t THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OHEGON, MONDAY, NOV. 22, 1915. SIX I SHOES lie Real Shoe Sale WILL BE EXTENDED ONE MORE WEEK WITH ANOTHER BIG CUT. Don't miss these great bargains. Dozens of lines of our highest grade merchan dise have been sold down to short runs and we have put them in the bins at un- hcard of prices. SEE THE BARGAIN BASEMENT. BIG REDUCTIONS IN REPAIR WORK Men's Half Soles, 75c; Ladies' Half Soles, 50c. All Leather Heels, 25c; Rubber Heels; 25c and 50c. m BIG LINE LADIES' LACE SHOES, both in black and colored tops; regular $5.00 grades, now go at ...... $2.95 A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS TO BE OFFERED IN THIS SALE Boys' $5.00 grades High Top Boots, hand made, same as men's shoes, now go. at $3.95 Men's Dress Shoes, regular $3.50 and $4.00 grades now go, at $2.95 Men's Dress Shoes, regular $5.00 grades, now go at $3.95 Men's Dress Shoes, regular $6.00 and .$7.00 grades, nowo at $4,95 Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular $3.00 grades, now go at $1.95 Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular $3.50 grades, now go at . $2.95 Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular $4.00 grades, now go at $3.35 Ladies' $5.00 Dress Shoes nosr go at $3.95 Boys' $4.00 High Top Boots, best grades, now go at $3.35 Boys' $3.50 High Top Boots, all sizes; good grades; now go at $2.95 Men's Short Rubber Boots, regularly sold at $3.50, now go at $2.50 Men's Short Rubber Boots; regularly sold at $5.00, now go at $3.95 Men's $7.00 Hip Boots, best snag proof, now go at $5.95 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's $8.00 16-inch High Top Boots, best grades, double stitched, buckles, now go at $5.95 Men's $7.50 12-inch High Top Boots, best grades; double stitched, waterproof, now go at $495 We have these two lines in all sizes, and plenty of them. And are going to close them out. EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' 20-button and 14-inch lace Hip Top Shoes, in best styles; regular $5.00 grades, go at ' $2.95 Big line of Men's and Women's $1.50 to $2.50 House Slippers, all styles, go at 95c Children's $1.50 Shoes, all styles, now go at 95c Children's $1.75 Shoes, all styles, now go at $1.35 Children's $2.00 and $2.25 Shoes, all styles, go at $1.65 Children's $2.50 and $2.75 Shoes, all styles, go at $1.95 Boys' $2.50 Shoes, best grades, all styles, now go at $1,95 Boys' $3.00 Shoes, best grades, all styles; now go at --$2.35 Boys' $3.25 Shoes, best grades, all styles now go at $2.65 Boys' $3.50 Shoes, best grades, all styles, now go at $2.95 SPECIAL ON MEN'S LOGGER BOOTS Big line $6.00, some $6.50 and $7.00 Boots, now ge at $3.95 DUX BAX OIL The oil that makes your shoes waterproof or your money back for the empty can. Try a can on these terms 25c EVER WEAR ' HOSE Are guaranteed to give bet ter satisfaction than any hose you have ever bought or a new pair. No questions asked. ba&nr tho enemy was repulsed lu the lbar viilley. I. n 1 II Tho l'luiii of the WueK nutrd, tvos- At Dardanelles Again ov0 scene f history i.uttu-, again . I the iiite of bloody buttling. Allies Are Hammering (Cortiuued from rage One.) They have forced, too, a passage of tho upper IVuin. Montenegrin lire giving buttle, but ngnlnst tremendous odds. More Hum 2,000 Additional prisoners huvo been taken by tho Austrian. East of Vovl- GO ON TRIAL TODAY Hamburg-American Line Ac cused of Aiding German Commerce Raiders Now York, Nov. 22. Karl Buenz, former German consul general at New York, and officials of the Hamberg Amerienn line wenit to trial before Judge Howe today, ehnrged with con spiring to supply German commerce raiders in the north and south Atlan tic. Meanwhile, within a fortnight, the government experts to indict at least six ring ; leaders and bomb and muni tion plots, probably including several women. Several Teutons representa tives, bankers, businessmen and a horde of petty agents will he involved, federal authorities said. forty million dollars, it is claimed, were at tho disposal of tho leaders, to stop munition smpments to the allies. Ju the Hamberg-Amerii an case, a manifest found in the belly of a shark after being dropped overboard by a German raider, will be used, it issiiid, to nrove lrnrt of the government case. Assistant Federal Attorney Wood asked the talesmen if thoy knew Ger man Ambassador Von Bemstorff and attaches Boy-ed and Von Fnpen, while both sides quizzed the jury prospects as to their war sympathies. Attorneys for the defense snid thoy would admit many nets of which the government complained, but would con tend that theso did not constitute viola tion of federal laws. NORTHWEST GALE OF J if 10 2 ytA i Gather it in ! YA Light a PIEDMONT and see for yourself why they hold such a record for sales. Men wouldn't be going after more and more and MORE PIEDMONTS if they didVt find them exactly what we say they are. PIEDMONTS are made of all -pure Tobacco blended in -a way to give them an unusually gooa taste. JXO,, Packed 20 for 10c ar:aue ot Coupon in Every Package "Tackle It" Astoria and Other Coast Points Experienced Sever est Brow STEFANSSON FOUND BY CAPTAIN LANE AFTER LONG SEARCH POULTRY FOODS Now is the time to change your feed and make the hen lay. SCRATCH FOODS Thli mixture U one of the best grain feeds that can be mixed for laying hem. It 1 yery UtUe higher than wheat and a far better feed. Try a tack and let the result. LAYING MASH At tills Unit of rear, your hem need something In a hot mash feed and our Laying Mash certainly It the mixture for that purpose. Use it with the tcTtitch food and you will niaka the hone lay, ftnd eggt art ceratlnly hlgn, to do not delay. Order today. Fret delivery la tlit city, D. A. WHITE & SONS Phone 100. 251 tate 8t. Report Bnlgar Defeat. l'ni'is, Nov. 21!. Crushing defeat of the lliilgnrs tit Loskovnc south of Nish on the Nish-Sulonikn railway was claim ed by the Herb legation today. Kxperts, however, doubted the story, Perhaps, they said, a skirmish occurred there, but an overwhelming battle is practical ly impossible for the Hnlgnrs are in great strength In the I.eskovnc region, while the Herbs have been driven 5U miles westward. Turks Art Drowned. London, Nov. 22. Nearly all aboard n Turkish transport carryitig COO sol doiers in the Hen of Marmora perished, according to reports today, when the vessel was mined mid sunk. The Uritish steamships Merganser of 2,000 tons and llullnmshire of 4,420 tons have been sunk by suloinrlnes but their crews were saved. The admiralty did not announce where tho sinkings oc curred, fact disposes of rumors that Italy is not bucking the other powers, Sorbs Are Routed. Berlin, via London, Nov. 22. Repulse of Serbian rear guard notions in tho lbnr valley, nnd capture of 2,li00 more prisoners wore recounted in today's war office statement, Claim Austrian Success. Berlin, by wireless to Tuckerton, N. ,T., Nov. 22. Helnforcing (loritu with Tyrol troops, the Austrian have deliv ered strong counter attacks under which enemy nssuults broke down, according to n' Vienna dispatch today. Counter attacks to dislodge the Italians from Osluvla continue. DOBIB DENIES RUMOR, British Moke Demand. J London, Nov. 22. Replying to charges that the Kugllsh are sending i transports to the Orient disguised nit hospital ships, mi admiral official said today the story by United t ress Staff Correspondent Ackermnn, quoting a (lerman official, whi absolutely false. The British authority declared England hat used her hospital ships in accord ance with Tho llsgue tud Ueueva convention. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 22. "I 'nnve not authorized any statement to the effect that 1 intend to resign after the close of tho present season," said Coach Gilmour Dobie of tho University of Washington team here today, fol lowing a published report thnt he would quit football forever. "When tho time comes I shall net n I see lit. T don't wish to moke nny comments. I u merely denvimr it." Wiien a storv wns printed nere io tho effect thnt Dobie, tired of coach ing, would quit and move to Berkeley, tho tutor of teams thnt have not been defeated In 11 yenr was besieged with calls. Dobie s contract culling for flUOO a year does not expire until after the sou sou o IV Ml. INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL. English Submarines. Copeiilisger, Nov. 22. Kngland has added a big now fleet of submarine to those already operating la the Baltic. Tho new vessel were oonvored br a cruiser and torpedo boat flotilla, thus explaining recent stories of navtl activ ity in the Csttegat. Italy In Full Accord. Rome, Nov. 22. The Italian minister at Athens 1 known to be co-oporatlag with the allies in their negotiation concerning the Balkan situation. Tbii Portland, Or., Nov. 22. Damage done by the southwest gale Sunday was being repaired today. The wind blew forty-two miles an hour in Port land. The riL'ht field fence at the Coast league iiurk was blown down and several small buildings around town demolished. Astoria experienced tho severest blow of tho season. A portion of the roof of the municipal wharf pnssengor shed was torn off. Tho Peruvinn bark- entine Judith broke her moorings and drifter into Pier No. 1 but did no dam age. " 1 At Ilammond the waves, whipped by the gale, cut into tho sand shore to a depth of 110 feet, almost 'reaching hous es nlong the beach. Burview reported that tho sens were again menacing buildings endangered by the high tides n couple of weeks ago. Kidnaper of Christie Is Held For Murder Seattle, Wash., Nov. 22. Edward Kranse. held in connection with the al leged kidnaping of William Christie, of Juneau, aim now believed to be a do sorter from the armr, has boen formal ly charged witn the murder of (hristio, according to dispatches from Juneau. Krauso was arrested hero a ween ago following bis nrrival from tho north on a charpo of impersonating a federal of ficer. He is believed to have boon tho mnn who served a subpoena on Christie nt the Treadwell mine. Ciiristia went aboard Krauso s launch to accompany him to Juncnu, and has never boen board or since. Friends of ('hristio are today drag ging (lastinenu channel for hiB body They believe they inn v also find ths body of Cnptaln Jumes 0, Plunkott, al so believed to bo one of Krauso ' vie thus. Plunkett is supposed to luvvo seen (.'hristio go aboard. Krause'B launch. Shortly after Christie's dis appearance Plunkott also wns missing, Fred McClard Arrested On Charge of Arson ired Mo.cinrd, of this city, wns ar rested Saturday afternoon on a chnrge or arson and will bo given a prelimin ary hearing in justice court troiorrow forenoon, Mel lard was nrraiirned be fore City Recorder Elirin, ns ex-official justice of the pence and rolenscd on $-50 bonds. It is ehnrged that Me Ward burned some clothes and person al effects In a closet at 1745 Court street on November 7 and that ho had the property insured during tho later part of October nnd hud lived nt the lnce but a short time. Ho is suid to liave collected about 1"5 insurance on the property destroyed. Rlo.Clnrd is about ,11) years old and i unmarried, lie is a school teacher by profession but is not employed in tin county. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 22. The story of one of the most remarkable trips evor made in the Arctic ice, that by Viljhamar Stefnnsson, was brought to Seattle today by Captnin Louis Lane, veteran North sea skipper and friend of the explorer, who arrived from Nome and Cordova. It was Captain Lane who, on the flimsiest of chances, hunted Stefnnsson, lone iriven un ns lost, and found him recently off the northern coast of Bonks Land. Under the midnight sun the two old friends embrace, deliverance coming at time when the explorer's supplies had dwindled to a minimum. Stefansson had just completed the longest and most daring sled trip ever made in the Arctic," Baid uiptain .nne. "For six months ho nnd his three companionsh, Storkinscn, Anderson and Thmipson had trnvorsed the north of Bunks Land and the new continent he discovered, relying entirely on their rifles for food. Tho remarkable thing is that not Denver. Col.. Nor. 22. Football en tliusinsts looked forward today with keen interest to the game Thanksgiv ing Doy at Fort Collin between Colo rndo Aiwle and Denver university which will decide the Rocky Mountain conference. With a clean record for the season, the Aggie are generally iookcu upon as inn prouauiv wiunpra. WILL ATTEND GAME. New York. Nov. 22. IWdent Wil on will toe the armv and navy foot bU game here on Thanksgiving Day. NEW TENNIS CHAMPION. 8an Francisco. Nov. 22. Carl Oarduer today is tennis champion of the bay district, havlne defeated Leon Straus, bnr counties junior champion in the final mntca of the tourtinntcn which begun a month ago. Gardner won in ithraigiit sets, 0-4, 6-2, 7-6. EDDIE BURNS MARRIES. Ran Frnnclnco, Nov. S2. Eddie Horns, catcher for the Philadelphia Na tionnls, will becomo a benedict Wed nesday night. Burn will wed Miss Viola Lal'orte of Mouterey, Eddie Ilsllinnn, third baseman for the Salt Lake club will be the best man. Ntw Today Adt, out cent per Word. - ... ? NEW TODAY S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. Rate per word New Today: Each insortion, per word One week (6 insertions), per word.. Id So once did they miss a meal, so keen was their hunting instinct and so true their marksmanship. "The little party lived entirely on seal, although they had hoped to get polar bear." Stefansson and his party, said Cap tain Lane, are writing the most roman tic chapter of Arctic history and will re turn to civilization within tho next two years with a valuable fund of scientific knowledge. The explorer's plan is to remain on the newly discovered laud for nt least two years. Supplies enough to Inst for three years are now cached there, thanks to Lane's courage and friendship. The new tribe of BO-called "blondo eskima" who have an almost idolatrous regard for Stefnnsson, nre migrating north to liis Banks Land camp, accord ing to Lane and will assist the explor er in every way this winter. Lane ,after finding Stefnnsson, sold him his whaler "Polur Bear'.' and quan tities of supplies. One month (26 insertions), per word 17 All ads must De oruerea ior a ia length of time, no ad to count less than 10 words. The Capital Journal will not be rer sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertise ments. Read your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us im mediately it is contains an error. Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 For wood saw. PIGS FOR SALE rhone 53F13. Nov23 AUTO FOR HIRE Phone 114. Dec23 CITY 768. OAK POSTS FOR SALE 9 cents each. 2349 Chorry Ave. Novza WANTED Work with team, of any kind. Will do it cheap. Phone 172a. Auto Department of Secretary of State Does Rushing Business During the last 10 days the automo bile department of the Secretary of Stnto' office hns been doing a rush incr business in the rcffistrntlon of auto- mobilos and othor motor vehicles. Li cciiso tug No. 1 will be carried by the nr belonging to r.dward I'unruas, oi I'ortlnnd, No. 2 was secured by Aaron Prank, of Portland, and No. 3 by J. O. Ainsworth. also of Portland. Numerous applications wero received for No. 13, zi, and lor wo. liiiu, ana ino ciorss oi tho office apportioned them out by lottery. Frank E. Wntkins, of Port land, secured No. 13, and No. 23 went to Will Lipman, also of Portland. Mrs. Lenta WesUcott, of this city received the number 1916. Over 2.000 applications have already been received nt tho automobile de partment since November 11. The li cense fairs will bo sent out to the auto owners about December 15 but they lire not allowed to put them on their cars until Jnnunry 1, of 1918. The tags for tho coming year will be on red enamel with white letters and the year on each end of the tag. . WOODBURN DEFEATED. Defense Grills Witness In Trial of Schmidt Los Angeles, Cal., NoV. 22. Dcfonse Counsel Edwin McKenzie today began a gruelling cross-examination of Mrs. A. J. Hall, formerly a stenographer -in the offices' of J. J. McNamara. Sho is one of the principal witnesses for the prosecution in the murder trial of M. A. Schmidt, alleged McNamara ac- como ice. Mrs. Hall in-Jier testimony identified numerous checks beannsr the signa tures of J. J. McNamara and J. M. Ryan. Somq of these checks, the state nlloces. were for funds used in the furtherance of ft so-cnlled nation-wide dynamite conspiracy, one of tho results of which is snul to have boen tno de struction of tho Times building here. SAFE WAS LOOTED Woodland, Cal., Nov. 22. Four hun dred dollars in gold and silver was the loot of yeggmen who blew the safe in the Southern raciric depot Here early today. A heavy charge of nitro- glycerino win used in blowing the door clear across the room. It is believed tho yeggmen escaped in automobiles stolen from Sacramento Sunday night. Last Snturdnv. before a small but enthusinstio crowd of Woodburn foot ball fans, tho local high school boys were handed another defeat, by the Newberg gladiators at the city park. The Woodburn boy were outweigh ed about ten rounds to tho man nnd were also handicapped by the absenco of thoir tar end, who is now suitor ini from a badly cut hand, recoived while splitting wood. "Itasty" Rico has been one of the mainstay of tho team all season and the report of tne accident was quito a, shock to hi team mate. The local boy should receive great crodit for the wav they fought the en- ing the ball within a few yard of Woodburn 't goal but failing to put it over, duo to the ncrnppy resistance of the W. U. . independent. DALLAS LOCAL NEWS Mr. Mry Carr Curtiss. general e retary of the Student Foroign Mission ary society, apoke at Willamette chapel this morning. 8ht it traveling about throughout the eolleget constantly and hence is in close touch with all of the movements which student are interest ed in. Sht stated that the college In Europe were depleted of the ttrongeit and best students, the leader going to the battle front. This state of affair ht thrown upon American college tu- FIR WOOD $3.51 per cord. 2249. Phone tf WINDOW CLEANER Phone Decll GOOD GEESE For siile. Phone 37F11. NovKS FOR SALE Store building at a bar gain. Phone 1380-W. JNov ZU FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Whita House Restaurant. JNovas TWO SEVEN ROOM HOUSES One furnished, for rent. See U. W Jonn son. tf JERSEY COWS And heifer for tale, cheap. C. S. Bowne, Aumsvillo, Ore gon. tt FOR RENT Modern 5 room house, furnished sewing machiae. 49a 8. 17th. Phone llou'J. Nov23 DRIED LOGANBERRIES WANTED At 17'a cents. Address G. O. Boyce, 1795 8. High street. Nov23 FOR RENT River bottom and stock, near Snlom. 502 Salem Bank of Com merce Bldg. Phone 370. tf GOAT MEAT- First elass only. 3c per r city. Decia pound, delivered to any part of city. 156 S. 12th. Phone 2419. FOR SALE High grade upright piano, condition. nnd bench, first Phone 125. class Nov23 GOAT MEAT 4 and fie per pound. Independent Market. Commercial strot. 107 South a RUMMAGE SALE Now on at 269 State, by the Court street Christian church. . tfl ATTEND The Degree of Honor cooked food sale and bazaar at the Imperial Furniture store tomorrow. Nov2a home, for 40 or more acres improved, suitable for dairying. W. O. Liston, 484 Court. Nov23 dents a sense of responsibility, the like of which they have never before felt, and their actions are beginning to show that they realize that they kan. fVPAnf tnulr KnAi.n llnm Hrnnt stress must be laid upon tho education J EXC1I ANGE-15 acre suburban . . I I hnmii fn All mnra an.oa inmrnv.it of women said Airs. Curtiss. An inter national statesman recontly said, "The most powerful element of human so ciety is women who mould the linos of little cnildrcn, who will make tue na tion in 23 years." To this end colleges have been estab lished in many foreign countries to edu cate the women. Mrs. Curtiss will speak to the student volunteer band this ev ening. The vesper service held yesterday afternoon in the Phlodorian halls by the Y. M.-Y. M. C. A., were well at tended, over a hundred being there. Miss Mary Schulti rendered a beautiful solo on the violin that held the audi ence spellbound, so entrancing wa the music. Miss Cathy sang a solo that was much appreciated. The main attraction of the meeting, however, was the lecture by Dr. J. O. Hall, on "The Inside of tho Cup." Hi treatise of thit popular novel was very interesting ana waa en joyed by all present. Dean Geo. H. Alden will give the sec ond lecture, of the Willamette facultj lecture conrm. thi evening at 8 o'clock in the chapel in Waller hall. Hit tub- 30,000.00 For improved farm loant. 5,000 loans preferred. Muw lie good. 7 per cent. Ernest Blue, IS ush Bank Bldg. Nov23 WILL GIVE BOARD AND ROOM- to elderly lady, for companionship. Reference required. Phone 637. Residence 2005 Ferry. Nov28 O. W. EYRE and L. C. Cavanough trei buying fat bogt and paying highest cash price to ship to Portland. Phone O. W. Evre, 220tK4 or L. O. Cavanaugh, 2183M. tf FOR SALE Good driving mae, t good Percheron colt, 1 good martt colt, paced, 1 buggy. 1 hack, 8 eta harness, 1 whjte sky Joodle dog, nice house pet. . 2305 N, Broadway. Nov2t ject will be entitled "What I Saw la Mexico," and will be of interest i much a the topic Mexico it a much d eussed one at the present time. Ever ont U Invited to attend the lecture. x :