Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 05, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Special Sale of Millinery Tomorrow Any Hat in Stock One-Half Price
2BS Sale of Table Lin
ens, Napkins and F'cy Pieces
Replenish your Linen Supply now from Meyers' Big
Stock. Special Prices throughout. the Linen Section
Commencing Tomorrow morning you will find our entire stock of Linens on
sale at price reductions which should attract all lovers of fine Linen. An un
usually large stock of best quality Linens has been gathered for the Holiday
Season. Beautiful qualities, dainty patterns and perfect workmanship in each
and every piece. Come and see the Linens then you'lr-realize better what
unusual values we offer to Linen Buyers.
Table Linens Specially Priced at 55c, 59c, $1.08, $1.25, $1.38, $2.05 and $2.25 a Yard jj
Linen Napkins by the dozen, sale price at
$3.20, $3.70, $4.60, $5.45, $5.60 and $6.40
Table Linen Sets, Cloth Napkins to match
AH Specially Priced
I Special Sale
Tomorrow Only
Children's Union Suits at
49c a suit
I Here are very good grade cotton Union Suits for t
I Children, in sizes 8 to 14 years offered special I
I for the one day only Saturday 4lJc a bmi I
Sale Prices on All Fancy Linen Pieces Drawn
Worked and Embroidered Squares Centers
Doilies Bureau Scarfs, etc. Linens make splendid
gifts. See window display.
Special Sale Prices on All Women's and Misses It
Suits and Coats
Special Sale Prices on Women's Corsets.
Women's Silk Crepe De Chine Waists at Sale Prices.
See Window Display.
Jl. ' JJ.
Babbit Was In the
Wrong Room AH Right
Charles Babbitt imbibed too much
strong water yesterday uud flouted off
into dreamland with )uh head pillowed
on a pile of bricks and his feet' block
ing the .traffic in un alley. An officer
happened, along, borrowed a handy
wheelbarrow mid trundled Babbitt over
to the city iail. -This moruiuj; Babbitt
awoke anil looked out through the bar-1
red windows then turned to a fellow j
prisoner uud said:
"How did I get in here?" j
"The door was left open last.niglit," ;
said his room mate, "and you walked
in." " ;
"Well, wasn't I a d n fool!
though?" was Babbitt's comment and!
he found that his observations upon i
himself were eorrecf when a few 1110-1
ments later Judge Elgiu sentenced him !
to five davs at hard labor. !
You will not make a mistake if you
sav llygrade when vou want a cigar of
the same quality.
According to the report of Parole Of
ficer Keller for October there were 2S1
prisoners on parole at the end of the !
mouth. During the month 20 were pa
roled, two pardoned, and three returned'
for violating their paroles. In all seven
violated their paroles. .
700 tickets sold to the Lyceum Course ,
and I:.'!)!) is the limit.
The White Swan lunches are causing
more people to abandon housekeeping !
than anything else.
For their re-issue of their booklet,
" V'ayside. Notes on the Shasta Houto,"
the Southern Pacific is calling for
photographs, and would like several
from the vicinity of Salem and differ-:
ent parts of Marion county, Anyone
having photos of scenes that may be
viewed from the Shastn Limited, might
send them to tho Commercial club.
100 tickets sold each day to the Ly
ceum course, (iet that ticket while get
ting is good. $1 ut all the muse stores,
liny now.
. The Salem Six O'clock club will meet
next Tuesday eveeing in the
That Time
Is Here
To buy the Raincoat or Overcoat and get the full
season's benefit.
This Climate
Demands an
or Raincoat
To keep out the wet as well as
the cold. Our Coats are built
and will keep their shape in all
kinds of weather.
Prices $10 to $25
G. W. Johnson
& Company
141 N. Com'I St., Salem, Ore.
San Francisco, Nov. ". After months
of red tape. Captain JTyde of the coast
Virxt artillerv corps at Seattle has been
Rexall Cold
Guaranteed to relieve
a cold
25c at
Perry's Drug Store
The Rexall Store.
Watch for eur One
Cent Sale this month.
All Around Townjj
it i
Rally day next
Christian church.
Methodist church, Dr. K. K. Fisher will
rend a paper on "Health and Sanita
tion." Men of Salem invited.
From Deadwood, South Dakota.
comes an inquiry to the Commercial
club, as to whether there is any hilly
land in this eounty, suitable for the
" raising of angora goats. P. H. Peterson.
Sunday, Bungalow who inquires, says he is in the goat
business, but would like to come west,
and that the angoras thrive best in a
nuthori.ed by I'ncln Sam to collect 20
cents he expended in carfare while en
gaged on military service.
he steamer Great Northern will sail , m7 cou"try
from Havel tomorrow afternoon at li.'iu
o'clock for San Francisco with the fol
lowing parties from Salem: Miss H.
W. Bowman, M. K. Smith and Hubert
)(c jQC ifc 3( 3C )J( )t 3Q( 3( )Q( JC eft 3
It cost but on cent ft word
to tell your story each day in
the Journal New Today column. 41
Or. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses correctly. U. 8, bank bldg.
Fred S. Mangls was called to Boise
yesterday on business for Alnngis Bros.
Uo will remain there for several weeks,
Furs made and remodeled, Prices
very reasonable. Hats made, 73o. 212
Hubbard building. Dee3
William Heyden, who was arrested
last night by the Salem police on a
chnrgo of being intoxicated, deposited
$10 bail which he forfeited this morning
by his luilure to appear m police court.
Boy Scout, dance, Armory, November
Fred A. Wiggins, of Toppenish,
Wash., is here this week visiting with
his daughter, Miss Mildred Wiggins,
who is attending Willamette university.
Mr. Wiggins was a resilient of this city
nine years ago.
Dr. B. T. Mclntlre, pnyslclnn and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldjj. Phone 440.
One of the largest hop deals of recent
weeks was closed Wednesday when
l.ouis I.acluuund bought 5P0 bales from
Frank Natona, of Independence, at 11
cents. This is about half of the Natona
crop for this year.
Dr. Btone'i Drag Store. tf
The Sunday
You all know tlie Inconven
ience of cooking a Sunday
j Gray-Belle
Surroundings that entice
:: :: MSST
IT ...
When la SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Bath
RATES 75c, 11.00, 11.50 PER SAT
The only hotel ia the businots district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home
T. O. BLIOII, Prop.
Both Phones. Fret Auto Bus.
Material arrived last evening for the
repairing to bo done on the bru
across the river, and six workmen were
on the job this morning. Estimates dif
fer n. to whether tho necessary repairs
enn be made in two or even four
of the highest order is required
to recognize, and properly correct
defects of vision. It Is'rxtreine
lv tin wife to permit anyone not
thoroughly qualified to test your
eyesight or prescribe glasses
for you.
My examinations are of tho
highest order, and uiy 33 yenrs
of successful experience will be
at your service. I do not use
drugs or drops as they are
dangerous. I ninko no extra
charges for examinations.
More thnn that you will bo
supplied with lenses that will
correct any defects of vision
shown by my examinations.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn?
Rooms 210 211, U. S. Bk. Bide
If vou entov cronrf riiinc. must, noma
Dr. O. Hartley, specialist, Inflamed, to the Peerless Orchestra dance at the
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 410 U. 8. armory tomorrow night, oOc Ladies
Bank Bldg. Phone 188. Nov9 free.
Mrs. R. C. Churchill, of Albany, a sis-j The Eugene special, carrying the high
tor of J. 0. Perry, is visiting in the tschool football team and several hila
rity with her brother. Two weeks ngo',,red of their friends and boosters, will
she underwent a serious operation ut'b'ave Trade and Commercial streetB ut
tho Hood Siininritan hospital in Pe'rt-ifl o'clock in the morning and the
laud, (Southern Pacific depot at 0:30. With
o two victories already to their credit,
Ask your neighbor about the Midget'. 1,1 "t0,1 ia ?Pfl'.v an
371 Htiito ions to (lot oa t huue iu tomorrow s
Tnm TTnlmnn ..il l"om "''" w"' 1'V Ainnny, regarded
city uh a bull piny
Sail FniiioiMo, whore ho will nrohnklv
i i- ir it.i . . .
.uruio. -air. iioiman was captain 01 ine; jy day ext 8lmd Bungalow
Salem Senators during the early part of 'christian church.
tho season last summer. .
well known about thisl1'01" tpnm wi" 1'" Alhnv regarded
,yer KStt "J f ,h 8"""8est ,eU"'8 th
I'lmra ho trill n,..l.n.l ' H1H ' '
Don't forget the Midget
less. Ilil State street.
The drill team of Rebekah lodge No.
sella for 1, with -Mrs. David Wright, captain,
Uiid about 25 other members of the;ur0 invited,
" i loogw ii'iive inis niiernoon at 0 0 ciock
A supper and ft btuaAr will be given ; by auto for Aurora, to attend the Ma
by the Indies of tho Leslie K. church rioa county seiui-unnunl convention of
in South Snlem the first of December, tho lodge, und especially to participate
according to plana made a few days! in tho contest for the cup, which
ago. Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. A. V. j awarded to the best team in the district.
Davidson wero elected to act as a pub-, Tho contest this evening is between
heity committee jtle Salem team and Canny, with the
0 cup already ia possession of the Salem
Protect yourself against the high team. In all, about 50 will attend,
price of meat, trade at the Midget! 0
Market, .171 State. TTitrior n.ur nilMninint Ti Satiir.
Three fine upright pianos just like
new, traded in on player pianos. Vou
can buv them very cheap. See ns to-
Idny. Valley Music House, 2o-l N. oni
hnereinl street.
Four accidents were reported to the
State Industrial Accident commission
for the week ending yesterday. Funuie
M. Shaffer, of this city, suffered a
bruised and burned hnjid while work
ing in a laundry; John Larson, of sib
verton, injured his wrist in a sawmill;
Shirley (.'. Agee, of Sulem, sprained
a wrist working for the sand and gravel
company, and T. K. Preston, of 'Silver
ton, suffered an injured arm while
in tho employ of the telephone com
pany. Today is Library day in the schools.
Tomorrow will be eelebiated at tiie
public library with the first story hour
of the year. It. will bo a school story
hour, in that each school will have, a
pupil on the program, nnd the attend
armc will bo counted by schools. The
story hours will occur every Saturday
morning during the winter and spring
at i):H0. Children from ti to 12 years
lay night dances at. armory will be cou
rt tuue oi real esiaw involving 10,- ,ct,., by Peerless Orchestra. 50c.
000, was closed this morning when Mrs. Jjulies free.
r-ivn ai. nmiin, or nervals, sol. i-i acres i . n
of land near flervnis. to W. ,T. Morfordj The Pilgrims' club of the First Con
K' .and wife. The tract is a dairy farm, grecntional church will hold their
highly improved. Mrs. Smith w ill live ; monthly meeting next Tuesday evening
on some of her property near Airlie, and i at the parlors of tho church. The
ik possession ut his 1 sneaker for the evening will be .Tndi'o
Fur remodeling,
I iug, over Lloctnc
An informal lunch was served at the
Commercial club today for the visiting
editors, which was worthy a ".Made in
Oregon" affair. Cracked crabs from
the coast vied with the big cream
cheese from one of the nicest little
cities on it, Tillamook, for first hon
ors. Tho cheese was brought over by
Pied C. Baker, editor of the Tillamook
Headlight, who always has his eyes
open for a bit of advertising either for
his pnper or town. There was doodles
of other "fixins" and the affair whs
entirely informal, being just a big
spread where every fellow helped him
self and it was thoroughly enjoyable.
At 0:30 this evening a turkey banquet
will be served at the Marion hotel with
Mr. F. O. Deckebnch, president of the
publicity department of the Commercial
'Salem's Best Market Place
Offer the
Toilet Paper, 6 for 25c
Matches (Parlor) 3 for 10c
Royal White Soap, 6 for 25c
Pest Starch, 3 for 25c
A. & H. Soda, 2 for 15c
Yeloban Milk, 2 for 15c
Smile Clams, 10 oz. cans 10c
Pork and Beans, 17 oz. cans 10c
We handle, Top Quality Only.
Steer Beef.
Fancy "Rib Koast, pound ...18c
Pot Koast, pound 14c
Short, liibs, pound 12c
lirisket, pound 11c
Pnre llamberger, pound 15c
Country Pork.
Loin Chops, pound 18c
I!ib Chops, pound 16c
Shoulder Poast, pound 12c
Leg Koast, pound 17c
Pure Pork Sausage, lb ...15c
Biilk Lard, pound 15C
Compound, pound 12 l-2c
151 North High Street Grocery Phone 830; Meat Phone 810
Wm Sl.v. . :
mm mm luu iuwpninn Vl III" MpouKt'r tOT tllO CVCmttC
un in ttirm tnHnt i T r if i i i. n. .. i.nu
. '""V' i. , juurviHuu, who tvii, tiiik on, i ne . " . .d..lt. -r;i M.nfroru
Juvenile danclnTscTool everv Sat. ' i, TT'.' ! '' -v" V on the!
nrdny from 2 to 4 over Pomeroy's ttUk on this subject as he has made
Jewelry Store, Mrs. Ifcilph L. White, it a special study. Last winter he nd
teacher of fancy ami ball room dances., dressed the club on. "Tho Hardships of
violin bv Miss Mury ScnulU.
Charles Savage, of Fuunnene, Hono
lulu, is here visiting at the home of
William McOilchimt, dr., his first visit
here in five years. Mr. Siivage is con
struction engineer for the Hawaiian
Commercial and Sugar Refinery, with a
plantation of 35,000 acres, the largest
in the Hawaiian islands. He was form
erly a resident in this city, and will
continue his visit until some time
tho Pioneers." Henry V. I ompton, as
sistant cashier of tho Salem Bank of
Commerce, will take part in the even
ing's program with several vocal selections.
Rally day next
christian church.
Sunday, Bungalow
R. D. HetaeL a director of extension.
'"Oregon Agricultural college, is in the
city today to become oequtnintcd with
! tlirt pilitom from nil nnrtH of the state
2 Hubbard build-! wlir. nm in tlit. I'itv. nud nlso tn confer
The champion checker players are
preparing for an active campaign this
winter. At a meeting held liixt night
ut the home of Charles U. (liven, loO!
North Commercial street, pinna for the
oomitig campaign were discussed, al
though as yet no regular organization
has been effected. In the contests held
last winter, Hoy Bryant was the win
ner. Those present lust evening were
Kov Bryant, I. (Ireenbaiim, ,1. L. Peels,
V. V. Ale Hey nobis, P. V. Brunner, David
Dinger and the host, C. (t. liivcu.
with members of tho Commercial club
us to future agricultural work iu Ma
rion county.
Hers is your chance to buy ft dandy
good team of horses cheap. They are
voting and are good workers, weight
about 2000 pou- ds. See the Valley'i
Music House today, at 201 N. Coinmer-j
eiiil street. .
Have Just traded in fine chapel or
gan which we will sell for onlv :i..
Viillcy Music Mouse, L'04 N. Commercial
' A check for $1,000 was banded Mrs.
C. Carlson today by V. U. Oilson, rec
ord keeper for the Mncubees, paying
the Insurance carried by her husb'imo
who died October 17.
Your choice of hats, $2..r0 to 910.00
values, now (1.00 vnvh. Mrs. Brother-ton,
White and Brown Pointer Dog.
Name of owner on collar.
L. O. BULOIN. Phone im
He Needs Glasses
Do You?
When you catch yourself holding
your paper as above, it Is time
to bow to the inevitable and
AMINED for lnsses that will
enable you to read, work or
write without effort.
Let us make the examination.
Our work is dependable and our
prices are reasonable.
Miss A. McCulloch,
208 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109
Week End Specials
This is the time of year that lines become broken
and must be closed out during the Season.
Extraordinary Offerings
SUITS Lines that we are replacing Regular
Prices 50c, 60c, 75c
Special, 3 for $1
Regular Prices 75c, 1.00, $1.25
Special, 48c
in white and colors Slightly mussed Regular
Prices 50c and 65c
Special, 19c 1
Regular Prices $1.00 and $1.23
Special, 48c
A few odd sizes in Children's Winter Coats WhHe
they last
Special $1.01
Odd Lines Ladies Neckwear, Odd Gloves, Odd
Lengths of Ribbon Just the item for Fancy Work
Special, 10c
U. G. Shipley Co.
145 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregen