Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1915, Image 1

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Entente Powers Satisfied 1 Their Operations Will Not In
Anyway Be Interfered 14 -French Are Driving
Northward fa Effort To I, ve Serbia While Russia
Concentrates Great Army .,: Balkans-Germans Re
port Capture of Large Numbers of Serbian Prisoners
London, Nov. 25. The Grecian crisis
seemed at an end today.
Greece has satisfied the allies and
will not interfere with them under any
eircumstnncosj the allies think that she
lias yielded sufficiently to guarantee
the safety of thoir expeditions into
the Balkans.
An Athens message to the Exchange
Telegraph company today said:
"Greece's reply is friendly, meets the
allies' demands and gives all guaran
tees considered essontial. "
Other press reports declared that
Greece agreed to allow the allies free
dom of action on Greek soil, and par
ticularly not to disarm or intern any
allied forces, compelled possibly to re
treat across the Greek border from the
Balkan fighting. In their turn the al
lies, ,it was stated, agreed to restoro
eny Grecian territory they might oc
cupy and reimburse Greece for this
occupation subsequently.
With the momentous question of dis
armament and. internment thus satis
factorily disposed of, it is believed
here that larger forces than any thus
far dispatched will be sent into the
Balkans. Moeover, thore is prospect
that the guarantees of safety will
mean better co operation than hereto
fore in the Balknn campaign.
The allies, according to reports, can
not have Grecian military support,
Tiowever. King Constantine triumphed
in his position of remaining neutral,
but even without direct participation,
the situation is regarded as vastly
brighter for the entente powers than
it has been for weeks.
French Are Active.
Amsterdam, Nov.' 25. Hoping to re
lieve pressure on thoir Serb comrades,
French artillerymen are pounding
heavily Prilop, in south central Serbia.
They were withdrawn from the Vardar
forces to enable the southern Serbians
to move northward.
It is believed that the Bulgarians
will stand on the defonsive until the
central allies can come to their aid.
Farther southwest, tho Bulgars are re
ported to have been badly beaten, with
enormous losses.
What the Serbians, nearly hemmend
in on the Plain of the Black Bird, are
doing is a mystery. Sofia dispatches
said these forces are so badly disor
ganized by recent eapturos and their
fights during pursuit that there can
be no great battle.
Reports that tho Montenegrin and
Serbian capitals have been transferred
to Scutari arc taken to mean that the
forces of these two countries will con
wolidate. That the Russians are mobilizing for
a drive in the Balkans was reported to
day unofficially. Messages said the
plans call for sending into the strug
gle 350,000 men.
Grecinn submission to the allies' de
mands appeared to authorities to mean
that new, and perhaps startling devel
opments, may be expected from the al
lies re-enforcing the Balkan campaign
from the south.
Many Serbs Captured.
Berlin, Nov. 25. Making the largest
enptnre of tho Serbian campaign, the
Teutons have taken 17,400 more Serbs
between Mitrovltza and Pristina, of
ficial announcement said today.
Of this number, tho Austrians cap
tured 10,000 at Mitrovitzn and the Bul
garians the remainder - at Pristinn.
"We are firmly holding the Borsemu
e.ndo farm," said the announcement
Abe Martin $
I should think that a feller who is
as strong fer pence ns President Wilson
would stay single. We've all got more
time t' stop than a train o' cars. ,
referring to the Russians' heavy at
tacks in tho Riga district.
Oorltz In Ruins. "
Vienna, Nov. 25. Smokinsr ruins.
houses piled into kindling wood, stone
uuiiuiugB BiiiHsiieu aimosc 10 powaer
mark tlie work of Italian artillery
against the beleaguered city of Goritz.
Ana still the bombardment continues.
The war office insists the Italians
are held at bay; that wherevor they
have mado gains, they have been forc
ed Inter to relinquish them.
Biva has been added to the Italian
attack, and the big guns are now ad
mittedly trying to crumble that town
as they hnvo Goritz.
Germans Lose In Russia.
London, Nov. 25. Despite desperate
efforts, tho Germans are steadily los
ing their scattered holdings in the Riga
district, Petrograd claimed officially
West of Lake Ranger, said tho offi
cial statement, "the Germans were
again -obliged to retire nt some
points." While they obtained a foot
ing at ttic Jlorsemuende farm in the
snmo district, reinforcements arriving
at a critical moment allowed the Slavs
to ropel the invnlers.
Artillery duelling rages below the re
gion of Dvinsk. Elsewhere, for the
most part, the struggle is deadlocked.
Battalion Drowned
Copenhagen, Nov. 25. Bombarding
the ice on which the Austrians wore
trying to cross the Styr river, the Rus
sians recently drowned a battalion, ac
cording to unofficial advices received
hero today.
Mother, Tossing On Bed of
Pain, Believes Babe
Will Live
New York, Nov. 25. Tossing on a
bed of pain, Mrs. Joseph Roberts did
not know today that her babe, born
into tho world deformed, is dying.
She believed it had undergone an op
eration and was recovering. Physicians
withheld tho truth, fearing tliut the
shock would kill her,
Relatives, who at first declared thnt
both parents had consented to let the
child die without surgical aid, as did
Mrs. Anna Bollinger's deficient chili'
nt Chicago last week, admitted today
that the mother had not given her per
mission. "Something is a little wrong with
the baby," the doctor told Mrs. Rob
erts. "I'll tnke her to the hospital
and make everything all right."
The fnther, who from tho first was
opposed to saving the wee mite, abides
by tho decision of Dr. L. E. Holt, a
noted specialist, who Buid:
"I wouldn't think of owrnting on
tho child for several months yet. An
operation now would cause death."
Vatican's Peace Plans
Have Met With Hitch
It Is Now Believed
By Alice Rohe
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Rome, Nov. 25. The, Vatican 's peace
plans for consideration in tho Decem
ber consistory aro believed today to
hnvo mot with a check.
On rd inn I Mercier has abandoned his
trip to Rome for fear, It is reported,
that Germany will prevent him from
returning to Belgium if he participates.
Reports, too say that Cardinal Hart
mann of Cologne has also abandoned
his trip ho re, though he has actually
started, and is now in consultation
with Prince Von Buelow and Prussian
representatives of the Vatican in
Diplomatic, circles doubt that Ger
many would consider It expedient to
bar Mercier, and In fact, Berlin an
nounced that Germany would facilitate
his journey.
Tho situation is so muddled, that at
present it is difficult to predict the
rortlnnd, Or., Nov. 25, Mrs. Mar
garet W. Gibbs, aged 8(1 years, widow
of the late Addison C. Oibbn, civil war
governor of Oregon, died here Inst
night. Gibbs was the first republican
governor of the state and was elected
in 1802,
Thanksgiving day is one of
the most gracious and heart-
ening anniversaries in the
American year. That a people
should be called by their presi-
dent to reckon the mercies
and privileges received at the
hands of God is a most hallow-
ed and sanctifying ministry
and most assuredly enriches
' and invigorates the national
life. -
But Thanksgiving should
, not be confined to material
bounty. It should extend its.
range and include the bless-
ings found in the broadening
day of knowledge and in the
. lifting of all forms of oppres-
sion from those who are bear-
ing a needless yoke. It should
even go beyond the range of
patriotism and become cosmo-
politan as it contemplates the
leaven of freedom and human-
ity which is working in every
part of the world.
Thanksgiving of this wide
and ennobling kind would
surely send a thankful people
into the ways of unselfish and
chivalrous service.
United States Soldiers Are
Guarding Border In
Heavy Force v
Nognles, Ariz., Nov. 25. United
States troops aro today guarding the
border between thin iltv uml Vnrnin
Sonorn, to prevent drink crazed Villista
... . . . .
uiucvrs irom croBHiug into Dinted
States territory. All the snloons in
Nognles, Sonorn, hnvo closed, it was
stated today, and the Aremicnns in
them were llrivnil nitrnsu 1ia K..-.1... .
the point of revolvers. , Many insults
aiv nuiu iu. nuvn uecn nuricu at -t'
American frontiers hv fti ilnmlmn v;i
Hstas, and attempts at violence arc
It is said the withholding of muni
tions and foodstuffs from the Villintp
by tho American authorities lias stirred
the Villa followers to frenzy.
Fighting Hand to Hand.
Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 25. Renewed
hand to hand fighting in the outskirts
of Hprmrmilln hntwAnn VilMutna nnA
Carranzistns under General Dieguez,
witli tue outcome in doubt, were report
ed today to General Obregon.
After being once driven off, It was
stated the Viliistas renewed the attack
with greater fury, carrying several
outer positions.
General Ohreomn onmmnndn tlm
Carrunza forces in nnrthern'Honora, has
established new headquarters at Santa
Cruz, and ordered reinforcements there.
Women His Downfall.
San Francisco, Nov. 25. I.ures of
benutiful women have proven General
Villa's downfall,- declared Alff
Downs, millionaire Mexican stock ex
chnngo operator toda,y upon his arrival
aboard the steamer Pennsylvania.
Mexican Inner circles, he said, be-
lievo Carranza deliberately placed these
women in Villin's path, knowing his
susceptibility to their wiles.
Downs suid Vijln for three davs In
the most critical period of his aft'nirs
was dancing at Uundnla.iara with n
bevy of tho handsomest women of thnt
northern Mcxionn city. When dawn
broke on the day of the battle whl"'
crushed Villa's aspirations hopelessly.
Villa wns still dancing tho hourB nwny.
No pcaco, the speaker added, ran
prevnil under the present Mexican regi
me, for Gcncrnl Obregon is morel
waiting his chance to pounce upon Car
ranza and repent the bloody history
tnnt lias marked Mexico for years.
Quiet Prevails Today.
Nogales, Ariz., Nov. 25. Quiet pre
vailed in Nognles, Mexico, across the
border from here, today and Americans
were crossing the line as usual.
Last night's rioting, in which one in
effective shot wns firod across the bor
der iulu the United States infantry,
border and prevented drunk crazed
Villista soldiers from the Sonora gar
rison crossing the line.
Tho (rouble wns started it was learn,
ed today, by tho killing of seven Mexi
can raiders by a detachment of the
Tenth United States cavalry at Har
rison ranch, several miles east of No
gales, after the raiders had fired upon
the troopers, sllghtjy wounding one.
The Viliistas, when the news reached
them, threntencl to kill seven "grin
goes" in revenge, but after the United
Mates troops took charge of the situ
ation tiiey subsided without attempting
Snn Francisco, Nov. 25. Mrs. Kate
Karillus, Snn Francisco society girl
who married tho son of the president
of Costa Rica ami the only woman in
the world to own a volcano, arrived
here today aboard tho liner Pennsyl
vania. She had been looking over ber vol
cano which is located in Santa Maria,
"it Is a nice volcano and spouts tie
premeBi jire," sno sain, "i nave just
taken my chilroa to sea it."
Scope of Inquiry May Involve
n North German Lloyd
Line Also
Prosecution Hopes To Direct
ly Implicate German Naval
Now York, Nov. 25. The scope of
the government action against officials
of the Hamburg-American Steamship
company charged 'with customs viola
tions in supplying Germnn commerce
raiders, appeared likely to broaden to
day so as to include possibly officials
of the North German Lloyd line and
other prominent men.
The trial adjourned yesterday over
the holiday, bot federal officials and
attorneys for the defense applied them
selves today to reviewing evidence
thus far presented, and to going over
detnils of testimony to bo presented
upon resumption tomorrow.
Tho evidence given in the latter af
ternoon session yestenlny gave an in
timation of the possible inclusion of
North German. Lloyd officials. The
government introduced a telegram from
Captain Suliren of the supply vessel
Quezsnda addressed to Phillip Volz at
11 Broadway, room 801, (headquarters
of Naval Attache Bov-ed of the Ger-
man embassy,) Volz, it developed, was
Jiaitimoro ageut ot the Worth German
The defense S'lfjls supplying a num
ber of vessols and'funiishiiig the money
ror their cruises, but ft does not ad
mit connection stocking the Quozada.
The government attorneys, on the other
hand, hope to prove thiB wns part of
their supply fleet, and that Boy-ed was
directly connected with supplying her.
Some of the evidence indicated that
the Quezsada in clearing from Newport
xvews, declared her cargo to be coal,
but that she also carried provisions.
The testimony, however, did not prove
this conclusively and will be resumed
'Umbarrasslng Situation,
Washington, Nov. 25. The adminis
tration found itself today in an em
barrassing position toward Naval At
tache Boy-ed of tho Gorman embassy
and Austnau Consul Oenernl Von
Nubcr of New York. The New York
trial of Hamburg-American officials
developed Boy-ed 's connection with
coaling of German commerce raidors.
Von Nubcr 's activities admittedly
have not been pleasing to the admin
Yet, while the administration is ad
mittedly investigating the two men's
activities, diplomatic rules require an
assumption of innocence until a con
trary decision is announced. Moreover,
these diplomats are entitled under
diplomatic usage to protection from
newspaper attacks.
The state and justice departments
are expected to deplore newspaper as
saults on Von Nubcr. Also, an official
statement thnt Boy-ed 's creation of a
fund to supply raiders wus not unlaw
ful as fur as disclosed at present, is
regarded as torestallling a possible
complaint from the Gorman embassy as
to newspaper statements in the situa
tion Diplomats of higher rank, too, are
immune from prosecution. Recall may
be applied if they become, through un
pleasant activities, persona non grata
to a government, But it wns indicated
today that the administration intends
to follow a broad policy in denling with
German agents' activities, in order not
to create any delicate International sit
uation. This, however, does not mean
noccssarily that men Involved In recent
conspiracies will go free, it is under
Washington, Nov. 25 "Work for
pence. "-America 's mothers pray for
This wns the tenor of scores of tele
grams which continued to deluge the
White House today in the movement
of women's clubs to Induce the presi
dent to call a neutral nation's peace
The president, however, withheld
comment as to his course.
Tomorrow, ho will receive Madame
Itosika Sohwiuimer sod delegation with
a peace plea.
San Jose, Cal., Nov. 25. f 'bubo for
thanksgiving and rejoicing was giv
en 500 grammar, high and noruinl
school pupils and students today when
the Snn .lose ltotury club announced
that students who have not seen the
exposition will be tnken to Sun l'Viin
cis o In a body Tuesday.
One hundred automobiles liuve been
placed at the disposal of tho club, and
lor the exposition,
Washington, Nov. 25. Locked in his
study, President Wilson haoomered fu
riously at his "mill" today in the hope
of grinding out the last of the copy
for his annual message to congress. He
hoped it could be in the public printer's
hands before evening, so that the big
national printery could turn it out over
night. The message must leave New
York tomorrow if it reaches Europe by
December 7 when congress convenes;
and advance copies must be distributed
soon if newspapers in the west are to
have it as usual ahead of its delivery in
Though Washington officialdom held
holiday, the president let Thanksgiving
plans take care of themselves in the
urgent rush of his work. A big tur
key awaited his pleasure. His fiancee,
Mrs. Norman Gait, was slated as a din
ner guest.
The president's particular reason for
j( sfc sjc sc sjc tfi )c sjc )c sfc jjc jc sfc s(t
New York, Nov. 25. "The
world growB better. We are
soon to see blessed peace .re-
stored jmd a world court es-
This was the message An-
drew Carnegie, steel king, sent
to newspaper men today on his
80th birthday. He passed the
holiday very quietly on his
physician's advice.
sV 1 4& 4t M sV L?
P r r T ! "1 n T p T
Rancher George Huffman
Poisoned Three Daughters
and Himself
Portland, Ore., Nov. 25. Business re
verses wore believed today to have
caused George L. Huffman, aged 40
years, to administor cyanide of potos-
sium to his three daughters, aged four,
Bix and eight, and then tnke some of
the deadly poison himself on his ranch
near Prairie City late yesterday. All
four died before medicul aid could bo
summoned by the anguished wife and
Huffman called the three littlo girls
into a bed room, and sat them in a row
on the bed. He gave each a potassium
tablet and took one himself.
Huf&nan dt'tained the girls from
school, but allowed his three sons to
In a note to bis sister Huffman Suid
that he had planned the tragedy for
years. His domestic life was said to
have been happy.
San Francisco, Nov. 25. The Pann
ma canal is doomed for at least six
months moro und possibly a year. Such
was the discouraging news brojight
here today by Captain C. J. Holland
of the Pennsylvania which just ar
rived from the canal zone.
Ship owners, who have already lost
thousands through the canal slide, will
find this loss increased to hundreds of
thousands as tho time increnses. Cap
tain Holland snys the canal is hope
lessly blocked by tho slide and work
on its clearing is progressing slowly,
Oregon Beats
Portland, Ore., Nov. 25. Multnomah
club and Oregon clashed on a gridiron
soggy with mud this afternoon. There
wus a large crowd in the grandstand
and bleuchcrs and along the side lines.
It was officially announced thnt
Multnomah outweighed Oregon 8 1-2
pounds to tho mnu.
Multnomah won Hie toss mid cfiose
the south goal with a strong wind at
thoir -back. Convill kicked off to
Monteith, who returned the hull 4.1
yards. Holden intercepted a forward
pass and UeWitt punted 30 ynrds.
Through a succession of plunges the
ball was worked to Multnomah's 7
yard line where Huntington tried for
a goal from placement hut failed. Do
Witt punted out of danger. Tho game
sec-sawed until the end of the quarter.
Score: Oregon, 0; Multwmnh, 0.
At tho opening of the second quarter
Huntington for Oregon electrified the
crowd with a 110 ynrd run around right
end. A little Inter Multnomah made
yardage for the first time in the gniun,
followed! closely by a repetition of the
stunt. Through a succession of line
plunges Oregon worked the ball to
Multnomah's 13 yard lino where a for
ward pass was attempted but It failed
of completion. Another went the same
route. Tho half ended Oregon 0, Mult
nomah 0.
At the beginning of till third quarter
getting the message out so that Europe
may read it in full, rather than to
trust to cabled summaries, is that the
document will be a message to the
world as well as to America, announc
ing this country's position on pre
paredness. But the president's friends saw in
his driving work confinmation of sug
gestions that his message is the most
important one since he was elected.
The doctrine of preparedness has
reached, in his mind, a Bcope beyond
the mere increase of the army and
navy. While the message will exclude
many subjects, .conservation and kin
dred topics will bo discussed from the
viewpoint that a nation with its every
resource harbored, is best ready to meet
Probably important questions, aside
from preparedness, will be treated in a
later pronouncement to congross.
Salem Presents Crippled Line
Up Against Portland
League Leaders
The Columbia university football
team arrived this morning to do battlo
with the Salem high this afternoon for
the championship of the Btate. Salem
has won from all of the valley toams
and Columbia Is tied for the champion
ship honors of the Portland Intorc.hol
astic league. The Columbia boys form
a husky bunch and appear to out
weigh the local aggregation.
Couch Callicrate save his boys are In
excellent Bhapc for the game and will
put up n liveiy contest. The Sulein
b4.'lifiell is badly broken up through
the loss of Grovesnor, tho heady quar
ter, who inpurcd Ins arm in the Al
bany game and wns not able to play
today. Captain Proctor was shitted
from full to quarter and Tatemnn is
filling the Captain's sIiocb at full
back. While Hnggedorn and Radcliffe
remain in tho halfback positions, the
loss of Grovesnor 's speed nt quarter
and of Proctor's line plunging ability
at full is severely felt by the locals.
This Into in the sou son any shift in the
backfield is likely to wreck interfer
ence and machine like precision with
which the best plays are executed.
The game this afternoon was called
at a littlo after 2:30 with a good crowd
in attendance at Willamette fiold.
When the whistlo Bounded for the fuc
cas the teams lined up us follows:
Salem high school Heed, center;
White, right guard; Boatright, left
guard; Taylor, right tackle; Wiliams,
left tnckle; C, Kadcliffe, right end;
Gill, left end; Proctor, quarter; Tato
mnn, full; Ilaggedorn, right hulf and
K. Kadcliffe, left half.
C'olumCia university Knapp, center;
Sarsfield, left guard; Devonshire, right
guard; Black, left tackle; Koublo,
right tackle; Murphy, left end; Mulono
right end; E. Murphy, quarter; dacob
berger, full; McKcnna, captain, right
half; Allen, left half.
First Quarts, No Score.
The teams aro evenly matched. By
two end runs and forward pass, Colum
bia advanced the bull to Salem's 15
yard lino as the first qunrter ended.
Second quarter, no score.
Third quarter; No Bcoro,
Final, Salem 0; Columbia 0.
' Final .at Missoula today, Montana (Ij
Syracuse 0.
On Multnomah Fieldl
Convill kicked off across the goal line.
The ball was brought to Oregon's 20
vnrd line. A successful forward pass,
boy to PhilbrooK netted Multnomah 7
yards. DeWitt, and Parsons mado yard
age placing the bull on Oregon s 15
yard line, Kud third quarter score,
Oregon 0; Multnomah 0,
A fake punt by Monteith fulled.
Huntington and Monteith for Oregon
followed this with a nine ynrd gain
around left end and through center.
On two punts nnd u succession of
plunges tho bull wns worked to Mult
nuninh's 1H ynrd line where tho qunrter
ended. Moore Oregon 0; Multnomah 0.
Oregon scored the first touchdown
of tho gnme when the last quarter wbb
voting, but fnilcd to kick goal. The
bail was on Multnomnh's 18 ynrd lino
at the outset of the qunrter. Hunting
ton innile 5 yards on a riiarterback
run. On tho fourth down Bigbon made
yardage, The bnjl was then on Mult
nomah's ten ynrfl Hue. Bigbeo mado
4 yards through center ami Hunting
ton one through left tackle, Hunting
ton tnen went over for a touchdown
through left tnckle, Huntington failed
at goal. Score, Oregon U; Multnomah
Oregon scored s goal from placement
mnkinir tho score Oregon 0; Multnomah
Oregon makes another touchdown.
Finul score, Oregon 10) MulUouiult U.
Pennsylvania, fighting Des
perately, Is Finally
' Beaten
Eastern Football Champion
ship Was Prize of Finning
Franklin Field, Philadelphia. Pa..
Nov. 25. Fighting desperately in the
last quarter after defeut seemed near,
Cornell dashed the hopes of Pennsyl
vania id me ground and clinched itss
right to the eastern football champion
ship this aftornoon by defeating the
Quakers 24 to 9. r
Throughout the early Btagos of the
game, Pennsylvania showed a surpris
ingly strong defense and for a time it
looked as though they would retrieve) .
tnemsolves after a disastrous season.
A Pennsylvania victorv looked rensnn.
ably certain until the opening of th
final qunrter whon Cornell came back
with a rush and battered the Quaker
lino mercilessly. Barrett's splendid
kicking and bis breaking up of the
Quaker's forward passes scaled Penn
sylvania's doom.
Cornell threatened to cross Pennsyl
vania's goal in the lust minutes of the
first quurter, but tho Quaker line was
immovable. Russell kicked off and
Mueller, who caught the ball was
brought down on Cornell's twenty yard
line. Barrett immediately resorted to
kicking, but the ball rolled out of
bounds on- Pennsylvania's four yard
lino. Bell punted to Pennsylvania's
forty five yard line.
Coyioll made four yards in thre
downs and then kicked to Pennsylvan
ia's eight yard line. Boll punted. Cor
nell made first down. After Pennsyl
vania broke up an attempted forward
pass, Barrett minted to the Quaker'
nineteen yard line.
, After a punting duel, Barrett by enoT
runs and a forward pass twice mad
first down reaching Pennsylvania's
Bevon yard lino. Here the blue and red
line held firm and Bell punted back to
Pennsylvania's 0-yard line. Cornell
was gaining steadily whon the whistht
At the opening of the second quar
ter, Cornell started from Pennsylvan
ia's sixteen yard line with only a yard
to go for tho fourth down. Barrett
doBhed over the line for the touch
down. Barrett kicked a goal. Score,
Cornell 7, Pennsylvania 0.
Collins returned the kickoff to Cor
nell's twenty-seven yard line. On s
fake kick formation, Barrett mada
twenty ynrds through the Cornell line.
Russell recovered tho ball on -Shiver--ick's
fumble. Pennsylvania hold for
downs on Cornell's forty-five yard line.
Pennsylvania was penalized fifteen
yards for holding.
Miller shot the longest forward pass
ever seen on Franklin field, 45 yards
to Hopkins, who tore through tho Cor
nell interference to Cornell's 19 yard
line. Visions of a victory floated be
fore Pennsylvania rooters and cheer
aftor cheer flonted over the field sji
tho Quakors shot another forward pass
over tho rattled lthncans heads and
planted the ball within a yard of her
goal. Williams was shoved through the
Cornell lino for a touchdown. Muthows
missed goal. Score, Cornell 7, Pennsyl
vania 0.
Helming returned the kickoff to
Pennsylvania's 30 yard line. After
failing to gain ground by punting, both
teams resorted to forward passes, but
again failed, Pennsylvania resorted to
kicking ngiiln., ilawley missed nn at
tempted field goul from l'urty four
ynrds. Rockefeller for Pennsylvania
intercepted nn attempted forward pass
by Cornell a few minutes Inter and
reached her fifteen yard line.
Pennsylvania rooters went wild when
Hnwloy dropped back and kicked goul
making the score 0 to 7 in tho Quakers'
favor. Tho half ended a few seconds
Shortly after the opening of th
third quurter, Barrett attempted to
field goal from the 34 yard line but
missed. Pennsylvania was again pen
ulizcd, this timo 30 yards for reckless
disregard of rules, holding and tackling
out of bounds.
"For n few seconds red and blue root
ers hearts were in their mouths when
Cornell, foot by foot, wormed her wsy
within striking distance of tho Quar
ers' goal. She lost her advantage, how
ever, when llurrott's attempt to kick
goal from the 40 yard line fell short.
Coming back with a rush at the open
ing of the fourth qunrter, Cornell swept
the Quakers off their feet and scored
a touchdown. After making first down,
Cornell's captain pierced the Pennsyl
vania lino and dnshod down the field
forty yards, going over with the ball.
Scorn, Cornell 11, Pennsylvania 9.
With Pennsylvania fighting despoi-
(Contlnued oa Tags Two.)