Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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ft- ( n
263 North
Sod, Dead and Buried,
Returns Safe and Well
Canty, Ore., Nov. 23. A mother's
prrtnonition that her Bon still lived, was
vindicated today with the arrival lit
the home of his aged parents, of
Charles Sturgis, aged 42, who escaped
from the state asylum two years ago,
and whose body supposedly was buried
here a cfew months lator. :
Every B
Is a Long Distance
it 4v
tions ever heard. Our short lines are slaughtered beyond
comprehension. Hi -Tops for wet wear, lines all complete
but prices are, down; no thought of profit now as all stock
Must go.- -XMAS GOODS; house slippers that combine
comfort with style, make very acceptible presents, new goods
that arrived late, but all must go. Come early and get the
picK. Remember, our entire stock is going you lose if
you don't buy shoes now. Lines of Rubber Goods are com
plete at a big reduction. Come and see this line of goods.
Commercial Street
The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Sturgis, are almost prostrated with
months after his disappearance
from the asylum a body which was
identified as that of himself was found
at Eugene. It was brought hero and
interred. '
' Last night, Sturgis apparently re
covered in health knocked at the door
of his parents' home.
Sturgis' mothter has often expressed
the vague feeling that "Charley would
ell Telephone
you appreciate the full significance of
the above statement ? Do you realize
it.t t iiu ..., n.
mat num yuui leiepnuue yvu
to practically every city and town in California,
Oregon, Washington and parts of Idaho,
Nevada and Arizona?
Have you ever considered the economy of Long
Distance Service ? Think of the time-consuming
trips it saves. Think of the value of being able
to get into instant communication with a place
or person perhaps a day's journey awayl
Your telephone may be used for either local,
suburban or long distance service and the entire
system of this company, with its millions of
miles of lines, is ready at any time to carry your
message anywhere you wish to send it.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station
Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 23. Respond
ing to signals flashed from the Green
Fish company's vessel Ne rdlu un u
Mand lighthouse, the New England
Fish company's .vosscl New England,
sent a dory ashore and found the light
kooper and his family on the point of
starvation as the result of having haul
to feed three Japanese fishermen, driv
en ashore in a gale. The Japanese were
taken off and provisions sent to the
lighthouse by the New England. " '
van uuiv
Only a Few
More Days
Salem, Oregon
Chicago, Nov. 23. Though
cleared of blame-by a coroner's
,iury for refusing to operate on
Baby Bollinger, defective, Dr.
Haiselden may jfet -face charg
es. There was ttme prospect to
day that the ease flight be pre
sented to the. grand jury. In
the meantime,-.Haiselden is
Reeking to sterilifl epileptics
and insane in public institu
tions. Gas In The Stomach
Is Dangerous
Physician Recommends the use' of Mag
nesia. Sufferers from indigestion or dyspep
sia should remember that the presence
of gas or wind in the Btoniach invari
ably indicates that the stomach is
troubled by excessive acidity.
Excessive acid causes the food to fer
ment and the fermenting food in turn
gives rise to noxious gases which diB
tend the stomach, hamper tha normal
functions of vital internal organs, causo
acuto noanncnes, and ny pressure ox the
pnuemogastic nerve often sets up pal
pitation of the heart. A neglected acid
stomach may be the cause of impaired
intestinal digestion which may in turn
cause a genoral run down condition duo
to the absorption of tortc, material into
the blood. To quickly dispel a danger
ous accumulation of wind in the stom
ach and to stop the food fermentation
which creates the gas, tho acid in tho
stomach must be neutralized and for
this purpose thore is nothing bottor
man piain oisiirntcu magnesia taken in
a little wnter immediately after meals.
This instantly neutralizes the acid,
Ihns stopping fermentation and tho
formation of gns, and enables the in
flamed, distended stomach to proceed
with its work under naturnl conditions.
The bisuratcd magnesia is obtainable
in powder or tnblet form from any
druggist; but as there aro several forms
of magnesia you should ask distinctly
for bisuratcd magnesia. Take a tea
spoonful of tho powder in a quarter
glass of water (or two of tho tablets)
after each meal.
Commercial Club
Will Meet Farmers
The second meeting of representative
farmers from all purls of tho county,
with the agricultural dopartment of
the commercial club will be hold to
morrow afternoon at the commercial
club rooms, at 2 o'clock.
These meetings woro inaugurated by
President Hamilton in order that the
club should rocoive frank expression
from the farmers at to what Is prac
tical in the way o securing better
markets for everything the farmors
The first meeting was attended by
men from all parts of the county, and
the one tomorrow will bring a greater
number of afrmors and ousiness men
together, to discuss the subject that is
uppermost in the minds of every farm
ing community in the United State
that of markets, standardization and
transportation. ,
At this meeting, 0. It. Luck, the new
manager, will bo Introduced to the
farmers representing all the granges in
the county and will have the opportun
ity of hearing direct from the farmers
ai to what tuny think of Salem as a
market, and. what can be done to Im
prove conditions.
Supreme Court Upholds Baker
County Circuit Court In
' Stalker Case
Tho rights of a plural wife to the
property of her husband under the laws
of the stnto of Oregon came in for re
view in the supreme court today in an
opinion hunded down by Chief Justice
Mooro in the case of K. Lucile Stalker
and others ugnins Alexander H. Stalk
er and others relative to a quarter sec
tion of kind in Pine Valley in Baker
county. The facts of the case show
that Emily E. Stalker was a plural
wife of Alexander fcStalker and both
were members of the Morman church
and were, in 1882, residents of Idaho
where their sons and daughters were
born prior to Junuary 1, 1883.
Mr. Stalker feared proscoution for
polygamy after the United States luw
was amended in 1882 and he determin
ed to nut away his extra wife. With
this end in view he bought a quarter
section in Pine valley for $700 and
put $:t00 worth of improvements on it
and left her there with her children
while he returned to Idaho and his
other wifo. He did not give her a deed
to tho land because he afterward said
ho feared she would become dissatis
fied and return to him in Idaho and
got him into trouble. He continued to
pay the taxes on tho land and it be
longed to him although his wife and
family lived on it up to the present
time. In 1910 his plural wife wrote
to him stating that she desired a. deej
so she might sell the land as it had
been rented and had fallen into a bad
state ot rennir. "This, she said,
"you will think is a big demand, but I
think, it is a small compensation tor the
many ars I was your willing slave
for you and your entire family.''
Stalkor replied that ho would furnish
he- with a deed and for her to send
him tho description to the proporty by
metos and bounds but before tho deed
was signed and while the matter was
pending the father received the in
formation that the place had grown in
value until it was worth $15,000 and
before the matter was settled he died
in 1012 and the plaintiff's mother died
a few mouths later in the snino year.
xne ursi ami legni wire Had died in
JMUS leaving her husband and thciijncxt convention convenes in Baltimore,
sons and daughters as her heirs ivbl
later Became tne defendants to the
suit. The plaintiffs, the children ot
the abandoned wife, secured a de
cision in their favor in the circuit court
and the defendants appealed to the
supreme court where the opinion of
Chief Justice Moore upholds the lower
court and awards tho title to the prop
erty to tho children of the woman who
lived upon the property in Pine valley
for 26 years. . "
Chief Justice Moore was a busy man
this week und in addition to this cuso
handed down three others opinions this
morning which is above . Lh mmi
for supreme court matices.
Tho other opinions hunded down
wcro as follows:
W. G. Jenkins, annellant. vs. ilin
Owyhee Ditch company, appealed from
Jiuineur county, involving irrigation of
tract of land, opinion by Justice Har
ris, Circuit Judao Dices iudi'menl for
defendant affirmed.
Sharon A. Twitchell et al, appellant.
vs. W. L. Thompson, amx-nlpi! (mm
Umatilla, action lor dummies for tier-
sonal injuries, opinion by Justice ben
son, Circuit Judiro Phelus' iudirmvnt
for plaintiff affirmed.
Davin, Sliehellod Whccp & Land com
pany, appellant, vs. School District No.
71, Wallowa county, involving a school
assessment, opinion by Justice Burnett,
Circuit Judge Kniwles' judgment for
defendant affirmed.
If. O. Hyde vs. Chauncey Kirkpat
rick, appellant, appealed from Baker
county, suit for an accounting, nuininn
by Justice Burnett, Circuit Judge An-
iivrsun s judgment ror i aintiff re-
George E. Coolc vs. Snake River
District Improvement company, appel
lant, appealed from Malheur county,
suit for an accounting, opinion by Jus
tice Hurnett, Circuit Judiro iiiin
judgment for plaintiff reversed,
r. r. Homers, anno nut. v. Ernatns
Hanson, appealed from Wallowa coun
ty, suit on a liromissorv note, onininn
by Chief Justiio Moore, Circuit Judgo
Knowles' judgment for defendant af
firmed. Elins M. Eaton et nl. annellnnt. v.
C. h. Hurnhurt et al, appealed from
jnninni county, on petition for rehear
ing, former opinion modified, opinion
by Chief Justico Moore.
.Northern ltrewerv comnanv. vs. T. u.
Anderson, appellant, suit to forei'loso
a mortgngo, opinion by Chief Justice
Mooro, judgment of Circuit Judiro
Catena modified.
Motion for rehcnrinir withdrawn Sut
ton vs. Sutton, School District No. 35
vs. iloldon, rehearing denied. Woiirer
vs. Stoon, motion to dismiss denied.
McFADDEN At the homo of his son,
Gilbert McFndden, in Portland, No
vember 21, 10 115, David McFadden, at
the age of 72 years and four months.
Funeral announcements will be made
tVEXVA furn ikln diirtie In a wiv un
known before to modern icienre.
b Imply imooth II over the duntrd placed.
Watch tha marvelom Action ot this irut
herbal healer. li'EXMA. made from' nature's
herbi, haa juat been Riven by irience for the
renri ot tne many oinnearirnrQ mm aunerrri.
D'KXMA at opt pain and ftthinc hutantly.
It reacuea body and limba flora the Uiiturcs
of skin diaeaae.
It la nature a way.
We are the only dmaelftt In thla town
from whom D'EXMA. the Brest hcibal Lalou
can be secured, Aik us tuday,
Crown Drug company, 332 Btate tit
v e r
Thanksgiving Day
Every boy and girl in this contest is requested to
bring their votes in not later than
as the Pony will be given away
Don't forget to turn in your votes and to buy
your Thanksgiving Clothing, Hats, Shoes and
Furnishings at
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase
Corner State and
American Federation
Closes In Controversy
Snn Francisco, Xov. 23. Tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor convention is
at an end.
It closed in a blaze of heated words.
President G'oinpers and President Fitz
patriek, of tho Illinois federation lock
ed horns over the eight hour law situ
ation. Fitzpatrick wanted the con
vention to endorse legislative methods
to make the law universal. Oompcrs
insisted that tho present method seek
ing eight hour conditions through econ
omic forces, "throusjh tho Bears of bat
tle and tho hunger of the stomach,"
should continue.
Jisunderstanding arose when Comp
els suggested Fitzpatrick used the lan
guage of labor's enemies. Finally it
was quieted and Oompers' ideas pre
vailed. Unemployment and vagrancy will be
etudied by a committee before the
McKinney's Grain Fed
We have fifty of the finest birds ever sold in Salem.
Compare them with the ordinary run and you will
buy our birds. Send your order early and get your
Extras for Thanksgiving
Fruit Cakes, six months old . 50c and 75c each
Home-made Mince Meat .2 lbs. for 25c
French Malaga Raisins 40c, 50c and 75c lb.
Pulled Figs in pound boxes 35c
Stuffed Dates 35c
Six Crown Cluster Raisins, pound 25c
Candied Figs, 25c; California Figs, 10c; 3 lbs. for 25c
Tokay Grapes, Malaga Grapes, basket . 50c
Plum Pudding 10c, 35c and 65c tin
Sweet Valencies Oranges, dozen. . . ,50c, 60c and 75c'
Florida Grape Fruit 2 for 25c and 15c each
Fancy Bananas, dozen , 25c
Apples, per box 50c, 75c and $1.00
Walnuts, Almonds and Brazil Nuts, pound ..... 25c
Roth Grocery Co.
f 0RIC0S rv
I ClltlHU I
Round trip fares Wednesday and Thursday, Novem
ber 24 and 25, for
Thanksgiving Visits
Between all stations (minimum of 50 cents round
trip) on the
The Popular Willamette Valley Route.
The New Oregon Electric Train Southbound, for
Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Harrisburg, Junction
City and intermediate points, leaves Salem daily at
7:10 a. m., arrive Eugene 9:30 a. m., Corvallis 8:24.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon.
Liberty Streets
f Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ; ;
I Opens Air Passages Hight Up. ' .
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; tho
ai passages of your head cleur and
you can breathe freoly. No more hawk
ing, snuffing, blowing, headache, dry
ness. No struggling for breath at night
and your cold or catarrh disappears. .
(let a small bottle of Fly's Cream
Balm from your druggist now.' Apply
a little of this fragrant, autiscptii!,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of
tho head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous mcmbrouo and reliuf
conies instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stuf fed
up with a cold or nasty catarrh.