Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" SATl'RIUY KVKNINH, November 13, 1S11.1. CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager PUBLISHED EVERY EVEXIXO EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALElt, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, President CHAS. n. FISHER, Vice-President DORA C. ANDRESEN, (Sec. und Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year . . . ...45.00 Ter month. . ... 3.00 l'er month. 45c 35c FULL -LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT ' EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-Lew is-Willianis Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If tho carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is tho only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Fhone Main 81. INACCURACY IS DISHONESTY It is not safe to trust people who are hibitually inac curate in their work. Even with the best of intentions in the wnvlH rhpv hppnmp rlichnnpcf Rpfnvp tViPv nrpl aware of it, the habit of inaccuracy extends to their statements. They do not take pains to be thorough in anything they undertake, even in clearly expressions of truth. These people never carry much weight in a com munity, however honest in principle they may be, because no reliance can be placed on their words or work. You cannot depend upon what they tell you. If they are orators, they are discredited; if they are at the bar, the judges always take their statements with a grain of salt; if in the pulpit, they 'do not win the respect of the congre gation. In fact, Whatever those people do, they are placed at a disadvantage because of their habit of inaccuracy. There is a great difterence between going just right and a little wrong. These victims of. inaccuracy did not start right. They failed to realize that what is put into the first of life is put into the whole of life. A pebble in a tiny stream will turn the course of a river, so the seemingly unimportant habit of inaccuracy has kept many a man from success by changing the cur rent of his life. Accuracy, doing things to a finish, is one of the most important lessons that can be taught a child, because there is a moral quality at stake. The whole character is often undermined by the unfortunate habit of inac curacy. Men whose ability would have made them peers in their communities become nonentities, and their careers mediocre or total failures, simply because they were allowed in childhood to form the habit of half-doing things, and of making half or exaggerated statements. JAPAN AND CHINA China and Japaln have reached an agreement that encroaches on the rights of China far less than seemed possible from the demands of Japan as first reported. Japan gets the transfer of all concessions made to Germany in the Shantung Peninsula, and the continua tion for ninety-nine years of the leases held by Russia in South Manchuria, which were gained by Japan as a result of the Russo-Japanese war. The agreement also safeguards the investments and contracts of Japanese capitalists in the coal and iron mines and iron works in the vicinity of Han-yang, on the Yangtse, and gives them rights to further investments and industrial activity in China. China agrees also, in the interest of the preservation of Asiatic rule in the Far East, not to make any more' concessions to Western nations, like those made to Ger- many at Kiao-chow, or to Great Britain at Chefu, andj especially not to allow any foreign nation to establish: naval bases on the coast of Shantung or of Fukien, oppo- site the Japanese possession of Formosa. Under condi tions Kiao-chow is to be returned to China. The only encroachment on the soverignty of China is that preferance is to be given Japanese as political, fin ancial, military and police advisers. But this China may avoid by qualifying its own men to act without foreign advice. In general the effect of the agreement is to preserve the Far East for the Chinese and Japanese. The "older boys' conference" of Oregon will be held in Salem this month and special efforts are being made to properly entertain the delegates during their stay. In this work all citizens may share and many are volunteer ing their assistance to Mr. Rogers, who has taken the matter in hand. The movement in the interest of the wel fare of the boys of the country seems inspired by the highest of motives to direct them along the way to use ful, industrious lives. It is sought to show them how their characters may be built up through proper methods of work and recreation alike, and the possibilities are great, since the interest and example of older persons al ways exert an influence upon youthful minds and lives, Salem people are thus afforded an opportunity to par ticipate in a work that is building for the future in the coming citizenship of the commonwealth. This year it has been demonstrated that the Oregon prune crop can be marketed profitably even in the ab sence of foreign demand. While the price received was not high, it left a fair margin of profit to the grower whose yield was good. The light crop in the Willamette valley was offset by a large California crop and it is possible that conditions may be reversed next year, since two heavy crops seldom follow in succession and it will be California's turn to face the shortage next year. The price of prunes is higher now than when most of the growers sold indicating that the demand was not fully supplied. This should mean a complete clean-up and an unusually good price next year. Those prosperity items are coming so thick and fast from all parts of the country that there can be little doubt of their reliability. In Western Oregon the revival of the lumber industry alone is needed, and there are already indications that this will not long be delayed. The dispatches say that Bryan may run again but it will not be much of a race. He sprinted away from the duties and responsibilities of the office of secretary of state in the hour of national uncertainty and peril and his running in the future will attract little attention. When an American editor can think of nothing else to write about he can always discourse upon the mistakes of the military leaders of the entente .alliance. As a nation of generals we have Mexico beaten to a frazzle. The way the prohibitionists are campaigning Oregon would indicate that they had not yet received the returns from the election of last November. 3 A LITTLE TRAGEDY I jaunted in my motor car, and ran o'er Jimpson's shote, and from that creature knocked the tar; I surely got its goat. I offered payment for the pig 'twas neither large nor fat but Jimpson made the price too big; I wouldn't stand for that. "The rankest graft I ever saw," I cried with rising ire; "before I'll go to law a lawyer I shall hire." We went to law; the case was tried by judges near and far; and now I see the lawyer ride in my nice motor car. I trudge along on weary feet, all burdened with disgust; the lawyer scoots along the street, and covers me with dust. Old Jimpson had a hundred pigs,, that fed on cockle-burs; they ve gone to purchase gowns and wigs for stately barristers. We stood last night by my abode, to cuss the legal rich; my lawyer motored down the road, and shoved us in the ditch. For such a dark and dismal shame there's nothing can atone; the car that climbed my palsied frame was formerly my own. Oh, Jimpson had a hundred hogs, and I a choo choo cart; and he has nothing now but dogs, and I a broken heart. 1 A n STAYTON COPLE WEDDED LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G8 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking: Business Safely Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT i A quiet wedding took place at the M. I). purHoiiiigo in iSiilcin on Thursday, November 4 when Jliss Ethel iIue Mack, of this city, nud Hugh Theodore (inice, of Silverton, were united mar riage. Rev. R. N. Aviiion read the Methodist ring service in the presence of only immediate relatives. Tim bride, who is the only daugh ter of A. I.. Mack, is very well and fa vorably known here, where she has grown from childhood to woinuuhood, and she lias a largo circle of friends who extend heartiest congratulations, The groom is the eldest sou of Theo dore Ornce, and is n native tsilverton son, having heen bom and raised there where he is well known. After the first of the year Mr. and Mrs. Urace will be at home to their many friends ut the residence of the bride's i'mlier in this city. iStnytmi Nttindiird. WOODBURN HOP NEWS j There has been nil attempt mude this week to raise the price of hops unit create a flurry, but there is no evidence that the inurket is any bet ter, there being only f tit r demand for good quality, only u nominal amount of bops moving from time to time. There is only an occasional demiiinl for off hops. The prices for ' prime to choice are from 10 to 10 1-i, cents. Cult's In this section the past week were for 7 to 10 13 cents. Among the I lots disposed of were tho Ntirber 2S ! bales, E. K. Ncely 25 bales aud Ort-' I worth Id bales. l'urchases by 1 A. I.ivesley tho past week were: Hyues lot, 51 bales,1 I (lervnis; Stuugcr 45 bulcs, MeKee. i j Independent. I You re paying for newe in 9)1 the Journal, not priies. l I! Dr. W. A. COX PAINLESS DENTIST 303 State Street SALEM, ORE. Your Teeth SHOULD be treated as your best Friend. ""HEY deserve con- stant care and highly skilled treatment. yllEY will repay ev- ery dollar expend ed upon them with a high rate of interest. MY office is equipped with the latest and most modern appli ances for TAINLESS DENTISTRY. I ADY attendant al ways present. Phone 92G. a Galley o Fun! OUTCLASSED COMPLETELY. lirother Yockey. What docs yo' 'link of de new evangelist, sail? Deacon Windiddy. He's a pow'ful 'H;ilit man, s.ili; mo' ee-special in de liiiter o' pra'r. W'y, risht along, he (cs for filings dat po' old Pahsoil :n;stcr didn't even know de Lawd ad! THE OLD FAMILIAR FACES. Parmer Southslopc. Ycssir, I wuz i New York fer two hull days, an' dn't see anybody I knew; and h:it3 mure, I didn't sec anybody iiat reminded me uv anybody I knewl REPTILES. l:c rattlesnake, before he strikes, will warn; he spced-hend hits you first, then blows his horn! SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT. Plaintiff (in law suit). So you hiiik I will get the money, do you? His Counsel. I think we will get it. A STUDY IN ECONOMY. Mr Scene I. (Club cafe. Tanker and I.isson at a table. Tanker expounds.) Yes, as I was saying, my wife doesn't know the meaning of the word save. She's always spending money for something she doesn't need. Have another cigar, old man. . I put all the ready money I had into a car-.-a man needs a little recreation after business hours and what does she do but up and buy a pianol She doesn't know one note from another, and naturally that means a course of lessons. Guess we'd better have just another little bottle of that wine, hadn't we? I've just been moving into larger and better offices. I got tired of that dingy little hole I was in. Help business? Well, I don't know about that part of it. Busi ness was all right in the old place. Still, I though I'd like a change even if the rent is a whole lot higher. Well, the point is, no sooner do I move than she begins to worry the Hie out of me about moving out of our flat into a bigger, more expensive one further downtown. And she had no earthly reason except that she didn't like the neighborhood we were in. Then, as soon as we got moved, she began to buy all sorts of high priced furniture. And she knew as well as I did that I had just put a small fortune into new office fixtures She said our old stuff wasn't good enough for the new location. That's the way it goes. I do all the econo mizing. No, no, old chap, this one's on me. The whole thing Is enough to dis courage a man. A woman ought to be willing to do some of the saving, but no, just as soon as I think I'm beginning to get on my feet, she runs me 'way into debt again for some kind of nonsense. She spends ait enormous amount on clothes. I like to see a woman dress well, but there's a limit. O yes, I like to dress well myself, but I'll bet I don't spend half as much as she does on clothes. Well, say two-thirds or three-auar-tcrs. And the candy bills she runt upl You'd naturally suppose a full grown woman could exist without candy every minute. My turn again, old man. Aud try another of these cigars. Yes, they sell for a quarter, but I get them by the box. I'll tell you what made me more disgusted than anything else, and that's a brand-new proposition she sprang on me last niglit. She already has a coolt and a housemaid, and now what does she want but a butlcrl Think of it, on my incomel Whv. we'll simply gn to smash if a halt isn't called pretty soon. I told her we couldn't atlord it, and she abked me why I didn't discharge the chauf feur. Said I'd learned how to run the car, and didn't need him any mora. I suppose there it something in that, but who wantt to be grimed up all the time from monkeying with a lot of greasy machinery? Sorry you're going. Let's have a little drink first. Good-by. If you hear of my going bankrupt, remember I prophe sied it. So-long. Scene II. (A grocery-store. Tan ker still expounding.) Good Lordl b'ifty cents for butter? When I taw it on the bill, I told mv wife it must he a mistake. And forty-eight for eggs I No wonder a man can't get nlong these days. Somebody's in wait to rob him from the time he gelt up till he goes to bed. You areu't to blame for the prices? Maybe not, but who Is? They all tay tlie tarn thing tomeone else it at the bottom of it. All I can tay it, it't about time something wat done. People of mod erate incomel are all going down and out unlets somebody gets busy be fore long aud straightens thlngt out a little. It't a case oi piv:h and scrimp and tave all the time. Well, I won't ba able te wit the whole bill tills time. Soma of U will have to go over till next month. The Lord knowt hour I'm going to Make both ends meat If you keep on lilting prices. I no sooner tea a chine of getting on to my feet than up goei everything another notch. It't lif ting to a man hat to be a millionaire In order to keep the game going. xit, till talking.) Walter G. Dot. 1 3s?SSt . E&ffe www You'll be thankful if your buildings are made of the good, honest kind of ma terials that we sell. Your house will be warm, and it won't cost you so much to heat it this winter. We are thank ful; right down in our hearts we are thankful for everything we achieved during the past year and are glad to say so. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. FRONT AND FERRY PHONE 1838 Those nine firebugs sentenced to the Tu CTeveluud an armless inan has Oregon penitentiary since June 1 ought been elected municipal judge and he to be a handicap on further growth of, is expected to dispense even-handed! theiT particular industry. i justice. THIS WEEK ONLY TEN LOADS I Mill Wood AT SI. SO. AT Prompt Delivery Spaulding Logging Company NEW TRAINS AND IMPORTANT SCHEDLUE CHANGES On the Oregon Electric Ry. A On and after Sunday JE November 7 - New Daily Local Trains No. 63, lenvo Sulcm 7:10 a. m arrive Albany 8:00, Corvallis 8:2-1, Ilnriisluira 8:53, Junction City 9:01, Eugene 9:30; ond making local stops. No. H, leave Eugene 11:15 n. m., Junction City 11:40, Harrisburg 11:50, Corvallis 12:12 p. m., Albany 12:50, arrive Sulom 1:45; making local Btopa. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE NORTHBOUND. Portland Local No. 0, leave Sulcm. 7:15 a, ni. instead of 6:30. arrive Portland 9:10 instead of 8:30. ' Portlnnd Local No. 14, leave Salcin. 1:45 p. m. Instead of 1:50, arrive Portland, Jefferson St., 3:45 instoud of 3:50, North Bank Station 4 00 instead of 4:10, Limited No. 10, will run as at present leaving Sulcm 4:00 p. m but will not make lucal stops Eugene to Salem. SOUTHBOUND Limited No. -5, will leave Salom 10:15 a. m. ns at present, but will stop onlv at Last Independence, Albany, CorvnllU, Harrisburg, Junction City and Eugene. Corvallis Local No. 7, leave Salom 12:55 p. m. Instead of 1:00, arrive Albany l:o0 Instead of 2:05, Corvallis 2:20 Instead of 2:32. o J?0".' 0, ' ll'4V rrtlR11. North Bonk Station 2:05 p. m. Instead of 2:lp, Jefferson Street 2:25 Instead of 2:30, Salem 4:25 Instead of 4:35, arrive Albany 5:20 lustead of 5:35, Corvulli, 6:02, Eugene 0:45 instead New Folden will be available 8turdoy. J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon