Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager WKDXKSDAY KVKNiM! November :i, 1!1". rUBUSHKI) KVKBY KVKXIXtl KXOKIT Sl'XDAY, HALKM, OKKGOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. t ? BiRVrH CHAS. H. FISIiKR. DOH C. AXDRKSWf, I S. BA8MA "A- ' 'V.. ...... :.!.. So- nnil Treim. president Vice-President Knilv by carrier, per year .Daily by n,ail. V" y"r sciisntirTiox HATES $5.00 IVr month . ' 3.00 l'er month. ..45c . . 35c FUIX I.KASKD WIHi: TlXKGKAPH REPORT KASTKKX R EPRKSENTATI V ES New York ' nBf Ward-I.ewis-Williiims Special Agency Harry i. r .slier ( o. Tribune nihlin - 30 i. Ucnrburn St Tho Capital Journal carrier beys are instructed to put the paper on he norch If tho carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the vaper'to vou on time, kindly phone the circulation manager as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. THE FULITITY OF EUGENICS The move to make China a monarchy is now laid at the door of the Germans, who, it is claimed, have stirred the matter up for. the purpose of starting trouble in China that will keep Japan busy. This may or may not be true, but anyway the German diplomats so far have overlooked nothing, and have almost invariably won out. As a neat bit of strategy it has all the ear marks of being "Made in Germany." Although the announcement was made Monday that Oregon's first citizen, Mr. S. Benson, of Portland, had sent his check to Hood River county, and would pay no more, the dispatches yesterday carried the glad tidings (to Hood River) that, this good angel nad 'lorwaraea another check in the sum of $;5,75:5.05 to cover all deficiencies. Eugenics seems to have pretty well run While in some quarters there are persistent denials of any food shortage in Germany, the rumors are just as persistent, and they are backed up by so ihany facts as to disnense with all doubt. How great or how serious this its course shortage is is unknown, but that it is causing the German ihoiifrh it is still somewhat of a fad. Not that it did not; government consiaerame worry is uimwwuit O - - - .ill have, or has not now considerable merit, but the fad part consisted in exploiting babies who happened to be more or less nearly perfect physically, without paying any at tention to the real object expressed in the term "Eugenic" or better born. Another feature of the affair, which was genuine fadism, was the pointing out by the wise ones, that: "We looked after our cattle, hogs and horses, even our dogs, to get the most perfect breeds; but' neglected to do as much for our children." They did not stop to consider the means we took to improve our stock and certainly had they done so, none would have recommended using the same means, especially about their own babies. "A sound mind in a sound body" is a combination rather unfortunately rare, though most devoutly to be .sought after, for somehow nature has a way of balancing things, giving the strongest minds to the weakest bodies, and providing splendid physiques with but average, or less than average minds. The Spartans heroically killed their puny children and the result was a splendidly developed physical nation, a race of soldiers, whose achievements" were great on the battlefield and a minus quantity in all peaceful pursuits. A brief glance at a list of some of the greatest figures in history who were physically unnt snows now great may have been Sparta's loss from the destruction of that class. Rvron was a crinle. and far from perfect in anyway except mentally, and there he was a giant. Milton, great est of all modern noets. was blind. Keats who set a new standard in English poetry, died of consumption when liut 24. History tells us Alexander the Ureat was smaii of stature, and Nauoleon. whose military genius has never been excelled, was a midget barely five feet two inches. President Roosevelt was a sickly nearsighted ehA who vvnuld have been killed in Snarta. The list mip-ht he nroloneed indefinitely. Another oufrenic fad is that families should be limited, nr Hint nnvertv should be a bar to marriage. Yet had this been the law, Thomas Lincoln, a wandering wagon dweller, would not have been permitted to marry, and our own immortal president would not have eisted. What nrnsnects it has been asked, had the early orphaned Clay or Garfield, the posthumous Jackson and the fatherless! Hamilton? Had the size of families been limited we would not have had Richard Wagner the ninth child, nor Benjamin Franklin the fifteenth. John Wesley was also the fif teenth child and his brother Charles the eighteenth. These are but a few taken at random from a list that is practically endless. This brines us back to the true eugenics and the im possibility of making it practical. With the animal race and in the vegetable kingdom the practice of inbreeding is carried on until a typo is established that produces true lo type. From the very nature of things, in human affairs this can never be done. Why then Eugenics The British have finally placed a board over Kitchener and taken from him the supreme command. The trouble j with Kitchener seems to be that he is unwilling to permit a soldier to be placed under fire until he is a seasoned veteran. If the English reports are true England now has an army of two million or more men in England. Is it possible they are kept there as a defense in case the Germans should happen to break through to the coast? If not why are they not some of them sent to the aid of sorely distressed Serbia? England sure keeps the world guessing as to her policies and aims. SOI PROBLEMS MI I Revenues and Tariff, "Pre paredness" and Ship Pur chase Among Them W The Oregonian is tactfully patting Teddy Roosevelt on the back. It may be just a bit of broadmindedness but the nearness of the presidential fight makes it anyway a trifle suspicious. Shortage of the onion crop in the East has boosted the price in Oregon. In the language of the market re porter "onions are showing greater strength." A 'LIT k THE PUMPKIN The pumpkin lies yellow, beneath the cold skies, it's luscious and mellow, and ready for pies. So tenderly bear it away from the vine, and slice it and pare it and mash it up fine; oh, put in the spices, sur round it with crust, and then in three trices we'll eat till we bust! My appetite's balky and dull as can be, most viands look rocky, forbidding, to me. Away from the fritters I turn with a sigh, the coftee s like bitters, and stale'is mince pie ; the spud arid the radish can tempt me no more; they make me feel saddish, the doughnut's a bore. I'm tired of the puddin', I'm sick of the cheese, of things that taste wooden, of parsnips and peas. They, give katzenjammer, they weary the eyes; but loudly I clamor for pumkinypies! The pies that are golden, well seasoned, yet mild, from' formulas olden, by housewives compiled! The gods on Olympus are uttering cries: "Oh, mortals, don't skimp us, but send us those pies! Our grub makes us bony, we're in a blue funk; ambrosia is phony, and. nectar is punk WHAT CONGRESS FACES. 7 IT National defense, revenues and tariff legislation, exten sion of the war tax, govern ment ship purchnse n in 1 mer chant niuriu;, rrrul credits, wo man 8'iffrng.e, retention of the sugar duties, prohibition, -Columbian, Xic.iraiiguaii and Hai tian tnutties; war export em bargo resolutions, curbing sen ate debuted by cloture, Filipino independence, development of goveinmeirt resources, gas, coal, oil and grazing leases; attacks on l.aKoliCiU' seamen's law, child labor regulation, income and inheritance tux extension, a national budget, Asiatic im migration exclusion, direct pres idential primaries, Cniiadiuu fisheries convention, Niagara falls power conservation, na tional moving picture censor ship, parcel post extension, gov ernment ownership of tele graphs rod telephones Investigation Proves that various disease germs have their breeding-place in the waste . products of the body. Don't, then, let your bowels clog and throw these harmful germs back on the blood. Take no chances with serious illness. Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated with BEECDAN'S PELLS which promptly and surely relieve constipation, indigestion, bilioutness and sick headache. They are compounded from drugs of vegetable origin-harmless and not habit-forming. The experience of three generations show that Beacham's Fills prevent disease and are A Great Aid to Health Directions of special value to women with evary box Sold by drug3Mtt throughout the world. In boxes, 10c, 25c I" la p'te of innov i tnev disasters due ! So many thousand smult boys are to attempts at fyii:,'. li Tncoma man ! playing football that some day there Iiuh ii'.eoi'punted un aeroplane .iitney cmipanv. l'.:.pt Tiencc may not be tho best teacher, after nil. ' K""1' "" j will be whole audiences of grown folks I at a game who will understand what is i ii From the way in which the Federal league is recruit ing its ranks from tho Reavers, the cellar pennant win ners of the Coast league, those same Federals must be going into next year's fight with the full and unalterable determination to lose. U LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 Capital $500,000.00 Transact a general hanking business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT You Can Bank on "PIPER" You chew to get the utmost satisfaction out of tobacco then chew "PIPER" to get the top notch of beneficial pleas ure out of your chew. "PIPER" is one unfail ing source of greatest tobacco enjoyment. H dsieck Cbewini Tobtcco Chmpi Flaw The rich, winey tang of the famous "Cham pagne Flavor" makes "PIPER" the ideal chew. This unique taste blends delirious ly with the mellow . a sweetness 01 tne choicest to bacco leaf. Sold by dlrt twrywhvr In Be mnd 10c Cutt taniUry, foil wrapped, to tricr 'lha"P.PR" flavor. Tht Tobacco Company of Calitorni. .n Fimncitct Cal. a Of mm By United Press Staff Correspondent. Washington, Nov. i!. The vanguard of political armies of the sixty-fourt'.i congress was assembling here today. Congress will reconvene Jecentber 5. Within a fortnight, advance meetings of "steering'' committee! are sched uled. I'arty caucuses nre arranged. President Vilsoii is completing data for his opening "address" which it is understood, ho will deliver in person. Tiie legislative program, already largely framed,' promises unusual fac tional strife, the fate of two or three political parties being at stake and presidential prospects, with ninny booms due fo:' puncturing, involved. .Shortly after cocgross meets annual conferences of republican anil. demo cratic committees are scheduled to be gin firing heavy artillery of the next presidential enmpnign. Legislation provoked by war condi-' Inn., innl;u.-d trt iiiiinimlivn n t t..n 1 1 mi ........ .,u......o w ...v...wrU..'.v . ti... i. ..ln.IO nv,....llf. I i lie auui iuii i a null 1'i.iiia iu - j i.-' i . iv passage of a resolution on extending the war tax at least another year. It expires December 31v Another resolu tion for promjrt action will be that con tinuing the tariff on sugar, now sched uled to go on the free list in Jtay. Woman suffrage hosts are planning a monster deiuo.istratiou at the open ing of congress. Increased appropria tions for tho army anil navy are re garded as certain. The administra tion's Mexican policy is doe for analys is. The discc.si'.iou will determine how important an issue it will be in the presidential campaign. Another big battlo over the govern ment ship purchase bill is believed in evitable because of division among democratic house leaders. Among the political developments impending will bo the exte it of republican nnd bull moose amalgamation and the degree of unitv in the democratic party. The house is expected to be the arena of tho sharpest controversies, the overwhelming democratic majority there of the last congress being cut to a scant S3. The appearance of new democratic lenders tliero and the re turn of republican veterans like " Uncle .loo" ('nation, William McKiiilev and Nick" l.ongwot'th, ' lend interest. Speaker Champ Clark, Republican Lend er Maun, nnd Uepresei'tative Kitchin democratic leader, are expected to be re-elected. Mill Woo SPECIAL PRICE d FIVE LOADS AT SINGLE LOADS BOX WOOD - $1.75 $2.00 $2.00 Prompt Delivery Spaulding Logging Company productive of most satisfactory results. The Oregon Fruit Juice company has also on display with the other logan berry products, their loganberry juice manufactured under the l'hensnut brand, with Mrs. Hose Lowe of Van couver as demonstrator. ONE SOCIALIST NOMINATED. Everett, Wash., Nov. 3. W. II. Clay was elected nnyor and commissioner of finance, and f. .(. Kelly, Dennis U. Merrill nnd .1. M. Suiter, a socialist, were nominated commissioners in yes terday's priniury election. THREE WERE DROWNED. c Ike' Wonder Car n FREE Send 10c and your tobacco dealer1 name and we'll send a full-size 10c cut of "PIVKR" and a haud some leather pouch FREE, anywjierc in U. S. The tobacco, pouch and mailing will cost ui 20c, which we will gladly spend -because a trial will make you steady met of f'PIPER.' I'ort Townsc! d, Wash., Nov. 3. Three, instead of two ineii, drowned when the power bout See nin piled up on the north end of Whidby isfcind Saturday night. All three bodies have been recovered. The dead are: Cap tain Oeorge llridges, of Uttsho Point; Percy Hicks, of Spanish harbor, and (iinnt Wickeisliani, of CalaHiim bay. The Loganberry DiiL. I -J PI m me luiiu diiuw Visitors at the Manufacturers' and Laud Products show at Portland will have an opportunity not only of drink ing loganberry juice served by a Sa lem firm, but also learning of the va rious kinds of jams and jellies that can be made of the evaporated fruit. Mrs. A. O. Davidson, of this city, who has charge of the display of evap orated loganberries and prunes of tho Willnmette Viillov Prune association, is demonstrating to the visitors that a bet ter flavored jam or jelly can be made troiu the evaporated tniin tne iresn fruit. The Pheasant brand of products is iu charge of Albert ( oolev, wlio lias nr ranged a most attractive display of this brand, in commercial pnekages. This form of advertising, in which it' is shown the exact size and packages of the Pheasant brand products, has been Ed WATCH FOR THE WHITE ELEPHANT SEE PAGE 5 One-Man Mohair Top This new Maxwell is equipped with a one man real mohair top. It can be raised or low ered almost in an instant, by one person. There are no top bows near the driver's seat. This gives the driver and passenger beside him an unobstructed view on both sides of the car. The storm curtains are quick-adjustable. We are waiting to take you for a test ride in the car that has broken all low "First-Co3t' records, and is breaking all low "After-Cost" records. '&EectrkStartcr "OiieManMohairEp Demountable ms 41 fym Vision Windshidd M f.O.B. DETROIT BectrieLiqlits Matpcid Ignition .-a 8 1 "6uayR(adisaMjxD.eU fyd' HALVERSON & BURNS Ferry and High Sts. Thone 959