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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. IS, 1915. THREE STATE TAX ILL ARE rHaa,j "p jj.' . K gilify - : I ABSOLUTELY j VjMff f ABSOLUTELY j IpT 5 l s4 :: ip 15 "E 17 I ; County Assessors In Nearly All Counties Decrease Their Estimates This Superb $75.00 "FAVORITE"' Range Friday? December 24th, ai 2 p. m. Call and See It and Learn Particulars, or Telephone 172 1 SALEM HARDWARE CO. 120 North Commercial Street Telephone 172 The assessed valuation of the propor ty of, tliis state, exclusive of tiio cor porations which nrc assessed by the slate tax commission, for 1P15 is .fsl, 5I(I,(H0 which is in,-tl(i,j:m less than the assessed valuation of .fsi',- u22,8"il. Tho total ilecrease, however, is in realty over if 1 7,U00,uiMI as $ii,(i:il, 455 was added to the 1 SI 1 " tax roll in Douglas county which was not on in t when the I). k C. congressional lands were reiilaceil on the roll lor this last year. Jn Marion county the ilecrease is fiisS,7iii) or the difference between the Hil l valuation of U7,.Ss.STJ5 and the 11M5 vnluntion of !f:t7,l!itl,nti"). In Multnomah county the decrease was the largest of any of the counties as the vnluulion'declined from rf".!!l7,(IH5,555 in Ulll to .2-ii,sss.2.",,"i in 11115. Jefferson county, which was cut off from Crook county Had no assessment in 1!H t as a county anil the decrease in Crook coun ty iH due to the reduction of territory. The full. list follows: linker if s, 1 S.IOO.H 10.00 lieiitou 1 I.212.710.IU) Clnckama .. 2 OlfM.'.'Mi'.im 2 1.2 I2,2du.(i(l chiisoi .... ni.ii;;o,:iiiL'.oo Columbia .. 1 i..'i7;t. b'n ' Coos U 1.211.1, 1 lin.iU) Crook 1.0.1(12, 7: .00 Cerrv lionglas ....s2".!!i 1 .1 lo.oo (lilliani (i, Mil, 22il. till (limit 0,27h,s l.Hll Harney 7.77i,!l7i.iM II 1 'River K.iil().2l5.iiu 32,:!i!ii, IOO.iiii WHY IT SUCCEEDS STAYMMS Eocause It's For. One Thing Only and Miss Katie Shelley is home from Salem People Appreciate This. uldport, wiere she lias been teaching Nothing can be good for everything. I school. Sho will remain hero for an Doing one thing well brings success, extended visit with home folks. Doan's Kidnev Pills are for onol Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Siegmund had ns thine onlv ' tneir guests over tne week end, w. ii I For weak or disordered kidneys. Here is Saleiu evidence to prove their worth. John I. Conger, prop, printing shop, 8-15 X. 17th St., Salem, says: "My back got, weak and sore and my kid neys did not net as they should. At times I could hardly straighten. Know ing about Doan's Kidney Pills, I used them nml they gave me relief from the first. It took Doan's Kidney Pills only a short time to rid ine of kidney trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy got Doan's Kidney Pills the snme that Mr. Conger had. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Boatload of Survivors Not Accounted For London, Nov. 15. What happened to ono boatload of survivors of the Italian steamship Bosnia, torpedoed by an Aus trian submarine, was still in doubt here today. Homo reports said that three of tho lifeboats had been accounted for, but there were fears for tho fourth. 'Announcement of the sinking yesterday did not stnto tho location, but it was presumably in tho Mediterranean, Tho Bosnia is the third victim of the Austrian undersea boats. To officials hero it nnpenred that Austria has opened a definite subma rine campaign against Ilalv followed up Siegmund, of Salem, nml Mrs. J. M. English and daughter, Mildred, of Hap py Hollow. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lathy mil daugh ter, Z o 1 in a , of Stayton, woro Sunday visitors at tho K. G. Siegmund home. Mr. and Mrs. Siegmund accompanied them homo and on Monday went to Sa lem whore they will bo the guests of relatives for a week or ten days. J. W. Apple was a Standard visitor Thursday ou his way to Salem to visit his family. Mr. Apple and nephew, Algio Moss, will conduct the farm while Mrs. Apple resides in Salem, giv ing the girls tho benefit of the city schools. Dan Doll and wife entertained a party of friends nt dinner on Sunday, in honor of their fourth wedding anni versary. Those present were: John Kerber and wife, John Thoma and wife, Master Leonard nnd little Miss Adeline Thonin, Miss Mary Frank, Miss Mario Ileukcl and Frank Kerber. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. Dare Sloper re turned the first of tho week from their honey moon trip to the exposition anl have since been receiving tho honrty congratulations of their many friends. They report a vory pleasant trip and enjoyed tho exposition and visited the V. S. mint, where Mr. Slojier bud the privilege of a lift on a brick of pure Chinese gold weighing nearly 150 pounds. Hon. W. II. Hobson tells us that tho latest reports from his daughters who are receiving medical attention in Port- Innd are to the effect that Mrs. Peery, hy tho campaign of "frightfulness," in of H,,io who ,erwellt 8nvl,re 0.l(tr. phicn her ally Germany indulged torltion for atoinn.-li trouble is gottiiin along moo h Uncle Sam knows a pooa tnin Ah v.-. i - a m ;ur r Perfection Oil Heater Tent3 in the Model Camp, U. S. Marine Corps, P. P. I. E., San Fran- , cisco, 1915, are equipped with Per fection Oil Heaters. Smokeles3 and odorless. Dealers everywhere. For lal rcrulls use Pearl Oil Standard Oil Company (CalifornioJ Falcin AAAAAAAAAAA $$::$$$ $$!:: : dTsdtaocmYc; i TELEGRAPHIC TABLOIDS $ )c ! It is an unusual thing for a druggist! Portland, Or., Nov. 1.". C. V, Miller, to sell incdicino under a guarantee toi"ged oil, a prominent attorney and or refund tho money if it does not cure. ! ganizer of the Mount'JIood Kuilroad Yet this is the way Daninl J. Fry, the ! ni'aiiy, died today alter an illness of popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, the! J'' 'nths. ' standard dyspepsia remedy. Never beforo has he had so large a!,,,8"" I';l.,!t,1 i('y, , 1'tah, Nov. 1,'. number of customors tell him that a IV . ,'-vs " Kiverside, Idaho, medicine has been successful as with!,.l,c'1 '""J' ,0' ",y 01 sustained Mi-o-na. People who a few months ago;'" "V.,?'"0,,,,lcl, tm,tty looked like walking skeletons have put ' Vm,,in , 'i ? " ,?.,;:a,1,"!I"? n fl.,.1, o,i i,n,r , i,i ,i ( aotoinia, inachinist wits killed out- -..v...., ...v...., ... j w nirht health. Thoro is no longer any need for any 115. Aceom- Seattle, VCusU, Xov luviu 10 I1V, 1UIIKU1 HIIV Ili:fll lOl uu V-1 , i i, ,i , , ., . suffer on account of dysjM'psin. Mi-o-ua can niwnys Do rcneu upon. The per centage of cures is so great that there is little risk to Daniel J. Pry in guar anteeing to return tho money if tho medicine does not relieve. And he stands ready to do so without any ques tions. Headaches, all forms of indigestion, specks beforo the eyes, dizzy feeling, poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all forms of liver trouble are helped by Mi-o-ua. A few days' treatment should show considerable gain in hcnlth while a complete cure often follows rapidly. Thoso days are the best in the whole year for the enjoyment of good health, and Mi-o-na will put you in such perfect condition that you can enjoy every minuto of them. nicely, and will bo able to return home beforo long. Mrs. Piutler is also get ting along vory favorably. Dr. Pintler is with her, and as ho has a competent dentist in charge of his work here, will probably bo gono until liis wife is able to return with him. ) j pnriy or iinour, J.os Angeles today where, on Thursday an Friday the coast titles will bo set tled. San Francisco, Nov. 15. Mrs. Grace Trimble was killed and eight other persons wero injured in Sunday auto mobile accidents in tho San Francisco bay district. Buttlo Creek, Mich., Nov. 15 Walter dark, internationally famous as a breeder of race horses, committed sui cido hero today. Spokane, Wash., Nov. J5. Michael M. Cowley, pioneer merchant,' and banker and one of Spokuue's first set tlers is dead here toilny of pneumonia. Two daughters, Mis. .). F. liedily, of Medl'ord and Mrs. James Smith, Spo kane, Inrviv.'. Cowley was rejuiteil very wealthy. .laclison . Jefferson Josephine KhlMllltll bake Lane , Lincoln Linn .Malheur . Million ... Morrow !).:i25.ll"i.Oi 1."i,",'i!I,s7!,iio 0. 1'J'-'.X'.VM :i."i.7s-;,i2ii.oo !M:i(i. 17voo 2iio0, 0.7 1 l.o."ii.on :!7 ss, no H.iW5.."i:i." Mnltnonuiu 207.o:;5,: ..(CI I'oili Sherman Tillamook Umatilla I'nion Wallowa Wasco Wash. - Wheeler . Vamhill 12.PiO.I!lo,ini Ii.2l7,ilii0.ll ..'o.ii'.i:i,:iio.iio .. :i7,iiu7,:i.jii.oo I5,so4.:i:io.0o ....11, 1 s i. .... I2.ii0!l,li!i0.00 111,7 12,010.00 .... 4,(120.110.00 .... l.",220,020.00 is.liss, 1 02.00 15.iiS7.!ll.'.j.OO 2o,."i7M.(;77.0ll 7,."m2,s!I,".0( l.M. "1,07(1. 00 I 27.1)22. Sli.'.tiO ! (i.SIS.-IIKI.lit Ii, to7.2r0.00 .N.i:u,sii:i.oii S.lfit.lOO.OO 2MI 1, llid.l'd :!. 707. 1110.00 s,(ioi;,."2o.oOi M.)oii.7(il.00 !i.:ilii,:!o:i.oo r,.:i.-,:',,(i-io.oo: !I. I22,!IS0.00 ; 2l).071,'iOO.OO' n,!i:'.:i,7:'.o.'io 1 117.1 !IO,5(i."i.()0 O.7;tl,72!l.oo IMvSSS..M.Ii.i 12.70 I.I 10.0.1 ii.257,o4n,no 2o,"i."ti 117, S711. Too. i'0 ' Hi. n07. Oi'i. I-11 lo,S2',ii5.'i.oo 12"74,5.'iO.O(! 111.405. MUI.OH , l.l.'rl.lillt.OO v Two (lisztiiscdTinkcrton detectivos Loofni" it after that 7th point. Of course, you'll know better. Point 7 is in the gum. No one am disguise that fact. 1- Crowded villi flavor 4 Sterling purity 2- Velvely liody-NO GRIT 5-From a daylight factory 3- Crunible-proof 6-Uutouched by Lands r''Wi''..Trv'iv.riim-jKx-wt;i' 3 E:i-('r-v mmmmmmm The- point um PEPPERMINT - RED WRAPPER CINNAMON -BLUE V.'P'.APPES Suitable rewards for the discovery of iic 7;i point will he offered later. 15,257,:i47.0O S22.H22, S70.K I M2,5lii.(il(l..'l l " Does not include 0. Jc .'. Cungres- j siomal lands. , AURORA HOP NEWS The Fred Dental lot of U bnles is reported sold to Chns. Werner at 11 cents; the J. C. Murphy lot of 0" luiles at St. Paul to Hay at 10 rents; the Ernest Werner lot of 51 bales lit Needy to Livcsley at 10 cents and the Jackson Drothers lot to Felix Isaacson at 8 1-2 cents. First Bill For District . Registrars Comes In To CountyClerk The fact that every rose lias a tliorn us well ns an odor and that, very new eniinly or state office created has n small fee attached no matter how in significant, the office, was brought out this morning when the state hoard of health sent in a bill for $2.'1.25 In the county clerk for pnvnient. The bill represents the fees for the registration of births and deaths in this county ince the new law went into effect renting district registrars. Tho county health officer in past "cars has been obliged to register the births and deaths as part, of the regu !:.'. duties of his office nnd ho made no cliiii'g'e for the registration and only re ceived fees for actual work done on professional calls nnd inspections, The last legislature divided tho county in to districts and appointed a district registrar in each district who receives the reports from the doctors who form-! eilv reported to the county physician. The district, registrar is allowed 25 cents each for registering births nnd deaths and makes his report, direct to the state board of health and the coun ty pays tho bill. ;) jjc ! DYING OF THIRST ON MARS ASTRONOMER ;J; ;U Seattle, Wash., Nov. 15 Pity the poor people of Mars, who are dying of thirst! So ex- claimed Professor S. L. liootu- royd, head of tho department of jistrononiy, in a lecture Sunday, je " " Mais," ho declared, "is ev- idently an old planet and its water is fast disappearing. Let us think with pity of tho pen- ' pie, perhaps like ourselves, who are trying desperately to con- serve the moisture Unit, they may live. Sad it seems, that we cannot, stretch out a helping hand." $$!ci: HOBO PASSES BAD CHECKS 40 Los Angeles, Cal Nov. 15. Mrs. Al bert, N. Warren, of San Pe.dro, held to dav on n charge of shooting iier hus band to death during a quarrel, de clined today she killed tho man ucci dentallv. Mu-f ired her revolver, sho young folks' ""i'l, "euro him. The bullet wounded gathered at the Nick Neitling home on Sunday ovening, November 7th and gave them a pleasant surprise. The evening was spent in dancing nnd card playing until a late hour. At midnight refreshments wero served. Those pres ent wero Misses Winnie Wanner, ('nice llottinger, Helen Frrres, Lucilu Phil-, witutow in a clot lung house nearby was , i . . ... i , i i i . i . i him fatally. Los Angeles, Cnl., Nov. 15. F.nriipie Ruiz looked loo fat to Patrolman II. Ausley. So Onsley investigated Kn riipie. lie found LurlipiM was wearing 12 shirts and two sweaters. A show Felix Isaacson bought the follow ing this week for the Wolf Hop com pany: .The Dunning lot of 12 bnles nt St. Paul at 10 1-2 cents; the J. A. Orn duff lot of 72 bales lit Newberg, the J. A. Hurnson lot of 5f bnles lit. New nml tho Will. Si'huck lot lit Nowhere, till nt 10 cents to 10 1-2 1 cents. ! Among the hop sales reported this week uro tho following local trans actions: Christner & Kynston, 11 bales, at U cents; Herb Johnson, 04 : i,i..u nt (i pimiK! T. .T. limit. Wood- burn, 21 bales at, it ts; and HIX bales from dealers, all to Henry L. Bents. Edward ,T. Davis was the second hobo to enjoy the hospitality of the . city in the new Hotel de flarrett. Davis was brought from Portland Tues day night by Marshal Garrett, having been nrrested Tuesday morning nt the request of tho Aurora city miirshal np upon a charge of forgery. Davis, who had been working for H. II. Hurst sev eral days, passed two spurious checks for small amounts late .Monday night, Louis Webert having cashed one ami Mrs, Hutchinson of the New Aurora hotel, another. Davis wrote the checks and signed the name of W..S. Hurst &. Co. to them. After getting the checks cashed Davis stole an overcoat belong ing to Henry Blosser nnd went to Har low where the next morning ho board ed the Siivertou local for Port In ml, where he rnn into the arms of the police ns he stopped from tho train. He con fessed to the police that ho was tho mW they wanted. Aurora Observer. ik Tell your neighbor of the sat isfaction of reading the Cap ital Journal. Purchases of li)15 hops announced by McNoff Pros., Saturday included 180 bales of the Shadbolt, crop, (!(! bales from J. J. 'Miller nnd 175 bulei from Ward Bros. The price is under stood to have been Id 1-2 cents All were Bold ut Yakima. Observer. AURORA CORN SHOW lips, Lena Hasl, Fslher Willing, Kate Sciultidiein, (leneviove Phillips, Hosa llnsl, Aliiry ('renter, Anna Neilling, Minnie Shawler and Frances Neitling, Mrs. Jasper Phillips, Frances Hughes, Mrs. Nick Neitling, Messrs' John dieb ler, Sylvester Wourms, Carl Schulte- broken. Jiiil for Lnriiiue. KEBEKAH DAY AT AURORA The eighth anioiiil convention of the HebeknliH of District No. -I. met here Inst Fiiilnv. I'nsl V , . I , I , . c,,i, I s: ,i, bein, Anton, (leorge ( lirjs nnd Mikc K. JK. was chaiiniliu. Dinner was .',"' , , . v '",' ' 'T'. r""ml'MH,n''"1 f " '. "'"1 'I'" ''omen- liill Jiusl, John Neillni" ( hns ( reiner, ! (j,,n opened at 1 p. m. Frank Dan!, Vinco liit.iiig'T, Hen Hasl,! i i vi ,i,.i:, ti. ...1.1 Theodore Freres, Jake Hafuer, fiyles Wagner, Casper Cromer, J. Freres, Nick Neitling and Frank Hasl. Standard. To Cure a Cold in -One Dav Tal,e I.AXATI Vt; JiltOMi) (.if IX INK Tablets, llriigi'ls rcfiiiid if it tail, to cure. K. W. (iU()VK-s'hiim-tore is on eai li how 2"e'. OLDEST ENGINEER DIES, welcome and NMer Ida Knight ic sponded. Among the features of the proginin was rending by .Mrs. Anna ll"inz, a recitntieii by Mary stenait, and nn address bv t he" prciiieut of (lie Itcbekiih nsMonhlv of (Ircg.m, Mrs. Koi-c K, I'n line', of Baker. I Among the rjinid ol'fiorH present mmis Mis. I.,'i! K. I'nlber, pi" -nidi-lit of i (lie assembly: Mis. Clmrli.Ho W.h .1 I mail, past uoblo grniid, of Port In ad : I Mrs. Oswald. imhuI chniilnin: and Tin'oiiia, Wiisii., Nov. 15. Wind was Tlioinns Hiche's. of Sllveilou. Nearly 2oo niembeis were jin-seut, in i'Iii'Iiih; iibioit 50 from Ciiaby, ,'!0 fnmi Snh'i.i, 10 1'iniu Silverton, and many others, from other lodges. 'fie' Cnnby ilegice team won the cup flout (heir Tallin opponent:! by a sili;.;le point, the wink ', moth teiiius being fine. i'li" next con ciilion will be held in i,o--sibly in .Inne. Mis. M. J. received here today fiom South Lend of the death thcie yesterday from heart I n i I ii ic of .lames Foster known ns th o!ilc.-t loeotnot ; o enoinei r in point ot , service on the Noil In, u Pacific mil road. !,ter, u!io uns 52 years, was well known in the northwest and lit one time was prominent in Titcoiun pnl'l ii-s, ; lln hud been hi llie employ of tho tail-! past live or ,,,) Man farmers have exhibited fine collections of corn at the Mt. Angel, St Paul nnd Auinsville corn shows, and there is every prospect, of n similar successful show here on Novem ber 22, 211, 2 1. The prizes offered are liberal enough to repay the exhibitors, though ilesig I more us 11 murk ot the community 's appreciation of the . . ,, .1... .' !i ,., 01111O i oe 1 el 1 011 s 01 1110 j " 1 ftlie extension of coin culture, mid i ,,.;,!, ,ti, Ik- to reimburse him for his trouble in" limiting a" exhibit. Put 1 the leal pin pose of the show and the accompanying J-ariocis ju-uiou-to mako' them a common meeting point where farmers 'an get tho bene fit of eii'di others expel iencis, as well ns the benefit of the i 11 lei unit ion nml instruction given by Hie npcaliot ra from Hi" Agiicullmnl college, ami by thn county ugi'i'-iiit'iriM. While there is ev'eiy ,ioliiibility of a good display nt the coin show, nil i"in grov.e'is, of this so, -'don of both Mill ion I ho nt ure most eoi-dially mg'-'l ' at'1 nd II"' in-.ti1.ifi! and to loin:; in nn exhibit ,,r the coin slnnv. n'ti l.'iovving hnii only just. In gnu in Hiis s i' iniiy, ,.,.,1 ,,i,c' le'lV iil'VO i 11 t tlie collection tlinl V.'H i'1 I 1 i - -. Itiing in tli" ioiii! U. of 0. vs. 0. A. C. CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL AT EUGENE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20TI1 $2.80 ROUND-TRIP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY RETURN LIMIT MONDAY GOOD ON ALL REGULAR AND SPECIAL TRAINS Oregon Electric Railway The Greatest Oame of tho Year. Both Tennis in Championsliip Form. U. of 0. Uome-Comiiig Friday ami Saturday-Alumni and Student Bullion, Taradcs and Bon Fires, Friday Evening. Special Train Saturday Leave Salem 0:15 A. M,, arrive Eukoiio 12:00 M. Return after enine. Rsf;ular Daily Trains Leave Salom, 7:10, ,; 10:10 A. M., l:"5, "C:-I0 P. M. f Re,'iiliK leave Eunone7::;5, 1.1:1 i A. M., ''1:50, 5:25 P. M., 12:05 mid- nldlit, "Limited tialnn. t Oregon Clectric Railway Details furnished at Station or by phone. J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, 6 V i f - Ob- Always Watch This Ad" 'Changes Often road 111 ve-'tru anil for si.- years had been on a run between Ccntralia nml Willapn harbor (irnnd lionors for tho exhibit nt the land show go to Mor row county. Put. Polk, Cnion, linker and the rest will have another rhance next year. I. ee, of Cunby, was chosen chairman of the next con cut ion, flic visiting Ifelc'iiahs v.'ero enter ir-dided bv II, e Itebeknlis of the Needy and Hub bard lodges, ,1'ho convention i con nidei'i d one of the tno-t soci'i ssful ever held in the distiii.1.--Observr. 1 10 vis nn;' best county (iiincl bv the Annua 1 AMERICA MAY PliOTEHT, Wiciiingt'in, Nov. 1". Ii' ul ol'l 11, iimilish 111 ' 1 l nloiiL' the A 1 1n 11 1 ;i' Icohoiiiating lii't week in a cha-e of the lianisli vi- is. I Violniol to Noilolk wilh- in tee three mile neut inlily, limy , result ill nn American pio'''-' ln"i u' iiiiind lor the wilhdimval of lliiiish cniis.'i-M. The s'litc and navv .lepiirt-' nieiits Hre iuvesi ignl ing Indii.v. lie-cut, lei.ures and seui-chillgs of Vessels, it is nn id iiiilicatu Hie i'xi-t"io'(.i of u coil-, sideinble ft 1 1 a tl. ' I 4 I FOR THE WOODSMAN f We havo nil kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saws and Muipmi'i.ts T lor the woods. , All kinds of Ciiiriignleil Trim for Imlh Hoofs and Iluiiilinga. A good !s:') l.auodry Mangel, slightly used for one fouitli original J cost. X Slfl AND $20 NEW OVERCOATS AT 85.00. I pay I 1 4 cents per pound Cor old nig". I I. Steinbock Junk Co. X The lloiiso of ITuif a Million Bargains. .102 North Commercial Street, Phone SiK. J