THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOV. 16. 1915. SEVEN THE MARKETS Classified Advertising Page The intensity of modern life so retards digestion that masses of waste, food collect in the colon and poison the entire system, causing headache, bilious ness, nerve and stomach disorders and the serious indications of weakened vitality. Intesti-Fermin Tablets contain (lie concentrated virturs of Uulgnrinn sour milk and, taken persistently, clear the system of miiliiiiunt bacterio tlirivinu in the waste- products, tints renewing f'hvsical and mental efficiency. ntesti-Fennin is not a drug, but a condensed food guard. $1.00 per bottle a weeVs treat ment ask for it today J. C. Perry, OREGON CM lodny lor cnpyoP'Prrmnlilre OH Aae 111 Guise and Prevention." Uy Dr. A. V. desouf . ImeMi-Fermin is made exclusive ly by The Berlin Laboratory, Ltd. New York City This Is Regarded By Mr. Masn As Most Important Action of Belligerents 1 "A Shlna In lY Q F J Every Drop" r.Jf J Get a can today from HVftnj?"ill! your hardware or Bra- till I J 2 4 1 1 1 rllj eery dealer. P&rfirV" ll tTjfiriCTttewrimr;'" SCHMITZ TEIAL RESUMED. Prominent Publisher Fears Foreign Nations May Take Hand T.os Angeles, I'nl., Nov. 15. M. A. .Schmidt's trinl on n charge of murder in connection witu tao dynamiting oi 1 he Times building and the killing of 21 employes by .f. U. McNamara was re sumed today in .Tudtio Willis court, with Hio prosecution qll-cnuously opposing Hie defenses' efforts to prove, by cross-i-xninination Of stnto witnesses Mint the luiiMiiiK was accidentally destroyed by gasoline or pas, and not blown up at nil. Survivors of the disaster were called to testify regarding tlio bouuJ made by the blast. GIRLS IN BAD HEALTH. By J. W. T. Mason. (Written for the I'uited Tress.) New York, Nov. 15. The most iin lortant action of the belligerents look ing toward recovery from the destruc tiveness of war is the American tour of the French industrial commission. They are preparing in advance tiie off set of the financial burdens of the struggle. A nation pays its debts with its products. France is preparing to use them to work out her salvation, just as alter the Napoleonic wars she saved herself bv new inventions nnd indus trial expansion. American workers are from four to five times more productive thnn the Kuropeans per men. t ranee recognized this fact and hence the commission in learning American methods. A present, the Oermans occupy the industrial center of France. After the war France must rebuild her devastated factories. If she equips them with mod cm American machinery and follow American methods of efficiency, she can recover from the exhausion of war and increase her wealth and prosper ity. The same course must be opened to the other nations or future generations will be burdened with staggering debts. :je sjc $9l$$H$l:$$dl$$$ DANDRUFFY HEADS BECOME HAIRLESS " If you want plenty of thick, beauti ful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means pet rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. ft. doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure nay to get rid of dandruff is to dis solve it, then vou destrov it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid nrvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp ami rub it in gently with the finger tips. iiy morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, nnd three or four more applications will completely dissolve ami entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. Vou will find, too, that all itching and digging of the sculp will stop, nmi your htiir will look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid ar von at any drug store, it is inexpen sive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. San Francisco, Nov. 15. Warning thnt both the United States and Hex ica may be in danger after the Euro pean war from the grasping hands of European interests in Mexico was sounded here today by 8. S. McClure, New York publisher. Just back from a Mexican trip, ho suggested that the great powers may seek aome of Mex ico's vast treasure and thus crcnter trouble. He believes tha t the position of Mexico will be sound if Carranza and Obregon stick together and surround themselves with able statesmen. Mexicans Executed. Galveston, Texas, Nov. 15 Two Mex icans were publicly executed at Mex ico City Saturday, a cablegram received here today said. A third condemned to death oscaned bv chnnenie clothes witn a woman who was bidding him farewell. No reasons for the executions were giv en. Another cable said that money issued by former Dictator Huerta had been declared void. Everything is quiet in the grain mnr ket, with prices today the same as for the past two weeks. It is the sumo story regarding the egg market. Grocers are all paying the prices of the past three weeks and Jo n-jt look for any immediate chan 'c, although there is a disposition to regard the present quotations as high mark. Oregon lettuce is now out of tie mar- ltet and California is quoted at $2.75 a crate. In its upward elimb for higher prices, sugar seems to have reached the top price, DR. 0. L, SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and havo got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. H. National Bunk Building, l'hone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. Hundreds of Rills go to work day nfter day, afflicted with some ailment peculiar 'to their sex, drugging one foot wearily after the other, working idwnys with one eyo on the clock and wishing for closing time to come. Tlverv such eirl should rely on I.ydia JO. l'inkhtim'H Vegetable Compound to restore her to a normal healthy condition, then work will be a pleas ure. For forty years this famous root nnd herb medicine has been pre eminently successful in controlling the diseases of women. Why don't you try it? NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there will lie a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Turner, Oregon, on the tllltli day of November, 111 5, at the hour of l o'clock a. m., in the City Hull of said city, at which time and place an oppor tunity for full and complete discussion Of the estimates of the amount of mon ey proposed to be raised by taxation for tiie ensuing year will be given any tax jinyer subject to such levy, either in fa vor of or ngainst any such levy, nnd tho following is an itemized estimate of the expenses mid disbursements of Ha id City for the ensuing year nnd of the amount of money proposed to be Ttiised by taxation therefor: 1. Water rent on fire hydrants. t.'IO.nn 2, Elections '" .1. Interest, on unpaid 'warrants 50.0U 4. Legal defense and incidental expenses of City ..t .".10.0(1 The followiiur is an itemized estimate of the probable receipts of said City from sources other than direct taxation upon the real and personal property within its .lurisiiicuon ior me vein nnd the balance on hand at the time of said lew: Receipts from the City Re corder 's office 2. Balance on hand Ne The foregoing notice is published in the Capital Jounml for two publica tions, to-wit, on the !Mh day of Novem tier, .1 1 .", and the XUh day of Novem ber, HH5, pursuant to the order of t lie Common Council of said City. G. A. .l ASSKY, (Acting Reenrdorl., City Heeoriler. 1 ! To tho Policyholders of THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. NOTICE is herein- given that a meet ing ef the policyholders of Tho Pru dential Insurnnco Company of America will he held nt the Home Office of said Company in the City ot Newark, New ,Te.rsev, 'on Mwulay, the sixth day of December, Ml 5, nt twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of selecting fif teen persons to be voted for by the policyholders' Trustee as members of the Bonrd of Directors at the annual blcction of Directors of the Company to bo held on the tenth day of January, 1910. At such meetinc every policyholder of the Corporation who is of the age nf twenty-one yenrs or upwards and whose policy has been in lorce for at least one year last post, shall bo en titled to enst one vote in persou or by lroxy. FOHKKST P. DKYDKN, President. L. 0. T. M. ENTERTAIN The L. 0. T. M. tit Donald gave a "500" party at their hall Friday night to raise funds to buy a piuuo. Among the Aurora ludies attending were Mrs. Gene Flynii, Mrs. N. K. Scheurer, Mrs. 0. l Higginbotham and daughter, Margaret. The tiff air was a success both socially and financially. One of the interesting but unexpected features ot the evening s entertainment was tho sudden advent of a mouse which created a sensation of no small proportions. It is reported thnt the l.ndy Maccabees held their ground bravely, though some of their consorts took to the table tops, from which they were rescued after the death of tho in vader. It is said that the husband of the Lady Record Keeper will be court mnrtialed for cownrdice (real or feign ed) on the field of buttle. Aurora Observer. DON'T SUFFER-LAUGH AT STOMACH MISERY Daniel J. Try WiU Return the Money If Ml-o-na Does Not Believe Dyspepsia. Among all the remedies in Daniel J. Fry's popular drug store, there are few that he is willing to sell on a guarantee to refund the monoy if they do not cure. Mi-o-na, the famous dyspepsia remody has helped so many of his customers that Daniel J. Fry says, "If this remedy does not reliove you, come back to my store and I will cheerfully re turn your money." Anyone who has dyspepsia, indiges tion, headaches, dizzy feelings or liver troubles, should take advantage of this chance to be made well without any risk of spending their money to no pur pose. Mi-o-na will relieve you, will regulate the digestion, will enable you to eat what you want. If it does not do all this it will not cost you a cent. Daniel J. Fry has sold hundreds of boxes of Mi-o-na in the last few weeks and has yet to recoivo the first com plaint from any customer, ouch a record is simply marvelous and speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. It is casv enough to fill a column with the symptoms afflicting those who have dyspepsia, nut thcro is no need of describing their condition. What they want is relief and thoy can got it in Mi-o-na. Do not suffer a day longer with disordered digestion. If Mi-o-na relieves you it costs you 50 cents a box, if it does not, you have Daniel J. Fry's personal guarantee to return your money. FRUITLAND NEWS WHOLESALE MARKET Grains. Hay, timothy, per ton H.OO Oats, vetch ifclO.OO Cheat $9.00(il0.00 Wheat 80(u)82c Oats 35c Rolled barley $32.00 Corn $40.00 Cracked corn $41.50 Bran , $26.00 Shorts, per ton -$28.00 Clover seed 1316c Butter. Butterfnt . 33c Creamery butter, per pouad 35c Country butter 30c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 3Sc Eggs, ease count, cash 3t38c Eggs, trade 3739c Eirirs. storoeo 28c Hens, pound 11c Roosters, old, per pound 7c Spring chickens, pound .... 11H l-2c Turkeys, live 15l(ic Pork, Veal and Mutton. Venl, dressed 9c Pork, dressed 8c fork, on foot 5 l-2c Spring lambs 6 l-4c Steers 5(35 l-2c Cows 34c Bulls 3c Ewes 3c Wethers 44 l-2c Vegetables. Cabbage 40c Tomatoes, California $1.00(31.25 String garile 15c Potatoes, cwt 75c Brussels sprouts 10c Sweet potatoes $2.25 Lettuce 406 Beets 40c Carrots 40c Turnips 40c Celery 40(3 70c Onions , . $1.50 California head lettuce, eruto .... $2.75 CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCornack building. Tuesday even ing of each week" at 7:30. F. F. Schrnra, C. C: W. B. Gilsou, K. of R. and S. HOW'S THIS? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internal- Fruits. Oranges, Valencia Lemons, per box Bananas, pound California grapo fruit . Dates, dromedary, case Fard dates Grapes Cranberries Pineapples Honey .. $0.00(36.25 . . $4.25(34.75 5 l-4c .. $C.00(?7.00 , 3.3f $1.00 $1.40 $10.00(312.00 7 l-2c $3.50 LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W Protection Lodge No. 2. JU.UC18 every Aiumuty evening at o in the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liborty streets. A. E. Aufrance, M. W.j 8. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, P. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month nt 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.j 8. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third many in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles, W. M.; Ernest H. Choate, secretary. . THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty , Main IS PLUMBING. STEAM PITTING AND TINNING T. M. Burr, 161 South Commercial Street Mala 191 UNDERTAKERS Rigdon-Richnrdson Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 18S TRANSFER AND DRAYAGB Snlom Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main; 74 JOB PRINTING Beaver State Printers, Patton Block 1511 B. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. I3(i0, moots every Thursday even ing in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets; elevator, miss oyi via Shaupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., recordor. HODSON COUNCIL, No. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first .Monday ia each month, Masonic Temple. James Plant, Thrice Illustrious Mnster; Glen C. Niles, recorder. DEMOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month nt 8 o 'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple.. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to moot with us. Geo. H. Burnett, E. C, Frank A. Turner, recorder. A Doctor's Prescription That is what you get when you buy Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin troubles and Moist Zensal if there is a watery erup tion. These white, odorless ointments for the two distinct types of Eczema will give you relief and comfort. Only 50 cents the jar. Poole's Drug Store. CHADWICK CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E. S. Regular meeting ovory first nud third Tuesdny at 8 p. m. in the Ma souic Temple. Elizabeth Read, W. M.; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD Meet every Friday night nt t o'clock in McCornack block. Oscar Donaldson, C. C; L. S. Goer, clerk. 507 Court street. Phone 51)3. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER, No. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing socond Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in tho Masonic Templo. Al fred F, Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. TRAVELERS' GUIDE 10- SOUTHERN PACIFIC North Bound -Oregon Express ... 5:00a.m. 51 Sound Special .... 6:12a.m. 28 Willametto Limited 9:22 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited ... 11:55a.m. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger 5:00 p.m. 11 Portland Express ..8:00p.m. 222 Portland fast Fr't. 10:38 p.m. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly, No. 81, meets every Wednesday, at 8 p. m. in Moose hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; C. Z. Randall, secretary, Salem Bank of Commerce (Capital .Touruul Special Service.) Fruitlnnd, Or., Nov. Id. Chns. Col vin and family, who lived on tho V. B, A! ford place, have moved to another place near I'rntuni. Mrs. Laura Slocum is visiting rcla' tives ut Fruitlnnd this week. John Sliubnl, a former resident of this vicinity, was here on business last Sunday. Win. Bellamy went to Salem Sun dav evening to attend church. Dnin Purvine and family are guests at tiie home of the Bellamy family this week. A surprise party was given at the home of Vni (ierig in honor of his brother Fred, whoso twenty-fourth birthday was celebrated. -After an en iovable evening, the crowd dispersed, giving their best regards to tho host of I the evening. Mr. Silliey and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cernik. ('has. McKlrov, of Salem, attended church at Fruitlnnd Sunday. Misses Annie and Mario lliegel went to Portland last week for a few days visit. Mrs. T. ('. White arrived homo Thnrs- dav afternoon alter n few days stay Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ,.40(N5c Eggs, storngo 30c Sugar, cane $7.00 Sugar, D. G. $0.80 Creamory butter 40c Flour, hard wheat 1.50(S2.-10 Flour, valley $1.20jl.5C PORTLAND MARKET. Portland, Or., Nov. 10. Wheat Club, 02e(?i9.")c; llluestem, floc(S07 1 -2c. Oats No. 1 yhito feed, MVa 2.-. Barlev Browing, $28.30 (a, $211.50. Feed, $27ii.28. lings Bust live, $0.15(fi $0.2.". Prime Steers, $(i.75(ff $7; fancy cows, $o.25; calves $7(ii $7.50. Spring Lambs, $7. HO. Butter City Creamery, 81 l-2e. Eggs Selecje local extras, 40car 41c. liens, 13c 13 1 -2c; broilers 1LV('. 12 l-2c; geese, lie. FOR SALE ly, acting directly upon the blood and , wih ,l0r (JM1j,hlt,r t Poni,,,,,! mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents por bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for consti pation, DEAD BANDIT IDENTIFIED. Everett, Wash.. Nov. 1.". Elmer White, a rancher, hns identified the lend liiimlit, shot several nights ago in n battle with officers ns his brother, Harrison, or "t.urly White. Julius Suleen, the second bandit, killod, has been buried at (linuile Falls. ; ;! K HOW YOU CAN HAVE "NATURALLY CURLY' ;:;: ! X Bella Nchiociler who is attending the high school lit Corvullis, is getting along fine in her studies. Tiie (lai.len Bond Cheese company will meet l'ridav afternoon at Mr. I'eter Kufuer to draw tip tho articles of incorporation. The company intends to shut up business next spring. The voting people of Fruit land are preparing a program for a pie social to be given nt some near future date. A large crowd gathered Sunday ev ening nt t lie V. I'. A. A duet by l'ris r i I lit and -Mr. Otterbein nnd a song by Misses Mildred Donaldson, Dorothy Kunner, and Hose Otterbein were wor thy of special mention. SMALL genernl stock of merchnndiso for salo. Inquire. 1190 North Cap itol street. if FOR SALE Oil TRADE By owner, 6 room modem bungalow within walk ing distance, on car line, largo lot. Fruit ami berries. 22 Care Journal SI'LIT BODY OAK $5.00; grub oak, $5.50; ash, $5,011; second growth, $1.00; old fir, $5.00. J. II. Eaton, Phono 1951. tf 8ALEM HUMANE (SOCIETY D. D. Keoler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animuls should be reported to tho sccrotary for investi gation. MODERN WOODMEN OF AM ERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5210, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in McCornack hall comor Court nnd Liberty streets. Elevator service. W. W. ilill, V. C.j Rex. A. Turner, clerk. At the ruto that Germany lias been taking Russian prisoners, wo fancy two thirds of tho Russian old soldiers' remi niscences in futuro years will begin with: "When I was in Gormanv " MAUSOLEUM MOUNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM The better wny. Dry and sanitary. Building always open to visitors Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Oaskill, manager. 828 South 12th. Phone 1308. MISCELLANEOUS COME ALONG Down with tho butch crs. You can eat nt Cherry City Cafo for 15c now. 108 S. llmh street NovlO No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 220 Local way Fr't ..10:35p.m. South Bound No. 15 California Express. .3:32 a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Passengor 11:20 a.m. No. 53 Exposition Special. .2:42 p.m. No. 19 Cottatre Grovo Pns. 4:20 p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ... 5:43p.m. No. 27 Willametto Limited :10 p.m. No. 13 San Fraaciseo Ex. 10:38 p.m. No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight 12:35 a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't ... 8:10a.m. Salom-Goer Line No. 73 Arrives at Salem ..9:15a.m. No. 70 Leaves Salem 9:50a.m. No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 71 Lcavo Sulem 4:15 p.m. "No connection Bouth of Gecr. Salem, Falls City and Western. No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor ..7:00 a.m. No. 103 Lv. Salem, motor ..9:45a.m. No. 105 Lv. Salem, motor ...1:40p.m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor ...3:25p.m. No. 109 Lv. Salem, motor ...0:15 p.m. No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 a.m. No. 102 Ar. Salem 8:10 a.m. No. 104 Ar. Sulem 11:25 a.m. No. 100 Ar. Salem 3:15 p.m. No. 108 Ar. Salem 5:30 p.m. No. J70 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem 1:35 p.m. South Bound Lv. Salem. 7:10 a.m 65 .... Lv. Portland. 0:45 a.m..'. 1.. 8:55 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 2:05 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 0:05 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 11:45 p.m. 5 Limited 7 9 . 13 Limited , . . 17 Local . . 19 .... ... 21 Owl .. North Bound Ar. Eugone. ... 9:30 a.m. Ar. Salem. (Salem only) ... 10:11a.m. ... 12:55 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 0:40 p.m. 8:10 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO COLLEC K (111(1 lias afternoon va cant. Wishes to teach and intorest children. Experienced. References. Phone 4H1W, nftornootw. 20 ACRES Nearly all under cultiva tion, 2(i miles from Salem, to trade for vacant lots or house. Prieo $2500. Will tako trade up to $1500. (. F. Helmet t, Salem, Oregon, Route 2. Boi 170. Novl6 HAIR If you will forswear the curling iron and follow the simple plan here sug gested, you -n ill be surprised beyond words to see not onlv the beautiful curl, but the soft fluffiness and lively l JUST ONE APPLICATION AND THE HAIRS VANISH (Toilet Talks.) Any wnniiin can keep her skin free from unxilghtlv hair or fuzz if sho will hairy growths appear, apply a simple pnstc, made by mixing some water wit.i powdered delatone. Apply this to hairy surface and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wuh the skin and the hairs are gone. This is a harmless treatment, but be sure vou get tho real delatone. lustre, your hair will acquire. The plan 'follow these simple instructions; When merely to apply to the hair werore re tiring, li little pure silmerine fin liquid form), using a clean tooth brush for the purpose. The most effective nay is to divide the hair into strands, moistening each of them separately from root to tip. The delightfull wavy effect in evi dence in the morning will suggest to any Btranger thnt your hair is " natural ly eurly." The effect will last a con siderable time and if you'll get a few ounces of liquid silmorine from your druggist you will have a supply for months. This, by tho way, will leave no sticky or greasy trace and cannot harm hs'ir or scalp in any way. The hnir will be quite manageable at all time, no matter how you do it up WANTED WANTED TO LEASE-Simill dairy ranch with stink and tools, migiit buy. Address W. C, care Journal. Nov 19 WANTED To correspond with some woman, also party wishes to corres pond with some respectable man. Won't you wriief Please send self- addressed envelop, E. M. L., Box 291, Corvallis Oregon. ov23 GOOD USED FURNITURE Bought, also taken in exchange for new. lull lino of new furniture, ranges, heat ers, and other house furnishings. Peetz Furniture Co., 233 North Com mercial street. OSTEOPATH DRH. B. II. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic, physicians nnd nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post L't-adiiate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases, Coiisulliilion free, Lady attendant. Office 505 500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence Kit) North Capital street. Phone 309, Lv. Sulem 4:35 a.m. 7:15 a.m. , 9:45a.m. , 11:20 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:37 p.m. 7:55 p.m. North Bound Train No. Ar. Portland 2 Owl ., 0 .... 10 Limited .... 12 .... .... 14 .... 10 Limited .... 29 . 0:55 a.m . 9:25 a.m 11:35 a.m 1 :35 p.m 4:00 p.m 5:50 p.m. 7:50 p.m. Lv. Corvallis. 4:10p.m. ... Lv. Eugene. 7:35 p.m. 1:50 p.m. 5:25 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 20. Lv. Salem. 4:25 p.m. . Lv. Sulem. 2:00 a.m. . 10:15 a.m. . Lv. Salem. 1:00 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 0:40 p.m. , 10 Limited , 10 Limited . . .... 22 . . . 2 Owl . . . South Bound . 11:25 p.m. . 1:55 a.m. Ar. Salem. . 5:37 p.m. Ar. Salem. , 9:45 a.m. .. 4:00 p.m. . 7:55 p.m. . 3:10 p.m. Ar. Albany. . 5:20 p.m. Ar. Eugone. 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugone. . 0:50 a.m. ,. 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany. 7 12:55 p.m. Stops at Corvallis. Ar. Eugene. 13 8:50 p.m. . 21 Owl 5 Limited Woodburn Local Daily Except Sundays. No. 04 Leaves Salem 3:40 p.m. No. 03 Arrives in Salem 3:25 p.m. CORVALLlTcONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Corvallis. 8:25 a.m. ... 12:12p.m. ... 2:32p.m. ... 4:10 p.m. 0:18 p.m. Lv. Salem. 10:15 a.m. . 4:25 p.m. 12:55 p.m. , 6:40 p.m. , 10 14 10. .... 20 .... 22 South Bound, 5 . .... 0 7 .... 13 Ar. Sulem. . 9:45 a.m. . 1:45 p.m. . 4:00 p.m. . 5:37 p.m. , 7:55 p.m. Ar. Corvallis. 10:11 a.m. 5:47 p.m. , 2:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 22 10:00 p.m, WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company. Steamers Pomona and Oregona leave Salem for Portland nnd way landings dnily except Sunday, nt 0 a. m. Journal Now Today Ada do- Hvor the goods. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Roal Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd It Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon CHIROPRACTOR !ce)c)ciic!(c Don't maKe junk of it, If use- ful try a Journal New Today. OR RENT. FOR RENT Cheap, modern furnished 6 room house, l'hone 1150J. 495 H. 17th. NovlO CONSULT DR. MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acute nnd chronic disorders. Has practiced six years in Oregon. Free consultation. Hours, 9 to 12, 1 to 0. 305-0-7 Hub bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phono, office 572; resilience, OKli-lt. DRY CLEANING PRESSING CLOTHES CLEANERS Pressers, re pairers and dyers. One triul will con vince you thnt our work and charges are right, ( leaning parlor open to 8 ?. m. Goods called for and delivered roe. phone 728. Apparel Service Co., 138 S. High street. DENTISTS DR. O. A. OLSON, DENTIST Administers Nitrous Oxid and Oxygen Gat Room 214. Phone 410. Masonio Temple. Salem, Ore. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Sons, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts lit reasonable rntes. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phono Main 2217. Residence Main 2272. UNDERTAKERS LEHMAN Si Cl.OUGH C, B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians nnd funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to tho profession employed. 415 Court slreiit. Main 120; Main 988. RKlDON-JilCllAHDSON CO. Funer al directors nnd undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 183. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial nud Trade streets For water service apply at office. Bills payublo monthly in advance L laiill I'll' inn n CATARRH or Ihn BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Krifb Can Bvil'lMiir Hie numa A 4 tfiiHtrrnf 'countfr frih 1 Skin of ieauiy is a Joy Forevi D B. T. FELIX GOl'RAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIEI: tri'rhW, M"tti I'itlclit-A. It mIi, Riut hkln IiMriLKim min i'Vry Uk-mbM mi taulr, th tltw iliiiM lion, 1 lilt luctl Its Ioai of ft) yi'iirt, Wif In u hurmlcM w Unit it IrtboHiirtll In rirlj irmi Acetyl nocomilrr frit Of ImllAI name. Dr 1- a Hiur mill to y of tint brtut t'n t rMirtit' "An 71-11 MIM will tiia tlKiiD I rflmmtt4 kin urirKKii." Kr "It 117 ill dritirtfUlt vAJMY Uooda li-Ufi lb Lb UK Ul HUt, Ufttiftdft U'l Kuro, IU& T.HDP11N3. Prop 37 Guil hm Slrnl HvTk as fSk L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS E, B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wlr Paints, Otis and Vamlshea. Roofing, PoBts, Hop Hooki. I 40 Years Making Stoves f Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Btoves bought and fold. 250 Court Street. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store.