II THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1915. SEVEN When a Man's Married BERK'S ONE- MAN TRYING TO DODGE "BEING A LEMON." By FARR Bob . t manacei to Save you a piece of? uemon pie 1! My peAe-wis rosrss- fT MUST BE i i i i , ' O' i in in,,,, . I l, , . mrnmm mmmmkmuu jjiiiiiiiu iwiiiiiuiuiiiiniiMiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiinii 111111111111111111,7777 jiiiiiiiiiimimmmiimmiimimii'iii aiiii,iiiiiiitii!iiiuii!W- m you. donY eqt ir . TO -OAy it WILL HOST LIKELy Be ro-MOReovK;?!!.1 I I1 l'!l!.;M,,, i N II I -ll illll!ll!!!liill!!il!!:i!!Ii!li fl y - -7 IS YHAT CLEAC f-S T Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion CHIROPRACTOR CONSl'LT DR. MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acute nml clironic disorders. Has practiced six years in Oregon. Free cousultntion. Hours, il to 12, 1 to (!. 305-11-7 Hub bard Hldg. I.ndy attendant. I'hone, office 572: resilience, 982-H. MAUSOLEUM CHIROFRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST 1R. 0. I.. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you linvp tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic, spinnl adjustments and get well. Office 40(1-7-8 V. K National Bank Building. I'hone Main 87. Residence Main 8211, DRY CLEANING PRESSING CLOTHES CLEANERS Pressors, re pairers and dyers. One trial will con vince you that our work and charges nro right'. Cleaning parlor open to 8 p. m. Goods failed for and delivered free. Phone 728. Apparel Service Co., Lis s. High street. DENTISTS MOUNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM The better way. Dry and sanitary. Building always open to visitors Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. (iaskill, manager. 828 South 12th, Phone IIKIS. MISCELLANEOUS GOOD USED FURNITURE Bought, also taken in exchange for new. Full line of new furniture, ranges, heat ers, and other house furnishings. Peotz Furniture. Co., 233 North Com mercial street. 5 THE MARKETS i OSTEOPATH DRR. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Trent acute and clironic diseases, Consultation free. Ladv attendant. Office 505-500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 310 North Capital street. I'hone 309. SCAVENGER DR. 0. A. OLSON, DENTIST Administers Nitrous uxm aim uxygen AJ.EM SCAVENGER was Room 214. ,. Phone 440. Masonic. Temple. Salem. Ore. LODGE DIRECTORY L. O. U. W Protection Lodge No. 2. Mools every Monday evening at 8 in the McCormick hall, corner Court oud Liberty streets. A. E. Aufrance, M. W.;- H. A. MeFndden, recorder; A. I.. Brown, F. OENTUAl, LODGE No. IS, K. of 1'. McCormick building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30. F. F. Schtam, C. C: V. B. Gilson, K. of I!, mid S. JSAI.EM LODGE No. 4, A. F. ifc A. il. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. ni. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.j fr), Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. il. Stated communications third Friday in each mouth at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles, W. M.j Ernest II. Choute, secretary. R. N. of A. "Oregon drape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday even ing in McCormick buililing, (. ourt and Liberty streets; elevator, iliss Syl via Shniipp, 1791 ilarket, oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., , iccorder. Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2217. Residence Main 2272. " ' UNDERTAKERS LEHMAN &- CLOUGH C. B. Webb, A. M. dough morticians and funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 445 Court street. Main 120; Main 988. RIUDOX-RICIIARDSON CO. Funer al directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 18.4. WATER COMPANY S.VLEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Seven room modern dwell ing, paved street, two lots, small bam, $10.00 per month. Phono 419. Ivan G. Martin Masonic Temple. NnvlS Wheat is on the decline, with prices in Sulen today of 80 and 82 cents. Oth er grains are holding at about the snmc quotations. Eggs and poultry remain at the old figure, established two weeks ago. Sev eral dealers regard the present quota tion as the high price, as the pullet eggs will soon begin coming in and the additional supply force the price down. Pork ou foot is weak, with 5 1-2 cents for tops. Lemons are up 50 cents a box and the retail price of sugar took another jump today, on advices from the refin eries. Agents mail to the retail groc ers the price at which sugar will be sold and all grocers are expected to maintain the price given them, i WHOLESALE MARKET Grains. Hay, timothy, por ton .... $14.00 Outs, vetch ; $10.00 Cheat $9.00(ff 10.00 Wheat 8082c. Oats . . 35c Rolled barley $32.00 Corn $40.00 Cracked e'prn . , ;; $41.50 Bran ; $20.00 Shorts, per ton $28.00 Clover seed 1310c Butter. Butterfat 33c. Creamery butter, per pound 35c Country butter 30c FOR SALE SMALL general stock of merchandise for sale. Inquire 111)0 North Cap itol street. if HODSON COUNCIL, No. 1, R. & S. il. Khite.l nsspniblv first Mnndnv in each month, Masonic Temple. .Tames j Plant, Thrice Illustrious Muster; Glen C. Niles, recorder. 1K MOI.AY COilirANDKHY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with nsV Geo. II. Burnett, K. C, Frank A. Turner, recorder. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon Eggs and Poultry, Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 38c. Eggs, case count, cash 3(i38c f.ggs, trailo ii ((i'.lllc Eggs, storugo 28c Ileus, pound 11c Roosters, old, per pound 7 l-2c. Spring chickens, pound-.. ,. U(ft 11 l-2ii Pork, Veal and Mutton, Veal, dressed 78c Fork, dressed 8c Pork, ou foot 5 l-2c Spring lambs 6 l-4c Steers 5(i5 l-2c Cows 34c Bulls 3c. Ewes Wethers ....,.'. 4(j4 l-2c Vegetables. Cabbage 40c Tomatoes, Oregon ; fiOc String gnrile 15c Potatoes, cwt 75c. Brussels sprouts 10c, Sweet potutoes $2.25 Lettuce 40c. Beets 40c, Carrots '. .. 40c Turnips 40c Feed, $26.2528.00. Prime steers, $(i.75(K7.00. Fancy cows, $5.25. Calves, $7.00(f!7.50. Spring lumbs, $7.25(7? 7.35'. Butter: City creamery, 31 l-2e. Eggs: Selected local ex., 40(tf41c. Hens, 13 l-2c. Broilers, 1212 l-2e. Geese, 11c. HOW'S THIS 7 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney Sc Co., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and be lieve him porfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. tl - . i ti i. . i r . national Dunn oi vu"imeruu, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces or tne systom. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Who Is Mystery Man . m ft ot Lone ironic isle San FKanciR!oNov. 11. Vhois the mv8tery man of Lnysan? Is he one who nns gone, to '.the lone . tropic isle to end his days in solitude? Such nre the questions being raised I as tho result of a story brought back by Captain C. A.-Lunn, and members of the crew of the steamer O. M. Kel logg who Tvero wrecked in mid-llncific and made their way to the island of Lnysan after two days and two nights in an open boat. Upon landing 'on this barren isle, they were astonished to seo a small yacht. Later tho innii, wlio gave the nnrno of Mike Schlemnier, greeted them brusquely. With him were two small children. Tho man cluiined to bo a United States government representa tive. Investigation has shown that this government has no such representative there. ' Wien the snip wrecked party arrived on the island they wero treated as poachers by the "mystery man." They were denied the right to shoot birds or go about freely. He allowed them to use his yacht to reach Midway island, however. sjc sjc sfc sjc Jc sfc sc sfc s(c sf sf sc sjc s(c A SIMPLE WAY TO REMOVE DANDRUFF ft STOMACH MISERY QUICKLY VANISHES Your money back if you want it is tho way in which Daniel J. Fry, the popular druggist, is soiling Mi-o-na, the great dyspepsia remedy. This is an unusual plan, but Mi-o-na has so much merit and is so almost in- vni-iuhlv Hiippessfnl In relieving nil forms of indigestion that he ran but little risk in selling undor a guarantee of this kind. Do not bo miserable or make your j friends miserable with your dyspepsia. Mi-o-na will help you. If it doesn't,! tell Daniel J. Fry that you want your money back and he will cheerfully re- j fund it. A change for the bettor will be soen from the first few doses of Mi-o-na and its continued use will soon start you on tho road to perfect digestion and enjoyment of food. Mi-o-na has been so uniformly suc cessful that overy box is sold under a positive guarantee to refund the money if it does not roliove. What fairer proposition could be made. " Daniel J. Fry gives his personal guarantee of "money back if you want it ' with ovory box of Mi-o-na thnt ho sells. A gtmrnntee like this speaks volumes for tho merit of the remedy. Prisoner of War Praises Treatment By Germans Mrs. W. R. Hoyt, of this city, recent Iv received a letter from her nephew, Fred Smith, who is a prisoner of war in Gottingen, Gerinunv. The young man cniistcii in a i anaiiiau regiment anu was in tho bfittlo of Lango Mark where ho was ovcrcomo by a gns bomb and was taken prisoner. His chum who en listed with him was also "cased" snyj tho letter, but niannged to crawl away on his hands and knoes be Tore tho ad vance of the Germans and escaped. Af ter his return to his own lines lie wns found to be suffering from the gas and his lungs and heart wero nffected. Ac- He says he is well treated and allowed cordingly ho was given a discharge, and to write two letters aad one post card sent home to recover. each month and can receive presents Mr. Smith, who was taken prisoner, I from his friends. He expects to be re writes that ho has entirely recovered I turned homo nt the end of the war but from tho effects of the gas and is now j ventures no opinion lis to how soon that enjoying hunself as a prisoner of war. will be. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North. High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES Salem Stonm Laundry, 130 South Lilerty Main 25 ' PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial Strcot Main 192 UNDERTAKERS Rigdon Richnrdson Co., 251 North High fltreot ..... Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER AND DRAY AGE Salom Truck & Dray Co.; corner State and Front, streets ........... Main 74 JOB PRINTING Beaver State Printers, Patton Block 1512 tMM CIIADW'ICK CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E. IS. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday nt 8 p. m. in the Mu (onic Temple. Elizabeth Read, W. M.; Ida M. Hubeock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD ileet every Friday night nt 8 o'clock in McCornack lilock. Oscar Donaldson, C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. 507 Court street. Phone 593. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER, No. 1, R. A. M Regular meet ing second Friday in endi month at 8 p. in. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell it. Brooks, secretary. I'MTED ARTISANS Capital Asscm bly, No. 84, meets every Wednesday, nt 8 p. m. in Moose hall, .Mrs. r W Cook, M. A.; C. Z. Randall, secretary, Salem Hank of Commerce. FALEit HUMANE SOCIETY D. 1) Keeler, president; itrs. I.ou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect "of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary fur investi gation. f SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Decot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, posts, Hop Hooks. 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt ind repaired. -Stoves bought and sold. 250 Court Street. t Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store. Celery Onions MODERN WOODMEN' OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Cnmp, No. C240. meets every Thursday veuing nt 8 o'clock in McCornock hall comer Court and Libertv streets. Elevator Kcrvice. W. W. hill, V. C; "Rex. A. Turner, clerk. At the rate thnt Germany has been taking Russian prisoners, we fancv two thirds of the Russian old soldiers' remi niscences in future venrs will begin .with: "When I was In Germany" I L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known. 153 SouthHigh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. Fruits. Oranges, Valencia Lemons, per box Bananas, pouad California grape fruit . Dates, dromedary, caso Fard dates Grapes Cranberries Pineapples Honey 40f!70c $1.50 .-. $(1.000.25 .. $4.25(!4.75 5 l-4c. .. $.00(w 7.011 $3.35 $1.00 $1.40 10.00(5-12.00 Retail Prices. F.ggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ..40(i7I5c Eggs, storage : . . . 30c Sugar, cane $7.00 Sugar, D. (1 $0.80 Creamery butter 40c Flour, hard wheat $1.50(q 2.40 Flour, vulley L20 l.5( PORTLAND MARKET, ... Portland, Ore., Nov. 11, Wheat: Club, 90 1-2(7 li.lc. ' Hluestem, H4(?ilMic. Outs: No. 1 white feed,, $24.0024.-50- Barley: Brewing, $2H.00(Ti 29.50. Hogs: Best live, $0.20. There is one sure wny thnt has never failed to remove dandruff nt once, ami that is to dissolve it, til c n you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need), apply it nt night when retiring; use enough to moisten tae scalp ii iid rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most if not nil of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single Bign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging of the si-aln will stop instantly, ami 7 l-2cy(,ur hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy! silky n..d sotr, ami look ami leel a luin- Ired tunes better. $3.50 WANTED WANTED Al driver and solicitor for clean local line. Stnte references. Address K-44,- care Journal. Novll McADOO'S SON-IN-LAW DEAD Washington, Nov. 11. Charles Tabcr Martin, of Los Angeles, son-in-law of Secretary of the Treasury MeAdno died today tit the McAdoo homo of pneu monia following a short illness. Prcsi ib'iit Wilson culled nersonallv and offer ed whatever services ho could render. jJ3 T GLADDENS IE JID FEET "TTZ" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go tho aches and pains, tho corns, callouses, blisters and bunions. "TIZ" draws but the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter bow hard you work, how long you danoo, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "TIZ" brings restful foot comfors. "TIZ" is won derful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet. Your feet just tingle for joy; bIiocs never hurt or seem tight. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, kucn your fuut Ircab, sweet and happy. The two distinct types of Ecze ma can be relieved readily by using DryZensal for crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery eruptions. Only 50c the jar at Poole's Drug Store MM TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC South Bound North Bound No. 1(1 Oregon Express ... 5:00a.m. No. 51 Sound Speciul .... (1:12a.m. No. 28 Willamette Limited 0:22 a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ... 11:55 a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. No. 20 Portlund Passenger 6:00 p.m. No. 14 Portlund Express ..8:00 p.m. No. 222 Portland fast Fr't.. 10:38 p.m. No. 220 Local way Fr't ..10:35p.m. South Bound 15 California Express. ,3:32 a.m. 17 Roseburg PasHcngor 11:20 a.m. 53 Exposition Special. .2:42 p.m. j Cottngo Grove Pas, 4:20 p.m. lShasttt Limited ... 5:43p.m.' 27 Willamette Limited 0:10 p.m. .13 San Francisco Ex. 10:38 p.m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Lv. Salem. 7:10 a.m. ... Lv. Portland. (1:15 u.tn.. . 1 . 8:25a.m. ... 10:40 a.m. ... 2:05p.m. ... 4:40 p.m. .. 0:05p.m. ... 9:20p.m. .., 11:45 p.m. ... US ... ,8:55 a.m. 5 Limited .... 7 ... 4 SKin or rsauTy is a Joy mreyt DR. T. FELIX GOURALD S ORICNTAl CREAM OK MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES British soldiers cannot be divorced whilo they are at tho front, but per haps the Oermnns will tend to It. WANTED Position as jnnitor or dish washer, experience and references. Address J. 1)., cure of Journal. Novll WANTED To correspond with some woman, also party wishes to corres pond with some respectable man. Won't you write? Please send self ddrpssed envelop. E. M. L., llox 291, Corvallis, Oregon. Nov23 There Is No Monopoly on Health hut to promote and 'maintain it, care must be taken of the Stomach, Liver end Dowels. HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters WILL HELP YOU WONDERFULLY Rrn?n Tun, Plplw Kti, and ka hrwi Mill -vftf biftiil'l u bctmtjr, 4,ii tic lioii (! led I nn. I' Itiwi ai'K tl ttia tip df 60 yriir, nu ti ao Im mil i' ni w Urtic It totHntirflt1 ll )MlHrtf undo Awtul Qit counter tell of OlUillftl tiftm. fr L. A K:ivrt MLit to I My of Oi haul tori (ft putltnr "Al Jim tvi. Will UM tti(D 1 rnofflfnatt4 JJnlirnittl'n Crmm tm tht hirmfu. if H thf kin preiiarmoin." For It H lniMi"ti o Kuncy Uoodi Dcaiet In tbt UulUd HUiti, Caiii u i JCurui KBIT H1)PW8. Prm V fir t Un tmlir CHICHESTER S PILLS W Till! 1IIAMONI) IIIIANI. A I.ailloflt Ault lour 4 lil.rliM-lt'r IHnon 'ilia in lira "! trM, tMll Wllb lilua KiMm. Y I'nL rlhrr. IrruoUt. Af'i WIAMOINTf HKAnr I'lJ.l.n, fur S3 ycsmknownil Bt,!4ft.AlwytUll'iW SOLO BY DRUGGISTS VLRVWHLRE No. 221 San Frnnc'isco Fast . Frciizht .12:35 a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't ... 8:10 a.m. SalomOoer Line No. 73 Arrives at Salem ..9:15 a. in. N, 70 Leaves Salem 9:50 a.m. No. 75 A r. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 4:15 p.m. No connection south of Oeer. Balom, Falls City and Western. No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor ..7:00 a. in. No. 103 Lv. Salem, motor ..9:45 a.m. No. 105 Lv. Sulem, motor ...1:40p.m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor ...3:25p.m. No. 109 Lv. Salem, motor .. .0:15 p.m. No. 2.19 Way Fr't lv. Sulcin 5:00 u.in. No, .102 Ar. Salem 8:40 u.m. No. 101 Ar. Salem 11:25 a.m. No, 100 Ar. Salem 3:15 p.m. No. MS Ar. Bnlem 5:30 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Halem 7:45 p.m. No. 210 Way Fr't ar. Salem 1:35 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. 13 Limited , . 17 Local . . ... 19 ..... . 21 Owl . . North Bound 20 .... 10 Limited 10 Limited . . 22 2 Owl .'. . South Bound Ar. Eugene. . . . 0:30 a.m. Ar. Salem. (Salem only) ... 10:11a.m. ... 12:55 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 0:40 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 11:25 p.m. 1:55 a.m. Ar. Salem. , 5:37 p.m. Ar, Sulem. . 9:45 a.m. .. 4:00 p.m. . 7:55 p.m. . 3:10 p.m. Lv. Corvallis 4:10p.m. ., Lv, Eugene. 7:35 p.m. .. 1:50 p.m. .. 5:25 p.m. . 12:05 p.m. .. Lv. Sulem. 4:25 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 2:00 a.m. . 10:15 a.m. . Lv. Salem. 1:00 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 0:40 p.m. Woodbum Local Dally Except Sundays. No. 01 Leaves Sulem 3:40 p.m. No, 03 Arrives in Salem 3:25 p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Salem 4:35 a.m. 7:15a.m. , 9:45 u.m, , 11:20 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:. '17 p.m. 7:55 p.m. North Bound Train No. Ar. Portland 2 Owl .. (I . . . . 10 Limited .... 12 .... ....14 .... 1(1 Limited .... 29 .... .... 22 .... 0:55 u.m . 9:25 u.m 1 1 :35 a.m 1 :35 p. ni 4:00 p.m 5:50 p.m. 7:50 p.m 10:00 p.m Ar. Albany. . 5:20 p.m. Ar. Eugeno. 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugene. . 0:50 a.m. ,. 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany. 7 12:55 p.m. Stops nt Corvallis. Ar. Eugeno. 13 8:50 p.m. . 21 Owl 5 Limited Lv. Corvnllis. 8:25a.m. ... 12:12 p.m. ... 2:32 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 0:18 p.m. 10 14 .... 10 .... 20 .... 22 South Bound. ..... 5 , 9 7 .... 13 Ar. Pulom. . 9:45 a.m. . 1:45 p.m. . 4:00 p.m. . 5:37 p.m. . 7:55 p.m. Ar, Corvallis. 10:11 a.m. 8:47 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Lv. Salem. 10:15 a.m. 4:25 p.m. 12:55 p.m. 0:40 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company. Steamers Pomona and Oregonn lenva Salem for Portland and way landings dally except Sunday, at 0 a. ni,