A . I 4 ..&. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES $$. CIRCULATION IS OVER 4009 DAILY : . : I 1 KIii W"'W if THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR PRICE TWO CENTS ?K SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1915 Jl f oil fl ALU SHEEN TO GREEK PREMIER TODAY No Demand Is Made 11 reece Actively Participate In War, and King Const ue Intimates That Answer Will Be Favorable-Paris , l ues State That Bulgarians Are Retreating Before " aults of Tattered Serbian Army-Berlin Reports t mued Progress of Combined Forces of Invasion Athens, Nov. 24. The allies' min isters have handod Premier Skuloulis an urgent request for definition of Greece's attitude toward the allies in the Balkan operations. The request was couched in friendly terms and specified no definite period for a reply, but it emphasized, how ever the need for promptness. It embodied terms which the allies re quost Orecco to nceopt, as outlined un officially in conversations between King Constantino, Enry Kitchener and Jienys Uocttin, French cabinet member. There was no request that Greeco partake in the war, but the note de manded assurances that the allies may oross Greeco to attack the central al lies; and that in event of a repulse if the entente allies into Greece, tho latter will not attempt to disarm or in tern them. Whether demobilization of the Greee inn forces was asked, was not an nounced. King Constantino intimated that . these terms would make a favorable reply possible. Final Struggle at Hand. London, Nov. 124. With Austrian capture of Mitrovitza and Bulgnr cap ture of Pristinn", officially reported to day, the - central powers' armies arc now face to face with the Serbs north ern army. Tho final fight is evidently nt hand,,, -. 'v- In the twenty milo gap, between tho towns at the ends of the historically famous Plain of the Black Bird, are entrenched tho Indomitably courageous Sorbin ns. Buffeted across their laud since ' Nish fell, the Serbs up to tho present have offered wild resistance to the invsdors. They have lost many in dead and captured, but their spirit is still ferocious. Whether tho invadors are now in suf ficient force to attack Immediately is unknown, but at any rate, it is be. lieved that a decisive battle on tho bloody Plain of the Black Bird can be delayed only a few hours, Here his tory may be mado again. If the struggle continues long, the Serbs, it Is believed, must inevitably be captured, The central allies by de touring can surround them, provided thev have sufficient time, and then tho Serbs may be crushod as were tho French at Sedan in 1870. At the best, the .Serbs can hope for no more than to be forced over their border into "Montenegro. Capture of their army on the Plain of the Black Bird or expulsion of the army from Sorbia will mean that the Teuton-ttui gar conquest of old Serbia and ho San jak of Novibaznr is complete The Austro-Germnns are now 1.50 miles south of tho northern frontier, and less than 120 miles north of the Houthern. Germans Skirt West Border. Vienna, Nov. 24. Teuton troops nre skirting western Serbia near the Mon ' leiicgrin border, driving for Pristinn, according to the war office today. No remnrhablo gains were recorded. Tho offico was silent as to Serbian claims of victories. Occupation of Pricpolje was claimed, )c )c )ji ifc )6 9( i( )( )(S )c )(( )(C )j( )J( 5c Abe Martin We can't recall th' time when th' straw hat wuz as reluctant t' drop out o th' game as it wuz this fall No! hi n makes a feller bustle like a kt q' enemies. if . T REQUEST with favorable progress of the fighting eiscwnere. . The Hermans were said to be only a half ray's march from Pristina. Italians In Albania. London, Nov. 24. Italian troops now landing in Albania will go directly to the aid of Serbia, according to Swiss ad vices today They plan to Btrike at the Austro-Gorman flank, and it is expected that tho Montenegrins will co-operate. To reach Serbia, the Italians have to cross only a stretch of from 40 to 50 miles, but this march is of extreme dif ficulty, owing to mountains and the absence, of roads. Bulgars Forced Back. Paris, Nov. 24. Defeated bv the tat tered Serbian army, the Bulgarians are retreating everywhere In tho extreme southern part of Serbia, according to the Serbian official statement today. A victory 2o miles west of Nish was claimed. The Bulgars nre retiring upon Istip, east of Voles and it is thought possible the Serbs may recapt'ure Velus, Report German Defeat. Prtrngrad, Nov. 24. Defeat of a German attempt, to assume the offen sive in the Dvinsk district was claimed by the war office today along with capture of a German first line trench in the Dviita district, In the Styr sec tion, many Teutons wero bnyonetted, while on the Styr tho Russians broke tho Austrian offensive with fire at ono point. ' ' . ' Russians Gain Ground. Berlin, Nov. 24. Tho war office ad mitted today the Russians had gained some ground north of Illuxt, but claim ed the Germans counter attacks recov ered tho lost ground. One repulse of the Russians southeast of Riga, and three in tho Czartonrysk region wore claim ed. Capture M&re Towns. Berlin, Nov. 24. Mitrovitza, in west ern Serbia, between Novibazar and Pristina, has fallen into the Austrinns' lunula while the Bulbars have taken Pristina. These points mark the ends of the main Serbian northern position and are about 25 miles east of the Montenegrin line. German Post Blown Up. Paris, Nov. 24. Destruction of a German post in the vicinity of Bolnnte by French mines was reported in to ddy's official statement which also no ted repulse of a German attempt to enpturo a French post nonr Calles-Sur- rlnlns, Russians Progressing. Amsterdam, Nov. 24. Tho Cologne Gazetto admitted today that the Rus sians are progressing toward Teheran and the American minister is in charge of tho abandoned central powers lega tions. Pristina Occupied. Athens, Nov. 24. Tho Bulgarians have occupied Pristina in western Ser bin. not far from tho Montenegrin border, it was officially announced to-day. GIVES LIE DIRECT TO ENGLISH LORD IN HEATED SPEECH London, Nov. 24. Announcing 'io could give tho lie direct to Lord St. David, and intimating Lord Kibbles- dale should be clnssed as a spy or trait or, Lord Derby in rhnrge of recruiting today .advocated a censorship of the house of lords and hinted at conscrip tion. Derby's utterances were made dur ing a recruiting speech. "I can give the direct lie to Lord St'. Dnvid, he thundered, referring to the Inttor's recent nrraignineut of Sir .lohn French's stnf.f as incompetent, Iiim enitntln i ill tlml n'tiniiin wM'i nreftcnf nt headquarters and that officers fail- vl to be up enrlv morning because they were flii.,1 with hfi.li.. niuvinv tlm urn. vlous night. ' i lieved that they will draw from tho "1 am In n position to do so for l' """n attacked, savage answers, visited the stnlf personally and fro- nt, David in the hniiso of lords dii qucntly. No gentleman would have avowed much of that had been quoted said what St. David Hnid lind no gen- as wiving in his previous speech, tlemnn will believe him." " Regarding my reference to worn- Then he turned his attack uponJ.ord en's isits to headqiiartors, a great Iilbblcsdnlo for the latter' receurcrit- denl has been rend into my remarks, iclsiu of the government's war policies, which I never meant," he said. GOLD CARGO ON TRAIL Seward, Alaska, Nov. 24. Bob Griffith, dog musher, is on the trail leading from the Idi tarod with three dog sleds car rying gold bullion estimated at 250,000, the Inst of the sea son's clean-up. He may get out in time for Thanksgiving. DARING CAFE RAID Mortally Wounded Robber Refuses To.Reveal Names of Companions Snn Francisco, Nov. 24 Following a daring raid on the Claremont cafe at the outskirts of town, and a running gun fight lasted for a scoro of blocks at 1 a. in., police today are scouring the city and adjacent country for three highwaymen. One of the bandits, James Ross and Police Corporal Frederick Cook wero seriously wounded in the exchange of shots. Tho highwaymen entered. the bar room of the cafe and after command ing Ed Schiff, ono of the proprietors, and Tom Smith, bartender, to hold up their hands rifled tho ensh register of about. WW). Forcing the men to hold their hands above their heads, they ordered them into the main room, where were four guests, Ben Schiff, tho other propri etor, Arthur Cunningham and Frank ilerg, entertainers. Backing the fright ened people against-tho wall, they took about WOO in money and jewelry. While tho attention of tho bandits was attracted ' by tho entrance of a man and a woman, Berg gave thein the slip n n,l summoned the police. As the womnn sensed what wns occurring she slipped Iter jewels into her mouth. Noticing Berg's absence, tho high- wnymon dashed tor their automobile, and wero just leaving as the possn raced up. Juicing at a terniic speed. the police opened tiro on the fleeing quartet attempting to hit the tires. Dashing around a curve, the bandits car crashed into a wall. Ross, who had lieen struck by a police bullet and was standing on tho running .bonrd, was pitched to tho ground. Tho trio leap ed out of the car and disappeared in tho darkness. "For God's sake, let mo die in penco," Ross pleaded when urged to give an ante-mortem statement. "I got what was coming to me. I was foolish. but I won't squeal on the rest of the gang." Ross died today without revealing tno names or his companions. DOCTOR. IS INDICTED. Portland, Or., Nov. 24 Alleged to have performed an illegal operation on Miss Anna Anderson, who died in his office several weeks ago Dr. A. A. Aus plund is charged with manslaughter in a grand jury indictment. The entente powers want China to join their alliance, but China's experi ence should tench her to bewaro of foreign entanglements. . FEAR BOMB PLOT Washington, Nov. 24 Fully armed guards are pn trolling public buildings, especially the White House, state, war ami navy buildings. All persons currying parcels or who look suspicious nre stopped before they enter, It in reported that the government has been warned of plots to destroy the build ings. "The man who gives tho enemy In formation goes by an ugly name," he said significantly, "and this applies as much to tho man giving information to the enniy through a speech in the house of lords." Apropos of IlibblcK.tnlo's and fit. Da vid ' speeches, he suggested the censor ship on tho house of lords. Tho conscription threat eninp In an announcement that there must be a big increase. in enlistments in the next threo weeks if this strong measure is to bo nvolded. Tho "lie" implication, and the "spy", and the "traitor" suggestion i caused a wild sensation; ami it is be NET TIGHTENED IT ACCUSED GERMAH OFFICER It Is Believed Now That Trial Will Result In Naval Attache's Recall TESTIMONY INTRODUCED TO FIX BOY-ED'S GUILT Defense Offers To Admit Ger man Government Spent Two Million Washington, Nov. 24. The govern ment net tightened today on Austro- German officials involved in conspir acy charges. Activities of Naval At tache Hoy-od of tho Ucrman embassy, as revealed in tho trial of Hamburg American line officials at Now York for alleged customs violations in sup plying Gfrmnn commerce raidlers, were only the first sensational disclos ures. Others are destined to follow, ac cording to government authorities. While Boy-ed 's immediate recall will not. be asked, officials hinted that his withdrawal will' bo the ultimate out come of tho case, especially as he has been mentioned In connection with oth er activities embarrassing to the ad ministration and to American institu tions. Meantime, the government is await ing the conclusion of other investiga tions involving Military Attache Von Pnpen, Austrian Consul Genoral Nuber, of New York, and others. 'Testimony indicating that Boy-ed spent three quarters of ft million dol lars through a "dummy" in his ef fort to supulv the Gorman Ben raidors wns said to i l only a hint of future development.1" . Tho government, it is known, is de termined to hult for all time the activ ities of German agents in this country, which have aimed at crippling allied munitions shipments and otherwise em barrassing the neutrality of the United States. Government Proof. New York, Nov. 24. The defense having refused to concede the partiei nation of Naval Attache Boy-ed of the German embassy in tho alleged customs violations of tine Hamburg-American line officiuls, the government promised today, to corroborate the story told by Gustave B. Kutenkampff. Kutenkampff 'a story claimed that Boy-ed wns the director of a plan for (Continued oa Page Three.) VILLA UNDEFEATED Refugees From Sonora Be' lieve Rebel Leader Will Yet Be Victorious Nognlcs, Ariz., Nov. 24. General Francisco Villa is not nt tho end of his tether, bv any means, according to Am ericans wjio renched this city todny from Honorn. They declare tho rebel chiel'tuin is playing a deep gumo. He intends, they assert, to lure General Obregon and his Cnrraiiitistns into the open in front of Nognles and "whale the tar out of them," as one of them expressed it. "Watch out for something to drop around Nognlcs," was their advice. Ono American, who has livcu many rears on the border, said Villa was . , i . ...I. .... A .... forced to nnanuon nis anocit uh akuui Priota because he refused to believe: up to the last minuto, thnt America hnd recognized Carran.a and permit- ted Curfriui7.ii reinforcements to Agua Prieta over United States soil. At the present moment, It Is said, Villa has plenty of munitions, many cannon und hundreds of expert artiller ists and the best trained body of horses and foot fighting men in Mexico. His apparent desporution, and his plen of famine und no munitions, are declared to be merely "stalls." THE WEATHER Oregon: To night and Thurs day fair, collier east portion to night, occnsionul rain west por tion! south to west winds. To ii O W"l WAR NEWS Or ONE YEAR AGO TODAY Germany's request for an armistice in the Argonnes was refused, England threatened further steps to protect her in terests if the U. S. didn't curb Ecuador's and Colombia's wire less stations' activities ia con nection with the Germans. ' TO Navy Department Takes -Steps To Protect Amer icans From Indians Washington, Nov. 25. The navy de- fiartment today ordered Admiral Wins ow with his flagship the cruiser San Diego to proceed to Topolobampo on the west Mexican coast to protect Am ericans and other foreigners threaten ed by Yaqui Indians. The Snn Diego, now lying off the San Francisco exposition at San Fran cisco, carries 275 marines and these are empowered to land, if necessary to pro tect Americans. Winslow is invested with discretionary authority to act as ne sees nt arter arrival, under tne department's orders. Winslow should arrive at Topolobampo in six days. The cruisers Annnpolis, Knleign and Now Orleans are already in that vicin ity, but Carry only a small comple ment ol marines. Orders for the San Diego soiling fol lowed vigorous pleas of mcricaa col onists to Congressman Mann, who vis ited Secretary of State Lansing and Secretary of the Navy Daniels about the situation. Thus far no American lives have been lost, as far as is known though property raids have been re ported. Pressure On President To Call Conference . To Discuss Peace Terms Now York, Nov. 24. New pressure will be brought on President Wilson Friday to call a conference of neutrnl nations to frame peace proposals. Mme. Rosika Schwimmer, Hungarian peace advocate, who has previously seen tho president, will accompany Henry Ford and Mrs. Philip Hnowden, wife of a British parliament member, to the White House to present resolu tions adopted by the recent women's pence congress at The Hague and ask for the calling of the conference. "The time is now ripe," said Mme. Schwimmer today, "for neutral nations to end the war. We women peace lend ers have information though it is unof ficial that both sides aro ready to stop the war." The pence advocates, however, have no definite terms to suggest. "Once we get the machinery for peace going tho terms will develop au tomatically," she concluded, Tord Charters Ship. Now York, Nov. 24. Heury Ford an nounced todny ho had chartered the liner Oscar II as a peace ship to carry from Now York, December 4, the Amer ican delegates to a peace conference in Europe. Ford admitted that plans for thecon ferenc.e are vory indefinite, the session ho believes, will nttrnct support frcii pence advocates in other neutral na tions. "I havo chartered the Oscar to call into life a neutral nations' confer ence," Ford said, "How to accomplish this 1 will announce Inter, wo aro going -to sec if we can do any good. Wo hope to get tho men out of trenches by Christmas, "I hope wo will have tho support of every mother in the world in this great effort to stop the war, crush militarism and wipo out forever the tulk of mili tary preparedness." Whilo the Oscar is a 10,000 ton ves sel, capable of currying 200 passengers, Ford admitted that possibly only a tew delegates will go. Any reluctance of i tmni.u ml vrw ti,a tintufluAI. will iwif dflt. i .."..v.., ..... or Ford in his mission, Some authorities raised tho question of whether such a conference, branded with Ford's leadership, would be uc- ceptablo to Kiiglnnd even if it were oth orwiso successful. I Ins view arose from tho fact that Knglish papers hnvc recently refused to accent Ford ads on the ground that ho was inimical to the recent allied loan, Ford recently urged the president to cnll a penco conference, and will go (hero again Friday to follow up this request. Tim president has indicated he would bo willing to make a peace move, only when there wero indications thnt the time is ripe without offending any of the belligerents. Whether he received any encourage ment for his expedition in his visit to the president is not known. CARNEGIE IS POOR Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 2t. Andrew Carnegie has given away the bulk of his tliHVMO, (100 and is now a "man of moderate fortune", President Pritchett of the Carnegie Foundation snid today, HALF MILLION BY ITALY, AUSTRIA SAYS Vienna Reports Are To Effect That Losses of Opponents la Killed, Wounded and Capttsred Have Been Very Heavy -Admit Goritz Badly Damaged By Italian Artillery Rome Declares Austrians Have Asked Germany To Send Reinforcements To Isonzo Front-Capture 1000 . Austrians - . ' Vienna, Nov. 24 Half a million Italians have been slaughtered or wounded along the Austro-Italian bat tle lino to date, tne war ottice claimed today. Denying Italian claims of successes, the offical announcement declared that evervwhere on the Isonzo, "our front is victoriously maintained." Just a half year has passed since the two armies crashed. 'Since tho beginning of the south western fighting," said the war office, ' ' the enemy nevor once has succeeded in approaching the objectives which he hoped to nttuin in his firBt rush." "Great fighting," for the Goritr. bridgehead continues with undiminish ed violence nud with sanguinary loss es to the enemy. While the Austrian lossos between Thursday and Sunday woro 20 killed, HO wounded, the Itulian sholls, it was admitted, piled many buildings nuo ruins. Forty six, wero entiroly wrecked tho war office admitted, while 2T8 were severely dnmaged and 000 wore slightly dnmaged. Hundreds of heavy bombs are "still being hurled into the city by the Ital ians in their desperate onoris 10 cup- ture it. Allied Operations In Balkans Are Still of Uncertain Character By J. W. T. Mason. (Written for the United Press.) Now York, Nov. 24. Uncertainty and confusion continue to dominate the al lies' nnlicv in the Balkans. They have not attained thus far a concerted effort and it is, moreover, apparent thnt di vergent views prevail among tho allied statesmen as to what course should be flrent Hrltnln's retraction of the Greek blockade order is Btrong evidence that serious divisions of opinion oxist among tho allies, and thnt counsol for milder urgings to influence Greece s course finally prevailed. Further, It is known thnt General Joffre, of Franco, and the liritish staff, did not agree over militury procedure in tho Iinlkans, long the grnvoyard of military reputations. Joffre urged that Kalonik'n, the Grecian port, be tho base for the allies' operations in tho aid of distressed Serbia. On the other hand, the Hritish advocated establishing tho baso elsewhere, presumably on tho Bul garian or Turkish const, In the subse quent discussions, the victory went to r,.ff,. Knri Kitchener's wanderings in tho southeast have not served to clarify the situation, if tho result oi two num.. vlhini it must bo that reaching Constantinople by the wnv of Giillipoll peninsula is perhaps impossible, TRAIN IS WRECKED. -ii it,- Mnnt.. Nov. 21. The North- . .,.ifie train No. 2, Const Limited, was derailed and wrecked In tho west end of the local yards today Two per ..nis were badly injured ami traffic wns tied up for fivo hours. AUTHOR SUICIDED FOR PURPOSE ADVERTISING BOOK Seattle, Wash., .Nov. 24. Hermann llenxe.', the nutliiir of a book he called "Christianity," Is dead hero today by his own hand. Ho methodically plan ned his suicide as a means of bringing attention to his ns yet unpublished book, Wednesday the Sentllii newspapers received letters from llensee. He explained that he Intended to end his li IV. lie hnd deposited, ho said, In the vaults of tho Peoples' Savings llnnk triplicate cobles of his maun script, which the chief of police wns directed to deliver to each Scaltlo daily newspaper, MEN LOST Temporary repulse of the Austrians on the Sobordo plateau between Monta San Michele and San Martino was ad mitted, but the . official statement claimed that Hungarian and Carinthi an forces in a night attack swept tho Italians back and regained possession of the line. Heavy losses were inflict ed on the enemy around Podgora, while the Austrians at Povna and Oslnvia hold firm. Austrians Want Help. Tho Austrian war council haB dociJ ed to ask Germany to reinforce the Is onzo battle front, according to inform ation reaching here todav. Austrian evacuation of Rovereto and Mori were confirmed. 1000 Austrians Captured. Geneva, Nov. 24. Ono thousand Austrians were reported made prison erg when tho Italians stormed two forts dofendin- the Podenora bridge on Isonzo lino. Two othor fortB crumbled before the Itulian artillery, and still tho bombardment continues. Both sides have sustained heuvy losses though tha Austrians nro loss because they are on 1 tho defensive STATE CLAIM AGENT THREATENS WE John F. Gillies, Suspended for Graft, May Implicate : Many Others Olympin, Wnsh., Nov. 24. John P. Gillies, suspended claim agent of the state industrial insurance commission, is tho central figure today in the 15, 000 graft investigation. Gillies was re moved from office Monday after it had boon discovered that huge sums had been looted from the department by moans of false accident claims and forged warrants. Gillies is declaring that he is pre pared to make disclosures concerning certnin state officials whih will prove ono of the biggest sensations In th stato's history. Ho adds to this story that last Friday night prior to tho pub lie disclosures of the frnuds, an attempt was mado to kidnap him, Ho declares he and A, Is. hrnst, member of the commission, formerly woro partners in British Columbia mines. He also says he has from tlma to timo loaned money to the commis sioners. Concerning the kidnaping Gillies sny thnt as ho was walking homo Friday night an automobile overtook him. Ai man asked him if ho wanted to find certain one armed man supposed to have taken pnrt in a graft scheme. Gillies said ho did, and got into tho automobile. Ho was driven to a housa In the country where he was confronted by a third man who pulled a gun and told Gillies that if he did not have tha Investigation stopped he would ba killed. Gillies does not explain how ho escaped, E-fiCUTluN OF SCHMIDT. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 21. Tho cour of appeals set the week of January 19 for the execution of Huns SchiulJt, unfrocked prionst, who killed al sweothenrt, Anna Aumuller. OF At 0 o'clock last night Honseo blew out his brains with a revolver at Occidental avenue and Washington street, In tho presence of crowds of passers by. Ills letter Is dated Glendale, Wash ington, November 1H. With it la an Introductory review of his book in which ha states ho began the work in prison. w "I have done nil I can," his letter closes, "and leave this world confident that nil of von to whom has fallen Gil sacred duty will fulfill It to the best of your nblUy."