Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1915, Image 1

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Russians Declare Invaders Are Now On Defensive Along
Entire Line Troops Probably Withdrawn For Balkan
Campaign-Allies Try To Pirece Bulgar Line-BerKn
Reports Sinking of British Submarine, and Successes
Against Serbians
London, Xov. 13. Once advancing
victoriously almost without hindrance,
Austro-Gerinnns along the eastern
ront now are on the defense, and los
irg hi're ami there.
ltussinns have dealt them heavy at
tacks in the Riga, Dvinsk and Volhy
nin regions.
The gradual collapse of the Germans
i attributed hern to withdrawal for
the iiulknn campaign, and possibly to
inadequate munitions supplies.
Knmmern nnd Anting in the Shlok
region are in the Hussions' hands after
1 1 days of uninterrupted fighting, while
(lie Germans, badly crippled, have been
thrown back to the west.
in (he Ikskul region, Germans are
milking n desperate effort to recoup
llll'ir Inysog Tlif 1-ilwt: ni'fi.'i.il mi. I
iniuiicenieiit told of ten attacks against
the b'ussinns, nil of which were, re
pelled. "Heaps of German bodies are lying
iu front of our trenches," the state
ment declared.
Tribute was paid to the valor of
young Lithuanian troops, recently
Imrled into the Riga fighting. Gains
in the Dvinsk region "were claimed,
With the grip of winter on the east
ern country, Germans now have no
-chance of accomplishing their long de
sired object of reaching Riga nnd
Dvinsk, nt least until the roads have
become firmer under the action of the
. Bulgars Hard Pressed.
Paris, Nov. 13. following their vie
tiny at S'eles, the nllies are trying
viciously to pierce the Bnlgar line along
the Vnrdar river as the quickest means
of aiding tho main Herb nrniy west of
Official reticence concerning the al
lied landings at Salonika, however, lias
caused fears that tho forces there are
not strong enough to accomplish their
purpose of aiding the Serbians and
cheeking the Austro-Gerniun drive for
Constantinople. ,
Superior forces of French artillery
Washington, Nov. 1.1. Sweeping in
vestigations of bomb explosions and mu
nition plant fires in various parts of
the country are In progress at the di
rection of the department of justice, the
White House announced today.
Attorney Ceneral Gregory, personally
directing tho probe, will report soon to
the president regarding his progress.
Muny persous are under surveillance
uii.l it has been found necessary to in
crease tho investigation force.
The frequency of bomb explosions ou
ships and fires iu big munition pluuts
will be thoroughly looked into.
The activities of Austrian Ambassa
dor Dumba, lending to his recall, were
brought to mind as a result of this an-
Abe Martin
Home fellers are yillin savin, "I
wont go if I hare t' wear a dress
mil" when ns a matter o' fact Uiey
couldn't go If they had t' wear a
dress suit. Evcr'-dny ushorr iu a
new garment-makers' strike,
are playing an important role, mowing
down masses of the enemy.
Whilo there is doubt here as to the
extent of the Salonika landings, there
is nevertheless nppariiiitly some appre
hension in the Turk and Hulgar capitals,
inasmuch as tho envoys of these nations
have protested to Greece against tfie
landings. What course Greece will
take is doubtful. With her political
situation upset by the dissolution of
the legislature, diplomats are at a loss
to know just what she will do, though
they appear confident that there will
be no immediate change iu Grecian
British Diver Sunk.
Berlin, by wireless to Snyville, L. I.,
JNov. l,). The Jlritish submarine, re
ported by London as "probably lost,'
was sunk Nov. G in the Dardanelles,
the Constantinople admiralty announc
ed oiticinlly todny.
The E-20 was one of England's most
modem undersea craft. .She was of
800 tons, equipped with eight torpedo
tiroes unit two quick lners. Three oi
ficers and six men of the crew were
The sinking apparently was the re
sult of the Turks' adoption recently
of strict nnti-submurino precautions.
The official announcement added
that allied monitors' attempts to bom
bard the Saros coast wore frustrated
by Turkish artillery.
Serbians Pursued.
Berlin, by wireless via Saywlle, Nov.
13. Crossing the .Tastrobnc range, 0
miles southeast of Krusevnc, Austro-
German, soldiers joined the Bulgurs iu
pursuit, of the main fleeing Serbian
army nnd raptured over 1100 prisoners,
it was officially announced today.
British Report Denied.
Berlin, by wireless to Suyville, Nov.
1,1. London loports that tho British
had sunk two Germnn submarines at
Gibrnlter were officially denied here
nouncement. Likewise it was deemed
significant that the announcement came
the day following the charges of form
er Austrian Cnnunl (Inrinu v....
Francisco that he had been forced to flee
and then resign because he refused to
do the bidding of Austria In getting
ulnns of American fnrtif ilMllilttltl Tin
charged, too, that a definite spy ring
is unrooreu in tne United .States under
the direction of German Ambassador
Von Bernstorff nud Austriaa Consul
General Nuber of New York. Through
this ring, he claimed, many outrages
were plotted against American factor
ies. His story will bo closely investi
gated. Austrian Consul Accused.
Washington, Nov. 13. Evidence ob
tained by the state department concern
ing the activity of Austrian Consul
General Nuber of New York, as leader
In alleged anti-American plotting has
made hiin personal uon grata with the
The decision as to wiiut will be done
with him lies with Secretary of Stute
These facts developed today in the
wake of disclosures by former Austrian
Consul Goricnr of Han Francisco that
spy systef wus fostered in this country
by Nuber and Germnn Ambassador Von
Bernstorff and announcement that the
department of justice Is probing recent
suspicions bomb explosions and fires in
American munitions plants.
If Lansing takes the step lie is re
ported to beneve warranted by the evi
dence, he will revoke Nuber's exequa
turs and terminate his official status.
Otherwise, If the secretary conclude!
that larger diplomatic matters with
Austria would be complicated by such a
step, he will probably let the matter
rest, trusting that the department of
justice will circumvent future plotting,
alleged ugnlnst Nuber,
Lansing's Information Is that Nuber
has been intimately associated with a
half dozen schemes to embarrass this
government, ranging frum passport
frauds to tielng up export of muni
tions. President Gompers of the American
Federation of Labor disclosed to the ad
ministration that a foreign agent ap
proached a "high federation official
with an offer of $200,000 to cause a
Says Wilson's Defense Plan
Has Not Gone Far Enough
To Satisfy
By N. C. Parke.
(United Press Stuff Correspondent.)
New York, Xov. 13. Wishy-washy!
That's what foimer Progressive Con
gressman Victor ,11 unlock thinks of
President Wilson's military prepared
ness program, as outlined in his recent
Manhattan club speech.
"I've not tnlked with Progressive
congressmen since tiie speech," Jie said
today, beforo sailing to Europe to visit
the war fronts, "but T know and feel
that' the president has not gone far
enough. They will support Roosevelt's
demand for a real army nud navy.
The fiery Kansnn announced that the
bull moose party is still iu the running,
and ready to fight. George W. Perk
ing will call together the party's ex
ecutive committee to arrange for a na
tional committee meeting in -which the
date mnl place of tho bull moose con
vention will be arranged, he said.
"We'll be right in the fiitht." Mur
doch commented. "We will have a
platform that will win the support oi
independent voters."
MurdoctT urged that revenues for In
creased preparedness lie obtained by
lowering the income tax exemption and
through inheritance taxation.
"A bond issuo is tho easiest way of
getting the money, of course." ho said
"but congress ought to be courageous
and Handle the Hung rigntly even if it
costs some votes to do the proper wuy. "
incidentally, Murduok took a fling
nt the Ifoot republican presidential
boom, terming Hoot a "cautious lib
eral." "President Wilson cannot put his
preparedness program through the dem
ocratic caucus and he knows it," Mur
dock declared, "lleuce lie is upnculini;
to the republicans for help, and this
will only split tlie democrats mure. In
this he will have Floor Lender Kitck-
in's help and assistance, ltnan is al
ready breaking up the furniture in be
half of pence, and loading up the bat
tery on the single term pledge and the
iniquity or tne Manhattan club s con
"Tnft. the national blunder buss.
after discovering that Root's constitu
tion in JNew 1 oik state had been de
feated by fiOO.OOO naturally anuoiincod
that Root is the logical cundiduto for
tne republican presidential nomination
"The progressives propose to brinir
into the discordant ranks of republicans
ana democrats, a constructive program
for business ills a snne protective tar
iff, a demand for sociul justice, anil for
real preparedness ou all military, in-
ciusiriui ana economic sides.
Sinking of Liner
Indicates New Policy '
of Austrian Warefare
By J. W. T. Mason. .
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Nov. 13, Submarine de
struction of the Italian steamer Fire-
nza reported todny is not accidental
recklessness but a deliberate new Aus
trian policy.
"Frightfuluess" hns not been tjc
Austrian method.
Hut it is now extremely probable
that Austria has decided that the time
has arrived when Jtalv can be terror
ized into quitting the war. With the
failure of the Italian ottensives, indi
cations of profound discouragement fol
lowed. Moreover, it is remitted that
this pessimism led to n fracas in the
Itnlinn cabinet session in which books
were hurled at one minister's head.
In addition to these signs of a weak
ening Italy, there are indications that
a pueace taction is quietly working in
Rome, urging a separate' withdrawal of
Italy from the war. There is no doubt
that tho joyous spirit of certainty
which marked the entry of Italy into
the struggle, now no longer prevails.
Seattle. Wnidi . Xnv i:t r.ll.Mu,i r....
$10,000 by the Hubert Dollnr company,
the linur l i ii iiiiiuit i. u-l,!,.l .. . .. i. .. . -
nvinj nuiu nan iU UM?
snlled F.riday for Liverool, was being
ut-iuim-.u iu uiu iinrour uere louav uy
hniliir trniil.ln Tl... III,., I U ..
........ i.u.-v.,.. i.u mill IB WRintl Ul
an aliened breach of contract by the
reiusui or ine company to carry 300,000
feet of lumber to Glasgow.
The Minnesota owners gnve bond for
the vessel 's release. She was expected
to suil this afternoon.
Murysville. Oil.. Nov. 13. Arthur
Johasou was found guilty today of
iirsi ucgire mumer. i ue jury recom
mended life imprisonment. Johnson
stabbed to death Hnlph Werner, a
f;eaerul strike of longshoremen. Fob
owing this statement, the Forlcar dis
closures and other corroboratory Inci
dents, the government Investigation
has been redoubled.
Federal Attnrnev Mamlm! nf Vnw
York, arrived hen' tudnv nn.1 ltnlu.pf
Fny, bomb plot prosecutions in Now
i.ors, arrived acre louay ana confer
red with Assistant Attorney General
Warren over the situation.
Attnrnev Gi.licrtil (Imirnrv sumlit In
. H'J ...
quiz, (loricar, but tho Providence
iiuurnai, wuo uriuieii uis story, mrorm
Pil itreuorv tnitt flie fiirmnr AimtriMn
diplomat will not be "available" fur
suverui unys.
Sons of Eli Were Too Fast
For Gridiron Opponents
Great Crowd Witnessed Bat
tle Between Football
By George R. Hobnes.
(I.'uitcd Press Stuff Correspondent.)
New Haven ('nun., Nov. 13. Under
dogs from the siait of the season; mal
igned of the sporting experts and not
conceded mi outside chance to win a
week ago, the Vale bulldogs "came
through" this afternoon nnd buttered
their way to victory over Princeton by
a score, of l.'l to 7.
The blue victory was a personal tri
umph lor Tom Shevlin and Guernsey,
the big full biuk with the educated toe!:0"1" I'ittMitiry life termer, who
Taking hold ot ihe tenm nt. ihn lnot
moment Hl'teP other coaches apparently tcn,I,t;-
had fuiled tn bring order out of Yale's Special Ageut Lou Wagner, of the lo
athltttif chaos, Hiicvlin taught the team''''1' traction company, received a letter
sufficient football to defeat the Tigers frolu Hooper postmarked Minneapolis,
at their own game. j and ou the corner of the envelope was
To guernsey went the individual I written "return in 10 days to John
nonors ol tlie game. The fullback who!
maae tne team two years ago but was
n't considered good enough for a place
last yivir, dropped two beautiful field
goals and kicked another goal after a
touch. One of Guernsey 'a efforts trav
eled a distrnnce of 00 yards, the best
kick o, the (nou in "big league"
foolbul. The oval settled toward the
bar as the thousands in tho great bowl
held their breaths, it ticked the bar.
apparently poised for an instant, ami
then dropped on the other-side.
Pandemonium broko loose from the
Yale adherents.
Only a few minutes Inter Guernsey
sent another shot through between the
posts from an easier position, Yule was
then 0 points to the good, (louded to
a frenzy, Princeton responded to the
pleas of her rooters. Two perfect for
ward pnssea netted big gains.. Click
and Tibbott were sent through tho line
and around the ends for more yardage.
Down the field" swept the black nnd
gold, tinder their own goal posts Yale
held doggedly. Three times Olick and
Driggs were hurled at the line, finch
time the bull wus stopped within inches
of the ehuik mark.
Driggs was called upon for the final
effort. He made good. Priuceton then
took her turn at vocal insanity. Tim
bott added his "bit" by negotiating
the goal. Princeton was ahead 7 to (i.
Yalo's unbeatable spirit, aided by
dame fortune, ngain turned the tide for
the blue wjen one of Guornsey's punts
got away from the Princeton bnckficld
sad Wuy recovered it, dashing ucross
for another score. Guernsey added tho
First Period.
Iu the first period, Driggs returned
Guernsey's kickoff to the 30 yard line.
I'rin, i, .nut,., I n.,.i ii. ....,... .i
fit. I - ' '
nuson tnniie oig gains, uuernsev punt-!
ed sad Shea fmnbled it. C. SI, ddon
i . v..i .l ' of .... ..'
Prince WJ. h " Z K "If
Shea blocked Guernsey attempted i?oal.l""''" !'"? ,0
Driggs punted from behind tho ironl
i-. , a ' . . . . " ,
to Yule's 30 vard line. Higley secured
the bull. Tibbott advanced it to tho
2") yard line and missed a goal only by
inches. After an exchange of punts and
vain pluugiug, (', Sheldon recovered
Priuceton 's fumble on Yule's 20 yard
line. M. Wilson replaced Higley. "See
sawing gains and checks kept the spec
tators constantly ou their feet. Sharp
cheers barked out item both sides.
The period ended with the bull in
Yalu's possession on her own 20 yurd
Score, Yule 0; Princeton, 0.
Second Period.
VuuNostniud caught a Princeton for-
ward tu-w almost on Yale's goal lino,
shortly after the period started and
raced 4.j yards before Glick tackled ,
him. Dnggs blocked a forward pass,
Guernsey brought the crowd to their
feet With a sensational dropklrk Of M
yards, for three points. Jlitting the
crsssbar, the ball rolled over.
Captain ftilsnn returned tho kicliolf
to midfield. Bingham nnd Guernsey
HAtr To
Oregon: Fair
tonight, warmer
east portion;
Sunday Increas
ing cloudiness
followed by rain
wost ' portion;
southerly winds.
To 5c Mo i
I V' -
Witnesses- Summoned For
Trial of Alleged Dynamiter,
Los Angeles, Cnl., Nov. 13.-Many
survivors of tho explosion and fire
which destroyed tho Times building Oc
tober 1, UU0, will be on hand to testify
Mouday when tho murder trial of Ai.
A.. Schmidt, charged with being im
plicated iu tho alleged dynamiting of
the structure, is resumed.
Tho principal fight now, as far ns
the state iB concerned, is to establish
the cfiuue of the explosiou. In support
of the dynamite theory, the prosecution
is putting tho survivors ou the witness
stand In describe the blast. Many of
them tell stories of horror, graphically
describing their own escapes, and the
futilo struggles of thoso who were trap
ped and killed.
ju us croHs-cxnmiiumon, tne aetense,
repieiiented by Attorneys Coghlun, Me-Ki-uzio
and Hurrimnn, seeks to throw
a doubt on the cause of the disaster, in
dicating the explosion might have been
caused by gas, gasolino or iuk.
Hooper Holds Officers
In Utter Contempt
Portland, Ore., Nov. 13. The police
were convinced todny that John Austin
Hooper, alleged outlaw of Folsom
liroko parole, holds them in utter con
Austin Hooper, or Outlaws Kunch." In
the envelope wus Bomo advert ising mat
ter. Hooper escaped jail several months
ago at (hunts Pass where he was await
ing trial on the charge of robbing the
Rogue Hiver bank. Later he was ar
rested in Minneapolis under nn assumed
name, but was released after former
Governor MeUovorn is suid to have
vouched for him:
The Oregon authorities charge that
Hooper was responsible for a number of
bold robberies in this stato and Cali
Michigan 0, Pennsylvania 0.
Pennsylvania State 33, Lafayette 3.
Harvard 10, Brown 7.
Pitt 28, Carnegie Tech. 0.
Wisconsin 3, Illinois 17.
Amherst 41, Williams 0.
Syracuse 38, Colgate 0.
Minnesota 20, Chicago 7.
Dartmouth 27, Bates 0.
Cornell 40, W. and L. 21.
Case, 0; Wooster, 0.
Ohio State, 25; Oberlin, 13.
Louisville, 7; Franklin, 13.
Notro Dame, 34; Crcighton, 0.
Nebraska, 33; Kansas, 0.
Army, 24; Maino, 0.
Indiana, 13; Northwestern, 0.
Navy, 28; Colby, 14.
idungod through for gains. Guernsey,
from the 30 yurd line dropkicked an
other goal.
Scorn, Ynlc, 6; Princeton, 0.
Frenzied by the scoro of Guernsey's
phenomenal Bhots at the posts, the Ti
gers opened up tho qiiiiio wide, and sue
,:ssiuny exccuicu u series or rorwnrii
passes, interspersed with liife nlnvs
I,,... ' . . ,.. ' , ,, , . ,
ut q"-''V forced O.o bull to Yale'f
eleven yurd line. Glick then plunged
- ?"- A second attempt by
On the lust down nnd with but nn
inch to go Driggs mndo the distance
by a matter ot inches. Mooro re
placed Shea for Princeton. Glick
bucked twice but failed to guin. With
the ball resting almost on the line
Driggs plunped across for a Princeton
touchdown. Tinootts sent the ovnl be
tween the posts for a pretty goal. Seoro,
lain, o; I'rmceton, 7.
Just before the period ended Guern
sey essayed another field goal but fail
ed. The period ended with the ball In
Princeton's possession on her own 20
yarn line.
Third Period,
Within n minute aftor the kickoff
another sensational play occurred. Held
or downs, inle was forced to put.
Guernsey 's kick took a freakish bound
nn . rtnentnn ' 30 vii til linn Wnv rA.
covered the ball from amid a tnngle of
Princeton players, and streaked his way
In the irlml. t'lirlitlnrf like n demon over
the lust ten" yards with Priucton tack-
lers tenriu- nt his knees, Guernsey
kicked tho goal. Score, Yalo 13; Prince
ton, 7.
Fourth Period.
Low replaced priggs for Princeton.
Tn tho closing minutes of tho gnme
Princeton fought tho ball ,to within
striking distance of a touchdown but
just as a score seemed curtain, 1'rlnce
ton fumbled and Yalo recovered the
ball. It was the Tigers' last gasp.
The final whistle sounded soon after
Yale had kicked out of danger
Lineup of Teams.
Princeton Yalo
M. Wilson LE Church
McLean LT C. Sheldon
Nourse LG Kent
Gennert C Whito
Hogg Kll Sheldon
Pari set to HT Way
liinberton H K Wideman
(Hick Q VunnoBtrnnd
Bhea f. If Itinghnm
Tibbott H H Wilson
Driggs Jf Guernsey
Acreage of Wheat Has Been Largely Increased Because
of Foreign Demand and Price Has Been Higher Cotton
Market Has Boomed and $339,000,000 Worth of Meat
and Dairy Products Have Been Shipped Abroad Says
Official Report
During the first year, agricultural exports increased 32 per cent, a
stimulus which caused aa increase of 3.4 per cent in the acreage,
Grain exports were tho highest; cotton the lowest.
What the American Farmer Has to Bell Abroad This Year.
In excess of home requirements, Amorica can spare:
3715,000,000 bushels of wheat.
225,000,000 bushels of corn.
7,000,000 bales of cotton.
200,000 bushels of onts.
$1130,000,000 worth of meat and duiry products.
Washington, Nov. 13. Whilo sensa
tional fluctuations in Wall street at
tracted attention, the American farm
er wsb quietly pocketing heavy profits
as a result of the war.
Department of agriculture figures,
made available to the United Press to
day, indicate that ho seized the psych
ological moment to boom Iuh business,
liealizing that Europe bought more of
his goods than ever beforo nnd seemod
in a way to continue needing vnst sup
plies, the nloresuul American inrmor
promptly planted more land in order to
meet the larger demand.
Much of this land wont into wheat,
wherewith to feed the armies fighting
each other on tho great fronts 'of Eu
rope. Tho once vast cotton crop of
the south was decreased, because a year
since the farmer found himsolf embar
rassed by the small figures tho crop
brought abroad.
Tho aggregate crops this year are
estimated at seven per cent larger than
last year when the farmer exported
Arrest of Two Girls
Relieves Authorities
Portland, Ore., Nov. 13. With the
arrest at The Dalles, of Velraa Harper
Peterson, aged 1(1, and Emma I.ehr,
aged 17, the authorities hero were
grently relieved todny. They feared
thut they were confronted with a mys
tery that would baffle solution.
When taken into custody the girls
were attired in overalls, blue shirts aud
Tho girls disappeared from Portland
Inst Wednesday evening shortly after
being seen on board tho United States
cruiser Boston dressed In men's cloth
To account for their costumes, tho
girls told The Dalles police they were
chorus girls out of a job, and hud start
cd out to seek work dressed in stage
Coal Steamer Aground
In Lake Erie Storm
Eric, Pu., Nov. 13. Aground in I.ako
Erie in heavy weatber, the coal steam
er Philip Armour threatened to pound
to pieces four miles west of here to
dny. Fearing that she was about to
sink, her crew clambered to tho rigging
and were finally rescued by life savors.
The grain steamer Perry was report
ed sunk with three of her crew rescued
by life savers.
Shortly before noon, the life saving
crew was still battling with tho waves
iu the vicinity of the two ships.
North Curolina may select tho peach
blossom as its stato flower; we'd think
there 'd bo a rush among tho southern
London, Nov. 13. England 's "stay
at .homes" had before them toduy tho
example of a man, once a foremost fig
ure in the nation's war affairs, vol
untarily relinquishing an cusy govern
ment berth to join his regiment.
That mun is Winston Churchill, one
time first lord of the ndmirulty.
Holding that ho could not sit in the
new war council, accepting Its respon
sibility without having a cabinet post
commensurate, with this responsibility,
he resigned. As chancellor of the duchy
of Lancaster his cabinet position wub
more or less honorary. It brought no
responsibility for directing Britain's
wur fortunes.
Churchill, ns nn officer of the Ox
ford Yeuuiunry, will soon bo at the
about one-tenth of his total. If hnlf .f
the increased production is available
for export this year, the export total
will be 25 per cent more than Inst
Increased acreago in sugar beets,
sweet potatoes, rice and wheat ranges
from 30 to 10 per cent; tobacco, corn
and oats acreage increased upwnrdg
of five per cent; hay, rye and potatoes
from three to one per cent; while flax,
barley nnd cotton decreased.
Onts made a sharp advance on ac
count of the war. Whilo practically all
of this product is generally consumed
at home, oight.pcr cent of the crop
was exported iu the first year1 of tbo
war, and farmers got a ceut increase
per bushel.
The cotton farmer will share in the
general farm prosperity -because this
year the crop is less ihon 1 1,000,00(1
bales,, compared with over 10.000,000
bales lust year. Along with this de
creased production is an increased do
mestic demand which is boosting tho
Passengers Had Taken To
BoatsStory of Dr.
Cecile Greil
London, Nov. 13 That tho submarine
attacking the Italian liner Ancona con
tinued to fire shells aftor the passen
gers went overboard was the declara
tion today of Dr. Cecile Greil, of New
York, a survivor, at Forryvilte, Tunis.
She said a shell entered the port hole
of her cabin and killed her maid be
fore she rushed in for her own clothing.
Tho doctor reached the deck again too
Into to get into a lifeboat, but she
leaped into a launch. The submarine
could ho seen through a light fog 100
yards away. It continued its shelling,
tho shrapnel bursting above the water
ilino. Theu it fired the torpedo that
sent the Anconn to tho bottom.
Most of the passengers, sho said, were
nt luncheon when the first shells were
fired. A wild panic rush for tho bouts
followed us the shells, continued to
sweep tho decks.
She could not dear up the situation
concerning tho vessel's effort to escape,
and just what tho situation was with
regard to halting.
states to choose the cotton bloom first;
and it's some flower.
front. In quitting, he expressed appre
ciation for the honor of seeking to linvo
him in the war council.
His example fired some of tho "stay
at homes" to uction, Hiwulting of
ficers hoped it would be an Inspiration
to others.
His resignation, coupled with Lord
Derby's threat of conscription If Kw
laiid s young men do not como forwnrd
voluntarily liefore November 30, coup
led with Churchill's example has creat
ed more talk than any event of recent
Kn gland has now come to the real
isation that the heuds of her affairs
mean business in their enlistment pro
gram. Officials wait anxiously to knoir
the results of tho realization ;