Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 05, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
November HH.".
Editor and Manager
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Treas.
Dnily by enrrier, per year $5.00 Per month 45c
ltaily by mail, per year 3.00 Per mouth 35c
New York Chicngo
Ward-LcwisWilliums Special Agency Harry It. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building .'!0 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier bnyn are instructed to put tlie papers on the
porch. If tho carrier does not do this, misses you. or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only
way we can determine whether or not theearriei"s are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
Va jt Mr
One of the features of the entertainment of the Oregon j
Tress Association, which met here this morning for a two 1
day session, will be a dinner, ot course. Ihis has been
arranged for by a committee from the Commercial Club
and the local newspapermen. There will be between 75
and 100 present, according to the "advance sheets," and
if each and every one of them can handle knife, fork and
spoon with the grace and agility they show in the use of
pencil, pastebrush and scissors, there will be things doing
to those big turkeys, whose plethoric holds will be filled
with "slippings" and "fillers," that will make the allies
attack on the European and Asiatic varieties of the bird
seem the veriest trifles.
There will be a big twelve or fourteen pound turkey
for every ten guests, and these, the turkeys, will be
carved and the "takes" given out at the tables.
It is expected that each "turkey squad" of these
doughty pencil pushers, will do its full duty, and reduce
the noble birds that long ago put the rose in Roseburg, to
lines of "pi'' as unintelligible and senseless as the lino
typists' favorite, the "shrdlu" and "etaoin," so bewilder
ing to newsnaper readers, both brands being of the very
best "punk."
Of course there will be other and various things on
the menu, as other and various as the news matter in the
pages over wrhich the guests, when at home reign supreme,
and it is guaranteed much fresher than some of it. The
big turkeys, however, will be the "banner." These "fat
takes" are to be served at the Hotel Marion this evening
under the personal supervision of Manager Church which;
guarantees there-will be no typographical errors or mis
prints, so to speak, except of course the diners.
As a newspaper menu the soup will be the "advance
stuff;" the turkey, the "display ads;" the salads and trim
mings, the "new today;'' the entries, the "telegraph
news;" the desert, the "local," and the cigars and coffee
a whole "society page."
Some one once said that the things required to make
a good dinner were "a napkin, good company and some
thing to eat." We know Manager Church will supply the
first and last, and as the members of the Press Associa
tion will be the company, the Capital Journal officially
vouches for the excellence of the dinner.
Regardless of this feature, however, the Capital
Young Rollo and Alice got married last year, and then
in a palace began their career. From goldsmiths and
cutlers they'd laid in a store; they'd footmen and butlers
and servants galore. They'd dachshunds
and poodles, apparel the best, and autos,
and Boodle's the family crest. They had
every messing that mortals pursue, but
this is distressing they'd nothine to do!
Alas, for the bridal of people like these ! For
iolks who are idle no fortune can please.
So Alice and Rollo a" matter of course;
such things often follow indulged in
divorce. Oh, Reuben and Bridget got mar
ried last May; their roll was a midget he
worked by the day. Thev rented a cottage
of tumbledown sort, their fodder was pottage at ten cents
a quart. He's earning his wages along with a gang; she's
canning green gages in that cheap shebang. And neither
will fidget for things out of reach; for Reuben loves
Bridget, she thinks he's a peach. And indolence raises
no cloud in their view; they're busy as blazes, with plenty
to do.
of men and women who really never
know what it is to enjoy sound, vibrat
ing health w ho would be surprised to
suddenly gain that exhilarating vitality
that robust health brings.
Literally thousands without any par
ticular sickness live in "general de
bility", as the doctors call it have
headaches, are tired and indifferent
Course of Lectures
The course of lectures to be given
this winter by tho faculty of Willam
ette university in Waller hall have been
arranged, with the first one of the
series next -Monday evening, when
President. Poncy will discuss, "War
and Religion." The second will be
Bring Back Color, Gloss and
Thickness With Grandma's
Recipe of Sage and
Common garden sago brewed into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked anil
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant; remove every bit or dandruff, stop
scalp itching and falling hair. Mixing
lie huge lea ami Sulphur recipe at
home, though, is troublesome. An easier
way is to get tho ready-touse tonic,
costing about 30 cents a large bottle, at
drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding
a lot of muss.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our voutii-
ful appearanco and attractiveness, ltv
darkening vour hair with Wveth's Susie
ami Sulphur, no one can tell, because it
does it so naturally, so evenly. Von
just dampen u sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a time;
by morning all gray hairs have disap
peared. After another nplicntinn or
two, your hair becomes beautifully
dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and
you appear years younger.
At the Willamette Seattle Man Despondent
Kuns Amuck On Fanuly
To all such people we say with unmis- !ivi' 'V Dean Alden on the evening of
talcahle eaniestnesWTake Scott's ?.T"hc.r 1,e,n. 1,0 .V .
takable earnestness "Take Scott's
Emulsion after meals f orone month and
allow its rare oil-food to enrich and en
liven your blood, quicken your circula
tion, stimulate nutrition, and aid nature
to develop that real red-blooded life that
means activity, enjoyment, success."
Scott's Emulsion is not a drug, but a
pleasant food-tonic free from ulcohol.
Ono bottle may help you.
&oU Sltowuc, Ukwinlieul.N. J. U-U
Santa Clara Death List
Is Estimated At Twelve
What I yaw in Mejcico. " The lee
tares in the course beginning with those
in December, nre ns follows:
December (, Prof. Frank W. Chaee,
Urgati liecital, rrer.tivtenan church
.lunuary II), I'rof. Hubert E. Stauffer,
KiiMiiidnuyitli Tagore: Hindoo Poet
and Mystic.
.lunuary 21. I'rof. Helen Sonn, lia
bilities, Probabilities, Possibilities.
February 7, I'rof. Charles L. Sher
man, The Mission of Kducutinn.
February 21, Prof. Alice II. Dodd,
Mulch 13, Prof. John O. Htll, Mien,
the Morse Dramatist
April 10, Prof. Morton K. Peck, Be
tween Two Kingdoms. .
April 21, Prof. F. VonEschen, Clicm-
Marsiifield, Or., Nov. 5. The esti
muted loss of life when the steamer : istry in Kvery Day Life.
Santa Clara went aground near heroi May 8, Prof, .lames
Tuesday remained at. 12 today. ltin-:Tho Fourth Dimension.
eluded the eight .dead and four seamen
who me missing.
The .Santa Clara is sinking deeper in
the sand today mm waves were break
ing over her at high tide. Doubts were
expressed whether the entire eiirgo,
valued at about .t.U,000 would bo salvaged.
T. Matthews,
(Cold Beach Globe.)
Mrs. Kva Crockelt was visiting !ier
I mother Mrs. Tom Smith, returning to
Journal speaking for the Commercial Club and the entire ""i'.'r.""i'obbins moved his family and
city as well as itself, bids you a most hearty welcome. We,Jj",,oia ol'fw,!' 1'ro"1 Jort 0,frd 10
are one ana an more man giaa 10 nave you witn us ano The large seine was nuked last week
Portland, Or., Nov. 5. The O. W. It.
& N. company liar, today announced B
215 per cent to.i reduction in the freight
into, on coal from tho Centrnlia, Wash
ington district, to Portland. Tho pres
ent rate is 4s 1 .25. Tho new rate will
go into effect November 20.
' Similar Cases Being Published In. Each
Tho following case 1b but one of
nnlu vomof fVmf vnnv vicir f'rnnrl5 nvpr flnvs inarpnri nf for ""' season and a portion of tho many occurring daily in Salem. It is
&,ir i. ,i . . ir . i , seine crew was laid off. i an easy matter to verify. You cannot
WL'LIKS. VV f reuuiB mui Ull ilie tuc ijuuuuikjr ucijui uuciii However, ine rest ot tne crew tooit
of the State; that you are one and all working for ZZJJiLly
greater and a better Oregon and that your untiring. tribe,
efforts to attain that end will not cease until our good old 1 7lAL Z
State attains that position to which her varied and bound-! occupied by p. m. Dodson, the man
less resources so eminently entitle her, and that is, second; ju'u!"l'i'li "(l.?MMiVTh!iotH'o'wned b'v
to none of her 47 sister commonwealths,
the Press, Salem is yours.
"It is a disgrace to us to have a president who will;
do these dirty, disreputable things. We should have one
who is honest.'' No gentle reader, these are not the re
marks of the ol'fl political convention days. They are
what a lady member of the "Woman's Political Science
club" said of the club's president in Portland Tuesday. It
proves conclusively that Oregon made no mistake in de
claring woman, man's political equal.
ask for better proof,
F. A. Sutton, tent and awning dealer,
Salem, says: "1 had kidney trouble
for ten yours and sometimes I was laid
up. Doctors did not help mo. Sharp
pains extended through my back nud
wero most severe in my kidneys. Often
when working 1 had to give up. I lost
weight and was in very poor health. 1
had headaches, rested but little at
night and didn't know what, to do. On
a friend's ndviep, I tried Donn's Kid
ney Pills nnd to my surprise they
brought great, improvement in a few
kind in the countrv. It is 40x1000 feet "' J continued to get. better steadi-
with a concrete floor, air shafts, and nil lv- I S"t '"ore sleep, my nppetito lin
over head h.-.v loft that will hold one i proved, and the pains gradually, but
hundred mil filly tons of hay. I surely, left me. After I had used three
lioxes of Donn s Kidney Pills, 1 was in
better health than I had been for ten
years and not a sign of kidney com-
Portland, Or., Nov. ,V-Following the l'1"'"1 remained." (Statement given
leasitiL' of the 100 font snunre. I'our Jan. 31 1-06.)
storv Cambridge building here, .1. D. Over Six Years Later,
Gentlemen Of!"11' Wcdderlumi Trading Co., at the
soui n en. i oi tne new iiruige.
tleo. Iii:m, one of the prosperous
Kurhro Creek dairymen, has his new
bain about, completed.
I he building is one of the best ot Us
The latest returns show suffrage was beaten in Penn
sylvania by something less than 50,000, and Philadelphia
furnished 41,000 of this majority against it. The question
of military preparedness doubtless had much to do with
the defeat. Anyway the women made a gallant fight, and
it is probable the next battle will result in victory for
Ilowinnn, president of the llrnwnsvilte
Woolen Mills company nnnounced to
day that he will establish n clothing
factory which will emplov 11 maximum
I of :00 workers.
There may be no new popular war
songs sung nt the front because they
can't be heard iibovo the cannonading.
Mr. Sutton
added; "1 confirm my former endorse
ment of Donn's Kid'ncv Pills. Thev
effecled a pennanent cure in my case.'
Price ,10c, at all dealers. Don't biiii
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Donn's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Sutton has twice publicly rccom
mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 5. fleorge Hub
erts, 43, a plumber living nt 421(7 Lu
cille street, at five o'clock this morn
ing killed two members of his family
and filially wounded two others -and
then shot, himself through tho heart.
Believed to have been affected by
morbid despondency, Roberts first
crushed his wife's head with a iiaml
ax ns she was lying in bed. He then
stopped into an adjoining room nnd
struck his Hi year old son, fleorge, In
the head with the samo instrument.
His oldest child, Kiln, 22, who was
blind, attracted by the noise, was
groping her way in the hallway down
stairs, when her father started from
the floor above and dropping tho ax, he
seized u revolver anil shot the girl dead.
Another doughter, Villa, I", was the
next victim. A bullet struck her and
she was mortally wounded. j
Roberts next went back to his room.
His wife was still alive nnd he again j
attacked her with tho axe. He tlien
turned his pistol on himself.
Mrs. Uoberts tho son and young
daughter, were alive when the police:
reached the scene. They were removed!
to tho city hospital but Mrs. Huberts
died within a few minutes. The otber
two are not expected to live.
Roberts fell from a ladder five
months ago and injured his spine. Since
then ho has been out of employment
and ho grew more despondent every!
nay. lo a neighbor, Roberts remarked
that he would he "better off dead."
Daniel J. Fry Hag Such Faith In This
Dyspepsia Remedy That He
Guarantees It
OMAHA, Neb., July 19. All night
it has rained Question Marks and small
Figure 7's. Tho stock yards report blnck
phantom with green "7" on chest danc
ing on the Missouri River. All Omaha
is asking, "What is that 7th point i"
tettmg Gum
The-point unij
1 Crowded wi'h flavor
2 velvety borly-NO CRIT
S Cruuible-proof
4 Sterling purity
5 From a Hiyliaht f-cto:)
6 Untouched by hands
:;c the river to Salem, it makes it rather
nprw rr,Dii difficult to get any produce to tho
UrLN FORUM Salem market for next .Saturday, al-
though tlire is quite a lot of "truck
tlat m,t,,ls moving, or be lost. If
, i Poly county is not represented Satur-
ti, x. t.. i ,1,'.v !t is lor tll(! simple reason thut
The Keas0u For they could not get there.
Kd. Joumnl As there has as yet no (t MUTHS.
Way been provided to cross teams over! Salem, Or., Nov. 4, 1913.
The stock uf peroxide in the United States is nearing
exhaustion. This makes the outlook dark for many
acute blondes.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 186S
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a general banking: business
Safely Deposit Boxes
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition
San Diego, 1915
For Flavor and Quality
Baker's Cocoa
It has the delicious taste and natural color of hich-crade cocoa
brant; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process;
without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring
matter. It is pure and wholesome, confornu'iiK to all the National
i n,. M..L 1 ..... 0
Caution: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package.
One of the greatest successes in the
sale ot medicine has been achieved by
Mi-o-na, tho standard dyspepsia rem
edy, and its sale is increasing so rapid
ly that Daniel ,1. Fry, tho popular drug
gist, has hard work to keep a stock on
hand. It is very popular with bankers,
ministers, lawyers and others where
business or profession keeps them close
ly confined, while those who have
brought On indigestion through irrcg
ulnr eating, worry, or other causes,
have found relief in this rcliablo
remedy. I
Jli o-na comes in tablet form and is
sold in a metal box especially designed
for convenience in carrying the medi
eino in the pocket or purse. It is pleas-;
nut to take, gives quick relief nnd
should help any case, uo matter of how
long a standing. This remedy has been
so unifor.iuly successful that Daniel J. S
Fry will in future sell Mi-o-na under a
positive guarantee to refund the money
if it should not prove entirely Batis-i
factory. No other dyspepsia medicine
ever had a large enough percentage of
cures so tliat it could be sold in this
manner. A guarantee like this speaks1
volumes for the merit of the remedy. .'
There is no time like tho present to
do a thing that ought to be done, if
any ono has dyspepsia, today is the best
time to begin curing it. .
- m i
Leader Mann's Choice Is
Root For President
11 Wood
Prompt Delivery
Spaulding Logging
Chicago, Nov. 5. Minority Lender
Maun of the nationnl hoime of represen
tatives, himself mentioned ns a repub
lican presidential possibility, wns on
record today as declaring for Kli'.in
Hoot for the presidency.
Speaking last night before the Ham
ilton club, Mann said:
"If it wer in my liower, T would se
lect for president ' the most brillinnt
man of our time Hoot. KonseveTt
made n good president, though 1 do not
believe lie would be considered eligible.
"The republicans have no walkaway
in sight. Prosperity will be here be
fore the polls ope i. And we can's win
with fl two spot candidate."
Mann declared he did not take seri
ously many of the "favorite son"
So-called prophecy of Kitchener that
the war would begin in May nnd of the
kaiser that it would end in October,
are now both exploded.
On the
Oregon Electric Ry.
Z-X On anrl offn- C 1-
v unu unci kjuuuay
November 7
New Daily Local Trains
Xo. leave Solem 7:10 B. m arrive Albanv 8:00, Corvnllis 8-24
Harrisbuig S:5;t, Junction City 0:01, Kugene 0:30'; and making local stops!
-No. 14, leave Eugene 11:15 a. m., Junction City 11:40, Harrisburg 11:50,
Corvnllis 12:12 p. m., Albany 12:50, arrive Salem 1:4.5; making local stops!
Portland I.ocal Xo fi, leave Salem 7:15 a. m. instead of 0:30, arrive
l'ortland 9:10 instead of 8:30, ' 0
rortlai.d l.ocal Xo. 14, lenye Salem 1:45 p. m. Instead of 1:50, arrive
Portland, Je terson St., 3:4o instead of 3:50, Xorth Bank Station 4-00
liistoQu of 4 : IU,
l-imiled Xo. 10 will run ns nt present leaving Sulci 4:00 p. m., but will
not make local stops Eugene to Salem. ' '
Limited Xo 5 will leave Snlem Ki-u , ,, , nt prMl.nt tlt ,,, .
andVugcne I"'l,'l"M"l,M"'' A11'""-v' 1 ""'nllis, Harrisburg, Junction City
Corvnllis Local Xo. 7, lenve Sale:,, 12:55 p. ,. Instead of l:nn, arrive
Albany 1:50 instead of 2:05, Corvnl:is 2:20 instead of 2:32.
Local Xo. 0, leave Portland, Xorth llaiik Station 2:05 p. m. intend of
2:10. Jefferson Street 2:25 instead of ::tu, Salem 4 "5 instead of 4 11
arrivehany 5:20 instead of 5:35, Corvnl.is 0 1
Xew Folders will be avnilnble Saturday.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon