Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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You Will
Our Store full of bargains as we are careful in
buying and sell for small profits. It will pay you to
watch our windows.
Extra Special
are offering our Heaters at Greatly Reduced Prices.
We still have a complete line to choose from. Heaters ,
for all at prices you can pay
.50 to
and terms for those
(Cnpitnl Journal Special Service.)
Wjnodburn, Or,, Nov. 13. Mr. nti'l
Mrs.. V. (!. lloynton, who have bwn
visitinjf at the homo of their cousin,
Miss Lidu Iloynton, loft Wednesday for
their homo in Vermont, Illinois.
Mr. mill Mrs. Briinniii cnti'i tai no,l nt
thoir homo on North First street in
honor of thoir eon, Herman's, 17th
birthday. After a jolly evening In
games, Mrs. Brunnm assisted by hor
duug'ntcr, Helen, served n bountiful
lunch. Those enjoying tlie evening
were: Kbnor Miller, Molvon Wallace,
James Wallace, Lizzie Miller, Mary
Wnllneo, Vernon Miller and Harry
Hhonbeck, of Htibbr.nl, Guy Livingston
nud Maude Anderson, of Monitor, Lil
lian Chuppelle, Murun ret Foster, Alta
t'lielenbiirg, Maude Anderson, Sadie
Stolor, Kmmn Schoigol, Mnud Brnnam,
Cnrrlo Dowers, Nora Evans, Vitn Erut
on, Dorothy Krntson, Karl Evnns, Clar
ence Knnngn, llornnm Bontrnger nud
Melon Itontrnger..
Mrs. Cora MoBrido, of Portland, at
tended tho Woman's Holief Corns moot
ing which wan hold hero Thiirsduy,
November 11th.
M.iss F.vn Ilfnkle lias returned to
lior homo in Portland after a two
weeks visit with relatives at Wood
burn. W. C. Kaloy, circulation auditor of
tho Pnrtlnml Oregoiilnii, was in Wood
burn Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Monica Duriint was railed to
Portland Wednesday to attend tho fun
ornl of hor sister, Mrs. N. 1. I. inn. Mrs.
I. inn leaves n husbaod uud six children
to mourn her loss.
The Big Game of the Year
Saturday November 20
ai fll vs.il A f
The football game this year botween U. of 0. and O. A. 0. will be
bitterly contested. Oregon won from the strong U. of a Cat team 31
to 0, while the Oregon. Aggies defeated the Michigan Aggies 21 to 0.
These two teams rank with the best In tho United States. Tlie win
ning of this game at Eugene on Nov, aotlt, by either toani, means mora
than a chauiolonahio. It will be worth your while to see It. Trick
plays, forward passes will keep the spectators tense from the sUrt of
the game to the final blow of the whistle.
Low Round-Trip Fares
Will be on sale at all Southorn Pacific stations north of Ashland,
Nov. 19-20. Returning Unlit of Nov. 22, 1915.
Further Information as to llcliets, etc., from local agents.
John M. Scott, Oeueral Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Oregon.
who wish them.
Mrs. W. A. Chapman entertained tho
members of tho needlivruft at hor home
on iluyos Htreet, Thursday evening. The
afternoon was spent in sewing and
conversation after which refreshments
were served by tho hostess. Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Bauer enme up from Itose
liurg Monday to attend tho funeral of
Mr. Huner's father, Mr. P. Hnuer, who
died hero Bunduy.
Mr. W. R. Clnmnn, Monday, where he
was married to Mrs. Elizabeth K, Noose
who urriveil that morning from Indi
anapolis, Indiana, Mr. Claman and Mrs.
Neese linvo huown each other for a
number of veurs. Thov will make their
home in Woodburn. Mr. daman 's
many friends wish them a Ion u and
prosperous married lifo.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Settleiuier en
tertainod the Five Hundred club at
their home. The rooms were beautiful
ly decorated with ivy nnd chrysanthe
mums. Mrs. Kdward Eminott and Mr.
Robert Scott won the honor prizes and
Mr. Walter Johnson tho consolation.
Iiefroiisments wore served by the host
and hostess assisted by Miss Lois
A sewing club was organized bv a
number of girls and they hold their
first mooting at the home of Miss Mary
Scnliiril TiiOHitnv nvoniiiir At'lor n verv
J deliglitt'ul time wus spent in sewing.
the hostess served refreshments. Those
present were: Miss Nettio Broylos,
Miss Lois Hoebo, Miss Sadie Richards,
Misses Delia and Nora Heck, Miss Ha
zel Hitney, Misses Nell and Gladys
Binkley, Miss Iiila Jornian, Miss Aletha
Hitney, Miss Delia Byeru, Miss Avon
McKinnev, Miss Ethel Bonnev and
Miss Mary Hoollard.
Koy E. Abraham and Miss Margaret
?v X I1!
A new
Moore Furniture Co.
We Are Exclusive
Agents for Haywood
Stollur were married in Salem Thursday
November '1th at the Christian parson
age, Kov. P. T. Porter, officiating. Only
a few intimate friends wore present.
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham will make thoir
home in Woodburn.
Miss Mildred Drake, daughter of Mr.
F. M. Drake of Woodburn, died at the
Good Samaritan where she has been a
nurse for nearly two years. Miss
Drake's death enme as a shock to her
many friends as sho had been in very
good health and was on duty at the
hospital at the time she took ill. Her
father and step-mother were sent for
but she died before they arrived. Mil
dred had lived in this city for the past
four years and hud made many siacoro
friends. She was of n very loving and
eheroful disposition and will be greatly
missed. Tho remains wore sent to Ash
land and interment took place iu tho
family burial place.
Rev, L. P. Smith took charge of the
services nt the "Win My Chum Week"
at the M. E. church Friday evening.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woodburn Retail Merchants association
was held at Honihoff's Tuesday even
ing. New officers were elected for
the coining vonr. The officers oleeted
were: F. i. Heck, president; W. H.
Broylos, viee-president; W. F. Buse, sec
retary; H. M. Austin, troasurer; di
rectors, H. L. Moore. Geo. Becker, N. A.
Hoffnrd, J. F. Steelhnnimer and A. F..
Miss Gladys Adams, Miss Louise Bee
man and Mr. Earl Ei win spout Monday
in Portland.
Mrs. Chas. MoKoo, of McKee, was
shopping here Thursday.
Vernou Anderson had his log broken
Wednesday afternoon while ho was
playing iu n football game.
.Washington Junior
High School Beats
Independence 19 to 12
Washington junior high school de
feated Independence high this morning
on the Willamette field by a W IS
score. The game was fast and exciting
as both teams were about evonlv match-
I od. The iuuiors not the first touch
down by a long forward pass from Fra
zier to Schnoffor, who ulso kicked goal.
Independence enme back with a touch
down but failed to kick goal. The
juniors began to play team work and
by forming perfect interference enabled
Schnoffor to make a long 50 yard run
for a touchdown. This ended the scor
ing for the first half.
Iu the second half the juniors got one
more touchdown bv a forward pass. On
! the whole tho juniors outplayed the vis
I iters, but the bitter iu many discs made
I good plays and were close to tho goal
lino several times but lost the ball on
' fumbles.
j The line-ups were:
I. II. S. W. J. If. 8.
Kelly T.. I.... Evans, Kirtley
Foster 1 T Plummor
1 Basque I,. (1 Butte
, Itaiinn V A. Gill
I Davis K. G A. Holt
Kiginskv H. T Moffitt
Parsons K. K Sclmoffor
M.lluuna. Frnzier
Bail' U. It Tutnmn,
Chung (Capt.)
J. Foster F. B Hulsey
Kichnrdsou I.. II King
Spokane, Wash,, Nov. El. Out of 200
sacks of parcel post on bonrd tho steam
er Santa Clara, which foundered n week
ago on the Oregon coast, only 37 have
boon recovered, necording to Inspector
It. N. Neil, of tho Spokane postoffiee
district, which has jurisdiction of parcel
post matter iu tho northwest. Tho
wholesale arrest of Oregon beach comb
ers is threatened. The penalty for such
theft is a $.',000 fine or five years in
a federal penitentiary or both.
Phone 81 for better carrier
Annual Exposition Fittingly
Termed "Court of Last
North Portland, Nov. 13. The Pa
cific International Livestock Exposi
tion, holding at the Union Stock
Yards, North Portland, December ti
ll, has been very aptlv called the
"Court of I.ast Resort," the place
where the breeder and livestock en
thusiast will find assembled the. stock
which has won championship honors at
other shows during the full and win
ter. The visitors to this show may rest
assured that they are looking at the
very best of the different breeds in
the country. The winning of a Grand
Championship at this show will be an
honor highly coveted by breeders.
Tins is perhaps the only show in the
United States given over strictly to
the exhibition of livestock, there being
no other activities or concessions,
"Wild West'' or vaudeville features
to take the attention of the visitors.
Another feature quite unlike all other
shows is that of free admission, free
stall rent, free entry for livestock, in
fact, the whole show is an educational
exhibit, with the one idea in mind that
the people are bore for the purpose of
seeing and hearing about cuttle, hogs
and sheep. If they want to go to tho
theatre ajid picture houses, or to a
vaudeville show, they can go where
those are provided as a legitimate en
terprise. Early entries indicate a very strong
showing in the fut stock division. Ju
previous years fat cattle equal to that
of any country have boon shown.
Competition has become very keen nnd
breeders ore awaiting with much in
terest the decision in this year's car
load lots of cattle in particular. Ed
Coles of Haines, Oregon, who has had
the unusual good fortune to win Grand
Championships on cattle three years
in succession, is up against a hard
proposition this year. '
' it goes without saying that more
hogs will be shown than ever before
and with a bettor finish, while' the
sheep men are determined to nuiko tho
sheep sectiou thoroughly worth while.
The fare and a third certificate plan,
applies on all railroads, making it an
ideal time to do your holiday travel
ing. The man who is feeding or breed
ing anything along the livestock line
cannot afford to miss this show and
whenever possible he should bring his
sons along with him. .
One of the events looked forward to
by all exhibitors and visitors to the
Stock Show is the annual compliment
ary "feed," giveu by Portland Union
Stock Yards Company. It will be held
this year at the Commercial Club,
Thursday evening, December Hth, and
it is possible that at least four hun
dred people will be its guests. Every
thing will be entirely informal, where
friends from different parts of the
Northwest will renew old acquaint
ances. Four governors have already
accepted an invitation to meet with
their friends, among them being Gov
ernor Withycombe of Oregon, one of
the most enthusiastic livestock men
anywhero; Governor luster of Wash
ington; Governor Alexander of Idaho,
and Governor Stewurt of Montana,
while at least threo other governors
are giving the matter serious consider
ation. The affair will be entirely in
formal, no sot speeches of any kind.
This is probably tho most democratic
gathoring that ever meets in Portland
during tho year, herdsmen, governors,
livostock breeders, liaukers, stock
yards anil commercial men, Develop
ment Lcauuo and Chamber of Com
merce officials, feeders and exhibitors
of livestock, and men of many other
callmas minuling.
It is hoped Hint Commercial Clubs
and Oranges in the various towns will
take uu the matter of special car
oarties aud come down in a body.
Cash premiums of over $15,000 will
be given.
Electric Light Co. Gets
Sublimity Franchise
A deal of considerable importance
was made by the ninnnger of the Stay
ton Electric Light company, C. E. Tny
lor, the latter part of last week, when
he obtained a 25 year franchise in the
city of Sublimity for the transmission
of and sale of lights and power. A con
tract with the city of Sublimity .was
also signed up for five yeurs for the
furnishing of street lights to the mini
mum number of 20.
Mr. Taylor is a hustler and Is to be
congratulated on securing the conces
sion as we understand several parties
wore aftor it.
Work will commence on the new line
as soon as possible, nnd in the mean
time the work on the plant here Is pro
gressing nicely, and soon will be in a
condition to furnish any amount of
juice for lights and jower. Stnytou
The Jos. Heuberger home was the
scene of n pleasant gathering Sundny
night when a number of young and old
folks gathered there to' enjoy them
selves playing cards and dancing. Re
freshments consisting of sandwiches
and cako wore served nt midnight nnd
wore enjoyed by everyone. The party
broke up "at a lute hour everyone
thanking Mr. Heuberger nnd children
for a jolly time.
Frank Keniiey of Portland, was visit
ing nt the Jos. Schrewe home Saturday
and Sunday.
J. P. Pitter and Mrs. Mary Dltter
are improving the appearance of their
lots bv having a now wire fence put
around same.
Peter Welter Is moving to his new
home south of town.
A number from here attended the
minstrel show at Stnyton on Saturday
night. Evervbody reports' thnt the show
was fine. Stavton Standard,
Former Conductor "Shan"
Conser Recalls Accident
Happening Near Salem
Portland, Ore., Nov. 13. Twenty
five years ago last night a train bound
for California points weut through the
bridge over Lake Labish carrying XW
people with it. Today many who were
in that wreck look buck to it with pruy-
ers of thankfulness that they ure still
Lake Labish is about five miles this
side of. Sulem and just north of the
Chemnwa Indian school. The night
was foggy aud just two hours after
the train left Portland the wreck oc
curred. It was about 8:15 o'clock that
it happened.
v. . uonser, Known to tho ruui-oaa
fraternity aud those who traveled in
years gono by as "Shan," was conduc
tor. Now he is retired and .is bailiff
of County Judge Cleeton's court.
Rail Had Been Removed.
"The wreck, I believe, happened
through the removal of a ruil by a niun
who meant to stop tho train and secure
money for saving the people ou board,"
said Conser. "About thnt time several
similar accidents occurred nnd later a
man named Richardson was arrested
after he hail, been feted aud praised
for stopping a train. He was sentenced
to serve eight years in the penitentiary,
and escaped after being in for several
"The train consisted of nine cars
and the engine. All went through and
dropped from 18 to 20 feet. The bodies
of John McFadden and Fin Neil, en
gineer and fireman, were dug from
under the engine. Two trnmps were
also killed outright. A traveling man
died the next day on the relief train as
it. crossed the old steel bridge. Others
died later from their injuries.
Nearly All Were Injured.
"There were about 140 ou bonrd aud
of these 130 were injured or killed. I
spent 14 months and six days recover
ing from injuries I received. Every
man of the train crew was injured
and it was necessary to send a negro
porter to flag other trins.
"E. J. Jeffery was hurt and still
suffers from his injuries. C. F.
Swigert and J. H. Wait were also pas
stengers aud somewhat injured. Wait
was roadmaster then but is now on n
pension. N. A. Ambrose and A. S.
Rand, still postoffiee employes, were
then mail agents and both escaped
without more than scratches though
how they did I have never figured out
for the mail car was the only car
which could not be repaired."
County Assessor Henry E. Reed was
a newspaper man at that time and re
called being sent to report the wreck.
The Silverton Hallowe'en Disgrace,
To the Editor: October 31st was
"open town" in Silverton as well as
in every town iu the United States of
America. Our good citizens and our
boys and girls as a rule, do not believe
in doing "wrong, in destroying property
or injuring anybody. But this Hallow '
e'en night is a great timo for young
and old. Little girls and boys, accom
panied by their mother, carried jnck-o '
lanterns and othter weird things about
to frighten each other into ccstucies of
joy that can only come, to tho young
cubs of the human ruce. Some were
wrapped in sheets and were as much
frightened as those who saw them, but
it was all in the game, nil for fun, and
each one played his or her part well.
But it is sad to say that some boys
who hove not yet learned the limit ot a
good time, did foolishly destroy part of
a bunch of banunus uud a jur of pick
les. These little fellows did not under
stand that they were thus becoming
criminals or they probably would never
hnvc done the awful crime of destroy
ing property the product of labor
time life. But they did do it, and they
thus aroused tho watchful officers of
our usually well regulated little city,
who, as is often done in times of grent
excitement, arrested the first bunch of
"suspects" they could get their long
hooks of the law fastened into. Six
young men, young men who had not eat
en a banana or sucked a pickle, were
"run in." They had technically vio
lated one of the city's wise ordinances
by laughing out loud on the street to be
sure, and they nil plead guilty of the
accusation of disorderly conduct.
Then comes in the city'B purt of this
unhallowed holiday this hnllowe'en
disgruce. These boys, these young men
(two of them voters) wore cast into
a dungeon, a filthy, foul, 10 by 12 hole,
with no lavatory, toilet or privy. An
outhouse with nothing but a hole in the
floor where the stench of the excre
ments from thoir own bodies mado it
doubly unsanitary and here our boys
who dnred laugh out loud languished
through the long hours of the night
and wore hooted at by the school chil
dren aud other pnssersbys during the
day. .
The city has thus committed a worse
crime than havo tho boys. I be city re
quires others, living on the same street
where its dungeon is situated, to con
nect with the sewer, and yet it will
deposit its own filth under its build
tng, enilnngenng not only the lionltn
of those imprisoned, but the very lives
of nil its law abiding citizens. Tech
nlcnlly these young men violated ord
innnce No. Si, nnd, like honest boys,
they plead guilty, but will the city,
which has violated a higher law, now
plead guilty f Will it now build a snni
tary building for its wards and connect
it with the sowerf The daily papers of
our grent state has blackened the repu
tation of our over-punished boys by ly
ing about them, by mentioning their
mimes In connection with the foolish
kids' petty theft; when will they strike
the higher up criminals by tolling the
truth about them, their unconstitution
al, vindictive punishments and their
filthy prison penst
London, Nov. 13. The British sub
marine E-20, missing for a month, is
probably lost, the admiralty admitted
today. The last news of her was when
she was in tho sea of Marmora. Berlin
reported that three of the vessels, six
officers had been made prisoners.
Athens, Nov. 13. Negotiations are
in progress to insure the allies and
Serbia "against unrorseen circum
stances resulting from Greece's present
attitude," according to the newBpapor
Berlin, Nov. 13. German munitions
are arriving at Constantinople as
result of the central allies' successes
in the Barkans, according to advices
London, Nov. 13. Tho British Btenm
er Den of 5,000 tons has been sunk,
but her crew was saved.
Paris, Nov. 13. The Italian steam
er Firenze (4,000 tons) was reported
today to have been" sunk by a sub
marine with the Iobs of six of her 33
pnssengers and 15 of her 111 crew.
The sinking of the Firenze occurred
in the Mediterranean.
Survivors of the French steamship
Calvados, recently sunk by a sub
marine off Algiers, reported today that
80 aboard perished and that the captain
was killed by a shell.
NuBone Corset removed to "Ladies
Outfitting Shop," 165 .N. Liborty.
l hone
Two Boys Escape From
Training School Today
John Schulz and Dnllas Popo, two
boys at the Oregon stuto training
school, made their escape this afternoon
and at a late hour were still at large.
The boys were cutting brush when thov
suddenly dodged into the undergrowth
and disappeared. John echulz is de
scribed as being 18 years of age, five
feet 10 inches tall, weight 150 pounds
and of light hair and complexion. Popo
is 15 yeurs old and weighs 130 pounds.
He is five feet nine inches tail and
has brown hair nnd blue eyes.
Madame Metz and Blumenberg have
ononed dress making parlors at "Ladies
Outfitting Shop," IU5 North Liberty
street, rhone li-'4.
The score for the first quarter of the
football game between Albany hinh and
i'ftnlem high this afternoon on Willam
ette field stood: Salem, 7; Albany, 0.
Chrysanthemums. Fine large ones.
Schultz, 15th and Center streets. Phono
San Francisco, Nov. 13. His rule of
always going to every fire caused Fire
Chief Murphy to attend one in a dress
suit last night. He put on a fireman's
helmet and directed his men.
Salem Singer Sewing Machine head
quarters now located nt Spencers'
hardware store, 460 State street. Nice
drop head machine for rent, $1.00 week,
3.00 month. Novl3
San Francisco, Nov. 13. Though his
neck was broken, Kdward Kramer, a
cook, thought his only trouble was a
blnck eye. Emergency hospital physi
cians have doubts as to his recovery.
Widow would like housekeeping po
sition tor widower, good cook, can give
best of references. Call 143 Court.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 13. Leaving a
farewell note of lovo to Miss Gertrude
Smith of Oregon City, Roy Hill, a farm
er of Tigard, Oro., shot himself to death
on an Oregon Electric car standing in
the yards here for repairs. His body
was rouua today.
Hill hud evidently been dead many
hours. A revolver was tound near
Card of Thanks.
The Ladies of St. Momias Altar so
ciety wish to extende their sincere
thanks to ull who contributed in any
way to their successful bazaar, just
Seattle. Wash., Nov. 13. Her for
ward hull buckled lifter havinir run
ashore in Granville channel, in Alaskan
waters, too steamer lty of Seattlo, of
tho Pacific- Coast Steamship company
was drydocked at Princo Rupert to
day for repairs. The vessel struck on
the rocks. All her passengers and 19
of the crew were taken to Prince Ru
pert nboard tho fishing schooner Al
batross. She wns bound from Seattle
to Southorn Alaska ports.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to oxttnd our sincere thanks
to our many friends for thoir syinpnthy
iu our recent trouble, and for thoir
am nv floral offerings.
German Submarine
Sunk AnconaCIaimed
New York, Nov. 13. Thnt a German
and not an Austrian submarine sank
the Italian liner Ancona, and that this
meant Germany is at wnr with Italy,
without a declaration, was claimed in a
Rome dispatch to the Evening Sun to
"An Itaiinn cahinet officinl In
formed the Evening Sun," said the
iiftblcgram, "thnt a German and not an
Austrian submarine sank the Ancona.
Italy regards the sinking as the open
ing of hostilities by Germany without
a itccinration or war."
The story assorted that other Italian
vessels had been sunk by vessels, re
ported as Austrian, but in reality Ger
Snn Francisco. Nov. 13. President
Samuel Gouipers addressed the dole-
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lo
Ono week (8 insertions), per word.... 5c
Ono month (20 insertions), per werd 17e
All ads must bo ordered for a stated
length of time, no ud to count less tnuu.
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in uussitiea Advertise
ments. Read your advertisement the
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately it is contains an error.
Minimum charge, 10c.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
REMEMBER Fred's Night
FIR WOOD $3.50 per cord.
' Phone
Dec 11
-By day or taken in.
Phone 21 74 J.
MAN AND WIFE Wants to work on
farm. E. C, care of Journal. Novl3
MONEY TO LOAN On farms. No
ogents. WillB, 744 N. Com. Novl5
tor, 2786 Lee Btreet. Phone 1322 J.
Nov 15
FOR RENT Cheap, modern furnished
5 room house. Phone 1156J. 4(to S.
17th. NovlU
JERSKY COWS And heifors for sale,
cheap. C. S. Bowne, Aumsvillo, Ore
gon, tf
FOR SALE 15 acres in timber land,
anour, J miles irorn Halom. 1'h one
1380W. Novia
: b
Capital Soap Works, 12.10 Forry St.
Phone 083. tf
FOR TRADE For yearling calf, fal
hog, about 250 pounds, Route 3, Box
92, Salem, Oregon. Novl3
GOAT MEAT 4 nnd 5c
Independent Market.
Commercial stret.
FOR LEASE 30 acres of hops, aver-
ago yield, zia bales. Adctrcss Lock
Box 492, Silverton, Oregon. Nov 13
poultry. 194 S. 12th street. NovU
FOR RENT Three or four room mod-
L cm apartment. Furnished. 325 8.
14th street. NovlS
FOR SALE Oak and fir wood sawed
in desirable lengths, full measure
ment guaranteed. Phone 79F11.
Shoos fixed while yon wait, all work
guaranteed. Jacob Vogt, 979 South
Commercial. Nov 17
WOOD FOR SALE Ash, oak and fir.
For particulars address Win. II.
Egnn, Gervais, Route No. 2. Fhoue
3F11. NovU
LOST A bunch of keys between Com
mercial aud State, and. Winter and
Union. Return to this office. Re
ward.. Novl3
room modern bungalow within walk
ing distance, on car line, large lot.
Fruit and berries. 22 Care journal.
FOR SALE 1915 three speed nariey
Davidson motorcycle, excellent con
dition. Cheap for cash or will give
terms. Phono 15 or 846. NovlO
young Btock, a sound, 4 year old
mare, perfectly gentle for women oi
school children. Phone 79F13, one
mile south town.
NEW( CLASSES In shorthand, arith
metic, business English, and commer
cial lnw, will be commenced at the
Capital Business college next week.
Phono 388 for special information.
advises the purchase of four foot
wood to insure lull measure. I have
300 cords near town. Can deliver
on short notice. G. H. Croisnn. Phone
2249. Nov 15
TO LOAN $500, $fi00 or $1500 on real
estato. For rent, 4 acres in the city.
good buildings and fruit; also 10
acres good buildings, 1 mile onst of
the city. Houses, lots nnd acreage,
sold ou ensv terms. See L. Bechtel,
347 Stnte street. Nov 13
gates to the American Federation of
Labor convention today, outlining ths
history of the organization since its
formation 35 years ago. He pointed
to what he termed tho growing influ
ence of labor in national affairs, citing
tho establishment of a labor portfolio
in mo caumot ana recent lavoruble na
tional labor legislation.
Twin Falls, Idaho, Nov. 13. Three
persons aro dead and two suffering
iroin serious injuries today as the rcsul
of a freight train striking the automa-'
bilo in which they wore riding near
here lnte yesterday.
The dead nre Mrs. Lawrence Hansen,
Mrs. John Iverson and M. A. Pataer
son, all of Rock Crook, Idnho.
Harry Larson and wife were injured.
Chnttnnooga, Tcnn., Nov. 13.
Shipping whiskey in coffins
Is the latest method of dodging
the law, according to govern
ment officials today. They had
secured indictment against
Police Commissioner Betterton,
manager of a casket company,
and three employes, charged
with shipping liquor without
proper branding in coffins.