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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1915)
THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 15, 1915. FIVE PROF. J. F. BARKER'S SYSTEM OF TEACHING SCORES BIG SUCCESS PI m M ('! El H m m n u u W 17 JQ o 7.1 Elk W A f FT W WT a 7 a ti n li li r. f fi'A. fl " f? U UU1I3 Hi n u n u u u u u M n si m ii a ga M B3 Si m m n m n -m ri m h n m m a ii sa n a n a m El n u u It ii Iii u 11 B n ki II IJ n p n N N II 11 11 U M ui r ta II M Pi 11 13 H U M H II M II n ti ii ii u 13 n 13 ii He We solicit your business. We as sure you that you will find here the best values to be had as our stock is complete, the wanted styles are on our floor the prices are the lowest, our tetms are very reasonable the assortment the largest ever offered in this city almost every kind and make can be had through the Valley Music House. Over twenty different makes on our floor at present. Many beautiful styles in new case work, from a fumed oak to the highest hand polished mahogany. If it is quality you want we have it in many makes of the old lines of instruments. 7 -a js, - - I-:, " .v , y . ' . . : . - ' ' ' V.- . '". ? , j i S ( J. I OPPORTUNE OFFERINGS In Pianos and Player Pianos of most all descriptions, that have been slightly used. Was $400 Now $225 THIS ONE A GENUUINE STEGER & SONS, was sold just one year ago by the manager of the Valley Music House for 385 cash, and has had ex cellent care, like new, fine tone, and a beautiful piano in burl walnut case. If you want a real quality piano you should see this one at once This beautiful Kohlor & Chase in an up to date ma hogany case was sold and used a short time by nice family right here in Salem, This is one of the high priced ones. Sells new for $425. This fine instrument can be had now for $205. Easy pay ments. Now you have been wanting a fine piano and did not feel able to buy. This is a chance for you and a buy you will never regret. This piano is worth three times as much as a cheap new one that can be bought for the same money. If you know nothing about the quality of a Piano, mrac the price you can afford to pay and we will give ycu the very best in cur shop for the amount you spend. And we will guarantee satisfaction or your money back. You take no chances when ycu buy on our exchange prop osition. Makes no difference the price you pay, if you buy a medium priced one you may use it one year, and if you are not perfectly satisfied, turn this instrument in on one of higher quality, get credit for all you have been out. If there is any way more satisfactory we would gladly adopt it. Was $650 370 j - , . ..... The cut above shows an exact like ness of the Piano. This instrument is fully warranted both the Player and the Piano. The Piano is built by Kohlcr & Campbell of New York. It has a full copper wrapped bass, solid metal back, bushed tuning pins, gen uine felt hanrimcrs. The Player is equipped with all the very latest de vices for operating. Thisis the buy you have been looking for in a fine self player. In Buying a Piano Keep This One Fact Before You That an Artist can take his brush and a bit of paint and hide a whole multitude of faults in a cheap piano, both on the out side and the interior, and the average buyer never detects these faults until it is too late. Under no circumstances do not buy a piano that you can buy new for $150, as ycu will surely throw your money away as there is not a legitimate riano built that can !,e sold retail for $159 that will stand ordinary usage. QUALITY Telephone 493 U IF Y-MI ISM C. P. HULL, Mgr. EASY Payments 264 N. Commercial St. ten e Valley Music House alt 264 North Commercial Street g faiys entire stock cf fine Pianos and Player Pianos. This large stock of fine instruments will, be thrown on the mar ket at prices almost unbelfevabic. Notwithstanding the extreme scarcity of uii such lines of fine instruments as this purchased of the Howard Piano House, and the higher prkes tSae manufacturers will have to pay in the near fu'ure for trie raw material iht go in such iashimests, we have ken able to secure for this sale this attrac tive ha of the world's oldest and best instants at prices that can't be duplicated again in rcany years, ad most positively, yea can't delicate tkia h Sfc. This lig line a!ded to the already large and up to drie Ike sold fey the Valley Music House, certainly sakss for the Valley Mask House one of the storngest lines of fcie LnstrimiCRts ever sold in Sakn. Jiist &ink, you seldoa see ssch a line sold olf of (me fiber k the larger cities 11 t'.;i.-:it:or.'' ! ytiMii fur pi iM:niy' irni on ur.o si. If ami ;i;it-vvr(- nil iln re f lis has liwn .li-viw.l ly .). linrkfr w'i. (in imi-Ii (-anl iii-e mcvoiiiI iiii-i Hi:..' riiv liiL-twi! as flu' liarktMiMM Inms in ail.iition iii tlio Mtiiiller mmi-i ( SvstiMH, iv wliirh n chil.l iix n: I'cis. with ilu hiiviis on the oilier I se'.en ears of ;ie, with seniveiy ; r'nie. V.iih t:.e I'mper i i.via ni' miia- Ii!.uw!! of It' I Uts, hiii It'll rn to real In'i.s in ItU nihil.' Hie elnhl .-oon le tl. ..,.,..,. .m- uttUiii tii-.i ., a i,r.,i'l..;.u,t : i.i;.;.... i...t ,.l y -li'oi.tUs, wilh only an lunir'4 study 'ah te.-.i t!u? iner,;al ni ithntet ie work, the! JJi'lay. aiwer i;, ttlwtivs toninl on the oilier; 2 Wii.lyiiist willi this system I'or five uh- of the si r 1 . This :yMein is n?e i m :i;iit!'s. its a I'li' .'iie iii of Mr. Itiir- in Miitini-tiu iiikI innlliilit'iiiiuii. Ki r. t.ivyiiu lla'e, the voting son el' V.' In pi.nt'by, tlui e:i i , fni is al-: Pi S. li tie, j;iiieriiiten'teiit of the (li'eur')n so ese.l. in tonne. -tittn w-ih ontiiite: UStnie 'rr.'iininf.' si-hoel, roi:rese'l fioni iiiaps with no i,aines tin it. ( 'oat i uen: :-. M 1 1 lit tiirt to ihe filth vra.lo ilnrint; tli- -tate-i. l ivers an, I t'itit.s are niMiI.ere.l , Vi Hiiiiii.t'i', aiol is now al'le to reiiil from lie rea-ls the nante, turns the r;;r,t otlt, j ,i.iiy ui v .ia;'er a ail in (lie renlnr m f lie naml'iT iiikI fiml.s it on the; jfcSi'hoot eourse is reioly for Ihe tilth aatp. For example, he re.uls ihe nan'i" 3 i'.milc. lii'si.U'K the mivaneo in rrnlilis' l!alt'intirt. miii'lifrcl. This nimilx'r in:' s:-i iiom the five netntiis stinly. tile hoy has the re'.erse siife. says, eomnieirial eil;. tjj i t;,lMi iirithmetie, i'nr;;liy, sieiliii'.: .Man tan. I, an, I tumi this nnnilier tin-; W nr.. I nil the rotukir I'nurth uraile ntnk. iiii I'in.N it on ihe niai. In the ear. I1 CJ In teii.Tiii! lett.litiL:, Mr. rMirker tiiiiyia:r of ,-,i aphy, n senlen.e i.-' e1. tin1 ptiMl ranis with wainls on starte.l on ota' ai.le anil rent nine. I on tine siile ami a pi. tar" on the reve. se. the r.- i-r.-e, i:t. :. it... " . i 'i'ii.. ..i.; i.i ...... vh.. ....i .. ,,.i,;...r ; ,i;.-t. .;..,.! I f?Mrai:is to i! s-ne i 1 1 the wonl wtth theitroai the pres. at I'erni of 11.'.; ra. I ion m JJjj '.i-le.rc a". I whip, at- j'-i '-im: a vo" i any wa .. It is an in,li i.hatl sys- J'iary, is eajeyiaj Itiinself wit a the ra r.s. , tern, the eli:!,l fein,; t'n'o lo progress as p'j . 'h:!,' the i a.- l na tion is pei -a.nal, yet j fa.-t let his al.; :i ; " ami ileitis: ly w ill p.a t2 .'ia-ses ihe -ii:l!riii are penei i to. I I .!:. All re.-italion.-' aie ma.le , oae1 T-l'ie.-itt' to ea-'h oilier frtiai the tanais. pu l to anota.'r an.i au' so eaa.inrte.P 'f This t"ir. t-VhU'iii of en oae si.le 1 1 Itt.i v.ltaf is p;. tse.l over must lie per- ait.t e.iiaespoii.l i a pi.-tnro oa tin' oil j ferity w.'l! ittiowa. j ! tor.t inae.l ih.'il the ehil.l has a f.iirl .Mr. i'-arker has tleiaonstral.'il with tuailiainry, when the saeitenee systeiajthe son nf Mr. Hale that nmler this t3 is Ittkt it tip. Iii '.his more n.r.un.-e a ! sys;(.a, a t hihl t .ta ionl:e nniisnal p'u-f-li, T ae ral-l sytani is a'so in Use. I :;i . s in n ;.in rt lime ami while work (ej.wiia wtit.h' on oae si. It' uatl pii-imss o:i r i ar;1 rral!- eajovs liia.ttelf. Til j was tiv.M hv Mr. Harkrr s.-v.M,-ii i mini-! yv.iis uo in A tiling. ( ';ililoini:i, ;:n I on thi I'larliiioanl, iiu tin1 lias tft inioiiiais from mijmiv ( 'alMurni.i : i ; I a t:v t : ; t - J r i n l;- of a i i i li iiid i t i t-arliiT uivt-s im! il iho imiiiln'r u:' i r'lin aliiis tcstil 111 as lo thr i'a cnal T.:!imil Min 1 1 1 mm i at ni:-; uki niuiiun. I In1 i-tiiU M'd'i li'iiniH lo aisorinU any ffi iiiitiiinr on i!u? l.naril hy tlii' small .slid. Jj in his i.aiiii. lien 'ho work ri'ai'l'u-s pii ; ifii, Uio.u' aio liuiniil in a litiiiille, ainl K.Jtrt1"! as that inimlti-i' in rouiitinir. In Wj.i'l this work, the .-liil.l lia'.hau.l Willay tt tlip small sticks, thus Invonihij; jt'J ! li'miliar with numlit'is as shown on tin Mjlioanl. 1 1 fu.vt rat i ti y; the mimhcr 1 I, the t2;c!'il aas osi" biuiillo of ton stiik---1 it-itiuil, aint tho four sfparato sti--k. Kli'i'ho iloa of quantity is alwaya in the g I chiia 's niiii.l. ! In lom-hiu a.ltlition or huIiI met ion. J the ciiitl systoni is usotl, with the ro!v n H ' H - i ! u If. ':.;. i, ' o a , ' II.'.- ''-'1 wi ly. i -' : 19 ret.alts ol.lniae.!. ftoal llsin his plan. Wrifiiii.' to Mr. I lurk or from the Snal l-'ram-isfo Mate Ntnnial si iiool, l-'ttaler t iek Unrk snys: " We liina hoen nsio yanir t arils an.i nr. ' it :: ! I v your system in the tent hini:' "f roml'inn for three months. Wo are! extremely well sat'isfietl with the re-' suits r o till'. " I ilther test iinoaiiils refer In tilt1 rnpiil progress maile liy jiriniary pupils atiil their pleasure in this system of sillily. -Mr. Harker lives at hi Fronl street aiol t'Xieets to open n free tleiuonst ra tion sehool within a short time for li c year el. I ehililieii. Though Born In Slavery Colored Leader s Death Causes World-wide Grief Tiislioceo, A In., Nov. 15. l'ulilie mi iiounreinent of the dclnils of funernl serviees of Dr. Hnukor T. Washington, iiejrro loinlor, mid etlueutoi' who diet! here yesterilny, probulily will lie nintle ttnliiy. MesKiiyes of contlolcui'p to Washing ton's wi.lotv totlny showeil the ilepth to wliieh the ncftrocH of tlic south have heen stirred ley his dentil. Althoimli WnrhiiiKtoii hud liecu ill for soine time, it was only last week that his condition lieetune serious nud his demise ennit' lis J n - surprise. ! I)r. Wnshiacton ornntiized nud enn jdui'tcil the Tuske(,'ee rndusfr.ial sehool j for Negroes sinee 1HK. He wus Inon j in slavery ut lliiles Ford, Vn., in KV, or )s,,s. lis' tii;' Alleged Po1yga.Tjst Marries roriiaiid Girl l'..tiitii.l, Ore., Nov. I.". - (' uith i.ii;iiuv, 1,'oliert S. hif i haner. 3enif. frcm "Caniicn" Goraldtuo '!"'' ;!:!- ''.'"';""'' , ul11"'1''1.' " ' ! m, at the Grand Tuesday, Wedncs- " ' '!" 'M ' !','. ... " !' 2; j. ..,,1 ip!,,., l"t;e t. he nianied Alias I'-leiumr Me rt i jj ' c t- 'fi -: : !::' A PEIZE ANGOEA. irj I ! - - g ! Sun Fran. i-. ,,, v la Dodo J4 .:fi an aii'jorn on ehil.iti.a at; the PXI.ii.-itiiin has I., t n i lipped, llts f liair wi,s hi loair that il laid Iii I"" M ,:jc .' II U : let! n A J3 at Iii n aw Coat is the most comfortable Ui'i'mciit a man can on. It's equally Rood for protection from the cohi and from the. wet. ri.vablc, warm, easy to Mip on, free to walk in no wonder they are pt pnlar ;;uvnients. We show them in all the ilesirablo patterns and at: prices from $.") to ."?lt. Also Boys' Maeki- naw-s, 11AMH9NDBISU!)? CO. Leadi.njj Clothiers Tho Top-ery 1U7 C'om'l at. ALWAYS THE BEST PICTUESS Ye Liberty Theatre I'INAL Ari'EARAKCa TODAY Oi' IRENE FEOCK Tho F.roadwiiy Eo'do who til's ciqitnred Salom'o he.ut, in the ttreaij play oi' Modern Life THE SFENDTMIFF Bis Doublo Bill Tomorrow ARNOLD DALY In a Stirring Detective Story. THE MENACE CF THE MUTE Get-Rich Quick Wallingford In tho Latest Adventuro "A TRAP FOR TRAPP" 5c Always 10c done in l.titi.N I. lid tilt II tiler !!'! ivorth wii.t some I 17, of I'orihin.l, while l,.i- llll.l i'.'i.l'feil it i l'f in I ,om A II"! Its, ! I he ii. diee miv Hint , is. M hum,. I iniliiiii, wh'.iii Stdiit'l hnner is ;:l. .;i .l ttl lt;i". .tdniiled iitatlv id one time told Miss .le.llislnl' oi' hi.-l i:i.-l his tnty. t-'.-iiifl l.iiii.r n:is trneed I hr.-n-h te'i :;i;iiiis .. ut to Mrs. SihiiMiii; wii-'Ii 'he 1 1 rtn il titer to the nil I hnl i 1 ii-s. .Mis;. M - lii- t.i Mtt.rc I" I he u :il : .ml i'.ii s,,:ii Thnner's niiest. ; :i jj : : i'ji j!; ii :': :: :': ;': ;': Yen "to pyiii;,' for news in t!;i Journal, not irirc:!. TJALVATION HOTiPIKftS AT Tl; s. M' :. . W" : i -It.. N.,v. I j, lien lit ' I:. '.Ih. ,.f I'.e u K -, t i . . tl ,te, li.-n- I,-. I,. 1 1. e,.n le; .'It. .' u i 1 h l ii I nf'..' oi l i.'.'l". He. len d Ihnt I "i.M'nl lit. l.t : ' ' t' hi' i- i.1.';'!' it 'It .t in It 1 01 ' Il ' I ' tie I'!..' ill litt...e, : Mi' . I'i.h si,l. h. re Stii ih.e. NT THE GRAND TODAY Billy Rice Musical Comedy Company 5-- KEELS PICTURES 3 10c AND ice. DEATH OF MRS. IIILOEW, l.nsl Mini, lay ni(;ht ottiirred ho death of Mr.t. Ili-niy II ilen, inoi her of Mrs. 11. Tunlsi'ii of llnl'linrd. rSin tailed tery i.' the .a.t. three wools, , loath lieimt due o a ulrohe ,,1' I .a i a 1 1 s i ... Mrs. Ililiien an, ,r I1IH. hand hae heen joatin their htoiio at, Ihe Alii'iiheini home easl of I'orllan.) Hi. I ll nas t here thai Mrs, II : I ; . M .'is,.,I !.;. Mr. I'aiilui an. Mr. 'li0 re iiiine.l to lliilil.itrd We,iii"-,;iv niorn ii'!., H e i"!y of Mis. Ilil;;, 'will m Miti I'l iday ilium i fi"')i I'orl land ''I ii M'l". ' will !' held at. llni M . . Il . 1 i t i ll.'l, '' i,;iV if,, ni ii i n t - " VI.t!, e lilt-led hy 1,'ee, llms-, e ' ni' the I in man I ,a 1 h.'i a n elion-li tn nl in Hi, I, her, I ,'eni..l..',-. M,H. li; en was horn April I, Is:;.-, -'ll. her S, l!l."l. -I I ll ,1,1 l,t llllte!- BaaBcansaasannaLsnaaaEEESEsnaaBananaaoanaaasssHSBnEa & i BimaraM?sm''JfiLiEiKiaasB The Home of Paramount Pictures TOMORROW, WEDM2SDAY and TUUUSDAY who is A yood Ki.enher if VnHf ri.Mo;AN FORM EDUCATIONAL CLUB oeetetl to ho Kfeiired for every meet- Hia.i VUUaijf Vlli lOllait MEN OF INDEPENDENCE Tndependeneo, Or., Nov. lo A Vi''n s club man heen I'lirniod here, the iihjei:t f which in educiitioiiiil. Jt ia in no eoiise u iiolitienl ornaiiiziition, A pro- niK. APPLE TREE IN ELOOII Endeavor Convention Closed With Election j the Marion munly Ho.deiiey strive to iu. j crcnwi tli.'ii' irieiiihersliii in the j)'iiii;ii no wilting utj.:etl in nntional I torli. : rlii' Mnnon ( 'mint v ' thrift inn Kn- rliwil it HCVHi'lll UNION3 riOIIT THEATRE DiiIIiih: Or., Nov. la. M. I)iliV of """""''l'""""""''-"" t.. ..' ...,.i.. , ;,, n .i '. io.i.ii.ii mi oniiuiwru nr t nr r .11 " 1 11 in rii 11. 1.1 fin i i"17 " 1 11 ' mii m ' u 11 i-11 1 11 111 ritincti itn hi'smiiiii 1. . . , . ... . - Joth eliiiinnn.i', 10, Tripp. "Itillv" Idonni. 'The tree did not Idootit IiikI Sntiirdny cveninrj with the elc'tion of! ' w- "V. 1:..- uc.'Iuik. of JIoaIiuiiis, li. rower and G. ('. ltirehet. KprinK when other tie.'H in tho (irehnrd ('. .;. )',,VVell, of Woodlnirn, huh pn-ni-1 tr ''' -'tit over the employment Jloetiims 'will he held every two weekn , were lining ho. Mr. Iiiuhy 1iiiK'8 to he dent, ond the fnllowinj of fiitcm: Viee-j"f 'i"""""'" employes of the llelin the- on Tiii'Hiluv nights, eoinnieneintt Ht aide to hiirveitt, enriy Hpriiig appien pr,,ident, Kvii llo(rne, Snlem: reeortliii); . mr to oi(;iinizeii In o'cloek nud elusinjr nt 8, rej;nrilleK8 oiiirom iiiik ireiut ireu. ERALBME FAR in man i s.'fi'i'llll V list her ( I rem inidu Snlem' ...r. Ijl,r. reKiiondiiii; Meeictnry, Itir'lene MeKin- netion followed tho eiilliiiu (ml; nev, Snlem; trciiKiirer. llnrold Kukin.l"" ,h0 n H"i'' ', who htrnelt curly in . . '. ' ' ' ; i l.n 1. .. it l. t. . ,i i. - ... t . . , Mi torn, CARMEN OREGON - - -TOPAY 3 ACTS EMPRESS VAUDEVILLE The Big LaughlShow Adults 25c Children 15c The iifleritoon Besflon won held in the Fi rst. ('oii(;i'i'(iitioiiiil cliureh, Tile (ite. tion host lironyht up mniiy plumed of the Christinii lilt. leaver work. licv. Jiuiii'H Klvin wh the Hpeuker of the nftoriioon, dineiiKfiiiK " ffii ieiiey," in whieli ho do elured that niiisinesit niethinU were just tin iioi't'sniry i" Kndtnvor work, iii in the liiihine.tH world. With li. K. Feike n tonntniimtor, a hnnipmt wim held nt the I'reKliyterinn ehiireli, FnllowiiiK tho udoption of n poimtitntion nnd tho elertion of officer Ihe llieetinK Vti nililrrxHeil hv K. K. Feike, stnto jireKiiletit of the (,'hrintinn Kndenvor. Henolutioiu were pnniied urging that urn ween nun mo oilier tlirentririil etn- jtloveH, but returned to work pendini; iimtriietionH from their interniitiomil or gutiUiition. m i I fC3cctcct( cIfeceKfelk' K ' WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AGIO TODAY The flertnn.n offem-ive nouth ', of Ypres fi;llet. I'nfiivornlilo I )(( wenther retnrdetl the flcriiinii H 1 K ndvnuee in Flnmlern, Tho Him- I lie mill li M mlvmiefiil iirrii'tii (fitviinl lie I - "tt T- tho fnrputhinim, . PUODUCEI) I5Y JESSK L. LASKY FEATURE PLAY COMPANY t This great feature opened to 20,000 paid admis sion at an average of 25 cents the first day at The Strand Theatre, New York. One week at the People's Theatre, Portland, ad mission 15c. FOR THE THREE DAYS' ENGAGEMENT OUR PRICE TO YOU MATINEE 10 CENTS. EVENING 15 CENTS s MIIIIMIMMMIMMIIWB f.i'OOiT ANCEk BKA13 ATB,NVT V-... i n;re ..IK;.-, .M'.miiI An;;"1, "I''. .'.-.t. li. Ill .in ii. I ere-. t in;, Mii-ioi ihe tl I ,lii;,'l I'ollt lentil defeal".! the Vlhai.v i t,!h"je at loiithall l'H lo ) ' i Tin was replele will, seii...,i;i,,iial pints, Sohler and Ita .1 n-!.'. i' i ii-li n off Ioiiij- ie. rnint and I';i.,.di ai fiiHI a. k piotiii'4 Ihe si.-llar phiitjier for the hiials. -,r Allniuv -i I'len.'h played ll li. aillll'ul Mini'i', liin I- i -It fioio pliii i'ini'iil heini; pel feet. I'llllltit. It (llin.r alv,, f.iveie.l hi'i'.i It' wilh t;hoy, ol len lodii throii.;h the line for hi); ;nin.. .Mount AhoI'm shilis, passim nii.l oprii plays had tho un-iiter hots (.messing. Allinnv phiyeil II fine eonsisleill (.'llnill while the pfav!ii; of tin' hnal teiiiu tt;iM uiiineil hv niaiiv eoslly rnnilden, - M i $J.Hl)0 DAMAGE SUIT FILED. llltli'pi'll.lellei), ()r., XoV. 1.". A. Xel son nnd wife, of thix plnee, nlo n.n.lo tlefi inhiiils ill mi irlsilit diiiiiiio unit, hioii-hl hy In A. 1 1 oil ' i't)o It , of Mon mouth. The n.'li.ill is tho result of ail ;i oi i tie ii I nhieli ot't'iirretl on Oetohor I, ttlieii llarty Nelson, minor mh of Mr. an, I I'olliili'tl with Mr, I ttdlirooli, who nud Mrs. Nelson, wan ilrivln' nil null) itus riding in n Imyty on tlm roiul lie tweeii I iitlepi'iiili'iiee nml Monuioeth, I'liusin peiHonnl injuries to Mr. Hoi lirtioh, and the tleiith of his hoise, ."ie :k k k Suhseriho for the Capital Jottninl. All now, no cou- tot'ta. .):): .t :e jk !((;)((() T