TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1915. Social Personal ALINE THOMPSON The meeting of the Salem Woman's club aturday afternoon in the public library willTe an unusually interesting one. Mrs. Florence 0. Cartwright's "Frolic and Fancy in Shakespeare land" will be an attractive topic to the lovers of ' ' Our Myriad-minded Shakes peare." Mrs. Gartwright is especially qualified in Shakespearian lore and her power of expensive interpretation makes any program on which she may appear inimitable. Of much interest to the members of the Woman's club, will bIbo be the organization of a Shakespearian department by Mrs. F. A. Elliott, president. This branch of tie club will be entirely along differ ent lines and apart from the regular dramatic Work, lovely scarlet dahlias centered the luncheon table at which Mrs. Guy Sar gent presided Friday ns a charming attention to Mrs. W. U. I)e Heck, of Vancouver, B. 0. Covers for this de lightful affair being placed for Mrs. W. O. De ISeck, Mrs. T. (1. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Charles McNary, Mrs. O. B. Hchueking, Mrs. Tilonias Livcsloy and the hostess, Miss Helen Whitney, of Portland is Iho house guest of Miss Kllen Thiolscn. Miss Whitney will bo hero several weeks and will no doubt be the inspira tion of many littlo affnirs. Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., was a delight ful hostoss Wednesday afternoon for the Kensington club. Mrs. W. G. De UJeck, who is tho guest of Mrs. Thomas Livosley, was an additional guest. Mrs. E. Cooke Pntton was iiostess Monday afternoon for the ladies of tho northeast section of tho First Congre gational church. A delightful after noon was spent in preparing attractive articles for the Christmas bazaar, which will take pljace at tho church, December eleventh. Miss Eula McCully assisted in serving. In honor of Mrs. David Yantis, of Portlnnd, formerly of Nalein, and MrB. Joseph O'Kcof, Mrs. Frank Henderson entertained Friday with a prettily ap pointed luncheon, in her niiurtmont at the Tutor Arms. Tho tublo was cen tered with a lovely mass of delicate pink Cecil Bruner roses, and violets intermingled with ferns from which long pink satin streamers found their way to tho individual places, terminat ing with a corwgo of the snino flowers. Covers were placed tor eight. Varncl Beach will join his mother, Mrs. J. V. Beach in Portland the lat ter part of the week, when they will leave for a several months sojourn to San Francisco and California. t t Mr. and Mrs. Rollin K. Page's at tractive home was the meeting place for the Merry-Go-Round club Tuesday evening. Card favors were captured by Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moorcs. Mrs. MJax Burcn, Mrs. J. N. Smith and Mrs. Al ton assisted in serving. Miss Eula McCully, who has been tho guest of Mrs. Cooke Fntton for several days, returned to her home in Hood liivcr Wednesday. Miss Anna Yantis returned Sunday from a week end visit in Portland with her brother, David Yantis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bnbcoek have as their guest, W. N. Drybread, of Kdinhnrg, Indiana, who is en route to San Francisco. From California, Mr. Drybread will go to New Orleans where he will spend tho remainder of tho wintor returning homo in the spring. Miss Ruby Cornell lenves Sunday for San Francisco and California where she will spend several weeks. The first meeting of the Beethoven club was held in the studio of Miss .Toy Turner at the college of music, on Saturday afternoon. This club, which was organized by tho younger students of Miss Turner, will meet ouce a month to study the biographies of different musicians and the theory of musical art. Those who took part in the pro gram were: Maude Engstrom, Eliza beth Thompson, Pearl Ostermann, Ma rion Knimons, Odta McFailane, Mar garet Johnson, Paul Purvine, J'eal Wesson, Floyd Sicgmund, The wedding of Miss Ella Mngers anil Will Skinner, both of Salem, will take place in San Francisco Friday, November 12, 1915. The grooni-to-be left last nignt for San Francisco, where the marriage will take place. After a several weeks tour of San Francisco and California they will return to Sa lem to iitako their home. Hcrshel Einmel was pleasantly sur prised Monday ovenin" by his sisters Aetna and Esther, when a few friends gathered to celobrato his birthday, (initios and music furnished the di- Makes Stubborn Coughs Vanish in a Hurry fin m m g Made at Horn Sarprlilnglr Good Cangfc Syraf) Easily and Cheaply If some one in your family has an ob stinate cough or a bad throat or chest cold that hus been hanging on and refuses to yield to treatment, get from any drug store 2' ounces of l'inex and make it into a pint of cough syrup, and watch that cough vanish. Pour the 2' ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth) into a pint bottle and 611 the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. The total cost is about 54 cents, and gives you a full pint a family supply of a most effective remedy, at a saving of $2. A day's use will usually overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared in 5 minutes full directions with l'inet. Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste. Children like it. It's really remarkable how promptly and easily it loosens the dry, hoarse or tight cough and heals the inllanud mem branes in a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial asthma and whooping cough. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so healing to the membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for ''Z ounces of Pinex,"' and do not accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with this preparation or money promptly refunded. Tho Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. versions for the evening, after which guests proceeded to the . dining room where a dainty lunch was served. Those i.ivited were: Misses Beck, Dodge, DeLong, Walton, Messrs. Brado son, Eeminon and Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer At!ierton an nounce tho engagement of their daugh ter, Mildred, to James L. Moorman. Tho wedding will take place early in the year. Miss Mable Brown will entertain the D. P. M. Sunday school class of the Jason Leo church Saturday afternoon at her home on North Winter street. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Pemberton are be ing congratulated upon the arrival of a daughter, born Wednesday, November in. )c Jsjc sc )Jc sjc sjc sfc s)c s(c jc ))c jjc )Jc jfc sft st PEDSAWAIC 1 LUlUVUftlJkJ Mrs. M. J. Butler is here today from Monmoutn. Mrs. O. J. Butler, of Independence is in tno citv. ('. F. llomvpr and wife are visiting !n oriianu today. Hansom VV'oolerv went to Portland this morning on business. Will torn Peterson went to Portland on the morning electric. J. S, Johnson, a prominent farmer of rone county, is here today on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shaver loft thts morning for a short visit in Portland, (inrdnn Wallace returned this morn ing from a tw weeks visit at San Fran cisco. mch. Asa.iei Hush was a passengor this niornir- on the Oregon Electric for Port laud. Mrs. .Newman, sister-in-law of Mrs, J. D. Wvuut, and daughter, MiBS Mary Newman, of North Salem, left last evening for their home in iown, after a visit ot several months in tins city, wotTliirteensiopU San Francisco. Nov. 10. Giving the. lie to those who, he said, blackened the name of English labor, C. G. Amman, British fraternal delegate to the A. F. of L. convention swept the' other dele gates to their feet today with a declara tion for unity of workers of all races. in ere is no reason, he shouted, why the workers of Germany, France and Austria should not be gathered here on neutral soil today. 'The workingmpn has no quarrel with his fellow workingman, but the men who blackened the labor cause know no race nor boundary. "It has been reported to you that labor failed England in her crisis. You have been told that the woraingmen were drunk when needed. 'There never was a more infiainous lie. "You have been told that the men will not volunteer. More men are com ing forward than are needed. Conscrip tion is desired by the capitalistic class to fasten a strangle hold on labor, af ter the war." Ho closed amid applause with a warn ing to American workmen to keep out ot the struggle. I resident iiompers was ill abed wua a bud cold. First Vice-President Dun- cjan presided in his stead, Ernest iievin, traternal delegate from Great Britain, called forth slavos of applause when he said tho despotism of r.uropo must give way to the democracy of the world. 'The time will como where there will bo no place for kings," he said "All the kings in tho world have not been worth as much as ono family ot pioneers that trekked across the Rocky mountains ami braved the hardships in a new land." Nothing Stops This Man The man with vigorous, virile health, and a clear mind, who brushes away obstacles, and rejoices in overcoming difficulties, is bound to succeed. His is the joyous outlook on life. Physical and mental conditions like these come largely through proper eating "Food makes the man." Now it is a fact attested by food experts that the modern dietary is woefully lacking in the very elements that put success into a man. They are the mineral salts Phosphate of Potash, etc. White bread is almost wholly lacking in them. But there is one food that richly supplies these vital elements, and that food is Grape-Nuts Made from whole wheat and barley, Grape-Nuts contain all the nutriment of the grain, including the valuable mineral salts. It is easily digested, is con centrated and has delicious taste. A daily ration of Grape-Nuts along with other food helps build vigor ous bodies and keen brains. "There's a Reason" sold by Grocers everywhere. WILLAMETTE NOTES Prof. Wallace Mac Murray's lecture, "An Appreciation of the Best in Mod ern i.iicrimiro, i uesday night was I well attended mil was much annreci inted. lie gave some fundamental. laws nud principles that were necessyiry to ,iih appreciation or literature. Jlo nar ticularly emphasized the fact that we : should study more and more the modern dramas and not think that nil of the best dramas were produced in the past. I in or. ier to seep our thoughts apace jwilii the times it is necessary to study it lie thoughts of the great minds of the present; we should, however, know nnst , literature to nn entont, but it is usually j brought out in modern duanins. A more detailed report of the lecture will ap pear in Saturday's Journal. Prof, J. 0. Hull addressed the student body at chapel yesterday morning, IDs I message was one dealing with educa tion, in it he advocated the concentra tion nf tho student to his studies; not to make his knowledge a smattering of a littlo of everything, but to devote more time to the things really worth while, lie quoted tho well known plimse: "A little knowledge is a dangerous tiling. Dunk deep, or taste not the Pyrean spring." , Concentration is a storing up of en- ergv, sum ne. I Mrs. Snkrison, of Superior, Wiseon sin. is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, J. O. Hall. She will remain until after the Thanksgiving holidays. She likes the west very well, especially tho do- iigiuiiii c limine. , Miss Junia Todd, preceptress of I l.nnsniine Hull, will give an address to 'the Y. W. C, A. tomorrow afternoon entitled, "The Social Standard for the Campus." That it will be worth while is attested to by thefaet that Miss Todd iihvays draws a large crowd when she gives n talk to the girls. The Weluteiinii Literary society will iinve an interesting meeting this even ing, among the ninny things to bo con sidered are: Election of officers for the coming quarter, initiation of mem bers, and nn interesting literary pro gram, nr. which the question, " Resolved that tho news paper does more to mould public opinion than all other forces combined," will bo discussed. T'.io meeting will start at 7:110, Visitors aro welcome. In Address To Federation He Counsels Strict Neutrality COURT HOUSE NEWS if Buy Underwear Now This cold, disagreeable weather calls for Winter Underwear for every member of the family. We have a large and varied stock of underwear for men, women and children. The quality is unusually good and the prices are so low that there is no rea son for anyone going without comfortable underwear this win ter. Take a look at these offerings and then come in and ex amine the goods. You will find them worth much more than we ask for them. Agents for American Lady Corsets Men's Fine Bibbed and Shirts, per garment .- Fleece Drawers 45c Men's and Boys' "Mayo" Suits; wonderful values; Men's $1.00; boys Union .. 50c "P. Q.'A." Wool Union Suits for men quality and comfort; you cannot duplicate these for the CI Cfl money ipliJU Men's Pure. Wool Worsted Union' Suits' $2.50 Ladies' Bibbed Union Suits, ankle length, long sleeves 50c Ladies' Cotton 'Bibbed Union Suits, made of white combed cotton yam, trimmed with dainty silk edging; three styles, full sleeve, half sleeve and sleeveless, ankle length; 7r. extra good value ....... Ladies' Bibbed Non-Shrinking Union Suits, high or low neck, long M CA or short sleeves; god value . . 115 N. Liberty near State KAFOURY BROS. The Store for the People Ed lloulette, alias Ed Dale, alias Ed Crider, was arrested yesterday by Sher iff Esch under the alias of Ed Davis and lodged in the county jail under a charge of forgery. Moulette was bound over to the grand jury by the justice of tho peace of tho Hubbard district upon tho evidence introduced at the prelim inary hearing, which purported to show that Moulette passed two worthless checks at Aurora, and it is alleged forged the names of William Hurst and Ezra liurst, members of a commission firm at Aurora. Moulette was arrested in 1913 on a forgery charge and pleaded guilty be fore Judge Kelly and was sentenced to two to 20 years in the pen and then paroled from the bench upon the re commendation of the district attorney. Moulctto's defense was that he was drunk at the time he passed tho bad paper in 1913. Now thnt he has broken his parole he will he taken to the pen immediately upon the return of Judge Kelly to this city to begin serving his sentence on the two to 20 year jolt. He will bo brought into court to be tried on this second charge in'the event that ho is indicted by the grand jury at its next session. RETAIL ASSOCIATION (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., Nov. 11 At a meeting of the business men of this city held in the parlors of the Lat'reolo Club Mon day evening, the Dallas Retail Mcr chUnts association was organized. High O. Black was elected president of the association and Harry Viers, vice-president. A board of directors composed of A. S. Campbell, t K. Davis, 11. 1. Price, Willis Simonton and J. R. ('rav en, was also chosen. The selection Of a secretary wps left until somo ftituro date. About 20 firms doing business in Dallas signed the uy-laws and consti tution adopted by the new organization. Injured in Auto Collision. , 'Ilert Newman, of Salt Creek, was qtiite badly injured Sunday evening when an automobile driven by Thomas Roberts, of Snlem, ran into a rig he was driving on North Main street. Mr. Roberts claims that thn rain on the windshield of his machine so obscured his vision that he did not see the ap nronching vehicle. Newman and com panion were thrown from tho buggy and the former so severely injured that he was taken into the Brown garage and Dr. L. A. Bollmtin summoned who found it necessary to take several stit ches in a cut on the young man's fore head. Mr. Roberts has offered to set tle all bills incurred by the accident and rent his car to tiie Salt Creek home of the injured lad Monday morn ing and had him brought to this city for medical treatment. Fair Appropriation Doubtful. According to a statement of County A marriage license has been issued at the offic.o of the county clerk to (Irnnt Rutcher, a Woodburn doctor, and Clara Frnnklan, also of Woodburn. SEATTLE MAN KILLED. Portland, Or., Nov, 11. Injured when ho either fell or was knocked by A street car from a trestle on the Van couver line lute yesterday, Charles Smith, aged 4)1, believed to bo a stock man of Seattle, died today. Smith landed on a log boom beneath the trestle. Suit hns been filed in the circuit court by Klmef L. Rice, as tho Amer ican Standard Jewelry company, against Carl Taudrup and Harry l'arckr. This is an action to recover money on jew elry purchased on the installment plan. Tho ease was tried in the justice court of this district and tho jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant holding that the defendant should re cover i'..2H and costs from the plain tiff. Tho plaintiff alleges in his com plaint that he sold a ring to the de fendants for the sum of s 180 and that but $.10 had been paid and sought judg ment in the sum of ,tl53.5ii. John Bnyne is attorney for the plaintiff and Smit) & Shields for the defendant. ITomer IT. Smith today filed R suit against Merton R. De l.oni'. Mae T. I)c Long, (leorge Y. Vick, H. F, Kuch and the City of Snlem in the circuit court to collect the sum of ifliOO alleged due on n promissory note given by the De Longs to tli o plaintiff and secured by a mortgage on lot S block 15 Riverside addition to the city of Salem. The other defendants claim an interest in the property in question. The plaintiff seeks n judgment in the sum of $f!00 with interest and costs and $75 attor ney's fees and n foreclosure of the mortgnge. Carey F. Martin is attorney for the plaintiff. VESSELS IN DISTRESS. Washington, Nov. II. Three const gunrd vessels were en routo post haste today ti vessels iu distress in a serious gale,' reported off the north Atlantic coat. Judge John B. Teal, complaints having been registered from .several sections of the county against the appropriation of mnnov for thn Tmunt.cniinca nf the Polk county fair, it is doubtful whether the court will include in its niMgei ror tno coming year any money for tiio use of the county fair association. Tho judge hnlilB thnt tlin benefit derived from the annual exhibit is not sufficiently great to warrant the expenditure. It is furthermore alleged ny mose wno are not in favor of tho appropriation that the fair is simply a local affair and that the benefits derived from it re mostly by Dallas people and that the nennln nf t.liiu citv should maintain the fair without asking aid from the county court. The fair management will file its annual report with tho court within a few days nnd it is hoped that this will have somo influ ence with the court in continuing its aid towards the fair. Institutes Divorce Proceedings. Mrs. Sallio Stinnett, through her at torney, Oscar Hnyter, has filed suit f..r a'.livni-.iA frnm her hiiMbnml. Charles Stinnett, who was committed to the state penitentiary at. tho last term of court. Mrs. Stinnett asks for tho cus tody of six minor children and prop erty valued at $2,184. The couple were married in Tcnnesseo in 1H!M. For tho pnst sevciil years Ithey have' made their home in Polk county. Mrs. R. L. Toney and children, of McMiimville, aro guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chnpinuu on Oak street. Mayor and Mrs. E. ('. Kirkpatrick are iu Portland this week on a business mid plcnsuro trip. (leorge Stewart is in Salem today transacting business matters. Breeze (libsou has returned from an extended visit with relatives in Port land and Snlem and is tho guest at the home of his nephew, Dr. A. B. Stnr- buck on Court street. Mrs. Hurry Lucas and daughter, MisU Elva aro in Portland this week whero Miss Lucas is receiving medical treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peterson are iii Portland 1 his week attending tlf10 Manufacturers' and Land Producttl show, , Joe Hclgerson visited tho first of tno week with relatives and friends in Corvalis. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant left Mon day for San Francisco where Mr. Grant will attend tho annual meeting of tlnr National Mohair GroweiB and Angora Goat association. Mr. Grant is a mem ber of tho board of directors. J. C. Vincent, of Salem, was a Dal las business visitor tho first of the' woek. W. V. Fuller and C. O. Tennis lei ft Monday afternoon for tho woods neiir Corltoii where they will resumo theif cruising operations for Yamhill county., W. Wynne Job nson loft Monday for Los Angeles, California, where ho iuut accepted a position as business man ager of one of the big daily papers. Miss. Leoiiilla Smith, a student nt the Oregon Normal school at Mon Mouth spent the first of the week with! her parents in Dallas. Mrs. M. M. Ellis and Mrs. Virginia. Smith have returned from a short visiti, with Portland relatives and friends. "; Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Patterson, Jr., of Grevs River, Washington, are expected to arrive in Dallas this week for a visit) at tiio home of Mrs. Patterson's pareubt Mr. and Mis. Eugene llaytcr, on North; Main street. PRESIDENT WILL CONFER. Washington, Nov. 11. President Wilson will hold a series of eonferenccM with republican lenders regarding their stand on his military preparedness pro gram, tho Whito Douse said today. Our Furniture Clearance Sale Offers an opportunity to every woman to purchase those pieces for the home that she has so long been wanting at a great saving. Prices have been reduced from fifteen to fifty per cent, everything in this great stock marked at radical reductions. It will pay you to buy now, any purchase you might make will be held for Xmas delivery. 33 Off All Fibre Rugs 33 Electric Portable 15 to 33 Off THEY REFUSE'TO'EAT At periods iu most childrens' rives they fail to relish their meals and refuse to eat even the delicacies prepared to tempt their appetites. They lack am bition, and growth seems impeded, which causes anxiety and worry. ' To compel them to eat is a crave mistake, because nutrition is impaired. Healthful exercise in fresh air and sun shine is important, but equally import ant is a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion Ihree times a day to feed the tissues and furnish food-energy to improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen their appetites. The highly concentrate! medicinal food iu Scott's Kmulsion supplies the very elements children need to build up their strength. They rtlish Scott's it is free from alcohol Bootl h Uuwn. MoMBfitld. . I.' 15-94 China Closets $27.50 China Closet $16.50 $:55.00 China Closet $21.00 $40.00 China Closet $22.50 $45.00 China Closet $25.65 $50.00 China Closet $29.00 Buffets $27.50 Buffet $15.50 $:52.50 Buffet $21.00 $35.00 Buffet $23.50 $15.00 Library Table $ 9.50 $20.00 Library Table $13.50 Radical Reduction on Chairs andiRockers $17.00 Royal Morris Chair .... .$11.25 $25.00 Upholstered Rocker $17.50 $27.50 Royal Morris Chair $19.85 $13.50 Upholstered Reed Chair. .$ 9.00 $32.50 Royal Morris Chair $24.50 $18.00 Upholstered Reed Rocker $12.75 $15.00 Light Leather Rocker . . .$ 9.50 $13.50 Leather Oak Rocker . . . .$ 8.50 The Sal. SnSnmMBS Prices Are