THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1915. SEVEN 4tM HHHH Great Extra Specials in J Oiir Men's Clothing Store ii , - - . :. Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS $25.00 Values ..........$20.00 $22.50 Values $18.00 $20.00 Values $16.00 $17.50 Values $14.00 $15.00 Values $12.00 $10.00 Values $ 8.00 Men's Umbrellas Extra Special Offering , $5.00 values $4.25 $4.00 values $3.45 $3.00 values $2.55 $2.50 values $2.10 ,$2.00 values ...,..........$1.70 $1.50 values $1.30 $1.00 values 85c 50c values ; . . 45c Boy's Knee Pants SUITS A Large, Snappy Stock to Choose From $3.50 Suits $2.98 $4.00 Suits $3.40 $5.00 Suits $4.25 $7.50 Suits $6.35 $8.50 Suits ........$7.20 $10.00 Suits ' $8.50 Boys' Knee Trousers 75c ' values 50c' ONE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S SUITS Broken Lines for $7.50, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00 f and $12.50 The regular prices of these Suits are $15, $20.00 and $25 Men's $1 Golf Shirts now 79c Men's White Handkerchiefs 15c Values .....9c 10c Values 6c 5c Values ., .. 3c GENERAL EXTRA SPECIALS Men's $1.00 Work Shirt, Jumbo size, triple stitched and reinforced, now 5c Men's black and tan Soxs, regular 10c value's, now 4 pair for 25c Men's elastic ribbed Under Shirts and Drawers, 50c values, now 37c a Garment TVIon'a Kihhprl I nnpr Shirts nnrl lJrnwprs. simpnnr IS V quality, 50c values now 45c Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined Under Shirts and Draw ers, 50c values, v. 45c 44fr4444 4 y-v .- i rati n wjfer v T-;.-jr u j. i tdv cmrii nnPTi . t Conference Reaches Agree ment to Act As One In , War Operations By William Philip Bimma ) Paris, Nov. 17. French and' British fighting forces are virtually one vast machine tonight. Hitherto, though allied, the two coun tries armies have fought more or less independently. Henceforth they will be guided by a single source an inter- allies war council. Russia and Italy, too, will join the combination as speedily as possible The Franco-British arrangement was periecteu today n a conlerence be tween Premier Asquith, Munitions Minister Lloyd George; Sir Edward Grey. Foreign Minister and First Lord of the Admiralty Balfour of England with J'rcniier iirmnd, Minister of War Gallieni, commander Joffre and Min ister of Marine Lacaze of France They met early today and com pleted their work this afternoon but adjourned subject to call. Subsequent meetings will deal with fresh situations as they arise and as new policies be come necessary. While no official statement was is sued, the purpose to make this com bination was evidently accomplished Despite the fact that General Joffre has been recognized as ronunander of the chief of the allies forces on the western front, not only the French, but the British and Belgian forces have been handled separately. The Russians, at the sumo time, co-operated still less in any concerted p'lan aUy action, and the Italians hardly at ail. The nations now purpose to strike combined sledge hammer blows with five times the power heretofore pos sible with the armies acting virtually independently of one another. ALLIES ENGAGED jSmpcrtant Diplomatic Sub jects Are Being Discussed In London London, Nov. 17 The Paris confer ence between English and French diplo- wwniMiini limCi) The Heart of Maryland -. (? ' Vs - . 4--'. , v y the Film Version Oj X ("THE HEART OF VJp MARY IMD'okZ 3 m, n I ; TJonight and tomorrow night, a bene fit program will be given by the Cherry City Camp No. 4 of the Boy Scouts of America. Gertrude Johnson CFlyng will offer dramatic selections nd Scout Patterson will sing. The Scouts will present a short first and drill. This splendid program will be in addition, to the remarkable picture, The Heart of Maryland, with Mrs Islie Carter in her original rola of Maryland Calvert. This sterling play, now 20 years old, lent itBelf to tho picture business in splendid shape. Like tho Birth of s Nation, it intro duced battle scenes during the Civil War, and somo of them were most graphic in their execution It is in all one of the most effective motion pic tures of this year And the players made everything interesting. The Scouts have worked hard to make this program a success, aifrl de serve your support. The best part is that they will return to you far more than the dime that you spend to Bee the show. Tonight ftDpfiftN Tonight Tomorrow vHLUllv Tomorr ow rs i 11 11 n u i y M J 11 J I 11 U BENEFIT PROGRAM BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Cherry City Camp No. 4 Dramatic Reading fl Solo by SCOUT PAT GERTRUDE 1 TERSON, First Aid JOHNSON 1 Drill by the Camp. THE GREAT HIPPO DROME SUCCESS MRS. LESLIE CARTER THE HEART OF MARYLAND 10 c Admission 10c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JEWEL, By LOIS WEBER in II 11 El II II II II II II II tl ra H ii ti ii ii ii n ii ii n ii n mi !" "l p,""t m IT" '"" ' ' WH (Mf VMP WW) Senator Chamberlain For Shipping Protection Washington, Nov. 17 America ought in the opinion of Senator Chamberlain, to protect her merchantmen to the limit. "They should be protected from in terference by foreign powers even if it is necessary to convoy every one with a battleship," ho suid today in discussing the recent British seizure of the steamer Hocking. ' ' We should be careful and consci entious about giving American registry to ships of other nationalities. But, when we have done so, we ought to stand by our declarations." Hpeaking of the Weeks proposed ship subsidy bill, Chamberlain said: "I am not entirely opposed to the subsidy plan. We should do something to put our vessels on an even footing with subsidized foreign ships." $ ' ' ' $ EAT A SQUAEE MEAL AND NOT FEAB INDIGESTION There are hundreds of people in Salem who were not the least bit i ar prised when they read in the Jou nal that Daniel J. Fry is selling Mi-o-na on a guarantee to refund the money in case it did not relieve. This remark able dyspepsia remedy will reliove the worst case of indigestion, headache, uizziness, or mi general piayeu-out con dition that afflicts every one suffering with stomach trouble. Mi-o-na does not simply relieve, it aims to cure. Daniel J. Fry can tell you of many well known people in this city who this remedy has restored to health, often after they have tried many other methods of treatment with little or no benefit. No other dyspepsia remcdv has made so large a percentage of cures as Mi-o-na. It is so large that Daniel J. Fry stands ready to refund the prioe to any customer whom it does not help. The best kind of advertising is the praise of a pleased customer, and there are hundreds in Balem today praising Mi-o-na because it does what It is ad vertised to do. A few months ago they could eat nothing without wondering what the result would be. Since using Mi-o-na, they eat what they want and whoa they want with no fear of suffer- ing. This medicine-comes in the form of a small tablet and is very pleasant to take. It speedily and permanently re lieves almost all forms of stomach trouble and is the only one told vsdor a positive guarantee without any re striction, to refund the money if it doer not relieve. This is a good time to get well and you ooght to take ad vantage of Daniel J. Fry's offer. WOMAN IS ACQUITTED. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 17. Mrs. Mar tha. Kswmta, white wife of a Japanese, who shot and killed a neirro. Oeorire Orasty, knro, last spring and was found not guilty, by reason of temporary in sanity, - discharged as sane by a jury in Jndgo Everett Bmith's court today. ADVERTISED LETTEB LIST . 'Advertised November 1(1, 1915: Aldrich, Miss Mnrjorie. Anderson, llr. Win. Armstrong, Sirs. Eose. -Beechler, Glenn C. Blodgette, Miss Clara. Bradshaw, A. E. Shoncy, Mrs. Joe. Carson, Dr. iuc.lla Clay. Choquetto, Miss Anne. Geiso, Mr.'-WS. . ;- . Grandmerc, .Mrs. Fred. Green, Miss Hazel. Hnlley, Mrs. Frank. Harper, Miss Marie. Harris, Mrs. Edith. Howard, Mr. W. W. Hubcr, Mr. Wright (2). Kellehar, Miss M. Lorangs, Mrs. Henry. McOartcr, Mrs. J. E. McHugh, Mrs. John. Mncfarlnne, Mrs. Arthur D. Wagness, Miss lina. Mnnn, Mr. W. A. Miller, Mrs. Moore, Clara A. Newcomb, Mrs. H. J. , Newton, Miss Vada. Pntterson, Mr. J. H. Potter, D. W. Potter, Mr. W. 8. Hcynolds, Mr. A. B. (2). Ryan, Mr. G. H. Wmmerman, Mr. Sam. Rimons, Hatrv. Smith, Mrs. Myra. Stevens, Mr. E. L. Thompson, W. L. j Whitehead, Mr, Jim. Wior, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Wood, Clarence W. Box 55. Mansfield, B. E, care W. O. Webber Co, AUGUST HUCKESTEIN, P. M. Journal New Today Ads de- liver the goods. BTAETINCr TOMOBBOW FOB THREE DATS MATINEE AND NIGHT Ann Murdock la "A Royal Family" Presented by Charles Frohmau Hayed to Capacity Houses for three weeka In New York at Lyseum Theatre, Ye LIBERT r THEATRE JL lOc-AIways-lOc matic. leaders is believed here todav have more than merely military signifi cance. With the English cabinet group went diplomatic navnl and military ad visers, it was officially stated. The presence of Sir Edward Grey, for eign minister, in the conference tended to confirm the belief that an important diplomatic discussion is on. Authorities inclined to beliove that the Grecian sit uation is on, Authorities inclined to believe that the Grecian situation might perhaps figure prominently in tho dis cussion. Certainly, this problem is giv ing officials cause. With King Con stantino's position still one of danger to the allies, they are anxious to get from him a definite, assurance that be will not molest allied forces should tbey be 'forced to seek rcfugo on Greek soil after a Balkan reverse. In view of the growing momentum of the Teuton and Bulgar movement in Serbia, speed is regarded as esaontial and hence color is lent to the idea that the Grecian question is receiving im portant consideration in the Paris session. THE WHOLE BODY NEEDS PURE BLOOD The bones, the muscles, and air the organs of the body depend for their strcngt n ana tone and healthy action uu pure diooq. It the blood n ry impure, the bones become diseased; the muscles become enfeebled, the step loses its elasticity, and there is inability to penurm roe usual amount of labor. iuc ski ii loses its clearness, and pim- pies, Diotcncs ana otner eruptions ap pear. if.., ( r.- ... i Esarsapaniia makes pure uiooa. ii is positively nnequaled the treatment of scrofula and other humors, catarrh, rheumatism, dys pepsia, loss of appetite, that tired feel ing. Be sure to get Hood's and get it today. All druggistb. HAYESVILLE NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Hayesville, Ore., Nov. 17 The chryi anthemum show which was held nt the church Friday was a decided success. There was a great abundance of beau tiful flowers exhibited and many visit ors stopped to admire them. Mrs. Yoder carried off first prin; for the largest collection of different varieties, having 40 kinds in her exhibit. Mrs. McAfee came second with 33 varieties, and Mrs. Westley third with 38 carieties. A pret ty floral piece wns a lerge "Welcome" ynde of white. chrysanthemums by Mrs. VVIII1S. The prize list was as follows: Largest collection ot different va rietiesMrs. Yoder, fist; Mrs. McAfee, sccona. Largest collection of named vanoties -Mis. Yoder, first; Mrs. Yoder, sec ond. Best bouquet Mrs. McAfee, first; Mrs. T. S. Webb, Becond. Best decorative piece Mrs. L, T. Hcynolds, first; Mrs. McAfee, eocoml. Best 12 blossoms, garden grown (3 or move varieties) Airs. Yoder, first; Mrs. Peterson, second. Largest blossom, garden grown Mrs. Peterson, first; Mrs. Westley, second. Largest blossom, pot grows Mrs. Holtslaw, first; Mrs. Holtzslnw,' sec ond. . ' Prettiest blossom, gnrden grown Airs. Westley, tirst; Mrs. Westley, sec ond. ' Prettiest blossom, pot grown Mrs. Holtzslaw,' first; Mrs. McAfee, second. Best Moonlight Mrs. Westley, first; Miss Ida Deuuy, second. Best Frances Cloveland Mrs. Hun sen, first; Mrs. McAfee, second. Best Louis Boehmer Jlrs, Hansen, first; Mrs. Yoder, second. Best Black Hawk Mrs. Hansen, first; Mrs. Yoder, second. Prettiest pot plant, any vnricty Mrs. McAfee, first; Mrs. Peterson, sec -ond. " L. T. Reynolds left Wednesday even ing for a trip to San Francisco to at tend the exposition. ; ' " MrB. Chnpmun, of Halem, visited Mrs. Q.'K. McAfee- on Friday. ' - Miss Lottie McAfee visited friends in Salem Sunday. The young people 's rally held here on Sunday was very inspiring and helpful. A large crowd was present. Stnto Presi dent Tcike, of the Christian Endeavor, was .present? and added much to the in terest of the convention. Tho Chcmnwa band was present and played a num ber of selections nt the noon hour which was much appreciated. , There will bo preaching here next Sunday, both morning and evening. The work on the new addition to the church is progressing and will be ready for the plasterer before long. The Ladies'. Missionary society met at Mrs. Hyrcll 's lust Wodnesduy. Mrs. Bailey, president, presided. An interesting-program was given by tho differ ent ludics, after1 which light refresh ments were served. Tho next meeting' will be held the second Wednesday in December at the home of Mrs. N. E. Moon. Arkansas Vindicated By Beautiful Girls San Francisco, Nov. 17. Arkansas is vindicated. There isn't a "by hock" left iu the whole stujo. Twenty-nine girls, as fresh and fair as tho rosy apples they rnise ill the Arkansas country, arrived here today to prove it. Chcy were winners in a competition. Thursday they represent the stato at Arkansas duy at the ex position, Hero are somo of the requirements that determined the girls' eligibility: They must be ablo to mako their own clothes ami bako a loaf of bread; toll why nil Arkansas apple is lust a bit better than any other kind; abstain from any romance during their trip; flirt if they desire but not boldly, re frain from peeping at San Francisco's white lights, unless heavily chaperoned: and show up some of the so-called one steppers of this city at tho Arkansas jay bull. SUNDAY AND MONDAY EMPRESS & O. "VAUDEVILLE Secretary Redfield May Resign Soon Washington, Nov. 17. Rumors that Secretary of Commerce Redfield will resign as a result of difference with President Wilson over trado legislation were current here today. After a fif teen minute conference alone with the executive however the secretary long" ingiy commcmeu mat ne nau not re signed yet. The president met the cabinet durin? the day and heard Attorney General uregorya report on Ins departmental work on anti-ally bomb plots and for eign violations of Amerimn neutrality. Possible amendments to the Sicrman trust act to cover conspiracies to pre vent exportation from this country were discussed. Tell roar neighbor of the sat- lsf action of reading the Cap- ital Journal. Highland School Grounds Are To Be Beautified IkoughEffortsofWomen There will bo some doings nt the Highland school Friday afternoon No vember JO, and every able-bodied man in the neighborhood and tboso who are of the Highland school are ex pected to present themselves according to the following invitation: "Fathers, mothers, friends and neighbors of tho Highland school dis- jtrict are requested to meet at the school house rridny attcrnoon, Novem ber , at 1:30 o'clock. - "The men are to como with either a spndo, shovel, fork, rnko or wheel barrow. The ladies are to direct tho beautifying of the school grounds, by setting out a row of th beautiful Tes tout roses around the square. "This is a splendid investment. Flowers always repay more tluui the effort and work expended on them, and naturally cultivate the sweetness ami best in children. "Come friends, to the Highland school district Friday afternoon, and make this a grout time. Refreshments will he served." With such an invitation extended by tno lames of the district, there is not a man in the neighborhood that can very well refuse the invitation, and with this spirit of improvement dis played by the ladies, the Highland school property will doubtless in time become one of the beauty spots of the city. Postoffice Emnlove Pleads Guilty to Theft Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, Nov. 17 Pleading guilty to the. charge of steal ing approximately $17,000 from the Wallace, Idaho, postoffice in 1(13, C. C. MclMniel, formerly postal employe at Wallace, was sentenced to four years and one month in the federal pculten- ury rnis niiernoon, r, Mr Daniel was arrested fn California several months ago.' After the robry he resigned his position, and wus not suspected for some timo afterward. 1 art of the stolen money was ro-. covered. ' ' These wet days remind ' a fellow that a new pair of shoes is a necessity, it don't pay to get one's feet. damp. We sell Florsheim shoes exclusively and while Florsheims are- not in any sense a cheap shoe, they . are not high in price. Five dollars is as low as a substantial, good shoe can be produced today, and that's the big selling grade . of Florsheims. Others at $6 and V for those who want them. Try us on your next shoe and become ' a Florsheim enthusiast. HAMONDBISH0P CO. Leading Clothiers The Toggery 167 Com! Bt PRATUMNOTES (Capital Journal Special Service.) Pratutu, Or., Nov. 17. Miss Anna Schroeder is spending scverol weeks nt home. ' Mr. Russell McAllister was a Suli-in visitor Sunday. Miss Mary Harper, who attends the Capital Business collego in Salem, spout the week end at home. Miss Pearl Eyre spent the week end with her parent in Sulcm. Mr. Chester Harper, of Seotts Mills, visited Uh relatives here last Sim H.v. . . The Roll of Honor for the month of October in the primary room of tho piuillc school was eomimsed of the tot lowing: Helen Leisy, Francis Liechty, Wclilon Leisy, Clara Oerig, Grace Wil- ( lis, ilulila ltutli uiid Hulda Gorig, The Franklin Literary society held a ro orgiiiii.ution meeting last Friday evening. The following officers were elected: President, Melvin Lien; vice- -' president, Otto Hcutler; secretary, Miss iClciinor Schiiup; sergcnnt-nt-arnis, Mr. S. J. Yates and Mr. Alcrion Jackson. The first lneetiug will bo- held Novem ber 20. Miss Gertrude Maurer spent Suudfly evening with iier parents. Mrs. tMinih llotlstotter is entertain ing friends-from the east. Mrs. Win. Graham and son, Earl, of Silverton, visited Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Welty. Mr, V. J. Krohbiel, who is on tho fcdoral jury in Portland, spent Sunday with his fuiuily. Miss Mary Gorig spent Sunday af ternoon with tho Misses Scliuap. Mm si or Lewis Pooler, who broke his arm a wcok ngo, is getting along nicely. Mr. U. M.eyer, who lives east of town is very ill. Miss Esther bcbuian spent the week end nt homo. Mrs. Stella hdinunson, of Salem vis ited with her mother Sunday. A farewell puity was held lit tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Elilen Herr Sat urday night in honor of the Messrs. Karl and Milo Amstutz who left Mon- lay for Oklahoma where they will make their home. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ,1. L. Farlow ot ux to trustees of the ( hristinn church, Jefferson, part of lota M and 11, block I, town ot Jctterson. John tviwnb et ux to be naf fer, part of D, L. C. 'of Henjuinin ( leaver cliim, 51, 6, 1 W. vlvnnus JNeul ct ux to A. l-i. seams tor, (I'j acres in J. W. Shatt claim, IS, i), 1 W. C. W. McCnrty et ux to A. E. Wil son, part block 11, Capital Park Add., Salem. W. Ii, Gilbert to If. Orlcy and Ed Gilbert, all of block 13, town of Aums viilo, George C. Tonge to C. W. Scott, S. .")() feet of lot.s 1 and 2, block 38, Uni versity Add., Salem, except 10 foot al ley. Hosanna Miler to Willnnictto Valley Irrigulion Laud company, lots Hi and 'ii of Plat C. Willamette irrigation Lund coniKiuy, 20 acres. K. O. Armstrong ct ux to W. P. Cousins, part ii. IX'Lorino claim, 51, 5, '1 W. Goddurd and company to Maryntt and Itolund H. Gooilland, purt Chas. A. Holmes claim, 1-1, 8, 8 E. David S. Pearson et ux to Hurl .T. und Mary G. I'cursou, Ed Simmons claim, 25, 8, 3 W. Hendricks and Abramg to Salem Bank of Commerce, all of lots 1, 2, 3, N Vb of lot 4, 12, 11, 8 'j of lots 13, 17 and IN, block 7; ull of lots 5, 6, 11, IS, 19 and 20, block ; all of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, IS, 11) 11, 17, 18 and 19 and 20 block 5; all of above lots are in sub division of blocks 3 to 7 Nub Hill An nex to Sulem. W. L. (juinn to liobert and Jsnd Quiiin, part Kobt. Mc Fvron claim, 30, !, 3 E. John Dinwoodio et ux to Frank C. and Nollie h. Strong, part J. Cooley claim, 50, 5, 1 W; part Grumun Bon ney ckiim, 01, 5, 1 W. Cecil D. Urown ot ux to Martha E, Brown, lot 4, Touts Add., Woodburn. Ladd & Bush to 11. W. Walters, lots 15, 20, 2tt, 27 and 30, Hunshuws' Fruit Farms. H. W. Waters to Adam and Matilda Korb, lot 15, llnnshaw's Fruit Farms. Florence 1). Darker et vir to R. A. and Let ha Harris, lot 4, block 1, Boise's 2nd Add., Salem, Joseph and C. M. Roberts to I. O. Lewelling, lot 1, 6, 7. , 0, 10, 11 and 12, May's Add, to Alt. Angel Ton get a paper full of read- lng, no contest dopo.