Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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M 4 m . t iui)t)iiiiinii4tiimmhtntntn
'tiMtninmMttMMtttttt)imnmiotHni nttmmMtnitt)ttttM
I Overcoats for
You want to be warm; and you want to look well
There is something about the excitement of going
to a big game, that makes you feel like turning
out in your best clo s.
Bishop's all Wool Clothes
$15.00 $20.00 $25.00.
I Hart Schaffner & Marx
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00
Hold their own anywkre. They have style, looks
and class. They're up to date. They're the best
clothes made for men and young men.
Copyright Hart Schaftuer h Uaxa
Just Wright
$4.50 and $5
Roberts $3.00 8
Hats. Mallory
. Hats $3.50
Arrangements Have Been
Made For Holding Appro
priate Union Services
Thanksgiving day will be observed
in he city tomorrow by-services held in
four churches, and by the genera clos
ing down of all business activity. Be
sides the closing of the postoffiee and
all the banns, very few of the stores
will remain open even for a short time.
and tho indications are that the day
will bo observed to a greater extent
than foanier years. The public schools
after this afternoon will not open
again until atonaay morning.
in tne city, Thanksgiving services
will be held in the morning. 10:30
o'clock at the following churches:
First Methodist church, sermon by
the Rev. Carl H. Elliott.
South Salem Friends church, ser
mon by Bev. J. C. Spencer.
Liberty street Evangelical church,
sermon in German by Hev. A. J. Wei
gle. In ench church, a special program of
mimic has been prepared.
I The South Salem Friends church,
Jason Lee Memorial and the Method
list church will hold union Thanksgiv-
services at tne Friends church in
She Made Up a Mixture of
Sage Tea and Sulphur to
Bring Back Color,
Gloss, Thickness
Believes That Receiver May
Be Able To Save Part of
Hubbard Estate
Common garden sage brewed into a
heayy tea with sulphur and alcohol add
ed, will turn gray, streaked and faded
hair beautifully dark and luxuriant, re
move every bit of dandruff, stop scalp
itching and falling hair. Just a few
applications will prove a revelation if
your hair is fadng, gray or dry, scrag
gly and thin. "Mixing the Sage Tea
and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way is to get
the ready-to-uso tonic, costing about
BO cents a large bottle at drug storcB,
known as "Wyeth's Sago and Sul
phur Compound," thus avoiding a lot
of muss.
While wispy, gmy, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's Snge
nml Sulphur, no one can tell, because
it does it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a time:
by morning all gray hnirs have disap-
gMT-Tj 1 1 K ,,rvcr-Imi-T
The next release of the Metro Pic
ture corporation will bo "The Final
Judgment," in which the superb stage
tar, Ethel Barrymoro, plnyg the stel
lar role. This five part feature photo
play wag written by Georgo Scarbor
ough, author of "The Lure," and other
successful Broadway stage productions,
and will be produced by Rolfe Photo
plays, Inc. Miss Barrymore is support
ed by an excellent cast including Percy
6. Standing, Paul Lawrence and Be
atrice Maude, and will be seen at Ye
Liberty theatre on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.
Success of a. New
.Remedy for Backache,
Rheumatism, Kidneys
Folks in Snlem and adjoining coun
ties are delighted with the results thoy
I,-.,- i.t i 1 ii A m iTt7lr' r
the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce who
is head of the INVALIDS' HOTEL
falo, N. J. , Those who started the
day with a backache stiff legs, arms
and muscle, and an aihing head (worn
out before the day begnn because they
were in and out of bed half a dozen
times at night) aro appreciating the
pertcct rest, comfort and new strongtn
they obtained from Doctor 1'iorco s
An-uric Tablets. To prove that this
is a certain uric acid solvent and con
quers headache, kidney and bladder
diseases and 'rheumatism, if you've
never used the "An-uric," cut this
out and sen 10 cents to Doctor Pierce
for a large sample .package. This will
prove to you that "An-uric" is thirty
seven times moro nctive than lithia lu
eliminating uric acid and the most
pertact kidney and bladder corrector.
If you are asutferer. go to vour best
druggist and ask for a 50-cent box of
"An-uric." You run no risk for Dr.
Pierce's good name stands behind this
wonderful new discovery as it has for
tho pout century for his "Favorite
Prescription" for weak women and
"Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills.
Says the broker: "You
want to chew tobacco to get
the real juicy sweetness
out of it and you want to
chew "PIPER ' to get the
top-notch plug-chewing of .
the world. Down in Wall
Street we use it all the
time. "PI PER "not only
saves our time it multi
plies our tobacco enjoyment."
CawhTbtu CVuaptfaa FUtcT
The greatest distinction
about "PIPER" to a man
who likes a smacking good
relish to his chew is the fa
mous "Champagne Flavor."
The winey taste mingles on
bis tongue with the natural, mel
low sweetness of the ripest, rich'
est, carefully selected tobacco leaf.
"PIPER" is the highest
type of chewing tobacco in the
world wholesome, healthful
and satisfying.
8M W JmIm sMTwHan,
ll mmi 10. ib-.iMT,
rnrp Send 10c tnd
H j HI yonr tobacco
dealer1! name,
and we'll tend full-lre 10c
cut of "PIPES" and a bund
soma leather pouch FBXI,
anywhere In U. 8. Also
folder about "PIPEK." Tat
tobacco, peach and mailing
will coat ni 10c, which we
will f ladly tpend becaaM
trial will make yon
teady neer of "IPEB.".
Desultory Movement
' On Stock Exchange
(Copyright 1015 by the Xcw York
Eveninz Post.)
JTew York, Xov. 24. In continuance
of the desultory stock movement to
day, natural influences in the after-
ninth of a speculative boom plaved the
largest part. The Btreot after its hab
it discussed the effect of tho impend
ing holiday. There wag too an in
creased discussion of the bearing re
convening of congress will have on tho
market situation. This, even Wall
street can only guess.
ao great effect, even on war shares,
resulted from cahles hinted that the
allies, insured of an adequate supply
or munitions ait home, may cut or
abandon American purchases. The mar
ket in fact was incredulous.
Movement in London exchange
again suggested that the efforts of the
banking committee are to hold tho
sight rate around $4.70. Whether or
not the Ultimate purpose is to estab
lish a higher rate, this cautious delib
erate policy is reassuring.
dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant
T XT . . C mi... . m a a I J "'"'L "
i in oaiem inursuay evening at f.m neared, and, after another application
T-fio ciocK. ine sermon win oe delivered , , twn. v..r hair Woman Wntifullv
of the church.
The program for the union Thanks
giving services at the First Methodist
church is as follows:
Hymn 702, announced by Rev. R. ft.
Avison, of the First M. E. church.
Invocation, Rev. H. J. Talbot, of
Kimball college.
Reading of the pwsiilent's proclama
tion, Rev. James Klvin, of the First
Congregational church.
scriptural reading, with responses.
Rev. R. N. Avison.
Hymn 11, announced by Rev. G. TV.
Pluiner, of the Evangelical association.
Prayer, Rev. Carl Gregg Doney.
Anthem, by the choir.
Serman, by Rev. Carl II. Elliott, of
tho First Presbvterinn church.
Offering, A. A. Winter, of tho Unit
ed Evangelical church,
Offertory and Hoxology, by the
Benediction, by Rev. II. B. Itorks, of
the United Brethren church.
Mrs. S. E. Woodinaton and daughter,
Miss Ro.ella, were over from Salem
the lust of the week for a few days
visit with Silvcrton friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Towne are en
joying a visit from their son, George
Towne and wife, of ban Francisco, California.
A baby boy came to
In order that some of the property of
Mrs. Fannie Hubbard might be saved
for her in her declining years and since
the .Management of tho estate by Mor
ri Harris, the receiver, is entirely sat
is factory to the court, Judge William
Galloway, of the equity department of
the circuit court, today refused to set
a date for the hearing of the evidence
in a suit to foreclose a mortgage
against the Hubhnrd property aggre
gating nearly $80,000 but tlio estate
includes, the Hubbard building where
the Oregon Electric depot is located, a
valuable house and lot in this city and
a farm of 202 acres near Salem.
Judge Galloway declined to set n
date for the hearing because if he hears
the evidence he will be obliged to puss
upon it within 60 days and if n decree
of foreclosure were handed down at
this particular time there is no ques
tion but that all of tho holdings of
Mrs. Hubbard would be swept nwny.
The reports of the receiver to the court
show that the estate is now upon a piiy-J
nig uusis, ine taxes, insurance nml in
terest upon the mortgages nre being
paid from the rentals collected from
tho Hubbard building nud Judge Gal
loway expressed the belief that as long
as no one is losing money the estate
may be maintained upon its present
basis. The judge informed the attor
ney for the cerditors toduy that his
clients might secure a writ of man
damus from the supione court reuuir-
i n i I the judge to set a date to hear the
"" evidence m tho case but if tho mutter
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Al Downs on ' e lcft t0 the jui1 it wou(, . "
rrulas November U. as at present for at least another year,
at. i. -u. uiuima mi n wenoiiie vm- 0r as long as tne rentals continued to
Sunday, witn
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Silvcrton, Or., Nov. 24. The seventh
annual fair and corn show held in
Silvcrton the past week was a groat
success in t'.io way of fine exhibits of
ull kinds of valley products. Jt was
said tho display was the best ever
shown at any farmer fair here. There
was a large crowd in town each duy,
despito the unfavorable weather.
Honoring her sister-in-law, Mrs. J.
IVurton, of Portland, MrB. R. 8. Trum
bull delightfully entertained at a whist
party at her pleasant house on South
Water street on Wednesday afternoon.
Tho decorations were the Jnpanese ef
fect. The hostess ' served a dainty
lunch and a very enjoyable afternoon
was passed.
Mrs. O. E. Thompson, who is in the
city l'rom her home iu Seattlo, has
been tho guest of honor at a number
of social functions tho past week, a
ruru i-iiri ui. me oervice nome on
Tuesday afternoon was among these
pleasant affairs.
Mrs. Ethel Down, accompanied bv
her sister, Mis Bcrnice Smith, spent
oaiurntiy in foruanu.
A baby girl is reported at the Tom
Hansen home on Friday, .November 12.
W. II. Jones hns the contract for
building a house in Cowing addition
for J. L. Hnpgorty.
Mrs. H. E. Hartniaii, who under
went an operation at the city hospital,
the first of last we'ek, came home Sat
urday. Mrs. Wm. Moorea and faimly are en
joying a visit from her brother, George
Hicks with his wife and little daugh
ter, of Spokane, Washington.
George Bureh is assisting at the C.
M. Wray hardware store during tho
time Bob Wray iH taking In the sights
at tho Frisco fair.
Mrs. J. F. Fish wood was a guest of
oaiem menus on Tuesday.
Mrs. .'. L. Urowcr entertained her
friend, Mrs. J. I). Simmons, of Mon
itor, the past week.
Grandma Nutting has been quite
sick with a severe cold, but much bet
ter at tho present writing.
W. F. Bushman cnnie from Vancouv
er, B. C, Saturday for an over Sunday
visit at the home of his wife's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs.. W. E. Sprngno, Mrs.
Bushman and little daughter, came
two weeks ago and they will nil leave
for Por and the first of tho week,
where they wil spend a couple of
weeks with relatives before returning ing several weeks,
jaa-n...;'rinl t H -ir -
Pauline Frederick, appearing In ZAZA,
at the Oread, Thursday, Friday and
iter between trains
friends in this city
H. Brandt and family are' enjoying
a visit with G. A. Brandt and wiio,
of Farmersburg, Iowa.
.Miss hli74ibeth I.evy was a halein
visitor on Saturday of lust week.
The Misses Wnva and Ola Bowen aro
entertaining their friend, Miss Jean
Negstad, of Portland, this week.
Mrs. A. U. Miles, who has been a
guest at the Fishwood home returned
to her home in Salem lust Friday af
ternoon. Mrs. E. Downs came from Portland
the first of the week to help caro for
tho little grandson at the Al Downs
The Roy Simcral family are moving
to Salem this week where Mr. Simernl
has a position as fireman for the Elec
tric. Light company, i .
Mrs. Rodobiiugh, of Portland, is car
ing for her mother, V. Hcrrimnii, who
is convalescing from a very sick spell.
Mr. nnd Mis. E. S. Longacre return
ed Monday evening from a delightful
visit with old friends at McMinnville,
Carlton, Dallas, and other places. They
have been away several weeks.
M. and Mis. E. E. Distail, who have
been guestB nt tho home of their
daughter, Mrs. Do Spain, left on Tues
day for their homo at Toronto, South
Grandma Baker went to Hurrisburg,
Oregon, Wednesday to visit her soon,
Eli Baker and family. Who wns ac
companied by her daughter, Mrs. M. h.
Hanson, who returned home Thursday
ttev. J. II. Irvine attended a mass
meeting of the Mothodist Forward
Movement, at Portland, Inst Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Kecne entortain-
ed their friend, Mrs. David D. Gunn
at tho week end. Mrs. Gann will visit
points in California on tho home trip.
Ira Stewart has gone to Clifton, Ore
gon, to run an engine for the Oregon
Timber company. Ho expects to be
gone all winter.
Miss Leonn Sperling, of Independ
ence, spent tne week end in the city.
a guest at the home of Miss Kora
Mayor W. Bowser was transacting
business at tho ( npitul Citv Monday
Miss Alice Hook, of Mt. Angel, was
a Sunday guest at tho home of Miss
.uyrtlo Woolen in Geisers addition.
Mr. ancL Mrs. O. Itulston aro re.joir
ing over the arrivnl of a little son at
their home on Friday, November 12.
Mjhb- Grace Wallace, of Independ
ence, was a week end guest nt the
homo of Attorney and Mrs. C E. Koss
on Mill street.
Mrs. Seward Sheppard came from
Salem Saturday for a visit with Sil
verton relatives.
Miss Iora Ames, Norris Ames and
B. (. Allen are leaving this week for
i alitornia, wnero tney plan on stay-
collar this
It's called the "Lux
ury," and has buttons
showing through, same
as used on the soft col
lars. It's a novelty and yet
very practical as the
tie is closely held in
Kbit's new it's here !
' Don't forget the fact
that we show the larg
est variety of collar
styles in good old
Leading Clothiers
The Toggery 167 ComT Bt
leave a surplus over anil above tho ex
poises and tho interest.
(Capital Journal Special Service.
Fruitland, Ore., Nov. 23. The With
ers family, with the exception of Mr.
Withem and his son, Harlow, have
moved to Salem where they have rent-1
ed a house in the near vicinity of the , get somo measures through the stato
city hall. Clinton Withem has been Grange that tho most of tho farmers do
working several months at tho Vu-ks : 110t advocate. We will have to bi
Bron. gnrnge. more careful about who wo take in iu
""'" i u iiviiiy -riiiucrnnii uptMU u ! (jj future.
Vaudeville t"$? ,
Blieh Theatre Vf'W
Sun. & Mod.
The Home of Paramount Pictures
Today Only
Famous PlayersCharles Frohman Co.,
In a Superb Photo Production of the Dramatic
Sensation of the Century
One of the Foremost Triumphs of the Screen
PATHE NEWS NO. 93 10c- Admission -10c
few days visiting with their brother,
ueorge, wno is employed on a big dairy
ranch in Polk county.
Henry Smith intends to visit his sis
ter and brother-in-law at Marion to
spend Thanksgiving.
Miss Oma and Master Stanley Fapg.
of Auburn, visited with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy, lust
Ruby Grecnfeldcr, Avis Williams nnd
William Bellamy partook of a delight
ful evening of fun nt a party at Mr.
Bonds, who lives west of Fruitlnnd.
One of tho high school girls of this
neighborhood, Miss Avis Williams, took
part in a play givon by the scholnrs of
tho high school last week,
Carson Stnndifer wore tho wreath of
victory at a geogrjiphy match held at
tho Fruitland school Friday afternoon.
A number of young people spent Hun
day afternoon in a social way nt the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ottcrbein.
A pio social will bo held at the Fruit
land school house December 4. A good ,
program is in preparation.
Next Friday evening at the homo of
Miss Baker, will be the business and
social meeting of tho Y. P. A. A good ,
time is expected, An extensive program
hus been prepared for tho ore union.
All members are cordially invited,
Salem Grange Meeting
Held Last Saturday j
Salem Grnngo wns called to order by
Mr. Masters.
The morning session being taken up
with the opening exercises. A recess
wob taken at noou for a dinner, such
as tho Grange ladies know how to pre-!
pare. In the afternoon tho time was;
occupied by a gentleman and lady
from Livesley station, seeking informa
tion from the Grange as to their work,
as they want a Grange at Livesley sta
tninn, t
The farmers aro beginning to sec the
benefit the Oruiigcs are to them. Of1
course we should only havo those in1
the Grange who are farmers and their
interests aro with the farmer, but!
sometimes a politician slips in und wa1
A Sulem Grange finds It does not have
enough time to discuss the different;
subjects that come before, them. They
voted to meet tho first and third Sat
urday in tho month. , The Grnngo hntt
beau, meeting only once a month, but
election is coming on nud they want to
bo more familiar with the mensurcH
that will como before thTm to be votel
Bro. Vorhces, of Woodbiirn '"Grange,
was milk us and gave some good
Portland, Or., Nov. 24 Senator Har
ry Ijiuo will leave tonight for Wash
ington for the opening of congress.
Selected Musical Program
""'Meli a1
A Big
and an all star company in
"The Final Judgment"
Pathe Weekly
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Matinee and. Evenings