Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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iMtHiiMittMllttiiititm tt
ISpecial Sale at Meyers for
Today and Tomorrow
We are never un
dersold. Usually
you will find our
prices 'lower by a
comparison of the
qualities offered.
Special Mention of Sales in Condensed
Form From Our Sat. Advertisement
It you m it in our ad, it's
true. Truth in advertising
is a strict rule at this
store. Thirty-five years of
successful merchandising
in Salem is an evidence of
straightforward Business
All of These Three -Day Sales End
Wednesday Evening
Three-Day Sale of Latest Wool (Scarfs, up to $1.35, Special ... 95c
Three-Day ale of Dainty Bureau Scarfs, two lots, extra special 29c and 49c
Three-Day Sale of Embroidered Pillow Covers, 75c quality, special . . 45c
Three-Day Sale of 40c Embroidered Handkerchiefs, special . . . 25c ::
Three-Day Sale of Beacon Indian Blankets, extra special . . . $3.50
Three-Day Sale of Men's $1.50 Shirts, excellent styles, specials . . $1.15
Three-Day Sale of 35c Turkish Bath Towels, extra special . . 23c each
Three-Day Sale Wool Dress and Suit Fabrics, up to $2.50, special . 89c yd.
Three-Day Sale of Silk Crips-de'Chines, $1.25 quality, extra special 79c yd.
Three-Day Sale of Women,s New Silk Crepe-de-Chine Waists, up to $4.00
special . . $2.45
Special Sale of Men's $6.50 and $7.00 Nettleton Shoes, special . $4.95 a pr.
Special! 20 per cent Sale of Women's "Grover Shoes for Tender Feet"
CORRECTION The special sale of Women's Cloth Top patent and gunmetal Shoes Advertised in Meyers Adver
tisement of Saturday read-up to $4.50 grades specipl at $3.35 it should have read $2.35 instead cf $3.35.
OTIPf Salem's Big
fcoODlCObPS Department Store
Powerful Syndicate Forms
Flans To Incorporate For
New York, Nov. 23 Seeking to reach
out in the world's marts and establish
America as the foremost trader of the
world, Morgan, Rockefeller, National
City bank and Kuhn, Loeb & Stone and
Webster interests this afternoon filed
papers at Albany, N. Y., to incorporate
a $50,000,000 organization to be known
as the American International com
pany. This concern proposes to dabble in
vast enterprises all over the world. The
war furnished its opportunity. End of
the war will increase this, its sponsors
Europe is partially bankrupt; its fin
ancial condition will be worse before it
is better. In such circumstances, the
organizers of this giant organization
expect to reap a harvest financing en
terprises which might otherwise be put
forever out of business.
Paris, Nov. 23: Because of his brav
ery in leading a charge in recent Cham
pagne fighting, Lieutenant Charles
Sweeney, San' Francisco, will receive
the Legion of Honor cross Thursday.
He has rocently been in a hospital with
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
(lasses sorrectly. U. 8. bank bldg.
Dr. W. B. Morse Mid Dr. B. F. Pound
returned last ovenlng from a three
days' duck hunt near Arlington.
Dr. B. T. Mclntue, pnyslclan and
urgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 410.
The Six O'clock club of the rirat
Methodist church will have the pleasure
this evening uf listening to an address
by rrosident Donpy, of Willamette
university, who will talk on, "Civio
Dr. Stono's Drug Store.
Dr. O. E. OaBhatt, city physician, will
deliver uu addict this evening before
tho Knights of Pythias, Inking for
bis subject "Sanitation." This is ono
of the regular weekly tulka to bo mado
before the lodge on general health aud
Dr. Btone'i Drug Btore.
L, A. Luptcn, decorator and publicity
man fcr the Meyers department store,
left last evening for a two weeks' visit
ot tlm lilir nxixmitiiin nt ISnn Francisco.
and for a short visit with relatives nl
bwruinento. Ills visit will combine both
pleasure and business.
for tht traveler
Spoils 'AtKomenws'-nlwny's
Her. one finds dictinctive
Her one moeti lervice that
H?rt is food that if savory
end satisfying
Urns li utmoiphtre tlwt clitrmi
end cKttrt.
H U found (hit rare HOME
LIKE altmtnt which ewjj en
Hum mW lovtly dijli of Nor.
tonli tty.
The tkin dut tppnlf-nuxltratt
Before placing your printing order,
Phone 217U. Fullor Printing Concorn.
Two vouna Chinamen left this morn
ing for tho oast. Harry (ling bought
hi I iiU,.t (o (Iliicaco. whore he will
attend school this winter. V. A. Chan
will go to Omaha for a short visit, nnu
lutur will ioin Mr. tiinir in Chicauo for
a course of study this winter.
TtfiniiiAT-v will hn tomnorarllv at
3'JH Hubbard Bldg. Mrs. 11. P. Stith.
The dirt to be excavated from the
McOilchrist lot, corner State and Lib
him hmm mirchnscd bv
the city mid will bo mostly used on
"... ... . .1.. ti..lL
North lliRU street una at mo ouuwi
Commercial street bridge.
Save car fare by eating at the
White Swan Dairy lunch.
Bids for the construction of the su
per structure of the W. W. Mooro build
ing on Court street will bo opened
nt the office of Architect Ucoigo M.
Post next Friday. The firm of Dnl
rvmplo & Buloy have tho contract for
tiio excavation, foundation and side
walk work.
A cigar that Is declared the best
over bearing a nniuo inclining highest
quality Jlygrudo.
The first Elks dance of the soasoon
will bo given nt tho lodge ono week
from tonight, November 30. Music
will bo furnished by the Elk orchestra.
Charles Dcnnison, Milo liasimissen and
U. .1. Meiring constituto the committee
in chnrgo of tho evening's program,
The (liinco Is exclusively r Elks and
their ladies.
See the 5c, 10c, 13c bargain tables In
our west show window. Huron & Ham
While working on the foundation of
the W. W. Mooro building on Court
street, W. N. Kirtley, one of tho work
men, was slightly injured yesterday
noon by a lulling rock Intting mm on
tho hoiid. Ho was taken homo for the
(lrensiuu of the wound and is expect
ed to bo on tho job tomorrow,
I. O. 8. students' fraternity head
quarters, Room 1, HtcuslotT Dldg, com
er of Court nnd Liberty,
Bargains, bargains, special Thanks
giving snlo of kitchenwaro utensils, liu
ren & Hamilton.
David J. Holmes, who was burled yes
terday, died at his homo in this city
Sunday -afternoon at the ago of 76
years. Ho enmo to this county in 1S48
and for many years lived on a tract one
milo west of Snlom. In 1809 he was
married to Miss Mary E. Lewis, of Mu
rion county, the daughter of J. H, and
Elleu Lewis, also pioneers of 1847.
Season ticket reservation to the Ly
ceum course, Friday, November 20, 9
a. m. . Armory.
Mrs. 8. A. Jones, of Long Beach,
Cal., will leave for her home this even
ing, nftor a two months' visit with
friends in the city Before returning
to Loner Bcacu, she will visit at liosc
burg, Sacramento and Fresno. Mrs.
.ToneB was a resident of Salem from
1804 until about three years ngn, nnd
greatly enjoyed her visit with old
Stop. Lood at our west show window,
kitehenware selling at about halt tli
regular price, Duron & Hamilton.
Tire completely destroyed the house
occupied by E. H. Blivcn, four miles
north of Snlom on the Wallace rond,
nt 10 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Bliv
on, who is the mother of n child two
days old, was fortunately tit tho home
of her parents, a short uintnnce from
her home. Tho house belonged to A
Orueber and was insured, although no
insurance was carried on tho contents
which wcro a total loss.
Don't miss the concert recital at the
Vallov Musie house tonight. Plenty of
good comfortnble seats. Lots of fine
music. All free.
11m off
12(1, end
W. W. Moore, the enterprising pro
prietor of the Mooro rurnituro store
is of tho opinion that when any one
buys a range nt this time of year, a big
Thanksgiving turkev should bo includ
ed as unrt of tho fixtures. Following
out this idea, he has been offering a
fifteen pound turkey with each range,
and so far, the idea has become quite
popular, judging from the number of
ranges sold.
Thanksgiving sale of Savory Boast
ers, Carvers, Casseroles and iutciicu
mnro. linrcu & Hamilton.
B. A. Wordcn, living eight miles
north of tho citv near Ouinubv. Is to
day celebrating liis ninety-third birth
day. Ho was born in New York in 18'J2
and after living in different parts of
t no country, enmo to wrogon siiont ,m
years ago, living at first near Liberty
but a few years later moving to his
fnrm nnni Oiitnnbv. 1IU iliiuchtcr mid
granddaughter are living with him. Al
though within a few years of tho cen
tury mark, Mr. Worden is in rnmnrlr.
ably good health. '
200 more chairs have been secured
'or the Lyceum coursn nnd will l,n 0i.i
while they Inst.. Tickets at tho music
stores. t
The Loval Sons nf Mia rm- fl,J4.
ihh cnurcn, witn an enrollment of 50
will assist in tho entertainment of the
VOUIlff niftn Whn will nttnn.-l 4fl.i
, o ----- . ..... ..v.uu-.. ,uu .UHVII
Bession of the Older Boys-' Conference
-' ' ctuiem tnis weea. rno en-
iiTimiiiiieiii, committee, ueorge Hod
gors, chairman, have been notified by
mo j.uvui culls rnat tne rocoption
VOOniS nf tlln I'lilue will lin
. ..... ..v it ir
ceivo the visitors at any time, aud
loiiv onuiraay. rj, Anowland
and A. M. Hanson are the tonchora nf
. i. .. i ... -
i ue .uoyai sous.
Removal notice. Johnson hat works
have removed from 404 Court street
10 l-in fcouth ( nimnprcinl. npYf ,1mi.
uiiuiiii uiiice.
The Arto-rrisco drill team of the
uniieu Artisans, now that tho first
lriiu is tncirs, anu tne original oli.jeel
for Which tho tenm xtnn nrirniii,t,l nn
complishcd, contemplating changing its
nstiie. At tho meeting last evening,
several numef w ere suggested, but none
ufiiiiiioiy ueciiieu on. mo tenm u
also planning for regulnr weekly meet
ings, when tiiey will take up somo spo
cial study.
Don't miss the concert recital at the
Valley Music house tonight. Plenty of
good comfortable seats. Lots of 'fine
music. All free.
The average burglar who gets into
a country postoffice seems to rather
liko the lmiUs of tho money order
blanks. November 17, thieves broke
into the Kust Heobey. Alont., postoffico,
and besides other things, stole money
orders numbered from 7121 to 7200.
Burglars in the Marshall, Wash., post
office, November 17, carried away a
good supply of stamps, besides a money
order for J(tS7 for Pictro Bertucelli, Ita
ly. The (llcndale monev orders stolen
November 1.1, wero numbered from 37,
201 to 38,000.
Boserve that season ticket one for
nil. Friday, November 20, 9:00 a. m,
at the armory. Oct the Benson ticket
at the music stores.
The Harvest Home entertainment
nnd donation pnrty held last night nt
tho First Methodist church for the
benefit of the Old People's Homo was
well t.ttended. About 50 worth of
clothing was received, besides cash do
nations, all the churches and Sun
day sehml In the city sending dona
tions. Bcsidlea flothing nnd money,
Rome, Nov. 23. Fighting for Goritz
continues in a "hurricane of fire," the
war office reported today. Austrians
have made several strong counter at-1
tacks which succeeded several times in
breaking the Italian lines,, it was ad- i
muted. -Eventually, however, all of
these attacks were repulsed. Around
Monto San Michele, fresh progress was
Home, Nov. 23. Serbians have sev
erely defeated the Bulgars at Kossovo,
tho plain of the Black Bird, according
to a dispatch today.
Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 23 Italy
has decided to send an expedition to,
tho Balkans to help the allies, accord
ing to the Rome correspondent of the
Neu Zurichter Zeitung today. The al
lies firmness with Greece has turned the
scnle in their favor, he added.
Is With Us
It seems to us that we all have more reason than
usual to be thankful. While we are peacefully work
ing our way through Turkey and Cranberry sauce,
Mince Pie, Plum Pudding, etc., our brothers acress
the Pond will be assimilating gas-bombs and grape
shot and likely wondering what in the world they
have to be thankful for. And the mothers and
wives, sisters and daughters, widows and orphans,
can you imagine them when they sit down to their
meager repast? Truly we have plenty to be thank
ful for; we thank the people of Salem who appreciate
our efforts in reducing the high cost of living in
Salem. We thank you for your splendid co-operation
and patronage.
generous donations were made of fruits,
cunncd goods and groceries. Following
the procran of the evening, refresh
ments wero Berved.
Turkey shoot, Thanksgiving Day,
November 25, at -Capital City Hod &
Gun club's grounds, on the 17th street
car line, 1-4 mile south of fair ground,
Nulom,' Oregon.
L. O. Carey, who was arrested on a
chnrgo of annoying somo of the women
who attended the Friends church in the
north part of this city was arraigned
in Justico Webster's court today and
entered a plea of not guilty. Ho will
be given a preliminary hearing iu tho
near future.
The Christian Endeavor Union in
vites all the churches of the city to a
Thanksgiving prayer meeting in the
Presbyterian church at seven a. in.
Unless the people of Salem come for
ward, and offer the accommodations of
their homes for the 350 young men who
will attend the Older Boys' conference
here this week, more than half of them
will arrive with no arrangements made
for thoir entertainment. George F.
Rodgers, chairman of the entertainment
committee Btntes this afternoon that ac
commodations have been secured for
barely one-third of those coming. , As
this is an urgent case, and one where
Salem has a great opportunity to show
its hospitality, it has been suggested
that parties who can take care of one
or two of the young nen, telephone Mr.
Rodgors. This should bo done tomorrow
so that arrangements for the care of
the young men will have been com
pleted beforo their arrival Friday.
There' will be no mail dolivery on
Thursday, Thanksgiviug day. The gen
cip.l delivery window will be open on
Thursday morning from 8 to 9 o'clock.
John Linnd, who is supposed to have
boon murdered in Portland last Friduy
by his companion, George Bartholomew,
spent fully a week in this city looking
nt several small tracts shown tlun by
local real estate men, Linnd, who was
a Hcnndinnvion of about middle size,
told the real estate firm of rcott .&
Bynon, that ho had S,000 to invest,
but did not want to put up moro than
1,000 cash. They were shown several
tracts, but did not buy ns the parties
would not come down enough on their
prico to suit him, Bartholomew did
not impress the real estate men as of
the criminal type. At one time, Bar
tholomew urged Linnd to' buy a ccrtuin
tract, but ns the price was not re
duced to suit him, he left the office in
a temper, followed by Bartholomew.
They left the following day for Port
Basketball Benson opened last night
when two games were played. The D.
D, club defeated the sophomoro tenm
H 2, and the Commoners taking a 12-4
victory from the Academy.
Todav the senior team will play the
Kimball college quintet and the Klotdie
Klub aggregation will face the fast
freshman basket tossers. Conch Mat
thews will have plenty of material this
year from which to select his varsity
sipiad as tho series of interclnss and
club gnmes has aroused the interest of
every aspirant.
Professor Wallace McMurrny will de
liver tho next number of his lecture
course tonight in Knton hall. His sub
ject for the evening's address is,
"Maxim Gorky and Realism."
Homo of tho Gorkys works which he
will discuss are: "The Suing Citizen,"
"A Night shelter," and "Hunmer
Tho lecturo will begin at S p. m.
Best No. 1 New Crop Chestnuts
Walnuts 15c Pound
20C P01Uld 3 Cans of Salmon for
5 25c
10-cent Cans of Milk for Creamery Butter
25c 36c Pound
With orders for $1.00 Qne Quart of Queen
worth of ether groceries Olives for
or more. 35c
i "
Mincemeat 3 Pounds of Nice Silver
t A n i Prunes for
iOc Pound
ESSS 4 Lbs. Pop Corn
30c Per Dozen 25c
Try a Sack of Our Best Valley Flour $1.20
885 North lU C Phone
Com'l St.
General Villa Returns
To Attack Hermosillo
Douglas, Ariz., Nov. 23. Fragment
ary reports from the interior of Sonora
today said that Francisco Villa had re
turned to the attack on Hermosillo nnd
was engaging the Carranzistag there in
stubborn fresh fighting. If this is true,
it means Villa is staking everything on
entering the city beforo General Die
guez arrives with Carranzista reinforce
ments. Telegraph wires are cut, rail
way bridges burned and roads obstruct
ed in Sonora, so the information reach
ing here is rather unsatisfactory.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known K
J. Chenoy for the last 15 years, and bar
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations mado
by his firm.
National Bank of Commerce,
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free. Price 75 cents por
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Home-made Mince Meat,
2 lbs 25c
Plum Pudding 10c, 30c, 55c
New Crop Nuts, all kinds 25c
New Crop Sates, bulk 15c
Candled Figs, bulk 20c
California Pigs, bulk 3 lbs.. . ,25c
6 Crown Clusters, lb 25c
3 Crown Clusters, lb 15c
Seeded or Seedless, 15 oz pkg., ,
2 for 25c
Loose Muscatels, lb 10c
First of the Season Navels,
small size, 25c doz, larger. .40c
Sunklst Lemons, dozen 25c
Florida drape Fruit, large,
each 15c
Bananas, fancy stock, doz. . ,30c
Fancy Grain Fed Stock, bought
weeks ago and specially fed on
corn and milk. None better to
be had. Down goes the price to
pound 24c
Fancy Steer Beef, tender and
Juicy. The supply of this grade
of meat nevor exceeds the de
mand: Choicest Rib Roast, lb 18c
Pot Roast, lb. Mc
Short Ribs, lb 12c
Pure Hamburger, lb 15c
Thanksgiving Special !
15c Jar Prepared Mustard 9c
Apples Celery
Cranberries Sweet Potatoes
Oranges Squashes
Hens or Young Roosters, live weight, per lb 14c
Buy Potatoes now 50c per bushel, sack lots
Cabbage for Kraut, 1 l-2c per pound
Ward K. Richardson
2393 North Front St. Phone 49 i