Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Kid II will mnito its debut under its
uew owner, Carloton E. Miller, million
aire vac' tsman who purchased it yes
terday, In the speed boat races to be
held off Snusalitu Sunday. The Ore
gun Kid will be pitted against the
fastest boats in this vicinity.
for that reason many of the lar;e egg
farms require their attendants to al
ways whistle or knock on the doors be
fore attempting to open them.
The exposition is located right on
San Francisco bay and very near (lold
en date through which blows a brisk
wind anil often a heavy tog. The
nights are cold and dump and the cli
mate and conditions so different from
most sections of California and from
the states from which the birds come
tiiat many of them have been handi
capped by these facts and it is there
fore no discredit to any breeder if his
pen has not done quite nil that he ex
pected, and all they would have done
every bod love CGaCV
Rubbing It In.
Berkeley. al., Nov. 9. The I'niver
sity of California can's toy much foot
bail. Hut listen what happened after
the Cniversitv of Washington piled up
a VI to 0 score against the locul boys.
The cripples of the Alameda infirm
ary challenged the university to a foot
bull giinie and agreed to observe the
one "nar rule.
, Southern California Team
Game, Cut Just Babies In
Hands of Webfooters
Refuse To Shell Out As Freely
As When In the Quiet of
Their Homes
C !9
uuuc.r more uaturui or oruinury conui-tions.
Los Angeles, (at., Nov. P. In spite
of its defeat by Oregon, the t'ni varsity
of Southern Culiforniu football team
today was declared by its backers to be
tlie best in the state.
For 30 minutes, during tlio entire
first half yesterday afternoon, the Tro
jans fought Oregon to a standstill.
Neither side was able to gain consist
ently, and neither goal was in danger
at any time.
But in tho second half Oregon woke
up. The superior weight of Coach Hez
dek's huskies began to tell. They but
tered the southern lino unmercifully,
tind the game becume an Oregon pa
rade. .Mixing terrific lino attacks with
beautiful, long forwnrd pusses, the Ore
gon machine piled up lit points while
I'. S. ('., battered and exhausted,
struggled gamely to the lust.
Northern football has emphatically
demonstrated its superiority , over the
southern variety. Oregon's adeptuess
lit handling long, bullet-like forward
posses was the surprise of the game.
These beat U. S. ('., and the southern
ers wore "hoist with their own pet
lard." The U. S. C. forward pusses,
when not smeared, were good only for
small yardage.
In the closing moments of the con
test U. S. C. beenme a disorganized
crowd in muddy rejj sweaters, ban
daged, bruised and bcatcji, some men
actually eryijig, some out of their heads
find reeling mistily about, but all dig
ging in their, cleats and fighting bit
terly to the final whistle.
A Boxing Tournament.
Kan Francisco, Nov. W. North, east,
south and west will be represented in
the amateur boxing tournament la be
lield upder the auspices of the l'ana-mia-Pucific
exposition bore Thursday
night, and the cream of the novices will
lo seen in action.
Hovernl of the eastern men are ruted
liih by the eastern press. Charley
Leonard, a Bronx boy weighing Vi'i
pounds is reputed to be an exceptional
ly clever boxer, doe Prior, of Cleve
land, comes with a record of having de
feated Matty Herbert, the New York
luintainweight, who recently won hon
ors here. Four men will represent the
northwest, two from the Multnomah
club, Cortland nud two from tho Seattle
Athletic club. Twenty locul boxers will
Basoball In Bad Shape.
Indianapolis, Tnd., Nov. 9. Ronorts
ud routine business occupied the fed
erad league magnates in session hero
today, If peace is to be arranged, it
i.s likely that this will be at French
Lick where, It Is rumored, leaders of
organized baseball are planning to be
this week.
President Mann, of Kansas City, was
not in attendance this forenoon, lie ex
pects the league will forfeit his finn
chiso as he owes .tM.IIiKI which cannot
be paid. Buffalo, likewise, is ready to
give up tho ghost.
Think It Was a Draw.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 11. Discus
sions tudiiy among fitiht fans of the
Johnny Huudee-Joe liivers ten round
bout, nere last night revealed the fact
tout mime do not concur in the decision
of u majority of the sporting writers
that he .New Yorker had a shade over
tlio California!!. Many of the old ring
Inns declared it would have been a
yond draw.
'ot Ii bovs stalled the milling at the
outset, aud the various rounds were
hi m-li n 111,.-, wilh littlu to choose be
tween Ihe two.
Minnesota la Cloud Form.
M inncMpolis, Minn., Nov. It. Couch
V" i I i ii in s is rapidly rutting the Minne-Nnt-n
eleven in top form for tlie niimi1
with Chicago HntiirJny. It is reported
that he has nn entirely new offensive
which he will spring on Chicago, and
with Captain liiciiutin back in the game
ni'ier hciu" out some time with an in
jury, Mitinesoia enthusiasts expect to
,' the tlophci'S ut their best Sutui-lav.
K.d linn New Owner.
San I'Yiincisi'o, Nov. 0. Tne Oregon
iGood-Night Corns,
Good-Boy "Gcts-If
Now Plan Corn Remedy That Never
Fails. The Simple. Common
Sense Way.
You poor coru-linipers, with corn
wrinkles and henrl pains! Sit down
tonight and put a few drops of "(lets
It," the simplest corn remedy In the
world, on your corns. You oiui apply it
' dota-ll' RiuU Corn Palm. It'e Sum
mil Miife, tool''
ill just a few seconds, without fuss or
1 rouble. What 's the use applying salves
that make toes raw and sore, that make
lorns swell, bandages that make it mis
ery to walk, tape that sticks, greasy
ointment, and other contraptions. Oct
rid of corns tho easy way, quick,
Mi in pie, sure, new way. That's common
House, Try "(lets it" also for wurts
nnd bunions, "detalt" rau't hurt,
tho corn loonuns, and comes rilit off,
rlean off.
"Gets-It" is sol) at nil druggists, L'.'c
a bottle, or sent direct by K. Lawrence
& Co., Chicago.
Poultry Show Soon
Fanciers Get
President Geo. E. Show.
At a recent meeting of tile executive
committee of the Marion County Poul
try association, January 11 to 14 inclu
sive, was chosen for their next show.
Salem has been selected as the per
manent home for the show.
Judge II. F. Keeny has been secured
to place the awards, and Kherrell Flem
ing assisted by 11. S. Carter will have
supervision over the exhibit.
Secretary Walter 11. Smith states
that unusual interest is being uuinifest
in the coming show, and that applica
tions for entry blanks are already be
ing received.
The Salem commercial club will co
operate with the Poultry association in
nuiking this show the best In the his
tory of the association. A liberal custi
donation will likely be made by tiieni
enabling the association to offer uioro
i1 us ii premiums.
The officers of the Marion County
Poultry ussuciatiou are as follows: (ieo.
K. Mhaw, president; Mayor llarley O.
White, vice-president ; W. 11. Smita,
secretary-treasurer. Executive com
mittee, W. A. Smith, V. K. Park, Eu
gene T. Prescott, Cr. M. Vooris, John
Comforth. Tho armory will again
house the i.how.
?fc c 3C )c 9fC f C
There are hundreds of people in
Salem who were not tho least bit . it
prised when they read in tho Joe nal
thut Daniel J. Fry is selling Mi o-uu
on a guarantee to refund the money in
caso it did not relieve. This remark
able dyspepsia remedy will relieve the
worst case of indigestion, headache,
dizziness, or the general played out con
dition that, afflicts every ono suffering
with stomach trouble. Mi o ua does not
simply relieve, it aims to cure.
Daniel J. Fry can tell you of many
well known peoplo in this city who this
remedy has restored to health, often
after they have tried manv other
methods of treatment wilh little or no
benefit. No other dyspepsiu remedy has
made so large a percentage of cures as
.Mio-na. It is so largo thai Daniel J.
Vy stands ready to refund the price
to nuy customer whom it docs not help.
The best kind of advertising is the
pru'ne of a pleased customer, and there
are hundreds in Sulem today praising
Mi-o-nii because it does what, it is ad
eilised to do. A few mouths ago they
could eat nothing without wondering
what the result would be. Since using
Mi o ua, they eat what they want ami
when they want wilh no fear of suffer
ing. This medicine comes in the form
of a small tablet nnd is very pleasant to
lake. It speedily mid permanently re
lieves almost till forms of stomach
trouble and is the only one sold under
a positive guarantee without any re
striction, to refund the money 'if it
does not relieve. This is goiij time
to get well and you ought to take ad
Mintage uf Daniel ,. Fry's offer.
Fireman Proved
Himself A Hero
Sun Diego Oil., Nov. It. That Aug
ust Larch, a fireman, saved the lives
of -I persons on the ill fated steamer
I'oit Ibagg by swimming through a
running surf with a hom ing line mound
his body was the statement todav ot
the rescued passengers of too Port
Urngg. who arrived heie on the V, S.
S, Sun Diego.
The Port llragg, with a cargo of
hides, coffee and hardwood struck off
the Mexican coast and will be a total
loss. After Larch had reached shore
with the heaMiig line a breeches buoy
was rigged up mid all on board were
la mled.
There Is No
on Health
but to promote nnd 'nieliitnin it, care
must be lalien ot the Stoma,'h, Liver
and Dowels.
Stomach Bitters
Corvnllis, Or., Nov. It. (To the Edit
or). The enclosed clipping from tho
Farm Bureau and Press Mews, or Hay
ward, California, offers the explana
tion advanced by the management of
the Panama-Pacific exposition egg-laying
contest to account for the unusually
poor records made by al pens in the
contest. The hens in this contest are
confined in small pens along which run
the alleys for use of visitors in inspect-
ing the flocks. Thousands of visitors
are said to pass along the walk every
greatly to the detriment of high
d. Most hens are nervous when
thus disturbed, especially those of the
Mediterranean breeds, and do not pro-
di.ee so highly a when in retirement.
It is also explained bv the management
that the pens are located directly in the
,,il, f thn .nl,l f,.,MFv ri.,.i ,.ff nn .
and the birds get cold at night. These
two facts ure said to handicap tae
hens, "and it is no discredit to any
breeder that his hens have not done
quite all that he expected aud all that
they would have done under more natu
ral or ordi.iary conditions."
That these factors unfavorably in
fluence the flocks of noted breeders
other than those of the agricultural
college is shown in the records of the
liurmn llnckn This noted Knot lull
breeder presumably aimed to send his and Mrs. Kelly, served refreshments,
best pens to the most prominent con- M- Kuward Boscoe returned Tues
test. that of the cxnosition. vet it is "ay from California where she has
seen thut his best pens aro cou'sidcrubly
.i i . i- ,
tower Tiiun oiner iciiiiiiig jiens, wnue iiv.-..,v-i. ..i..-,a .hhul-i vmwr, um ... -his
pens at the Storrs contest aud in companied her to California will visit
the national contest of Missouri are do- several weeks longer with her sister
ing bettor and at last reports were
ictually in the lead.
Panama-Paciiio Egg-Laying Contest,
The record of the hens in the egg ;
I....S.... ...,. I l .... I.:.. i. ..
iit.iit ruuuni ii.in nut uri'ii an itu na
it would be in onv contest where the
hens were kept under conditions which
were more like those touiid on the or
,i;, ,,,. (.,. wiiom thniiuoniiD or
people are passing within a few feet 'Ulemier; vocal duet, Mrs. Kay Me
of the hens day after day, they will Kinney and Miss Delia Heck; trio, by
never lay as well as if they were more i'"1 iM "!
quiet and more secluded. They are
ulwavs distrulW more or less and' made
more nervous when they are constantly
coming in contact with strange faces,
strange figures, and parties attired in
nlulllC C 101 llltlg. I 111 i- 1,1 UJin i tu iinuni'u uiim iK'nn
In the Missouri contests no one is al-, in 1'urtland the first of the week
lowed in the pens or near the birds1 Warren Hicks, of the Portland Acad
but the attendant, and he goes through pmy. Hl"-,nt th week-end with his pa
tho pens in the same direction each rents.
time, always entering the same door,! 0. T. Oulliford, of Oregon City,
going from house No. 1 to No. i0 anil spent Tuesday in Wondburn. Mrs. (Inl
always attired in the same kind of liford returned home with him. She
clothing. Whenever ho reverses this has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
course it ml goes from house No. iiO to Loney, for a week.
house IN o. I, tlie liens are not expecting
nun ui me ooors in me opposite euus oi
ine nouses ami iney are mways more or
less nervous and excited as a result.
The attendant in the Missouri contest
uses kuhki suits and whenever lie puts
on a black suit, the hens look upon him
as n stranger. Little things like this
have a greater influence on egg pro
duction than most people imagine, und
v -:m
1 1 s.V ,
I -,V..V l,
Oregon Educational Exhibit,
i t
1 "
jjc )fc ifc jc )c 3( 3C Sjc 3C 3C 3fC J(C c Sjc
jjc JC 3fC jc sjc ?c (t Sjl 5( 3c J(C
(Capital Journul .Special Service.)
w.i, ..ii...... fin v.... ii w;ii m,.
of ' w;)(,k.elld
"'..7 viait(.j frieud, at
0r"R0D Tity tat ek
ur'Kon lllst
p u,u' "luue sI'uut "eunesuay in
i0"lau4' '
, captain r-ugene iNiosuBerger returnee.
Tuesday from Honda, where he was
wi' Oregon rifle team.
" be Woman's olub met ut the home
ot Mra- ldtt 1ttrr Tuesday afternoon,
Mr3- Collins and Mrs. McKnight were
o,ll'i to memtiersinp roll. me
ladies decided to help at the coining
corn show. Mrs. McCord, president ol
the elub, gave a very fine talk mi the
meeting of the federation at Salem.
The Philanthropic committee is prepar
ing a progrum for the next meeting
which will be held December 1 at the
home of Mrs. Robert Scott. Mrs. Parr
ussisteii oy M rs. Simmons, .Mrs. DinncK
been visiting her daughter, Mis. U. (1.
Af..l.i ii.. .l,
uerore returning,
The members of the Kastern Star
gave a Hallowe'en party in the Ma
sonic hall Friday evening. A very in
teresting program was given us fol-
Introductory music, hv the
baud; vocal solo, Mrs. C. K. Wniste;
vocul solo, Mrs. Homer Alleman; cornet
solo, Mrs. Kent, accompanied on the
piano by Mrs. Kent; recitation, Minnie
"'""); piauo suios, .wrs. mice
Kennedy; instrumental solo, Mrs. O. C.
teller; vocal boIo, Mrs. F. Tullard;
by the baud. Supper wns served
" the banquet room.
Mri) T.0U(.ie vVulsh returned Tues.luy
from Kll,,nl( whlri. sht, lms ln,n ,,,)
no... nuM iu, wiie.c sue ns u- v o -!
nK heeachers Institute Mrs. Walsh ,
. . . .1 . u 1 .
Mrs Y;!!!; s L nr
"""' """" '-""............ I
Hoyd Hall, who has been visiting at !
the home of his mother, left Monday.
C. Nelson is having a cement floor I
put in the creamery. '
15g Stnte
Club Piujects for 1914
1 -,, 1.1 a
i lv, ,-"M,',v
.'' fi.HA V'v.lV.",
1914 1
; mi.'x
vl-t'.fl'l 11
.sr" TfiK
.5 ."!. '
at Educational Palace,
1 1
1 1-":;
used in Oregon Educational
Mrs. C. Brown, who was operated
upon at the Good Suinaritan hospital
Monday is improving rapidly.
Miss Hazel Bitney, who visited
friends in California and attended the
fuir returned home lust week.
Mrs. Blaino McCord was the guest of
Mrs. Cooke l'utton at Halem last
week. '
The rural elub met at the home of
Mrs. tSelwin Miller on Wednesday aft
ernoon. The time was pleasantly spent
in playing gumes. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Miller assisted by Corn Gilbert.
Those present were: Mrs. W. II. Davis,
Mrs. I). C. Bevans, Mrs. Don Miller,
Mrs. ('has. Dean, Misses Jennie aud Lb
thor Winell, Cora Gilbert, Irma and
Hazel Magnuson and Ruby Evans.
A number of Miss Nellie Binkley's
friends ucreeablv surprised her Tues-
(lilV' when thov dropped in to spend the
(,y' . q lei,M,ratf h'M 1)irth.
,l - Vl - III!IU UlilL IU llt-IM I. I'll UI tut- iiur Mum-
ll"-' The -veiling was spent in playing'
"500". Luneheon was served by Miss
Gladys Binklov. Mrs. M. T. Jenkins, as-
j,jstPli uy Miss Aletha Bitney. Those
enjoying tho evening were: Misses Nell
Binkley, Norn and Delia Beck, Nettie
Prize Winnijr
K ' 1
Avi'ilv, tit ). 'ii'-)
n riv' ,Tf.-t?t'-vm v$i
Panama Pacific Exposition.
e hi . , . i M
.1- '.
ij.ita.JiU-rf . .. 1"
V raWf7TLWJlC- l r?.""u ft
Well, that is, almost everybody.
Of course, we except the man who uses smoked
glasses to take all tne Brightness out of life
And the old codger who believes that the theatres
are very, Very wicked
And the gentleman who buttons his collar in the
back because he hates to look forward
And his neighbor who thinks railroad trains and
newspapers should slop on Sunday.
These fellows hold up their hands in holy horror at ?XC
Other folks, who get some real joy out of life, buy it every
Tuesday morning at their nearest newssland, and go about all
the rest of the week with their face3 wreathed in smiles.
Try It This Week Just
Broyles, Sadie Richardson, Lois Beobe,
Avon McKinney, Liln Jerman, Hazel
and Aletha Bitney, Kthel Bonney, Mnry
ricollard, Delia Byers, Gladys Biuklcy,
Mrs. Homer Alleman and Mrs. W. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bruue entertained
at their home on Pacific highway Thurs
day evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Jenkins, Miss Nell Biuklcy, Miss
Gladys Binkley nnd Clarence Brune.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vaux, of Chicago,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Knox. Mrs. Vaux is Mrs. Knox's sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Vaux ure on their way to
(jan Francisco.
Mrs. H. F. Coleman, who was called
to Des Moines, Iowa, on account of
her mother's illness, did not arrive
in time to see her mother nlivo, but
tlie funeral wns postponed tor her nr-
... uvy ii- .loiliii'ii Ullt'llllfu tlio 11-
lnmette-Eugene football game in Hnlem
r..l.. Tl .. .1.- 11. fl
Haturdny and was the weekend guest
or i.eiunit Austin.
Edward Keollard, of Portland, is vis
iting at the home of his parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Scollnrd.
Amos Beach is quite ill at his home.
Miss Avon McKinney was surprised
Thursday evening when a number of
her girl friends called to help cele
brate her birthday anniversary. The
evening was enjoyed by nil with music,
aud oards. Refreshments were served
by Mrs, Ray McKinney, Jr. Those in
vited were: Misses Liln Jerman, Sadie
Helmrds, Nora and Delia Beck, Delln
Byers, Lois Beebe, Gladys nnd Nell
Binkley, Ethel Bonney,' Alithn and
Hazel Bitney, Mnry Scollnrd and Mrs.
Ray McKinney.
jr. W. Mnhoney, of Fairfield, wns a
business culler here Wednesday.
Ella Wnterbury, of Portland,'- is the
guest of her grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. A. Roberts, ,
Colonel aud Mrs. J. M. Poorman
were guestH of their son, Kenneth, at
Portland the first of the week.
II. C. Slmles. of Onkridge, is now sec
ond trick operator ut the S. P. in place
of Mr. Connors, who has been trans
ferred to another station.
Mr. M. Suvnge, of Salem, was in
Wondburn Tuesday.
W. J. Knox was in Aurora the first
of the week on business.
Mr. .1. W
Richards aud Minnie Rich-
ards, who. were divorced September 2S,
101 4. were united in mnrriage at the
Presbyterian mnnse Monday evening,
Rev. 0. C, Weller officiating. Their
The Logical Way
is via California
nt San Francisco give an opportunity to visit te
Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco
Practically no additional expense enroutc to the east via the
Ogden Route
Hli;h cla-s train service with through sleepers to Denver, Omaha,
Kuusas City, Chicago and St. Louis.
A Postal
Will bring our booklets "Wayside Notes" and "foil Trips on
Ogden Route" or seo nearest ngent for information and tickets.
Southern Pacific-Union Pacific
John M. Scott, Gener.il Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Nov. loth, Oregon and Washington Apple Day
For Fun!
children, Norman nnd Rose, stood up
with them.
Mr. Fred Altman, of Ontlook, Wash.,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Estlc.
Mrs. McCorniick and dauf(hte, Zota,
of West Woodburn, were shopping hera
Mrs. E. Smith was shopping in Port
land Thursday.
If the statement made at a New
York Assembly of women, that healthy
American women are so rare that they
are almost extinct, is true, it is time
for the women of Ameriea to take
warning and look to their health, It
may be headaches, backaehes, dragging
down pains, nervousness, mental de
pression that aro toll-tale aymptoms of
some organic derangomont for
which Lvdia 'E. Pinkham's Vegetable
I Compound a simple ronicdy mado from
rooxs anil neros is a spveiiie una umj
bo relied upon to restore women to a
healthy normal condition,
Murtinea, ( al. Nov. !. Georgo Mack
enzie, aged H, chased a lizo.nl. Jt led
him to a buried treasure of about $1000
in gold.
How To Get Relief When flead
and None are Stuffed Up.
Count fifty! Your cold in hend or
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, tho nir pnssugns of your
head will clear and yon can breatho
freely. . No more snuffling, hawking,
mucous discharge, dryness or headache;
no struggling for breath at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic, cream
in your nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passago of the head, soothing
and healing the swollen or inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you instnnt
relief. Head colds, and catarrh yield
like magic. Don't- stay stuf fed-up and
miserable. Relief is sure.