TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. NOV. 24. 1915. Social ALINE THOMPSON AS evening draws near, it becomes more apparent that tbe Cherrian Ball tonight is to be unique among the long list of fashionable af fairs held at the armory, and will be no of the most brilliant affairs of the season. The word "brilliant" is used to describe most occasions at tended by large numbers of people where there' music and color and dancing, but in this case no other word is possible. The Cherrian Hull is to be brilliant literally, and the brilliance will not be confined to the character of the assembly. The personnel of the committee have been planning for this keenly anticipated event for several week and there is little doubt but what the armory will be turned into a fairyland of light and gayety. Kiss Mildred Bagley and her fiance, David Graham, of Eugene, will arrive tomorrow to be the Thanksgiving guests of Mj. and Mrs. Klmer Ludden. a a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer will be charming hosts this evening for the members of the Merry-Go-Kound club. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ludlam went to Portland today where they will remain over the Thanksgiving holiday. Miss Margery Marvin left this morn ing for Oiyinpia, Washington where she will be maid of honor for Miss Bel ma Hansen, whose wedding will take place early in December. While in Olvmpia, Miss Marvin will be a guest at the Hansen residence. Mrs. C. D. Moore aud Mrs. P. E. Huff,- of Portland, arrived Tuesday to be the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K Bolinger until after the Bolinger McOilchrist wedding, which will take place on Thanksgiving day in the First Christian church. a Donald Byrd, who is attending the University of Oropon this .winter, will arrive today to spend Thanksgiving -with bis father, Dr. W. H. Hyrd. a a a A delightful Thanksgiving dinner will be presided over Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. I'rank Myers. C'ovors will be placed for the immediato family. Mjss Mary Sennits will go to Albany n DeccniDer the first, where she will filav for the Kiks memorial services. While in Albany, Miss BchulU will be the guest of friends. Mr K. Spaulding will be hostess afternoon for ti.e Happy Hour club. Miss Marie Churchill, who is attend ing Bchool in Eugene, will return home or the holiday and week-end. Mr. aid Mrs. John E. Hnicy, of For est drove, and Miss Loida Mills, of Portland, arrived today to bo the Thankseiving guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Volk, of Volkland. , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover will have a their dinner guests on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Carrie J. Talkington andMiss Cora Talkington. Mr. and Mrs. Horn re Svkes and . daughter, Jeanettn, will spend Thanks giving in McMinnville with Mrs. fctyaes' undo, T. A. Whito, of the Kl berton hotol. ' Mr. and iurs. Henry Fnwk have gone to their ranch where they will remain until the first of December. Mt-ftwii M. and Mrs. Mason Bishop, will en tertain Thursday with a family Thanksgiving We wish to thank oiir many patrons and the public in gen eral, for their patronage during the short time we have been in Salem, and will still continue to give the same courteous treat ment in the future as we have in the past. We have great hopes for Salem's future, and will do our part in everything for the up building and progress of our City. Yours yery truly, KAFOURY BROS. 115 N. Liberty St., Salem, Ore. Personal Thanksgiving dinner. Gathering for the reunion will be Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Davidson, Miss Mable Temple, Miss Hazel Bish op, little Miss Henrietta Bishop, and the hosts. Miss Helen Moon will spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents in Albany. Miss Esther Brown was the motif of a surprise party on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. G rover Powers on North Commercial street after an en joyable evening of musio and games, refreshments were served. The guests were the Misses Harriett C'laggett, Maude liivcns, Jiuby Aleyers, Altnca Dorks, Winifred Ojias, Ethel Swartz, Lillian Jaquet, Robert O'Neal, Cecil Shaffei1, Dayrl Evans, Rofwald King, Glenn Powers and Samuel Plumer. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Merwin will entertain on Thursday with a Thanks giving dinner. The table whica will be arranged for twelve, will have a center of pale pink chrysanthemums and softly lighted pink candles. Af ter dinner ouu will be enjoyed. Miss Enielia Boehringer, who lias been visiting with Miss Hazel Pnrks for several days, has returned to her home in Eugene. - .Dr. Mendelsohn left today for Se attle, Washington, to attend tae wed ding of his son, Philip, to Mies Flossie Rogers, which will take placo on Thursday, November the twenty-fifth. miss itogers is very prominent in mnsi cal circles in Seattle and is a talented pianist and vocalist. An old fashioned T'onimuiiitv Thanks giving festival will be given 'on Thurs day at the country Dlace of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. (Irice. Informal invitations have been issued to practically the en tire countryside. Everyone will bring well filled baskets with them, to be used for a twelve o'clock dinner. Guests will remain the entire day, add itional guests being invited for the evening morry-mnking. Baskets, will be auctionod later in the evening, the proceeds being used to assist in pay ing the pastor of the local congrega tion, ii i A meeting of those interested iu the organization of a chapter of tho Daugh ter of the American Revolution will bo held at tho residence of Mrs. Henry B. Thielsen, 22S South Capital street, on Friday afternoon at two-thirty o 'clock, : PERSONALS Custre Ross, au attorney of Silverton, k in the city. Percy Larson, of Turner, is hero to day on businoss. Miss Ruth Corbett, of Monmouth, is a visitor today in Nulcra. Kobert Fields, of Amity, was regis tered at the Cupital hotei. . er, R. B. Swossoy, of Portland, who ex- ' poets to soon move to Chicago. I Attorney G. 0. B in trim m was in Woodburn yesterday on legal business. Miss i.ousnnna Brown will visit in Fairfield over Thanksgiving with rela tives. I T. G. Albert will leave this evening tor JMigeno, to spend Thanksgiving witn relatives. II. D. Mars, justice of tho peace nt THOUGHT SHE COULD HOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Unionvilte, Mo. " I suffered from a female trouble and I got so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor with out holding on to something;. I had nervous spells and my fingers would cramp and my face would draw, and I could not speak, nor sleep todo any good, had no appetite, and everyone thought I would not live. Sorru one advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I had taken so much medicine and my doctor said he could do me no good so I told my husband he might get me a bottle and I would try it By the time I had taken it I felt better. I continued its use, and now I am well and strong. "I have always recommended your medicine ever since I was so wonder fully benefitted by it and I hope this letter will be the means of saving some other poor woman from suffering." Mrs. Martha Seavey, Box 1144, Unionville, Missouri. - The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as that above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger it has stood the test for years. If there are any complication! yon do not understand write to Lydia E. rinkbam Hedicine Co. (confidential) LTnn,AUHg. lour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman ana held in strict confidence. Woodburn, was here yesterday trans acting business. Hiss Evelyn Cash, physical training teacher, will spend the week-end with friends in Portland. Miss liirpnh Bluir is looking forward to a visit from her mother, whose home is at Lymun, Wash. Judge P. H. " Arcy will leave Satur day evening for ban Francisco for n visit of three weeks. Miss Clnra L. Hehuasse will visit with friends in Portland during the Thanksgiving vacation. Kussell Brooks will spend the Thanksgiving and week-end vacation with friends in Eugene. Jnmes H. Albert and wife, and Miss Clara Albert, 804 Will street, will spend Thanksgiving at Eugene. Mr. aud Airs. George C. L. Snyder and son, Curtis, will spend ThaukBgiv inc in Pallas, visiting relntivcs. Miss Evelyn JoneB, teacher in the hi hschool will visit in rortiana witn her brother over Thanksgiving. Miss Aitken, of the Washington junior high school, will Bpend the week end with her mother in Portland. Miss Anne D. Swezey, librarian of the fctolem public library, will spend the Thanksgiving vacation witn ner nrotn Hay Pnmeroy, aeewnpanied by his friend, R. Knrly, of Portland, will spend the Thanksgiving vacation in tho city. Dr. Mendenlinll left yesterday to speud Thanksgiving with friends at No- attle. Ho will return early Friday morning. Miss Lora Milan, English teachor for the Washington junior high school, will leave tomorrow for Portland, visiting with her sister until Sunday evening. Albert Himon and Mrs. E. E. Timm, of Winona, Minn., will arrive in the citv Friday for a visit of several weeks with their brother, J. P. Wmon DIED m LETSI At her home, 2708 Lee street, Tuesday, November 23, lt15, Mrs. Marie Leisi, at tho age of 69 years. Funeral services will bo held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 270N Leo street, the Rev. William 0. l.ienknmper of the Bethany Reform ed church, officiating. Burial will take place nt tho City View cemetery. Surviving her, are five sons and two daughters, all living in the city. The sons are, Fred, Robert, Walter, Ed ward and Albert I-eisi, ami the daugh ters, Helen and Mary l.eisi. This is the second bereavement .in tho family within n short time, as Mia. 1. eisi 'a daughter, Mrs. Rose Bronleewo, passed nway nt her home in Portland lust month. WILUMETTE MOTES At 3:.10 this afternoon school will be dismissed for tho Thanksgiving holi days, aud will not resume until Novem ber -i. The students are oil planning on a happy Thanksgiving, many of them leaving on trains for their homes, where the fatted turkey aud red cran berry sauce awaits to satisfy their hunger. Those who do not go home fur the holidays will spend an enjoyable time in Salem. A big jolly-up has been planned for tomorrow eveniug in the Willamette gyuin, and those who are homesick are guaranteed to be cured if they will eouie out. The Kloshe Klub basketball team won over the freshmen in a fast game by a senro of 14-8, while the senior team literally ran away with the Kim bull college five, by a score of 0-0. No games will be played today nor dur ing the remainder of the week on ac count of the vacation. Active work, however, will begin next Monday even ing. Prof. Wallace MacMurray's lecture on "Maiiin Gorky and Realism," last night was of a very interesting nature, lie showed bow Gorky, an uuculturcd man, rebeled against society and strove to advocate the spirit of absolute lib erty, freedom and love. The rhnpel eiereises were takea charge cf by the Y. M. C. A. to is morn ing. Student songs were sung and a student. John Uary, gave a talk on "College, The Human Garden," . JOINT MEETING TO SETTLE BRIDGE PLANS Polk County Court Favors Structure To Cost Less Than $200,000 The county court of Polk county, ac companied by Roadmaster Waldo Finn, of Polk county, is holding a joint meet ing with the Marion cnuntv court, thin afternoon to settle some vital problems relative to the steel bridge across the river at this place. It mi been admit ted for some time that a new bridge was imperative but the question has been one of finance, with Polk county which will provide one-third of the cost of a new structure, At yesterday afternoon's meeting the county courts decided to erect a new! bridge as soon as possible, provided they could put one up at a cost within tne. limits of the Folk county coffers. Judge Teal, of Polk county, stated to day that his county could provide its share of a bridge that did not cost njore than $200,000, but unless it was abso lutely necessary the Polk county court hesitated to agree to share a greater burden of cost. The judges and com missioners are of the opinion that a suitable bridge can be erected for less than $235,000 which will carry all of, the traffic across the river for years to come. . . The highway commission submitted plans whereby bridges might be built across the river nt a cost as low as 124,000 for a Bteel bridgo with a 22 foot deck and timber approaches The highway commission also submitted a plan for a steel bridge with a 32 foot dock, two five foot sidewalks, and heavy enough to oarry a single line of street railway at about $190,000. All of the members of the county court are agreed that a concrete bridge is better than a steel bridge but the question is whether or not the added expense of a concrete structure is prac ticable at this time. Today the courts are discussing tbe question of whether or not they will let contractors furnish plans and bids, whether or not they will require the state highway engineers to submit a design for a bridge that will cost less than $200,000 and then adver tise for bids, or whether they will at tempt to build the bridge by day labor. Up to a late hour this afternoon the courts had come to no decision in the matter and it is likely that another meeting may be necessary before all of the plans are completed. Farmers In Conference With Representatives of Commercial Club Today The second meeting of the fanners of Marion and Polk counties and the agricultural department of the Com- mercial club was held this 'afternoon, with an attendance largely exceeding that of the former meeting. At this session, as at the former one, the general market conditions were dis. cuHsed and plans suggested but no def inite action taken, as at present, these meetings are to stcure a general expres sion of opinions before action is taken. O. H. Luck, the new manager of the club, was introduced to tbe farmers and greeted them in a short address. Presi dent Hamilton and W. I. Staley, direct or of the agricultural department, W 8. Low and L. H. McMahan all took part in the discussions. Among the farmers who showed their interest by their attendance were J Voorheos of Woodburn, former master of stnto grange and former state sen ator; Mrs. T. C. Davidson, past master of Salem grange; Milton Brown, city, routo throe; E. O. Wiesncr, (lervuis; R. K. Kyan, city, route three; W. J. Jef f orson, Gervais; Joseph Hogill, Ger vais; eGorge W. weeks, eity, route eight; B. C. Jefferson, Uervnis; Royce Allen, city, rout nine; a. J, Hot ma city, routo three; A. Ackley, city, route four; F. L. Scott, eity, route four; A, C. Libby, Jefferson; W. H. Stevens, uorvais; r. A. Moisan, Brooks; v. A, Muth, city, and Chas. A. Kibbe, city. CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED Only Way To On re This Disease la To Destroy Its Oausj. By A Specialist. If you have catarrh and want to get rid of it you must kill the germs which cause catarrh. Stomach dosing, oint ments, sprays, creams, douches, etc., fail because they overlook this fact They all help by giving temporary relief but they do not reach the germ life that has found lodgement in your head, nose, throat, and could not destroy it if they did. The best known way of destroying the dangerous germs of Catarrh and consequently ending tho disease itself, is to breathe into the air passage of your nose and throat the pleasant, pene trating air of Hyoinei (pronounced Uigh-o-mo). Hyomei is made from purest oil of Eucalyptus eombined with other powerful, lieuling, antiseptir and germicidal ingredients. You breathe it through a little pocket inhaler which Daniel J. Fry and other leading drug gists In Salem and vicinity are inrniHh ing with every complete treatment sold. Every time you inhale the sweet, fra grant air at Hyomoi through this little device you are drawing into your swoll en, inflamed, germ laden membranes a medicated air wiiich will not only re duce all the swelling and Inflammation and open your clogged nose and stop-ped-up air passages, but will absolute ly and positively destroy every trass of Catarrh germ life it reaches. Drug gists are so sure oi the blessed, lasting relief that Hyoinei brings to catarrh sufferers that they sell it invariably oa the positive guarantee that money paid will be rofuudail if successful re sults are not secured from its use. Get a Hyomei eutfit from your druggist to day and begin at one to drive this dangerous aud disgusting disease from your system foreeer. SCROFULA AND ALL HUMORS GIVE WAY x There are many things learned from experience and observation that the older generation should impress upon tiie younger. Among them is the fact that scrofula and other humors, which produce eczema, boils, pimples and oth er eruptions, can be most successfully treated with llood's Sarsaparilla. ' This great medieino is a peculiar com bination of remarkably effective blood purifying and health giving roots, barks and herbs, which are gathered especially for it. Hood's Sarsaparilla has stood the test of forty years. Oet bottle today-row from your nearest drug store. Always keep it on hand. BIB TODAY CELEBRATED One of the most enjoyable gatherings of the season was the birthday cele- Hrntinn nn fint.iv.1n.. OA -l fi - . J" !. " ui rrm" 01 Claxtar. The occasion was In honor of Miss Gladys Stephens, the grand-niece of Mrs. Pruitt, and the delightful party commemorated Miss Stephen's six teenth birthday. The parlors were beau tifully decorated with great fluffy chrysanthemums of a golden yellow color.. The evening was spent with various genes and music. Among those present were the following: Mies Gldaya Stephens, Mrs. M. A. Pruitt, Miss Mabel King, I. M. Basey, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Basey, Stephen, Alton and Marguerite Basey, Mrs. L. King and sons Floyd and Kenneth, Mrs. H. King, Miss Esth er Spitzbart of Salem, Miss Edna Fitts, Miss Gladys Webb, Miss Ruth Sauncy, Miss Elsie Wykoff, Misses Esther and Hazel Anderson, Miss Gertrude Kelly of Portland, Messrs. Joo Fitts, Frank Fitts, Paul Fuhr, Fred Stettler, Fran cis, Harry and Verne Wykcif, John and Albert Stettler, Paul Ritchie, Rudolph Hansen and Gustave Ander son. , ffliTRT Hftircr NFTOC laVVL'Ll IUjIIU The Star Land company todnv filed a suit in the circuit court against A. a Hedine an Mothers to collect 800 alleged due ou a promissory note giv en to Aary E. Rogers and assigned to mo pmmuii. rne note is secured by a mortgage on lot 13. block 1 Mclwond addition to this 'city. The plaintiff seeks a judgment in tho sum of $800 I with interest and costs and a deffree re- j moving all clouds from tho title to the property. Carey F. Martin is attorney i ior tne olaintif r. W. h. Cornell lias filed a suit in tte circuit court against F. E. Wray and Sandel to secure the possession of a biuger piona. The plaintiff alleges that the Eilers piano house sold a piano on a contract to Frank Eckes who later aeiamtea in his payments and left the piano in the possession of tho defend ants. The plaintiff seeks to recm-or either the piano or $225. An order was issued today by County Jndge Bushey in the probate court dis ooarging E. 8. Porter as guardian of the estate of John Uemmingsen, an in competent It is stated in the petition that John Hominingsen is no longer an incompetent and that he has been discharged from the Oregon state hos pital and thut it is no longer necessary that there be a guardian of his estate. Judge Wjlliam Galloway today hand ed down a decree in which he held that no lien could be held against an auto mobile for bills for gasoline, lubricat ing oils, greaso, storage or washing. These bills are actionable, however, but the claimant must sue to collect and attach the auto and sell it upon an ex ecution. The question arose in the case or f.oir & Anderson against An ton Fisher and T. M. Hicks who served lie" upon the auto for a garage bill. ,, COSMETICS NOT NEEDED; PEEL THE SKIN INSTEAD gjg tXtH()H One reasou mereolized was is so strongly recommended is that it really takes the ploeo of several different cofinctics, saving time, patience and ex pense. It is better than any cleaning cream, better thuu any massage cream, and better than any rouge, for accom plishing tho results for which su.'h articles are used. As the wax actually aborbs an old faded or discolored cuticle, a little each day, the underly ing skin which gradually appears, is clearer, softer, healthier-hned and more youthful than any cosmetic-mnde com plexion. .Sprending on a thin coat of this wax at night, washing if off morn ings, iu a week or so produces a mur velous transformation. Just one ounce of mereolized wax, obtainable at any drug store, will do tho work. There in nothing better to remove freckles, moth. patches, liver spots, sallowness, blotches, pimples or blackheads. tor wrinkles and loose, saggy skin, a face bath made by dissolving 1 oz. pow dered snxolite in 1- pt. witch hazel, is tho best thing that can bo recommend ed. This has runurkahle astringent and tonic properties. Divorce Case Halted While Judge Performs Marriage Ceremony While Estella J. Orvls and Burton II. Orvis were swearing tat each had been unfaithful to the other this morning, Judge Galloway halted th proceedings long enough to hear Walter G. Redmond and Nelllle I Findley promise to "love, honor and obey." After Mr. 'and Mrs. Redmond departed with the congratula tions of the court for their home in Jefferson, the judge called the divorce court to order aud proceeded with the case. When the young couple requested His Honor to marry them, Mrs. Orvis was in the witness chair and remained sitting while the ceremony wag being i j Ht - , B fill - .' Duplex Alcazar Range Two Ranges in one. Bums wood, coal or gas. A Gas Range, a Wood Range, or both at the same tune. Just what the house wife has been looking for. Quick ly converted from one form to the other. A high broiler can be operated without stooping. Large oven heated by wood or gas, or both fuels at Dne time. Fine white enamel pannels. All parts easy to clean. Call and inspect this range. We take your old range ,or cook stove in exchange. ' performed. , ' " ' The plaintiff, Estella J. Orvis testi fied that she was married to Burton 11. Orvis, in Michigan in 1887 and that two children had been born to the eouplc, Russell Orvis, aged 17 yenrB, and L G. OTVis, aged 15 years. She accused her husband of cruel and inhuman treatment and of calling her vilo names. In his auswer to her charges Orvis testified that while the couplo wero living at Heyburn, Idaho, his wife became in fatuated with a' depot agent in that place and said she loved the depot agent more than she did ber husband. He further alleged that she kept irregular hours while he was away from home working on tho railroad as section fore man and that she had improper relations with other men, two of whom he alleged were Greeks. Guy O. Smith is attorney for the plaintiff and CarBon & Brown for the defendant. COAL IN WASHINGTON. North Yakima, Wash., Nov. 24.A vein of anthracite coal, comparatively rare in this part of the country, is be lieved to have been found abovo the Siinnyside canal, neau Zillnh. A thor THANKSGIVING VISITS Tickets sold "Wednesday and Thursday, 24 and 25, good for return until Monday, the 29, between points "on OREGON ELECTRIC RY. The Popular Willamette Valley Route Between Salem and ALBANY $1.10 CORVALLIS $1.55 PORTLAND ....$2.00 JUNCTION CITY $2.30 TUALATIN $1.60 EUGENE $2.80 TIOARD $1.60 WILBONVILLB $120 BEAVERTON $1.00 EILLSBORO .$2-30 And all other points in proportion. Through tick ets are sold via Portland at lowest rates to San Fran cisco and all California points, Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Seattle, Astoria, Canadian points and elsewhere. Write or ask for information tours. J. W. Ritchie, agent Oregon Electric Ry., Salem, Ore. fVM ttTtnHHHWWHH4tHWW am ough drill will be mudo. Oil and gnn are in evidence. Mi ft IS f . i l l WE ORIGINAL MALTED EVIlLEi The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain rin powder form. For infants.invnlids and growing children. Pure nutrition,upbuildins ib whole body. Invigorates nursing mother and tha atad. More healthful than tea or coffee,' Unle9 yoa say -HORLtGICS" you may got a Substitute. t ' .A in Reduced Fares for about. Honolulu f I