Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Organized Labor Deals
With Labor Situation
All Around Town
. t
Store Closed
I Thanksgiving l
When the eyes fall to distinguish clearly articles at close range, can be
corrected and overcome by wearing glasses that focus the eyes correctly.
Let us make the examination and
will enable you to work, read or write without effort.
Miss A. Mc Culloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Bid?.
Cream of Tomato and Oyster
Turkey with Cranberry Sauce
Veal with Jelly
X Cream Potatoes,
Celery ' (HjLvos, Sliced Tomatoes and Baked Apples
Pumpkin Pic, Cake, Peaches and Cream
Tea, Coffeo, Milk and Coeoa
The Biggest and Best Dinner Served in Salem for the Money.
Contracting Firm Demands
Final Estimates On Work
From John H. Lewis
The possibility of a reopening of the
controversy between State Engineor
John II. Lewis nml the. atnto highway
commission with the position of Chief
Deputy F. I. Caiiline as tho bone of
contention wua suggested today by a
letter received at the offire of the stato
engineer. Harrison Allen, attornoy for
Peterson & Johnson, which firm has
Completed a contract on Columbia high-
Wltfimif Tines
in' inn f.Kiiun
111 11 U
Beyond comparison in a correctly fitted
pulr of glasses,
In old age the chief sourco of enjoy
ment Is the ability to rend easily and
comfortably. This Is n privilege that
lioild bo enjoyed by overyoue and
good glasses uiako it possible.
If you are not now wearing glasses
or the ones you have are not satisfac
tory it will pny you to cniuo and sen
m at once. I guarantee yon perfect
satisfaction in every respect, if glasses
will help you I will tell you at onco.
I do not use drops 'or drugs In mak
ing examinations, as they are danger
Booms 210-211 U. 8. Bank Bldg.
That Subtle ::
. . .
Symptom of ; ;
Middle Age : :
supply you with glasses which I
Phene 109 . X
Pork with Sweet Potatoes
Beef with Brown Gravy
Turnips and Peels
way in Clatsop county, today demanded
that the state encineor furnish thnm
with a final cstimnte of the amount of
work done by thorn and the value of tho
work so that thoy might reach a final
settlement. As all of tho highway work
is now in tho hands of the chief doputy,
E. I. Cantino, it is stated that the con
tracting firm might be contemplating
tho bringing of a suit find out through
me courts, -wno's wlio" in the high
way work
ma law or injis contains a provision
abolishing the office of state highwny
englnoor and requires the state ongincor
to perform all of the duties formorly
imposed upon tho state highway engi
neer. This act also provides that nil of
tho records, maps, charts, plans, etc.,
relating to tho work and busluoss of
the offico of tho state highway engi
neer shall bo transferred .and lodged
with the state engineer.
The difference of opinion as to tho
meaning of tho consolidation road law,
lend to a controversy which threatened
to disrupt tho highway department and
resullcd in Lewis' withdrawing from all
connection witn highway work, in Aug
ubo of this year.
The following order was entered bv
tho Btnto highway commission on Aug,
27, 1!)15, was tho result:
"It is hereby ordered, Thnt Mr. Lewis
be, and ho is hereby, relieved of all
duties and responsibilities in connection
with tho highway work of tho Stato of
Oregon, and tho governor is hereby au
thorized and directed to return to said
John II. Lewis a bond in tho Bum of
ten thonsand dollars (410,000) filed
with the governor.
"Furthermore, Mr. E. I. Cantino, Is
hereby directed Immediately to furnish
a bond in the sum of ten thousand dol
lars ($10,000) for the faithful perform
ance of his duties ns directed by tho
commission in accordance with law.
"This resolution was adopted unani
mously, (Signed) Jnmes Withvomho chair
man; Ben W. Olcott, Thos. 11. Kay."
T. B. Kay Gives Turkeys
For Thanksgiving To
Woolen Mill Employees
Thomas B. Kay, owner of tho Thom
as B. Kay Woolen Mills, has distribut
ed 1)0 turkeys among his employees for
Thanksgiving. Tho mill employs about
125 persons at present but tho turkeys
wore given to married meu and to fam
ilies, The singlo mon who live nt
boarding houses were given a cash
equivalent to a turkey dinner.
Mr. Kay also distributed a number
of turkeys among tho needy families
of the city and donated a few birds to
charitable institutions,
San Francisco, Nov. 24 Governor
L. A. rinkham, of Hawaii, is in poor
health, mil may resign, according to
statements by poisons arriving today
on the liner Mutsonin, from Honolulu.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
(lasses correctly. . U. 8. bank bldg. .
In observance of the national holi
day, the Sulem public library will be
closed Thanksgiving day.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, pnysician and
surgeon, 211 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
The store on North Commercial
street, owned by C. T. Fults, has been
purchased by John M. Kavanaugh, and
possession- will be given at once.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Rich, who are leaving for Beat
tie, 'was given last evening at their
home at Liberty, about 50 being pres
ent. Before placing your printing order,
Phone 2179. Fuller Printing Concern.
Tomorrow is national honey day,
when every one everywhere is supposed
to boost the honey industry by ordering
at least a pound of their grocer, to cost
12 1-2 or 15 cents.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
William Berger, of the Asylum ave
nue confectionery store, recently pur
chased from O. L. Townsend, the build
ing now occupied by Poisnl & Shaw,
South Commercial and Miller streets.
Dr. Asseln, dentist, Salem Bank of
Commerce Bldg.
The Maccabee Guards of the L. O. T.
M., will give an informal dance Wed
nesday evening, December 1, at the
armory. This dance will probably be
followed by others during the winter.
Be sure to reserve that Lyceum tick
et Friday, 9:00 a. in., armory.
The Thanksgiving vacation of the
Willamette university law school
continue for the remainder of tho week.
A moot court will be held next Monday
evening in the circuit court room of
the court house.
Special Thanksgiving dinner at the
Marion. Phone for reservations.
At 11 o'clock this morning, exactly
09 men and boys were lined up on the
sidewalk on the corner of State and
Liberty streets, watching the men who
aro at work excavating for tho build
ing to bo orected on that corner.
The Midget Meat Shop will be open
for business tomorrow until 10:00 a. m.
Miss Dorothy Bhank, dauhter of Po
lice Matron Shank, arrived from Al
bany this afternoon to spend Thanks
giving nt the home of her mother. Miss
Shank is a teacher in tho Albany high
school. -
Candy dances will feature the Cher
rian Kail at the armory tonight. Dance
at 8:45.
Postmaster Huckestein announces
that one delivery of mail will be made
tomorrow morning. Many of the butch
er shops and groceries have decided to
remain open until 10 o'clock in tin
Turkey and cranberry sauce with all
the trimmings nt the Marion tomorrow,
lioserve your tables.
In appreciation of the way his busi
ness has been handled for several years
by Scott & Bynan, O. A. Cardwcll of
Bend, Ore., remembered the firm wi1
a gift of several goese, direct from the
grain fiolds of central Oregon.
Cherrlan dance tonight at the arm
ory. Don't miss the fun. If you're
lucky, you will win the candy.
The Cherrian dance this evening at
the armory is an informal affuir, nnd
no special invitations have been issued,
excepting to tho Albany rhensants, nnd
O. H. Luck, tho new manager of the
Commercial club. The Cherrinns will
appear in their white uniforms.
During raUiy days phone 67 for your
coffee, tea nnd spices. Prompt deliv
ery. Win. Gnhlsdorf. .
Ealem will be a closed town on
Thanksgiving day. Besides tho banks,
all the lnrger business houses, including
t-iocery stores will bo closed nil dav.
Thcro will bo no delivery of mnil, but
tho genornl delivery, curriers' window
nnd stamp window will remain open
from 8 until 9 o'clock in tho morning.
Guaranteed 25 and 40 Watt Electric
lamps, 25 cents each. Win, Gnhlsdorf,
1!I3 X. Liberty street.
Announcement is made of the mar
ring e tomorrow afternoon of Miss Cora
Alice Miller, daughter of Edward C.
Miller, 1775 Fir street, to Arthur
Franklin Beardsley, at 4 o'clock. Tho
mnrringo will ho solemnized at the
homo of tho bride. Mr, Beardsley is a
farmer living south of Salem, and their
home will bo on Central Howell Prairie.
Dr. O. Hartley, specialist, Inflamed,
bleeding gums nnd pvnrrhen. 410 U. S.
Bank lildg. Phone ISC,
A chock for $3,000 was received to
day by Dr. M. H. l'omeroy, correspon
dent of Olivo Homestead! No. l73.
Brotherhood of American Yeoman, pav
ing the insurance of the Inte Louis R.
Stinson. The check was from tho Su
premo Homestead nt Des Moines and
payable to Lognii Stinson, the sou of
Lotus a. Stinson.
Big Thanksgiving dinner at the Ma
rion hotel, 1 1 :J0 to 2 p. m., 5 p. in, to
8 p. in., $1.00 a plate.
The freBhmen of Willamette univer
sity may ditch their greeu caps aid
appear as normal citizens between
Thanksgiving day and Washington's
birthday. This ruling Is in accordance
with an estnblished custom and he rent
ier, if the freshman wears a green can
it is because that is the kind of cup
ho feels is appropriate and becoming. .
The store of housewares Wm. Gahla
dorf & Co. will be closed all dav on
Thanksgiving day.
Attorney Guy O. Smith states today
that the Portland physicians have sent
out a more favorable report relative to
the condition of his seven months' old
son, Lawrence, but still the reports
are far from cheerful. The baby was
taken to Portland Monday to be treat
ed for stomach and intestinal trouble
by Portland specialists.
Free With every Opal or Malleable
range sold this week wo will give a
fine $5 carving set. Buren & Hamil
The "Who Am I" Hero Boys' so
ciety of the First Methodist church will
meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in
the beginners' room. The time will be
given to the playing of games and to
studying the lives of hero missionar
ies. Saturday afternoos, the Junior
King's Heralds will give a Chinese
party in the beginners' room.
Free With every Opal or Malleable
range sold this week we will give a
fine $5 carving set. Buren & Hamil
ton. Now is the time to join. A member
ship campaign, which it is hoped will
bring their number up to 500, was
launched last evening by the members
of the Moose lodge. Instead of ap
pointing captains and fighting it out
on that line, the Moose will hunt along
other lines for new members. The plan
is to put up to each Moose to bring in
one new member. The campaign will
close March I, 1916.
The Christian Endeavor Union in
vites nil the churches of the city to a
Thanksgiving prayer meeting in the
Presbyterian church at Bevcn a. m.
As to the contested football game be
tween Salem and Albany high schools,
which was contested by Albany, Prin
cipal J. G. Nelson of the Snlem high
school, says: "Albany's proposition
was to give them the championship on
the basis of comparative scores. We de
clined to do this, because comparative
scores prove nothing, we feel a con
troversy like this should be referred to
the Board of Control."
Free With every Opal or Malleable
range sold this week we will give a
tine ?;j carving set. -Jlurcn & Hamil
ton. A marriage license was issued at the
office of the comity clerk today to
Walter G. Redmond, a Jefferson labor
er, and Miss Nellie L. Findley, also of
Jefferson.. Gordon McGilchrist, of this
city, and Miss Marie Bolinger, also of
Salem, secured the second matrimonial
permit today and Frank F. Ncedham,
a Snlem bookkeeper, and Alice Y. Em
eric will likewise act as tho principals
in a Thanksgiving wedding.
There will be no mall dolivery on
Thursday, Thanksgiving day. The gen
eral delivery window will be open on
Thursday morning from 8 to 9 o'clock.
The river today Is the highest of the
year,' 12.7 feet above low water mark.
The steamer Eugene, belonging to the
Spnulding Logging company, was tied
to the wharf this morning, preparing
for a trip to the Luckinmuto to tow
a raft of logs down the rivor. The rain
fall for the 24 hours preceding 8
o'clock this morning, was .52 of on
Free With every Opal or Malleable
range sold this week we will give a
fine o carving set. Buren & Hamil
ton. "Oregon Mado for Oregon Trade"
is the slogan of tho Willamette Valley
Prune association, for which they were
awarded a cash prize nt the Manufac
turers' and Lund Products show, ns
the best trade slogan submitted during
me snow, .besides this award, tlicy re
ceived first prize for tho largest dis
play of dried fruits, and two addition
al prizes on arrangement of single
booth and in a section with Others.
Buy them today. Enjoy thorn on
Thanksgiving. You will thank us for
tho tip. La Corona, Snlem made 10
cent cignr.
In his address last evening before
the Six O'clock club, Dr. Doney said
that he had seen so many boys on the
street who were not going tho right di
rection and ns a means of keeping the
toys right, he suggested that every one
of tho men present make himself a big
brother to some boy, and become his
intimate and personal friend. This work
was being done by the Big Brotherhood
movement nil over tho country, nnd he
thought the men present should join tho
movement and become a Big llrotltcr.
Member of Silver Bell Circle No, 43,
Women of Woodcraft, are requested to
meet nt their hull Friday, November
20th, nt one o'clock, to attend tho fun
eral of Neighbor Mnrio Leisi. Mrs
Mary 8. Moores, Guardian Neighbor,
In order to boost the high school
football players into a proper frnmo of
mind for tho game to be played tomor
row afternoon on Willamette field
Columbia university, a downtown rally
will be held this evening. By permis
sion of the contractors, the boys will be
allowed to build their bonfire nnd hold
their mystic rites on the McGilchrist
corner. Stato and Liberty streot's.
Columbia university Is considered a
pretty strong tenm( as they have de
feated every high school with which
they have played, and tied in the
Portland City league
By Ed L. Keen.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
- London, Oct. 0. (By mail.) Organ
ized labor first suggested how to deal
with the labor shortage in munitions in
dustries. In November,. 1914, the Am
algamated Society of Eugineers and
four other unions proposed that firms
engaged on private work be given gov
ernment work: firms workiue short
time, transfer surplus labor to busier!
centers, sKUleu workmen be brought
from Canada and Australia; skilled
men who had enlisted be brought back
from the trenches.
, This then appealed nor to the gov
ernment or to the employer. Six
months later, after the spring offensive
in Flanders failed through lack of mu
nitions, it was adopted. - -
Following this expose of the empire's
grave danger, all the skilled labor un
ions in the United Kingdom agreed,
during the war, to allow unskilled work
ers to use lathes and other machines,
permitted women in munitions work,
withdrew opposition to the premium
bonus system and agreed not to restrict
or hamper the output.
Bight after this Lloyd George said
the reul cause of the munitions short
age was drink. He abandoned this
later when he saw that the facts were
against him, but much mischief had
been done. The British masses are not
thick-skinned. Their feelings were
hurt. ,To be called drunkards just aft
er what they had done was discourag
ing Next came the munitions act. Early
in tho year labor suspected that Lloyd
George and the government desired in
dustrial conscription. The government
had refused to deal with the increased
living cost, increased profits, or the
claims of the Inbor that, the war ought
rot to be a means of labor exploitation
by capital.
The munitions act provided prohibi
tion of strikes; government control of
certain establishments, now nearly
1,000; guaranteed employers in con
trolled establishments the average of
profits for the last two years plus one
fifth extra, nnd allowances for capital
expenditure; suspended nil trade union
regulations in controlled establishments
and subjected workers to heavy fines
tor striKing, aeerensing output, or go
ing to work elsewhere.
See Lockwood about flashlights, bat
teries, toasters, irons, grills and other
suitable electric Xmns presents. Phone
908 or call 218 X. Commedcial.
In his address last evening before the
Knights of Pythias, Dr. C. E. Cnsliatt
spoke especially ou personal sanitation,
homo sanitation and sanitation for the
City. "The larger cities now employ
a nurse to take care of the children,
und those actually in want," ho said.
The members of the lodge were urged
to assist in bringing about the em
ployment of a nurse for the city, either
by the city, or in co-operation with the
public schools. Claud Barrack will ad
dress the lodge Tuesday evening, No
vember 30, ou tho subject of "Good
If any subscribers to the Lyceum
Course have been overlooked in the
deliveries, they may secure their tick
ets at the box office Friday morning nt
the armory. "
O. C. Lamb, of the extension depart
ment Of tho O. A. C, was in the city
yesterday, in the interests of the Sn
lem Poultry and Egg Circle. The
Cirelo,jyhich is under tho-mnungemeiit
of Sherill Fleming, has increased rapid
ly in membership since its organization
about six months ago. JSalem will here
after be the shipping point for the egg
circles organized nt Dallas, Sublimity
and Silverton. During the Inst few
weeks, Mr. Fleming Btutes thnt he has
been able to average the members 43
cents a dozen for their eggs.
CherringDon and St. Helen Piano Co.,
of 421 Court street, have just received
a shipment of fine pianos with another
large shipment on the way. They will
be able to show you piano bargains
for Xmas.
A Christmas box containing two
packages of Pheasant brand evaporat
ed logiiubeiries, and a speciully pucked
assortment of prunes has been prepared
by the V illnmette Valley Prune as
sociation, Tho box Is covered with a
fino quality of holly paper, and alto
gether is a very suggestive nml appro
priate Christmas present. It was rnndo
up especially to retail for $1, or can
be sent to ail express stations for 1.40.
As a present to eastern friends, it
would be a great advertisement for
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Thanksgiving services are held nt 440
Chemeketn street nt 11 a. m. Subject
of Hiblc lesson, "Thanksgiving." The
rending room of this chun-h is in the
Hubbard building, suite 303, and is
open every day, except Sundays nnd
holidays, t'roni 11:45 a. ni. to 4 p. in.
All are welcome ut our services and in
vited to visit our reading room.
The program offered by the Valley
Music House lust evening in which
phonograph records accompanied the
performers, was nttended in such lui'ge
numbers that tho store could hardly
accommodate the crowd. Miss Mildred
Stepheuseon, pinuist, Miss Kathryu
Crysler, contralto, and Wilber W. Al
len, nil of Portland, were all featured
in tho evening ' 'program. ' The concert
in every respect was so successful, that
tho management is arranging to give
unother recital with home talent, some
time before the holidays.
Suffering Drives Bandog t
' Merchant to Suicide
Portland, Or., Nov. 24. After weeks
of suffering from cuncer of tho face
which prevented him from sleeping or
eating, James lartwright, a pioneer
merchant, of Bandon, Oregon, shot and
killed himself at the Good Samaritan
hospital last uiuht. The body, a bul
let hole in the head, was found by an
orderly today.
Before being taken to the hospital
two weeks ago Cnrtwright was an in
mate of the Odd Fellows Home.
Many workers felt that this was a
form of slavery. They would have pre
ferred the munitions factories nation
alized and the workers responsible in
conjunction with the state for disci
pline and output. There would have
been less dissatisfaction had the act
been scrupulously observed by employ
ers and sympathetically administered
by the government. A fow instances:
Armstrong & Whitworth, Openshaw,
dismissed 150 Steel Smelters' onion
men, refusing them certificates re
quired by the munitions act before
they could get other work.
At Sheffield a worker asked the lo
cal munitions tribunal's permission to
take a position closer to where his wife,
almost at death's door, resided. Per
mission was refused. Fourteen Man
chester workmen, summoned for contra
vening the strike clause of the act,
proved that the government had not
acquainted them with the act's pro
visions and that their employers were
not engaged exclusively upon govern
ment work. They were fined.
In defense of the biggest strike since
the act went into effect, when 1,500
Thorneycrof t 's shipbuilding yard work
ers at Southampton downed tools be
cause of tho introduction of non-union
labor, labor says the employers them
selves first violated the act's provision
that !'due notice shall be given work
men of any change of working condi
tions desired nnd opportunity for local
consultation with the workmen or their
representatives shall be given, if de
sired." This, they say, was the real
cause of the strike.
Leaders of labor in Great Britain
contend thnt the workers still are as
wholeheartedly in favor of the war as
when it started. But, they say: Ex
ploitation continues; the government's
attitude toward increased living cost
and increased profits of employers still
is unsatisfactory, to labor.
That the administration of tho mu
nitions act is constantly embittering
relations between the government and
labor; and that labor feels that its sac
rifices in lives, in trade union rights,
and material prosperity have fur ex
ceeded those of the classes.
Despito these things, labor has now
promised to recruit 20,000 men a week,
and to try to make it 30,000!
Redwood City, Cnl., Nov. 24.
Twelve business men, drawn
on the San Mateo county grand
jury confessed themselves van-
quished today by tho women
members of the jury.
The picture of a happy home
hearth and cooing babies that
needed attention, won.
The question was ns to when
the jury should meet again.
The men wanted the sessions at
night; they w-orked daytimes.
"No, sir," replied Mrs.
Louise Kroeck firmly, "my
babies need me at night." A
chorus of women backed her
argument nnd the men .enpitu-
. luted, agreeing to meet any
time tho women desired.
George Bartholomew
Successfully Eluding
Portland Police Net
Portnlnd Or., Nov. 24. No progress
was mado bv the police today toward a
solution of the trunk murder mystery,
Tiie search lor George Bartholomew,
alleged murderer of the man whose
body was found in a trunk in the riv
er hero continued unabated but he has
dropped completely out of sight. The
police still believe that the murdered
man's name was John Li mid. Never
has a more mystifying tragedy oc
curred in Portland.
Coach Dobie May Go ;
To Wisconsin University
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 24. Gilmour
Dobie has ofefred his services as foot
ball coach to Wisconsin university, be
ginning with 1910 it became known
here today through a dispatch from
Madison, Wis. Dombie refused to dis
cuss the mntter, and was in a huff be
cause his private business had become
"Dobie 's contract still has a 3-enr to
ruu and I don't think the board of
control would release him," said Grad
uate Manngcr Younger.
Dobie makes no secret of the fact
ho is dissatisfied hero because the pub
lic does not npprcciute him. Ho suys
the students have no spirit.
Prominent . students point out thnt
Dobie 's system of coaching does not
permit spirit to exist as ho makes the
eleven a personal institution aud will
not permit anyone to seo it in action
except in a givne. Students also are
displeased with schedules Dobie pro
vides. Former Wealthy Miner
Arraigned For Burglary
Oakland, Col., Nov. 23. Charles Gor
don Bishop, former wealthy Mexico
mining man who turned burglar for a
night through hunger, was arraigned
this morning on a charge of burglary
before Police Judge Samuels. Bail was
fixed in the sum of $1,000 and Decem
ber 1 set ns tho dato for preliminary
Bishop, who is the brother of Harry
Frederick Bishop, mnniiger of the Vic
toria, B. C, Koyal Bank of Canada,
hns confessed to looting the homo of
M.-L, Libber, in tho Lakeside district.
His arrest followed close upon the snlo
of his wife's wedding ring for $2.30
which the couple used to buy food.
Bishop told the police the revolution
in Mexico ruined him and that he stole
to keep himself and wife from starv
ing The wife corroborates the patiietic
story of poverty and- lost wealth.
"No More Darning
for Us, Mother"
SIX pairs of Holeproof will
wear six months without
boles or tears. That Is guar-,
anteed. If any of the six
pairs wear out in that time
you get mini hose free.
More than 1,000,000 people
wear Holeproof today because
of Its fine quality and dura
' billty. Next time you are in
our store, please ask us to
show you Holeproof.
$1.50 to $3.00. box
G. W. Johnson & Co.
141 N. Commercial St.
sfc sfc )c jc sc sc sfc )c sc sc s6 )Jc )(! st
Why Not Use
Columbia QUALITY Carbons?
Made in Oregon .
100 Copies Guaranteed from
Each Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co.
33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore.
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern
Free anil Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY 1
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
J. J. McNamara financed
Dynamiting of Times
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 24. With tho
sensational testimony of Patrick Dugan
before the jury, tho prosecution in tho
M. A. Schmidt murder aud dyuunito
trial today resumed the introduction
of evidence intended to indicate J. J.
McNamara financed the alleged dyna
mite conspiracy, of which the blowing
up of the Times building here was ono
Dugan started today for his home in
Indianapolis. On the witness stand ho
repeated the testimony given, by him
in the IudianapoliB dynumito conspir
acy trials, alleging J. J. McNamara
discussed dynnmitiiigs with him, tind
offered to give him explosives for tho
Thanksgiving Spirit
Hovers Over Prison
Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 24. Tho truo
spirit of thanksgiving is today hov
ering over the town of Folsom whore
ono of the states prisons is located.
The people of that little city nro ar
ranging an affair that will ,1101111 a real
Thanksgiving to the wife of a convict
nud her eight children, who, practically
destitute are living in an old shuck 011
the outskirts of the town, within sight
of the grim walls that hold the husbund
and father.
The affair will be in the nature ol
a dance Wednesday night and Thurs-
dny morning, tho entire proceeds will
be turned over to tho poor woman.
Repairs will hp made 011 the old house
with a portion of tho money, making it
a cozy place during tho winter and the
rest of the money will go towards pro
viding a little "nest egg" for food
aud clothing.
The father and husband was sent to
prison a short time ago from one of tho
northern California counties for com
mitting a robbery. Ho is serving a six
year term. The wifo nnd children enmo
to Folsom that they might be nearer
Missouri Community
Arms For Night Riders
Clarkton, .Mo., Nov. 24 Fearful of
a gang of desperate night riders, tho
community hereabouts went "heolod"
today. Already, the riuers, waging a
war for hii'her wngos for farm ton-
unto nn.l Inlinrflri hnVA U-niimlcfl twd
private detectives, while six of Ihoir
own number have tnien oudiy wounn
ed. Seven have been rounded up by
use of bloodhounds, but others are still
at large and threatening fresh ruids. .