Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social Personal
One of the most attractive affairs
given for the Y. W. V. A. will be spon-
cored by Mrs. W. K. Eldridgo at the
Werner Breynian residence on Monday,
November the twenty-ninth, under the
auspices of the Thursday Afternoon
dub. Music and fancy dancing will be
the motif of the affair and those who
have been favored for the programme
are: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Boas, Mrs.
Carlton Smith, Miss Priscilla Fleming
and Miss Ureta Philips.
An attractive dinner party wag pre
sided over Monday evening by Mr. and
Mrs. Frederic Thiclsen. Coven wore
placed for eight.
Mrs. William Burghardt left Thurs
day for Portland where she will be
the guest of friends for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulct had as
, their week end guests, Mr. -and Mrs.
Hugh Williamson, of Portland.
Mrs. J, A. MoCully, who has been
the bouse guest ot Mrs. E. C. Patton,
returned to her home in Hood Rive?
Mrs. B. 0, Sciiueking was a charm-
ing hostess on Mondav evening for an
attractive informal dinner in honor of
Mrs. Q. W. DeBeck, who has been the
house truest of her dS'iehter. Mrs,
Thomas Iiiveelev for sovernl weeka.
Mrs. De Bock returned to her home in
TSrHncouver iMg morning.
Dr. Harry Clay spent the week end
5a Portland on his usual duck snoot.
The Harvest Home entertainment
which was given last night in, the
Methodist church for the benefit of the
Old People's Home, was most gratify
ing and donations were generously
contributed. Besides the many bounti
ful offerings from the different church-
em, the sum of twenty-five dollars was
also donated to this beneficent cause.
A. doligntful programmo wns eiven and
those who gladly offorod thoir sorvicos
Jul tiie cu iGrimiiini'iiir were; lur. anu
Mrs. Frank Frlckey. Mrs. Carlton
Smith, Miss "Beatrice Walton, Miss Joy
Turner, Miss Marguerite Flower, Miss
jur-ne tt.ur.tr., Mr. Jirovior, fllr. W. li.
l'mher, and Mr. E. Cooke Patton. The
- church and the home missionary wore
So elated with the success, thiit they
wish to express their deep apprccia-
Miss Margaret Rodgers will arrive
tomorrow from Portland where she is
attending Ming Catlin's school, to pass
the Thanksgiving holiday and week
nd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rodgers.
Mr. and Mis. Milton Meyers will be
hosts Thursday for a delightful Tlianks-
S'vinir dinner. Their guests will include
r. and Mrs. H. E. Lee Steinor, Mr.
nd Mrs. Wultor Benton, Mrs. Movers'
another, Mrs. G. Stelncr, and tho irfissos
Itita and Barbara Steincr.
A meeting will he held at the Br.
Carlton Smith, resilience tonight to ar
range a constitution for n University
or urogon Alumni association in Ma
An Old, Family Cough
Remedy, IIome-Made
Easily Prepared Coad Very
Little, but I Prompt, Sura
id Effective
rion county. A general meeting will
take place during the first of Decem
ber. Jialno .Moorea is chairman or tne
committee tnd Dr. Bmith president of
the association m.Manon county.
Soloman Durbin returned Monday af
ter a fortnight's vist with relatives
and fiends in Seattle, Tacoraa anl
Vancouver, Washington. ,
Br. and i-frs. Harry Clay and Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Plimpton will be
hosts tor a dinner on Wednesday even
ing at the Clays in celebration of their
wedding anniversaries.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Plimpton will
have as their guestB for Thanksgiving,
Mr. and Mrs. llarry Terry, ol .fori
Miss Helen Hunt, who makes her
home at tne li. Jj. etteeves residence
during the school year, will spend the
week end in chaw, witn aer parents.
Mrs. Steel, of Portland, in visiting
with her mother, Mrs. H. J. Talbot,
The members of the T. F. C. club
wore entertained Saturday by Mrs.
Robert Simmons at her home on Twenty-fourth
and Chcmeketa streets. After
a delightful altcrnoon the guests gath
ered around a table prettily arranged
in yellow tad pink roses.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Moon entertain
ed with a jolly little surprise dinner
on Saturday evening in honor of their
son Harold's birthday. About eight
of Master Moon's closest friends cir
cled the table which wns arranged in
delicate pink loses and chrysanthe
mums. Mrs. Alice A. Miles Is viiiiting in
Taeoma and Olvmnia, Washington with
friends and rclntives.
A merry group of friends gathered
at the nome of hldred Hamilton on
Saturday afternoon to ' celebrate hii
ninth birthday. Games and music fur
nished the young folk with eutortain
mont until a collation was served
Gathoring around a table prettily dec-
orated in pink and white were: Misses
Miirguerito Millard, Helen Delnncy,
Vera Hamilton, Helen liowen, Pcnrl
Sheared. Ronald Craven, Cliireneo Gil-
lingham, Glenn Drager, Harold Shearil,
Kobert Lriuinghiiui ana tne little cost
Tho Ladi.'s' Aid society of the Moth
odist church held its meeting in the
church parlors Mondav afternoon. Af
ter tne regular meeting a socuiiuu time
was enjoyed and refreshments were
By making this pint of old-time cough
syrup at home you not only save about
$2, as compared with the ready-made
kind, but you will also have a much more
Frowpt and positive remedy in every way.
t overcomes the usual coughs, throat and
chest colds in 24 hours relieves even
whooping cough quickly and iB excellent,
too, for bronchitis, uronchial asthma,
hoarseness and spasmodic croup.
Get from any drug store 2 ounces of
Pincx (50 cents worth), pour it into a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Full directions
with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and tastes
You can feel this take hold of a couch
or cold in a way that means business. It
?uickly loosens the dry, hoarse or pain
ul couch and heals the inllamed mem
branes. It also has a remarkable effect
in overcoming the persistent loose cough
by stopping the formation of phlegm in
the throat and bronchial tubes.
The effect of Pine on the membranes Is
known by almost every one. Pinex is a
most valuable concentrated compound of
genuine jvorway pine extract combined
with gnaiacol and other natural healing
Dine elements.
There are many worthless imitations
ol this famous mixture. To avoid dis
appointment, ask your druggist for "thi
ounceg of Pinex," and do not accept any
thing else.
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. The. Pinex Co., Ft
Wayne, Ind.
The south portion of the city will
hold their Thanksgiving services in
the South Snlein Friends church, on
Thursday at ten thirty o clock. Rev
Silencer, of the Leslie M. K. church,
will doliver tho sermon. Good singing
has been arranged mid it is urged that
as many as possible in that section
take part in the services.
The monthly mectin" of the Queen
Esther society was held at tho jome of
Mrs. B. U, rneeves on Aiominy evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Sellwood have had
as their truest. Mrs. A. L. Perry of 8e-
attle, who is returning home from the
tair in San lrancisco.
McMahan is in Portland to-
Lytle went to Eugene this
W. II,
J. Jj. t'eetz was in urowiisvme touay
hn business.
Mis. U. G. Shipley went to Portland
this morninp,
Judfe P. H. D'Aroy went to Port
InmPthia momine,
Lvmnn Parker left this morning lor
his nome at Great Falls. Montana.
George Woods, of Turner, was
business visitor, in Salem yesterday.
Mrs. C. D. Purdy, 960 Mill street, re
turned from a visit with frionda in
Miss Forrest Enos returned yestor
dav from a short visit with frionds
in Portland.
Chns. K. Spaulding was a passenger
for Portland this morning on tne Ure-
cron Electric.
Mrs. Ella Wilson and Miss Eliza
beth Schulti returned today from
week end visit at Portland.
Miss Minerva Holcomb returned to
her home at Grants Pass today after a
Koiourn in the city of soveral days.
T. G. Blight, proprietor of the Hligh
hotel, Bligh theatre and Ye Liberty
theatre, is in Portland today on busi
ness. frs. E. B. Kecne returned yesterday
from a two weeks visit in eastern Oro
gon, where sho visited her brother, S.
P. Munkors and family near Echo.
San Francisco, Nov. 23.
"Your money and jewels and
furs stand in tho way of true
Some such snge remark by
black-eyed Mme. Chickla, clair
voyant, caused wealthy Mrs.
J. H. Stuart of the Mentonc ho
tel to part with her worldly
possessions, she told the police
Now Bhe want to know
where the madame is, to say
nothing abont what has hap
pened to obstructions to her
Musical Program At
At High School Tomorrow
The following program will be ren
dered Wednesday afternoon at 2
oclock inthe High school auditorium
by the pupils who have been taking aa
active part in the vocal worn, unuer
the direction of Misa Minetta Magers,
and by the High school orchestra, W.
P. Murphy, director and leader. Those
taking part in the readings, have been
under the instruction of Miss Ida
Davis. The public Is invited to attend.
The program in full is as follows:
sweet Briar uverture wenestra.
Reading: A Similar Case Tillman
Piano Solo Alice Baker.
4, Mixed Chorus, 50 voices A Merry
Life -Denz.
Reading Kitty of Coleraine Oral
6. H Trovatore Waltz Orchestra.
7. Song in Unison, Soldiers' Chorus
Read the Death Notices
in any daily paper for two or three days,
and note how few people live as long as
you want to live, and how many die in
the prime of life. Why should you on and on,
and allow waste food to ferment in your larse
intestine ami pile up poisonous microbes and
acrid them through your system f
Intestinal microbes cause short
lives. They shorten the lives of
four people but of five. They pro
duce various poisons which bring
premature decay to vital organs
then what?
Microhes in the torse intestine
cause inflammation of the kidney?,
disturbances of the liver, of the or
gans of digestion and of the whole
system, and living is not. and can
not be, the pleasure of other days.
Premature old ape may be pre
vented by the use of Intesti-Fermin
Tablets. They destroy microbes and arrest in
testinal fermentation. Intesti-Kermin Tablets
contain lactic acid properties of double strength
and lactic acid has the endorsement of Prof.
Metchnikoff. They are a drugless treatment to
drive microbes from your large intestine.
" have suffered for fiv months. The
Tablets are doing a good work." A
well-known business man wrote this.
In your home or at your office, take Intesti
Ferrmn Tablets. Sold by
J. C. Perry, Salem, Ore.
lnlCEli.Fern)in ii Made exctuiivcly by
The Berlin Laboratory, Ltd.
373 Fourth Ave., New York City
value of $1,500. Thejr say it is located
in a canyon and off of the main road
and has but a makeshift for a house
and is of no value to them whatever
and they bronght suit to cancel the
deed. Carey F. Martin and James G.
Heltzel are attorneys for the plaintiff
and W. C. Winslow is attorney for the
County School Superintendent W. M.
Smith and Field Worker N. 0. Marris
! will go to the Hazel Green school to-
from Faust-Hoys' fhonis-20: ?K - . " eu; "
voices. - i"'. , : . "tZi. '
8. Beading-The Guide in Genoa-Paul mouswiai u wo..
9. Song The Night Boberti Girls Glee
Club 30 voices.
10. Heading, Larrie O' Dee Marcella
11. March, Triumph of True Tones-
VVU1U UVUklll 1114 Ilk
White House Shoes
The merit of a shoe it determined by style,
comfort and durability.
Style if sometimes a matter of personal
preference but comfort and durability are
built in by I lie manufacturer. Tint 't why
you ihould select White House Shoes the
reputation of the maker insure! the quality,
. Patent Kid and Gun Metal
$3.75 to $5.00
Are You Going Away for
Undoubtedly you, too,' have had an
invitation from the folks at home or
intimate friends, and this time you
have decided to go, but you lack a few
things for the occasion; perhaps it's a
You will be a well dressed man in a
Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. Suit a
suit that possesses every feature in
corporated in good clothes at from
$14.63 to $25.00.
Or Raincoat. Heavy all wool mix
tures for warmth, or, light weight.
Raincoats, just as you like; priced
from $6.00 to $20.00.
Such as Shirts, Underwear, Gloves,
Collars, Neckties, Socks, a Hat, an
Umbrella or Suit Case, all of which
you can buy here quickly, trustingly,
In most of tiie important shades;
wonderfully rich in quality. We any,
without iiraitlition, that those lirimd
cloths cnu not tie mntvhi'd on this
roust at these prices, if, at any price.
Colors: Boiling OrcAn, Wintria,
Mum, Navy, Taupe, African Urown,
Muhogany, Wine ami Itlack.
Width: R'i to Ml inches.
Fricad 12.00, 12.26, 12.78 ft yard II
Store Closed all
Store Closed all
. Day
Judge Galloway was called upon to
day to decide whether'' or not cylinder
oil and cup grease added to the value
of an automobile. Tho judge owns a
Ford but CharleB MeNury and W. C.
Winslow, the opposing attorneys own
larger cars and are competent to in
struct his honor upon all auto questions
under the laws of the state. The ques
tion arose in the case of Eoff and An
derson against Anton Fisher and T. M
Hicks in which Koffd Anderson
placed a lien upon a cufch' a bill for
repairs and gasolineCZ Buta attorneys
agreed that a lien cwU.not be placed
upon an auto for UsJUor, gasoline,
however, the owneVv3 TaT Oould be
sued and the auto attached. For re
pairs which increased the value of the
car both admitted that a lien could be
served. Another element cnterod in the
case through the fact that the car was
mortgaged to another party and in all
it was a fine legal tnngle that was
argued this morning before Judge Gal
loway who took the matter under advisement.
The preliminary hearing of Fred Me
Clard, charged with arson, waa heaTd
before Citv Eccordor Elcin, ex-officio
justice of the peace this afternoon. The
state introduced evidence which pur
ported to show that the fire hi the resi
dence occupied by McClnrd was of in
cendiary origin and that McClnrd col
lected insurance on it. The defence
maintained that there was nothing to
indicate that McClnrd set the fire al
though it was admitted that McClard
has been in two fire recently and that
he collected tho insurance on this Inst
Willinm H. Sharf, a farmer of this
county, today secured a license to wed
Miss I.ydia Iierndon, a ttalcm school
B. D. Gray & Co. today filed a suit
in the circuit court against J. H. fcud
dcr and C. H. Bcudder to collect money
alleged due on a prc.nissory note and
for goods sold and delivered. The bil'
of goods is for $27.18 and the promis
sory noto is purported to be for $ltirt.-
00, and in addition the plaintiff seckr
to recover I:I0 attorney's fees. James
G. Heltzel ia attorney for the pluintiff.
Tho case of John Skubal and Cecelia
against Eamucl Gerig and Adriana
(lerig wns argued in the circuit court
before Judge Galloway this forenoon.
The evidence in the case shows that the
plaintiffs who are each 71 years of ngc
sold lots 11 and 12 Kast Hide iruit
farms to the drfendnnts for the sum of
1,500. The plaintiffs accepted a deed
to a 1st in Glcndale, Douglas county, as
part payment and they allege thnt they
did not understand that they were ac
ceptiug this Glendule property at the
Sale on
Wetweather Goods
Now is your chance to get all rubber goods and
waterproof Shoes at greatly reduced prices. Sec
our bargain basement for Shoe bargains of all kinds.
Men's Thigh Sporting SHOES,
B?ts'iSr00fgUau Big line Men's 10-in.
anteed, $7.00 grade, all double gol
brands, now go at best French kip, regular
$5.95 $6 grades now go at
Men's Knee Boots, all
brands, snagproof, Men's 16-in. top French
guaranteed, rolled soles ; veal tan Boot, strap anfl
very best $5 boot buckles; regularly sold
ac at $8.00; in all sizes;
while they last at
Men's plain Knee Boots, $.95
regular $3 50 grades all game oot -n 12.in top
S2i0 $4.95
Ladies' bright finish Boys' Boots in all leath-
Knee Boots, with pebble ers and styles; best
tops, all sizes; regular grades ranging from
$3 grades, now , $3.50 to $5 now go at
$1.95 $2.65 to $3.95
Every pair of Shoes in tne siore on oai, nuui b
Reserved. If You Want Shoes. Look Them Over. I
Cut Rates on Repair Work
We have the best equipped shop in Salem, and are
making the following prices to induce you to try our
work; Men's Half Soles, 75c; Ladies' Half Soles, 50c;
All Tether Heels. 25c; Rubber Heels, 25c and 50c.
"Dux -Box" 013
it the only guar
anteed olL If It
doea not make
your shoes water
proof and giv
perfect satisfac
tion in evy way
we refund your
money for the
empty can 25c.
niMiMiin ii minimum 1 1 li 'It17
iul mm
;verwear Hose,
the best for 25c.
Every pair la
guar anteed to
give better satis
faction than any
you have ever
bad or a new pair
John Mason, who appears in "The
Fatal Card," at the Grand Theatre
today an d tomorrow.
iL S. Barnes Wins Against
Spencer In Supreme Court
(Cnutlnued from rage One.)
thousand dollnrs paying expenses and
locating dnims and the name of A. B.
Snencer was never entered in any of
the options. He waB absolutely un
known in any transactions after some
time early in the fall of 107 and
"never invested a dollar to promote
the sale."
Spencer Contributed Nothing.
"Spencer contributed nothing to
wards securing the properties," says
tho review of the case by Justice Benn,
"and took no interest In the deal. The
onlv work he actually did was to ob
tain some mnns and data from one
Parker and to forward those maps and
information to Dames at Long Beach
in August, 1907, which was probably
Silk and Wool Crepes
Regular $1.85 Sellers
.Reduced to $125 a Yard
40 to 44 Inches Wide.
Talk about bargains 1 This lot of Silk and Wool
Crepes, should make every woman anxious to get
down here early.
These fabrics, sometimes called Arabian Crepes,
are made of the finest quality Silk and Wool yarns
and the lot includes the new Winter shades suit
able for afternoon and evening dresses
Belgian Blue, Reseda Green, 1 Wisteria, Boiling
Green, African Brown, Golden BroVn and others.
$1.45, $1.00 and 75c Seller
This lot consists of 25 inch Tlain Colored Taffetas,
Grosgrain Stripes, Straight and Checked Waist
ing Silks all good.
Also Reductions On a Number of Other Piece
Goods and Silks that are Good Bargains and will
sell quickly. ,
worth ten or fifteen dollars. After the
sale of the mining properly opi-ncoi
,.i:..i interest in the commissions
which he alleged Barnes soured for the
sale of the property, ciuimmg iu uc ...
equal partner of Barnes. During
Barnes absence judgment for 6P,31M
was obtained for a small amount of
labor without Barnes having an oppor
tunity to present his version of tho
Spencer then attempted an execution
upon the lands belonging to Mrs.
Barnes In Salem, purchased for $26,730,
and in which tho legal title was vested
in the name of L. B. Barnes through an
Court s Conclusions.
Justice Bean says In his opinion:
"We find that the evidence in tho
case clearly shows that the Salem Hotel
property was purchased of Mr. Joseph
M..ver. and that was paid for
it with Mrs. Barnes' money which was
obtained by the salo of real estuto in
California; thnt the Uofer property
was bought and paid for with 5000, the
liionny of Mrs. Barnes' which was
raised upon a mortgage given on her
renl estate in Los Angeles; that the
Barber property was purchased with,
money belonging to Mrs. Barnes for
jcjMO ruiscd by hypothecating Iror
Miiaunie Temple bonds. The decree n
to thcHC three parcels of property is af
firmed." The Burrows property is admitted as
belonging to L. 8. Barnes and it wus
never contended that MrB Barnes was
tho owner of this property though it.
was included in the suit by Spencer and
the supreme court moclilies tne decree
of Judge Galloway only in the extent
that tho Burruws property belongs to
Mr. Humes.
The opinion of Justice Bean states
thnt Spencer never wus a partner of L.
S. Bnrucs and tho equities of the judg-
nuint nrn UKRiiilnil.
j In the case Justice Kaliin did not sit.
M M M T--rTT4-T4T44T'-r-r4--M4-M
Reduced Fares
Tickets sold Wednesday and Thursday, 24 and 25,
good for return until Monday, the 29, between points
The Popular Willamette Valley Route
Between Salem and
... .81.55
.". . .82.80
And all other points in proportion. Through tick
ets are sold via Portland at lowest rates to San Fran
cisco and all California points, Chicago, St. Paul, St.
Louis, Seattle, Astoria, Canadian points and else
where. ' til Si
Write or ask for information about Honolulu i
tours. .
. . .
J. W. Ritchie, agent Oregon Electric Ry., Salem, Ore. : :