MAGAZINE SECTION THXSTTHIOHTH YE AH. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1915 puirr nun rcMT ON irainb and kiwi rn'tt IVYU IrCNId. STANDS. FIT C11NM. ' Only Six Americans A re " ; ; Left in Foreign Legion Did It Ever Happen to You? RIFT IN NAT'S FIFTH MATRIMONIAL LUTE? By Mort Burger SPORTING U news MY swi''., '; -'-( s ?i j Si n 1 i With the French Army in Cham pagne, Octr22.(By mail.) The Amer Scans in the French. Aviation Corps are making good, the air fleet commandant here told me today. . There are six of them left; one,-Jimmy Bach, of Utah, having recently been taken prisoner by the Germans. ' . Among the others are Eliott Cowden, wealthy Bostonian, and a good polo . player; Bert Hall, of Texas, lean, lank . and good natured; Billy Thaw, of Pitts burg; Norman Prince nnd some others. "I saw Hall and Cowderi. today. Both .are ',' fast cruisers," flying the swift est machines in the squadrilla. Georges ' Carpeut'ier, the famous French middle weight youngster,-is a member of the . tame group. ; I visited the aerodrome towards sun .. down. One by one the birds were com . ing home to roost, , circling over the . field, volplaning down, turning and . lolling bock on the ground under their : ovm power. Down from one of the tin iest of these a beautiful, short-winged ' creation in pearl-gray and blue stopped Hall. Seating himself on a run ner he was helped out of his fur-lined - overalls, Esquimaux boots and other Arctic overwear. "Geel" he cxplaimed, walking up and warming his hands before a ben ' zine flare lighted to guide belated pil--ota home. "Lordy, but it's cold up ."I thought I was going to be late," , Be said, "1 got out pretty iar." yi is no joke landing in one of these little - mniil ViAva lilrA minA. pvfln in the dflV ! timo. And if it is getting dark the machine capsizes tnree-iounns oi me ; time. Leon Hourlier and his brother-in-law, Leon Comes, both famous French ; bicycle raters, were killed in the same machine only the other day on this very ' field in just such a stupid landing ac ' eident. Pretty tough to. escape the Ger mans only to get smashed before you : own door, eh I" ' fectly organized and in much the same 1 way as is tne mgn seas iieei. nan Um nAwsrfnl twn.entrineil. double nro- ' pellered planes corresponding to the Pacific Northwest Prune Prune culture in the Pacific North west hus had a very checkered career, says a recent; 0. A. 0. bulletin. The early penologist took a great deal ' of interest in plums ' and prunes, ' because, of the mnguificence of the ' products produced, and the ease with which they were grown. This inter est increased up to the early nineties, when the prune reached a boom period. Thousands of acres were planted in a few years. They wore planted on all kinds of soils and ex posures, and a great many varieties were tried. Towards the latter part of the nineties, thore was a tremen dous .production of the fruit, mostly ef a questionable value. Few men knew how to evaporate prunes proper ly. Much of the product decuyed in transit, whilo somo was evaporated so hard as to be practically inedible. There was little or no market for the dried tart prune; consequently, there - was but one inevituble result; namely, a collapse and in a few years thou sands of acres of trees were token out. The United States census shows t'-iat there were nearly a million less prune trees in the state of Oregon in 1910 than were growing in 1900. About 1905 the industry began to pick up. Those growers who had good loca tions and proper varieties, nnd who had mastered the process of evapor ation began to find a market. This markot has steadily improved, until in the last seven or eight years, the prune has proved to be a very profit able crop, either shipped green, or evaporated. The incrouse in acreage the past four years has been very largo, and the industry now seems to be thoronughly .established. Thcro is considerable controversy, especially in tho western section, ns to the best locations for prunes. Borne men prefer the bottom lands either the sandy loams along the rivers, or the stronger clay soils. The conten tion is that these lower elevations produce larger prunes and a greater yield. Another Bot of growers, how ever, stoutly maintain thnt the rolling hills are the only places for prunes, and while their plums are smaller, nevertheless they are heavier and sweeter,1 and their orchards aro more reliable. East of the mountains the prunes are generally planted in tho silt loams. Since all plum trees blossom In early spring, they are vory subject to loss from frosts and cold rains. To offset the loss from frosts, the south ern and eastern exposures should be avoided, since the thawing out on such exposures is very rnpid, leading to a breakdown of the issues. When planted on the lighter loams, the peach root is preferred, but on th' stronger loams, plum roots are prefer able. Ab yet not enough investiga tion has been conducted to determine what species of plum roots are the most desirable for the various, loca tions. On the lighter soils, or higher eleva tions, the trees are planted from eighteen to twenty feet apart, bnt on the stronger loams, from twenty to twenty-two feet should be allowed. dreadnaugkts. They can mount to any altitude quickly, taking considerable high explosive in addition to pilot and observer. There are super-dreadnaughts, some with three planes and enormous double engines carrying bombs enough to blow up a small town in addition to a cannon and machine-guns. There are scouts, "coust -defense" planes, escort cruisers for the slower, bigger, mightier air navigators. This is a big change from the first days of the war when an aeroplane per formed any service its pilot was ordered to do. Hall, tor examplo, never car ries explosives. His duty, with his swift. short-winged biplane, is either to do scout service far behind the German front, or accompany a bombarding fleot and, like a destroyer at sea, ward off the enemy. When you read of the French air fleot bombarding some po sition or other in Gorman territory, you may know that these lightning fast biplanes accompany it, scouting in ad vance and protecting it on flanks,, rear above and below. . Other aeroplanes specialize on photo graphing; Btill others cruise behind their own lines, coast defending, chas ing or attacking with machine-Runs nnv German planes coming over. These "chasers" are so constructed that they can train their machine-guns on the enemy from any angle up, down, fore or aft. All these machines are armored, The flower of the army is in the av iation group. The air service appeals to all classes, but particularly the sporting element, and it can tnke its pick from many candidates, me or f icers are exceedingly smart and the underling a very superior type. A German officer is quoted by a neu. tral observer at the front as saying in reply to a request to get closor to the lines: . "Pont' think of such a thing: To get inside the range of the French artillery is certain fleathl" This wa s a compliment to the artil lerr arm, but it was also a loft-handed one to its winged brothor; for if the French artillery is wonderfully ef ficient, the airmen are its chief aids in making it so. Culture Is Reviewea Some growers claim that on. extreme ly rich soils, twenty-five feet is a more desirable distance. The tillage given prunes is very similar to that given other deciduous fruits grown in the northwest. In nil young orchards the tillage should be very thorough in the early spring. With trees not in bearing, tillage should cease by the middle of July. In many of the bearing orchards, where the tillage has been very thorough in the. early spring months, sufficiont vigor of tree and size of fruit is often obtained so that tillnge can be discontinued by the middle of July or the first of August, but in many of the orchards it will be neces sary to continue later, varying from the first of August to the middle of September. Formerly, tho trees were all headed from thirty to forty inches in height. In more recent years, however, many growers are heading from twenty to twenty-four inches and producing very satisfactory trees. The same general principles which apply to the pruning of applo trees also apply to the prune. Cure should be taken to have the main scaffold limbs spaced as far apart as possible. Strong head ing back is necessary the first few years, With many orchards, summor pruning can be concluded advanta geously, the pruning being done large ly in June and consisting of a cutting back of the terminals to the point whore it iB desirable to force out new laterals. Occasionally a little thin ning out of the laterals is practiced. When the trees reach their heavy bearing, which is about tho seventh year, it is desirable to give the trees moderate pruning annually, tho aim being to keep tho trees well supplied with strong one and two year old wood ob the large plums aro found almost invariably on tho vigorous wood. When orchards have been al lowed to run down somewhat, it is of ten found desirable, to thin out the spurs with hand shears, and in this way reinvigorato tho remaining spurs. When trees aro very much run down, tho most satisfactory treatment will probably be to dehorn them, forcing out a new vigorous top which, in from three to four years, will produce com mercial crops of fruit. Vory little hand-thinning is done with plums and prunes in the Pacific Northwest. Tho Italian prunes gen erally thin themselves. Some varie ties of plums, however, must have band-thinning. An Improved Quinine, Does not Cause Nervousness nor Ringing in Head The happy combination of Isxntives in LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE makes the Quinine in this form have a far better effect than the ordinary Quinine, and it can be taken by anyone without affecting the head. Remember to call for the full name. Look for signature of E. W. Prove. 8Se. The Detroit Nows, commenting en the Oregon Agricultural college football team, says the farther west you go the tougher they get. : ' Z - i"' . .... ... - " n'Ki. ' 'i j ( . ''': i . - FJ Javv'VW'' h : r fJ! t : I f t gfh . .. . . . '. ..Mrs, Nat Uoodwin No. 5. ' - Indications that, a rift fias appeared in the fifth matrimonial lut of Nat C. Goodwin, who in Mayt J 913, married Marjorie Uoraland, have be come apparent. Industrial Accident Plan of Interest to Farmers By Carle Ahrams, Farmers of Oreeon are coming to realize that insurance, for their work men against accident is desirable, there fore the state industrial accident com mission has established a rate for dif ferent linos of farming operations un der authority of section 31 of tho amended act passed by the last legis lature and which becumo effective) July 1st. The great interest manifest ed by farmers is shown by the fact that up to date about 200 farmers have availed themselves of the benefits of this act. although the commission has up to this time been so busy putting into operation the new amendments to the law that no effort has been made to notify farmers of their 'privilege to take advantage of the act. This infor mation is becoming widely disseminated and has caused a number of unfortun ate instances in the commission office during the past few weeks. In a num ber of cases men have been injured on the farm and the employer has then inftde application to come under tho act and sent in remittances to cover his premiums with the hope that by so do ing the injured man would be cared for by the stute. This, of course, is im portant ps will bo realized by ull read ers. It is similar to insuring a building, after the same has bcon burned down and then expect to collect insurance on tho building. Similarly a great many applications have come in from farm hands who have been injured, for bene fits under the act. They thinking that as long as they have not rejected the act they are entitled to its bonefits. However, no protection can be extend ed to workmen unless accepted by ap plication of the employer. The rnto fixed for farming operations is general farming including all opera tions incident thereto, 2 per cent of tho payroll. Trcshing, clover hulling, hay and straw baling, 4 per Cent; prone drying, 1 per cent; wood cutting, 3 Ser cent; lund elenring without bloating 14 per cent; with blnsting, 8 per cent; rood work 3 per cent. In addition to the above the em ployer is required to collect from the workmon and remit with his own con tribution one cent a day from each workman. In computing the amount duo the commission add 415.00 per month for board when the men aro boarded. For instance, a farm hand is paid $10.00 per month and board nnd works 25 days, his wages would be 45S.OO per month. The premium would bo 2 per cent of .lfj.00 or 9)1.10 plus 28 cents to bo contributed by the work men making a totnl amount to be re mitted to the commission of (1.36 for tho month. This is duo and payable on or before the Ifith of the month follow ing that in which tho work is per formed. Those farmers desiring to secure the protection of this act may do so by making application to the commission for application blanks and a copy of the law. The protection afforded to both em plover and workman is absolute. In ease the workman is injured in the course of his employment, the commis sion will pay all expenses for doctor's bills, hospital bills, medicine, etc, not exceeding fZ.l.U0 and in audition com pensate tho workman for time lost by paying him a portion of his wages, not less than $30.00 per month. I'nder no circumstances can he sue tho employer for1 damages on account of injuries sustained as the money paid by tne commission is full compensation under the biw for the injury. This insures the employer absolute protection from damage suits and possibly from court costs and insures the workmen of the payment of his expenses and money in which to live while injured. Working men 's compensation is one or the great est steps in legislation. It is not onl) protection to the individuals, but it is a protection to society agninst injured workmen who might become public chnrgos and who often do. It is a pro tection to the families of injured work men against suffering And poverty and it is a protection to the public in tho way of bixes, because ono of tho great est costs of our system of government is court costs and ono of the greatest forms of court costs is personal injury cases. Under Oregon's present liabil ity laws its has become comparatively easy for injured workmon to secure dnmages against employers by bringing suit. Lastly, state compensation is Insur ance conducted by tho Btato without profit and tho state appropriates suf ficient sums of money to more than pay nil the expenses of operntion, so that every dollar collected from omployors and workmen alike is pnid back directly to injured workmen in first aid and for time lost. Numbers of farmers and a great many manufacturers in times past have afforded themselves liability insurance from insuraiico companies and in such caws the amount received by the workmen is questionable as more than half of it is used by tho company in expenses and profit and a consider able portion of that remaining Is dis sipated by the Injured workman in law yer's foes and court costs in suing for his rights Seattfe-Renton Railway Is Hopelessly Bankrupt Bonttle, Wash., Nov. 12 Ending more than three years of litigntion over the receivership of the Kenttle, Ronton t Sonthern railway, the road was declur cd hopelessly insolvent today nnd was ordered sold outright to pny claims of 1,600,000 owing to its bond holders. Superior Judge Kauffman, of Kittit as county, who hoard the arguments from the beginning of the long legal battle which started in April, 1912, entered the final 'order over the strong protests of W. It. Crawford, former president of the road. Superior Judge Frater will have Juris diction over the execution of Judpe Kauffman 'a order. It Is understood that an appeal will bo taken, although no definite notice was given today. nY wife yl(T,0 . W PCli ' c,.ko5e) r , pifpir 1,1, . IS MORE HOPELESS B7 GEORGE R. HOLMES, New York, Nov. 13.-r-lt never rains in Fisticanuin. There's a deluge. To that alreadv hopelessly clouded atmos phere enveloping the middleweight sit uation is now added an equally murky condition of affairs in the bantam di vision. The "championship is mow claimed by three boys nil of whose claims aro of sufficient weight to merit attention. - - Kid Williams, the logical champion lost on a foul to Kewpie rtle, St. 1'nul's entry, in a ten round bout, faon along comes a little southerner named Pal Moore; not the old )tgiitwoight Pal with a decision over the Kid in eight rounds at Memphis. Snm'l Harris, the Baltimore Kid's clarion voiced manager claims that both reverses wore "home town" docisions, and that the little Dane was robbed, victimized, rolled, stung and various other things, . The phonographic mutteringe of Sam, however, do not alter tue fact that the little champion who for two years knocked 'cm all dead is going back if he hasn't already gone. Looking over Williams' jecord the past year proves it. Knockouts aro con spicuous by their absence. The Kid hasn't been fighting with that old swing and rush that characterized bis work when be lilted the crown cf Johnny Coulou's head gevoral years ago. Whether or not Ertlc's claim, which is at best only a technical ne, is of sulticiunt weight to allow him to call himself a champion, there is a general expressed opinion in ring circles tho first man who gets a crack at the rud over a ciiampionsiup distanco will do tne new champion. When the news trickled in from Phil ndclpbin not long ago that Louisiana had whipped the Kid in six rounds fans generally took it with a portion of salt. Then came his disqualification in his bout with Krtlo when, according to reports, ho was going bad. Ami last ly comes this victory of Mooro's. Williams' manager can howl till Gabriel toots his tube that they woro all "native son" decisions, but it Will not. alter the fact that Mooro knocked Williams off his feet with clean punuh- es. Williams has been a great littlo champion a slushing, tearing littia two fisted demon who knew nothing when ho got in tho ring but figiit. He never was a grant boxer, but as a rightor no was a pocket edition of the Terriblo Torry. He won tho championship In a clean Pilly What's his attitude towards drink f Dally He's nlwnys staggering with ifc fashion, knocking out Coulon in the ninth round atter he had hiinscli almost irom the start of the mill. It's a shame thnt he has to go under with a cloud of bickering and quarreling over his title. Girl Driver Wins Big Economy Run To the amazement of tho veteran road drivers who took part in the re ceut Maxwell efficiency ' run from Buffalo to their homes in New Eng land and the other North Atlantic States, the first place winner turned out to be the only woman pilot in the tour. : . i : Miss Eva Cunningham, daughter, of F. J. ('uimuighamj MnxWull dealer at , Haverhill, Mass., drove from Buffalo! to Haverhill, 567 miles, on exactly 17 gallons of gasoline an average of 33.37 miles to the gallon. Her car was a new Maxwell Roadster. Oil Economy Too, There is no disputing Miss Cunning-' ham's record. Her drive was under the eye of several witnesses and the details are set forth in her own affidavit. MisS'Cunninghnm's car also went the route without the addition of a drop of. cylinder oil. to the original supply. This is really the fact which won her the big slice of the Flanders prize, ns her mileage on fuel was excelled by two of tho other cars in the big tour thoe driven by her father and by tieorge D. Robinson . of Springfield, Mass. Mr. Cunningham's new Maxwell touring ear averaged 30.8."i miles per (rollon, and Mr. Robinson's roadster, 34.9 miles. Each of the male pilots, however, added a quart of oil to the original supply. Sccoud prize went to Vcrno II. Jack son of I'en Argylo, I'u., and third to Joseph De Cantillon of Meridun, Conn., the former covering 308 and tho latter 474 miles. Six of the tourists, virtually nil of whom were Maxwell dealers driving new oars to their homes from Buffalo, scored averages of better than 30 miles per gallon; sixteen scored be tween 25 and 30 miles. In fact, the average of the entire tour, including oighty cars, was very dose to 25 miles to the gallon a degroo of efficiency almost incredible to those not acquaint ed with recent enrburction develop ments in cars of tho light, populur priced type. Climbs "Ladder On High. The tourists who watched Miss Cun ningham's driving praise her without reservation. She piloted her car up "Jacob's Ladder" a rolling climb of 130 miles on hih (rear, und showed the most daxhing sort of skill on a number of detours where rough nnd dil ficult roads were met with. Noll Ho wis your dollief Hollo All well, since futher hud her legs ostracized, EVERYBODY NEEDS ; ' PURE, RICH BLOOD Pure blood enablos the stomach, liver and ''other digestive organs to do their work properly. Without it they .aro sluggish, there is loss of appetite, ami of the intestines, and, in generul, nil the symptoms of dyspepsia. , Pure blood is required by every ' organ of the body, for the proju-r. per formance of its functions. i' Hood's Sarsnparilla makes pure blood, nnd this is why it is fo success- ful in the treatment of so many discus-" errand ailments. It acta directly on' the blooil, ridding it of scrofulous anil other humors. It is a peculiar combi nation of blood -purifying!- neirve-toniiig, strength-giving substances. (Jet it to-' A year ago a sonsation was caused when a Maxwell, under observation at Yale Jiiversity, made, a record of 33.3 miles to tho gallon. This record wa battered by three of tho cars in tho recent tour, including the one driven by Miss Cunningham. Nor had . tho l!Hii model Maxwell been given nny preparation for tho test; nil were Hew., cars getting their first run after leav ing the factory. .... An Industry Worth While. , . The Newcastle, Ind., Courier plueM " the town's factory pay-roll at 'i7,000 weekly, of which the Maxwell .Motor. Company's plant contributes $32,000. At this plant tho Maxwell Company maintains a great forgo shop, contain ing more than 60 power hammers. Tim Newcastle plant also builds all Max well front axles and transmissions, bo sides maintaining a largo machine ihop which produces service parts for obso lete models. Hardy Motorists These. When motorists start for aa ouliwr in the semi-arid southwest, they fear lessly tneklo anything in the line of a trail. The El l'uso Horuld's staff re cently decided to picnic at gripping Springs and started in a fleet of auto mobiles, but ono of which, N. f. Veazcy's Maxwell, made the trip with out iiii.tlmp. Takes Truck In Tow, Sacramento, Cnl., was recently auia ed by the sight of a new Maxwell tour ing car towing a fivo-tou trnck loncl about the streets and suburban hills, Tho truck carried ns part of its' loud another new Maxwell, nnd a lecturer who orated eloquently on autninobilo power. 1 The Resfucr How did you ecmo to (fall inf . ' j Tim Hesouod I didn't CCmo t'u full I to. I enmo to skate.