THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. II, 1915. THREE Ii . ,t MAIN (IflllNTY K ' ' 7Y . Than D 1 Solid Oak 1 Solid Oak 1 Solid Oak 6 Solid Oak The Complete Set Special at Buy One of 1 hese Sets For Acid Stomachs 1 Use Magnesia The almost universal use of magne sia by physicians and specialists in the treatment of stomach troubles is due to the fart that it neutralizes the ex eosBive acid and thus stops food fer mentation tho direct causo of nearly all stomach trouble. Of tho many forms of magnesia such as oxides, ci trates, carbonates, sulphates, etc., the ono now supplied in either powdered or tablet lorni ami especially recommend ed for acid stomachs is bisurntcd mag nesia, a teaspoonful of which in a little wnr water immediately after eating will neutralize the excessive acid, stop fermeutation, and thug ensuro painless normal digestion. Ito sure to get bisur ated magnesia rather than any other mfignesia, as this form is prepared espe cially for tho trentmcnt of acid stom achs. The five grain tablols are the most convenient for physicians and travelers to carry and two tablets are equivalent, to a tenspoonfnl of the powder. Tuke two of the tablets (with or without water) or a tcnspoonful of the powder in a quarter of a glass of water after each meal. Stomach suf ferers nd dyspeptics who follow this plan and avoid the use of pepsin, char coal, soda mints, drugs ami medicines are astonished to find that tho stomach, relieved of tho irritating acid and gas, soon regains its normal tono, and can to its work alono without the doubtful aid of artificial digestants. CABRANZA GETS HEBMOStLLO. Washington, Nov. 9. Admiral Win - stow, in command of tho Pacific squadron, today sent the navy depart ment confirmation of the Carranzista capture of Hermosillo. Carranzista reinforcements have landed at Guaymas. General Punston reported the border situation quiet. fi M ri ii n O - R - E - FRIDAY-SATURDAY HERMAN The Great 11 W 1 II 11 THE BEST MYSTIFIES THE AGE OP An Orpuenm Attraction A Big Four Comedy A TEXAS STEER n ti DON'T MISS THIS Bring the Youngsters MMIMIHI sgwing imng Room Special Buffet, value China Closet, value 6-ft. Extension Table, value Dining Chairs, value DOCTORS ARE CHARGED WITH ILLEGAL METHODS .Sun Francisco, Nov. 11 Many urreets of Pacific const states and Nevudn doctors on charges connected with an alleged drug ring are imminent, accord ing to a federal official today. The first hauls seemed likely here und at Portland, Ore., as a result of discover ies of federal officials. Forgery ,falso representation and theft of a doctor's prescription regis try number; together with the peddling of vast quantities of morphine nnd co caine in violutiou of tho federal U. it is cluimed will bo proven. Tho gigantic alleged ring of drug traders was unearthed ns a result of n probe conducted by Collector of Intern al Revenue Scott. Catholic Bazaar Scores Well-Deserved Success A musical program will lui part of the features of the evening of the Catholic bazaar, now being held under the aus pices of tho women of tho church at St. Josepuh's hall. Chicken suppers nre al so. HMrvcn. Tom Onli'mmm will nauiut jn this evenine's nroirram. nccomnanicd by tho Kuights of Columbus orcheBtrn. The hall is filled with fsnc.y booths attractively decorated, whero fancy worn, candu'B and novelties are syrt Among tno Dooms tuat attracted the greater interest was the parcel post booth in charge of Mrs. Joseph Bach and Mrs. A. K. Huckesteiu. Mrs. Joseph G - O - N l I 1 3 tl SUNDAY and MONDAY Empress Vaudeville 3-ACTS-3 A Fox Feature. THE FAMILY STAIN" Burring ' FREDERICK PEBBY FOB THE DOUBLE BILL 25c MONDAY MATINEE 15c 1 !! 1 .1 1 3 1 M 1 II i 1 1 I! M Suite $17.50 $18.00 $15.00 $13.50 $64.00 The Complete Set Special at Enjoy Your Th'nksgivng Dinner A Han Fnincisco woman and her daughter were snid to be the first ones slated for the federal dragnet. First clues of tho alleged infringe ment, of the law came" when records purporting to show that a Sun Fran cisco physician hud purchased $10,000 worth of cocaine and morphine within three weeks. Investigation showed that ho actually had not bought more than usual, but that his prescription nnd registry number had been stolen and used by the ulleged drug ring.- The woman, slated for arrest, is said to be suspected of selling drugs to so ciety women here. Two arrests in Reno, several in Port land and a number here, were nrumiu il uy me uuinomiCB. I.egold, Mrs. Frank Jakoski nnd Mrs. J. N. Murruy had charge of the apron Doom, mo inncy work; booth is in charge of Mrs. J. F. Fleming, Mrs. IK H. Pngo and Mrs. Roy Davidson. Other booths doing a rushing business Inst ev ening were tho candy booth, in charge of Mrs. It. K. Merwiii, assisted by Mrs. E. C. McKinney, Mrs. Frank McCarthy, Mrs. E. C. Quinn and Mrs. O. B. Feist, and tho fish pond booth in charge of Mrs. J. F. Hessler, Mrs. J. It. Hecnnn and Mrs. E. Finney. Thoso assisting in the kitchen are: Mrs. Patrick WiiIbIi, Mrs. Martin Petzel, Mrs. Frank Dnvey, Mrs. Al bert O'Brien, Mrs. J. C. Nndun, Miss Mary Lebold, Mrs. V. Kiidstanclt. Tho tables are in charge of .Mrs. John Noud, Mrs. John Nuthmnn, Mrs. W. C. Phillips. Assisting about the tables are Misses Mario Breitensteln, Clara Breiteiistcin, Clara Burr, Mrs. Thomas Nndon, Miss I.oetta Noud. Beginning at 8 o'clock last evening a. program of musical number was giv en. These Included a piano solo by Miss Eleanor Huckesteiu, a reading by Mrsi Blanche Noimeyer, a mandolin and gui tar duct by F. N. Alley and H. H. Car ter and vocal solos by Dun EangenburA and F. N. Mclnturff. The attendance last evening wnt large and tho audieuco was well enter tained. Municipal Railroad . Pays Splendid Profits San Frsneiseo. Nov. 11. The ftn Francisco municipal railroads continue to bo operated at a profit. A report filed today by (Superintendent Cnshln of the eity lines shows that durng Oc tober 200,11)8.70 was taken in nnd 108,171.3(1 expended, lenvinir a norfit ot 101.027.40. After tho depreciation and sinking funfls have been apportion ed their shnre of this amount the ettv will have approximately 175,000 net profit. Exports of buttor liavo multiplied four times in 15 months and vot we wero warned that tho new tariff would ruin the dairying Industry. T .68 OF FULL CASH VALUE Tax Commission Opens Its Annual Discussion With County Assessors The state tax commission tmlnv nn. ed up the way for a series of informal visits and invited considerable corres pondence from county nssessors hv isan. ' inp tho trmtntivn rntin nf n ., t r - v iiiv unL-B!UU value of the taxable property in each county to the full cash value. Each county assessor is required, under tho law, to assess tho property at its full cusii vaiuo a lid eacn ninintiiins that he does. Then tho tax commission issues the tentative ratio which shows what per cent of truth there is in tho asser tions of the county assessor according to the opinion of the tax commission. The county assessor in turn declares that the value imposed by the tax com mission upon the property is too high, and that the assessed is in better posi tion to know the value of the property than the tax commission. After a few preliminary remarks each holds to his original position nnd there the matter rests with each fulfilling his duty to tho best of his own judgment. The county nssessors say that i fthcy assessed the property at its full value as judged by the tax commission they would hear a roar from an oiirngcil populace that "would cause the Euronean turmoil to sink to a niero whisper. One philosophical county assessor made an ulmost "neutral" statement whou he said that he mado his property valua tions with one oyo on the law, one eye on tho property and the other on the recall and tried to satisfy all three points of viow. According to tho tentative list issued today Marion county property is nssess od at 08 per cent of its actual cash val ue, last year it was assessed at 09 per cent or its lull value according to the estimates of the tax commission. Tilla mook is assessed at 89 per cent which is practically full value. The follow ing list is only tentative ns the vulnes of corporation proprietors within the respective counties havo uot been made for 191(5. The full list follows: Baker '. Benton .75 .05 .57 .58 .77 .00 .SO .74 .75 I Clackamas Clatsop , Columbia Coos Crook Curry ', Douglas Gilliam , , Orant .04 TIarney (15 Hood River , (17 Jackson 04 Jefferson Josephine .(19 Klamath (19 I.nko Lane .(.) .05 Lincoln (1.1 i'lori 08 Malheur 02 Marion 08 Morrow 87 Multnomah 01 Polk , 53 Sherman 08 Tillamook 80 Umatilla lTnim 71 Wallowa 73 Wasco 74 Washington 53 Wheeler 72 Yamhill 52 WAR BULLETINS Amsterdam, Nov. 11. The kaiser has commuted the death sentences against Countess Jeanne de Belleville, Mndaine Louise Thuliez, nnd tho chemist I.ouis Severin to penal servitude for life, ae ' cording to tho Tyd's Belgian correspon dent today. They wcro sentenced fur espionage in Belgium. Washington, Nov. 11 Seizure of the American steamer Hocking at Halifax, by tho British, was explained by Eng land today on the ground tho vessel was "enemy owned." No details were an nounced, however, by tho state depart ment. reckville, Pa., Nov. 11 Three arrests today followed tho finding of 150 pounds of dynamite hero, intended, it in ufiiuvcu, io destroy Tne utipont low der works in tho next village. Washington, Nov. 11. Suspicious fires in munitions plnnts recently nre under investigation by tho department of justice, it was admitted today. Athens, Nov. 11. Authentic Salonika reports today told of heavy fighting be tween the Herbs und Hulgnrs east of Prisrcnd. County Clerk Secures , Reputation Abroad As Matrimonial Agent About two months ago County Clerk Max If. Gehlhnr received n letter from a young woman at least she said she was young-of Terre Haute, Indiana, who sought tho addresses of a few honorable young men of this county wno wouki correspond witn ner with i viow of entering tho slate of matri mony about tho same timo sho entered the state of Oregon. Hecently she wrote again to the enmity clerk Informlnir him that the list of names submitted by him had proved to be highly satis factory and that, tho affair with one young man was progressing particularly well, . It Is probablo that she confided her secrets to a friend back in Terro Itnute because a request for nnothtnr list of "cllgibles" was received tndny by the county clork from another young lsdy or the eastern city. Mr. Uehlhnr mnde haste to reply by forwarding a now list 0f "honorable young men."' Constantly, with all the changing fortunes of war, friendly bacteria in the body are waging war against invading microbes. Disease is the victory of the enemy, health the su premacy of the home guard. Intesti-Fermin Tablets combine (he friendly, health giving bacilli of Bulgarian sour milk fer ments with Glyco-Bakter the Bacillus of Long Life. Taken per sistently, they tend to prevent premature old age and guard against headache, biliousness, nerve and stomach disorders, such disasters as auto-intoxication and hardening of the arteries. $1.00 per bottle a week's treat ment ask for it tsday J. C. PERRY Salem, Oregon. Cll loday (or copy ot "Pi mature Old Aer ll Cause and Prevention." By Dr. A. V. drSoiu. 1 Intesli-Fermin is mnde exclusively by The Berlin Laboratory, Ltd. New York City W. H. Abrams, Pioneer of 1867, Dies In Eugene (Eugene Register.) William H. Abrams, one of the early residents of Eugene, later for mnn'v years a resident of Cottage Grove, died ui nis nome at U'.IU Patterson street, in this city yesterdny. Paralysis was tho cause of death. Mr. Abrams was one of the early pionoers of Lane county nnd Eugene, lie: was born in Rochester, N. Y., Octo ber 10, 1843, and spent his early boy hood days in that city, Inter settling iu Perry, N. Y. When the Civil war broke out Mr. Abrnms enlisted in the union army, serving iu Company B Ninth regiment, Michigan cavalry. He was honorably dismissed from army service in 1H05. In that year he moved to Coldwater, Michigan, where ho married Frances Bullnrd. In 1807 he came to Oregon by tho Isthmus of Panama, His wife died in 8"(l, leaving three children. Mrs. C. J. Howard, of Eugene; Thomas C. Abrams, of Kalama, Wash., and Mrs. O, O. MeClellan, of Salem. In 1878 Mr. Abrams returned to Perry, N. Y., the heme of his boyhood and married Miss Alice Buchlnnd. Mr. and Mrs. Abrams returned to Eutrene I immediately after the marriage und have resided in Lane county since, Mr. Abrnms was well known both in Euirene and Cnitmrn flrnvo. TTi u-hh the builder of Villard hall at the Uni versity and tho Hoffman hotel in Eu gene. He was mayor of Cottage Grove and builder of the electric lighting sys tem there. Mr. Abrnms is survived by n widow and tho children mentioned. Mr. Abrams was a member of the Masonic lodge, Woodmen of tho World, nnd the Grand Army of the Republic. Funeral services will bo held from the Gordon Ventch chapel Wednesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Remains will be placed In the mausoleum. Rev. Win. Parsons will have charge of tho ser vices ath the chapel and the services at the mausoleum will bo conducted by the Masonic lodge. One Lonely Little Girl Will Get Good Home i Omaha, Neb., Nov. 11. Lonely Ethel Amlliesseii is going to have a home. Her prayer that, siio be given a plucu where sho could have some ono to love her nnil give her a square meal has been answered. Mrs. G. A. Black, of Hnllistor. Cali fornia, seeing tho girl'n tearful letter to Chief White, of Sun Francisco, wired her to coino to live with her. Tears of joy stood iu the girl's eves. She was ready to fulfill her offer of walking across tho continent if site could but have the home. IjOi-oI char ity officials, however, dissuaded her from starting out at once, ns they wished to investigate the California woman's offer before allowing tho girl to go there. j Only a few more days to Thanksgiv ing, and 20 dnys from then to Christ mas. Bettor begin doing that Christ in 'is shopping. SALEM WOMEN MIGHT TELL HAIR SECRET A great many Salem women, who havo nn abundance of hoautiful hair,1 know about a r-'iiinrkablo hair formula' which every woman onght to know! about. For n number of years Halem I druggists have been continually called iikiii to mix this formula, llndoubt-1 edly tho use of this formula is largely tho secret of tho beauty and luxuriance i' of the huir of very many Halem women ami men too. Tho formula, consists of six ounces of bay ruin, two ounces InvonA de comiiOHoe, and' one hnlf drachm of menthol crystals, Home peoplo add n tenspoonfnl of perfume. A New York physician and a New York chemist wero recently consulted regarding tho efficacy of this mixture ami they both say they know of noth- ng belter to destroy dundrnlf, stiinu Into liiiir growth, clennso ami invigorate the scnlp, stop fulling hair, and to make tho hair fluffy and give it lustre. Any druggist ca;l furnish you tho In gredients which you can mix at home or will mix them for you. Apply to the scnlp night and morning and rub in with the finger tips. viuiuvn niiiiu ivvnr fc Sues Portland Police. Portland, Ore., Nov. 11. Alleging that she had reason to believe that im moral womeu were "planted" in her rooming house, the Van Gorder hotel, to furnish grounds for raids. Mrs. R. A. Burnett has today filod suit for 25.000 against the Portland police department moral squad. Airs. Burnett declares that the two raids on her establishment have ininred her business and reputation. The numbers of the monit squad, named in the suit were W. H. Warren. private secretary of Mayor Albee; Po lice Lieutenant I.. A. Harms, nnd Pa trolman Lee Martin. Alleged Arsonist Indicted. Portland, Ore., Nov. 11. Another al leged arsonist is under indictment by tho grand jury today. Mrs. Daisy Mil ler is charged with burning her home last November for the insurance money. Three members of the coast-wide ar son trust will begin serving sentences of from three to seven years in the state penitentiary today. They nre Snn ford Currier. Monty Akevsnn nnd v Woolette. Mordie Koenoy, given the'1'" tn'9 town of 4000, wrecked the Sun same sentence for arson following con victiou several days ago is tnkine ad vantage of 15 days stay of execution to perfect an appeal to the supremo court. He Stulo Two Pianos. Portland, Ore., Nov. 11 That he stole two pianos and sold and traded them until his profits reached $100 was the confession Charles Fnrnhnm, a moving picture operator, made to tho police to day. The pianos wcro in a movie theatre that had gono out of business. Furn ham hired u transfer man to put them in storage, nnd after 30 days began a series of barters by which he disposed of them. Six Tersons Iniured. Portland, Ore, Nov. 11. Six persons day ns the result of a street car run ....,.,"'(; uijurirn iu- ning away for soveral blocks and crnsli ing into another, which in turn collid' with a third last night. The cars were badly damaged. It was almost mirac ulous that there was not loss of life. The ear that started tho trouble wns left unattended by its crew und cvi - uiukJjr Vll lit, UI1UUIHC3. Farmors Hold Wheat Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 11. Wheat valued at 3,150,000, is being held by tho growers of IJmutilla county for higher prices, it was estimated today. Out of between 4,500,000 and 5,000,000 bushels grown in the county in 19.15 it was believed that not inoro than 20 or 25 per cent had been sold. Revival In Mining. Baker, Ore., Nov. 11. A revival in tho Greenhorn mining district is expect od today as tho result of the locating of a vein on the Petty und Abies property which assays nearly $1,000 to the ton. ' Tho vein has been opened up for 00 feet, but neither end has been found. Held Up Street Car. Portland, Ore., Nov. 11. Two mask- ed men, revolvers in hand held up a street, car mi the Wnmlutnek iu 1.111I,. today and relieved Conductor B. W. Cooley of $!.75 in small change. There were no passengers ou the car. Seattle Man Injured. Portland, Ore., Nov. 11. As the re sult of being knocked off by a street car or fulling from u trestle on the Vancouver line, Charles Wilson, aged 15, of Seattle, is suffering from se rious injuries today, His jawbone and breastbone wero fractured. Killed While Hunting. Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 11. Acciden tally shooting himHcK in the neck while hunting near here, Joe Nordberg, aged 10, of Portland, is dead tndny. HUIE WING SANG CO. Big line of Waists, House, Dresses, Bilk Goods, Men's and Boys' Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladles', dents, and Children's TJndorweat, OvershJrts, Sweaters and Shoes. Ladlos' and Children's Fancy Dresses, Neckwear, Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Blankets, Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. Wo make up Dresses, Wrappers, Klmonas and Wliito Underwear. All goods selling at lower prices. j 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET mja""' '"""'"'ii "n xm A poor or inferior butter will make the best bread distasteful THEREFORE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Marion Creamery Butter "Meadow Brook" H costs no more and you Get the Best II faawn.m.' Gel a Can TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer Four Were Killed Cyclone (Continued from rage One. Bend today came out from under the debris to the work of rehabilitation. Following a hard wind with fitful electrical showers, a dark funnel-shaped cloud rushed in with a roar from ther sonthwest last night, and struck in tlict light and wnter plants, leaving the cit iu darkness and without fire protection. It smashed its way through, taking itt life toll nud wrecking muny structure:! in its wake. The twister swept away many bouses - 1 ta te station, levelled a stand pipo, and then swept eastward, striking other towns. Among tho places destroyed here were a school, three mills and ninny homes. . Other towns in the path of the cy clone, but which suffered less dnmugc, included Lamed, Hutchinson, Derby, Claflin, Hoisingtou and Hartford, S. t. Tho wind literally picked up many mi i Mines, hurling them considerable distance or trashing them into kindling with their ocenpnnts beneath thorn. Number five Santa Fo passenger train came near being caught in tho atmos pueric. maelstrom. Cut off from fire protection, citizens.. formed ft volunteer fire department to fight many blazes following in the pit! of overturned Inmps and stoves. i no cyclone ripped a tnreetourths or ft 1111 ft nntll tliroilirh tlia litwii Inbimr us cnier ton in. tne residence district. In the outlying districts however, many sneep were picked up dead, smashed to death in tho feeding pens after being thrown high in the air. A drenching rnin fell all night. At dawn the city aws still prying under ruined buildings for trace of other dead 'and injured. Physicians poured iu from neigiboring villages to give aid to tin) wounded. Several men in tho three mills wreck ed wero killed. Rescuing parties feared that the death toll may run higher than the eurlier reports indicated. Storm Sweeps Several States. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 11. Torn by a "twister" and drenched under heavy rninfnll, Kansas, parts of Nebraska nnrl South Dakota begnn to report today heavy damage from last nigut's storm. The worst part of it struck Great Head, Kansas, whero four persons were killed. Communication is still greatly crip pled so the totul figures on casualtien und destruction may not be known for a few days. Damage Not Heavy. Lincoln, Neb. Nov. 11. As fur lift known early today, no casualties nn.'l 'yUi from tho cyclone" which swept ,.- , t, . ,J . : . . and -Nebraska last night. Tho state was drenched with n heavy rni:i. Central Nebraska reported a heavy wind, with some buildings unroofed and blown over. Ijiter tho rain tinned to snow iu tha western section. Death List Grows. Wichita, Kns., Nov. 11 Mrs. Willimn La Force und her servant, .Miss Mea dows, and Mrs. Hurtle were killed iu the cyclone which struck Seybal, south of here lust night. Mr. Hurtle ami two children were brought to ii hospital here, seriously injured. Sevba was badly damaged. A Mexican was killed and 27 persomt injured when u bunk truiu was demol ished at Derby. i