' six THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 1915. SCHOOL VACATION When You Feel Out of Sorts 3 This Week at ROSTEIN & GREE NBAUM'S 240 and 216 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET Best Outing Flannel, colors or white 8'2c Yard LADIES' OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS 50c Gowns now 40c 75c Gowns now 60c $1.00 Gowns now 80c $1.25 Gowns now 95c Large line of Ladies' Wool and Silk and Wool Union Suits at Half Price MILLINERY Our entire stock of Ladies' and Chil dren's Hats, Frames, Feathers, Plumes and Materials AT BIG REDUCTIONS KIMONOS . 65c Kimonos now ' . . . 49c $1.00 Kimonos now 85c $1.25 Kimonos now 85c FURS Entire stock of Furs, including all Muffs and Sets now . . .20 to 50 Off HANDKERCHIEFS Big assortment Reduced Prices TABLE LINEN BARGAINS High Grade Table Linen at Reduced Prices. NEVER MIND THE WAR 2 yards wide, was a bargain at $1.25, now $1.00 70 inches wide, was a bargain at 85c, now 70c 65 inches wide, was a bargain at 75c, now 60c 72 inch Mercerized, was 65c, now . . .42c Tablecloths from 25c a yard up The Broken Labor Truce And Causes Leading to It 1 1 By Ed L. Keen. (t'nitod Press Btuff Correspondent.) London, Oct. 9 (liy mail.) To sup- noit hin chnrire' that capital hus ex ploited lnlior during this war the Brit ish worklngninn cites the employers' own boohs Knowing, he snys excessive profits from war business,., lie cites for oxnmples; . , . Spiders, flour millers of Cardiff, last year declared a profit of 1 ,8:15,000, an increase of $1, 135,000 over the uverngo . of the last 3 years. The i'owoll Diif Trvn Colliery company, profit $2,110, Olio, increase (650,000; Ebb Vale' Coul &, Iron company, profit $710,000, in crease $325,000; Lanchet Brothers, profit $780,000, increase $280,000. - Practically nothing was dono by the Bovornment to control the gradually uonring retail prices of foodstuffs. Em ployers refused to Increase wages suf 1'ieently to meet tho new conditions. In Novoniber, 1914, the Journal of Com merce said: "The opportunities now open to British shipping nro obvious, Herman ships swept off the sea, wo have no Horious competitors in tho carrying trade of the world." Just after this Htimo freight rntes from tho Argentine to Great Britain increased COO per cent. It was the business as usual policy thnt aroused tho worklugincn. They bo- gnn demonstrations. At first thcro was no suggestion of striking. But demonstrations and resolutions brought no results. itKAL wages steadily de clined. Except In munitions trades ithore overtime was paid, NOMINAL wages wore stationary. To date, to offset the 40 per cent increase in liv ing cost, wages in orgn nixed trades trades have increased only 10 por cent; and in unorganised trades hardly at all. Of nearly ten million workers not inoro than three million have received increases. Only the threat of con certed industrial action induced em ployers to concede this much mainly in war bonuses, labor says. Moreover, tho war was being con ducted in Bilonco, Tiuu government wouldn't tell what was happening. Theio was no incentive for the work ingmnu to show interest in tho war's progress; thero was every incentive for III in to show increased interest in his own welfare. 8c the industrial truco, declnred at the beginning, was broken. Despite this thero have been only thirty strikes since August, 1014 involving more than 250 workers each. The biggest of these were the Clyde and South Wales coal strikes, in both of which, ulthough the truco was violated, there was no viola tion of contracts. Notice was given by tho unions of their demand for a now agreement to replace the one about to expire. Thore would have been no strike if tho men had followed the ad vice of their leaders, who endeavored to keep the truce. The men wore angry. They insisted that on patriotism there should bo one rule for employer and employed. If it was patriotic for em ployers to pilo up enormous war prof its it was not unpatriotic for employes to demand a portion of them for the men suffering financially because of tho war. The men won a partial vic tory, largely, t'noy say, because the government finally realized the justice of their. contentions. Both strikes wore the result of revolt against exploita tion. In neither cose nor in any of the minor strikes did the workors ask for a larger increase) than the rise in the cost of living warranted. In prac tically every casd tho advances have been inadequate to meet tho now con ditions of life, the men say. Labor feels that tho attitude of the British press has widened this gujf be tween emplovers and employes. The strikers have been cnllod traitors. Thero has been practically no condemnation of the employers. Tho press has charg ed that (lerninn gold made this indus trial unrest, but no proof of this has been shown. Much has been said of the enmity of tho men in tho trenches toward the strikers. Here is one stoy on the other side: It was the night before the mon of tho Olnmorgau colliery wore to vote on the strike, Jnek niigiios, chairman, had been advised by Tom Richards, la bor member of Parliament from that district, to go slow. "Think it woll over," said Richards. "Remember Th " i 1 annsgiving Will Soon Be Here Make your selection of wearing apparel so you will be at your best. Our Fall models in BISHOP ALL WOOL SUITS $15 $20 ?25 HART SCHAFFNER& MARX $20 $25 $30 Will give you the satisfaction you are looking for. Our Men's Furnishings are complete in every line. Hats, Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Other Routine Business Transacted at Board Meet ing Last Night .. The Thanksgiving vacation for the pupils. of the Salem seliools will include Thursday and Friday of this week, and Christmas vacation will begin with the closing of the Schools Thursday even ing, December 3, and continue until the opening of 'the schools, Monday morning, January 3. This action was taken by the school directors at a reg ular meeting held last evening. The solectiou of a school physician was postponed until the first of the year, but the salary of $50 a month heretofore paid was" roduced to $35 a month. As the threo junior high schools each have libraries and require special at tention, Miss Alma Ashliy was elected assistant librarian for the term of 7 months at a salary of $20 a month. Permission was given Mr. LaMoiuo Clark, principal of the llighlanlschool, to attend the session of the Tdarion County Veterans association which will meet on the afternoon of December 2, accompanied by her class. Sirs. Clars is secretary of tho association. The request of the Parent Teacher's association of the Lincoln school to erect play sheds at tho school, was re ferred to the committee on buildings and grounds. This committee will meet with those interested in the Lin coln school and go over plans for the plav sheds desired. As the boys in the manual training class are ambitious to make something of real value, permission was given them to erect a garage and dispose of it to the highest bidder, the money so roce.ivod, to be turned into this depart ment of the schools. Regarding the proposed bridge across Thirtoenth street, near the Washington junior high school, the board was or the opinion that it would be more con venient to build it from Twelfth street, as tho Thirteenth street location was rather out of tho way. The building of this bridge was proposed by the building committee of the city council, as a means to keep the pupils from crossing on the railroad bridce when going to the athletics-grounds. The matter was referred to the building and grounds committeo to act with the committee trom the council. A petition from the boys of the Radio club for permission to erect two toot stations on the roof of the high school building was also referred to the building committee. While the oiroctors wore in tavor of the boys tak ing up wireless telegraphy, it was thought best to have the stations erect ed by experienced carpenters. In a general discussion of footbnll and athletics, several members of the board wore of the opinion that the t me is coining when the athletics of the school will not bo confined to the few who are physically fit to play foot ball, but that the efforts of a physical director will De given to the training of all the boys in military drills and other gymnastic work-in ordor that those who nre really most in need of training, will be given atteution. that it is our pals iu tlin nnvv nml nr tho front who will suffer." While thinking it over, Hughes met a group of his colliery chums, wounded and homo from the war. Two of them were about to return to the trenches for tho third time; ono' was going back for the second time. "Hoys," said Hughes, "whnt will tho South Wales colliers in the trench es think of us if wo strike?" "It's their wish and ours," was the quick reply, "that you strike with all your might. We aro with you and for you." Piles Cured In 8 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bloeding or Protruding Piles. irst application gives reliof. 50c. Housewives Advised On Care of Plants Washington, D. C, Nov. 23Adviee to housewives on the bathing, feeding and care of potted plants has just been issued by Uncle Sam and his plant . in dustry experts. Rubber plants need a sun bath every day. Their feet should be kept damp, but not wot. The leaves should bo washed twico a week in good sonpsuds and rinsed in clear wntr. When inn pot gets too full of roots, re-pot the puuii. r.verv runner plant should nave a prepared food square meal twico a month! Give It a dose of dilutod am monia occasionally, too. With regard to tho housewifo's pot ted plants generally, Uncle Sam says she should chase the wooly white mealy bugs and the little red aiita away from them with a tooth pick. She may drown the red spider with a squirt guii. If the bugs and spiders shatter your preparedness program, von are advised to cut tho plants off within an inch of their livos and throw them away. They will grow again. The ercon fly, which is not so green as it looks, won't bother your plants if you keep them well bathed and fed. it means that something is wrong with vour physical condi tion. Those dull eyes, that tired feelinz. headache, disturbed sleep, disordered stomach, sallow skin and bad tafte in the mouth, are signs that your digestive organs are not in good order. Get the stomach and liver acting properly, and these disagreeable symptoms will disappear. It is a simple matter to keep these important organs in healthy condition by taking 9T fTM?? 17 for this remarkable remedy possesses medicinal virtues which stimulate a sluggish liver, regulate the bile, and give the stomach new strength to digest and assimilate its food, i They also carry off the impurities from the system, improve the blood, and bring back the hue of health to the cheeks. Beecham's Pills are not a "cure-all," but la splendid con ditioner whenever you are out of sorts and know you need Something for vour liver, rlirrestinn. hnwek or MnnH Whpn you feel that way, you can always count on Beecham's Pills to k j. 1 i mi i . jei you ngnr. i ney quickly build up a run-down system and Laritrt Sat of Any Mtdiant la A Worll Put You in Fine Fettle At All Dmgglstt J0c, 25c. How Will Carranza Finance His Desolated Republic Now? (United Press correspondent.) Washington, D. C, Nov. 23. Will Uncle Sam become Mexico's financial angel f This question is the absorbing problem involved iu establishing the Carranza government. That financial help must be given by the United States to Mexico is admit ted by officials. The form such aid should take is the principal hitch. High state department officials intimate that the government cannot appear as a principal in securing, credit for Car ranza. Its moral support, however, is assured. The modus operandi probably will be as follows: After Carranza 's agents iu New York have made guarded over tures to financiers for a loan, quiet inquiries will be made of the state de partment if such a loan has the approv al of tho government. Inquiry will be made as to whether the U. 8. would buck, up the loan in case Carranza 's government should fall and collection from a new administration be made necessary. If agents of financiers re ceive such assurances, the loan will be made, with bonds of the new Mexican government as security. That Carranza must secure his loan in this country is regarded as certain. Europe's money marts are not open to him. It is possible he might place part of a bond Issue with Argentine bank ers. The bulk of the transaction must, however, be handled by New York fin anciers. Re-establishing Mexico's financial system presents many difficulties to Carranza. Hundreds of counterfeit is sues of money are afloat. Villa has is sued millions of currency now value less. In Mexico City alone there are a score of repudiated issues. Huerta's currency is worthless. Carranza, who has announced that he will establish a gold standard for Mcx ica, with a new currency system similnr to the federal reserve act of this coun try, but he probably will not be ablo to do it until a new Mexican congress is legally elected. Regarding the immense debt burden faced by Carranzn, payment will be ef fected, according to information hero, through clnim commissions. Carranza will assent to mixed claims commissions to deal separately with each country presenting claims. Assurance by Cnr ranza thnt he would honor foreign claims was one of the conditions upon which he was recognized as chief execu tive. These claims total about $300, 000,000. The Mexican unmixed clnimB commis sion will, it is reported, bo composed of representatives of the interested na tions, but the U. S. will not officially participate iu collection of claims of other nations. The claims Carranza assumes run back five years from the ousting of President Diaz. No claims for proper ty destroyed and confiscated during that and successive revolutions have ever been paid. This involves lengthy and complicated negotiations before payment of the claims, to establish na tional responsibility for property losses in tho many major and minor revolts. Solicitor Cone Johnson of the state department, has aetivo charge of the Americaa clnims. Many of these have been on file for years, awaiting re establisliment of a stablo government from which pnyment could be demand ed. Railroad, mining, oil and ranch ing interests are the principal Ameri can claimants. Americans aro stock and bond holders of the Mexican na tion and other railroads and telegrnph companies which have suffered the brunt of revolutions. Only a small part of the American claims, whioh now aggregate about $150,000,000, have been filed with the state department. Others aro boing re ceived daily. APPLYING THIS PASTE ATCUALLY EEMOVES HAIRS (Beauty Notes) Merely applying an inexpensive paste to a hairy surface, say beauty specialists, will dissolve the hairs. This paste is mado by mixing a little water with some powdorcd delatono; after about 2 minutes it is rubbed off and the skin washed. This Bimple method not only removes every trace of hair, but leaves the skin free from blemish. To insure success with this treatment, be careful to get real delntone. NEW TODAY )C )c s)c 3C ic SC sjt sjc sfc (c s(t )Jc ft PHONE 937 For wood saw. PIGS FOR SALE Phono 53F13. Nov23 AUTO FOR HIRE Phone 144. Dec28 FIR WOOD $3.50 per cord. Phone 2249. it CITY WINDOW CLEANER Phone 768. Decll GOOD OEESE For sale. Phone 37F11. Nov23 FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at White House Restaurant. Nov23 FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms, 336 North High street. tf TWO SEVEN ROOM HOUSES One furnished, for ront. Seo G. W John son, tf JERSEY COWSAnd heifers for sale, cheap. C S. Bowne, Aumsville, Ore gon, t NEW TODAY PUBLIC SALE Friday, November 28, at 1 p. m., between Liberty and Rosednlc, cows, heifers, household goods, cte. Bonfire and sholtcr. Silas Rich. Nov25 WAR NEWS Or ONE TEAS AGO TODAY )i France claimed that since September 6 the allies have gained many Important victor- ios and blocked .the German plan of campaign. A German ii aeroplane bomb broke the U. 8. consulate windows la War- saw. Celebrating Polk eounty'a latest achievements, th alias Observer says: "Polk was the only county west of the Cascades to receive recognition at the Land show, four eastern Oregon counties having ben awarded prieta. Polk, In getting second place, should b congratulated for saving the Wil lamette valley from utter defeat" "GO OREGON ELECTRIC" Oregon Thanksgiv i n g University Football vs. AT Multnomah A. A. Club PORTLAND $2.00 Round Trip from SALEM Tickets good for return until Monday. SPECIAL LIMITED TRAIN TO PORTLAND Wednesday, Nov. 24. Leave Salem 3:30 P. M., arrive Portland 5 P. M. J. W. RITCHIE, Asent, Salem, Oregon FOR RENT Modern 5 room house, furnished sewing machine. 405 8. 17th. Phono 1156J. Nov23 DRIED LOGANBERRIES WANTED At 17 j cents. Address G. O. Boyce, 1795 8. High street. Nov23 FOR RENT River bottom and stock, near Balom. 502 Balom Bank of Com merce Bldg. Phone 376. tf GOAT MEAT First clasB only, 3o per pound, delivorod to any part of city. 156 8. 12th. Phone 2411). Decld FOR SALE High grade upright piano, and bench, first class condition. Phone 125. Nov23 GOAT MEAT 4 and Co per pound. Independent Markot. 157 South Commercial strot. tf RUMMAGE SALE Now on at 260 State, by the Court street Christian church. tf TRaDE rlino months old Jersey heif er for wood. Phono 72FI3 or call 694 N Liberty. Nov29 WANTED To trade, horso, buggy and harness, fdr hay, grain, cow, or wood. Call at 2U75 Brooks Ave. Nov25 WANTED At 1757 Chomoketa street, a good steady high school girl who wants to work for her board and room. Nov24 WANTED v"ork, by man that can keep tin his own rig, running auto truck or delivery. Address E. H., care Journal. Nov24 LEASE of 100 ncres, port crop, plow- . ing implements, horses, cattlo, hay and grain. Will sell in lots only. 35, care Journal. Nov24 BUY YOUR WOOD DIRECT from the 'imter, and save the cost of the double haul paid to dealers in the city. Phone 2219. 30,000.00 For improved farm loans. Jfi.WH) loans preferred. Munt be good. 7 per cent Ernest Blue, 15 Bush Bank Bldg. Nov23 REM EM BER The time, place and the price. Tannksgiving layl Turkey and cranberries. The Cherrv CitJR Cafo, 168 South High. Only 25c. G. W. EYRE and L. a Cavanough ere buying fat hogs and paying highest cash prices to ship to Portland. Phone G. W. Eyre, 3206M or L, O. Cavanangh, 2183M. . tf FOR SALE Good driving mare, 1 good Percheron colt, 1 good mare colt, paced, 1 buggy. 1 hack. 8 sete harness, 1 white sky poodle dog, nice house pet. 2305 N. Broadway. Nov24 WANTED The names and addressee of the legal heirs at law or relatives, of Truman L. Ireland, late of Com pany "F," 12th Wisconsin Infan try, sometimes known as Leroy T. Ireland. He is reported to have lived at Salem, Oregon, la 18f3, and re ceived his mail in Box 338. I have valuable information for his heira. Address Fred D. Mason, Atty., Be. enrity Mutual Life Bldg., Lincoln Nobraakr,