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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1915)
TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 15, 1915. V Social ALINE THOMPSON- Mrs. N. .r. lienn and Mrs. f'ceorge Buruelt were ho-le-sos last week for tho members of the Thursday afternoon clul) which met at the home of -Mrs. Bean in Chemekota street. A delightful di version of the afternoon was tho im personation of "Sis Hopkins" by Mrs. J.'dwanl lions, formerly of New York. Tho drawing room was artistically dec orated with cosmos, while tiiu dining room was adorned in nasturtiums. .Miss Craco Pean assisted her mother in Serving. Mrs. W. II. Klrdidge presided over the ten table. -Mrs. Alary (lilbert, of San Diego, who formerly lived in ulciii, was the onlv additional guest. Mm. Tied J. Weber, of .Sknguny, Alaska, who has been the house guest cf Mrs. Harvey Wells for several days Teturued home Sunday. One of the pretties parties of last week was the initial meeting Wednes day evening of a "Suit" rluh for which Mr. mill Mrs. (1. H. Hownell, were the gracious hosts at their home on Marion street. Dainty pink and white cosmos formed the decorations. Miss Zoo Stock ton anil Craig Marvin captured high scores, (iuests besides the club mem bers weie: Mr. and Airs, .lames Chia nocli, Mr. and Mrs. K. J (,'arlton, Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Seiche, Mr. and "Mrs. ioorgo nWtsoh, .Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Kazmarck. Tho club members present were: Mr. and Mis. Hoy liurtoa, Mr. nd Mrs. Craig Marvin, Mr. an, I Mrs. Merit! Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bpauhling, Miss Zoo Stockton. T. .T. Howard and sons, William and Ben, left Salem Saturdny night for their old home in Adenleen, Mississippi, where they will join Mrs. Howard and daughters who left Salem the latter part of September. ' SITS 353 Mrs. T.osilie Scott, of I'ortlaud, who las been a guest in Salem on several ran) occasions will be presenled to the musical world in Portland in an invita tion recital by (lio T. Tayliere, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Scott has a beautiful dramatic soprano voice undwill givo an attractive program con sisting of selections from N'eviu, h'cich Brdt, Schubert, Iluhii, .Meyerbeer, Nov- cllo and Tenera. A feature of the recent Slate Feder ation of Woman's club meeting which has just closed in Salem, was the de lightful singing of Miss f.ueilo liarlnn. j Miss I'.nrton sang "Tin Night," (I'o-i toli) with violin obligate) well played by Miss Joy Turner. Miss Kuth Field was' an able piano accompanist. Miss llar ton, who has onlv come to Salem re cently from New York lias a rich con-1 trail u voice and is a general favorite with Satem musical audiences. i The Original MALTED MILK V-toM you say HORUOICS" you may got a Substitute. If you arc weary af sales, sales, sales, read litis it won't curdle your blood with the honor ol' slaughter. The reason why this siorc so seldom has "special sales" is because our merchandise is priced RIGHT at the beginning it moves from the start, and our volume oflmsincss is satisfactory. It pays to trade at a cash store ) lt, ' fi'Xi '(-' if Thanksgiving Table ' Linens t Plain and Fancy Worked :'.6-in. r.O-in. ."G-in. 5-i-in. G2-in. square, Mercerized Damasks (iOc & G5c ea. square, Pure Linen $1.50 each square, Pure Linen $1.40, $1.9!), $2.35, $2.(J5, $:5.33 each squares $2, $2.75, $2.95, $3.35, $3.50 each square $2.00 each king; best handles; . v..V.iiiif Personal -1 Mrs. W. . Ahrnms, of Kngcno. is house guest of her daughter, M,r.-. O. 0. MeClellun, on Liberty street. Mr. and Mrs. John Claire Moiiteith, of Portland, were guests iu Salem Sat urday. Mr. Monteilh, wlio is a very ; prominent vocal teacner, has u class in Salem on Saturdays. Mrs. Moiiteith al so th'votes much of her time to the mu sical world and is one. of the board ot i directors for both t lie MueDo'.vell and ! Monday musical dubs. The Indian String Quartet, from the 'Phomicwii Training School will go to j Portland Friday where they will give a concert at b'use City Park Methodist Fpiscoput church. Tiie work of these jfour instrumentalities in other cities has won them highest praise. liuthvn ITui-nor, who is their leader, is a well known violinist and composer of rate ability, liesides a number of classival selections, their program includes a ( beautiful harmony of Indian Themes composed by Mr. Turney. A striking j feature of the entertainment will be a jnareative lecture on Victor I logo s I ", " a portrayal of the I struggle of the great hero .lean Yal (jean, by billiard II. Kennedy. M iss Dorothy Walton, of Portland, is I passing the week en. I with Miss Alva Aitken, ot North Twelfth street. f lr. and .Mrs. Hrynn, of Snohomish. Washington, who are cu route to San Francisco and California iu their Ford, were entertained for several days at the home of llr. and Mrs. V.. W. Wyatt on North Commercial street. Miss Charlotte (irello, is spending the the Week end with friends in Kugeue. Mr. and Mrs. Trunk IVarcy have as their house guests Mr. IVarcv's brother of Aberdeen, Washington, and .Mrs. Mitchell, of Jioise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. M. (!. Sanders, who have been spending several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, lieorge San ders on .South ( 'omtnereiiil street, re turned to their home in Dallas Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society of the Wo man's Relief Corps, was en joyable en tertained Thursday by .Mrs. John Shipp. After a delightfui afternoon dainty re freshments were served with Mrs. Mil bin l.ockwood, Mrs. lilodgelt, .Mrs. FJ- sie iUcrsirlnnil, .Mrs. Mitie Sclioop, and Mrs. .Mary Nyhort assisting. '. tr Mrs. X. T. Ilellyer entertained Fri day with a pretty luncheon at her homo on Salem Heights. A center piece ol' large fealiierv white chrvsanthe- iiiuuis adorned the table around which were: Mr. and Mrs. I'.ewen, Mrs. Seelle, Mr. Harry Moody, Miss Kiln Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Merrian and Mr. and Mrs. William Fiu-rnl. Mr. ami Mrs. Haven Onllngher and sous, Milton ami Merrill, of Duulcs, Minnesota, are guesls of Mrs. Calla gher's mother, Mis. J. A. Heath on Noi l h Twell'l h st reel. The Sainedi dub was pleasantly en tertained Saturday at the home of Mrs. .. a the Wind Out Both nion and women arc bcRiiminft' to appreciate the beauty and superior qualities of the 'Madia" Umbrella. Nearly ('very new shape and styic of handle may be found in our vast assortment ..$1.2.) to $3.S:) Squares or Lunch Cloths A Leather Handbag For your Thanksgiving trip substantially built; handsome finish; some with leather lin locks, clasps and various sizes, each $3.00 to $685 lasts. Kangaroo I K. V.. liotsford on North Church street. The members cleverly answered to tiie mil rail with quotations from James W'hilooinb Kilisy. A most interesting 'feature of the afternoon's entertain ment whs n paper hy Mrs. Sanders on .Mis. V.. C llarriuian. The culinary jsulijei-t of cucumber pickles was anoth er interesting topic of discussion after 'which u dclighitul lunch was served. A prettv shower as an attention to Mrs. 1. A. Sanders and Mrs. F.. LaDuUe was given Thursday afternoon at the home of Mis. C, A. Moody on North ! Nineteenth street. The rooms were dec orated iu a mass of autumn loaves and baskets of floAers. Mrs. A. Kuest .niiiu and Mrs. 1'aul Venders assisted 'the hostess iu serving. Those present iwere: Mrs. 11. li. Dorks. Mrs. M. J. Oerlcs, Mis, I'. I'tiiiufuse. .Mrs. W. Soi- rill, Mrs. J. O. Adams, Mrs. IK ITenar, ami M i s. A. F. dapper. H . Mr. aiol Mrs. Henry Xemetz of W.'i sli i netiio Kansas, who lire en route Iter c.'ilit'eriiiji are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. W. L. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. F. . Sdiiain. I t ft i The I'vtiiinn Sisters were entertained lat'tlie home of Mrs. Mecktel on Four teenth stieet. After tiie regular busi ness meeting the afternoon was pleas antly spent with needle work. ! Miss Hessie liowell, of Aston, Iowa iwho will visit in Salem indefinitely, is the guest ot Miss I. aura Orant. it As a delightful surprise Thursday nf tcrnoon to Mrs. I'omeroy who is leaving soon for a sojourn to Los Angeles and Mrs. (ieorge Viesko, who will visit in I'endletou. tx number of friends called with their needle work. Those present were: Mrs. ,1. R. Deck, Mrs. liertha Viesko, Mrs. Maggie Viesko, .Mrs. Jas, Fairchild. Miss Lizzie Jakes, Mrs. II. II, Stianton. Mrs. Lillian Hall, Mrs. Dora Newberry, Mrs. J. D. King, Miss Mar garet King, Mrs. Cieo. Viesko, .Mrs. I'omeroy. Mrs. Avery nud .Master Del- hcrt Viesko. if ic s(c sc sjc jjc ss jjc si sjc jjc sjc s(c Jc tffi sc PERSONALS ft'!!'!' W C. Knighton is iu Eugene today Fred Anderson, of the fire depart' nient, is in Kugeue today. 1 he Key. Harry L. Marshall went to l'lil'tland this morning on the Oregon t.iectne. Dr. If. V.. Clay returned Inst evening ipun n liiinting trip ot several days be low 1'ortlund. '.Mrs. Walter Nichols, of Falls City whs a rsuiutay visitor with her sister. Mrs. IVrf Dennis. John Shields and daughter, of Port- Heals Skin Diseases It Is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, ringworm, rashes nud sim ilar sk i n troubles. A little zeino, gotten at any drug store for iV, or Ifi.UO for j extra large bottle, and promptly applied will usually give instant relief from itch big torture. It. cleanses and soothes tho skin and heals ipiiekly and effectively m-t skin diseases. I Zemo is n wonderful disappearing liquid nud does not, smart the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. (Jet it today aud save ull further distress, j Zemo, Cleveland. V riJ 4 ' rJl Dr. Sawyer 'If you'would liavc the comfort of a house slipper in a stylish street shoe ask for a Brown's Dr. Sawyer Cushion Shoe. All the popular. leathers and foot . niodele J $4.90 BHD CONDITION Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Montpelier, Vt "We nave preal faith in your remedies. I was voy ir- repuliir and was tirnd and sleepy all the time, would have cold chills, and my hancsaml feetwould l.iloat. My stomach bothered me, I had pain in my tide and a bad headache most of tl.e time, l.ydio E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done me lots of good and I now feel fine. I am regular, my stomach is better and my pains have all left me. You can use ny name if you like. I am proud of what your reme dies have done for me." Mrs. Mark Gauthikr, 21 Ridge St., Montpelier, Vt, An Honest Dependable; Medicine It must be admitted by every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow in popularity for nearly forty years, aud to-day hold a record for thousands upon thousands of actual cures, as has Lyilia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, without possessing great virtue and actual worth. Such medicines must be looked upon and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking perpon. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydiii E.Pinkliam-s Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Ij.vdiuK.IMnUluim Medicine Co. (conlidi'ntial)Lynn, Mus.s.,forad vice. Your letter will he opened, read and answered hy a woman, and held in strict e"!,!enre. hind, were over Kuiulny iitnrs with friends in the city. .Miss Pearl AleCregnr, if Portland, was an over Sunday vi.-iteir with Mrs. A. S. Ilcuscin. Mrs. Walter L. Ppaulding returned last evening from a viMt nf several days in Portland. Kclwin Uciffnell left yesierday on a trip of several clays fur eastern Ore gon on hind matters. .11. K. Pierce, a merchant of Harris burg, and wife, nre in the city today the guests of C. K. Scott. Hubert llvans, a horse dealer of Port bind, was in tho oily Saturday on busi ness, on his way to Corvullis. Mervil and .lecbl Loony, of Albany, who came up to see the foot ball game Saturday, remained over Suniliiy, the guest of Mrs. Jl. ifngau. A. M. Mucy, of Kugene, who lins been spending several months in California, was a visitor yesterday in the city with his brother. 11. "V. Mucy. J. H. Peterson, who had been visiting in Kugene a short time, left today for Albany and will leave Inter for his home in Salem. He arrived in Kugene a few days ago from San Francisco, where he had been nl tending the fair. Kugene .(lunrd. J COURT HOUSE NEWS A suit has been tiicl n the circuit court of this cmiiily l.v ,. 11. Tuinei and Cornelia A. I';'.i against John II. Ilarlog and the Willamette Valley Ir rifinied Land I'linipa hv in which the plaiuiill' a-k:; that a h-.'iso be cut rected. In addition the phii.itifl' seeks to col led the sum of alleged due for rental. Kudicoit an. I Wias,,v are lit twi n, ' s for the plaint ii'fs. K. Morion today I'iled a suit iu tiie circuit court ot' t'lis flinty to 'idle.-; I'T.'.VC'.U alleged due "ii two pll'lilil-'siiiy notes and secured l.v nioi'tniii.s on a nitinluir ni. lots w l!-.- links uddilio.i to this i hy. In ad iti..i to the principal I'.niu and interest the plaintiffs seek to l't cr i"oO lis ailo'u'Vs tees. I'll- rulr Mucy are the jdaiutift's attntu- A 111:11 fin l:i li, i i!e ,'. as i-sued today I at the of I ice nl' the county ch 1 k t- I aid S. Lima, a fa ' ..el of' Silv.-ilmi. and Miss 1 hristiuc Piekl.e, al-o of . il j vei toil. ' The libinry bin ks i',cr the different districts id' the are now' ready 1 for distribution hv tho countv school ; SHI'l'I'illtlMilrilt, SilH. , I'.V I'HICt'l Ht t) till1 : !u,t lliusc1 lirlmiiiic;' noiir tiiis i'it v will In' i , nl' tin' iM't'ii i'is nt 1 lit will Im .vtMit nut luitlyin tlistrirts to t:ni (liHlrit'tu si-luiol, ' The certificate of assumed busi, less name, "The Capital Meat Market," as filed nt the county clerk's office last i week was filed in connection w ith a suit for collection and dates back to the time when the Capital Meat Market at , PJI South Cciuiinereial street lielenced I to K. P. Cross iV Sou but it has since I changed hands several times, Judge Pushey today issued tin order appointing Anna Simmons adiniuistra j trix of the estate of ,I. V). Simmons who died intestate near Monitor, Octo j ber b'l of this year. The estate con i sists of rc-nl property to the value of j jilS.itli) nud perscinal property valued at ',1,2110. The only heirs aro Anna Sim ' mons, the widow, Hnyniond I.. Simmoim, I n noa ot Monitor, and Pearl ('. (inult, j n daughter residing in Portland. ,T. T I Hoss, I'harlen llobert and Heorge Jen- sea were, mimed ns iippraifern. The final neeount of the ndnilnintra tor of the estate of Thomas Kclwards, deeeased, wan approved by dodge Pusliey iuday nad the eslnto derlured closed. The final neeoilnt of Wlllinm Tlrll. nil ministrator of the) cstnto of John Car mii'hael, deeensed, was filed in the pro bate court today. Judge Itiishev issued an order naming Friday, lWemhor T ns the date for the fiunl hearing if the matter. I I 1 I REFUSED 10 LEAVE la Face of Certain Capture She Stuck To Post In Beleasured Uskb By William G. Shepherd. (United l'rcss tut'f i-u ri,!iuiiMlin(.') ' Monastir, Nov. 1 1. i Dclsiyed.) Tiie eiilm emirajie nf l.mly liitlpli I'nitet in tiie face of certain rapture of I'skub, whi le she wax Inter held a war prisoner, was told here today by Kiluanl Stuart,1 head of the American sanitary conimis-J sion vlin left -isli twi clays liefmv it fell. Deaf to her husband's pleas, l.ady l'af;c't, in rliarci' nf a hospital at I'skub, refused to cpiit. "Sir Ralph l':it;et, in cliiaine of hfispital to I'skub. efusccl to ipiit. "Sir Kalph ragct, sant Stuart, "was at Nish when he learned that T'skuli was about to f u 1 lie stoi-ked his automobile with provisions and dashed over the rough rnacls to I'skub to save l.ady Paget in charge of the hospital there. "Me arrived three hours before the Bulgarians entered. The last of the Serb soldiers and civilians were Ihon flee ing. "He found l.ady Pat'i't directing the cure of the wounded and urged her to fly without delay. She refused. Tear fully, her husband begged her to give up her task and come with him. To this she only replied, 'I cannot leave them now when they most need us.' "So Sir Ralph kissed her good bye and Teturned to 'ish." Kleveu American doctors remained with l.tulv Paget to aid her ia the hos pital DIED jjc rc jji jji sj Jc ?c ?j LAWIiK.WK At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Van Cleave, Portland,; Oregon, November I-, HM.'i, William Newton Lawrence, at-the age of 7o. Services were held this morning in Portland and the bodv shipped here for i burial in tiio Odd Fellows cemetery. ! Kolowing the arrival of tho body at l o'clock this afternoon, short services were held at the undertaking parlors lor' Kigdoa and liic-lianlsun, tho Hev. 'Carl II. Klliott, officiating, j The two children surviving are Mrs. Van Cleave, of Portalnd and Clove ' Lawrence, of Kueene. The four sisters , surviving are Mrs. Anna llaskins, ofj Portland; Miss Mary Lawrence, of , Portland; -Mrs. Klla Newman, San l''ran-i cUcm Mm. Ilelle llrav. Los Anu'eles. I ami a brother, (!. C Lawrence, of Port land. Mrs. .1. P. Veatch, a idster, died in this citv Almost 'J3. Iliiriul today was. at tho Odd lows cemetery beside his father Kev. William' F. Lawrence, who one of the pioneer preachers of tjon. Fel , I ne was Ore- 'A KLINsKf At Oregon City, Nov Ler III. 1 ! 1 .". Mrs. (ieorae Zielin m- '. e'ly i The liodv was brought to the this afternoon, ia care of the Tcnvil liger Cotiaue Parlors. The funeral will he held Wclnesday inori'ing at i : :!( 1 o'clock at St. Joseph's c-hurcli, with internieut in tiie Calliolic cem i'i rv. .111e children survive, all liv ing in tho vicinitv of lirooks. Howl lliver Clacier: Loco! people! who have recently i-iled the region of 1 a iea s Prairie in Noil hwestern Klickil-, ii 1 canity, Washington, forsee profit i 1 10 111 the cultivniion of ci unliemes on' i me I ili". va inpv settles 'Oilll.l this and '. I'or rs t have made ; 1'i'iun a wild the marsiie.s el lie villi' ; . ra ni-en y t hat t hri ves i 'The v,'M beny, v, Idle a ; !( 1 l ies c row 11 lor the 1 ! coa-t, is otdoug insf ad I shape. The wild fruit, , ' he same tart I lav or. ;. j loiikc' just lis food sauce e as t oil the the :a r a I in howi 1 has, as the ben tound 011 tiie niniket. FOREST NEWS NOTES. 1 P.'it'nad. Or., Nov. 11.- The bulk of ii;.' 1: liroe.d lies e;olted I'roin the I'nited States is shipped to Canada and Mexico. Sooth America ranks thiid in tho receipts of this material. 1 ( auada and Mexico also lake the. lead iu the amount of shingles received I rum tiie I'liited Slates. Australia and the 'Connie Islands rank next in the nine. nit of this material received fr.0111 the I nitto, I Stales. ( Of the total amount of railroad ties Violet Dulce Complexion H,n lvnct- qualities Of thlS rOWller IS J. ,1 1, U., utai iu unfa iiul miuvv ft WDER HI; used, moiterately.. Three colors, flesh, white and brunette. Price 50c Perry's Drug Store The Rexall Store Shipley's November Sales-. This means that we must clear our decks to make room for the finest display of Holiday Goods we have ever shown. Extraordinary Women's and Misses' Suits, every garment this season's purchase, in plain tailored Box Coat and Novelty models. Manv styles uriced at less than the cost of materials. Special," Jl 2.50, $19.75 and $24.50 Women s and Misses Coats All Fall Coats in plain weaves Novelty Mixtures, Corduroys and Plushes Every Coat reduced. Ex ceptional Values at $10.50, $12.50, $19.75 Women's and Misses' Dresses Silk, silk and wool combinations and cloth dresses the newest Fall styles. Oiv.'-third to one-half Less than formerly. Linens Here you will find an excellent assortment of Linen Fabrics Cloths, Napkins. Damask by the yard, plain and fancy Huck Toweling, Lunch Cloths, Cluny Lace Doilies and a complete assortment of Richardson's Fine Linens. Special Trices on All Linens. ! j T j ' a:T IX PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS U. G. Shipley Co. 143-147 North Liberty Street. expcirtcM bon), the tn 'niched luring J1I14 (over five uul Statc of Washiiiglon alone lienrl half a inilliony, According to (he latest Porest Serv ice figures, the amount of Douglas fir in the national forests of Washington and Oregon is estimated to be PStio.v Hun, 0(10 feet. Nearly seventeen million pounds of wmo.1 pelp was ex-ported to Kurope from the I'nited States during 1!MI. Canada ranks second, receiving from the. I'nited States over seven million pounds, .- .1.- - r 11 lew is gn cu nil- I'M irn iiu- .,,i ,,, other American wood in the manufac ture of archery bows. This tree occurs iu the Coast region from southern Alas ka to northern California. It is ul-o f.'Utiil to sonic extent in the Cascade Kan go of Oregon and Washington and in- tin' inoiintnins of .Molilalia and northern Idaho. GERAVIS NEWS Mi 'iian 'inc cur cnine 1 101:1 t o spend the vvinli vabi- Saturday to with her sister Mrs. Scmner slovens. P. A. I.ivesley, n prcsentat i v i1 of tin T, A. I.ivesley ilop Conipauy of Salem wiis tinn-Mi.ting I'lisiness iu tiorvai: I'iidny, the Portland bound pa: sougv av c. ere .losedt Pecker, lie Win. P.o,veV and Leroy A : v, Mi Frances llec ker cute.i taiiu'd Theic-:i 1 'nnsnider and sianlev K.nuev of Porlhind and Inii '0 at a dinner Sundii'.-. P.. in I 'nlsfol'lll of lii'ldle. I re i, sci v ii:g on the l'edeial jury ai :in. I was an over Sunday idler relal ivos in (iervais. :"l h liecker I daughter es and M r. and Mrs. I'r.iuk 1 'an- d visited with Mr. and Mrs. Julia :i near Tinner Tuesday, ill tons of spinach was shipped iervais the past week to Port The product was grow 11 at "v ille lev renters on the lla.vv Paiki 4; herald land. A sale of real estate involving iM'b 0011, was closed Friday last when Mrs. K. M. Smith of this vioinity sofl l.'l lo res of bind near tiervais to W. ,1. Mofl'i rd. Mr. and Mis. K, ('. ( hamherlain have 1 ght. a place of 1 - n-'res near West Wco.ll'uni of (1. W. Peaicy, where they expec t to move poon, Frank Nowak of lirooks and Augusta l!urik of Willaniette. weic luarrifd nt the (Iervais Cnthulic church Tuesday i morning, November I', ll'l-J by l'nlhcrj Sen. ski. 1 Jos. A. Nalhinnn, cashier of the (lirvais State Hank, w-e'nt to Portland Saturday last on business ns well as pleasure', The jdeasine was a duck1 lic-nt on one of the lakes near Port laud.: He reports no ducks but is shy a box of shells. Star. I AURORA NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Thurston, who Iwere here recently, huvo sold their , ,. M,.ri,11B nll, have pllicc eoiie i - l", Wnrrenton .. - , Oregon, their former home. Pr. A A. Atkinson left .Moiiiluy tor his home in Cnlifornin after n eonple of clavn visit at the home of his father- In law W. W. Irvin. Mrs, Atkinson will remain for a month or more before returning to California. Tin' director of th Aerorti Mutual Telephonic Compiiny held their regular monthly meeting here Motor, lay, Those attending were John Muriav, 1,. P, THINK! Only Thirty -Three Shopping days Until Xmas ! 10 ! Salem, Oregon "TIZ" HELPS SOREMD FEE! Oood-byo sore feet, burning feet, ewol lcn feet, sweaty feet, emcjlling feet, tirict feet. tood byo corns, callouses, bunions ami raw spots, jvo more shoe light ness, no. mini) limping w i t If pain or drawing up your face iir agony. "TIZ" is magical, a e I right off. " TIZ draws cut all t he pobonoiis exuda tions which jni IF up the feet. LVe "JIZ" and for get your foot misery. .Mi! how coin-' for laldo your feet, fe.1, (let a 2:, cent box of "1 1Z" now at any druggist or c'epartmetit .slore. Don't, "sulfer. llavo pvvl ii'ct, glad feet, ect that never swell, never hurl, never get. tired. A vein's fool eeuJcit ijuai'antccd tr iiiuiiij refunded. mlillg. V. a I. I ulvie PlUtl-, A and X. 1'. Verge... 'I ha h:iv o and 1 loll. , la -, and I. f, 1 on I.. 1, an, I liille g. W. Cliliilo I, 1 i in 111 ilh I llM. the::' It a iar if ,-t'- rv i.I'ioiiii left thi ,v home, leporlci! that b'oad Sitpei i-o-- lleilty .1. Keil will nut accept ihe ol I'., e I'or another lenity lie has done s.iiin' excellent vvoik duiin,' ihe v ea ' and the people of this ,li.-irici appre ciate it. They will regret his detoiioii. ;' 1 ion not to tiovpl a 11 aoj ,in! aieul thoigl, many ho,e he '.ill re (in sider his decision ami that the count court v ill re-a ppoiut him to coal inn" Ihe officers work of tho j a-t year. ( d-ei v or. A CLEAR COinFLEXIO!! Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyts Most Women Can Have Cy6 Dr. Edwnrds, a Well-Known Ohio Physician tr. r. M. Edwards for 17 years treated cores of women for llvi-r and bowel ml lucnts. LMirlng llui'o .wars lis 8''v0 tu patients a prescription ni.tclo of a few well known vcgetnlilo liiKrcclientH mlxtcl wllli ollvo oil, iinmlnir tliem l'r. Kilwants' Ollvo Tablets, you will know tlicin by Ibelr ollvo c.olor. , I1 Tlicfo tablets ttro wonder-woikers on Ut liver Olid bowels, which causo a nonmcl action, i-arrjliig off tho wasto and poison-. ous matter that ones pyuiem coiirei", i ... ... ... Ilo .....I. ,1.,lt 11 Will IlllVO Ik 1'UIU l.llt., SUU. t-vii, " l. '., . ',,, ,'. .,oni1lu.i,PK. . ,,.,.. ,,.uoocl fecllmi. all out of sorts. In- a, nvc liowelH, you taku one of Dr. l-alvvarU's olive Tablets nlalitly for o time nd notw tho pleasing results, smpsk t - TJioinaniis 01 women, an win as men, take Dr. Uilwarils' Olive Tablets now anil then Just 19 keep 111 tho pink of condition. Vr, PJclvvorcIs' (Jllve Tablets, the suceeHs ful substitute for entomel 10c end lio per box. All di'UKKh'ts. I Tl.o ollv 0 Tubiu Cuinpany, Columbus, O, 0