Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 10, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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t Special Attractive Offerings in the I
All Around Town
You Get Extreme Values
Ready-to-wear Section
Women's Suits
A big assortment of Suits in plain materials and
mixtures. All good styles usually sold to $22.50,
extra special $11.65
Women's and Misses' Suits A Grand Assortment
Newest styles and fabrics values to $30.00, extra
special $13.65
Sale of Black Halycon and Mercerized Cloth Petticoats
A line of our regular values to $2 to close $1,10 ga.
These are exceptional values and are recommend
ed by us.
A Genuine Bargain Shirt Waists
All new never shown before in sizes to fit 34, 36,
38 no two alike values to $1.50. While they last,
your choice 95c eacn
Another Opportunity to Buy Rain Coats at a Big Saving : :
New Coats, this season less One-Third in price ;
$6.50 Rain Coats extra special $4.33
$10.00 Rain Coats extra special $6.67
$12.50 Rain Coats extra special $8.33
$15.00 Rain Coats extra special $10.00
$18.50 Rain Coats extra special $12.33
$20.00 Rain Coats extra special $13.33
$25.00 Rain Coats extra special $16.67
New. Showing of Japanese Lunch Sets and Separate
These are very popular for Lunch or Breakfast Tables in shades
of Blue lu various patterns.
50-inch Cloth $1.19 a set
62-inch Cloth $1.69 a set
72-inch Cloth $1.08 a set
In bolts of 10 yards, special per bolt 69c
Gold Fish FREE
While they last
Two gold fish and a
globe free with a 50c
purchase of any
Rexall Remedy, Rexall
Stationery, Rexall Toil
et Article er
Perry's Drug Store
The Rexall Store.
Watch for ur One
Cent Sale Next Week
Japan Is safe in agreeing not to con
chiilo a sopurate peace when uho Ins it
of the highest order is required
to recognize niul properly corroct
defects of vision. It is extreme
ly unsafe to permit anyone nut
thoroughly qualified to tent your
eyesight or prescrlbo ((lasses
for you.
My examinations nro of tho
highest oriler, nud tuy 83 yenrs
of successful experience will bo
nt your service. 1 do not use
drugs or drops as they are
dangerous. I . ninlto no 'extra
charges for examinations.
More than that yon will bo I
supplied with. lenses that will
correct any defects of . vision
bIiowii by my enamlnnlloni.
I Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn!
Rooms 210-211, U. 8. Bk. Bldg. I
13x50 inches 15c each
13x72 inches 25c each
18x61 inches 35c each
Old Controversy May Be
i Renewed If No Warning
Given Ancona
Washington, Nov. 10. Tho recently
placid horizon in tho submarine con
troversy clouded ominously today as
news dispatches gave growing evidcueo
that Austria or (Jormnny had sunk the
liner Anconii without warning and pre
sumably with Americans aboard,
Another diplomatic crisis seemed, on
tho surface, inevitable. State deivit
ment heads, however, withheld judg
ment in the nbseneo of absoluto infor
mation to prove what news messages
it' the vessel was warned and then
attempted to escape, tho controversy
will bo Avoided, authorities said, us in
ternational law would justify such
Just how far Austria is bound by
tho negotiations between American and
(iermauy is another point that is still
undetermined. Tho logical outcome,
howover, in tho event it is proved an
Austrian vessel was culpable would be
a untn to Austria, asking disavowal,
reparation and u pledgo not to repeat'
ine otronso.
Administration officials plainly in
dicated their' hope that another dip
lomatic, crisis would be avoided, but
they were fur from certain that it
would be.
Suggestions that a flermnn subma
rine, shielded under the Austrian col
ors, was responsible Added n new sense!
of gravity to the situation.
There were some who felt, however, 1
that unofficial reports that the An-1
enna had been shelled nnd soino in-1
jured, indicated that she was in flight,:
and hence that there was justification J
for tho sinking, j
The administration expected that Its'
representatives abroad would, without ;
being asked, file reports of the (lis I
aster giving the vital facts, if obtain-!
aide, as to whether the ship was warn
ed and whether there were Americans
President Will Call
His Cabinet Together
Washington, Nov. 10. For the first
lime since early summer, President
Wilson will call his cabinet together
next week to repare for the opening of
It is expected that members will con
sider the Into run t inn jil situation and
the president's message to thjj legis
lators, This has not been written but
the president has gone over lis details
in his mind.
Tho Anconu Incident, too, Is likely to
eomo up. for consideration.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist in fitting
glasses correctly. U. 8. bank bldg.
A total of 78 cars were received in
this state yesterday for loading accord
ing to tho report of Superintendent F.
L. Burkhalter made this morning nt the
offices of the state public service com
mission. Dr. E. T. Mclntiro, pnyslclan and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
Requisition papers were honored at
the office of Governor Witliycombe to
day for I.ouis l.eons charged with grond
larceny at Sacramento, C'al. William F.
Uormley arrived today from California
to return the prisoner who is uow in
custody in Portland.
Dr. O. Hartley, specialist, inflamed,
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 416 U. S.
Hank Bldg. Phone 18(1. NovD
Charles Babbitt enjoyed a brief half
day's freedom yesterday when ho was
released at 11 a. m. nftrr serving a 10
day sentence for being intoxicated. By
11 p. m. ho was under arrest again on
the Bumo charge and was again lodged
in the city jail. This morning he plead
ed guilty and Judge Elgiu gave him
another 10 days to think it over.
Now Model "(ill" nt Spencers, 4W
New Modlo "(ili" at Spencers, -100
Tho Knights of Pythias made plans
last evening for u membership campaign
to begin ut once and to close the last
day of .Tnnunl'y. The opposing captains
nre Henry H. Turner uud Neil Summer
ville. , The lodge was addressed by the
liev. F. T. Porter, who discoursed on
man's duty to his physical body nnd
general sanitation, including that of
lodge rooms.
Furs remodeled. Bring furs In early.
212 Hubbard Bldg.
In a short talk last evening at the
meeting of the Business lien's I.enguo
of the Commercial club, II. W. Meyers,
who returned from San Francisco a fnw
days ago,, spoke of the national adver
tising Oregon received on Oregon day
at the fair. The weather man favored
Oregon day and thero was a general
feeling of good will and hospitality
shown by those attending from Oregon
as well as other states.
Dr. Asseln, dontist, Bank of Com
merce Bldg.
To secure speakers for the coming
corn show at Silverton, Mount Angel,
Aurora and Salem, 1.. J. Chopin left
this morning for Portland, lie hopes to
secure the uttendance of C. I.. Smith,
agriculturist of tho O. W, H. & N.,
known as "Farmer" Smith, and J. F.
Mickle, dairy nnd food commissioner.
Tho Silverton annual poultry show be
gins today and will continue for the
remainder of the woek, The corn show
will bo held as part of the poultry ex
hibit, beginning today and closing Sat
urday night. The exhibits this year are
much larger not only in the corn show,
but ulso in the poultry department.
Buy your furniture Xinas present now
at a big reduction. Buren & Hamilton.
At the meeting held last evening of
tho Pilgrims' club nt the First Congre
gational church, addressd by Judgo J.
C. Moreland, he was asked whether
Oregon was settled mostly by families
from the south or north. His answer
was that whilo George Ilimos, known as
tho historian of Oregon had expressed
tho opinion that northorn families were
In tho mnpjority, his opinion was that
tho southern families came here in
greater numbers. Many southerners
had moved to Illinois and other north
ern states, and had again moved to the
state. This accounted for Oregon being
a Democratic stato in the Vnrly days
when political battles were fought out
on tho slavery question.
Big Furniture, Clearance Sale. Buren
& Hamilton.
jc )c 4 St
Reading Made
There la little pleasure in rend
ing for the man who needs glass
es and has none, or for the man
who haB glasses that have boon
improperly fitted. Fitted with
glasses as we fit them you can
got real enjoyment out of your
favorite book or magazine. No
squinting. No smarting cyos, No
blurred vision Just comfort and
Miss A. McCulloch,
208 Hubbard Bldg. Tlione 109
Secure that Lyceum ticket now at the
music stores.
Orville Baldwin, of the Frank 8.
Ward drug store, was called to Portland
yesterday evening by a telegram an
nouncing the death of his brother.
Don't wait till next week to secure
that Lyceum ticket. It may nover
A committee of high school student
members of the national guard has been
appointed to look over tho eligible high
school students who would make good
timber for Company M. On the com
mittee are Max L. Alford, Victor B.
Bradeson and Karl Mason.
They are more than talking about the
White Swan lunches. They are eating
The Salvation Army will hold a spe
cial rally for their children, to be held
in the Salvation hull on Court street
next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clocl
The rally will be in the way of a re
organization of tho children's work, un
der the direction of Captain .1. I..
Over 1000 tickets to the Lyceum
Course have been sold. 1-00 is the
L. J. Heckman exchanged his lO-aci
improved tract in the Sunnysiile fruit
farms, for a house and lot in this city
on North Front street, and will move
hero with his family to make his home.
The exchange was made with Mr. Me
Farland, who has a general store nt
Quinnhy. The deal was mnde by Scott
Guninrd. " u; ;; ,,
You must admit that it is Hygrade
if you smoke a Salem made cigar by
that name.
Special meetings are being held thir
week nt the Friends church in Highland.
Sinco the opening of the services, at
tendance has been on the increase. J.
h. Glasscock, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a
man of national reputation as an evan
gelist, s in charge of the meetings.
The Friends church in Highland may be
renched by taking the Highland jitney,
or the street car on Commercial street,
getting off ut Highland, and going
Hero's your opportunity, prices rad
ically reduced in tho big Furniture
Cleimmce Sale. Buren & Hamilton.
A carload of Trojan powder has Just
been received and stored in their mng
nzino by Ilauser Bros. Trojan powder
has become very popular among the
farmers because of its safety features
and freedom from what is known among
powder users as powder headaches. On
account, of Trojan powder being a non-nitro-glyeerino
powder the price has not
been raised by tho war as all powders
contains nitro-glyeerino' have. Hauser
Bros, have magazines nt Salem and
Albany. They cany car load stocks
at each place.
The ladies of the Salem Missionary
society will hold their semi-annual
meeting at tho Jason Leo Memorial
church Friday, November 12, at 2
o'clock. The following is tho program:
Devotions, Mrs, II. K. Hornschuch; gen
eral topics, young people; "Our Re
cruits, Their Needs, Our Needs," Mrs.
F, T. Porter; vocal solo, Mrs. Julia
Bross I'innell; "Foes Within the
Camp," Mrs. B. L. Steevcs; vocal solo,
Rev. H. C. Stover; "Victories Already
Won," Miss Nellie C'nsebcer. General
discussion led by the chairman. The so
cial hour will be in charge of tho lad
ies of tho United Brethren, Highlnnd,
Friends and Jason Leo churches.'
Smith and Lucas, Marion county
agents for Lightning Washing Powder,
are offering cash prizes for the lady se
curing the highest number of coupons
found in each pnekngo of Lightening
Washing Powder, as follows: First
prize, $.10.00 in gold coin to tho Uidy
having the most coupons on December
31, .1013 at midnight; second prize, $20
to the lady securing the next highest
number of coupons; third prize, $15 for
the third highest number; fourth prize,
$10 for the fourth highest number; fifth
prize, $5 for the fifth highest number.
Prizes will be in gold U. S. coin and nil
coupons must be in by 12 o'clock mid
night on December 31st. In addition
to the above prizes, a commission of
20 per rent will be paid to ladies se
curing orders for Lightening Washing
Powder, A coupon good for 2" votes
given with every 2."c package. Ladies
desiring to try for tho prizes offered
lire requested to register their names
with the ngents. Remember a commis
sion of 20 per cent will bo paid on ev
!ery order so that no matter whether
you win one of the pri.es-or not, every
contestant will be paid for their time.
Scud in your name today and win a
substantial prize. Cull or telephone to
Sniilli ami Lucas, White House lies
taurnat, Tel 11W.
1 The Balem Festival Chorus met last
evening in the Presbyterian church and
adopted by-laws and a constitution, nnd
arranged for the winter's work. Vo
der the direction of'rof. F. S. Men
dcnhnll, the chorus is studying Men-
s(t )J( )(( )t ))t )Jc jft jf )c sc )(( )c
Why Not Us
Columbia QUALITY Carbons?
Made in Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from
Kach Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co.
33rd & Broadway, Portland, Oro.
This Amount Will Make A
Total of Seven Billion
War Expenditures
London, Nov. 10. Dealing in dizzv
totals, Premier Asquith todav asked
parliament for $2,000,000,000 additional
credit 'for carrying on England's share
in the war a share, he admitted, whose
cost is constantly continuing upward.
lu seeking this vast new sum, bring
ing the total to $7,000,1100.000, Asquith
announced that from a total of 2,71,'i,
(100,000 expended from April to Novem
ber (I, $2,.jN-),000,000 had been used in
buying shells, guns and other munitions
with which to blow the enemy to bits.
Loans to aid her allies have also con-!
tinned, nud of the above total, from!
April, $101 ,000,000 was used tor this!
purpose. The balance was spout in,
iniscelliineous ways. i
While picturing a continuing increase'
in England 's daily war burden, the!
premier assured the house or commons j
that tho government is doing its utmost i
in the way of economies.
He mentioned that creation of a joint!
England-I'Yench war council is expected
whilo it is hoped Russia and Italy will'
also be represented.
Asipiith estiniuted that to September!
12 tho war hnd cost $12,7"0,O0O duilv.'
delssohn's "Hymn of Praise." Those!
desiring to join the chorus should make!
their application before the next nieet-i
nig Thuesdny, tho 10th. Applications
should be made to the director, V. S.
.Mendenhnll, or the president, Mrs. C. K.
Today's program at the Catholic ba
zaar at, St. Joseph's Hall will include
such well known talent as Mrs. Noi
meyer, Dan Lnngenburg, P. M. Mcln
turff, F. N. Alley, H. 1 Carter and
Kleanor Hiickestein. The chicken sup
per from o to H n. in., 35 cents; change
of program tomorrow.
A pollification and banquet will be
given by the members of Company M
to their friends on the evening of Fri
day, November 19. It will also be in
the way of opening a campaign for re
cruits. At tho present time, there are
openings for desirable young men who
would like to join the company on ac
count of tho expiration of enlistment
of several members, nnd the removal of
several from this military station.
"Customers should not blame the
druggist if un investment of u quarter
or more does not bring the accustomed
returns," snid a prominent druggist to
day. Quinine now is five times more
expensive than one year ago, when 50
cents would buy one ounce. Nov
quinine retails for $2.50 nn ounce.
Glycerine is three times higher and in
stead of retniling for 50 cents n pound,
is now worth $1.50. Carbolic acid is 10
times higher than one yenr ago nnd the
retail price has jumped from 50 cents a
pound to $! and $0 a pound. Aspirin
also is pretty scarce and the tablets in
stead of selling for 10 cents a dozen,
are worth 25 cents. This advance in
prico is due to the fact that aspirin
and carbolic acids are all made in tier
mnnl, ns well as all coal tar products.
Nearly all quinine comes from (lormnny
and what is taken from Central Amer
ica, is controlled by England. Glycerine
is manufactured in this country, but
the supply is sold to foreign countries.
Washington, Nov. 0. A committee
of labor men today personally pleaded
with President Wilson to exercise
Business Men's League
Discusses Many Questions
Hogs, sociability and Salem bread,
besides several other interesting top
ics, were thoroughly discussed Inst even
ing nt the meeting of the Business
Mou's l.engmi of the commercial club.
President H.
W. Meyers turned the
meeting over to Hul D. Tntton ns pre
siding officer, who proceeded nt once
to inject nil sorts of college "pep" in-
to tho boys, and from the start, thing"
iiiiiiiiiwi.i iiinnir nt n nvniv niTt
.lust to discover how thev looked
from n fanner's standpoint. P'. K. Waid.
tin liflu 1 until th mil H It til4 til fill it) O"
game, told tho members a few thing
There is no sociability in Oregon,
declared Mr. W'uid. "Von must net out
among the farmers. A satisfied fanner
will bring in more farmer than all
your fancy advertising. Kvery day
wagon loads of produce are hauled in
to town nnd then buck, ns there is not
plant A Zne7 n't el. all Uhogs .hero 1 for StKlponn-l hogs
,' lnc arke ' lt' a cross between il.rkshire and Po-
A to "Trv Snlem Kirst" Mr Wnid bind China, (leeige Wechter snid it
......,.i .-.,.,t .;.. ,.,.,v 'i,.vn h'nn.lle.lldid not lmiko iinv difference as to the
ion l.,.., .l,,;i,- !' IWllnml l,r,,l,l Ho
ieould not see whv we were so loud in'
. ...,.i i
I' send iZv for most of oiir breud.
The nntomobiies were so thick in front.
of the stores, that he could hardly get
near one, nnd when n farmer came toM'nee. c. . . , ing's, oi mo npiuu urug
town with his horses and wagon, there ; "tore qunlitied ns an expert, giving his
iwiis no suitable place to hitch. Stnn.l-1
1 K. 1 .. ..,.lnl
imi!.lll 01 lin-iriuiinui-v mm n i-ivmhh.
I clenriii house were suggested us one
.1... i:.,.
! J iieoilore ttoin reanzeil inax uu ior suosciiuions, I'ony coniesis or iiiih
jnutninnhilc question was a serious oneing stumps, lie suggested that a com
and n nuisance, but did not know ex-;mittee be appointed to go out ninongl
actly what was to be done nt'otit It.,
As to buvinir bread made in Portland
er elsewhere, he felt that he was obliged
I.. 1.,,,-n ti.l,nt lli.i tt-nmnu enlle,! fill. 1111,1
jns long as thev insisted on a certain
breud. he had to sell it. standaidizn -
tlon of produce was favored by Mr.
'Until. As for the hog market, Salem
ieould not handle nil the hogs brought
to market. To give the fanneis an
Outlet for nil their produce, there should
be some system of shipping produce.
Mr. Miller, another ur r. said tho
'ouly leiison he bought of the .laps and
In every Suit or Overcoat
you buy at our store.
Suits with the. style,
workmanship and fabric,
Overcoats that are made
to wear and give service,
Raincoats that really are
We practice giving full
values. Suits and Over
coats from
$10.00 to $25.00
G. V. Johnson & Co.
141 North Commercial St.,
Senator John Kern
and Leader Kitchin
Will Be Side-Tracked!
By Bond P. Giddcs.
Washington, Nov. 10. Senator John
Kern, upper bouso leader, and Represen
tative Claude Kitchin, lower house lend
er, will be "ditched" by the adminis
tration in the matter of directing the
military preparedness program, accord
ing to plans learned today.
Secretary of War Garrison has nr-rnnged-to
have Chairman Hay of the
house military committee tako charge
of the army bill, while Chairman Pad
gett of the house naval committee will
lis in charge of the navy budget.
In the senate, Senator Swanson of
Virginia will handle the navy measure
because of the physical infirmities of
j Senator Tillman, navy commit tee chair-
mini, Uliu .7M.itui.ur -item win j it m n
Chairman Chamberlain, of tho military
committee, because tho army bill is in
the hitter's field.
Moreover, Kern is regarded as hike
warm toward the program. It is plan
ned to introduce the measures in both
houses simultaneously.
Clark With Wilson.
Washington, Nov. 10. That Speaker
Champ Clark will support the adminis
tration's preparedness program was in
dicated by a 'message he sent to the
White House today congratulating the
president on his Manhattan club
clemency toward President Hynn of
the structural iron workers union nnd
13 dynamiters in Leavenworth peniten
tiary. They have served about one
third of their sentences, Tho group,
however, did not. mention the McNn
mnras, similarly held.
Chinks, was because they were Johnny
on the spot nd could be depended on.
As to the brcn.l proposition, ('. M.
Kppley thought tho local bakers were
to blame for present condition. "In
stead of trying to make tho best qual-
ity, they are making cheaper bread,
una now trvinif to sen tnree loaves ior
ten cents. People want quality and not
C. S. linmilton stnrted something
when he called the attention of Fred
Steusloff to the fact tluit ho had seen
j farmers bring hogs to Salem nnd fniled
to sell them. "Were they red hogs with
la ham like a cat. or black ones.
with l
the big hams, ' asked Mr. Steusloff.
And followiuir up on the hoir color, Mr.
Steuslolt' spoke' a few well chosen
.......I. i. w .., !,, v
wrong kind, nnd no hog for a fanner toj we Deliver Any Place in Salem.
raie. They are course nnd thick skin- w Sell for Less Because, like Grape
ned ami your wife will kick on the Nuts, "There's a Reason"
thick skin of tho bacon from n red j
nog. ( ontinuing, .Mr. tension bum
COIOP (It a llOg. I
The question as to whether premiumsf
nf tcred bv tinners and DroiuiuniN ot-
fered by merchants were n good thing
, frankly discussed nnd it wan the
opinion that they were a genera liuis-
u-sumunt ukhui" l'""
-,.li. 1V,1.,., l,n ,11.1 nni l..i.
i i-i r,.,,. ..v .,..1 ...
lieve in nnv .1, liufus Wiilllngford
: ulmm,.. in c.'i.. nnv ne ncwuriuiii-r inics
the farmers, instead ot bringing them
into town to give them n dinner. " Win
not go out to the school house meet-
im'M flint be MOeillllbi. but. Hot. nslt thflll!
for anything or tell them whero an i
1 how thev should spend their money,"
A to tiie fiuh. between the Oregon,
Retail Merchants association nnd nn-
(other I'lirt li ml association, the sense of
the meeting wns that the Salem busl-i
nes men should attend the next sattej
meeting in Astoria and take n luind in
! settliim this dispute, for the general!
good of all. '
Salem, Oregon
A little indulgence in careful, critical
comparison will establish the fact that
the beft values in thoroughly depend
able Groceries are here.
16 PoundB of Sugar for
Apples Kings, Baldwins or Spitzcit
bergs, Box
4 Pounds of Curve Cut Macaroni for
Valley Honey, 10c Square Strained
Honey, 3 lbs. for
During Tills Sale
Picnic Hams, Pound
lie .!
Best Valley Flour, Sack
Best Hard Wheat Tlotir
3 Cans Corn 25c.
3 Cans Salmon 1
S Quarts of Kraut for
15c i
Creamery Butter
36c 1
No. 10 Pall Lard i
Best Bacon, Pound
20c 1
Broken Rice, 25 Pounds for
Wise housekeepers are not overlooking
the onporunity to lay in a supply of
groceeg at low prl(m
at tnese low prices, uou
Damon & Son
orr T r.,-,.ii o
855 N. commercial St.
Tclephouo 68
I The National Dairy Conner! will
spend 250,.)00 teaching people the val-
, ue of milk ns a food, showing that tho
count rv vtill needs a lot of educating.
j When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at
ni lot If A T ? I
D L 1 VJ U IlUlEL .
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
! RATES 75c, 81.00, 1.50 PER DAi
... , .1 . ,
The only hotolin the business district
i Nearest to nil Depots, Theatres ana
Canitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home
T. Q. BLIQH, Prop.
Both Phones. Tree Auto Bus.
i . -