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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV. 27, 1915. FIVE THE GRAND SOMETHING DOING EVERT DAY, SNDAY ONLY ' THE WORLD FILM CORPORATION i Presents - Beatrice Michelena IN a alvation Nell"! A thrilling story of social uplift in the Underworld. The theme cho3en Treats of the Reforming Efforts of the Great Salvation Army in the Slums of New York.- ADOPTED FROM EDWARD SHELDON'S PLAY OF SAME NAME. WBaamsxesRsmmEgmsBm COMMfi-Manday, TuesJay and Wednesday MARY PICKFORD in "The Girl of Yesterday" DECIDE WHO IS TO BE Contracting Firm Determined To Settle Legal States of Controversy I ft s S. & C. VAUDEVILLE GREAT FEATURE FROM NEW YORK HIPPODROME "Original Act Beautiful" INTRODUCING THE ARABIAN WHITE HORSE AND FOUR BEAUTIFUL WHITE ENGLISH SETTERS. a Ames & Corbett NOVELTY DRUM AND LOOP THE LOOP DANCES , .... Mumford & Thompson Humorists BL1GH THEATRE .pKfgiifffmrrimmm f"sww Li SUNDAY and MONDAY MATINEE and EVENING PRICES: r'DULTS 25c; CHILDREN 10c Another stop in the controversy be tween State Engineer John II. Lewis and the state highway commission was taken this morning when Mr. Lewis was served with a writ of mandamus from the supremo court to submit esti mates on certain mad work or show cuuse why he could not comply with thi demands of the writ. Tiiis will re open the question of who is the boss of tho state highwny department and. de cide the legal status of tho case in the supreme court. Lewis will answer De cember 4 in the supreme court and the date for the argument on the question will be set later. Tho outcome of the former contro versy when tho stato highway commis sion and Lewis were at loggerheads was that Lewis resigned, stating as his reason, that the department wuuld be disrupted through lack of harmony it' ho continued'' an the head of the highway department as interpretation of the law by Attorney General Brown. I The matter enme to light recently when Peterson & Johnson, contractors iwho have a contract on Columbia I I highway, refused to accept the esti mates of Mr. Cantino on their work. jTliey "demanded that Lewis submit estimates. Lewis turned over all of Ihis records when he resigned and his resignation was accepted ny tne nign jwny commission and his bond was re j turned to him. Ho snys he has no funds I on hand belonging to tho highway de partment and can do nothing in tho' ! matter. , I The final decision Of the supreme i court will settle the question of whoth ler the legislature meant to consolidate , Hie two departments when they passed tho law bringing them all under Itho state engineer's supervision and pro vided for a chief deputy or whether I the law was passed simply to give tho I people the idea that tho legislature was Igoini? to redeem some of its consolida tion pledges. ENCAMP! Second Meeting of Associa tion Will Be Held In Sahm Dec. 2 The second encampment of the Ma rion County Voteran association will be held in the Salera armory, Thurs day afternoon, December 2, 1915, be ginning at ono o'clock. The members of tho association will meet in the arm ory at ten o'clock for the purpose of getting octter acquainted, ami lo par take of a picnic dinner at noon. The members of this organization are composed of old soldiers, sailors, Indian war veterans, sons of veterans, Spanish war veterans, ladies of the Woman's Keliel' Corps and ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. The afternoon entertainment will consist of patriotic songs and speeches from some of the ablest talent of the city; also instrumental music, readings, and class exhibition from the pubhs school. Mrs. L. R. Clark will give one or ner uett numbers of whistling melodies. Tho program ns sketched by the president is as follows: Soiig, America, bv tiie entire assem blage, led by Mrs. L. It. Clark. Prayer, tho Chaplain. Instrumental duet, cornet and 'piano, Mr. C. V. Kail; ner and Daughter Miss. Irene. Address of welcome, Rev. F. T. Por ter. Responses by parties from Woodburn and Hilvorton. Instrumental duet, piano mid violin. Officers reports. Solo, selected, Mis. J. S. Pinnell. Spanish American War Veterans, Carlo Abrnms. Heading, by Miss Gladys Thompson. Sons of Veterans, Kev. Carl II. El-liott. A Whistling Melody, Mrs. L. li, Clark. Ladies of the Grand Army of the Re public. Exercises from the school. Woman's Relief Corps, .Mrs. Watson. Solo, Mrs, Wattcrs. Rev. Jnmes Elvin. Music. Camp Fire Talks. G. A. K. BOOST FOR CUMMINS I COURT HOUSE NEWS !j I 1 ... j. ... ... ... ... T I T P P T T p 1 1? p fl( Sp Mary Plckford, who appears In an en tirely different role in "The Girl of Yesterday," at the Grand next week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. OBITUARY David McFadden, of 4-13 Capitol jtrect, Sulcm, Ore., who passed away it the home of his son, Gilbert, in Portland, was born in Canada io 1840, came to Salem in 1S"0, residing here continuously until Inst September, when his sons took him to Portland to re main with them through the witner, he had been afflicted with paralysis for several years, but had seemed to im prove with the change. The end came quiotly and peacefully with slight wnrn mg. lie was nnrriod to Sadie Chapman in 187.'!, had two sons, Gilbert C, a machinist, and Allun, an engraver, both of Portland. Ho was a member of the old volun teer fire company, Capital No. 1, serv ing nine years. Private services were held nt Mt. Scott Crematorium at 7 p. m., Wednesday, November 24, a brief and impressive service was read by Kev. Olson, Cremation Thursdny, No vember 25. Eriscou funeral director. Airs. Annie Clark was found dead in bed yesterday mornin at her homo at Broadacres near Hubbard. Slio was apparently in good health on Thanksgiving day and her death camo as a surprise to her neighbors. She was 50 years old. Coroner Clough was notified of Iho deuth but no inquest will be held ns physicians r.l'onounced tho death due to'heart disease. Relatives will have charge of tho remains and the body will be sent to a former home for interment. OREG!ON TONIGHT CHARLES CHAPLIN in THE BANK And also a Blended Program TOMORROW and MONDAY 3 Act, EMPRESS 3 acu Vaudeville and Pictured V1 1n Lovett and jWyatt The UW Substitute! Oily Carew Late of "September Morn" Seymore and Robison The Minx and the Mixer henry ;b: walthal; EDNA mayo in thelEssanay Feature ESgThe Woman Hater Dreamy Dud as "Charlie Chaplin MATINEES 15c I EVENINGS 25c A marniago license was issued today by the county clerk to Sanford Leach,! a farmer of Vida, and Miss Emma Yoder, of Aurora. ' An order was issued by Judge Bushey in the probate court today setting De cember 31 ns the date for the henring of tho final account of tho adminis trator in the estate of. Robert F. Clark, deceased. j The resignation of H. R. Page, ns joint executor of the estate of Thomas .Tory, deceased, wns accepted by Her bert E. Jory and Clnrene.o V. .Tory, co-executors mid nn order was issued today by Judge Bushey appointing Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 2fi. Hun dreds of republican and bull moose and leaders in Iowa politics tire arriving hero today to join hands in organizing a campaign for Senator Cummins for republican presidentiol nominee. Herbert E. Jory and Clarence C. Jury as sole executors of the estate. 1 , TO v) jh li t f -1 : s- "SALVATION NEinjli As tllM Ultructl(ill lit thu Grand tlicn- trc on Mondnv. December, Selwyn nnd company, the firm tlmt gave the stage such notable successes ns "Within the Law," and "Under Cover," will offer their latest production, "Twin Beds," Salisbury Field nnd Margaret Mnyo'c scTcnmingly funny fnrco of life anion; the apartment dwellers, which has proved the lauhging sensation of the season in New York, where it recently concluded a run of one. whole yenr. " Twin Beds ' has been unnnimoiisly declared by the newspaper critics to be tho cleanest nnd runniest mice the American stage hns known since "Baby Mine," which also cnnie from Margaret Mayo's pen, and its presen tation here is certain to prove one of the delights of the yenr, Selwyn .nnd company are sending nn excellent cast which includes: Juliette Day, .1. Mor rill Morrison, Mnrinn Lord, 1'. Paul Pnrcnsi, Edith Miixlu.n, William West on, Eleanor Wilton and others. "Twin Beds" is plnying the TIeilig theatre this week, watch the Portland papers. District Attorney Ringo hns been in formed by George Neuner, secretary of the State District Attorneys' associa tion, that there will be a meeting of all of the district nttorneys at the of fice of Attorney General Brown Do comber 17 to discuss the ways and meaiiB to enforce tho litlli prohibiten law. Thero has been much specula tion by the people of the state ns to tho enforcement of the new law and i' is the plan of Attorney General Brown to start all of the district nttorneys of the stnto out on the swne basis mid with the same understanding of tl limits and possibilities of the law. ml v , t A-' Something new in dramatic situa tions is offered in George Klcine's lnt ! est feature, "The Money Master," founded on Cleveland Moffett's cele brated stngo drntnn, "The Battle," i scheduled as the chief attraction at the Ye Liberty theatre next Sunday and ! Monday. The drama is said to repre i sVnt a heavy outlay of money, features on all stnr cast which includes such well known Broadway tliesTiinns as Frank Sheridan, Paul McAllister and Funis Mnrinoff, and is conspicuous for its many elaborate nnd magnificent "sets." It iH a story of the East Side Ghetto and easily one of the most con vincing, dramntic nnd spectacular film productions of the past two years. Ml la S3 w : r. - 1 7 S 1 1 : The Money Master Founded on the play "THE BATTLE" Featuring u-m rrariK nenaan Supported by All-Star fc roadway Cast ALWAYSTHEXBEST PICTURES Sunday Ve LIBER TV Admission Theatre 1 Monday Always 10c SPRING VALLEY NEWS (Capital Journal Spcciiil Service. Spring Vnllev, Ore., iov. 27. Thnnksgiving day hus .come and gone, with iits mnny joys and ninny guests, of which Spring Valley hud a number. Many also spent their Thanksgiving elsewhere with friends nnd rolatives. K. L, Bradford and family and Fred Purvino and family were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Dellurpperd iu Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wallinn and Jesse, Jr., spent Thanksgiving in Sain .1 with Mrs. Waiting's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jermitn. A short -but enjoyable Thnnksgiving program was given at the school housu by the pupils under the direction of the teacher. Miss Klsio Taylor, on Wednes day afternoon. After tho program the Parent-Tenclicrs' association was re organized, with H. C. Sheparo, presi dent, and Krnnk Crawford, secretury treasurer. Mrs. C. A. Taylor, Miss Kls'ie Taylor and Mrs. Wuyue D. Henry woro appointed to make 'use of the funds now on hand, in purchasing books, pic tures and perhaps nn organ. Mrs. Hur ry Crawford, Miss Klsio Taylor and Prank Crawford wero appointed on the program committee. It wns decided that the society have a paper, with R. C. Shepard, editor, and Mrs. Will Oinw ford, assistant. Tho next meeting will he held on rally day, December 2. County Superintendent H. C. Seymour, Supervisor Parsons and another speak er, not yet decided on, will bo present and a good program hns been prepared. Cume iu the morning nnd bring lunch baskets, nnd make it a real rally day. Prnnk Loose, Jnmcs Imlnh, Harley White and the mannger of tho Willam ette hotel, all of SiiIcti, huvo rented from Jesso Walling the lako, which is a fine hunting ground for ducks nnd geese. They spent most of Thnnksgiv ing day hero. The Crawford Tiaiikfl',iving dinner, an Annual nf'fnir, wns given this year by Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Crawford. The tablo was tastefully decorated, v;ith n pumpkin basket, filled with fir twigs and cones, fruit, candies and nuts, ns the centerpiece, and snaller ornnge baskets ut each phfo, which were marked by artistic, cards done in ciuy on. Those present were Mr. and Mis. P. F. Clnrk, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne I). Henry and Kenneth Ileniy, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Crawford and Aubrey Craw ford, of Salem j Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawford, Hobcrt Crawford, Victor Simpson, Don nel Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Crawford. After dinner a short Thnnks giving firogram wns enjoyed in which all participated. Then old-fashioned visiting filled the duy, until tho time came for the guests to depart, to their respective nomes, wishing twit 1 nanus pving day might be stretched go ai to contain a few more hours. Miss Ksther Newberry, of Sal. 'm, is spending several dnyp hero with Lor sis ter, Miss Kvu Newberry. Mrs. Kate Coyle will entertain the Patrick family and relatives at dinner on Saturday, it being her mother's Kith birthday nnniversnry. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawford nnd son Hubert were week-end guests in Salem, nt the home of Mr. und Mrs. Wn. Wuterbury. Miss Dolly Smith, a teacher in the Gaif'icld school at Solum, Bpent the Thanksgiving holidays hero with her friend, Miss Elsie Taylor. They were formerly schoolmates at Mouinouth Normal school. John Holland nnd Klmcr Tompkins have been busy for several days in hnuling T'r. Ttmipkins' household goods from Guston to his fnrm hero recently purchased from Mr. Scars. Frank Koch is employed ut McCoy on the Idlehour farm, owned by Henry Dones. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodfellow left Sunduy for the exposition, after which Mrs. Goodfellow will spend the winter in Florida visiting her mother. It. A. I.ooney nnd family have been spending the week with his daughter's family on n farm in Clucknmus county-Miss Cora Cooley returned to her work in Buttevilie Sunduy, after spend ing the Thanksgiving holidnys here with her parents, Mr. und Mrs. H. W. Cooley. A numher of the Spring Valley young people drove over to Bethel Thursday evening to attend tho bnsketbiill game, which did not take pluce on account of the grief felt in tho community over the Hillmnn murder and suicide. Luther Wright returned to Stile m Fri day, after spending scvcrnl days here with her uncle, W. L. Davis, und fam ily. Miss Greta Phillips wns nut from Sn loni to spend Thnnksgiving with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Phillips. Harold Jenkins returned to tho uni versity at Eugene Sunday, nfter spend in? the Thanksgiving holiduys here ut the 11. W. Cooley home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford re turned Sunday from Portland, where they visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. liulph Watson. Mrs. Cut ton is recovering from sev eral days serious illness. A family dinner wns held nt the A. M, Patrick home on Thnnksgiving day, the guests returning home Friday illuming. mm Avoid . underwear that isn't just right. D o n't o v erburden yourself with unsuit able underwear from mere inertia. It may require a lit tle experimenting to get the kind that suits you best but it's worth doing. Every good kind of underwear, for men, is found here. Union Suits from $1 to $5. Two - piece Under- wear from 50c to $2.50. xThe productions of the best mills in Amer ica are here. HAHOND-BISflOPCO. Leading Clothier The Toggery 107 Com'l 8t. J NEW TODAY ; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES. Entc per word New Today: Each insertion, per word . lei Ono week (6 insertions), per word.... 5e Ono month (26 insertions), per word 17i All ads must bo ordorod for a stuted length of time, no ad to count less titan 10 words. Tho Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for moro thnn ono insertion for errors in Classified Advertise ments. Head your advertisement the. first day it appears and notify us im mediately it is contains nn error. Minimum charge, 15c. 1'HONB 037 Fur wood saw. OAK WOOD 4.r,0. Phono 413. U' The Grand Theatre Monday, December 6 One Night Only (NOT A MOVING PICTURE) DIRECT FROM ONE WHOLE TEAR -OF ROARING LAUGHTER IN NEW YORK SELWYN ft CO. (PRODUCERS OF "UNDER COVER" and "WITHIN TIIE LAW") PrdsenU THE LAUGH FESTIVAL "TWIN BEDS " By SALISBURY FIELD ft MARGARET MAYO, Author "Baby Mine" A FURIOUSLY FUNNY FARCE OF APARTMENT HOUSE LIFE. It's Clean-It's Human-And, Oh, It Is Funny! ' Prices 50c to $1.50 AUTO FOIt 11IKK Phono 144. Dec CITY WINDOW CLEANElt i'aoiiti 708. Becll FOUN 1 Drooch, Mrs. K. T. llarkus, ;I15 Kearney. ( !Nov2ll FUKMSIIKJ) Housekeeping rooms. 3;i0 Korth High street. tf ACREAGK To exchange for house or lots. ciuo Journal. Doel FOU SA1.K A good ninrn, flO.Ou, worm ipi,). xrnue ror wood or cow. J'hono illl'i,' Nov2'J SKPAItATOIt FOIt TUAIllO For wood cutter. Limb wood .10.00 per cord. T, Box 4C, Turner, Oregon. .Nov27 FOR KFiVi' Kiver bottom and stock, near Salem. COS Salem Bank of Com merco Bldg. Phono 37. tf WANTKI) To hire or buy second hand top buggy, for six months. Phono 11F14. Nov27 FOIt SALE Now Chapman funning mill, will bcII at a bargain. Call at. Cherry City Flouring Mill. NovL'P GOAT MEAT First clues only, 3o pe pound, delivered to any part ot city. 15(1 8. 12th. Phone 2411). DeclO TIIKKK FINK MA HUH FOR HALr Cheap. Weioht MOO to 1700. II. V. Purdy, Jenerson, Oregon. Nov27 It U MM AGE HALE Mow on at tK Htato. by tho Court street Christina church. t TlirtPK .Mine months old Jersey heit er for wood, phono. 72F13 or call 304 N Lilian y. Nov29 TAKE VOl'li UMHKKI.LAS to 3i:i.j North Commercial street and have them repuired and recovered. J)ecU WANTED To hear l'roni owner of good ranch lor Hale. Head cash prico und description. D. F. Jlutdi, Minne apolis, Minn. Dec! TWO FINK IHVINdTON LOTH In Portland, to trade for acrenge near Haleni. I nsKumo some. J. ('., care Journal. Doc! tU'Y VOI It WOOD DIRECT from tiiTt timber and save the coot of tho double haul paid to dealers in tho city. Phone 2210. MM I' l.V(l' will .l..,,.utr.,lo thn V,. I Bone corset, commciicinir Monday 12! lit the Ladies Outfitting Shop, III;! N. Liberty street. Phono 224. WANTED Two unliiruished house keeping rooms in family with no small children, preferably in East ISalein, H. II. ('., care of Journal. FOUND Peanut Bnd popcorn wagon. Lost en Liberty street. Friends in terested will find same at 147 N. High, opposite Court House. Tho Huff man Confectionery. tf I WANT TO ItENT a grain farm of 100 to 200 acres, prefer to rent On shares, but may pav cash rent. Ad dress C. B, titokley, 140 Center. Nv2! 0. W. EYItE and L. O. Cavanongh are buying fut hog and paying highest cash prices to ship to Portland. Phone O. W. Eyre, 2200iI or L. O. Cavsniiiieh, 21N.1M. tf Journal New Today Ads do- liver the goods.