Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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All day on ThursdayThanksgiving Day The CHI
CAGO Store has reasons to be thankful, for this
year we have done the greatest business in the history
of our store. We have enlarged our business. We did not do it for
for the sake of expanding we were compelled to enlarge to ao
J commodate our fast growing business. Perhaps you may think we
are expanding too lasi. all yyl iiayl iu 5t ia ima
For Two Days Only Prices Will Be Cut
away down on Ladies' Suits, Coats, Millinery, Table
Linens, Silks, Dress Goods, Groceries, House Utensils,
Men's and Ladies Furnishings, Blankets, Comf orts,Shoes,
Furs; Hundreds of other articles throughout the Store
Stock Must Be Cut Down To Make
room for our great Christmas Show. If you want to
save money come and look through this great stock
of seasonable merchandise. Pick out what you want,
get our price, , then you can see at a glance that the
Chicago Store is the store that gives better values
for Less Money than Anywhere Else in Salem.
City Will Be Canvassed and
Jobs Will Be Listed For
The Salem Social Service Center, at
their meeting last evening, decided to
change the usual order of siding those
m need or work, by tirst foliciting4thc
employers in the city, and learning def
initely where work may bo obtained
this winter. With this information tlio
Sociul Neuter hones to find work for
thoso men who have not been able to
secure it themselves.
Working towards this end, a room
will be secured' wheiip the unemployed
may stay, in order that ns soon as a
call for a worker is received at the
Commercial club, the men can be at
once placed on the job.
titumpnge land has been secured
close to the city, and iu urgent cases,
men will be put to work chopping
A list of men needing work will be
kept by Ivan U. McDaniel, at the Com
mercial club, and those who have any
odd jobs, may secure-a man without
delay by telephoning him. (
The Center will soon designate a
bundle dnv, when it is hoped that nuiny
citizens will prepare all the old clothes
and shoes for children ns well as men,
and prepnro them in a bundle, to be
collected. In this collection work, the
Social Center will need the assistance
of several who have autos.
There are many children in the city
who are compelled to stay out of
school for the lack of clothing and
shoes and it is for these, that the So
cial Center hopes for generous dona
tions on bundle day.
A typical case now under the care
of the Center, is that of il family with
nine children. The father has been
out of work for three months, and one
of tho children is sick from exposure,
caushed by insufficient clothing.
Daniel 3. Fry Will Return the Money
If Mi-o-na Does Not Believe
M Tightened About Ac
cused German Officer
. (Continued from rage One.)
supplying German sea raiders; that
$750,000 was deposited for him for this
work, that a considerable portion was
sent to San Francisco which was made
a base of widespread activities in this
The defense stood ready to admit
that the $750,000 was spent and even
to admit that $2,000,000 was put out
upon the German government orders,
but in so doing the attorneys said thoy
could not admit any effort to defraud
or deceive the United States customs
The government, however,' intends to
about your digestive
troubles, sick headache,
tired feeling or constipation.
The depression that induces
worry is probably due to a
disordered liver, anyway.
Correct stomach ailments
at once by promptly taking
They aid digestion, regulate
the bile, gently stimulate
the liver, purify the blood
and clear the bowels of all
waste matter. Safe, sure,
speedy. Acting both as a
gentle laxative and a tonic,
Beecham's Pills help to ...
produce its own witnesses to prove its
case and henco rejected the defense of
fer. '
All admissions concerning Boy-od
were withdrawn. Therefore today the
government determined to establish its
contention that he was the mainspring
of the alleged fraud.
TalVwnberg's Evidence
Weaving the net of evidence about
operations of Naval Attache Boy-ed
of the German embassy and Hamburg
American line officials, .the govern
ment today put on the stand Captain
Fritz Falkenbcrg, alleged aid in the
plot to supply German commerce raid
ers. Falkenherg testified that tho Hamburg-American
officials chartered his
steamer, Horwind.
She left New York, August 8, 1914
for an unknown destination, directed
by the defendant Adolph Popping
liffuxe. Ostensibly, the vessel cleared
for Buenos Aires.
On tho morning of 28, .tho Berwind
siehted tho German raiders Capo Tra
falgar, Santa Lucia, Alice Woormen
and liorenza off Trinidad.
"Wo are transferring our supplies to
them," said Falkenberg, "when the
British converted cruiser Carmcnia
hove in sight. The German ships scat
tered. After a running fight of two
hours, the Cape Trafalgar sank."
The Britisher did not attack the Ber
wind, for she flew the American flag,
bo Falkenberg headed toward Bio Ja
niero and reached there unmolested.
There Poppinghauso disembarked,
the captain said. Upon returning to
New York, Falkenberg recoived $500
additional compensation from Karl
Buenz, head of the Hamburg-American
line, he said.
Frederick Haeslcr, prosident of the
Inter-American Steamer line testified
that the Hamburg-American officials
chartered his vessel Thor after the out-1
break of the war, ostensibly to carry j
coal to Santiago. '
Hasler chartered two other ships on
the understanding that they were to be
used in Cuban and South American
trade. Ho bocame suspicious, he said,
when the Thor put into Newport News
instead of going to Brazil as consigned.
His inquiries in the circumstances led
to cancessation of one charter.
Later the Thor was destroyed and
the Hamburg-American Idemnified him
for the loss. I
Bobert Hasler, brother of the pre-
ceding witness, testified that the de-'
fendant Hachmeiater was at Newport
News when the Thor pnt in there.
Cross-examination revealed the fact
that Hasler is British.
Afterward the defense admitted that
the supplies for tho chartered vessels
had been purchased and disposed of by
Harry Havner, of Newport News,
testified that Hoehnicister on August
2, 1914, ordered supplies delivered to
Captain Suiirun of the Marie Quezsada,
then at Newport News. The defense
admitted that the supplies were pur
chased and turned over to Suhrun but
were intended for the steamer Urida.
They denied that tho defendants had
anything to do with the Quezsada, but
failed to got the evidence stricken out.
Tho government attorneys showed
Rayner the letter of Suhrun referring
him to "room 801, 11 Broadway" for
"Did you know that was Boy-ed 's
roomf" asked the prosocutor.
A quick objection on the ground that
the question was lending prevented
Kayner from answering. Rayner testi
fied, however, that checks for pay
ment l'or supplies were drawn on the
Hamburg-American line.
During thoday, the defense filed a
statement showing that $1,118,579 had
been spoilt in supplying Gorman ships.
This admission was made in order to
stop tho oovcrnnient irom introducing
a host of witnesses to prove the expen
ditures. Tho dofense will contend, how
ever, that their actions constituteed
no viloation. of United States laws or
international treaties. , .
Have you arranged for tho turkey
Be Rid
are so often subject to headache are
languid, pale and nervous because
their blood is thinorinsuflkient. They
are not really sick and hesitate to com
plain, but they lack that ambition and
vivacity which isthcirbirthright. They
donotneeddrugs butdoneedthetonic
and nourishment in Scott's Emulsion
that makes richer blood, fills hollow
cheeks, suppresses nervousness and es
tablishesstrength. Nourishmentalone
makes blood and Scott's Emulsion is the
essence of concentrated nourishment,
free from wines, alcohols or opiates.
If mother or daughter is frail, pale
or nervous, give her Scott's for one
month and see the betterment. . It has
a wholesome, "nutty" flavor. Avoid
substitutes. At any drug store.
8coUBownt,BluotnnU,!f.f, 15-M
Catarrh and
Colds t7
Relieved oU
Is a great achievement.
Most people would be well
and happy were it not for ca
tarrh. It is worth ten years of
any one's life to learn how to
get rid of catarrh.
will show you, much quicker
than any one could tell you,
how to get rid of catarrh.
THE PERUN A CO., Columbus, Ohio
Mrs. Emma Gannon, 107 E.
South St., Kewanee, Ills., writes:
"For fifteen years I had catarrh of
the head and stomach. I could
hardly walk. My attention was
called to 'The Ills of Life.' I read
It through. Then bought a bottle
of Peruiio, I am entirely well now."
President of Willamette Uni
versity Talks to Members
of 6 o'CIock Club
Dr. Carl flreeir Donev. nresiilent of
Willamette University, addresses the
members of the Six o'clock club at
their meeting held Inst evening at the
First Methodist church, taking for his
subject "Civic Tride."
In a general discussion of the ethical
si'le of the question, tho speaker de
clared that civie pride should be
based on things that are reasonable,
and that our energies should be direct
ed to the socialization of sentiment.
"One of our serious phenomena, is
that of enlisting the sympathies, and
then letting it go at that," said Mr.
Doney, "but one of the hopeful signs
of ihe times is that we are coming to
gether in a social industry."
As to tho relation of the employer
and the employed, the speaker declared
that the employers would find thnt it
pays in manhood and practical results,
to treat the laborer right.
"The church must project itself into
the individual life of its constituents
and should also re direct its energies
towards tho people."
As to tho "pork barrel" proposition
in politics, Dr. Doney deplored tho
practice of each representative in
congress to securo an appropriation for
his district whether needed or not.
That the interest of the country was
now world wide, he noted from the
fact that in the present age it was es
sential that tho millions in China
should bo healthful, in order that we
might remain so, so closely were tho
two countries interwoven in commerce.
Salem's 'educational institutions, ho
felt, were much superior to the aver
age city of this size. "Last spring
when I first visited here, I felt that
I was looking at the prettiest city iu
the country and I have asked travellers
whether they ever sny a more beautiful
Dr. Doney regretted to see certain
business activities in Salem on Sunday.
"The keeping open of stores in tho
city seems strange to me," ho said.
.lustice Jiensnn and unrnett. and
Gold Dust meets your
fondest withes
When it's used for
waahing dishes.
"VOU can use
jLGold Dust,
the active cleaner,
with entire :onfi
dence anywhere,
from the laundry
to the attic.
It does not scratch nor mar.
Purify the kitchen sink and
wash dishes with Gold Dust.
Scand larger
for sale
Thm Aotlvm Cfomiw
Among all the remedics in Daniel J. ' ., .
. .. : t in Tirnorrnm. (Kner sneakers were
l'ev. Richard S. Tischer, Professor Hall
to refund the money if they do not." V, "
" - i Yi N mir.
Try's popular drug store, there are fewj
that ho is willing to sell on a guarantee
New York Has Case
Parallaling Baby Bollinger
New York, Nov. 24. Now York to
day had a deformed baby pa so, paral
leling In many respects that of Baby
Bollinger of Chicago whom parents and
doctors allowed to die rather than to
permit an operation.
The New York baby was born last
niirht to Mrs. Joseph Roberts. It has
club feet, distorted knoes and paralysis
of the legs, while a spinal ailment Is
expected to prove fatal in the course of
a few hours, according to Dr. Julius
. th the parents anu" relatives of the
child oppose an operation and want to
allow nature to take Its course as it
did in the Bollinger esse.
On the other hand, in. Goldsmith,
unlike Dr. llaiseldea of Chicago, is de
sirous o.' operating. He has urged tho
parents to acres to such a course in an
attempt to save the child. In this case
the prospects are for physical, rather
than mental or moral deficiency should
the child's life be saved.
Mi-o-na, the famous dyspepsia remedy
has helped so many of his customers
that Daniel J. Fry says, "If this
remedy does not relieve you, come back
to my store and I will cheerfully re
turn your money."
Anyone who has dyspepsia, indige
tion, headaches, dizzy feelings or liver
troubles, should take advantage of this
chance to be made well without any
risk of spending their money to no pur
pose. Mi-o-na will reliove you, will
regulate the digestion, will enable you
to eat what you want. If it does not
do all this it will not cost yon a cent.
Daniel J. Fry has sold hundreds of
boxes of Mi-o-na in the last few weeks
and has yet to reefcive the first com
plaint from any customer. Such a
record ia simply marvelous and speaks
volumes for the merit of tho remedy.
It is ensy enough to fill a column
with the symptoms afflicting those who
have dysiopsio, but there is no need
of describing their condition. What
they want is relief and they can got
it in Mi-o-na. Do not suffer a day
longer with disordered digestion. If
Mi-o-na relieves you it costs you 50
cents a box, if it does not, you have
Daniel J. Fry's personal guarantee to
roturn your money.
Governor Appoints Delegates
to Reclamation Congress
At tho request of Mr. L. M. Rice,
chnirmnn of the executive committee
of the Washington State Reclamation
conference, Uovernor Withycombc hus
appointed three delegates to attend a
convention of western states to be held
in Han Francisco on December 2 and
3, for the purpose of urging the passngo
by congress of the Jones bill, relating
to tho reclamation of arid, semiorid,
swamp and overflow binds, and auth
orizing government aid therefor.
The delegates appointed by the gov
ernor nro O. C. I.aurgiiard and A. L.
Onge, of Portland, and C. N. Kavlin, of
Hood River, now at tho Oregon build
ing, Panama-Pacific International ex
position grounds, Kan Francisco.
Lost 1 San Marinian
Legation ! finder
Please Notify Gerard
Berlin, Oct. 1.1. (By mail.) A:
Washington cablegram today instruct-1
ed Ambassador Gerard to take over the '
diplomatic affairs, documents and the
property of the tiny Italian republic
of Han Marino, geographically thei
smallest republic in the world. The ,
country covers only a few square milos,
has but 20,000 inhabitants and possess-!
cs funs which cannot bo used lil tnr-i
get practiso because they overshofft thel
borders In nil directions.
N"vertheless, San Marino ling vie
dared war on Germany and Mr. Ger-i
ard is Its Berlin representative. Tboi
only trouble Is that he can't find any-!
thing with which to do tho represent-!
ing. As representative in Berlin of
Kngland, Japan and other enemies of
German" V. Mr. Gerard has taken over
their enormous embassies and volumin
ous documents. He has tried find tried
to find the Han Marino legation. He
can't find a thing. He sail he might
advise Washington thnt tho legation is
mislaid or that, if Ran Marino ever had
a legation or anything else In Berlin,
somebody hns walked away with it,
Portlnnd, Ore., Nov. 23. Market
basketors wero tickled today. Thanks
giving turkeys opened at 25 cents per
pound in the retail market, five cents
under last year.
The large attendance was compli
mentary to Dr. Doney, whose artilress
was given tho closest of attention 'to
the 100 men present, and the excellent
dinner served by the Indies of the
Knulewood circle was also duly appre
ciated. Aurora's Latest Product
Is a Dessicated Cat
Ancient I'gypt has nothing on the
little town ot' Aurora in the way of
mummies. Of course the snmble from
the town with the sunrise name and
tho blush of morning in its title, is not
as old nor so highly spiced as some of
the old Kgyptian queens, but ib of t'ue
sume stock, being as Sin Lindsay, who
purchased and brought it here, says
"some cat." The Thomas who was
the original cat evidently turned up
among the missing somo 00 odd years
ago, for his mummy was found under
an old wurehouse when tho latter was
toni down recently. The building was
put up by the old Dutch colony that
settled at, Aurora in tho early 50s, and
as thero was apparently no way in
which the cat could get under the
building after it was erected, it is sup
posed ho was caught napping when tho
floor was laid, and polished by sturvu
tion. The body is as dry as a 1010 Port
Inn and the skin is whito and smooth
with whiskers still in place. Tho mum
my is being exhibited' in Salem today
and appears to lack only hair and
yowl to be a real live cat. Mr. Lindsey
intends sending it to the Oregon his
torical society to give George Jlimes a
chance to wnto the history of Oregon's
solo known mummy, tho long lost cat
of Aurora.
Rain. Temperature, High 54, Low 30
Rain. Temperature, High til, Low 50
remember l.uxativo Bi'omo CJuinino
cures a cold in nno duy. mere is only
Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 24. After
shootini' and killing H. O. Ledgerwood,
a prominent attorney in Ledgerwood '
office todav, J. M. Whisenant, of Dal
las, committed suicide. The killing is
believed to have been tho result of
Whisenant 's dissatisfaction with Led
gerwood 's administration of a trustee
ship of Whisenant 's bankrupt drygooda
Lime Starvation
Causes Tuberculosis
The Medical Record (New York)
of December 18, IIMrtt, contnltm nn
article m "The Treatment of Pul
monary TuherruioMla, lliiNeil on the
AfiMumptlun That the Dietetic 1'hum .
ot the UlMeane In Lime Starvatlwa,"
hy Dr. John h HummcII, who nayai
"The condition which in recoKnUed -an
preceding; the active development .
of tuhercuiOMla In the adult may be
considered an due to lime wtnrvntlon.
Amonx Inorjrunlo auhiitHUcea
lime unit a appear to be of apeclal
lihynloloKleal Importance
but If the imlta are not In onrnnlo
com hi nnt Ion It la dllllcult to mi u none
that the cclla can appropriate them
for food." f
Years of widespread use confirm
us In the belief that the imcccHa of
Kok man's Alterative in cuhcs of pul
monary tuberculoma (confluniption)
und chronic throat and bronchitis .
troubles Is duo tn large meauure to
its content of lime, so combined with
other Ingredients as to be easily ap
propriated by the colls.
UoubtleHS this has had much to
do with the rosultn obtained In many
canes of these afactions, which ap
pear to have yielded to ificltman'a
Aa It contains no opiates, narcotic .
or habit-forming drugs, It is safe
to try. Your druggist will order it
for you or you can send dliect.
EckuaM Laboratory I'liUadelphla.
one "Bromo Quinine.
naturo K. W. OKOVK.
Look for Big-
1 Crowded with
2 Velvety body
3 Grumble-proof
4 Sterling purity
5 From a day.
light factory
6 Untouched y
Gum 5
The7-point ffum
y oriiom rv
kl R7UIWIV f
Round trip fares Wednesday and Thursday, Novem
ber 24 and 25, for
Thanksgiving Visits
Between all stations (minimum of 50 cents round
trip) on the
The Popular Willamette Valley Route.
The New Oregon Electric Train Southbound, for
Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Harrisburg, Junction
City and intermediate points, leaves Salem daily at
7:10 a. m., arrive Eugene 9:30 a. m., Corvallis 8:21.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon.