Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 03, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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U. of O. and U. of W. Teams
On Their Way to California
El :
IP ?;
Entire stock of Quality Footwear at your mercy. Time is g
up on purchase contract and we must have money or y
loose the store ---We are desperate - - Must cut stock in fJ
half. Never will you have such another opportunity again
We Have Forgotten the Values
Prices Astonishingly Cut
A Few Examples of What We Are Doing-
Men's Work Shoes
Solid Leather $4.00 value at . . . $2.95
" " 5.00 " ... 3.45
Hi-Cuts cut to Quick
Men's Dress Shoes
at $2.95 . $3.45 $3.95 the pair
Edwin Clapp entire stock . .
One Lot Women's Shoes
Everp Pair $5.00 values, now . . $2.35
Blacks, Greys and Tans
Women's Dress Shoes
$1.95 $2.35 $2.95 $3.35 $3.95
Seattle Wash., Nov. 3. Twenty-two
strong, two men for every position, not
one nf them nniler 17(1 Hounds in weight
the' University of Washington football I
tojnm begon its first invnsion of Cali
fornia on the Shasta Limited this morn
in);. For the first time in his career as
coach at Washington, Dobie, guiding
hand of ten champion teams, is going
in search of more worlds to conquer.
Two hours after darkness fell on the
Denny field, Dobie was busy with his1
squad last night behind locked gates.
Dobie probably outlined the style of
gamo he intends to use. against Cali
fornia Saturday, but the information
has not been given out. It will prob
ably be an attack of forward passes
based on straight football, with jiasses
whenever the defensive backs are forc
ed to come in to back up tho tackles.
That has been his style for years and
it has been successful.
Tho toam Dobie will pit against Cal
ifornia will probably average close to
180. The lineup will be Hunt, Murphy,
Abel and Smith, ends; Mnrkham, New
ton, Morrison and Elmer Lender, tack
les; Wirt, Seagrave, and VanDebogart,
guards; Log" and Cushman, confers;
Young and Hionson, oiinrterbneks: Mil-
ler, Noble, Halves, Shiel and Hnins-
worth, fulbacks. The backfield will av
j erage 183 pounds.
The squat will nave no chance to
practice until Friday.
Left Eugene Today.
Kugone, Or., Nov. 3. After a sever
al days training handicapped by ruin
and a sea of mud the University of
Oregon football team was ready to
leave this afternoon for Los Angeles
where the University of Southern Cali
fornia will be encountered Saturday.
The varsity boys wero much encour
aged over the condition of Monteith
and Spollman, who were crippled in
the Willamette game last Saturday.
Both men may be able to play Saturday.
Laird Schober entire stock
. $4.95
Space is too costly to enumerate all bargains
Let Nothing keep you away. Don't forget our Quality Standare permits
no old stock or shoddy shoes. Shop Early as Possible
152 North
B Commercial
Look for Bigg
illa Is Beaten, His Soldiers
In Terrible Pli
(Continued From Pago Out).)
From a Villa stuff officer it was
learned that Villa uttcuipted to discuss
with l'n it h t o it the reason for I'urni u
's recognition and for the stand taken
ugainsl the Villistns by the United
Stntea in placing mi embargo on fund,
water and munition for his men.
Villa complained bitterly of his lot,
according to the officer, but Funstcm
refused to discuss the question, telling
Villa the United States forces were
leudy to net if Mexican bullets hit Am
i rlenns or American property.
Colonel l.uis Mock, an officer of
(leueriil K. 1'. Calles' staff in Agua
I'rletu, charges that an American elec
trician In Douglas mild to Villa for a
birgo sum the plans and keys to the
mines around the city, so that Villu cm
explode the mines if he return to the
General Funstoii hits established a
line nf eomimitiiriilion wllh the Car
rnny.ila headquarter In Agun l'riclii
with Major .hiiue A. Ifynn, Adjutant
ol the Second brigade, acting as inlc
pietor, Tim Mexican officer meet lly
un at tho international line to receive
and transmit messages,
This Morning's Buttle.
Douglas, Ann., Nov. II. Artillery In
Agua I'rietiv suddenly opened a terrific
fire on handful of Villistns scouting
around the city early today creating
intense excitement here. I
Douglas, believing the fighting over,
at least for a while, had resumed its.
normal routine. The uproar below the!
norticr sent, me population crowding in
ti the main streets,
Children on their way to school were
turned back, Sueriuendeut W, 10. Lutz
announcing all schools would be closed
until the liattle ended.
II rent activity was displayed among
the American troops here. .Cutting
through the direction of cannonading
smithied sluirp ammunition bugle calls.
It was apparent that the soldiers wiVe
ready to move on short notice.
The few Villistns urnnnd Ague Prieta
made little or no attempt to return tne
lire. That their presence was exceed
ingly luird on the nerves of tho garri
son was indicated by the hysterical
manner hi which the cannon, rifles and
machine gnus burst out afresh every
time a VilliMu showed his head.
with (leneml Villa, General Frederick
r'unston, commanding the American
troops, ordered four troops of the Tenth
I'. S. cavalry here from Kuro, Arizona.
They lire oucnmped nt Calumet and at
the Arizona iSinelter a milu west of
Four additional troops of tho Thir
teenth I', S. cnvnlry, ordered here from
Columbus, N. M., are duo in a few
In the conference on the border Villa
told Funston he would ngain nttJie.h
Agua I'riotn, using his own judgment
with regard to placing his cannon.
"If any shell fall la Dongltis," ho
said, " I shall be sorry,"
tleueral Calles' casualty list shows
that he lost. 3f dead, mid (l.r wounded in
defending Agua l'rietu.
a for 25c COLLAR
Cannot Iuvada Mexico.
Washington, Nov. II. A request from
jtlcucrul I'uustoii in command of the
American herder troops lor Hiitnoruy
to invade Agua I'rletu, if necessary, In
consequence of the Villistns Carrau.ista
struggle there, wits unfavorably re
ceived bv high official to. lav. The
war depart incut said that such permis
sion could be obtelned only from Presi
dent Wilson anil there was no prospect
of his giving It. M.oreover, tlenenal
Cnrratmi's consent would have to be
secured first, and there were no indi
cations that the authorities contem
plate asl-iug him,
Villa 'a Army Now 23,000.
Douglas, Ariz., Nov, 3. There; wn
a lull in the fighting on tho Mexican
border here today.
General Francisco Villa tins abandon
ed all positions before Agua Pneta nnd
moved his force to Cnhullona, l'J miles
south, where he found water, suffici
ent food to lnt a few (lays and fresh
Villa's total strength Is now 23,000,
illume H.OOiii irelnloreenientji having
reached him today from Chihunhiia. Tho
withdrawal of this H,000 from Chihua
hun leaves the field open to tho Car
ranzlstni In Unit stain.
After a conference on Uia border
Yonr money back If you want It la
the way tn which Daniel J. Fry, tho
popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, tho
! great dyspepsia romeuy.
This is an unusual plan, but Mi-o-na
! tins so much merit and is so almost In
variably successful In relieving all
forms bf iudigestion that he run but
little risk In selling under a guarantee
of this kind.
Do not bo misernblo or make your
friends inlsernblo with your dyspepsia.
Ml-o-na will help you. If It doesn't,
tell Dnulel J, Fry that you want your
moner back and ho will cheerfully re
fund 'It.
A change for tho bettor will be seen
from the first few doses of Ml-o-nti and
ita continued uso will soon start you
on the road to perfect digestion and
enjoyment of food.
Mlo-nn hat been so uniformly suc
cessful that every box is sold under a
Hisltive gunrnntce to refund tho money
f it does not relievo. What fairer
proposition could be made.
Daniel J. Fry give Ms personal
guarantee of "money back if you want
It" with every box of Ml-a-na that ho
sglls. A guarantee like this apeak.
volumes for the merit of tho remedy.
Weak, Weary Women
Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and
End Them
When tho back aches and throbs,
When housework 1b torture.
When night brings no rest nor sleep,
When urinary disorders eot in,
Women's lot is a woary one.
Doan'a Kidney pills are for weak
Have proved their worth in Salem.
This is oiio Salem womnn's testimony.
Mrs. Geo. Stotlar. 170(1 Mission St..
Salem, says: "I am subject to spells
or munoy complaint and the kidney
action becomes weak and disordered.
My back gets lamo and aoro. too.
Doun'g Kidney Pills always help me
ami ria mo or inoso attuckj in short
Prico 50c, at nil denlers. Don't
sltUDlir nsk for n Itl.lnnv Trniia.lv itnf
Doan'a Kidney IMlls the sumo that
Mrs. Stotlar hud. Fostor-Milburn Co.,
Drops., Buffalo, N. Y.
Portland, Or., Nov. 3. Tho
0. A. (!. footb.-ll team wns giv
en a rousing reception today
when it arrived here on its wn'y
home after defeating tho Michi
gan Aggies twonty to 0 nt East
Lansing last Saturday.
Through atrootn lined with
cheering admirers, tho boys
wero taken to tho ehnmlvor of
commerce whero breakfast wins
After this they resumed their
journey to Corvallls.
Washington, Nov. 3. Former Gen
eral lieorge Sternberg of the army, died
at his homo here today.
Sternberg was born in New York
state in H.IH and served in the Civil
and Spanish wars. Ho wns famous as
a worker In epidemic diseases, lie re
tired la mi.
Giant Ball Player
Is "Lachrymose Cuss"
San Francisco, Nov. 3. Hauled into
court to face a chargo of running his
automobile with only one light, Fred
Aferkle, the famous New York (iiant
bull player, broko down on the witness
stand and wept today when the proso
cutor asked the arresting officer to
withdraw the chargo and shnke hands
with Merklo.
Tho officer, Albert Munn, an nil
around athlete, consented. Merkle left
tho court, room still weeping.
When Merklo took the stand and
gnvo hia name and occupation, the pros
ecutor, addressing the court snid: "J
do not think it is right thnt these two
great athletes should be nt outs. 1
think the case should be dismissed and
the men shake hands."
Merkle burst into tears nnd sobbed
What would you think of a seven
teen year old girl wero you to find her
sitting in her night gown on your
bed when you returned home some
night, she being a mere child in ex
perience nnd knowledge! Of course,
you would be shocked nnd so wns
Archie, for ho loved and respected
her. He also told her mother what
ho thought of her for raising the gir'
nnd not telling her how wrong it was
to enter a man's room in her night
gown. Effie didn't know. How she
was tnld nnd why, mnke tip the storv
of "The Blindness of Virtue," the six
reel Essnny feature film which will
be shown at the Oregon thentre with
Kiln a Mnyo ami Bryant Wnshbiirn in
the principle parts Friday and Satur
Washington, Nov. 3. The Europenn
allies will recognize Carrsnzs. as soon
as Italy prepares a note in their behalf,
the state department .was advised today.
Coach liczdek was pleased with tho
team's showing in the practice, but ad
mitted that tho defensive work was not
what he would like to have it.
Beckett will probably do most of tho
kicking ngninst the Southern (ialifor
niaiis, because of Monteith 'a injury.
California Feels Better.
University of California, Nov. 3.
Although acknowledging that Cali
fornia is practically cortuin of suf
fering defeat, when it meets with
Washington on Saturday, California
students today were confident that the
bears will not bo defeated by more than.
20 points.
Tho sudden turn from the wave of
gloom which has spread the campus for
several weeks is due to Uie changes
which. Coach Schacft'er has made in
the varsity lineup.
California rooters believe the Wash
ington aggregation is experiencing its
first slump of the season. It is hoped
California, will get its real stride dur
ing the temainder of the week.
White Sox Program.
Chicago, Nov. 3. The White Sox will
start on their spring training trip three
weeks later next spring thuii any pre
vious season. According to President
Comiskey, the Sox will leave here for
Mineral Wells, Texas on March 10.
Lewis Gets Decision.
Boston, Mass, Nov. 3. The decision
given Ted Lewis, of England, over Mil
burn Snylor, of Milwaukee, was upheld
generally by fans here today. Both
lightweights mixed it all the way
through the 12 rounds.
Chicago, Nov. 3. Chicago's Btaff of
athletic coaches will be augmonted by
Paul Dea .Innlien, upon his return from
tho Orient. He is now pitching for the
Chicago university baseball team.
What Dyspeptics
Should Eat
A Physician's Advice.
"Indigestion and practically all
forms of stomach trouble, about nine
times out of ten, are due to hyperacid
ity; therefore stomach sufferers should,
whenever possible, avoid eating food
that is acid in its nature, or which by
chemical action in the stomach develops
acidity. Unfortunately, Buch a rule elim
inates most foods which arc pleasant
to the tuste as well as those which are
rich in blood, flesh and nerve build
ing properties. This is tho reason why
dyspeptics and stomach sufferers nre
usually so thin, cmncinted and lucking
in that vital energy which can only
come from a well fed body. For the
benefit of those sufferers who have
been obliged to cxeludo from their diet
all starchy, sweet or fatty food, nnd are
trying to keep up a miserable existence
on gluten products, I would suggest
that you try a meal of any food or
foods which you like, in moderate
amount, taking immediately afterwards
a teaspoonful of bisurntcd magnesia in
a little hot or cold water. This will
neutralize any excess acid which may
be present, or which may be formed,
and instead of the usual feeling of un
easiness and fullness, you will find thnt
your food agrees with you perfectly. I
know of nothing better than plain bisu
rated mngnesia as a food corrective and
antacid. It lias no direct action on the
stomach; but by neutralizing the acid
ity of the food contents, and thus re
moving the source of the acid irrita
tion which inflames tho delicate stom
ach lining, it docs more than could pos
sibly bo done by any drug or medicine
that nets upon the stomach lining rath
er than tho stomach contents. As a phy
sician, I believe in the use of medicine
whenever necessary, but I must admit
that I cannot see the sense of dosing
nn inflamed and irritated stomach witl
drugs instead of getting rid of the acid
the cause of all the trouble. Get a
little bisurated muguesia from your
diuggist, eat what you want at your
next meal, take some of the bisurated
magnesia, as directed abpvc, and see if
I'm not right."
Adams, Mrs. J. B.
Auspnch, Mrs, E, II.
Boyd, Mrs. Wm.
Buckholder, Frank.
Clark, Mrs. C. W.
Cowdell, Mr. Tom.
Darby, Mrs. Maude.
Hart, Mr. D. E.
Hoffman, Mr. Kny
Holme's, Mr. A. M.
Jons, Mr. W, J.
Lunge, Wm.
J.arkins, Mr, Chas.
Leonard, Mr. F. K.
McKay, Mr. N. II ,
Miller, Miss Lillian,
Morris, Mrs. W. L.
Morrison, Miss I.uella,
Morton, Mr. Emmet.
O'llara, W. F.
Potter, Mr. W. .
Potter, Mr. D. W.
Rogers, Mrs. Ethel.
Simaiik, M. J.
Shine, Mrs. Wntson.
Smith, Mr. William,
Stone, Mr. Jerrv,
Tnrbell, Levi V.
Thompson, Mr. Edward.
Thornton, Miss Carrie.
Worthing, B. F.
D, D. F.
" i '
An especlnl Invitation Is offered the
womeu of this city by the management
of the Oregon thentre to attend some
performance of "The Blindness of Vir
tue." which i to be shown on Friday
Biid Saturday. This piny has been adapt
ed by The Kssanay company from the
English piny which stirred the country.
It ha a distinctive moral which every
woman who has a daughter should wit
ness. It Illustrates the harm subject
ed to young girls thrown out on the
world without any kuowledge of self or
sex. Edna Mayo takes the lead and
Bryant Woahburn supporti her.
New York, Nov. 3. Marking a de
lino of 36 points since Monday, Beth
lehem Steel, one time leader in stock
avintioii, caromed down to 402 today,
New York, Nov. 3. Decorated as a
walking bunk with $1,7-10 in new bills
wrapped around his legs, Albert Ver
kayck, a boatman, was arrested hero
early today and tried to buy his free
dom with his roll. Authorities alleged
he was connected with Robert Fay, Ger
man bomb plotter.
Spokane, Wash., Nov, 3. J. C. Arg
all and Leonard Funk wero elected
city commissioners in Tuosdny's elec
tion by substantial majorities over
Commissioners Kratt nnd Glasgow.
Mayor Fassctt was probably re elected.
The amendment reducing salaries of
city commissioners from $5000 to $.'1600
was carried by n big voto. The amend
ment electing corporation counsel will
probably carry.
Walla Walln, Wnsh., Nov. 3. A phon
ograph to furnish sacred music at tho
funerals of poor people, whoso relatives
aro unable to hire soloists, is part of. the
equipment today of Hennessy Brothers,
undertakers. A number of records wero
purchased with tho machine.
San Francisco, Nov. 3. The body of
Harold F. Jones, Berkeley society man
and an employe of the Union Oil com
pany in Sun Francisco, wtui found to
day in a boat on Lake Morrit, Oakland. ,
He shot himself and left a noto to his
mother saying ho was short in his ac
counts nnd did not desire to live be
cause ho could not get along on his
Rub Stiffness Awav
Small Trial Bottle of Old,
Penetrating "St
Jacob's Oil"
Ah! Pain is gonol
Ollicklvf ViH. AltiiAuf inulnnl a.
lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness
nnd pain follows a gentle rubbing with
"St. Jacobs Oil."
Rub thi3 soothing, penetrating oil
right on ynur imiiiful back, and like
magic, relief come. "8t, Jacobs Oil"
Is a hnrmlesa backache, lumbago and
sciatica euro which never disappoints
and doesn't burn the skin.
Straighten up! 0,uit eonjplainlng!
Stop tiioso torturous "stitches." In ft
moment you will forget that you ever
had a weak back, because it won't hurt
or be stiff or Innie. Don't suffer! (let
a small trial bottle of old, honest "St.
Jacobs Oil" from your druggist now
nnd get, this In sting' relief.