Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Meet a Winner!
PIEDMONTS oromise vou the same cool.
mellow taste that they're giving thousands
ot oxner men.
Mr. Smoker PIEDMONTS! Go to em!
Some Punch to
s(c jc sfc )c )fc sjc c )c sfc sc jfc ir
Kate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lo
One week (6 insertion!), per word.... 5c
One month (28 insertions), per word 17c
All ads must be ordered for a stated
length of tinio, no ad to count less taan
10 words.
The C'apitnf Journal will not bo re
uponsiblo for more than one insertion
tor errors in Classified Advertise
ments, liead your advertisomeut the
first dnv it appears and notify us im
mediately It is contains an error.
Minimum chargo, 15c.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
TIB WOOD $3.50 per cord. Phone
2249. tf
708. Decll
OAK POSTS FOH SALE 9 cents each.
2349 Cherry Ave. Nov22
plvlng turkey to 2t'13. NovlS
FOB SALE Store building at a bar
gain.' Phono HISO-W. Nov 20
UJO Kilt W001 4.00 per cord, 2nd
growth I3.50. Thono 90F2. Nov20
LOST Bunch of keys. Finder return
to Journal offico uud receive rownrd.
WANTED Two cheap carpenters at
once. Phono 8112. Chns Schmidt,
liouto 3. Nov 18
furnished, for rent. Beo (. W John
son, tf
JEH8KY COWS And beil'ura for wile,
cheap. O. 8. flowno, Aumsvillo, Ore
gon. U
WANTED Pony for It kcop. Will
buy If satisfactory. J. II. Arnold, Rt.
7, Sulem. fj0v (l
FOB RENT Three or four-room mod
ern apartment. Furnished. 325 South
Fourteenth street. Nov M
FOB KENT it room furnished house.
Trade street. Impure at the
Lincoln apartments. Nov20
FOB SALK Patent for stovo oil burn
er, fit any stove. Will sell reason
able. Phone SUM. Nov 18
flOAT MEAT First class only, 3c per
pou uciivercu a liny part of citv,
150 S. 12th. Phono 241K. Docifl
FOB TRADE A modern lighting plant
for a Ford. Address X25, care of
Journal. Nov20
CLOSING Ol'T-FrTit tTlies 7aA
shrubs Rt low prices. Roy V. Olimnrt,
Phone 63F15. NovlT
GOAT M EAT 4 and Bo per pound
Independent Market. 157 South
Commercial stret.
HUM MAO B SALE Now on at 200
Btate. by the Court street Christian
church. (f
I'OR SALE Hargaln, 83 acres, near
Salem, part trade. Address Luther
Stout, St-ayton. NovlS
proved 10 acres, one and a half miles
east of ssylum. Phono ,154. Nov 18
esse, for sale. Very reasonable,
Phone B354 J after 6 p. m.j or address
H, F. Kuck, Salem. Nov 18
CLOVER Outs and ventcta liny for
sale, on Bilvcrton road, cornering on
fair (round. Ir, 0. W. Bowlder.
FOB BALE Zlnn's Candy Store, no
reasonable offer will be refused.
Bee Zinn if you want a store. Nov 111
(SNAP If sold this weok. I will sell
the Coupon, too!
"If nay member of the Commercial
club thinks wo aro not doing anything,
he should come to our monthly-meetings
ami tell what ho thinks and not express
bin dissatisfaction on the streets," said
President Hamilton nt the monthlj
meeting of tho Commercial club lust
evening. In a heart to heart talk with
the memhors, Mr, Hamilton said that
tho club had passed through the quiet
times of the organization and that with
tho coming of tho now manager, (). H.
Luck, and with tho support of all the
members,, tho club would enter into a
season of greater activity." "Regard
ing Mr. Luck, I think wo secured the
best, man for the job, everything con
sidered. We did the best we could
and it is up to the members to stand
buck of us. It is to your interests to
back up the new manager," said Mr.
Py uuaniiuouH vote, the members of
tho club expressed tholr confidence in
the efforts of tho president and direc
tors of tho club and their resolve to
support the new manager, on motion of
Mr. Crick.
It was by fur the most interesting
session ever held by the Commercia
club since its ro-orgnui.ntioti, uud the
members last cvoning present in larger
numbers than ever before, showed u
lively interest In tho reports of the sev
erul directors.
Reports of Business.
F. O. Deckabnch, director of tourist
und publicity, reported that his depart
ment had entertniued for an hour the
oustern members of the W. C. T. I',
passing through the city, and had as
sisted tho Miss Virginia Arnold, state
leuder of tho suffragette movement
when a petition was presented to Coa
gressmnu llawley. This department had
also shown courtesies to the State We
man's Federated (dubs and were en
tertainers of the State Press associa
tion. August Iluckestein, director of th
industrial department, reported that
since the Inst meeting the proposition
of a shoe factory had been taken up
again, and that the Southern Pacific
through its freight agent would thor
oughly investigate the matter and re
port to his department, That the rail
road was taking an interest in securing
factories for the Willamette valley, was
an encouraging feature to Mr. Iluckes
tein nnd his department.
Henry Meyers, director of the mer
cantile department reported his commit
tee as opposed to refunding cash fares
to out of town customers. As to tr,
ing stamps, every merchant in the el
was most emphatically opposed to their
Introduction and would oppose any ef
fort to Introduce them, lie also noted
the fnct that the recent meeting of the
Business Men's league was well attend
ed and that the members were tuklug
an active Interest in the work.
Ma3 Not BEEN bttCI&Eb Vivr
We are not suro thnt the governor
Is going to proclaim next Friday a legs'
holiday but it is going to be rubber
heel day any way nad The Price Shoe
company la going to sell all SO-cent
new, live rubber heels for 25 cents.
my fl-room plastered house, butb,
toilet, pantry, barn, large lot, good
loeatiou. At real sacrifice. Price
1,000, terms. Also a fino 0 acre
tract ltosedale district, 75 per acre.
I., Hoehtel, 347 Btate street. Nov 20
paid to any address for 10 cents
coin. Eliminates wash boards, wash
machines ml rnlililiiir Tni 1 1 rata until.
lag, but the dirt. Will not Injure the
nanus. Money back tf not satisfac
tory. Local agents wanted. E. R.
Corcoran, Box l!47, Albany, Oro.
Nor IS
for I.
10c -3
O. M. Elliott, director of tho civic de
partment, reported his committee luu
decided to continue its Bupport of the
Salem Sociul Service Center. As Un
social service needed moro money than
allowed it by tho Commercial club, calls
tor ussistanco would have to bo made
through lodges, churches and other org
anizations. 1 tie servico needed money
to provide menus to distribute old
clothes. There uro many children in the
city who cannot go to school on account
of tho lack of clothes und food. We
will havo more calls fur help this win
ter than a year ago, said Mr. Elliott.
0. L. Dick, ef tho social department,
suid that very few of the members
were aware of tho fact that the cIul
maintained social rooms and he was of
tho opinion that if moro of tho mem
liers would call around occasionally, it
would bo better tor llie club.
The report of W. I. Stuley, director of
the agricultural department, stated that
plans were being worked out by the
club und L. J. Chain for the corn show
to bo held hero December 1-4 and thai
although Mr, Chapin had not been sup
ported by tho county court, ho wus
giving his tinio to assure the success
of this bIiow. Another meeting between
the agricultural department mid promi
nent farmers from tho several granges
in tho county would bo held in tho Com
mercial rooms Wednesday, Novembei
24, and it wus hoped that by fruuk ex
pressions of opinion, these meetings
would result in benefit to all.
Discussion of club affairs wus par
ticipated in by J. L. Stockton, F. (1
Deckabnch, P. II. D'Arcy and others.
W. S. Low, who has taken an active
interest in tho market nnd sales day
stated that since the farmers learned
thut the market was really conducted
for their benefit, thut the sales days
were now a success nnd that he hoped
nt the next sale, the business men would
take the time to attend und become ac
rpiuihtcd. A stock ynrd wus one of the
t nines honed for, a plnco whero the peo
ple could bring hi their stock and feed
until ready to shin.
President Hamilton stilted that the
bridge proposition was awaiting the re
port of Engineer Morse, but the impres
sion was that repairs could be made to
obviate tho closing of tlie bridge.
Ivan 0. McDanicIs, acting manager
of tho club, told of the eflorts now
made to secure a market for hogs and
the success of Oco, W. Eyre in shipping
fivu car loads during the pust month.
I.. II, McMuliaii advocated co-opera
live stock yards, in charge of a salaried
malinger employed by the club, but his
suggestion wus not generally supported
llic meeting wus a live one from tue
start and with the arrival of the nw
rcuueger, President Hamilton feels that
the club will take on new lite lor tue
Bridge Over Santiara
Washed Out Last Night
AUnnp, Or., Nov. 18 The steel
bridge, under construction over the San
tiom river at Lebanon was washed fiat
lost night, with damage of over $3,01)0,
All of the false work went out, as did
19 floor beams. Tho piers were not dam
aged. Steel and work figuring in tlie
cVimnge amount to from IsiOO to 12000.
A doukev engine loaned by He county
and a piio diivcr, valued at f 1500 were
also lost.
Portland, Or., Nov. 18 Alleging that
when Miss Mollio M. Patton promised
to marry, him ho tore up promissory
notes aggregating 1.104 which she
owed him, Arthur P, Olson has brought
suit against her for that amount today..
MJm Patton married another, 1
If Portland Is Left Out of
League Manager Will Go
To California
Portland, Ore., Nov. 18. The state
ment of Manager Walter McCredie that
if lower railroad rates are not secured
and Portland is not reinstated in the
Coast league that he probably will take
the pick of the Beavers and secure the
Sacramento franchise created great
deal of comment today.
Asked if he would manage a Portland
team in the Northwestern league, Mc
Credie replied that he did not think
If Portland stays in the Coast league,
the Beavers will undorgo a severe shak
ing up, McCredie said.
Presidont W. W. McCredie was of
the belief that tho rate trouble with
the railroads would be adjusted soon
nnd that Portland will remain with the
Coast league. He said that every lea
gue diroctor with the exceptioa of one
was strong for Portland.
Following a conference with Judge
McCredie, John M. Scott, general pas
senger agent of the Southern Pacific,
said that so far as his road wus con
cerned it was hoped that tho Coast
league could be given satisfactory
A meeting of the interested railroads
is scheduled to be held in Sun Francisco
At least a half dozen roads are m-
torestedin tho matter, Scott said.
Eugene, Ore., Nov. 18. With con
tinued heavy rains Kincaid field wns
a sea of niiid today, and speculation
was rife as to tho effect this would
have on Saturday's game between 0. A.
C. and the University of Oregon.
With a far lighter line, Oregon's de
fense has been built around speed and
a comparatively dry field is almost es
sential, while the Aggies have devel
oped a line plunging machine of great
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 18. Harvard
rooters today were enmeshed in gloom
whoa it was learned that Tom En-
For washing dishes use a teaipoonful ot
Gold Dust to a full diihpon of hot water, .
fies everything in the house.
It is safe,
Millions of women have
learned that it is the one wash
ing and cleaning powder for
all cleansing and purifying
It cleans floors, linoleum,
kitchen utensils, bathtubs and
bathroom fixtures, windows,
Big Event In Collegiate Cir
cles Takes Place
The big event of the year in sporting
circles nnd the oae looked forward to
with more Interest than any other by
the Salem 'public, is to be pulled off
at Eugene, Saturday of this week when
the Oregon Agricultural college and
University of Oregon football teams
will line up in their annual fight for
An unusual amount of interest is be
ing manifested this year in this game,
especially since the pronounced success
of the Oregon Agricultural college team
on its recent eastern tour and the more
recent and successful trip into Califor
nia by the team from Eugene.
The Corvallis men ure generally pick
ed to win over the men from Eugene
owing to past records, yet the bull dog
spirit manifested by the Oregon team
has made for theui'a host of admirers
and backers.
The Oregon Electric railway is to run
a special train from Portlnnd to Eugene
Saturday morning, with special cars at
tached for the convenience of Salem
patrons. This train leaves SnJem at
9:45. The fare for this occasion will
be $2,80 for the round trip, good ro
turninir any timo un to Monday evening
following. The speciul train will re
turn Immediately following the game.
Fo.r those who desire to be in on the
monster pee-rade, bonfire and rally at
Eugene held Friday night tho Oregon
Electric is granting a special rate of
$2.80, the same as the week end fare.
wright, one of Harvard's most power
ful backs, will not be able to play Sat
urday against Yale because of being
behind in his studies.
Another crushing bit of news was
that another Harvard back, Wink Rol
lins, very probably will not start, ow
ing to an injury to his hip. It is be
lieved Ross Cowan, who played against
the Elis in 1913, will replace him.
A rousing send-off was given the
Harvard eleven today during final prac
tice, prior to the doparture of the team
for Lowell, where the Crimson will
stay until a few hours before the Yale
game. More than 2,000 Harvard men
paraded to the field and cheered the
or washing disHies
This is one of the uses in which Gold
Dust is supreme.
But remember that its use is not to be
limited to washing dishes.
Gold Dust cleans, brightens and beauti
quick, and sure.
For Washing dishes uie
a teaspoonful of Gold
Dust to a fuU dishpan
of hot water. .
Millions of women kavs dis
covered how much th work
of dUhwashing may be leas,
nod and made sasy by tho
us of Gold Dust
fine woodwork, silver, plated, copper and
nickeled and enameled ware
Five-tfent and larger packages sold everywhere
"Ml L
Elks Take Three Games
From BHgh Bowlers
The Elks took three straight games
from tho BHgh bowlers at the club al
leys lust night with four men on each
team. Bkiff of the Elk team rolled the
high evorogv of 103 and Hnsscy of the
same team made the high score of 202.
The scores follow:
12 3 Av.
Absentee ; 170 170 170 170
Rtiph 134 173 151 l-'
Pratt 178 125 158 154
Skiff 199 188 191 1!'
Hussey ...15a 201 201 185
Totals 833 85T 872
Team average, 171. ,
1 2 3 Av.
Absentee 170 170 170 170
Hagedorn 163 134 183 153
Shaw 188 151 143 W
Fuller 125 137 153 138
L,. Price ... ill n vjz ioi
Totals 821 . 786 821
Team average, 181.
XT. of 0.4). A. C. Football Game Has
Bearing on West vs. East
Oregon Agricultural College Corval
lis, Ore., Nov. 18. Aside from being
the annual athletic classic of Oregon,
the annual football game between the
State university and State college will
have nn added significance this year in
its bearing upon the recently revived
Question of tho relative superiority of
astern and western playerB. Ever since
the decisive contest between the Agri
cultural colleges of Oregon and Miel
iean, in which the Oregon team outplay
ed their mid-west rivals in both head
work and physical skill, speculation has
been freely indulged as to the relative
strength of the O. A. C. team. Its rela
tive strength will be accurately toe
in the coming game with the Univer
sity, from the results of which compara
tive playing strength of eastern and
western players may be estimated.
It has been three years since oithe:
team won a victory, the one before f
going to the university. While tho lo
cal team has met but one defeat withit
the three years it has been held to a
tie by both the Washington university
and tho U. of O. Its defeat this year
was by tue Washington State college
team. Many critics of the game wil'
see in all this an indication that
Oregon college team is strong among it3
westorn rivals but not superior to them
The gamo next Saturday will undoubt
edly cause much speculation not only
in the west, but throughout the entire
Ram'd Recovery of
London Exchange Feature
(Copyright 1915 by the New York
Evening Post.)
New York, Nov. IS. The continued
Follow the simple directions on every pack
age of Gold Dust
And it does not scratch or mar.
In the truest sense Gold Dust really
works for you.
It penetrates corners that can not be
reached with fingers or wash cloths and
takes out dirt and grease. In
addition to its activity as a
cleaning powder, Gold Dust
act3 as a disinfectant.
It makes everything clean
and pure. Gold Dust is the
only cleaner you need. Its
popularity is universal.
It is inexpensive arfd indispensable.
"Let the Gold Dust
Daniel X Fry Guarantees to Return tit
Money If Ml-o-na Don Hot
Relieve You.
"It ' a pleasure, to sell a medietas)
when my customers eome in afterward
and tell me how much good it has don
them," said Daniel J. Fry, the popular
druggist to a Journal man, "and that
is why I like to sell and recommend
Mi-o-na, the dyspepsia remedy. Th
distribution of samples that I mad
created so much talk and so large Sv
proportion of those who received ft
sample have bought a box .of Mi-o-nn
that my clerks have been busy selling
the medicine ever since. I have ao -much
faith in this article that I an
going to guarantee it in the future, and
will return the monoy to any purchaser '
of Mi-o-na whom it does not help. That .
may seem rash but my customers have -said
so many good words in its favor '
that I do not expect to have many pack
ages returned.
" Anyone who has dyspepsia, whose ;
food does not digest weii, and who has
to take thought as to what he can eat,
and when, can leave 50 cents deposit .
at my store and take home a box of
Mi-o-na and if tho remedy does not
regulate his digestion and help bis
dyspepsia he can withdraw his money.
I don't know but -what we would be
willing to pay him interest."
This shows great faith in the merit
of Mi-o-na. - It is really a most unus
ual medicine and the rapid increase of
sales since Daniel J. Fry introduced it
in Salem shows that it does all that it
is claimed to do relieves dyspepsia,
regulates digestion and enables those
who use it to eat just what they want
with no foar of trouble after.
rapid recovery of London exchange was
again the day's noteworthy ineident on
the stock market. This afternoon 'a
rate was $4.88 3-4, a lull eont above
yesterday's top price.
Exchange also moved favorably as
to the Paris rate as well as the London,
but the Berlin rate was lower, running
to within a small fraction of the low
level during the war.
Stock activity was greatest in indus
trials. In war shares the pTooess of
more or less constant liquidation seem
ed to be still in progress, showing the
influence of peace rumors.
On the other hand, railways ad
vanced gradually. The influence of
European liquidation in these seemed
to be offset by statements of current
San FrnnciRco, Nov. 18. The storm
which has gripped the central Califor
nia const for tho last few days has
claimod three lives. Christopher Jen
sen and Hans Hurst were drowned yes
torday off Pigeon point while attempt
ing to pass a line ashore from the gaso
line schoonor Surprise. John W. Clark,
chief engineer of the steamer Noyo,
was washed overboard and drowned
Tuesday night while the stamer was en
route from Cleono.
Twins do your