Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 05, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Thanksgiving Day
For This Week's Busy Buyers
We Would Suggest that You Check the Articles Wanted and Bring this
: ad with you. You'll find everything r
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
up to $2.00 and 12.50..
66c Bleached Table Linen, OQ f
today wfC t
Nap Blankets
iTanf J!!!1 $1.98 1 Prices are Quoted for This Sale- $
98c ! d.. r : v.. d:l
py vuiupctri5uu luu JDCiiciii
Ladies' Daisy Flannel
Night Gowns today .
Men's 85c and 1.00 Shirts, 4Q f
Golf or Negligee "C T
35c Fresh Boasted Coffee,
special blend
Men's $3.50 Buff neck
Sweaters, today
Ladies' $10 and $12.50
Tailored Suits, today
$1.50 and $1.75 Fiber Suit
Cases, special today
23c f
$1.98 :
$6.90 1
Aster Brand Condensed
Milk, today,
OC 1
..i cans for t0 I
$1.50 and $1.75 Bed Com
forts, knotted or quilted....
98c J
48c I
: .... 4c
15c Linen Huck Towels, O 1 O t
18 by 36-in., today O l"dC I
27c ::
69c !!
$6.50 1
10c ii
75c j;
85c and $1.00 Long, Corsets
supporters attached
1000 Large Bolls Toilet ..
Paper, today
42-piece Dinner Set, reg
. ular $5, today .
Men's 50c Neckwear and
1-Pound can Steel Cut
Coffee, today
100 Mission Handle Um
brellas, sale
Men's $10.00 and $12.00
Heavy Mackinawa, today
25c can Asparagus, sale
price, today
18c and 20c Children's
Hose, all sizes
$1.25 Bed Spreads, price
today only
Four Extra Specials in
Ladies' Coats
Ladies' $10 and $12.50
Chinchilla and Kersey
Coats, Special for
This Sale
Ladies' $10, $12.50 and
$15 Cloth, Plush and
Caricule Coats for This
Sale Only
Ladies' $20 and $22.50
Long Plush Coats, plain
or trimmed
Misses' and Children's
Plush, Caricule and
Novelty Coats; $5.00,
$6.00 and $7.50
Suits and Dresses
Special Today
Ladies' $10 and $12.50
Tailored Suits; plain,
checks and stripes
Ladies' $15 and $16.50
Suits, new shipment of
season's latest styles
Ladies' $17.50 and $20
Serge and Cheviot
Suits, new models and
Ladies' $7,50 and $8.00
One-Piece Dresses,
Silks, Serges and
t Ladies' Untrimmed Velvet At
Hat Shapes IJt
Boys' Enlcker
ages 1
to 15
Ladies' Bibbed Top
Fleeced Hose
Children's 75c and $1.00
Flush and Felt Hats
Ladies' and Misses
Fleeced Underwear
40c Dependable Coffee,
price for today
Men's $1.50 and $1.75
Sweaters on sale today
$1.25 Long Silk Gloves,
16-button length ..... .
Children's Wash Dresses,
ages 4. to 14
85c and $1.00 Cotton
Blankets for double beds....
Ann, and Hammer Brand
Soda, today
School Pants,
Young Man SaysHe Was Out
of Work and Stole To Live j
Say Officers
Children's Corduroy and
Velvet Coats
Ladies' $1.00 and $1.25
House Dresses, today
Men's 50c Work Shirts, all
sizes, special
2-oz. bottle Extract, reg-
f ular 25c, today
9c and 10c White Out
ing Flannel, today
Package Envelopes, contain
ing 25, sale
35c and 40c Silk Mull, all
colors, today
Men's 50c Leather Gloves,
Boiled Oats, bulk, per
pound, today
Ladies' $1.00 and $1.25
Waists, one lot
18-inch Ostrich Flumes,
black or colors .
... 69c
49 c
Clarence M. Mason and Sarah Mason,
his young wife, both occupy cells in the
county jail today as the result of their j
arrest yesterday ou a charge of lar-i
ceny. The sheriff and chief of police!
state that they have received a full i
confession from both Mason and ais!
wife iu which they admitted taking a
buggy from Ed wharf's place, a horse
from the Lewis bam, a set of harness
from .1. C. Dobbins and eight auto
robes from different cars. Mason said
he was unable to secure work and was
I penniless- and that he must do some
I thine to support himself and wife. With
no money the young. man said he had to!
i steal to live and that ho made his wife
a partner to tho actions according to
the officers. j
Mason is a son of George Mason, of
I this city, and the wife of the young;
yuan is a daughter of Mrs. Mattie'.Tohn- i
son who resides o:i a farm on the Silver!
I Falls road east of the penitentiary,
j Mason's arrest was made yesterday a f-1
ternoon when he and his wife were;
I walking in town at the east city limits.,
jThey said they had been sleeping in j
la barn a few miles out of town. The!
Unrest was made bv Sheriff Eseh and!
Chief of Police Welsh. j
) When Sharf's buggy was stolen two
) days ago Mason was suspected and
;that night Mason with his wife drove'
jup tho alley in a buggy to the born of1
I William Ranisden on Division street
between Front and Commercial. Mr.!
! Kamsden told the police that Mnso
I started to unhitch the horse from the
''"Kg'. and when Mr. Hnnisden came
j out of the burn anil asked Mason
i what he was doing tho lr.tter replied
he wanted to borrow Mr. Kamsden 's
'horse. Kamsile.i refused to loan his
I horse and the same nigiit Lewis' horse
was stolen from the barn and yester
day morning was found near the Fiiir-
grounds, the buggy belonging to Sharf
was found down Pacific. Highway, hid
den in the brush. It is alleged that
Mason was seen about Lewis' barn af-
( tor midnight and this clue led to his
arrest, anil suusequent confession.
I (Capital Journal Special Service.)
I Liberty, Ore., Nov. 5. The supper
land program given by tho Ladies' Aid
! society in the hull was a success iu ev
j cry way.
A special meeting of the school board n
Come and buy Today while you have the cream
to pick from.
Just One Style
The above is just one style to be found in our great
assortment, of course we have all necessary furnish
ings, hats, shoes, underwear, hosiery, neckwear, etc.,
together with the above.
For the best and latest in Men's and Boys' Wearing
Apparel buy at
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase
Corner State and Liberty.
Washinton Nov. 3 Tho state
department has asked an ex
planation from Great Britain
concerning her alleged orders
requiring packers to guaiunteo
that their cargoes will bo con
sumed in noutrul countries, it
was announced today. The re
quest csnio in response to Chi
cago packers conipJninjts con
cerning a- Norwegian steamer
sailing tomorrow lor Norway.
The deiiuitmeut inquired wheta-
er Britain's order to this steam-
or meant a new policy, prnc-
ticaly censoring American ship-
meats beforo leaving port.
How to Destroy Catarrh
Germs and End Catarrh
I " A Specialist's Advice.
I Catarrh is a germ disease and tho
only way to cure it so it will stay
i cured and never come back is to kill
: mill ilriv-a nil nf vnui .vuimm tlii
catarrhal germs which have found
lodgement there. When the goruis go
the catarrh will stop. The trouble,
with most treatments, like spraya,
Massacres More Frightful
Than Those In Belgium
(Continued from page one.)
gion. Our aviators threw bombs on gns
plants in Alsace."
General Von Hindenburg uselessly bo
tween Lako Bvcnton and Lake linen,
with extraordinary losses," said the
statement. "They gninod temporarily
northwest of C'zartorvsk but were later
150 milo journey up the Danube thel
group of 40,000 to resist the advance
or tne Teutons across to ( onssinti
nople. Other forces are entraining.
By a short overland movement, they
Die Rather Than Yield.
Berlin, by wireless to Tuckcrton, N.
J., Nov. 5. The Serbian army is nearly
wu rounded.
General Von Kocvess' right wing has
affected a junction with the Austrinns
operating from Viccgrad, according to
official announcement today thus
"tending to cut off the Serbian re
treat toward Montenegro."
Bulgarian forces ure already to tho
east aud south of tho Serbs,
' Germans stormed the heights south
of tho Luvots river. sea coast in the viciuity of Xanthi. In
The dcfendeis aro fighting to the ! osmnch as the French are already oner
death, preferring to be lulled rather ating about Stntmnitzn, it is deemed
than siirrended. Hand to hand strug-'more likely tho British will go to that
gles nmrk the conflict. section.
Gormans, who stormed tho heights I it is believed tho plan is to divert
near Araljo, huvo reached Kraijevo, ! the Bulgarians from Serbia by n for
chalking up a considerable advance to-! midabli invnsion. At the snino time, it
warns .msn.
Kussians can land in Bulkrarin. It is
thought they will loso no time in taking
ndvuntuge of this situation. jsjc
After the llllieil flnif. htfw .ilnnm,! a.
ejected. Husaian counter attacks failed jDcdegatch a,id environs, on the Aegean!
north of Kamarow aud east of Budka.coast of Bulgaria, it is boliefed the!
Around Hicnikovco, tho (iermans ad-1 Anglo-Fronch will land there. Heavy'
........... nam cupiiireu -,uuu more i uointmracineut proceeds. Aviators are
Russians." signalling the runge.
- HlllirnriMIl fnri'.ia linvo mnvo.l InlnnJ
Troops on the Way. but aro reported near enough to resist
Athens, Nov. 5. Two divisions of a Inndinir.
British troops aro en route from 8a- Peasants fire throwing up entrench
lonikn to Bulgaria. This means a meats and mounting guns along the
(reek frontier.
Home, Nov. 5. Mount Vcsu
vious again is in violent erup
tion. In fear of their lives, refugees
are fleeing tho towns and vine
yards in tho vicinity. The
lines of peasants, taking with
them thoir all, resembles tho
flight of fugitives beforo nn
invading army.
Over the entiro countryside
there is a thick coating of nsiics
and sovernl villugos aro threat
ened by lava streams.
Local omcinln have asked the
Russian Gains Admitted.
Peace Rumors Numerous.
Borne. Nov. 5. A lonir renoit. be-
lieveil. dcstltln .lcninls. in enuYnrn TunmL J........ Lnln .l.n .....1
.... . . ... ... --'-i ... ........... . . ljuill'B hi uri i mi: i HliL'VS UIIU
,-.. ..ir ou.garjn near oirumim.n, negotiations, arrived to.lny at tho va-l proven t looting, but in view of
iL yZt nt",un'y 'aU ' h;y Mn. ro,ll,h .' y l'"ial ,irier from Mon-1 the re,,irements of tho war the
tho eastern border near tho Aegenn s.gnoro Whetti who has been nego- military heads ore unwilling to
tinting witn rrmco Vou Buelow in! spare them unless the situation
(Switzerland. I jc bei'omeji extremely serious.
-rr . r '
Ail Have ADOUt XjIIOUEIL .bla.4bg
Washington, Nov. 5. With official! , ,
denials that peace moves are progress-' , .. , . . ,
ing from everywhere except I'etrograd, Thomas A. hdison says machines will
diplomats hero wore nevertheless con-1 ''ocido tho next war. We were hoping
vinced todnv that n "snnndinir nt n i ttiat n iiumlicr of lntluentinl men with
process is attaining iiniwirtpnt inomen- "ls would and against it.
is suriniscd that the allies have ar-
I ranged to have the Kussians strike tho
Hit liars from t ie norlh. This is seem- in Tl... ....,.., t . . i
Berlin, bv wireless to Snvville. Nov. linirlv lionie out. bv news that M nnin i.. i. ....:.'..: : :. '.i
nn. , ' . i n . , . . ...iv in mu liruuilULIUlin jniiin:u mo
. Temporary gains for the Russians has refused tho (lennnu request to in- official denials, authorities intimated,
around Czartoryok wore admitted by tern two Russian torpedubonts in tho Neither si.lo is ready vet public.lv to
tho war ofl'ico today. Hlav repulses .Dnnubn. This nttitudo on tho part of ladmit that it would consider peace
and heavy losses were claimed else-, a nation already designated M pro- President Wilson and his advisers,
, I nlly, is as good as permission to tho however, arc closely watching the mnn-
ihe Russians rcpeiiMdly assnultediRussians to cross Rumania becaue by a ouvers of tho belligerents.
r J
in the new Family Package
crisp and delicious Snowflake Sodas now
come packed in a sanitary tin cake and
cracker box.
Keep your Snowflake fresh and crisp. Acta t a
useful kitchen help.
At your dealer's. Per box 50c
also in 10c and 25c packages and in bulk
Look for this asm on evtry package
San Francisco, Nov. 5. Miss Paulino
Iiord, actress now playing in Snn Fran-1
cisco, today facen a chnree of havin2;
alienated the affections of Hilly Roche,
prizo fight promoter, whom sho mar
ried seven years ago. (.'barges (hut
Roche had squandered his money nn the
actress fur four years and hail failed
to proviilo for their four children were
jiinile by Mis. Nellie Roche, tho com-
piuinnnt, wno cluiiiu to bo Roche s only
legal wife.
Miss Lord today declared Roche toldi
her thnt ho hrd been married before
but iind been divorced. Neither -Mrs.
Roche nor her attorney has knowledge
of a divorce, according to their state
. Colusa, Cal., Nov. 5. Charlie Nelson,
nn Indian, and his snuuw, are dead to
day, Nelson a suicide and his sipmw
murdered, as tho result of his brooding
over the possiblo punishment which
might bo meted out to them for the
murder of Pete I.opec, an Indian, Nel
son crushed the woman 's skull with a
stick as she slept in their joint cell in
the county jail. Ho then strangled him
self, The Indians, during a debauch
hacked l.opes to death with a hatchet,
I .
I trM Best for I i
hAW the "
UiM Ill .
was held Wednesday eveninir. About
$75 worth of equipment was purchased.
This should give us u standard high
Jliss Helen Harris gave a most enjoy
able Hallowe'en party. The decorative
scheme was effectively carried out with
l black and yellow decorations and jack-
o'-lanterns, llio evening was spent
playing games and nt a lute hour a
dainty luncheon was served. Those pres
ent were: Tho Misses Nellie Free,
Beatrice Dunnette, Gladys Jory, Jessie
Gilmer, Evelyn Stevenson, Birdio Hoff
man, Katio Mize, Oludys IStevenson,
F.lla Josel, Frances Heiilietz, Helen
(Shaver, Martha Zose), Edna Holder,
Jessie Oilison, Ida Hibson, Ruth Weav
er, Jennie Weaver; Messrs. Oris Hoff
man, Elton Rue, Raymond fliliner, Wal
ter Zosel, Eugene (iritton, Willis Free,
Riillnnd Jory, Guy Williutns, Hubert
Holder, Arthur .Stevenson, Clarence
Holder, Charles Ruggles, Bill Harris
and Glen Huberts.
Miss Jessie Gilmer contemplates a
trip to Eugene to see the football game
between Hulem high and Eugene high
Miss Elizabeth Schotthoefer is ubseut
from school on account of having an
operation performed on her eye.
Two certain young men of Liberty
may be seen wending their way toward
Salem every Hunday evening, Wonder
what the attraction ist
Mrs. Cora Fox hns been ill for the
past week. We hope sho will soon re
aver. The road district No. 2S of Liberty
held a rond meeting to vote u special
tax of two and one-half mills but it
failed to curry.
Mrs. Huffman has n crippled hand.
She fell uiul ran a rusty nail iu her
Rumors Indicate
Kitchener Is Fired
Also excellent for
$ $ sje $ jjc sl fjc
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Fruitlnnd, Or., Nov. 5. W. 1). White
and T. C. White aro doing some work
on tho Fruitlnud-Snlem phono line.
John V. and Henry Smith are treat
ing their house well to a wall of brick.
Friday Asher Ransom of the I.cbold
Grocery, of Hulem, und Airs. Ransom
were here gathering mnteriuls for Hul
lowe'cn decorations for the 'store.
We have a resident who recently
committed matrimony and who a few '
mornings ago ate 27 griddle cakes for j ( ' Wrtrh V
breaklust! This he tells on himself so . ,; , ' ,
it must, be so. He doesn't tte how V" ' ,u ' lcr "J"'""
salves, creams, greasy balius, lotions
etc., is thnt they give only temporary
relief by opening up for a while tho
clogged head, throat and nostrilB. la
a little time the catarrh comes back at
bad as ever.
People who suffor continually from
catarrh should drop such temporary
makeshifts mid get something that
really gets nttho root of the diseaso
and stamps it out. Thore is nothing
better for such cases than breathing
into your nose and lungs the pleasant,
soothing, healing, germ destroying air
of Hyomci (pronounced Iligh-o-me)
made from purest oil of Eucalyptun
and combined with other powerful
healing, antiseptic, ami gorm destroying
ingredients. Hyomci penetrates ami
heals the inflamed swollen membrane
of your nose iind throat, stops dis
charges, clears tho passages and com
pletely overcomes tho disease by do-
much other food he disposed of on that
occasion. As it was not a very good
morning for pancakes judging from
the limited amount ho nte, he probably
mude out a moderate hrenkfust on
other tilings. I wonder if getting mur
ricd scares 4ill the men this way I
H. 0. and Bert Bressler, Wednesday,
helped set some phone poles on the
telephone line east of the church
reaches them. Duniel J. Fry and many
other good druggists in Salem and
vicinity have long gold Ilyomei on a
positive guarantee of successful rcsultn
or money back and find this generous1
policy puys. Most druggists aro now
giving a pocket inhaler mado from hard
rubber with overy complete treatment
sold. This mnkes a very simple, easy
and convenient as well as a thoroughly
A few nights ago the wind twisted reliall,u "leans of treating by the best
Clurence Boliug's bnm some out of 1 nown niotiiort tnis dangerous and often
proper shape. He had moved it frn.n I '''"stnigjllseaso.
its former location and had not yet ' " "
finished putting on tho siding. He hud I close of loudness tho lodge ad joiirn id,
rebuilt around a large stack of hay elseiand met again i.i social session, when
the structure might huvo suffered a refrehnie.its wero served.
complete collapse. 'J'ho candidates received into tho
Bert Bressler is shingling his barn, lodgo mid who r.ro now qualified to
replacing the old roof of tor paper. wear the emblem of an Elk, were I'uiil
I see by tho reports that hunters in KasmusHcn, E. F. Smith, Otto A. Klett,
soino localities are getting quite bold , Georgy N. I'ntterron, J. A. Benjamin,
mid doing trespassing on land, doing i!. W. Jorgenson, K, (J, Simmons, J.
careless shooting, wounding stock, etc. jH. Knight, J, W, Ritchie, and Stauloy
In this IniMilitv u-e linvu lm.l littlo .('. Culver.
bother this season. Hunters seem to I 'J'ho MeMi'invTllo lodgo mid officers',
recognize the farmers' rights and the
trespass notices. If the hunter is a
gentleman this he will do, I notice
I in a late Capital Journal that W. II,
luurvnipie is niucli peeveu ut seeing
London, Nov. 5. Prcmittr Asquith is tho trespass notices warning hunters
temporarily acting as war minister be-1 to not tliko possession of other pod
cause Lord Kitchener is away. I pie 's premises, trump across fields.
This led to reports that Kitch
had quit, Ijut official denial of these I have done in the pust. Did M r, I), ever i R'"'he, of I'iielvilis, und Joseph Brook
in a short addies:-. by Judge I'. 11, B'
Arcy, were coinpliini'iiled on the rm
pressivo liiiinner iu which the initiatory
work whs conducted.
f'hclialis, Wash,, Nov. 5. Announce
ment, lias been mado that Mrs. ,1, F,
rumors suid that Kitchener's absence
is "temporary" mid that he is uwny
on public duty.
Jvitcliener conferred lust night with ers who seem to think that license thev
tho king despite the hitter's recent in- pay a dollar for entitles llicui to no
jury. 1 li in, coupled with the tact tl' anywhere on u man's fiinn nml shoot
hear of the Gulden Rule I It ntmenrs ' -IIN- ' lUooiniligtoii, Wisconsin, who
to hunters ns well as to eveivboily : W(,m wet hearts betoro the civil wir,
else. Would he like to hnve his" fimii . w'?r" 'llr'i"l Blooniington, Gi tol.er
overrun with swarms of cureless hunt I;1- "idolu-nii n; ill and Mrs. Kodie,
Kitchener and Asquith have f roqiiciitly,
conferred, resulted in persistent rum
ors of un impending change which tin
government denied,
the birds the farmer feeds, suck them j
up mid feast on the flesh other people
have produced I Echo answers, Would
hot The hunting license ought to In"
sf 1 0 instead of $1. The state iimv lie
would get lis much revenue, nml it
would probably eliminate miiny u scrub
When Kitchener was uwny previous
ly, it was not deemed necessary to have
Asquith assume his duties. Instead, the -with a gun,
nexi in rims in uie wnr oirice iishuuicii ; -i . i
the work 'until he returned. ' mi rji
The first intimation of today 's sitim- lYlCiVlinnVllIe LIKS
t Kin ciiino in tim iieniai or a ruinnr, mil
current in America.
The fact thnt Asquith now ussumes
charge led to the lielicf that pushilily
Kitchener had gone to the Bulknns to
take comniand, or had turned toward
the Oallipoli operations or Egypt.
Snn Antonio, Texas, Nov, 5. Attorn
eys are limiting strenuous efforts to
huvo former President lluerta of Mcxi
so, released front imprisonment ov
bond, Hn is held nt El I'll hi charged
with conspiracy to vlolnto American
Yisit the Herd Here
About. 12.T members of tho McMinu
villi! lodge of Elks arrived in the city
lust eveni.ig, to attend n regular met
Ing of the lodgo nud to (insist in the in
itiation of ten cridiilntos.
Hat Unusual Story of Cure with
New Herbal Skin Balm.
Hr.w many timm have ynu laid aw.ib
wittiliinv lur iluyliulit ami would lr able lij
ion li a wink l ulcep, lint noulil wuki- in a
rtiomim or so Willi .kin that wan alirc with
Ki'icn.ai' Wliat would yuu have not irivcu
Iit a cix.l akin, no lltliuiif, ami nlrr,hmrt
;lri-' II yuu are one ol thear aullcrris,
1 1 l:MA will in.ure oii the blcaaluac ol
lioiltliy tkin Irte (mm ittlinin, mucnni or
Ijui limit. It ii nn herbal balm and ha not
a hurrnlul inyrrilii-itt in it,
Mti. Kna, who lirra at 111 I.onut St., To
hilo, O., nyil "I have used D'K.XMA Willi
knui rcmiiia ami nuccna lur truulile wIikIi
AfUir tho opc'iing of tho lodgo nndi"" loclur iirunminccd IVinna, 1 had nircs
thn routine business had been dis
posed of, tho ledge wns turned over
to tho McMienvill'i officers who occu
pied the chnlrs .luring tho initiation.
Tho MeMini'villo Elk bund 'of .10
pieces fiirnhhed music for the ocean-
ion. their tiliivinir cnlllnu- forth renent-1
ed encores. After the initiations undj Clown Urug company, oi2 (State 'lit.
on niy head and limln anil have hern llii. wiiy
lor Ihc pant Imir yrnra anil tticd many wayl
jo ohlaiu rrlirl asd found nmir. hut am
haiy to say lhat thia iirt'puralion daa entire
ly currtl mc uiul I can aiel will iuduraa it tu
all Dial aullcr ai I did." '
We are tlio only llrllKlllat In tills town
from whom ll liXMA, Hie irreat lieriial balm.
lit Hvuitd, Atk ua tvila,