THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1915. "You'll Find Our Prices Lower By Comparison of Values" All Around Town Special Attractive Offerings in Ready-to-Wear Section m EIGHT WOMEN'S SUITS At Unmatched Prices for Equal Quality A big assortment of Suits in plain materials and mixtures. All good styles. Usual'y sold to $22.50-Extra Special .$11.65 Women's and Misses Suits A grand assortment. Newest styles and fabrics. Values to $:0. Extra Special $13.65 Sale of Black Halycon and Mercerized Cloth Petticoats A line of our regular values to $2.00 to close $1.10 Each These are exceptional values and are recommended by us. A Genuine Bargain Shirt Waists All new never shown before in sizes to fit 34, 30, 38 no two alike Values to $1.50; while they last, choice 95c Each ..... Tfl j 'J9 for jul Dr. Mendelsonn, specialist In fitting .the corn properly ,irjed w;u stn,;,) ni,01lt glasses correctly. U. S. bank bldg. o- ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO BUY RAINCOATS AT A BIG SAVING. NEW COATS, THIS SEASON-LESS 1-3 IN PRICE $ 6.50 Rain Coats extra soecial $4.33 $10.00 Rain Coats Extra Special $6.67 $12.50 Rain Coats extra special $8.33 $15.00 Rain Coats-extra special $10.00 $18.50 Rain Coats-extra special $12.33 $20.00 Rain Coats exh? special $13.33 $25.00 Rain Coats-extra special $16.67 SPECIAL SALE PRICES On All Silk, Wool and Velvet STREET DRESSES THE HOUSE OF QUALITY OOOUlOOODS 35 Years Merchandis ing in Salem APPORTIONS ROAD FUNDSJO COUNTIES Requests Sent In For Several Times the Amount of the Fund, $233,000 The stnto highway coninilaHion toduy mado the allotment of the rond fund for 1915 fitter a hearing at which tho representatives of Severn 1 counties ap peared to offer arguments in favor of their requests for apportionments from tho rond fund. Tim highway commis sion had an excellent opportunity to be generous today as tliey had requests for seveml times tho amount on hand and in fact did apportion $1,000 more than tho fund. Coos county, for ex ample wanted $100,000 for road im- SHIPLEY'S THANK BOIVING 8 AXE RICHARDSON'S BNOW WHITE LINENS ENDS NOVEMBER 24TII provonient, Clatsop county ashed for Wo.OOO, Lime asked for $20,U10 and several eastern Oregon oounties sent in requests for certified cheeks to the amount of $10,000 or $20,000. Tho appropriations, however, were general and the fund was well distrib uted over tho state. Tho commission regretted its inability to givo all of tho counties nil that tony naked for but could not tnr exceed tho fund available from the 1-4 mill tax that goes to make up tho rond fund. Tho following is tho list of appor tionments: Administrative $ 2!i,000 Clatsop comity 20,500 Columbia county 30,000 Hood Hivor county 5,000 Hood Hives-Wasco 45,000 Crook county 10,000 Washington 'comity - 11,500 Douglas-Josephine 20,000 Lane county : 5,000 .lackson county 45,000 Polk comity ..'. 5,00 Yamhill Tillnl'mook 11,000 Total,000 EX-PRESIDENT TAFT SUPPORTER OF ROOT lj .J la ml miU hi J JU . t. ik Chicago, Nov. 11. Folowing Congressman Mann's endorse ment, of Klihu Hoot ns republi can presidential onndlilnte, Hoot bad nnother prominent backer today in former President Tuft. The latter told newspapermen Itont answers the 1010 presiden tial requirements. Tint also is on record in fur or of military preparedness. YE Matluoe Dally LIBERTY THE A TDT Always the Jl Best Pictures Presenting Today, Tomorrow and Saturday One of the Most Remarkable Photodranias of This or Any Other Season The Soul of a Woman A HEART-HOLDING, PULSING MESSAGE TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN Emily Stevens In her portrayal of the scarlet woman, reaches heights of emotionalism which stir the blood to fever heat. Special Note "THE SOUL OF A WOMAN" has broken the at tendance records of "A Fool There Was," "Hypo crites," "Carmen" and all the other big successes at every theater in which it has been shown. One solid week to capacity houses at the Clenimer Theatre, Seattle, with the admission at 25 cents. Regular PriccS Prevail at Yc Liberty For This Phenomenal Engagement of Three Days Only Unless You See "The Soul of a Woman" You've Missed the Greatest Sensation of Them All. 5c-SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS 10c Bridge Engineer Will Submit Rport To County Court Within Few Days Tho report of H. Morse, the bridge en gineer who was secured by the state highway department yesterday to ex amino the steel bridge, will not be sub mitted to tho county court for several days -us Mr. Morse is computing the stresses on tho members of the bridges as the steel now stands. Mr. Morse mudo measurements of the weukened members of tho bridge and will Rtuto in his report what load they will carry in their present condition and whether or not the bridge should be closed. Mr. Morse mndo no litntemeut after tho examination yesterday except thnt a new bridge wus needed ns soon as one could bo erected which indicates thnt ho hod a poor opinion of tho present structure. The bridge will not be closed during the repuirs which me now going on. Wreck of Santa Clara Burned By Looters Murshfiold, Ore., Nov. 11. Bench combers, in their lust for loot, burned the wreck of tho steamer Jsantu Clara, which went uground near here over n week ago, to the water's edge late last night, according to word reaching here today. They set fire to the superstructure with the intention of reaching the car go stored in the hold, but the flames evidently got beyond control and burn ed everything that miirht III. v., lieitn i-.. claimed, Oil in tho cargo added to the fierce ness of the fire. Tho ill-fated vessel was reduced to the hull, which was badly charred inside. Laboring Men Flee From Army Service L. Hackman, of Sunnyside, who re cently bought a house on .North Fourth street of Mills and Ganinrd, is moving into his new homo today. Dr. R. T. Mclntlre, pnyslclan and surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440. fl it J. Chapin left this morning to at tend the iSiivertou Poultry and Corn show, lie has charge of the corn oxhib it and will stay in Wlvorton until tho close of the show Saturday evening. Big Furniture Clearance Sale. Buren & Hamilton. Mrs. Emma Provokluitt, of 268 North Cottage street, who fell a few days ago and sustained a serious injury to her limb, is reported today to bo re covering and able to walk about the house. The river today is .4 foot above low j water mark nnd i vising, from the general rams in tho valley. During tho past 24 hours a rainfall of .10 inch has been recorded by tho government gunge at the Oregon City Transportation HOCKS. Mud guards, $1.00 a pair at Scott & rvott, iios (State street. The city during the coming year, will bo run on close to $7,000 less than the amount expended for this year. Al though tho assessed valuation is $500, 000 less than a year ago, the levy for the coming vear is 14 mills, thn aninn us last vcar. Dr. O. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 416 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono 180. Nov9 o 3. D. MicKel, dairy and food commis sioner, will address tho Silverton Poul try and Corn show, Suturdnv afternoon nt 1:110 o'clock. The snow will close Saturday evening, after a four days session. The exhibits this year, espe cially in com, nro much superior to those of one year ago. Some Iirnch nnd satisfying. White Swan. Dainty Rev. Fflt.hnr niann n -P Prln. r.p lrn... Rosary church, Portland', Oregon, will1'0 Miu, i,1,-0,,ie tlr maintain 25 per cent more cbnuce of receiving a reward. Buy your furniture Xmas presents now at a big. reduction. Hureii & Ham ilton. As there has been considerable com plaint regarding the sanitation of the waiting room' in Marion square, the Park board made investigation and now announce that everything has now been placed in a satisfactory condition. Alva Robertson was committed to the Oregon state hospital for tho In sano toduy after nn examination before tho city physician, Dr. C. E. Cashntt, and County Judge Bushey. It was stat ed that the young man's head was in jured when lie wh seven years old by fulling from a wagon. A series of lectures will be eiven this winter in tho High (School audi torium by Dr. II. D. Sheldon, of the otnte l niversity, before the City Teachers ' association and the Marion County Principals' Association. The first lecture of this series will be given next Niturdny morning at 10 o'clock on the subject "Some of the Larger meanings or .Education." The faculty and officers of the Ore gon (State Training school, 1!) in all, organized a dramatic club a few days ago, electing ('. L. Knnpp, president, Miss lleuiiia Hieknell, secretary, and Herbert Davis, chairman of tiie com mitteo for the first dramatic produc tion,, Mrs. 11. If. Presnnll, Miss Bertha Powell mid 1!. V. Wright were elected a committee on amusements. The ilriiin- atic society expect to give several en tertainments this winter. Good team of horses worth S300. will sell them for half this amount. Seo them at 201 North Commercial street. today. The cryptoners of Mount Crest Ab bey Mausoleum will meet this evening nt tho commercial club to form an asso ciation and to elect n lioni-d nf tvnsfnes who wilt look ufter the interests of the mausoleum. Aa endowment fond has been created and will be turned ovor to tho association by the Portland Muusu leuni company. The dutv of tho trim. tecs will be to .properly invest the funds i .HSU His "Best Sellers" 1 I s I 1 Ask , almost any grocer and he will tell you thnt he sells more German American at 30c And Royal Club at 35c than any other brands nt any price. It is not mero chance that Lang & Co.'s brands are "best sellers" it is the natural result of higher ipinlity aiul lower price. One year ago when the coffee market "dropped" Lung & Co. were the only coffee roasters on the Pacific Const, who passed the saving on down to tho consumer in reduced re tail prices and increased quality. Wo believed that it was better lo win a large volume of sales on price and quality rather than through a sentimental appeal to Hie people to patronize "home industries." T'nloss you are alreadv using KOYAL I'M'B nt .'l"ic or CEKMAX-AMUIfR'AN 'at IIOc you are overlooking the best coffee values on tlm market. LANG & CO. "THE ROYAL CLUB HOUSE" Portland, Oregon &iff-i-aiiilw;li.MiiiiffliMftMK'aatrt-i open tiie Forty Hours Devotion in St Joseph's church next Sunday, Novem ber 14, nt Hiuh Muss. There will lie services Sunday, Monday and Tucsdny . . V "ll.g II U I ..IV, You will not make a mistake if you say l,n Corona for a cigar of superior quality. The members of the choir of the First i nristmu church entertained the facul ty and bovs of the Oregon Stato Train ing school last evening. Besides the music, several short addresses were giv en uud readings by Mrs. t T. Porter. Stockton's portrait offer closes Nov. I3th. All orders finished in Salem. Winifred W. Dusenbury. manicurist. and hair dresser, formerly in the Hub bard building, has taken an office in tho Snlem Hank of Commerce building on the third floor with Dr. W. E. Htnn ton. Tho rooms formerly nccuiiipd liv Miss Duseubnrv in tho llubhnrd linil.l. ing will be occupied by Mario Master son and Phoebe E. Thompson, Snuitfiry Itenniv Pnrlum Portraits for 08c at Stockton's till Nov. Kith only. Ask for coupons. According to the records made in the examinations of tho lioys at tho Oregon ancc of the, mausoleum. o Don't forget that the Valley Music House is selling the world famous talk ing machines the (irnfouols. See tiiem nt 2(i4 North Commercial street, The ladies of the United Artisans are making uniforms and paraphernalia for tho Court of Fairies, tho juvenile orgnn izutoin of the Artisans, for the initia tory work and installation of the offi cers to be held next Wednesday, No vember 17. As this is Ilia only juvenile lodge of the kind in the country, much general interest has been shown in the work nnd it is expected thnt the two Portland lodges will send representa tives to take note, with the view of or ganizing a similar lodge in Portland. Have you tried the chicJcan supper at the Catholic bnznnri It is certainly 11 delicious 35c investment. Fish supper I'ridny night. Supper served from ! to H . m. Tom Ordemnn will nimr with orchestra accompaniment tonight. Inspector Linebaueh. of the nostof. fico department' at Portland, was in the city yesterday investigating the pro posed removnl of the contract station near tho fair grounds to a location in tho down town district. The station near the fair grounds was ordered re moved by the postoffiee department to DIED STRAHORN ON TOUR. LIBERTY BELL STARTS EAST State Training school, tho per ceiilngesT;0,..1 J7n T S,0r? 1, Ti are fully up to those of similar grades l?f M" hut was held up by tho de- in tne puhlie. schools, nnd tho boys V " T ""'l'1' w prunes in tho training school work out of fr.'.those. living near the. fa.r grounds doors half a duv and study half n .lv .ho '"vestignitiou ol the inspector and The course of study is outlined by State 'V1'0 , V'e '!,'l"lrl!lu'"t "t Wash Superintendent, of Public Instruction H"10" ,U,,?r,me .whether the stn Churchill, and is identical with those in !uu wlM. r'nm 11 1,8 l",'s,,',t 'o''"- llie imiMIC HChOOlH. ...., iiinmvu tu u liunu lunil t ion. location. Portland, Or.. Nov. .11 . Uobert K. $ Stitahorn. president and projector of tho Oregon, California h ml Eastern railway,- . win leave next Tuesday night tor 1 en- POrXD Frank L. Pound, commander 1 tiul Oregon at the head of n party of of Sedgwick Post No. 10, G. A. 1?,, Portland bankers and business men for died this morning nt iiis home 7,"i) n" inspection of the contemplated rait North Twentieth street, in this city, 'rond extension. Thn first stop will ho ut the age of 71 years and five Hend, where the party will assist, in months. jtho formation of the Central Oregon Surviving him, besides the widow ; Development league. Subsequently tiio are the following children: j Portland men will travel over the sui- Fivo. daughters, Mrs. ,1. B. Dressier, 1 vt'.V to Klum,ath rails mid Lakeview. Mankiito,, Kansas; Mrs. O. II, Gilbert, rortland; .Mrs. A. C. ilolcomb, Grants Puss; Miss Ruby Pound, Good Samar itan Hospital, Portland; Miss Jemiettc Pound, Sulem, and two sons, O. A. Pound, Aumsville, and Dr. B. F. Pound, Salem. His surviving brothers are T. S. Pound, (llenelder, Kansas, und O. E. Pound, Camas, Wash. Tho only surviving sister is Mrs. T. J. Wybind, Smith Center, Kansas. Funerjil services will be held nt tho First MiMhodist church Saturday af ternoon nt 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. "H. N. Avison, officiating, under tho auspices of Sedgwick Post. No. 10, Grand Army of the Republic, the Ladies of tho (. A. R. and tho Woinnu s Kelief orps, and tho I. O. O. F. Ohemehcta Lodge No. 1. F. It. Pound was a veteran of the Civil vtiar, volunteering nt tho begin ning of the war in Company G, 104 Illinois Regiment Volunteers Infantry, at. Udell, Illinois. Ho served under General Rosecranz, and was in tho bat tles of Lookout Mountain, Chnttanooga nnd Chickanwniga. With Sherman, he marched to tho sea, nnd was in the battles at Atlanta and Savanna. Later he took part in the grand review at Washington before President Lincoln. From Kansas, ho came to this coun try about 25 years ago, locating near Aumsville. Since Mnrcli, 1P14, his home has been in this citv. San Francisco, Nov. 11. With A military escort comprising every avail able man in the hind aud sea forces here, together with the national gnard nien mill tjie California Greys, tho Liberty bell was taken from the Panama-Pacific exposition grounds to tb Southern Pacific station this inoniiiiir to begin its long journey back to Philadelphia, at noon. SHERWOOD IS OPPOSED Toledo, Ohio, Nov. II. Congressman Sherwood, confirmed reports today that he is opposed to the Wilson military preparedness prgrnm when he an- jnounccd that he will oppose it "to tho. Diner end. BORN i NEW SHOW TODAY Vaudeville And Pictures SPLENDID BLENDED BILL BLIGII THEATRE BEST AND BIGGEST MATINEE 10c . NIGHT 15c 11-- . .. . n ni o 1101 me nas-nen or wiii.h. - - We are doing it now. le it. u . ,.;.. I. dancing classes jonight at Moose t--r-T---w-wF-r-r-'-r-r-r Haver piano, orw talking machine. seoin""' 'lof-. Kln1':1' ol' 1'ortlnnJ, will ' open ins classes, beginning ut 1 :30 BOL& PEMRKRTOX To Dr. and Mrs. .1. R. Pemberton, Wednesday, Nov. 10, J II l.i, nt their home, 14-13 South Commercial street, a daughter, Hncliuel Kllcn, weight 7 pounds. o'clock, ndvniicd and social duncinu While the price of sugar Is going up, 0,V1,m'1' A" f .,h nvv"!i the housekeeper has the, satisfacticm ,"r'llit,,,l ''"",pH taught. Tney are simple buying pork 'chops 'nmi Zt sleall It I : "Cf" "i'""""1' Jlt tew cents less a lionml tlmn fi limn t li 1 ' ' ' rrbeef'er!1;:"," . k?p . nc s the I Steamers Will Resume little ones nnd all kinds of cows. How- ."''T Irom passing over ever, certain kinds of .mi-U ..i.i ruilroiid bridge on Twelfth street in EMPRESS I S. & O. VAUDEVILLE SUNDAY AND MONDAY BLIGH THEATRE ' Regular Run To Orient or lL'i-i cents n pound, beef stcuk. t'"' e le tield, Aldenmin ... the same, boiled meals ttt from to 10 '' .-. m,ovr'' ,1B,t evening 111 the V?i,icouver, B. ('., Nov, 11. As n re- iov. ii.,ustraiinn cents nnd roast t to 15 cents ,L ,m,"':"' ,nllt ,nc "y ''te "0snlt of representations made bv the a '"".' V ."' '""vi T-1". 01 idoniinion government to the admiralty Don't forget that "Big sales, small a. '"' !"TV"S .vtef 0,1 J1" ,tlmt. eommnndeering of tho Canadian San Francisco, nnd iev Zealand labor men are leaving I tlio British possessions for the I'liited States to avoid threatened conscript ion. according to Herbert West, Australian Valley Music. House, 204 North I V, i ""i.-ii iii.-niiM-i mi jh in fau ; uierciai street. rraiicisco toctnv profit" per piano is our motto iH rm- A nn.tge nt t"is point on 1,1th )iu.iflc railwiivs transpacific pnssen i ...i.iki ii-ii.i ii 1 1 1-.-1 it lino nn- niu-iger Actual conscription is the next sten. West believs. In a gigantic box. and oth er men's articles sold in Australia ap- Member of Commons Flays English Officers At of 1" ll.i.. l.ii.l ,..,cnll.l In (',,. i;.,n lelie field. The motion was referred commerce 'suffering, announcement has' to tne street committee to rport at il,,.,.,. i.l,. thnt da (t l It. li MoiiL'lit l" nri'HS nf l?iiHjin nnd Kinnrosa nf A win. thnt the H' hool voixnu in tlmir rnn hntwmMi Viin-1 PTR 11 i1 tho last mooting of the Knights ",'xt. m,'0,i"' " '," vthius. n c i ...... ... f . , several of the uld-rimin tin ed to investi.oiln tl,.. u.ivi...i.iii , directois will eo-operiito with the city !..mlVl,r n,i .1,., i,-ient. The Kiniiress ... .. . .. . - vl 1 ' ui n... I ... tl 1 .1. .. 1...: 1 i.'ii I. 1 .. . . . ' . prnr uppenis lor eulistinent and pie- ouiiding n liouie tor the lodge There i - K ,re,R mf Japan lias already been released, lures intended to inspire patriotism, he.has been 11 movement on for soino time "1V".,,," .V'" "ecessity of passing over!,l n,.r Kl nre now being dismount said. ! looking forwanl t,. tl. l.n , railroad brdgo to get into the;,,,! at imuf wms!. Knights of P.vthins hull. tin, nn. h'Ue K'ouuds. 1 pnintinent of this coinniittee to luvi.Hil. I . ' 0 gate will probably hHi'ig'tN matter ,o-', , V P A tore the lodge in so.uo .lefinito form. ,."M,t nil other prices in LEWIS REFUSES PERMIT. . Here's your opportunity, prices d.: jcnlly redm,.,! i the big l-n i tnro , 'V , J'', '' , " '': " 1 ' "Pprnprinte sufficient water fr lonrancp Sale, lluren & Hamilton. ' ," , inK;. ,. " I ! I ClruvA and Jump-off creeks to irrig, m,. .'H7T. . ..Jiiink., vnur i.iir.dms... K. C. .('. i-i,w,'",.v thousand neres of land nnd to! PortlanO, Or., Nov. 11. Stale En-, giueer Lew is today issued a permit to! to, 0111 1 irrigate! London, Nov. .11. Arthur Lynch in the house of commons today merciless ly raked F.uglish nrmv officers from Lord Kitchener down for what he term-lbl , j,, ' ,u" c" "nW . Hon. Meats of yiwlitv nnd Flavor. , develop ,1,nu0 horsepower. Two large ed their " and blunder- i ,. ! . , ! ' 7'r'biy beginning Jl-L jreservoirs nre included in the plans lug." He urgej the sweeping away of !.,', .,,.,',!'' ,,"," , H,,nl,,,! T. A. Erixon. L. J. Chnpin and Wil--nnd, exclusive of them, the cost of the id per cent ot the higher co.uinnnders, ,,,,. 1 ;,ii 1 ,,,, 1 lilllM KK'" w" 1,1 Albany Monday .work is estimated nt. 1,000.000. The including Sir John French. ' , , r, ', " '. ?.V 1 11 "K..Wi leveling 'to engage in n heart to heart 1 project i located In Josephine founty. He declared Hint unless F.nglnnd makes 11 change she is moving straight to disaster. BIO LUMBER ORDER. Taconin. Wash.. Nov. 11. A. C Hemphill, contracting agent for the W. suggested that. Parties intendl,, t on-" "K .w"n """" l l"r.''- ler 1111 exhibit snould bring their com T- n"'n . . : '!''",r,'1," nun icuve it in the hull, ling in order that it might be properly dried out, as It, (trace nnd eonnmnv. announced to-! day that his cn.npnnv hud received thn! contract for 7,.'iO0,H00 feet of elxcl lumber which will be used ill the eon-1 struct ion of t'oo l'ntuiinn cnnnl, and mid- ed thnt if the right price could be ob- talned he would let the order to local I mills. The contract involves $100,000. SIIirLET'S TIIANK8GIVINO SALE RICHARDSON'S SNOW WIUTB LINEN8 ENDS NOVEMBER 84TII Iraiiwige, and as to what action that community could profitably tnlio under the new dniinage Ian'. Whilo members of the commercial club were personally in favor of extended drainage opera tions in the county, they decided to first bring the mutter before tho grang es of the county, and if thev are fav orable, take in, the matter of nddl- (tioirnl drainage on the plan of tiie ijt j French Prairii, district. About ft square miles of the French Prairie district was surveyed by nn expert sent by the government, the only expense to the farmers being that of a rod man. KAISER DECORATES AMERICAN WOMAN rterlin, Nov. 11. The kaiser today decorated American Am bassador Gerard's wife with Red Cross gold medals for first nnd second eluss, This is the first time a Gorman first class medal has ever been given to a woman not of royal blood. HINK How Many; happy travelers era Hotel Nortonia They er wedded to tn HOME-LIKE element that everywhere prevails. I They know how perfect!- the NORTONW'kir.4! satisfies. That St quickens the p-' petite-imparts Z. A. Z. (ask the clerk). Truly this is a good ideal to be married" to. Why not espouse it today? . Rooms tiith privet of btth $1 or mora th day. Rooma with prWtbtri$1.50of mor ihdy Th thing that tppIi-modnl prict. 11m off Wuhin jtori 12m snd Wuhington PortluiJ lt)(CjCl())Cl)l) SHIPLEY'S THANKSQIVINO SALE RICHARDSON'S SNOW WHITE LINENS ENDS NOVEMBER 24TH