Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 17, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social ond Personal
ENTHUSIASM is still keen among
both members, and society folk,
over the increased activities for
the Y. W. C. A. Last evening the Y.
M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. were en
tertained at banquet given by Dr.
H. 0. Epley at the Caiatcria. to plan a
benefit entertainment which will take
place during the early part of Decem
ber in the Grand Opera House. That
this affair will be an unparalleled suc
cess is evidenced by the fact that many
of the most clever artists in town have
generously offered to take part. Mrs.
W. E. Kirk, president of the Y. W.
C A. board will ask a large number
of prominent Salem peoplo to appear
patrons and patronesses. The pro
ved, or mis event will go to nova as- . flnijntflli 50o" nartv was eivcn
relations, the larger .hare oing given d b Mri John shi at
to the Y. W. C. A. for the furnishing . ' nn s8ririr Btret. pmiK.nA
white chrysanthomumB formed a dainty
About fifty little folk will take pftrt
in this clever entortainment to which
all friends are invited. A supper will
be served in the unique fashion of a
Barmecide feBt at which the littlo peo
ple will represent each course on tho
menu by an appropriate piece of poetry.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Park left last
night for San Francisco where they
will attend the closing of the expo
Ralph Moore, was dinner host Sun
day evening to a jolly little crowd of
the younger set. Covers were placed
for six.
of rooms in the new building.
Frjink Churchill wa. the charming
iost Tuesday evening for a jolly little
theatre party given in honor of Miss
Marie Bolinger and Miss Bessie Rowoll,
who is the nouse gueBt of Miss Laura
Grant. Circling the tables at the Gray
Belle afterward, where a dainty littlo
upper WRs enjoyed were: Mia. Marie
liolinger, Miss Bessie Howell, Miss Zoe
Olmstead, Wins Laura Grant, Miss Reg
ina Long, Gordon McGilchrist, Clyde
Souch, Hairy Daunt, and the hOBt
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thiolson were
fast, last night for a delightful in
formal dinner party. Cover, were laid
for eight.
Miss Laura, Grant presided over a de
lightful dinner the first of the week, in
honor of her house guest, Miss Bessie
Rowell, of Iowa. A harmony of pink
and yellow rose, adorned the tablo with
over. for Mis. Rowell, Miss Marie
Bolinger, Miss Regina Long, Frank
tlhurohill, 0. Rouch, Robin Day, Gordon
McGilchrist and the hostess.
Mrs, Harry dinger and Mrs. William
Ctincy spent Monday in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C, It. Stewart enter
tained Sunday noon with a charming
dinner m honor or Mrs. n. J. uanatsgy
nd daughter Gladyce, of Hutchinson,
Kansas. The guests for this prettily
Arranged dinnor, were friend, of Mrs.
natsgy' who formerly came from
Hutchinson. An artiHtic array of Ted
dahlias decked the tablo around which
were seated: Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Chamberlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vin
cent, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Onllowny. Jamos
lenaril Campbell and Horace Stewart.
"While in Halem Mrs. Canatsgy will bo
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Chamberlin, Mrs. C. H. Gal
loway aud Mrs. Jessie Cunipbcll,
llrs. Fred Krixon and daughter, Ha
cel. will leave this evening for a sev
eral weeks sojourn to San Francisco
and California, where they will visit
with friends and relatives.
Mia. Carrol Dibble, who lias been
visiting with Miss Ruth Duniway in
Portland, returned Monday.
A most delightful ThnnksL'ivinl pro
irramme will be Riven in the ciuirch
Parlors on Friday evening, by the
junior league of the M". B. church
color scheme in the different rooms,
with tables for tho following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. GibBon, Mr. and
Mrs. Radcliff, Mr. and Mrs. Barbour.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Donaldson, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. J. Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Winsell, Mr. and Mr.. Tom Davies, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bcchtel. High scores
were won by Mrs. Barber and Kmil
Donoldson. Mrs. C. J. Olmstead, Mrs.
Louis Bcchtel and Mrs. W. B. Gibson
assisted in serving.
Mra. E. S. Lamport has returned from
a several months visit to the exposition
and southern California.
The P. E. O. Sisterhood held their
regular meeting at the home of Mrs.
Henry Poisal on South Commercial
street Monday. An interesting fea
ture of the meeting was the report giv
en by Miss Rowell, of Aston, Iowa, on
tno convention at is Angeles. An
other gonuine treat was a paper on
New York state by Mrs. H. C. Bower,
and a reading by Mrs. Fred Selee on
West Point. - rollow and white nastur
tium, formed tasty decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simeral, of 260
South Fourteenth street are being fel
icitated upon the arrival of littlo Max
ine, born November seventeenth.
Mra, A. D. Palmer will entertain the
Woman'. Alliance on Friday afternoon
at her home on Chemeketa street.
Miss Regina West who broke her arm
several week, ngo plnying tennis, has
boon in Portland receiving medical attention.
Mrs. J. A. Bishop is in Portland
with her brother-in-law Fred Bishop,
who has been ill for several wcokb.
u.iifflwwMiiu iimm tmvmm
n il W?
a Mm wi nmi mi -
Many Ion. for children, bat beams, of
Some curable physical derangement art deprived
si this greateu of all happiness.
The women whose names follow were restored
to normal health by Lydia E. Pmkham'e Vegeta
ble Compound. Write and ask them about it.
"I took your Com
pound and have a fine,
strong; baby. " Mrs.
John Mitchell, Mas-
sena, N. Y
"Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound is a
wonderful medicine for
expectant mothers."
Mrs. A. M. MYERS, Gor-
donville, Mo.
I highly recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
etable Compound before
child-birth, it has done so
much for me. ""Mrs.
M. Doerr, R. R. 1, Con-
shohocken, Pa.
"I took Lydia E. Pink
ham'a Vegetable) Com
pound to build up my
system and have the
dearest baby girl in the
world." Mrs. Mose
Blakeley, Coalport, Pa.
"I praise the Com
pound whenever I have
a chance. It did so much
for me before my little
crirl was born." Mrs.
tfkfJ E. W. Sanders, Rowles-
fcVe1m.ro-. W.Va.
rir3.(.,ii jflnuj j o. -
"I took your Com
pound before baby wa.
born and feel I owe my
life to it "Mra. Winnie
Tillis, Winter Haven,
1 mt,n.iKrr
Mrs Wvt)!Wu
, .-j" 'tNo. 9021. .
At 'Salem, in the State of Oregon, at the eles of business on Nov. 10, 1915.
i, .' Resources,
Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) . .$ 449.100.75
Total loans
Overdrafts, unsecured
U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation par-
value) 31,000.00
Total U. S. bonds
Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure pos
tal savings deposit. J3,zau.uu
Bonds and securities pledged for state or other
deposit, or bill, payable (postal excluded) ...... 135,719.23
Securities other than U. 8. bond, (not in c I u ding
stocks) owned unpledged 270,028.56
Total bonds, securities, etc
Subscription to stock of Federal reserve bank ....
Less amount unpaid $0,000.00 ... 6,000.00
Value of banking house (if unencumbered) '
Furniture and fixtures
Real estate owned other than banking house
Net amount due from Federal Reserve bauk
Net amount due from approved reserve agent. in
New York, Chicago and St. Louis 87,591.46
Net amount due from approved reserve agents in
other reserve citie. 137,305.91
Net amount due from banks and banker, (other
than included in 10 or 11)
Other check, on banks in the same city or town a.
reporting bank
Outside checks and other cash items 540.58
Fractional currency, nickels, and cents 1,120.29
Notes of other National bank.
Coin and certificate, (lawful money reserve in bank)
Legal-tender note. (lawful money Teserve in bank)
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more
than 5 per cent on circulation) and due from V.
S. Treasurer , , .-
. 140,000.00
Jfc lt lf( f( 3f efc 3t ?C 3f( 3(t 3(( ?C )fC
1 blWVUUiJ
l(t 3fC )C ft 3 jE sft j( )jc ( )(( f( )ft f(
Cement company, were in the city yes
terduy on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarrid, who re
cently moved to the city from Spokane,
have taken apartments at 491 North
Cottage street. Mr. Jarrid was a resi
dent of the city 18 years ago.
Charles H. Sawyer is a Silvcrton vis
itor today.
C. F. Pomoroy is in Portland trans
acting business.
h. L. Buchanan is in the city today,
from Independence.
William-Ahigren, of miconda, was
in tho city yesterday.
Whithorn Hammond is a business vi
itor in Htnyton today.
Mrs. Theresa Seifer, of St. Louis,
was a Halem visitor yesterday.
Miss lioimka Swart was a passenger
this morning for Portland on the Ore
gon Electric.
Judgo P. H. D'Arcy was a pnssen
ger this morning on the Oregon Elec
tric, for Portland.
Mrs. Willium J. Liljequist returned
today from a visit of several days at
McMinnville with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Hulin, of Water
loo, Ore., Bre in the city to attend the
funeral of Roy Sturgis.
Robert Paulus, of tho Salem Fruit
Union, is attending the Oregon State
Horticultural society today at Corvnl
lis. J. Sawyer Fox, secretary of the Ore
gon Prohibition campaign committee,
of Portland, is in the city transacting
J. G. Knmm. of Portland, and Mr
Birch, president of the Bcnver Portland
Testimony in the suit of Alice Mc
Coy ncainst E. A. Thompson was be
ing taken in Judgo Gullowny's court
today. This is a Aim Jity caae ana
tho controversy arose over the owner
shin of a strip of land in that city
The plaintiff claim, the land by right
of purchase and the defendant claims
that the land, which is said to be a city
street, has never been formally opened
by the order of the city and that it if
his by continued possession. C. Z. Ran
dall is attorney for the plaintiff and
L. M. Curl, of Albany, and McNary &
McNary of this city, represent the de
fendant, ,
. An order was issued today by County
Jndo-a Bushey committing Adam Zen-
zen to the Oregon State Hospital for
tho Insane after an examination Dy a
nhvsician. It is stated that the patient
hail been treated at the asylum last
Judge Gallowav granted a decree of
divorce to Caroline Mullcr" from her
buBband, Henry Mullcr, and granted
her the right to rcsumo her maiden
name of Caroline Scliulz. In giving the
decree the iudeo stated that it was evi
dent that both parties wore too hot
headed to livo together in peace and
that it was better that they live apart
A suit was filed in the circuit court
today bv John Moser, ol suverton
iiimhmt Willinm Each, the county shcr
iff. The plaintiff seek, to recover a
personal judgment agiainst Mr. Each in
the sum 'of 3S2.91 with interest and
W.W. SWVWUM Vm V. W. VaW-g
The Logical
Place to
Spend Your g
Cash Is at a g
Strictly one
Price Cash Jfc
Store I
rain And0nrty
Get Your Wet Weather
Wearables Now
.We carry for men a line that embraces
everything of positive worth, from a light
Rubber Motor Coat at $:100, to the High
G rade Gabardine at $20.00. We carry every
style of Fish Brand Slickers, also Rubber
Capes and Rain Hats for men and boys.
Rubber Footwear
Good, clean, fresh stock of Rubbers to fit
any style shoe. Also Rubber Boots for men,
women and children.
Men, let us show you our "Nugget" and
"Gold Standard" Work Shoes. You'll need
just that kind $1.25 and $4.75.
Genuine Kip, 12-inch top, $7.25.
Capital stock paid in 100,000.00
Surplus fund 100,000.00
Undivided profits ; . $23,536.38 l. 23,536.38
Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid ... 11,040.59
Circulating notes outstanding
Due to banks and banker, (other than included in
28 or 29)
Demand deposits: ;
Individual deposits subject to check
Certificates of depositJue in less than 30 days ....
Certified checks i .
Cashiers checks outstanding
Postal savings deposits
State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by
item 4c of ' Resources-"
Total demand deposits, items 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
38, and 39 602,236.03
Time deposits (payable after 30 days or subject to
30 days or more notice):
Certificates of deposit '.
Other time deposit.
Total of time deposits, items 40, 41, ana 4S oo,oo.oo
Total $1,409,319.19
State of Oregon, County of Marion, bb:
I. E. W. Hazard, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Corrcct-Attest: ' E. W. HAZARD,
J. P. SOGERS, , Cashier.
Directors. "
Subscribed and eworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1915.
- Notary Public.
; . My commission expires July 7, 1916.
the further sum of $30 and interest
amounting in all to nearly $"00, The
suit filed today i. the outcome of a
suit brought last year by Bradshaw
Bros, against it. H. itooinson wno con
ducted a pool and billinrd establish
ment in Silverton. Bradshaw Bros, won
their suit in the circuit court and re
ceived a judgriient against Mr. Rob
inson in the sum or aooui ijuu. mry
endeavored to attach the pool and bil
liard parlor but Mr. Robinson said be
did not own it but was conducting it
' DIED '
Action Taken In Order To
Participate In Coming
Peace Conference
f He Did-Not Know I
'I WhorA fn Riiv B
POWER! , ,,
London, Nov 17. In order to partici
pate in future European conferences,
the pope will practically, though not
formally, renounce all claim to the tem
poral power at the next consistory ac
cording to Rome dispatch today.
It i. assumed that the pope intends
to participate in peace negotiation, and
the conference, concerning re-establish
ment of normal conditions after the war.
It would therefore be neceBsary to ob
tain Italy . consent to such a move and
Italy will make renunciation of claims
to temporal power a condition to the
concession. Unification ol Italy in iiu
formally deprived the pope of the tem- j
poral power. This vital question nas
played a large part in history down
through the middle ages to the present
day The pope', holding that they are
not only ruler, in a religious sense, out
they also were divinely ordained to
temporal authority.
He looked all over town,
then he dropped in at
the Valley Music House;
took another trip
around town. Did. not
see him until the next
mMjaJii J-ii nrfiMMH iiw nit.
WIIJSON At the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilson, 2222
North Fourth street, Tuesday, No
vember 16, 1915, Buth Wilson, at the
age of 4 years.
.Funeral services will be held at 11
o'clock tomorrow morning from the
for John Moser. incense was i neiu up residence, with the funeral of A. E.
for a short time and then the plain- wiioon mhn aia ttii mnmini nf
tiffs in the suit produced an ecution 8alem ho8pital, Burin, wiu be at the
and ordered the sheritf to .ell the cu Vicw cemetery,
property. Mr. Esch, as sheriff, sold the J
pool and billiard fixtures and Bradshaw
Bros, bought it in and shipped it out , WILSON At the Salem hospital, AVed
of the county, Then John Moser nesday morning, November 17, 1915,
brounght a suit in the circuit conrt and I A. E. Wilson, at tho age of 3.1 years,
secured a indgment against Sheriff Surviving, besides tho widow are
Esch and Mr. Robinson. This i. tho "ree emiuren, two gins, la montns anu
second suit that ha. been filed by Mr. six years of age, and a son, 4 years old.
Moser and is against William Esch Funeral services will bo held at 11
personally to collect the sum set out o'clock tomorroy morning nt the home
above. L. G. Adams and George G. of his brother, W. R. Wilson, 222?
Himrhnm are attorneys for the nlain- Nortn I'ourtn street, with that or ituri'
tiif . Wilson, the tour year old naugnter or
W. B. Wilson. Burial will be at the
City. View cemetery.
A marringe liceuse was issutd today
at the county clerk's office to Amos
D. Morris, a farmer of Hubbard, and
Ida Kissick, of Woodburn. Albert E.
Cole, a farmer of Coeur D' Alene, end
Lelia Doty, of Jeferson, also secured
their matrimonial permit.
Gll.L To the Hev. and Mrs. Robert 8.
Ci ill, Wednesday, November 17, 1915,
a son, weight 10 pounds.
The funeral of Fred Burger, who
died Sunday niuht at hi. home 1645
Chemeketa street, at the age of 65,
will be held from tho residence tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial
at tho City View Cemetery. Besides
hi. widow, Mrs. Amelia Burger, he is
survived by the following children:
William H." Burger, a local confec
tioner; Fred W. Burger, a city car
man: Aucust Bnvger, Mrs. Mary Wil
son. Mrs Helen Rvan and Mra, Louisa
Htroad, al of Salem; Mrs. Nnucy Mas-
scy of Turner, Or.; Mrs. Augusta
Mcnts, Owatonua, Minn.; Mrs. Hannah
Keuchor, Hewetb, Minn., and G. Bur
ger of St. l'aul.
A. E. Wilaon, who will be burled to
morrow morning with the four -year
old daughter of his brother, as form
erly from Berryville, Kuusas, and be
sides hi. widow and three rbildren is
survived by five brothers, W. B. Wil
son, of this city, J. C. Wilson, Dallas,
Texas, Sed Wilson, Pruitt, Arkansas,
and Alfred. J. C. and H. B. Wilson, of
ltorrvville, Kansas. Hit mother, Mrs.
C, J". Wilson also 'live, at Berryvile,
STURGIS At the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sturgis, near
Wrens, Ore., November 15, 1915, Roy
Sturgis, at the age of 40 year..
Funeral service, will be held tomor
row afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
parlors of Wobb ft dough.
Beside, nia widow, Mrs. Mary Eli
abeth Sturcis. and parents, he is sur
vived by four brothers nnd one sister.
Frank Sturgis, and Ralph Sturgis ol
Brooks, Chnrle. Sturgis of Wrens, Ore.,
Monroe Sturgis of Brooks, and Mrs
John Beycrlo, of Dallas.
HUGHES In the city, November v
1915. Laura May Huches, wife of T.
A. Hughes, of Corvallis, at the age of
56 vears.
Accompanied by a daughter, the body
was forwarded by tho lerwillicer tot
tnge parlors this morning to Corvnjlii
for burial.
New Today Ada, one cent per
The cigar, confectionary and news
stand of George H. Sauter has been
sold to A. i Hoffman, who formerly
conducted a cigar and confectionary
store on Liberty street.
The report of the condition of the
United State. National bank, at the
close of business November 10, is pub
lished today. Total resources arol,409,
319.19, and deposits nggrcgato $1,171,-
The Salem Poultry and Egg Circle is
is meeting with so much success in the
marketing of egg. brought in by mem
bers, that a movement is on nt Wood
burn and one or two other places to
organize and send their eggs to KaU'm
for shipment- through tho Circle. Cor
vallis, Lebanon and Dallas are already
sending their eggs to Shcrill Fleming,
manner of the Circle here. During the
past two weeks, eggs shipped by the
Circle have averaged its members 42
cents a dozen.
Beginning tomorrow,, the steamer
Grahamona will make regular trips to
Corvallis, as the recent rains have
brought the guage of the river hero up
to 5.4 feet above low water mark. .
rise of four feet was recorded here dur
ing the past 2 hours, although the rain
fall was only .13 of an inch. The Po
mona take, the place of the Oregona,
and with the two boat, running regular,
Halem will have a daily boat service to
A recruiting campaign wa. started
last evening at the armory by Company
M, and tne soldier who brings in me
greatest number of rccrutis before Jan
uary 15, will recoive a prize of a rom
watch. By the first of the year, the
company can add zv to its present
strength. Besides the individual prize,
five teams have been organized to com
pete in the securing of recruits, ten in
eacn team. Tno team captains are
Corporal Cobnm, Corporal Chandler,
Cororal Blunk, Corporal Alford and
Corporal Spnulding, and tho squad that
proves ltselt tne champion recruiters,
will be given the seat of honor at the ;
banquet to follow tho contest. j
Good Books for Tour Children will
be on exhibit at the Public. Library the
rest of this week. Tho exhibit opens
Thursday afternoon at four o'clock
with a talk by Miss Marvin nbout the.
books. All parents and teachers arc
especially invited at that time but if
you can not come thon coma and see
the books later. Thore will be all sorts
of good books, some of tho most attrac
tive editions published and some in
expensive books too. There will be
animal stories, fuiry stories, Bible
stories, hero stories and all sorts. You
will be sure to get' some good ideas for
Christmas presents too fur your chil
dren and having tho exhibit as early
as this there will be time for you to
order any books through local book
dealers and receive them before Christmas,
He came back, brought
his better half and little
Mary. This was the sec
ond time. They all
looked over our beauti
ful line, took the same
trip that Hubby took
the day before.
They came back, made
their selection, as many
others have done. A
beautiful piano was sent
home. The first ques
tion asked by door
neighbors, "Where' did
you get your piano?"
"Same place you got
WPaWtfww-iV'w Wii'isWP HI
Now little Mary is tak
ing music lessons and
can play just the same
as her little friends next
door. And the family,
though very small, feels
like they are having a
house party these long
rainy evenings.
We can make your
home ' the same way.
See us at once.
264 N. Commercial St.
Phone 493
The funeral services of Ruth Wilson,
aged 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Wilson, and A. E. Wilson, a brother of
W. R. Wilson, will be held tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock, at the home of
W. R. Wilson, 2222 North Fourth ftrcct,
and burial will bo in the same casket,
liuth Wilson died yesterday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, and A. E. Wilson, thin
morning. Burial will take place tit City
View cemetery.
Kim Cornelia Marvin, stat librarian,
will apeak Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock at tae Salem lniblio library on
children', book, and reading. Tbi.
the opening of a special exhibit of
children book at the public library
which wil continue the remainder of
the week.
Dad Lung Trouble
and Expected to Die
Th many recoveries brought
about by Erkniun'i Alterative are
attracting wide attention. Read
about thla eaa:
aa at Krr, w. va.
fintlfmrai-1 was tmhrm ailrk ta
Hovraabrr, laoH. I imr ateadll
mm, Ha4 tw roaaultatloaa, 'I k
vtnllrt wm the- fever haal averted
aay a4 that my eaae waa
eaeleaai oal? arare me twa aioatae
to lire. Mr payalrlaa kaa trim! mint
II klU of trrataaeat aaal aaae dial
aae aar road, aa ae aaked aar kua
kaaa If ke ohjertra ta klaa trylng
aroartetary aaeaVlae. I araa
year Alterative. I waa la tea' froaa
Marewher SO. 1&0H, antll Vekruary
til, 1WW, aa waa tkeaakt ala aev
ral tlaaea. Today 1 aaa kealtkler
aad at reaver tkaa ever." (Akkra,
HIrae4 MRU. H. K. MRII.RT.
Kckmaa'a Alterative la moat ellltia
clous In bronchial catarrh and ne
ver throat and I una; aflectloni and
tie-bulldlnc the system. Contains
aa harmful or habit-forming; drure.
Accept no substitutes Small alaa,
tl; regular alia, 12. gold by lead
ln( dronirlata. Writ for booklet
cf recoverlea.
ckawa Lkeratery, rkUadelakla
Pciatia, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Chest or Lung Diseases, Weak or Painful
Hack, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Tleurisy or Ouut.
We invite all who are troubled with any of the above diseases to try
Spalding's Wonderful PiastersAbsolutely FREE
We know what
they can do.
Spaldiitg. representa
tive will be with u. all
thl. week to' explain how
to use these wonderful
absorbing agent, and will
show testimonial, front
people who have been enrod
of above trouble., Don't
fail to take advantage of
this opportunity.
Cut Out This Ad and, Take It to
, V4wadl.,
We want you to
Spalding'. Dusters are
made different shapes TO
FIT all part, of the body.
' Cut out this Ad and
present same to Spalding'.
Tcpriscntative at our
Talent . Medicine depart
ment between tho hour,
of 0 to 1 and 2 to 8 and
get a trial tf these Won
derful Plasters free.