Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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x N rm
Great Extra Specials in
Oar Men's Clothing Store
$25.00 Values
$22.50 Values $18.00
Values $16.00
$170 Valises
$15.00 Values $12.00
$10.00 Values .. $
Hen's Umbrellas
Extra Special Offering
$5.00 values $4.25
$4.00 values $3.45
$3.00 values $2.55
$2.50 values $2.10
.$2.00 values $1.70
$1.50 values $1.30
$1.00 values 85c
50c values 45c
Boy's Suits and Overcoats
A Large, Snappy Stock to
Choose From
$3.50 Suits $2.98
$4.00 Suits $3.40
$5.00 Suits $4.25
$7.50 Suits $6.35
$8.50 Suits $7.20
$10.00 Suits $8.50
Boys' Knee Trousers 75c
values 50c
Broken Lines for
$7.50, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00
and $12.50
The regular prices of these
Suits are $15, $20.00 and $25
Men's $1 Golf Shirts now 79c
Men's White Handkerchiefs
15c Values 9c
10c Values 6c
5c Values 3c
Oregon Chickens Win
In Egg-Laying Contest
Men's $1.00 Work Shirt, Jumbo size, triple stitched and
reinforced, now 85c
Men's black and tan Soxs, regular 10c values,
now t 4 pair for 25c
Men's elastic ribbed Under Shirts and Drawers, 50c
values, now 37c a Garment
Men's Ribbed Under Shirts and Drawers, superior
quality, 50c values now 45c
Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined Under Shirts and Draw
ers, 50c values 45c
California Possesses
Million Dollar Pear Tree
Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 23. An
nouncement was made by tlio state hor
ticultural commission today of the dis
covery of a "million dollar" pear
tree in El Dorado county.
The tree is of such great valuo, be
cause it is the only lute bartlott poor
-Tlk J'IP "1 "P
I . T UOftM MUM n
i j'illO "MO
AM anKluKi KfUt
iW pop t tof M
tree in existanco apd because the bud
ding and grafting processes will make
it possible to stmt other trees of this
Kinu in nu orcnurus oi i-nmoruia.
Aa it is now the bartlett pear
season winds up about September first.
The propagation of tho new tree means
that Cttliloiniuns will Dcioro lang nave
bartlett pears, most luscious of all, in
mul wmtcr, direct irom tne orennru.
The troe wan grown by J. E. llass
lor, horticultural commissioner of Kl
Dorado county and in reporting hiB
success to tho state commissioner ho
sent along a number of fine pears thnt
his "million dollar" tree had pro
duced. ,
Vessels Are Lost
In Alaskan Waters
The kind ' you have always
wanted to get but havo nover found
till now. Goes further and docs
more than any other Wanning Com
pound. Removes paint, pitch, spots
or stains without injury to the most
delicate fabric.
tin am nut hurt the hands. No
washboard needed with this powder.
Excellent for washing floors,
woodwork, dishes, pots, pans, in fact
anything for which aoBp is needed.
Uood for the bath.
Smith & Lucas
Marlon County Agents
148 South Commercial, Phona 60S
For sale at O. K. Grocery, IfiO 9.
12th, and by Damon & Son, 855 N.
Commercial Street.
Agents Wanted.
Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 23. Terrific,
storms sweeping the Alaska coast have
been responsible for the loss within the
past week of at least four small ves
sels, owned in Seattle They were the
fishing schooner Mnrs, burned and
wrecked off Five Finger inland; the
tender Clnre, pounded to pieces on
Weilue inland; the WruDstnae, smasiiea
on Cala reef, and t'uo Edith O., driven
onto tho beach in Lynn canal,
Flahora In Danger.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 23. Two Se
attle fishing schooners, the Tyee and
Progress, are reported in very serious
trouble on tho Alaska halibut fishing
bnnks. The Tyco has sprung a leak
and tho Progress ripped open her bot
tom running ashore in Icy strait. Oth
er lmhing craft are suffering from the
heavy weather.
... 1TJP rtWTJ T V A n T1TTH1
Gel a Con
Front Your
or Grocery Dealer1
Identity of Dead
Man Still Unknown
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 23. The
identity of the man shot and ki'.led in a
duel lust night with Deputy bhoriff
George Johnson waB Btill unknown to
day. The man had what tho authorities
beliove to be a safo cracker's kit, in
cludinz explosives, in his possession.
Three men reported to the sheriff 'v
office lant night that they had been
held up neur tho Armsby packing
Deputies Johnnon aud Blair hurriei
to the scene.
While searching around the packing
plant building Johnson saw a man ait'
ting on the steps, no ordered :nm to
get up. Instead the man fired twice
with a revolver. Johnson returned the
fire, wounding the man so seriously
that he died an hour later.
Will insure to thi country a health
ier and more intelligent "family of tho
future" and many a woman, obvious
lv unfit for niarrinec. has had hor
health restored by the timely use of
Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com
pound, the most successful remedy for
female ills tho world has ever known.
Knormous quantities of roots and horbs
are used annually in making this good
old-fashioned remedy and no woman
who suffers from female ills should
loo hope until she has tried it.
East Oregoniun: At tho moeting of
tho Round-Up bonrd last evening the
last of the bills for the 1915 show were
paid and the books show thnt the re
ceipts from the show were sufficient to
defray the total expenses of the show
and to take up tho indebtedness left
by the 1014 show.
Girls, have vou hoard about tho new
est way to curl tho hairl If you have
not, by all menns, cut out tueso simple;
directions and try this wonderful j
method tonight beforo yon go to bed. I
Just procuro a new tooth brush and a!
fow ounces of plain liquid silmerine:
from your druggist) apply enough of:
tho liquid with tho bruidi to moisten1
the hair from root to tip. Tomorrow
morning you will ba quite astonished
when you find that your hair hnsj
dried such lovely waves and curls they I
appear altogether natural, Instead ofj
having been artificially acquired.
Your hair will of course have more
ut,n,iu n.l fluff InrM than where the
drvlnir. niiiffoluff wavlntf iron is used. I
It will appear glossier ami livelier, for
silmerine has proved equally desirable
as a dressing for the hair. You'll find
It pleasant to use, and It will leave no
sticky, greasy or streaky traec.
Albany, Or., Nov. 23. "This is the
life," quoth Oeorge Brown, aged 70.
as he beamed on his coy bride, aged
73, todav. Ther were married lust
night, the bride was formerly Mrs.
tllcn Htockdale.
NEAL of the NAVY
Second Story in Two Keel
Lillian Loraina, Wa. Conrtleigu,
. Jr., and in all star cast.
4 Other Big Recjs-4
A Refined Dancing, Frolicking
Sister Team,
Today and Tomorrow
Suffered Twenty-One Years
Finally Found Relief
Having suffered for twenty-one
years witn a pain in mv side, I finally
have found relief in Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root. Injections of morphine
were my only relief for short periods
of timo. I became so sick that I had
to undergo a surgical operation in New
Orleans, which benefitted me for two
years. W hen tho same vain came bacK
one day I was so sick that I gave up
hopes of living. A friend advised me
to try your Swamp-Hoot and I at once
commenced using it. The first bottle
did me so much good that I purchased
two more bottles. I am now on my
second bottlo and am feeling like a
now woman. I passed a gravel stone
as large as a big red bean and several
small ones. - I have not had tiie least
fooling of pain since taking jtaur
Swamp-Hoot and I feel it my duty to
recommend this great medicine to all
BUiicring humanitv. Gratofully vours,
Rnpldcs Par. Echo, La,
Personally appeared before me, this
15th day of July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph
Constance, who subscribed the above
statement and ma do oath that the
same is true in substance and ia fact.
Notary Public.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer Co.,
Blughamton, N. Y.
Prove What Swamp-Boot Will Do For
Bend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
liinghamton, N.Y., for a sample si7e
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
information , telling about tho kidneys
and blander. Wbcn writing, be sure
and mention the Snlem Daily Capital
Journal. Regular fifty cont and one
dollar size bottles for sule at all drug
Mrs. Ortolla South left
morning for Pittsburg, Pa.
How French People
Cure Stomach Trouble
A household remedy of the From-.h'
peasantry, ronsisting of pnro , vege
tnblo oil, and said to posscns wonderful
merit in the treatment of stomach, lit
er and intestinal troubles, has boen in
troduced in this country by George II.
Moyr, who for twenty years has been
one' of tho leading down-town druggists
of Chicago and' who himself was cured
by its uso. So quick and effective Is
its action that a single dose is usually
enough to bring pronounced relief in
the most stubborn eases, and many
people who havo tried it declare they
never heard of anything to produce
such remaraable results ia so short
time. It is known as Mayr's Wonder
ful Remedy and ran now ba had at all
leading drug stores. It is sold with
tho positivo understanding that your
money will be refunded without ones
tioa ii r quibble if (INK bottle fails to
give you ansouuo satiHinction,
(Capital Journal Special Service.
Oregon Building, P.P. I. E., Nov. 23.
It's 'Oregon first" again, this time
in the 12 months' international egg-laying
contest involving 5G0 hens from
four corners of the earth. The contest
ended today, and as a matter of fact it
is Oregon first, second nnd third three
pens of White Leghorns, Barred Ply
mouth Rocks and a hybrid of the two,
entered by Prof. James Drydcn, head
of the poultry department at the Ore
gon Agricultural college, capturing all
the places worth mentioning. The Ore
gon chickens were so far ahead the past
three or four months that there really
was never any doubt about th finenl
result and the final score shows the
Canadian pen, the closest competitor,
about 20 eggs behind Oregon's lowest.
To add to Oregon glory, a Barred Ply
mouth Rock developed from college
stock and entered by F. M. Sherman,
of Lebanon, and two White Leghorns
among the eollege hens, proved to be
tho highest individual scorors. Appar
ently,, the only reason Oregon did not
win n greater victory lies in the fact
thnt the Oregon college did not enter
more hen. t
This contest, the largest and longest
at the Pannmn-Pncific International ex
position, was conducted on tho exposi
tion grounds under tho auspices of the
University of (.'oliiornia. The great
feature was the contest between pens
of 10 birds, and pong were entered
from practically every stnte in the nn-
inx. nm I'nnni a mm ,Him r.iicrui lid
Amone also-rans are two pens entered
bv that "blarnted Britmlier" Huron
who has been hitting the high spots at
practically nil of the American egg
laying contests of recent years. To have
gotten the goat Of this chrtnpion of
champion breeders i no small honor,
end to hnve broucht to Oregon the
grand priz the cash, and a score of
trophies ettercn at tne greawni eipom
tion of modern times ia about all thnt
minht be expected even of colletfc
To those who have been following
the poultry work of Prof. Dryden
recent yeara this "bringing homo the
bacon" is no surprise. Working at O
A. C. this "Luther Burbank of poultry
doin" developed Lady Macduff, the
hen that two years ago laid 303 eggs
in 305 days, (he world's champion rec
nrd until very recently. While devel
oping this distinguished egg-producer,
Trof. Drvden breed up whole flocks my
ing more than 2IJ0 eggs per hen, and
now has several laying about the .w
mark. Ho is one who has givo" niF
time to the development of egg-pro
ducers rather than to tho production
of fen then, and in speaking of the Ore
gon triumph in this contest said that
the Tesult is a striking demonstration
of the effect of breeding. The hens
in the three winning pens entered by
O. A. C. were selected on th production
records of their ancestors, complete rec
ords of each of these ,for five years
bni'k giving him the line-up. '
..This victory seems to be a vindica
tion of college education, in the ease of
ehickens in this instance college edu
cation educated end won out, and Mr.
Barron, tho English breeder whoso phc
noms were swamped, thinks enough of
Dryden's birds to have offered him two
pens for one and $200 cash to boot.
When it comes down to the records
mode by any of tho pens in competition
or individually there is littlo to bo suid.
The Oregon White Leghorns taking
first place laid something more than
1,000 eggs, nn average of but a little
more than 160 eggs per hen. The same
hens at the Oregon station probably
would have produced around tho 250
mark, but the conditions here were not
conducivo to heavy egg production. AH
the chickens were up ngniiist exactly
the surue thing, so no one has any spe
cial regrets.
The chicken yard nave peen visitca
by about a half million people, and
millions of others over the country
have watched the monthly reports. The
Oregon winning will necessarily bo
heralded the world over, ana aitogntncr
this contest, nnd the success of the Ure
gon hens will prove ono of the greatest
advertisements tlio state anu tne ure
iron Acriculturnl collogo ever had. Al
so, Prof. Dryden, wlioso wizardry nas
been published in practically every
miner in the United States and the
irreat foreicn poultry journals, will
oome in for a little more famo a fuct
that will bring hi in more embarrass
ment than pleusure so modest und un
assuming is this mnn whoso work hus
been to indicnte that ho rcslly knows
more about chickens than the follow
who invented them.
Liked Our Apples.
Monday is always tho slowest day
of the week at tho exposition, the
smallest crowd coming then, but Ore
gon Apple day, on Monday, November
15, will not go down in the history of
the Oregon building as anything siow.
At 2 o'clock, the hour sot for giving
away big red Hpitzcnburg to all com
ers, tho building was crowded and the
waiting lines extended Into tho street.
This sort of a jamb continued for an
hour, and until 5 o'clock tlioro was a
constant stream of visitors nil anxious
for a sample of Oregon fruit. The ap
ples were on display in a great pyra
mid of boxes, a box being taken down
,1iiBt as it was needed, mil r.-om greet
baskets the apples worn handed out as
the lino of visitors passeu ny. i no
impression created was a docldedly hnp
py "Sue, and many were tho expres
sions of plensuro as tho tenth sank
Into the luscious Oregon apples. But
one opplo was given to a person and
moro thnn 8,000 were given away. Be
sides these, two hundred cartons of
beautiful fruit were sent to tho various
stato buildings, to the foroign nations,
to exposition officialdom and to various
places In the city. Thus Oregon was
called to tho attention of tho high nnd
mighty and to the average exposition
visitor in a most pleasant way, and
praise of Oregon hospitality in so many
mouths must result in good. Unlike
other states and foreign aallous, Ore
gon heretofore had eonfined hnrsclf to
hospitality of which gifts wero nn In
significant part, but on Apple day hos
pitality went tlio limit, and pleased
were the participants.
Our Goat Got 'Em.
"Dodo." F. A. Heron's long haired
Anpwa goat from Douglas county, at-
more space in the eity press than did
Teddy Roosevelt of W. J. Bryan, when
they visited the fair. Dodo had fleece
41 1-2 inches long, and when intro
duced in goat show circles nil othei
celebrities took scats far to the real
while the Oregon product was given an
exalted position on a pedestal in th
front row. Dodo was photographed
and re-photographed and the papers
here hailed him as the savior of those
in need of "mo' hair." White hair if
fashionable in San Francisco, and long
switches are the rage with the ultra
ultra. It was figured out that Dodo'i
fleece would make at least ISO switches
of unusual length. At that rate the
fleece was figured as worth about $20
a pound and when it was cut there wes
something more than JO pounds of it.
Mr. Pierce is said to have been paid
more than $600 for the fleece and the
many stories revolving around that
Douglas county goat made Dim one ot
the best advertising features in connec
tion with Oregon activities at tne lair.
As a freak. Dodo was a hummer, but
William "lUddell k Sons of Polk county,
won all the championships for Angora
t is an unusual thing for a druggist
to Bell medicine under a guarantee to
refund the money if it does not cure,
Yet this is the way Daniul J. Fry, the
popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, the
stundaTd dyspepsia remedy.
Never before has he had so large a
number of customers tell him that a
medicine has boen successful as with
Mi-o-na. People who a few months ago
looked liko walking skeletons have put
on flesh and today nre ruddy and vig-
orous with perfect digestion and good :
health. i
There is no longer any noed for any-:
one suffering or making thoir friends
suffer on account of dyspepsia, Mi-o-na ,
can always be relied upon. The per
centage of cures ia so treat thnt there
is little risk to Daniel J. Fry in guar-1
anteeing to return the money if the
medicine does not relieve. And he '
stands ready to do so without any qiids-:
Headaches, all forms of indigestion,1
specks before the eyes, dizzy feeling,!
poor sleep, ringing in tho ears and all
forms of liver trouble are helped by
Mi-o-na. A few days' treatment should!
show considerable gain iu health while!
a complete cure often follows rapidly. '
These days are the best in the whole'
year for tho enjoyment of good healt'j,'
and Mi-o-na will put you in such perfect
condition tnat you can enjoy every
minute of them,
Men are
taking the ;
Dresg Up"
fvi pledge
these days. Prosperity '
is here, knocking at
our doors. So "Dress
Up" is the slogan.. - 1
Put on the uniform
of prosperity.
If you're a "live one"
look it.
However you may
feel yourself, to others
you're only as alive as
you look only as pros
perous as you appear. ;
Dress Up. Look like
ready money.
Come to us for your
New Suit. and Over
coat. See how well you i
can dress for very little
real cash.
New Winter Suits
and Overcoats
$15 to $20.
Leading Clothiers
The Toggery 107 Coml St.
Home of Paramount Pictures.
Today and Wednesday
AfcO ''
Grocery Store Changes
Ownership At Dallas
(Capital Journal Special Service.) ;
Dallas, Or., Nov. 22, E. N. Tank-'
ersly, of CorvalliB, has purchased the i
grocery Btock of Simonton & Scott, on
Court street and took chargo of tlio
sale Saturday. Mr. Tankersly arrived
in Oregon from Texas about a year!
ago and settled in Corvallis where he j
engaged in the grocery business. Hnv- i
ing disposed of his store in thnt city
and iu looking lor a new location he!
decided to try Dnlas and at once be-1
gun negotiations for tho purchase of1
the above named firm. I
10cl Oregon L!
Today, Wednesday
and Thursday
Dallas Women Appointed.
Mrs. Charles Castner, of Hood Hiver,
president of tho Btate federation of
Woman's V'lube, has appointed Mrs.
Riley Craven, of this city, ehairmnn of
the civics section for a term of one
year. Mrs. Craven is a past president
of the Dullas Woman's club, and oue
of its most wilful supporters.
Elhs Club to Help the Poor.
At a meeting of the Klks club of
this eity in the council chamber Fri
day evening it was decided to assess
tho members of the organization the
sum of one dollur to be turned over
to the Christmas committoo of the
Knights of Pythias lodge to be used
in spreading good cheer to tho needy of
tho city during tho coming holidays.
Stoclanon's Clubs to Meet Friday.
A meeting of the Polk County Jer
sey Cattle club and the Polk County
Cow Treating association will bo held
at the farm of J. It. Htiimp & Sons
near Monmouth on i'rlday, November
2iith. President Frank lougliiiry, of
f (in tn mil ii wmi m (it Tin 1 1 (in In kit uinol tnwl
Hiinuuureu uiu& prominent Bpeunera mih.
i i t. n ,i . i ,
huu men engaged ior mo occasion unu
thnt in all probability ntereoptican
views and lectures will bo hud also.
Tho meeting is called for 10: MO and tlio
members are roaucstcj to bring their
wives and well filled lunch buskcts,
IC 3jc fc )fc sft j( sft )J( 31 )fl ) )f( t jfc sj( )((
has a Bidmidid effect In erasing the
traeted mora attention and roally got wriukles and improving eontour.'
F,ver sinco tlio discovery that mer-
colidl wax would absorb and remove
a discolored complexion, its use by
ladies as a substitute for bleaching
creams has grown rupldly. A perfect
completion can be nuiiitnincd indef
initely if this rcmarkuulo substunce
Is used. Its beneficent cleansing,
clearing and preservation action is
quickly apparent, and ladies who iinvu
been paying high prices for "speciul
bleach" from beauty specialists, soon
recognise that morcolizod wux out
ranks them all, It hns become so pop
ular that it can bo obtained at all
druggists, who have it In original one
ounce packages. The favorite way of
using is to apply It, lika cold cream, bo
tore retiring, washing it off in the
Tim snxollte lotion for wrinkles and
the fnciul contour has also become ex
tremely popular. Ono ounce powdered
saxolito is dissolved in one half pint.
witch hnzl. hiithlng the face In this
A Five Reel riay by
The ship dashed on tho rocks,
the young couple straudod OB.
an uninhabited Isle.
Th Roscua by tht U. 8. Ship.
The must romantic Lova Story
nvor filinod.
Aiwaya ui cent iitvuren
mi M ST F V WSf fl: "TP WW
PI hi 'T1" '" " '"' '"-'"' 1 1
Maw Today Ads, ou cent por