Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" I'M DAY KVKMXU, November 12, 1 !!;".. CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. h. S. BARNES, President CUAS. II. FISIIKR, Vice-President iORA C. ANDRESEN. bee. and Treus. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month. Iaily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month. .45c .35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Denrborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the iaper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not tho carriers are following instructions. Phono Main 81. THE "AWAY FROM THE FARM" MOVEMENT Fourteen weekly newspapers have joined hands in an effort to boost the "back to the farm movement." They make a strong showing as to the necessity of the move ment, asserting that 9: counties in Illinois are losing population, and have been doing so for fifteen years. The Oregon Journal commenting on the effort of the fourteen "Horatios at the bridge" says: "Of course we shall do our full duty in sympathizing vith this worthy effort. We hope it will accomplish something. But we have our doubts. Young people from the country drift townward because they can earn more there than in their old surroundings. They not only earn more but they have an immensely "better time" spending what they earn. Until the country can be put on an equality with the city in these respects we fear the drift will continue." There is in the Journal's comment one assertion that accounts for the "away from the farm" movement, and that is the towns attract the boys from the farm because in them: "They not only earn more but they have an immensely better time spending what they earn." Here in a nutshell is not only the cause of the move ment but also an admission that the farmer, as compared to all other trades or occupations is grossly underpaid. We all take pride in pointing to the country's vast crops and in boasting of our ability to feed the world, but we do not take into consideration the vast army of farm ers who toil early and late to make this magnificent showing. The latest report of the Department of Agriculture shows the principal farm crops this year are valued at about $5,500,000,000. Including cotton and the animal industries this amount would- reach fully $10,000,000,000. The census of 1910 shows there was a farm population of about 12,700,000. It is a fair estimate to say that of these one half are adults. In other words that there are, in cluding the women, about six million farmers. With a ten billion dollar crop this would allow an average income to each of $1,GG6. This sum must cover the interest on the capital invested, taxes and all other charges. It is safe to say that the actual pay the farmers receive for their work is not above $75 per month and is probably below $50. It is this pretty well understood fact, that makes the hovs drift to the cities, where as has been said they can cam more and have more amusements. It is this same; condition that cause the farmers to object to payink high salaries to officials, no more intelligent than themselves, and for work not nearly so strenuous. These conditions also handicap the agricultural schools and colleges, especially those which have courses such as engineering and others; for the boy going to them with the intent to study agriculture, is brought face to face vith the proposition that agriculture is not nearly so profitable as some other pursuits, and so he takes up these other vocations instead. The colleges are not to blame for it, but conditions. GENERAL McCLELLAN AND LORD KITCHENER British territorials to participate in Churchill's madcap expedition to Antwerp or to be sent to join Joffre until they had received proper schooling. . At the end of one year so great was the dissatisfaction against McClellan that he was superseded, while Kitchener had not been the head of the war office twelve months before an outcry was raised against his alleged failure and such pressure brought to bear against him that he may yet be forced to resign. While the characters of the men are diametrically opposite for Kitchener would never hesitate to be the first to cross a bridge designed by himself and McClellan never staked his dice on such a risk as Paardeberg both effected a military organization without which the gen erals in the field could .have accomplished nothing. Both were expected to be magicians, to achieve results which nothing but long years of thorough preparation can bring about, and both have been roundly censured for their failure to "accomplish the impossible." That the tasks imposed upon them by sloth of their respective nations were too great is manifest from the fact that in 186:' the north was compelled to resort to the draft, and that there is every indication at present that England will have .no alternative save to exact compulsory service frcm every able bodied man." WHO PAYS? The Capital Journal has a circulation many hundreds greater than its morning contemporary. " It sticks only to business-like methods of promoting circulation and finds no trouble in securing and holding subscribers. Nearly all newspapers that are worth while have dis carded the voting contest if indeed they ever used it. They know that the public can't be fooled always at the same old game and besides they don't want to fool the public if they could. The transient manager of a contest must be paid a large commission or high salary, automobiles and pianos cost a lot of money who pay for them? The subscriber by being overcharged for his paper, the pub lisher or the contestant? Figure it our for yourself, but don't lose sight of the fact that somebody pays. Publish ers who conduct newspapers which have real merit do not find it necessary to resort to voting contests or any other questionable scheme to get their papers into the homes and keep them there. But the main question is, who pays ? Elihu Root is certainly encountering some real ob stacles on his way to the White House. First the people of New York snow his pet state constitution under by something like a million majority, and then ex-President Taf t endorses his candidacy. The National Federation of Labor has seated two Japanese delegates. More evidence that the world do move. Instead of going to war against each other, Uncle Sam and the kaiser seem to be getting real chummy of late. That old bridge must be pretty strong to bear all the criticism which has been heaped upon it. Oregon rain has its advantages' over the cyclones of the middle west, anyway. Seems pretty hard to stir up much real interest in politics, local or general. IMRhumeS- s. . . . t . . .J. s And now some war experts are drawing parallels be tween the work of General Lord Kitchener and General McClelland of our own civil war. Here is a sample of the logic of one wellknown military writer: "The Union in 18G1 and England in 1914 were extra ordinary unready. Both were immediately plunged into dire straits one by the demoralization resulting from the first battle of Bull Run, the other by the havoc in the ranks of the first British expeditionary force wrought by the German onslaught until it was checked on the Marne. Forgetful of the causes which had produced Mc Dowell's disaster, the north clamored for hasty action by McClellan, but he declined to. budge until he considered that his troops had been sufficiently trained to undertake active operations with a fair assurance of success. "Kitchener was equally obdurate, and subsequent events have abundantly justified his refusal to permit WORRYING A Galley o Fun! THE LOCOMOTIVE, THE COW AND THE LAWYER. A Fable. " A spotted Ilolsteln heifer once op posed a certain railway project, and was badly lilt in the General Smash up. In fact,- for many weeks she could walk only on Three Legs, and for a whole season watt compelled to fore go. her customary Vernal Diversion of dancing on Tulip Patches and Onion Beds. Thereupon the Holstein Heifer se cured the services of an Able Attor ney, and brought suit against the Itail road Company for Ton Thousand Dol lars as compensation for Injuries Suf fered. She produced Witnesses galore, who testilied that, the Engineer neg lected to sound the Whistle to warn her of the Train's Approach and Kivo her an opportunity to save herself by frisking along ahead of the Engine. Tho P.ailroad Company also produced Witnesses, as numerous as a rich bachelor's heirs, who swore that the Whistle sounded so loud that they contemplated suing the Company for Producing Deafness. v,.:. nr.v . The case finally went, into the Jury's hands. Said the Jurors among them- selves: "How many Wilnesses did; (hp Defendant produce?" "Eighty-I six,", answered those of the Twelve! reels who had kept a record of the. Number. "Yes, and how many wit-J nessos had the Plaintiff?" "Just Eighty-seven." "Then, Gentlemen," said the Jurors among themselves,! "the Case is plain as a north and south Highway." ' V;3',V)'; . - , The Spotted Ilolsteln " Heifer re ceived a verdict for Fit's Thousand Dollars, and began trying to work up a Milk Route in order to be able to pay her Witnesses lor some Expert Testimony. P ''::!?-?6'H 1 That same season the Able Attorney purchased a Summer Celtage for Five Thousand Dollars. V'V$-.K'. Moral The Matter litigated Is usu ally bad enough without mixing a tawver up in it. Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. . A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and All Uric Acid Troubles. Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite as well as Dr. Simon all distinguished Authors agree that whatever may be the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishing us with a cluo to the princi ples upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disense can thus bo obtained. If backuelie, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at the fSurgicul Institute, Buf falo, N. Y.; send a sample of urino and describe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr. Pierce's chemist has examined the urine this will be carefully done without charue. and you will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce during many years of experi mentation has discovered a now remedy which is thirty-seven times more pow erful than lit hia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from buckache or the pains of rheumat ism, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 cent box of "An-uric" put up by Doctor Pierce. Dr. Tierce 's Favorite Prescription for wean women and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the blood have been favorably known for the past forty years and more. They are attuidnrd remedies today as well as Doctor Pierce 's Pleasant Pellets for tho liver and bowels. You can have a sample of any bno of these remedies in Tablet form by writing Dr. Pierce. Adv. FLAT HEADS WEKE POPULAR Specimen of Oldtime Physiognomic fashion Found in Santiam River. University of Orecon. Eucene. Ore.. Nov. 11. The skull of an adult flat head Indian that was found on a sand bar of the Santiam river near Lebanon, (Ire., has been received by tho Condon Museum of the ttfute University. The sendor was Willurd A. Llkins, recorder of the city of Lebanon. This sort of skull deformation was once commonly practiced from the Columbia river all tho way down the coast to Peru. Tho ancient Peruvians practiced it, and so did the Toltccs of the plateau of Mexico. Flatened skulls were considered stylish in those days and the flattening was brought about through binding a board on tho fore head of the child when its skull was still in tho stage of easy yielding. Many other primitive peoples, includ ing some of tho early Malays, practiced skull binding. HUERTA IMPLICATED. Washington, Nov. 11. Jorge Orozeo's confession at San Antonio, implicating former Dictator Huerta of Mexico, in the recent alleged conspiracy to in vade Mexico was received by the de partment of .-justice today. Officials are satisfied that they have a case ogainst the one time dictator for al leged violation of American neutrality. ALL WILL EAT TURKEY. Olympia, Wash., Nov. IL All of the six thousand inmates of Washington State institutions will cat turkey, cranberries, celery and othor trim mings on Thanksgiving, the board of control announced today. SEARCHING FOR ROBBERS. Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 11. Search is being innilo today for three masked ' and armed robbers who Tuesday night held up a Rock quarry bunk house 12 miles east of hero and relieved six oc cupants of $-100. To Avoid Dandruff You do not want a slow treatment when hair is falling and the dandruff germ is killing the hair roots. Delay, means no hair. Uet, at any drug store, a bottle of? zenio for 25c or $1.00 for extra large size. Use as directed, for it does tho work quickly. It kills the dandruff germ, nourishes the hair roots and immediately stops itching scalp. It is sure and safe, is not greasy, is easy to use and will not stain. Soaps and shampoos are harm ful, as they contain alkali. The best thing to use is zemo, for it is pure and also inexpensive. Zemo, Cleveland. J u HIS PREFERENCE. "Sportlelgh is bound to he in style, Isn't he?" -r;-' "Oh, yes! He'd rather be In styb than out of debt!" LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking; Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Disasters never leave us, there's always something grevious that we can worry o'er; there's something going balky, there's always something rocky, to justify a roar. The parlor door is squeaking, the kitchen roof is leaking, there s trouble with the range; the cow is somewhere straying, the hen has ceased her laying, the dog has got the mange. There's always something try ing, there's cause for tears and sighing, if you're that way inclined, if you are fond of weeping, if you are ever keeping a sore spot on your mind. If you are always searching for Worry, where she's perching, v you n nna ner, every trip; she will not try to lose you, sne n badger and abuse youj until you lose your grip. But if you have decided that grief should be derided and chivied from your door, the little daily troubles will seem as thin as bubbles too small to make you sore. When there's an all-wool sorrow, small comfort can we borrow from optimistic sharps, who say that woes don't matter, and bore us with their chatter, and twang their sunshine harps. But we can learn to laugh at the little griefs and chaff at the trifling sores and smarts; our faith on goodness pinning, let's face the old world grinning, and carry cheerful hearts. h M :1 QUITE LIKELY, Sunday-School Teacher It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to en ler heaven. Do you Uuow why that Is, Bobby T Bobby Yes, Ma'am! I s'pose It's 'cause a rich man nlwnys has so many women tagging after him! W'-rtV A DRAWBACK. Tho Captain Oh, yes, this is the right boat! It's the most comfortable trip a newly-married couple cauld take except for Just one thing. The Groom What is that? H"- The Captain Well, of course, we pan't get the other passengers to mind their own business. HERE'S NEW JELLY Eugene, Ore., Nov. IL The latest of the many experiments in preserving fruit and fruit product tried at the cannery of the Eugene Fruitgrowers' association is that of the manufacture of specially blended jelly from apple cider and the juice of the loganberry. Manager Ilolt yesterdsv made a quan tity of the jolly, and it has an excel lent taste. It seems to "jell" intii-i fnctortlv. find If t KaIIavaiI tif itit product will become at popular ai llnmnrnna ntlniA hn,1tiAt that, havii' originated at the Eugene cannery. FEAR FOR MISS LEICHTER San .Francisco. Nov. 11. -Fears were felt here today that Miss Rhoda Letch ter, sculptor, born here, was aboard the torpedoed liner Aneona. It was reported that she had Intended to tail on the Ancona. . . . : .. NEW IDEA NOT WELL RECEIVED. "Jonas, they keep furs In cold Btor ge now." ' "They do! Well I don't think we are going to take extra ice for that lit tle scuff ed-out rabbit-akin seal-collar of yours; I've got all I can do tg meet lhe regular bills!" Mi WHY HE DID IT.. first rickpocket It you knowed he only bad a nickel, It was hardly worth while pinchln' it. -?$VWJr-A. ; Second rickpocket Oh! I tuk It on r.Jtk HIS MASCOT.' ' Mr. Farmer Why ii it ft big, strong man like you doesn't get ork TJ ' ' CO i.SjflKtffcfc,. . Tranjp Why, It's dls rabbit's foot, lIuuJl, Dnt'a all wot saves nie! ' Mir' 5i tevtii . li0. Convlct-te.oia1jbj5ct to us uoiu' any Kina 05 wortc qai com- Second. Convict Ajyiay be dey'd be THIS WEEK ONLY TEN LOADS ill Wood AT $ 1 .50 Prompt Delivery Spaulding Logging Company NEW TRAINS AND IMPORTANT SCHEDLTJE CHANGES On the Oregon Electric Ry. On and after Sunday November 7 New Daily Local Trains No. (15,, leave Salem 7:10 a. in., arrive Albany 8:00, Corvallis 8:24, llarrisburg 8:53, Junction City 9:01, Eugene 8:30; and making local stops. No. 14, leave Eugene 11:13 a. m., Junction City 11:40, llarrisburg 11:50, Corvallis 12:12 p. m., Albany 13:50, arrive Salem 1:45; making local stops. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE NORTHB OUND. Portland Local No. 6, leave Salem 7:15 a. m. instead Portland 9:10 instead of 8:30. of 6:30, arrive Tortland Local No. 14, leavo Salem. 1:45 p. m. Instead of 1:50, arrive Tortland, Jefferson St., 3:45 instead of 3:50, North Bank Station 4:00 instend of 4:10. Limited No. 10, will run as at present leaving Salem 4:00 p. m., but will not make local stops Eugene to Salem. ' SOUTHBOUND Limited No. 5, will leave Salem 10:15 a. m. as at present, but will stop only nt East Independence, Albany, Corvallis, Harrlsburg, Junction City and Eugene. Corvallis Local No. 7, leave Salem 12:55 p. m. Instead "of 1:00, arrive Albany 1:50 instead of 2:05, Corvallis 2:20 Instead of 8:32. Local No. 9, leavo Portland, North Bank Stntion 2:05 p. m. Instead of 2:10, Jefferson Street 2:25 instead of 2:30, Pnlem 4:25 instead of 4:35, arrive Albany 5:20 instead of 5:35, Corvallis 5:02, Eugene 6:45 instead of 7:03. New Folders will bs available Saturday. J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon