the boiler room of his tractor factory
Henry Ford today discoursed of his
peace ship und pence congress plnn,
angrily denying imputations that his
move is pro-tlermun,
"I'm pro-Oermnn if this war can bo
stopped now," ho said, "but I'm pro
pence before anything else,
"The time to stop tho war is now,
not only becauso of its wasteful de
structiveness, but because tho greatest
hope for a lasting international peace
lies In halting tho strugglo before
thero is a decided victory."
Ford is preparing for his trip Satur
day and Is constantly receiving new
acceptance of his invitntion, In fact,
so extensive have these been thnt ho
has found if neccssnry to provido ac
commodation for the overflow on n
vessel sailing from New York Decem
ber 8.
He Is confident that ho has suffi
cient assurances from responsible gov
ernment bends nbrond to auiriir well
for the expedition dospito the scoffing
tone of the British pres toward it.
Reports thnt former Secretary nf
ntnto Jiryan ts heading for here could
not be confirmed. It was thought
possible, however, that he I plnnning
an Immedluto conference over tho peace
Ford to Arrive Thursday.
New York, Nov. 29. Henry Ford
telephoned here today thnt he will ar
rive Thursday from Detroit rnndy to
Join the peace ship party. It wa un
derstood thnt The Hague was selected
a the place for the meeting of his
proposed peace congress, but tho plan
seemed Indefinite.
claims, however, that this will be read
ily accomplished in view of Germany'
beliew thut the Serbian campaign is at
a nend, now that most of the defenders
have made their way across the edge
of Serbia into Albania and Monteneg
rin torritory.
Aviators Drop Bomba
Paris, Nov. 29. In retaliation for
four German aviators attack upon Ver
dun, five French airmen hurled 20)
bomb against the Brieullos station,
cutting off the railroad and wrecking a
moving train, today's official state
ment reported.
Gronndo attacks were reported in the
Arftois, Lille road and Lorraine.
Two Steamers Sunk.
London, Nov. 29. The French stoam
ers Algencn and Omar have been sunk
by submarines, as has the British
steadier Tunis. Twenty-nine aboard
the Algorien are missing.
Germans Lose in Africa.
London, Nov. 29. Rapid progress
against the Germans in the Karaerun
district of Equatorial West Africa was
officially reported today. The British,
have reached tho Puger river west o
Jaunde and the French have occupied
Makondo. Meantime tho Germans hav
scnttored widely.
Make Fierce Resistance.
London, Nov. 29. With the Bulgars
driving for Monastir, Athens disputches
today said the Serbs are making fero
cious resistance at Lopntitza, 12 miles
north of Monastir. Tho civilians are
hurrying from the place, believing it
will fall soon. Reports said the Bul
gars have recaptured Katchanik Passv
Kitchener In Paris.
Paris, Wov. 29. Karl Kitchener ar
rived hero today to confer with gov
ernment heads, following his swing
around tho circle in the near east anil
Italy. His presence here is regarded
as disproving earlier rumors that he,
had been relieved from his cabinet
Aftor discussing the war situation
with lenders in Paris, ho presumably
will return to Knglnnd. His return
from tho near cast is considered a
meaning that ho has mappod out the
future of the Balkan campaign, but in
stead of taking personal charge has de
cided to leave the execution of hi
plans to others.
Representatives of Minister of War
Gallicni met Kitchener nt the depot.
At the Same Time German
People Praying For
War To End
Berkeley, Col., Nov. 29. So IntcnB
is tho loyalty of Gormany to the war
cause that her women will shoulder
gnus when the supply of mon become
insufficient, Miss Louetta K. Weir,
society girl, declared here today upon
her arrival from tho war zone.
Though Miss Weir was persona non
grata, in Gerinuny by reason of an in
terview she gnvo concerning shortage
nf food, und though at the German
border sho was searched and aftorward
spied on, she hud nothing but pruiso
for the spirit of the fatherland.
"Tho German people, a a wholo. ars
praying for tho end of tho war," sho
said. "Most of them believe this will
come In a few months. But, meantime,
tho government is training the SO year
class, Wlille tho women folk stand
ready to enter tho trenches im need
Though Berlin looks a usual to tha
casual observer. Miss Weir declared
shortage of food makes tho prospect ol
winter terrible for tho poor.
Bo hnrd pressed Is Germany for cop
per nnd rubber that, she has stripped
bronr.o art works of their metal and
commandeered the tires of, alt tnxicaus,
tho girl declared.
Borne, Nov, 29. Austrl I
endeavoring to conclude a aep-
arnto peace, according to tho 4
Tribuna, today. ,