SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1915. ,L i" .... ilUWIII SPFAK : iin . . rCT"" -mm. .... (j) a See I rnn nnAMiniTinillATA I I - ' V j m . I i -g m I I ukh 11 " l mow 1 VJU fesi The Fast, Convenient Way $2.15 for the Round Trip For Children over five and under twelve years of age $1.10. Willamette vs. Pacific FOOTBALL OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Special tickets good on trains leaving Salem before noon on date of sale November limited to re turn on trains leaving Forest Grove before midnight of date of expiration of ticket. R. H. Crozier, A. G. P. A., J. W. RITCHIE, Agt, Portland, Ore. Salem, Ore. His Lordship Becomes Proficient As Machinist By Wilbur S. Fon-est. (United Press staff correspondent.) London, Oct. 11. (By niiiil.) Charlemont, ngcd 38, eighth viBcount of that noble Irish family. is i n fair '.v to become a member of the Tiiiplutors union. Ho not only admits but wel comes the possibility. Lord ('hnrlomont bin been working for months in a munition factory at Coalislnnd, (southern England. He start ed nt a wees mm im-. , date, ho has rondo no lens than $7 a week and sometimes $17. He ha acquired Home knowledge of metal turning and having a kunck for machinery admits ho has "landed on his feet." He has worked on shells with trado unionists and there was no kick. That is where be first got bis i'lea of joining the ttnplatcrs. Alongside Lord Chnrlemont are gen tlemon and laborers, tradesmen, chauf feurs, grooms and gardeners all milk ing munitions. Ho declares they are all making Rood. Average intelligence, he insists, backed by a desire to do one best, have beaten skilled labor nt its own game, """Tho first day," says Lord Chnrle mont, "I did thirty ten-pounder shells and thought it jolly good. The second day I did fifty, and now I do fronm 130 to 150 quite easily. I have been :-i. ., ..,!, .r ulun: nllBtV things thcBC to tackle weigh about -10 pounds apiece and arc two loci aim a I can do about fifty or sixty of them a day and each one pays me five cents. Tho miserable ton-pounders are only thrco farthing"." (By United Tress staff correspondent.) London, Oct. 13. (Hy man.) now weary, dust covered British "Tommy had the surprlso of his life when given "a lift" in a military automobile on a country road in Northern Franco has just been told in London. ' Two officers were in tho car. They talked tn the "Tommy" and he was noon telling his troubles. Hoon he pro duced a picture of his best girl from one of his innermost pockets. Hie of- ficers congratulated him on the good looks of bis girl and he filially ven tured: "I suppose you, sir, carry u photo graph of someone?" The younger of the two officers replied: "Well, I've got my father's photo about me and I'll give you one if you like." lie produced a golden sovereign and slipped it into the "Tommy's" 1 and. On the sovereign wns the h"ad of King Oeorge. "Tommie's" com panions were the Prince of Wales and n brother officer. Two of the most famous as well as eloquent leuders of the anti-saloon forces in this country will appear next Thursday ut the armory, Bichuiond 1. Hobson, and Dr. Kdwin X. .Steams. Richmond 1'. Hobson is a former con gressman from Alabama, and it is his bill with Senator Nhoppurd, of Texas,' that was voted on last December in the house of representatives, receiving a vote of l!7 in its favor, to 18SI against. This bill, known as the Sheppaid-Hob-son nincndiiieiit, provided thr.t the sule, manufacture for "ale, transportation for sale, importation for sale, and expor tation for snie of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes be forever pro hibited in the United States and nil territory 'subject to its jurisdiction. Al though receiving u majority vote, the amendment was lost, as an amendment to the constitution requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of congress and ratification by 30 states. Dr. Kdwin I. Stearns is a national lecturer of the Anti-Saloon League and has lectured for years in all parts of. the country. The local committee in charge of ar rangements, appointed by the Minister ial Union, consists of tho Rev. James Elvin, chairman: Rev. H. K. Horns chuc.h and Rev. H. K. Pemberfon. Gov ernor Withyconibc will preside nt the lecture and' music, will be furnished by an orchestra and the Christian church male quartette. The address of both .Mr. Hobson and Mr. Stearns will be on the Nheppnrd Hobson amendment. The lecture is free and of course everybody is invited. The progrnm for the evening will begin promptly at o 0 ciock. DANGERSJF A COLD Salem People Will Do Well to Heed Them, Many bad cases of kidney troublo re sult from a cold or chill. Congested kidneys fall behind in filtering the poison-laden blood and backache, headache, dizziness and disordered kidney action follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Doan's Kidney Pills at the first sign of kidney troublo. Follow this Salem resident's exumplo: J. H. Pcnton, 3415 Lee St., Salem, says: 'A cold settled on my kidneys, I causing pain through my back. I knewi that my kidneys were to blamo, and, hearing several local citizens endorse Doan's Kidneys Pills highly, I began I iiBing them. They were just what 1 1 needed to relieve the pains and other kidney troubles. Whenever .1 have tnkon Donn ' Kidney Pills Bince, a few doses have brought me relief.' Price fiOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's idnay i'ills the same that Mr. Ponton bad. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N.Y. Dorothy Daphne Lewis When in SALEM, OREGON, atop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Tree anil Private Baths BATES: 75c, 1.00, $l'.60PER"jJAY Tho only hotel ill tho business district. Nearest' to all Depots, Theatres mid Capitol Uuildinga. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BIJOU, Prop. Both Phonos. Free Auto Bus. FRUITLAND NOTES (Capital Journal Special Service.) Uruitliiail, Or., Nov. 12. Monday, W. A. Liston, a leading Salem dealer in realty, made this locality a visit. He reported business in his line rnthcr dull. Our real estate men are among the most honorable and progressive citizens. Some of them could talk a rail off the fence and a new comor off his guard. Yet too" never put tho small potatoes in tho bottom of the sack not if any boilv's looking. A" Mr. Miller, of Yakima county is visiting this week with John Hostctler and mother on the Prntum road. School is uroirressine nicely under the care of Miss Naomi Runner. The first mouth is now uone and the pupils 1 have talked with like her as a teacher Mrs. Ransom and Mrs. Mcllwnin havo ench a very i'iao lot of celery wnich shows Friiit'lnnd can raise other things besides nice girls. M. M. Itnnaom has taken up his lo ganberry patch. Thinks it a waste of ground , or time and lanor wirn no financial profit. We bote the exchango of opinion re luting to our worthy county agricul turist, Mr. L. .1. Chnpin. In the last few days in tho Capital Journal, Mr. Peterson, Air. Hamilton, of tho commer cial club, and Judge Itushey express their views. It is n sort of a storm center culmiiintiii" about poor Mr. Chnpin. So far as 1 know ho is taking it all quietly ami niaybo enjoys it. If the lightning strikes him he doesn't probabl" care. The Judge's bolts seem to have hit Mr. Peterson in two or more places. My opinion, as far as the judge's communication goes is that he (tho judge) has cooked nis gooso to a finish. Mr. Peterson may object to being curved as well as cooked and served up before the public in this wav. Mavbe he will trv to even up tiit-murh flu. "11,11,11 1'nriim " nf llliu newspaper. 1 am going to watch. AsJT nlAf1 fVnpr-e Rparlv to Mr. Chnpin, if he is worth I00 nUnUeU UlOtUb AWUY month or. i-0( to the farmers of Mo rion county will depend upon first whether he can teach them to grow a better ouolitv tif ernns and so coui-l miinil a better nrice: or second, if ho i for tho purpose of combating the so- can tench the farmer to grow better ended jobbers trust in Portland, the crops at less expense and so realize United (Irocers of Oregon were ready more out of the present prices ne gets for business todnv. iHero of Spanish-American vfin. V mi 'ff'SM ' Billed ForfatlTiursday J -XJA '! I I """4 ;:; ;u i I - -f .J4r ...Jj- s..,.,,,, iiiMimni I r inMiinrnini' nnr'miin-iiriiniiinini lilii I rrr'iiiirinliiilliTTfirif-i--1lliTL h. . j m I Always fry with Cottolene Whatever you fry with Cottolene is delicious and digestible. The true flavor of chicken, fish, potatoes, or any other fried foods is enhanced. Cottolene has done much to do away with the old prejudice against fried foods. As it does not soak into the food, it performs fully the real function of a frying agent it cooks the food and adds not only to its flavor but to its wholesomeneas. Cotloleini For more than a quarter of a century Cottolene has held its' own place, in a class by itself. There is no substitute for it. Always remember to use one-third less Cottolene than you would of butter or lard. Since Cottolene does not absorb tastes or odors, it may be used over and over again for frying. Heat it slowly. Cottolene is packed in pails of various sizes for your con venience. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book, " HOME HELPS." tt UEJifhX RBAN KcpSZl Cottolene makes good cooking better IV Gold Fish FREE I .... . ii D While tney lasi Two gold fish and a globe free with a 50c purchase of any Rexall Remedy, Ilexall Stationery, Rexall Toil et Article er Perfumery. Perry's Drug Store The Rexall Store. Watch for ur One Cent Sale Next Week ' . f 1 ' DEFENSE WILL CLAIM iT Contention .That Explosion of Gas Main Wrecked Los Angeles rimes OLDEST LADY AT FAIR. Mrs. Charles Terry, Aged 03, Makes Long Trip Successfully. The west side litis the distinction of being the home of the oldest lady who traveled from a irreat distance to tne state of California to see the I'aunmn- I'acific. expostion at Snn Francisco. The name of the lady is Mrs. Charles Terry, who is now attending the fair with her son, cnarles Terry. Mrs. rerry lives on State street and is ninety-three yours of age. In company with her son she left here Inst mouth and iniulo the long journey of almost three thous nnd miles without discomfort. Her won derful vitality has excited the admira tion of tho fair authorities and she holds the record to dnto for being the oldest lady in attendance nt the fair ll'roiii u foreign slate. In her home life ion the west side she is remarkably in: ! tive for her age and manages to do a j grout deal of her own housework. The iTerrv family will return to tu west ai do on .September 21), Tiio above is from a Luyt'ayette, Iudi. una, newspaper. Mrs. Terry is un aunt of Mrs. Mary Stover, of 370 Lincoln street who says, no matter what goes) on anywhere in the day of making rec ords, Oregon and Salem are sura to be connected with it in somo way. rnnaraa wants to borrow 41,250,000 from the United States. AVhy should wo htive to bother with such trifles! Appearing in Billy ttice Musical Com edy Co., "By the Sea," at the Grand Theatre, Sunday and Monday. To Fight Jobbers Portland, Ore., Nov. 12. Organized for his labor mid produce, t il l he do it I hope so, if ho is retained, chiefly if lie can help in any proper way to get a more remunerative market it may pay to retain him. Tho "devil's lane" and sign board iust west of the church lire no more. Thus the old landmarks are disappear inir one bv one. The board was stolen some time ago and thus a smull cusej of petty larceny was committed. Mr. Thompson, the owner, will not prose cute, though he knows who the parties are. tleiug as honest a N'otchuiati as ever nto a bunnnck, he just Inuuhs; about it and lets it go. The old mis understanding between him mid the church people is happily a closed inci-i dent. The dove of jienrp hovers near' tne uiHputeit ground, putnu can now that his lane mid sign beard lire both guiiv uprcim ins sooiy wings ami seepi away. Amen. O. N. O. REJECTS PLAN The iobbers nre alleged to favor pre ferred buyers in the mutter of prices. Unless the United (Irocers nre dealt with on the sumo basis, it is said, they will pool their purchases and deal with firms whose bids for recognition nre ucceptnble. Washington, Nov. 12. The National duard convention's disapproval at San Francisco of the administration plan for a continental army of "trained citi zenry," fciccrctary of War Harrison to day indicated, mny change the govern ment plans to enlist the militia in the continental army. Officials bellevo that unfoiniliiirity with the administration plans caused the convention to reject them. An Optimist , A man who owns a Fih Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 when Old Prob says rain. Waterproof, absolutely Protactof Hal, H twit Satisfaction Guaranteed " Send for cstilog S(CS!WMi A I TOWFB CO. ' . ' Am I Q BOSTON Los Angeles, Nov. 12. Considerable stress was laid by the defease in the M. A. Schmidt dynamite and murder triad today on the testimony Wilbur Wilbur, stereotyivcr employed in the Times building when it was blown up. Wilbur said he heard two explosions, the second sounding like the bursting if a gasoline tank. There was gaso line stored in the building, he said. It is the intention of the defense to prove if possible that explosions of gasoline unit ink, not of dynamite, de stroyed the newspaper building. Having established the fact of Charles Haggerty's death, the prosecu tion this morning laid foundations for the introduction of testimony tending to support the allegation that Schmidt, by consiiiring with the McNnmaras, was instrumental in causing the death of Hagg-Ttv. Witnesses described digging Haggerty's body out of the ruins five di.ys after the disaster, and Hagger'y's nwd father told about the lust tiwe he saw his son alive. "In Service of State" .' and Has No Need For ' Compensation Now A claim for u slight injury was sent into tho state industrial Occident com mission from eastern Oregon not long ngo. The report of the doctor showed that the injury was but slight and in oiipneitutod the injured iiian for but a lew tiours. However, he was sent n card by the commission tolling him thej claim had been received and in the future when writing to the commission to refer to the claim by tho above nuhibor. Yesterday the commission received a letter froni the injured man in which he stated that he was "in the service of the state at present" and was being well timon euro or ami wount nave no need for compensation. An investiga tion revealed the fact that the man was now serving a life sentence at the state pen. WOMAN APPOINTED MINISTER Vernon, N. J., Nov, 12. Because she served so ably as their pastor when her husband was ill, Mrs. -Milne l udworth, widow of the Rev. Kliott Cudwnrth, has been nppeiuted temporary minister of tho Methodist churcn Here. Remember, success of the Con sumers' league early Christmas shop ping campaign depends upon consumers themselves. You're "All In" When Your Stomach Goes Back on You If you are blessed with strong digestion, take care of it. If you are troubled with a weak one, set it right. You are no stronger than your stomach. When vour stomach goes back on you, your head, nerves and appetite go wrong, too. You feel dull and stupid, und your work suffers. You can't do your best when your stomach is out of order. Get it in shape, or you will soon be "all in." If your food does not agree with you, or you are suffering with indigestion, nausea, biliousness, sick headache or sleeplessness then be Avamed it is time for you to take 7 11 MiMliVy mm a great medicine for the stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. They give you an appetite and the digestion to take care of it; they regulate the bile, act on the kidneys and blood, and have a laxative effect which keeps you free from constipation. They quickly put your stomach in order, so you eat well, sleep well, feel well and work well. No more biliousness, no more indigestion, headache or clogged bowels, after you take lleecham's Pills. They will soon help the liver, tone your stomach, Strengthen the Digestion and Keep You Up to the .lark "TW Urfne Ssls W Asy IMttbs la tU WwW" At All, 10c, 25c