Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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T70UR first chew of
A "PIPER" lays the
foundation for lasting
content, and the more you
chew "PIPER" the more
solidly you build for a life
time of tobacco satisfaction.
To know the real joy
that lurks in tobacco
to get the supreme juicy
richness out of chewing,
Ckewinf Tobacco Chimpif na Flavor
, Added to the good
taste of the ripe, rich
leaf of "PIPER" is
the zest of its de
licious "Champagne ,
Flavor." There you have
a double satisfaction
in your chew.''
Grown Up Children At Home
Do Not Constitute Separate
Families -
Send 10c and
your tobacco
dealer's name,
and we'll send a full-size 10c
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
some leather pouch FREE,
anywhere In IT. S.
The tobacco, pouch and
mailing will cost us 20c,
Which we will gladly spend
because a trial will
make-you a steady user of
San FrancUeo. CaL
Sold by dealer Mr try -where
in So and 10c
cute anltarsr foil
wrapped, to prate rva
the "PIPER "flavor, j
Coach Mathews stated thiH morning
that ho intended to form a basketball
league in which he hoped to have every
organization in the school represented
l with a team. Alroudy a number of men
are out, In tho ervm overv nfternnnn enf
ting into condition for the opening of
i no uttHKeujttu season. At present,
Jowott, ono of Inst year's forwards on
tile team, and Ruin, who idnvcri crnnrl
ball for tho junior cluss team, liuve
churgo of tho would-bo bnsketball men.
Immediutely nftor Thunksgiving,
A family consists of oil of the per
sons living in one household' under one
head, according to Attorney General
Brown, and even though some of the
children may be of legal age and sup
porting themselves they do not consti
tute a separate fumily as long as they
reside under the pnterual roof. This
ruling was made in response to an in
quiry from a citizen of the state as to
the shipment of liquor next year. Un
der the law each family is allowed two
quarts of whiskey and two dozen bot
tles of beer ench month and the inquir
er stated that one of his daughters was
over 30 years of ago and two sons
were over 25 and he wuntcd to know
if they could not secure additional
shipments on their part. The attorney
general, however, considers a family, a
lumny wnotner it consists of two peo
ple or.n dozen.
Mr. Brown's definition of a family
"In its ordinary and primary sense
flio term signifies the collective body
of persons living in ono house, or un
der one neau or manager, or one do
mestic government, the relations be
tween such persons necessarily being
of a permanent or domestic character,
not that of persons abiding temporarily
together as strangers; a household;
those who live under the same roof
with tho pater families, who form his
fireside." 4
Did It Ever Happen to You?
- - By Mort Burger
G?iCEBTAir.y 5 (t1AOAn' iRfJMrJMT iimcuTW f ' ;J.,C7N . ( lU-HAVfc OuflT
JF C T feveirafcfc JUST , , i S TrT column;
YES MADAM, U. our work
should v .
Gvfc ME Tb
howover, Coach Mathews will take
charge of tho work and will begin a
series of eliminations of candidates for
tho first squad; thoro is considerable
material this year in school, prneticully
all of lust year's team are back and a
number qf inter-scholastic stars will try
for places so that Couch Mathews will
bo nblo to build up a strong team. He
stated that this year's teum would be
one that would strive to work in unison
und would use teum work at all times,
us that was the only method by which
a team can win victories.
ri'i '2 i n
U fxTl
0U unquestionably will read in this paper the first of the New Adventures of
Wallinglord. Kou nave never come across anyining more roiucxing, mu jotiui
nd full of the spice of modern life! Well, ill that you will read has come to life.
All that you will see has sprung into being. Wallingford, Blackie Daw, Violet and
Onion exist for you. They are coming to your theater. They are going to enact all tnat
you will read, and they are going to make you actually see all that you have seen in your
imagination. But who is to play Wallingford, and who is to play Blackie Daw? There is
only one man in all America who could play Wallingford, and that is Burr Mcintosh. It was
Mr. Mcintosh who Mr. Chester has always believed was the one man to bring Wallingford
to life. There was no other man in the world who could so well handle Blackie Daw as
Max Figman, so both of them have been procured and appear in this cast
Playing Violet is. Lolita Robertson, probably one of the most sincere actresses of the day
who have so far entered motion pictures.
Leopold Wharton
v . is
V,.r'1,':i-' - ; v..
V i 1 f .
Burr Mclntoak
iM: . s, sir yrr .
Tl :iUa. ..J to
: j
I -all" ' '
The Above Story Will Commence in the Next
Saturday's Issue of the Capital-Journal
Ready To Defend Title But
No One Is Qualified To
By George R. Holmes.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Now York, Nov. 16. The recent and
widoly heralded announcement by Jess
Willard that iio will defend the title
hoxvuu from Jack Johnson next larch
has brought to liuht another situation
akin to that of several years ago whoa
Johnson was in his prune. Ana that is
that thore is no heavy now looming
up on tho pugilistic horizon capable of
giving tho champion a real champion-,
ship battle.
Bineo Willard barred the blacks, it
leaves but seven men who even by
stretching several miles of points ennj
bo considered contenders. Of these,
perhaps Frank Moran, of Pittsburg, j
stands the best show, but ring men
consider it a mighty poor best.
Moran 's chiof claim to fame is that
ho hold Johnson off for 20 rounds, and
that ho knocked out Jim Coffey in
throe rounds. Thore was a suspicious
odor to that Johnson afiftir in Paris
which has novor lifted, and his showing
against C'offoy, oven while he knockod
him out, was not Impressive.
Tho Roscommon giant was busily en
gaged in building up a victory on points
when Frank slipped over his sleep kiss.
Then thore is that tremendous Handi
cap in si 7,o. Willard would stand a full
head taller than Moran, would reach
four inches farther and have a big
advantage in the weight.
Frank s best friends do not claim he
is a boxer. And Willard 's worst en
emies will have to concede that Jess is
fairly clevor for a big man.
Coffey has a glass jaw which elim
inates him. Frej Fulton, the Minne
sota Giant, is clamoring for recognition.
Fulton's claim to fnmo is his si.e and
tho fact that he knocked out Arthur
About the only ones that haven't
knockod out Arthur are those who
haven't fought iifm, Fulton should
meet and lick such men as Coffoy,
Weinort, Jnck Dillon, Tom Cowlor,
Ounboat Smith and three or four others
beforo he can really clnim to be a top
notchor. Ounbont Smith's star is fust setting.
Charley Woinert licked the Goonor last
summer, and Charley In turn has lost
twice to Jack Dillon by big margins,
once by a two-round kayo.
That should elevate Dillon, but Jack
fights best at 170 to 175 which would
givo Jess about 40 pounds in woight,
at least seven inches in reach and over
a foot in height. Dillon, as good as
ho is, could hardly overcome those
' Tom Cowler is a big man, dug out of
the wilds by Jim Corbett, but he is as
yot untried against good men.
Jens, it appears, is th king of all
ha surveys.
That usoless article may mean
money to you through the New
Today column.
Exact Sunrise and
Sunset Tune Computed
Under the state game laws'no person
is allowed to kill ducks or other migra
tory birds before sunriso or after sun
set. The following table computed on
Portland timc,which is the local stand
ard time, shows exactly how early each
day of this month the trigger may be
pulled if hunting for ducks or migra
tory birds, and just how late:
Date Sunrise Sunset
17 7:15 4:38
J8 7:10 4:.'i7
19 7:17 4:.10
20 7: lit 4:.'15
21 7:20 4:34
22 7:21 4:33
23 j 7:23 ' 4:33
24 7:24 4:32
25 7:25 4:31
28 7:27 4:30
27 7:28 4:30
28 7:29 4:29
29 7:30 4:29
30 7:32 4:28
Oregons Win Two Out of t
Three From Watt Shipps
The Oregons took Inst night's series
at the Club alleys by winning the first
and third games from the Watt Shipps.
Humphries, of the Oregons, rolled the
high game of 213 but Barney Noud of
the Watt Shipps bowled the most con
sistant game and finished with tho
high average of 204:
The score follows:
Oregon Theatre.
12 3 Av.
Annibnl 157 203 155 172
Sundin 169 137 15 153
Whorley ,170 106 16S 103
Zengor 141 170 178 105
Humphries 213 180 187 193
Totals 850 802 838
Team average, 170.
Watt Bhlpp.
1 2 3 Av.
Craven ' 130 175 18 153
W. Hnmp 15(1 109 159 101
Siddnll 175 202 129 109
Morriss 151 142 181 158
Noud 211 197 205 204
otals 829 885 822
Team avorsgc, 109.
7b Make Skin Clear
Don't worry about skin troubles. Teu
ran have a clear, clean complexion by
usinf a little temo. obtulned at any druc
store for 25c, or extra large bottle at
Zcmn easily remove all trace of pim
ples, black heads, tcsema, and rlnxwonn
snd make the skin clear and healthy.
Zciuo is neither watery, sticky ner
areas? and atalna nothinx. It 1 easily
applied and costs a mera trifle for each
application. It 1 always dependable!
Zemo, Cortland.
Fruitland'a Church.
Fruitland, Or., Nov. 15, 1915
Capital Journal: Yes, the Devil's
sign west of tho church is gone. But
we understand that it was an under
standing botwecn Mr. Thompson and
tho church or some of its members that
all rights and titles to the church be
cleared up so there will be no place
found for the devil,
May it be so, that the dove of peace
can soar.
And that peace and harmony may
dwell in our blessed community.
One who is interested in the
Welfare of the Community.
An addition to the nubile school
building at Iono, the Journal says,
will make it possible to open a mnuunl
training department.
ATI. A NT A JM he. kick
trUITBY. IH la. hlh .
Baby Abnormal, Its '
Mother Consents To
Sentence of Death
(CoKtinued from Fage One.)
Peter Hoffman to investigate whon tho
baby dies.
"The parents as well as the physi
cian aro liable for manslaughter,"
said Assistant State's Attorney Mich
ael Sullivan, "if the operation is not
performed and the utmost done to save
the baby."
Dr. Haiselden, appealed to this af
ternoon, reiterated his belief that tho
baby should be permitted to dio.
"Let nRture take its course," ho
Chief of Police Hcaly apparently wob
determined to forco action to save the
babe's life if such procedure wero pos
sible. "No. matter how terribly the baby
is deformed," he said, "it should have
its chance to live."
Tho Mother Consents.
Chicago, Nov. 17. Mrs. Anna Bol
linger's baby was slowly dying today
sentenced by the verdict of tho mathor
herself, doctors and nurses, to end its
career without surgical aid because it
is 8ubnonnnl.
Born without ono ear, deaf in tho
other, its head sunk deep between its
shoulders without any sign of a neck,
the baby would grow up without a
chance in , life, if surgery savod it,
both-tho mother and the doctors agreed.
So they took a ballot.
Should they perform an extremely
delicate operation in an effort to per
mit tho obdominal organs to function
or should they by inaction allow tho
child to dio beforo it had known the
misery of a living death t
" They (doeided jjti should be death
through inaction.
Tearfully, the mother agreed that
this method was best. Her hushnnd
concurred. So Anna Bollinger's babe
has no chance. It's life ebbed duriirg
the day, and there seemed no chance
that, the child would live another 24
When it came to making the tragic
decision, nurses in tho hospital were
asked what the verdict should be. All
but one snid death would be the most
merciful thing that could happen to the
child, Tho one though the bnbe ought
to live it modern surgery could save it,
Dr. G. S. Haiselden spoke the decid
ing word. Ho felt the littlo ono ought
to die through inertia.
"It is a ouestion of ethics," snid
the doctor, who passed tho death sen
tence. "Wo all know that physicians
do not allow monstrosities to live, Tho
lino must be drawn somewhere and 1
have drawn tho lino in this case,"
The babe's malformation resulted
from its mother's Illness, before its
birth, of tvphoid fever.
Tho dealh sentence aroused varying
opinions among prominent persons hero.
"It is an act of mercy to let hiin
die, snid Rev. A. II, Anderson, pnB
tor of All Saints F.piscopul church.
On the othor hand, Mrs. Gortnido
Britton, prominent in the feminist
movement commented, "If the child
could bo saved, it should be."
Jnno Addams of Hull House shared
this view.
"This child as well ns every other
child should bo kept alive ns long as
possible. If tno child is defective, it
should be taught nil it can learn. The
law says that only n judge has tho pern
or to decide who shall die, and than
only for crime."
Circuit Judge Victor Arnold said:
"I think it bot for the child itwelt to
dio. I do not enre to discuss the legal
ity of the action."
What Churchmen Think.
'Ban Francisco, Nov, 17. Ban Frnn
iico churchmen commented today on
on the division of twenty CiTc(igo
nurses and physicians and the mothor
of a subnormal) deformed infant to
let tho Infant die, as follows:
Bishop Bdwin Hughes, (Methodist
Episeopnl) I should vory heartily dis
agree with the phvsic.iana and nurses
and the infant's mother in their de
cision to let the child dio. I would
hold the life of a child sacred. It Is
our dnty to do onr best in a case of
this kind. Making an effort to keep
the child alive would renreunt the iuir.
mal Instinct.
The Rev. D. O. Crnwlev. ritaman
Catholic) They are going back to tho
nnimniHm nnmrn kaiiim mi i'nrtti
civilization novor recognlted that.
course, wo rave manr nairana in
country. I suppose tho person are
soma of tflAm. Than h. a mnv.
Ul soul, and may be it would bo happy
Kate ner word New Today:
Each insertion, per word la
One week (6 insertions), per word 5
One month (20 insertions), per word 17o
All ads must be ordered lor a atatea
length of time, no ad to count loss thaa
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Read your advertisement the)
first day it appears and notify ns im
mediately it is contains an error.
iyi i mmuni charge, lac.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
FIB WOOD $3.50 per cord. Phon
2249. tf
768. , Veclf
OAK POSTS FOR'SALE 9 cents each.
2349 Cherry Ave. Nov23
civing turkey to 2F13. Novla
FOR SALE Cheap, or trade good
sound horse. Phone Z500J1. .NovlY
BIG FIR WOOD $4.00 per cord, 2nd
growth 13.50. Phone DUt'B. JNoviiU
LOST Bunch of keys. Findor return
to Journal office and receive reward.
WANTEtTwo cheap enrponters at
once. Phone 84F2. Chus Schmidt,
Route 3. Novl8
furnished, for rent See G. W John
son, tf
JERSEY COWS And heifers for sale.
cheap, ij. a. Bowne, Aumsvillo, Ore
gon. ' tf
FOR RENT 9 room furnished house,
Mim Trade street. Inquire at the)
Lincoln apartments, Nov20
FOR RENT Complete dry cleaning
and pressing parlors, machinery and
building. 1205 State street. J. M.
Long. Novl?
FOR RENT 5 room modorn bungalow
lurnislied. See- J. M. Long, lzoa
State street. Nov 17
FOR SALE Patent for stove oil burn
er, fit any stovo. Will sell reason
able. Phone 314M. 1 NovlS
GOAT MEAT First class only, 3e per
pound, delivered to any part of city.
150 S. 12th. Phone 2419. DeclO
FOR TRADE A modorn lighting plan
ior a ford. Address Aao, care ol
Journali ' Nov28
CLOSING OUT Fruit trees and
Bhrubs at low prices. Roy V. Ohmarfc
Phono 53F15. . NovlT
GOAT MEAT 4 and 5o per pound.
Independent Market. 157 South
TJominercijil stret. - tf
NOTICE I will not be responsible for
bills contracted by Mrs. A. M. Lot.
W. Francis Lott. NovlT
RUMMAGE SALE Now on at 200
state, by the Court street Christian
church. tf
FOR SALE Bargain, 33 acres, near
ftfllnm Tiart trn.la A.l.lnua T...11.,..
Stout, Stayton. Novia
" 1 ii i i lg
WANT TO RENT Small improved,
tract, 1 to 5 acres, nonr school. F. A.
Meado, Route 8, Box (iO. Novl9
CORD WOOD Stumpago wnntod, must
be very closo to Salem. Near streot
car proforred. Phone 71. Novll
FOR SALE Oak. and fir wood sawed)
in desirable lengths, full measure
ment guarantoed. Phone 79F11.
LOST During tho Btorm, Monday, an
umbrolln from residence at 635 North
Commercial. Finder please return to)
Journal office. Novl7
DR. D. B. ORIFF1N Drug and drink
cure. 1425 Fir street, nour Meyer.
Shoes fixed whilo you wait, all work
guaranteed. Jacob Vogt, 979 South.
Commercial. Novl7
acre on Fnirviow avenue, about 9
blocks to ear lino, for ront, $5.00 per
month. See J. A. Mills, 384 State,
' Novl7
Witness Says Explosion
Caused By Dynamite
Los Angoles, Cnl., Nov. 17. FrnnK
A. Gnrbutt, prominent in yachting cir
cles in southern California, and an of
ficial of the Los Angoles Athletic club,
was the principal prosecution witnese
yesterday in the murder trinl of M. A.
Schmidt, alleged accomplice of the Mow '
Nnmnrns in the dynamiting of the:
Times building.
Ho testified to having heard tho et4
plosion at his residence. As a powder
expert, Gurbutt was appointed on an in
vestlgatlng committee by Former May
or Alexander Immediately after the
disaster He reported the result of hi
Investigations today, but was unable
to state definitely his impression of the
exact volumo of sound caused by the
lie said he believes it to be a dyn
mite explosion, whereas the defense)
contends it was gns, ink or gasoline.
An extraordinary state of affaire,
fiscally speaking existed at Seattle, aa
cording to. this editorial note in the
Signal: "Money, money, who got the
money! Since the circulation of
statement made by a prominent busi
ness man to tho effect that there were
30,000 unaccounted for in the city
treasury. Mayor Gregg ha secured
tho service of an expert accountant
who will endeavor to ascertain whon
this vast amount belongs to."
In thai condition. They hold the nl
lUrlan view of life, which 1 do not
believe should be entertained.