TWO THE DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL', SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOV. 18. 191R. i i Social ALINE Mrs. Thomas Li veal ey wa a cliarm ig hostess Wednesday for the Ken aineton club. After a delightful af ternoon Mrs. Liveslcy took her guests Tor a spin to the Oray-Belle where a dainty lunch was served. Circling the table were Mrs. O. V. DcBeck, of Van coaver, B. C, Mrs.' B. 0. Sehucking, Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Guy 8ar , gent, and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bishop went to Portland this morning to be the luncheon guests of friends, returning tuis evening. Mrj and Mrs. Edward Canatsey en tertained with a delightful dinner Bun clay in honor of Mj-n. 0. H. Stewart and mall son, of Hutchinson, Kansas. The guests for this prettily arranged dinner wore friends of Mrs. Stewart' who formerly came from Hutchinson. The table was aglow with lovely red dahlias with-covers tor Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. William Chamberlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway, James. Lenard Campbell. While In Sa lem Mrs. Stewart will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cham Berlin and her Bisters Mrs. Jesse Camp boll and Mrs. T. II. Galloway. Mrs. Harry Clay presided over a charming little dinner party Tuesday ve.ning in honor of Mr. and Mrs; Wil liam Knighton. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Try will roturn Sunday from a delightful trip to San XTaneisco aua canrornuj. ... Mrs. A. E. Bloomguest, of Seattle, WDo is the gnost of her sister, Mrs. William Lytle, returned to Salem to day from a brief visit to Portland. Mrs. Frank Rosonquest and Mrs. G. K. Hatch entertained the ladies of the West Central Circle of the Mothodist church yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rosenquest on North Commer cial Btreet. After the regular meeting lht afternoon was spent in discussing plans for their social which will be held on November thirtieth, and the bazaar which will be December the tenth, both to bo given in the church parlors. ... 'Mrs. Paul Stege left yesterday with Mrs. Fred Erixon and Miss llazol for Bouncing Health and Active Brain come naturally with childhood, but in later years are usually the result of right living Proper Food Playsja Big Part Many foods especially those made from White Flour are woefully deficient in certain mineral salts which are essential to life, health and happiness To supply these vital mineral elements so often lacking in the usual daily diet, a food expert originated Grape-Nuts i This food, made of choice wheat and malted barley, supplies all the nutriment of the grains, including the phosphate of potash, etc., required for the daily rebuilding of body and brain. Grape-Nuts has a delicious, nut-like . flavour is ready to eat direct from the package with cream or good milk, and is complete nourishment. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. Personal THOMPSON California. While in the Boiith, Mrs. Stege will spend a week in San Fran cisco, going from there to Oakland where she will be the guest of Mrs. Willium Welch formerly of Salem. ... Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Stccves, enter tained at a charming dinner party on Tuesday evening at their home on Chemeketa street. A cut glass jar-di.-iiere filled with lovely Papa Gonteir roses, combined with auwlielia adorn ed the table around which were seated the following guests: Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doncy, Dr. anil Mrs. Rich ard Avison, Dr. and Mrs. Marie Fiudley and the hosts. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Clav returned from Portland late Sunday night where l'r. Clay joined friends on a duck-shoot. Misb Marguerite Flower is the hous) guest of her cousin, Mrs. Gorham, in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deckebach, en tertainod the P. J. G. club at dinner Wednesday evening. Circling the table were: Wayne Allen, Paul Staley, Al bert Bayne, Kola McClelland, Wesley Brandhorst, Carl Minton, and Frank ueckoDacn. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Gill are be ing congratulated upon the arrival of a son born November the seventeenth. The little fellow will be christened Steven. Mrs. Myra Miller Stauffer. of Hills boro, president of the Oregon Branch or the woman a Homo and Foreign Missionary society of the United Evan gelical church is a guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Mumey on North Winter street. Chnrlos Talmngo, an extensive stock raiser of New l'ort, Washington, who is returning homo from the Sun Fran cisco fair where ho has many exhibits, is visiting with O. W. Talmage. Carl Sieke, of Portland, formerly a teacher in the Salem high school, spent the week end (it the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Harris. President and Mrs. Carl 0. Doncy, of the Willamette university, entertained informally Friday evening for the mem- g Don't Merely "Stop" a 5 . Cough g Stop the Thlnr that Cansea It g S aad the Cough will 8 B Step Kuril 8 A cough Is really one of tmr best friends. It warns us that there is in flammation or obxtruction in a danger ous place. Therefore, when you get a bad cough don't proceed to dose yourself with a lt of drugs that merely "stop" the cough temporarily by deadening the throat nerves. Treat the cause heal the inllamed membranes. Here is a home made remedv that gets right at the cause and will mitke an obstinate cough vanish more quickly than you ever thought pos Sftle. Put iVi ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth) in a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. This gives vou a full pint of tle most pleasant and effective cough remedy you evernsed, at a cost of only 54 cents. No bother to prepare. Full directions with Pinex. It heals the inflamed membranes so gently and promptly that you wonder how it does it. Also loosens a drv. hoarse or tight cough and stops the formation of f hlegrn in the throat and bronchial tubes, hus ending the persistent loose cough. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, and is turnout the world over lor its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex," and don't accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. bers of the faculty. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion in brilliant dahlias and chrysanthemums. The second monthly recital of St. Marv's academy will be eiven tonight in St. Joseph's hall, at eight-thirty o clock. Everyone is cordially invited. . The next lecture in the series by Prof. Wallace MacMurrav will be riven next Tuesday. This subject is "The Plays of August Strindberg," dealing especially with the dramas "Lucky Pehr," "The Father," " Miss Julia," " Creditors' "Swanwhite," "The Dance of Death," and "There Are Crimes and Crimes." Edwin Bjorkman says of Strindberg that ho has "a startling and almost limitless many- sidedness. ' Jt is said of him that he touched every field of human thought. He was a man of many talents and his great ability is shown throughout his works. This lecture will undoubtedly be one of tho finest and most attract ive in the series. Miss Grace Dnue had as her week end guests Miss Ruth Hurst, of Hubbard, aud Miss Merle Dimmick, of Mon mouth. Mrs. Lolal Cook Bellinger is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Cook, on 12th street. The Misses Rnta and Katherine Per lich left Tuesday for a several weeks visit to San Fracisco and other bay cities. PERSONALS Charles German is in Portland on business. W. F. Chrisman was here yesterday from Scio. Fred S. Lamport is in CorvaUis to day on legal business. Walter Roy, of Independence, was here yesterday on business. O. L. Ferris, of Portland, is trans acting business here today. I- D. Bennett and wife, of Lake La bish, are in the city on business. . William P. Lord, of Portland, was in the city yesterday on legal business. Augustus Mperling, of Independence, wns a visitor in the city yesterday. Mrs. Ralph Williams, of Independ ence, was a visitor in the city yester dny, Thomas A. Ditmas, of Fairfield, is transacting business in the city to day. Mrs. O. P. Hoff was a passenger this morning on tho Oregon Electric for Portland. J. L. Feet returned last evening from a business trip of several days at Portland. C. E. Mnrley, wife and daughter, left this morning for Portland for a visit of several dtiys. C. Lnusing, living north of town on the Pacific highway, was a businoss I visitor acre yesterday. i Mr. and Jlrs. Paul Rausmussen ro- ! turned yesterday from a visit of sev- : crnl days in Portland. ! William J. Liljquist wns in Port- ' land yesterday on business for the Hpnulding Logging company, ltev. Father iSherbring returned this morning to Shaw, after several days I spent in this city with Father Mooro. i .Henry Boarsinan, a conductor on the i Salem Ktrect Unilway, returned last ev leuing from a three weeks' visit at the big exposition. I L. J. Chnpin went to Woodbiirn this I morning to uttend thu farmers' insti- tute held in connectiou with the Wood ! burn corn show. .Mrs. George Wick and daughters, F.I- sio and Louise, leave this evening for I an indefinite visit with rclutives at I Bismarck, N. I). I Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. L. Hulln, who have j been In tho city several dnys, returned this morning to their homo at Water- loo, Linn county, ' Mrs. Fred Krixoti nnd daughter, Miss I Hand, left last night for Hun Fran- cisco and San Diego. They expect to tie ntisent about six weeks. Mrs, B, W. Morgan, of Polk county, whose husband was killed near tho fair ground last spring, was in the city yesterday on her way to Portland. George Graves, J he general commer cial traveler nnd prominent Cherriau, loft this afternoon for California to spend a month visiting th exposition. Mr. aud Mrs. Otto Dornitiuan and Mrs. Mcllie Mansholt of Sioux Falls, South Dnkota, arc guests at the Capital hotel and expect to visit her several weeks. Mrs. J. D. McCutty, of Hood River, 1 visiting in tho city at the home of aer brother, K. Cooke Patton. She will visit with relatives In the city until CLOTHIKG 13 .HIGHER- Chicago, Nov. 18. Ring. the bells softly; there's crepe on the door again. Secretary Hamburger of the National Garment Workers or- ganlzation said today that clothing will cost more this winter, because Europe is de- manding enormous quantities of wool for soldiers' blankets. Incidentally, he pictured the workingman of the future garbed in pretty pint or mauve overalls, because blue dyes, ob- tainable only from Germany, are running short. . Bethel News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Bethel, Nov. 18. The Bethel Liter ary Society was recently organized at the Bethel school house. A very inter esting meeting was held last Friday evening. - There waa a good debate- and program. The hit of the evening was made by Herman Doney who gave the recitation "John Clark and Jjucy Nichols Popping Corn." Other num bers on the program were a mandolin duet by Baker Bros., a reading by Clif ford Johnston, and a recitation by Remoh Sehulz. The subject for debate was "Resolved that man will do more for honor than for money." The affirmative was pre sented by Harlan Hoffman and Geo. Matten, while Claud Page and Paul Baker argued for the negative. The sug.iect for next Friday evening will be "Resolved that the Ferris Water Bill should become a law as amended by the senate committee." The recent high wind caused some damage in Bethel. Mr. A. H. 'Fuest man had just finished putting a new shingle roof on the large shed at the west end of his barn. The wind took this roof and scattered it over the barn lot. A part of the wreckage fell on a grain drill and wrecked that. But fortunately no live stock was either killed or injured. t COURT HOUSE NEWS The suit for divorce of Herminia Knapp Seely against Clarence E. Seely was on in Judge Galloway's depart ment of tho circuit court this forenoon. The couple were married in this city August 14, 1910, and have one son, Frank K. Seely, aged four years. The plaintiff alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and testified on . the stand today that her husband choked her when she forgot to send his other shirt to the laundry. The principal conten tion in the suit is the division of the property of the couple in this city. J. G. Heltzel and Charles McNury repre sent the plaintiff and S. M. Endicott and W. C. Winslow the defendant. A marriago license was issued today to Carl J. U. Flemmlng, of 1310 North Winter street, and Doraf Kreft, of &65 B street. The groom is a cabinet maker and the bride a clerk of this city. George Tost, a farmer of Shaw, and Ella Ask, of Pratum, also secured a marriage license and Clareuce I. Grass man, a farmer of Gervuis, and Johanna Kappes, of Gervois, also made applica tion for a legal permit. Homer H. Smith today filed a suit in the circuit court against Lettie Mar riah Barnes, a widow, also known as I.. M. Barnes. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant gave a promissory note for $200 which was secured by a mort gage on lot 1, block 27, Depot addi tion to Salem. He asks 'for a judgment in the original sum with interest and $50 attorney's fees or a foreclosure on tho property. John J. Turner yesterday filed a suit in the circuit court against Katie Holmes, J. P. Holmes and Cora L. Pres- cott. It is alleged that Katie Holmes and J. P. Holmes gave the plaintiff a promissory note for $1,000 and secured it by a mortgage on lot No. 13, Liberty Fruit FarmB. A previous hortgage on this same tract in tho amount of $1,1. 10 is held by Cora L. Prescott. Carey F. Martin is attorney for the plaintiff. Judge Galloway today Issued an or der granting a temporary ' injunction restraining County Clerk John Hous ton, of Malheur county, from record ing a deed given by Mary liars; to William Psetnk to .120 acres of land in Malheur county. The suit in 'contro versy was brought by Mary Bennett against William Psetnk, Venda Psetak, bia wife, and Martha Psctqk. .. . Judge William Galloway, of depart ment No. 2, of tho circuit court of this county, will leave tomorrow for Albany where he will open court in bis depart ment in Linn county, Judge Galloway expects to hold court Fiiflay and Satur day in Albany. After being married, -divorced and Is Your Botly Full of Poison ? Do business or social demands, or do-' intf tho things yoir enjoy most, cause mmtfestton and tionasstmtlahon ot trie food vou em? If so look out for Intrslinal poisoning. Thone powonn are brhetl by the otnod and eventually reach yuur hmrt, your brain, your kidnrvs, your liver, nd just alowly deniroy tlw joy of livinK. IniMtt-Fcrmin Tab tt'tt, nrw In lliin cauntrv, embody the active proptrtieaof Bulgarian kictii acid which it en donwl by Prof. Mclchmkofl. "Wikami 1 uiinfi hi tfttt Ftttmn 7 a b t mtk n:fl rW.i," writes New York City man. Letters fairly hrvnthe the joy of their write!. tntesti Permm Tablets are not a drug. They are an eltitient treat ment for intent Inal pomnninc, which ia resntmtnbJt fnr the ail ment of four people out of every fit. lVn't take a chance your enVienry nnd a tons life hp4 on vnur having Rood health wrtAiNfWM. Get a bottle. Benin traLmcnl now. IntcBU- Kennin Tablet arc aokJ by J. C Perry, HAIXM, OREGON Intttti-Fcraia U suds txchniwhf by The Berlin Laboratory. 1-td. 373 Fourth Ave., New York City Agents for AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Try Them and Note the Improvement in Your Figure. This season calls for style and comfort combined. Amer ican Lady Corsets afford both. 115 N. Liberty near State Oakland, Cal., Nov. 18. Mrs. Cora Buttlcr's 62 year old son has been one of those restless chaps always on the go. But his wandering is about at an end. His 80 year old mother de clared today she believes he is of marriageable age so she and the "boy" pitched their gypsy-like camp here, and the mother announced that it was far from her thought to pre vent him from marrying and settling down aftor long years of wandering oil the face of the earth. WILLAMETTE NOTES Yesterday morning the Y. M. C.A. had charge of the chapel exercises. Harry Savage gave one of Kiplings readings, that set forth the life of the British "Tommy." President Walter Gleiser pave a well chosen and inter esting talk on the influence of the col lege person to the community in which he may reside. Harry Mills officiated at the piano and the whole Btudent body sang Willamette songs. Such programs aro of interest as thoy are" out of the ordinary and they at the same time give tne students the chance to near studont thought expressed from tie platform. The Y. II. C. A. will have every Wednesday reserved for their use to present programs. married again, Maude Cameron has filed suit for a divorce from George Cameron. The couple were first mar ried in Michigan in 1893 and were di vorced September 10, 1910 in King county, Washington. They were re married October 11, 1911 in McMinn ville but the plaintiff cllcges that her husband deserted her and lett for parts unknown and has continued to live apart for more tiian a year. They have five children, Perry, Mable, Lucile, Evelyn and Charles, ranging in ages from seven to 21 years, of whom, the plaintiff Becks the custody. Railroad Refuses To Grant Dingle roint lo Mate (Ceiitinned from rage One.) men who represent the state were will-, ing to leave the matter entirely in the, hands of the railroad. Secretary of State Olcott reviewed the matter by Bayingr "When the conference met some time ago with its 200 delegates there were, Ma ditterent opinions. iNow wo are seven and have seven different opin ions." Apparently the matter will be al lowed to rest there as there are nd in dications of a possible compromise' ex cept the sta4e do all oi' the compromis ing and Attorney Dunn's suggestion that the railroad a were willing to meet the people more than half way indi cates that the "lvilf way" mark is exactly the point where the strict terms of the law leave off aud thnt this; point will not be shifted unless the law compels it. Regardless of the evident fact that no compromise was possible each of the members of tho committee from the state had a plan to suggest but the rail road attorneys declined to suggest a plan and only ouoted the law in sustain ing every objection meanwhile main taining thnt the interests of the state and the interests of the rnilroal were the same. The Governor's Han. Governor Withyeombe suggested that these lands be sold to actual settlers who would be obliged to live on the land for a number of years as under tho homestead law; thnt the price be a conservative ono and not in accord ance with inflated prices; that the rail road receive in addition to its equity of i(2.50 a percentage of the excess price and thut the state's share of the excess beturned into the school fund and into the reclnmntion fund, and that the Inmls that were suitable only for forest be reforested when the timber was cut off. L. E. Bean, of Eugene, agreed with the governor except thnt the surplus funds should be turned into the sc.iool fund only where it would be used by the entire state. He did not favor the reclamation fund because this would help only Eastern Oregon. Secretary of Stnta Olcott gave it as his opinion thnt the lands such as wre suitable for agriculture be sold un der the term of the original grant, t'J.50 per acre and in lots of sot more than ltfO acre to one single- person, tkm (iti-land, of Lebnnoa, sail that he was interested only in letting these Dress Goods Specials- We. have several lots of extra quality Suitings that we , want to close out quickly. We have no room for storage ' goods. Everything must move out promptly. Hence we have made special prices on these suitings prices so low that they are bound to sell. - SCOTCH TWEED SUITING Pure Wool Scotch Tweed Suiting; 56 inches wide; ex tra good quality; in two-tone, brown, ' tan and green mixtures; especially desirable for Skirts, Suits, Coats and Children's Garments. ' These suitings ordinarily retail at $1.75 per yard. To close them out, we have marked them down, for this week only, $1,19 per Yard VELVET CORDUROY SUITINGS We have a lot of Velvet Corduroy Suitings that we want to close out. They are unusually good values, and buyers should not overlook this opportunity to get them. We have them in white, black, tan, navy blue, red and plum. Our regular price of 75c and $1.25 was low, but we are closing them out this week at .... 69c and 89c Per Yard . KAFOURY BROS. of actual settlers and not in creating any more timber barons or land barons. Purpose of Today's Meeting. The committee whicli met this morn ing was composed of Governor Withy combe, Secretary of Siato Olcott, W. L Vawter, of Medford, L. E. Bean of Eugene Sam Garland of Lebanon, Kalph E. Moody and B. A. McAllister, rep resenting the railroad company. T.'ac purpose of the committee meeting was to affect a compromise plan to submit to the next meoting of tho entire con- DEAD LEAVES . ' The fallen leaves were lying thick upon the withered grass. "My lawn's no longer span and spick, alack," I cried, "alas! The look of things imparts an ache, and kills my sunny smile; I'll get a muzzle-loading rake, and heap them in a pile." A learned professor h - i breeze, and when I took a walk thereon, they reached up to my knees. Then ambled to my garden gate the sawbones, stern and pale. ".You make me tired," he said, "you skate you ought to be in jail. For public health have you 'no care, most reckless of all knaves? These rotting leaves pollute the air, and send men to their graves." And thus it's been my journey through, a jour ney rough and long; whatever I attempt to -do, is sure to be all wrong. HUIE WING SANG CO. Big line of Waists, House, Dresses, Silk Goods, Men's and Boys' Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladies', Gents, and Children's Underwear, Overshlrts, Sweaters and Bhoea. Ladies' and Children's Taney Dresses, Neckwear, Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Blankets, Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. We make np Dresses, Wrappers, Kimonas and White Underwear. AU goods selling at lower prices. . J 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET FREE! FREE! FREE! ' TO ALL WHO ARE TROUBLED WITS ' Rheumatism Solatia, Neuralgia; Lumbago, Chest or Lung Diseases, Weak or Tuinful Back, Kidney nnd Liver Complaints, Pleurisy or Gout. We invito all who aro troubled with any of the above diseases to try v Spalding's Wonderful Pla$ters-Absolntely FR1?E We know they can do. what Spalding's representa tive will be with us all this week to explain how to nse these wonderful absorbing agents .and will show testimonials front people who have been cured of above troubles. Pou't fail to take advantage of this opportunity. Cut Out This jaysC. HI PERRY'S DRUG STORE THE BEXALL 8TOBB 11U SOUTH The Store for the People ference for approval, and if approved bv tha MnferPI11,e a. . whl to maka suggestions t congress embodying the reconimeudtionos of tne coniereance. After discussing all forenoon the com mittee members still adhered to their original positions and adjourned to meet again at 1:1)0 this afternoon where the discussion was resumed. 1'p to a late hour nothing but discussion had been, accomplished and only the gen eral trend of affairs as indicated above was apparent. . came along, just at that fateful time. "To rake the fallen leaves is wrong," he said; "in fact, a crime. The sod demands the nutriment that rotting leaves bestow, so let them with the soil be blent, and they will make things grow." I thanked that learned and able guy, and gave him a cheroot; then took the rake and laid it by, and played upon my lute. The leaves grew deeper on the lawn, blown there by every We want you to know. Spalding's Tlnsters are made different shapes TO FIT all parta of the body. Cut out this Ad and present same to Spalding's representative, at our Patent Medicine depart ment betwenn the ' hours of 9 to J and 2 to 6 and get a trial of these Won derful J'lastcrs freo. Ad and Take It to SALEM, OREGON. STREET COMMERCIAL 1 lands on the tax roll and in, the hands