' TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1915. All Around Town N ew ., Ideas IN' if 'I COOLER WEATHER CALLS FOR WARMER BEDDING Splendid showing. Blankets, Comforts, Indian Robes, etc. (Second floor). You'll find our assort ment of Bedding and home needs complete in every respect. Robes, Comforts and Blankets selected with utmost care to insure good quality and lasting satisfaction to every purchaser. COTTON BLANKETS In White and Colored, fancy borders -. -50c to $2.50 Fancy Plaids, blue, grey and tan ... . .$2.85 to $3.95 FANCY BLANKETS Bathrobe Blankets (cotton), with cords .'. . . -$3.50 Indian Robes (cotton), special $3.95 Couch Throws (cotton), Indian patterns $1.95 Traveling Robes (cotton), special .$3.95 Jacquard Comfortables, beautiful Patterns $2.95, $4.50, $5.95 CRIB BLANKETS- In White and Fancy effects 5Qc to $1.65 BABY BACS- Dainty patterns, very pretty $2.00 WOOL MIXED BLANKETS White, colored and plaid effects $3J5 to $5.95 ALL WOOL BLANKETS White and fancy checks, pretty borders jjg q $13,50 wool Indian robes . . .$4.95, $6.50 and $150 WOOL AUTO ROBES (fringed) . . . $6,95 to $7.95 COTTON COMFORTS Plain Cotton $1.00 to $2.50 Maish Laminated Down Comforts . . .$325 to $4.00 Fancy Cotton Comforts, assortment $375 Q $13.50 Eiderdown Comforts, splendid $7.50 to $12.50 WOOL BATTS, for making Comforts $2.50 to $3.75 WOOL BATTS, nting covered . . , $3,50 WOOL and COTTON MIXED BATTS priced at $2 The House of Quality rO0DlGODS lit SHIPLEY'S THANKSGIVING SALE RICHARDSON'S SNOW WHITE LINENS ENDS NOVEMBER 24TH Let Me See Your If an hour's reading makes your eyes actio, If prUited matter 'goes misty." occasionally If you aro nbliged to stop work periodically to rest your eyes for a few moments. If you find it easier to rend nearer than tho normal 12 inches; or further away than this. If you can not recognize people across tho street. If you can not read street names easily or ean not distinguish the time by publio clocks. If you have to mako an effort to see clearly knitting tho brows for example. If vivid light gives you pain in the eves, or if you require nioro light than hitherto. My experience 'of nearly 33 years in correctly fitting fusses to Toliove eye strain will be at your service. If glasses are not needed, I positively decline to supply them. I guarantee satisfaction iu evory rospect. I change yonr glasses for one year if necessury, free of ehnrgo. No extra charges for examinatinns. No drugs or drops used, as they are dangerous. All broken glnsnei replaced while you wait, t very reasonable prices. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Doctor of Optica, Offices 210 211 U. a Bank Building. Phone no. SALEM . - - . . OREGON -i-" i 0s SHEPHERD DIRECT FROM SERBIA FRONT TELLS OF By William O. Shepherd Salonika, Nov. 17. Thousands of Serbs in the Monnstir region aro fleeing before tho Bulgarians. Mouastir is be ing rapidly emptied of its population. Throughout tho region, the peoplo aro terrorized by stories of Bulgar atroci ties. The prefect of Prilep telegraphed to day that hundreds of girls have taken l'efugo there after being mistreated, and that tho town is now about to full again into the Hulgar hands. Monnstir ean hold out for a day. Then sho will bo doomed, unless tho al lies arrive. I have juRt conio from there, after witnessing most pathetic sights among! terrified men, women and children. Federation of Labor Will Not Change Work Pan Francisco, Nov. 17, By a vote of INI to .'II, tho American Federation of Labor today went on record to continue as a craft union organization as against industrialism, Tho organization of the American Federation of Labor recognizes each craft lis a separate union bound to gether with other crafts in a great con trolling body, but tho units of which aro as independent of one another as tho states of tho United States. In dustrial unionism recognizes no craft but labor us a whole .whether it bo skilled or otherwise; one to act for the. other in times of stress. Tho expression came on the resolu tion of delegnto Freil Bourne wiio asked that a committee be appointed to re port on both types of organization at the next convention, (secretary Morrison, of the American Federation of Lubor took the floor in fuvor of crnft unionism, saving labor had under the present organization all of the advantages afforded by indus trial unionism. You cannot make a mistake for Hy- grado is the highest grade 6 cont cigar Salem made. ; XLRAf'QD ENTIRE STOCK OF Boy's Overcoats and Mackanaws At special prices, styles double breasted, Balmca ans, and convertable col lars, in Heathers, Chin chilla and fancy mixtures. $4.00 OToats . .$3.20 $5.00 OXoats ...$4.00 $5.50 O'Coats ...$4.40 $6.00 OXoais . . . $4.80 $6.50 OXoats ...$5.20 $7.50 OXoats ...$6.00 $9.00 OXoats . . . $7.20 S10.00 OXoats ..$8.00 BOY'S MACKANAWS $5.00 Mackinaw.. $4.00 $6.00 Mackinaw.. $4.80 CONDITIONS They were trying frantically to leave the city. Household effects wore packed hur riedly in tho hopes of saving something from' tho ruins. Some of the inhabi tants piled their little properties on wagons. Many bent under their loads. Homo took with them their household pets cats and dogs so thnt in tho days of wandering ahead, they would havo one or two friends in tho world. Most of tho fugitives were feeble old men and women and littlo children, for nil the women of fighting age are afield with tho men nnd all tho boys old enough to lift a gun. . Monnstir officials and hankers with funds aro duo on a special train here this afternoon. Foreign consuls already havo left. Special meeting of Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Ihis evening. Work in tho E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. ' SHIPLEY'S THANKSGIVING SALE RICHARDSON'S SNOW WHITE LINENS ENDS NOVEMBER 24TH When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free anil Private Baths RATES: 75c, fl.OO, 11.50 PERDAY Tho only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots. Thcatrea and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. a. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phou.es. Free Auto But. JL Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting glasses correctly. U. 8. bank bldg. A pen of Salmon Faverolles were sent tins week to the San Francisco poultry exhibit which openB in that city tomor row, by Eugene T. Prescott, a local poultry man. ( Dr. "R. T. TWTeTnMra. tmvfllcian and I surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440. An address will be delivered this ev ! cning nt tho Evangelical church on Cottago street by Mrs. Myra Miller : Htnuf fcr, of lHllsboro, Ore. Mrs. Stuuf- fer is president of the Oregon branch ' of the Women's Home and Foreign Mis sionary society of tho United Evangeli cal church. Palouse Electric Irons, regular ?5.00 value $2.50 while they lust, Duron & j I Tn in i I to (l. ! 'Dr. Stone'g Drug Store. ! The Knights of Pythias are now lin- ' ing up for the membership contest now on in the lodge, with II. H. Turner and Noil Summervillo opposing captains. With tho sides chosen within n few days, the coutest will bo under head way, to close on tho evening of Jan uary 31. White cross vibrators ($11.50 to $35.) H ail anil see incin anil gei ireo loiuer. jLockwood's, 210 North Commercial. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. J. B. Knight, salesman for the Stude- bakor car with Vick Bros., sold a 100 acre farm in Lane couuty to 'William C. j Psetack and in payment thereof ucc.cpt- ed a house and lot on Twenty-second and Mill streets. The exchange wan & Clark, High street. Chrysanthemums, fine large ones. Sennit!!, loth and Center streets. Phone 2007. Nov20 Cherry .City. No.4, Boy Scouts, will give benefit performances nt the Oro j gou theatre tonight and tomorrow evon I ing, assisted by Gertrudo Johnson lO'Flyng. The boys themselves will show the people how they look wane out on a scouting expedition, and Frank Patterson, the 12-year-old son of (ieorge Patterson, will assist in tho evening's program with a vocal solo. Electric Perculators at special prices. Buren & Hamilton. The Elks will have another initiate and subsequent refreshments tomorrow ovening. With the experience of two weeks ago, the drill team for the ad journed session is now in good workii' order and tho candidates are promised a proper initiation before, being per mitted to enjoy life before tho lurge fire place in tho social room, o Thanksgiving sale of carvers, $5.00 value for $2.U8. Buren & Hamilton. The Orpheus Male chorus of 25 voices, Dan ti. kangeiiDcrg, director, will sing this evening at tho armory in the program following the initiation and ritualistic work of -the Court of Fairies, tho juvenile organization of the United Artisans. They will probably sing the "Cavalry Song," and Tosti's "Uood Byo." A good cause. Help the Y. W. C. A. today. They aro managing tho Gray Belle. The high school building will be the scene of unusual activity Friday even ing ns two special functions will be under headway at the same time.' The sophomores will give a reception to the freshmen class, with the usual program of interest to both classes. And at the samo time in the domestic science department, a dinner will bo served to the football squad by the Associated (Student body of the high school. Buy your candy today at the Gray Belle aud help tho i. W. C. A. At the regular meeting of the Knights of Pythias last evening, it wns decid ed to send a delegation of 10 members to attend the meeting of tho order to morrow evening in Portland when Brig. S. Young, supreme chancellor com mander, will address tho order. The party will leave tomorrow afternoon on the 4 o'clock Oregon Electric. As one of a series of lectures to be delivered to the lodL'o on health, Dr. (',. K. Cash' att, city physician, has been invited for the ses'sion next Tuesday evening. He will speak on "Sanitation." , Try the White Swan Dairy lunch. i.ou will not be disappointed. . From present indications, more than 120 pupils will be promoted at the end of this semester from tho sixth A grade to tho Beventh B grade in tho city schools, and entitled to enter the junior high schools. This will crowd these schools, Washington, Lincoln nnd Grant junior highs to their utmost ca pacity, and mtiv necessitate the trans fer of tho fifth and sixth grades to out lying buildings. This arrangement will "save the necessity of the building additional juniot high facilities. When it becomes necessary to send part of the fifth and sixth grades to the outly ing building early next year, only the older ones will bo transferred. Revival meeting are being carried on at. tho Preo Methodist -church, 1228 N. Winter street bv the Pnstor, W. J. Johnston, A number of seekers were forward for pardon or purity at the Sunday services. Meetings every night except Saturday at 7:30 p. m. SHIPLEY'S THANKSGIVING SALE RICHARDSON'S SNOW WHITB LINENS ENDS NOVEMBER 2 ITU Before placing your printing order, Phone 217U. Fuller Printing Concern. tf William Rantenkranz, who died Sun day night, wns buried this uftoiuoon at the City View cemetery, with ser vices hejd at the Lutherun church, tho Rev. G. Ivoehler, officiating. - Elks attention. Initiation Thursday evening, J'ebruary 17, W. E. Slater, secretary. The Anti-Saloon League state conven tion meets in tho White Temple, Port land, today. Four governors and former Congressman Hobsoiv and other noted men aro present tojleliver addresses. Saturday is the last day to register for the election to be held in this city Monday, December 0. Those who do not register, yet feel a disposition to vote nt tho Inst minute, may do so' if j sworn in hy six tree holders, much to tho inconvenience of tho free holders. The Standard Bearers of the First Methodist church will hold their regulnr meeting at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 Stnto street, Saturday afternoon. Mary Findley, Mildred Garrett ami Edna Newberry will have charge of the lesson hour. Mrs. Anna Eliza Stan, who died in Portland Monday was buried today in the Odd Fellows cemetery in the Wil liamson lot. Sho wns of an old pion eer family, nnd is survived by a broth er, J. N. Williamson, a graduate of Willamette university, who is now liv ing in eastern Oregon. Elks attention. Initiation Thursday evening, February 17, . W, E.. Slater, secretary. The public library is having a special exhibit of children's books this week beginning Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock when Miss Marvin, state libra rian, will speak ou children's books and reading. All parents and teachers are especially invited to come Thursday af ternoon at 4 o'clock to hear Miss Mar vin, j Clyde Johnson, of this city, is show ing today a copy of Vol. 1, No. 1, of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, duter December 13, 1S55. Tho matter in it and the illustrations are quite in teresting now. Maps and views along the proposed Union Pacific railroad occupy considerable space, and there are other news stories which are history now. Tho paper is well preserved. Every member of every church in Salem is invited to nttend the Harvest Homo nt the Methodist church Monday, November 22. , A party with an appetite for milk, fruits, vegetables and other good eat ables stepped onto the back porch of the homo o- Judge John Scott, Court and Twelfth street, last evening during the absence of tho family, and after a leisurely survey of the situation, walk ed off with the family supply of eat ables. Everything in sight was taken excepting a bowl of .vlayonnnis dress ing and a pot of herb tea, all of which indicates that tho thief preferred just plain victuals. We will seirShetland pony, cart and harness for tfHO.OO, worth $150.00. Pure bred Mommoth Bronze Turkey Toms, $4.00, delivered iu Salem. Hamer, Phone 8F22. Now is the time to join. Member ship campaigns have been launched by the Kni"hts of Pythias, Woodmen of the World and tho Royal Arcanum, If the male who is at liberty and has not been attached to any lodge feels a desire to become a joiner, thero is n chance to servo his country, ns Com pnny M has also launched a membership campaign and is on tho lookout for good material, especially of suitable military age. Notice. If any one knows the address of iliram Austin, plensr notify him that; his dnughter, Rita Austin, wnnts him.1 I'apn, ploase come immediately. Wo, want you. Rita. Launching campaigns for membership is now quite tho stylo for lodges and other organizations in the city. The Woodmen of the World aro now lay in" plans for tho greatest membership i canipnicn ever attempted in the citv, ! Ins with a present membership of 00S, I they havo set their murk for a total ' i membership of 1000 bv the first, of tho year Bert W. Macy nnd L. 8J Gear are tho opposing tenin captains and with a lino up on each side of 304 members, they expect to take into camp I nil stray males who aro good material for Woodmen. j I The Fuller Printing Concern is now: llocnted nt, the corner of Liberty nndi( ! Ferry .streets in this city. Tho Fuller' I boys are anxious to seo all of their old i customers and ninny new ones. Phone j '2170 or cnll in person when you wnnt jn fair price on good printing. Jfov20; The .Royal Arcanum lodg, at a meet-' in it last evening, appointed a committee' ;of entertniument, to provide a piogrnm for a special session of tho lodgo to be I hold on the evening of Monday, Do comber 6, composed of Dana H. Allen, Tero Hicks nnd J. 8. Bonell. Work for toe coming season wns outlined lust niiht and a membership campaign I launched. Walter B. Minicr, licoigo J, Watson and James Marr were ap- lininteil tn tnkn ehnnro nf thA iiiemher. ship campaign. Tho Royal Arcanum, although organized in this city but 18 months ago. is one of the stnndnrd lodge organizations of tho country with a largo membership throughout tire oast. Although bit 18 months old in Salem, the increase In membership has been especially gratifying. School children in the east seem to appreciate the artistic, literature issued by the Salem commercial club. Thoy seem to like the pretty pictures sad the artistic binding of the pamphlets. About so often, the commercial club Is in receipt of letters from the sixth or seventh grado of way back east, ask- STYLE And the very best'Clothing that money will buy can be found at our store at all times. Thanksgiving Time You need a new Overcoat or Suit if you make that Holiday visit. Suits and Overcoats $10 to $25 G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 N. Commercial St. "SALEM'S BEST Wc keep up the quality first, last and all the time, and then make the following prices which quality considered ure the luwest iu the city: APPLES Bellflour, Spys, Blue Penr- maids, lireeuiugs, etc., box 75c 12 pounds 25c RAISINS 16 oz. packages, Heeded or Heedless, .1015 pack, 2 pkgs. ,.25c Fancy ti Crown Clusters, lb. ..25c Fancy 3 Crown Clusters, lb. ..15c Fancy Loose Muscats, bulk ,.10c Tillamook Cheese, pound ...,22c New crop fancy Walnuts, lb.. 25c New crop fancy Almonds, lb. ,25c Corsican Citron, lb 30c Orange or Lemon Peel, lb. ..25c New Mincemeat, lb 15c Minced Clams, full 10 oz., can 10c Pork and Beans, full 17 oz. can 10c Safety Mutches, 3 pkgs 10c Toilet Paper, 6 rolls 25c Hoval White Soap, bars . . . .25c Yciloban Milk, 2 cans ,...i.l5c Best Com or Oloss Starch, 3 pkgs 25c A. & II. Soda, 2 pkgs 15c WESTICOTT-THIELSON CO. 151 NORTH HIGH ST. ing for some literature with pictures of Oregon. Addressing the postmaster, Everett Harwood, of Roxburg, Mass., writes, i am a ooy oi i" nuunnum ing class in the Winthrop Ht. rrevtry." All of which seems to indicate; Center school, aud wnnt information that at least to the school children, ba and printed matter and all about Imu-jlem is on the map. THIS WEEK ONLY TEN LOADS Mill Woo d iffi" r,1 E3ES3 AT a Prompt Spaulding Logging Company aaaaaaa A A 1111A A A A A A A A A A A A A Let Us Make Evenings By supplying you with niiea glasses. RELIEVE YOUR EYESTRAIN Then read and embroider with comfort. Miss A, McCulloch, Optometrist 208-209 Hubbard Bid?. Thene 109 : ; tHtnW4HtHmHtH-fttHttHttHttnT Salem, Oregon MARKET PLACE" TURKEYS Fancy corn-fed stock of the highest quality. Place your older now und avoid disappointment. 25c the pound. MEATS Wc handle only top quality fancy young steers. Beef uUmijs tender "and appetizing. t Choicest Rib Roast, lb 1: Pot Roast, lb He. Short Ribs, lb '....12c, Brisket, lb 10c Pure Hamburger, lb 15c GRAIN FED COUNTRY PORK Chops, lb 15c Leg Roast, lb 15c Pure Pork Sausage, lb 15c FANCY YOUNG VEAL Best Roast, lb 1 Chops and Cutlets, lb lc Shoulders, lb 15c Stews, lb I-1' HAMS AND BACON Sugar Cured Eastern Hams, lb :22" Sugar Cured Eastern Bacon, lb 2Cc Swift's Picnic Hams, lb... 12 l-2c boring in Oregon. 'I. Another boy from ftC ll,o ttftl, CM-n.lea nf n New York school writes tho mayor, "I wunt somo literature nnd pictures of your conn DeKvery A 4 A A i These Long f Enjoyable a pair of our carefully t iTfl-B AT r -acr-