Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 03, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Thanksgiving Day
hiis Week's Busy Buyers
We Would Suggest that You Check the Articles Wanted and Bring this
t ad with you. You'll find everything f
?1 IA . . T
Ladles' Trimmed Hats
up to $2.00 and $2.50....
65c Bleached Table Linen,
$2.50 and $3.00 Wool
Nap Blankets
Ladies' Daisy Flannel
Night Gowns, today ..
Men's 85c and $1.00 Shirts, JQ
Golf or Negligee tWv
39c J
$1,98 1 Prices are Quoted for This Sale jj
98c I
35c Fresh Boasted Coffee,
special blend
Men's $3.50 Buff neck
Sweaters, today
Ladies' $10 and $12.50
Tailored Suits, today
$1.50 and $1.75 Fiber Suit
Cases, special today
23c i
$1.98 :i
$6.90 ::
98c I
Aster Brand Condensed
Milk, today,
4 cans for c)v X
$1.50 and $1.75 Bed Com
forts, knotted or quilted....
85c and $1.00 Long Corsets
supporters attached
1000 Large Bolls Toilet ..
Paper, today
48c I
... 4c I
42-plece Dinner Set, reg
ular $5, today
15c Linen Huck Towels, O 1 O. I
18 by 36-ln.. today O l"Ot I
Hen's 50c Neckwear and
1-Pound can Steel Cut
Coffee, today
100 Mission Handle Um
brellas, sale
25c ii
27c i;
69c i;
Men's $10.00 and $12.00 fffi CA X
Heavy Mackinaws, today
25c can Asparagus,
price, today
18c aud 20c Children's
Hose, all sizes
$1.25 Bed Spreads, price
today only
10c i:
Four Extra Specials in
Ladies' Coats
Ladies $10 and $12.50
Chinchilla and Kersey
Coats, Special for
This Sale
Ladies' $10, $12.50 and
$15 Cloth, Plush and
Caricule Coats for This i
Sale Only
Ladies' $20 and $22.50
Long Plush Coats, plain
or trimmed
Misses' and Children's
Plush, Caricule and
Novelty Coats; $5.00,
$6.00 and $7.50
Suits and Dresses
Special Today
Ladies' $10 and $12.50
Tailored Suits; plain,
checks and stripes
Ladies' $15 and $16.50
Suits, new shipment of
season's latest styles
Ladies' $17.50 and $20
Serge and Cheviot
Suits, new models and
Ladies' $7.50 and $8.00
One-Piece Dresses,
Silks, Serges and
Boys' Knicker School Pants,
ages 4
to 15
Ladies' Bibbed Top
Fleeced Hose
. 10c
Children's 75c and $1.00
Plush and Fejt Hats
Ladies' and Misses
Fleeced Underwear
40c Dependable Coffee, '
price for today
Men's $1.50 and $1.75
Sweaters on sale today .
$1.25 Long Silk Gloves,
16-button length
Children's Wash Dresses,
ages 4 to 14
85c and $1.00 Cotton
Blankets for double beds..
Arm and Hammer Brand
Soda, today
Ladies' Untrimmed Velvet
Hat Shapes
Children's Corduroy and
Velvet Coats
Ladies' $1.00 and $1.25
House Dresses, today
Men's 50c Work Shirts, ail
sizes, special
2-oz. bottle Extract, reg
ular 25c, today .'.
9c and 10c White Out
ing Flannel, today
Package Envelopes, contain
ing 25, sale
35c and 40c Silk Mull, all
colors, today
Men's 50c Leather Gloves,
Boiled Oats, bulk, per
pound, today
Ladles' $1.00 and $1.25
Waistsone lot
18-inch Ostrich Plumes,
black or colors
... 69c
6 l-4c
.... 4c
Making of New Citizens
Impressive Affair In
Galloway's Court
only in tho navy circles but also about
tho bay. IIo was a member of the Athenian-Nile
club, and tho Boliemiun club
of Nan Francisco, lie Iouves a widow
and a daughter, Airs. Willium Glass
Funeral arrangements have not been
made yet.
Rear Admiral Phelps
Joins the Majority
Ouklund, Cal., Nov. 3. Rear Admirul
Thomas Stowcll Phelps, U. H. N., re
tired, died at his home early today.
Although ho had been in ill heulth a
long time, pneumonia was the direct
cause of his death.
Rear Admiral Phelps, who wos 7
rears old, was born in Portsmouth, Va.
lie graduated from the novul academy
at Annnpdlis in IH(il). He was promoted
through tho various grades of the scrv
Turkey recalled her envoys to
the allies and Scrvia. Tho
British bombarded the Dardan
elles. Russiuns invaded Asia
Minor. The situation in France
and Belgium was not much
changed. Russia reported the
Austro-Uerninn army in general
retreat. Germany partly con
firmed this. Details of the
British-Teuton naval buttle off
Chile were lacking. The fall
of Tsing-Tau to tho Japanese
was expected.
ak He
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 3. The students
fy . ..a . o ... .......... . .i.. tt
ice, and was mndo rear admiral in 11110 mucninc, si.up ui mo t..n.ii,
at which time he was commandant of
the navy yard at Mare Island.
,He was on board the battleship ''Ra
leigh" during the battle of Manila bay
in the .Spanish-American war und the
first captain in command of the cruiser
)C )C Sfc )C 3C dC 9c 9jC ?C 3fc ?C 9C SC
A suit to foreclose a mortgage lias
been filed in the circuit court of this
county by Ermal Shoemaker and Oscar
Shocmnkcr uguinst Mury E. Smith. The
property in question consists of about
.'!() Hires of land in this county and
lots 13 anil 14, block Broadway addition
to fho city of Salem. The amount in
volved is $.'ts75. Tho plaintiffs seek to
recover judgment in this sum with in
terest less $171.04 with the addition of
250 attorney's fees. Rice nnd Oreut
are attorneys for the iduiutiffs.
A marriage license was issued today
to Ilnrlington W. Harvey, n broker of
Chicago, and Mabel S. Ulscn, of tiiis
city. Fnrrell Koehlcr Donncn, a laborer
of Lebanon und Lulu Amelia ltuclian
an, of Jefferson, also secured a niar
riagn license.
California. Ho was retired from active
service in 1!10.
Rear Admiral Phelps married Miss
Elwent Dewies Martin, of Los Angeles,
t 1U77 Altlw..lnl. u..f:n,l ft ....noli.
every naval post in the United States I pressure of 1,000 pounds to the squaro
ne was well and favorably known not I "-"
An inventory and appraisement in
tho estate of William Hntte, deceased,
was filed today in the probate court.
The Inventory shows the estate to con
sist of real nnd personal property to the
viiluo of .tS,(i05.W!. August Kchrhergor,
II. Schleusuer and Fred Hurtninn were
.appraisers of the estate, Magdalona
Unite, was administratrix.
of Washington borrowed an old steel
tank from the chemistry department.
Thev sunnosed tho tank was empty.
Tl,n n ),ln i it. nidi. and were At the session of the county court
nearly bowled over by the gas fumes ' which begun today a number of dele
that rushed out. They fled in feur of i Ktniin trom i the rural districts were
Germans or rather norms. A chcmis-1 i""f..i " "'c prop.mnnni
try professor came to the rescue and
hauled the tank from tho building. It
had been "loaded" with ammonia at a
People who use Peruna
Mrs. T. Freeh, II. II. 1, Hickory Tolnt, Tenn., writes: "I am happy
to tell you that I am cured of catarrh. Having been afflicted with
catarrh and stomach trouble for seven yenrs, and after having tried four
different doctors, who only relieved me for a littlo while, I gave up all
hope of being cured, I was Induced to try I'cruna, and to ray great
surprise I am now entirely well. My health never was better."
Mrs. W. R. Whitehead, It. R. 1, Pryor, Oklahoma, writes! "I am
happy to tell you that I keep freo from my old stomach trouble; fool no
catarrhal symptoms nt all. I am able to do my work, eat and drink
whut I want, and rejoice to know that I found a sure cure In your
valuable medicine. I think It saved my life. By beginning In time with
Peruna I was cured sound und well."
Are Strong and Happy
The Peruna Company. Columbus. Ohio. Those who object to liquid
medicines tun now procure I'eruna In tablet form.
to discuss the proposition of
appropriating money for a county nt'ii-
culturist for the coming year. The coun
ty court is willing to provide a county
agriculturist in this county if the farm
ers want one but there has been consid
erable opposition to such a move und
the meeting was culled toiliiy in order
to hear expressions from the farmers
from the different districts of the coun
ty. Up to a Into hour this evening the
county court had taken no action in the
mutter but were hearing from the farm
ers. A number were given a free din
ner by tho Commercial club today.
In view of the fact that the flng
presentation exercises took up a huge
pnrt of tho morning but few examina
tion of applicants for citizenship had
been examined this afternoon. Joluinn
Hcinrlfh (!. Hnrtels, of Muclcny; Adam
Burns, of Salem; John Henry Alberts,
of Salem; and Harmon William Theo
dore Do V'ries. of Hnlein, were admitted
to citizenship. The cases of Fred Lor
entst, of Shaw, and Matthew Menkes, of
Woodburn, were continued.
Blind Indian May
Sej Child Victim
Sun Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 3. That
IVrfccto Segundo, Indian, may see the
duughter whom ho desperately' wounded
with a hatchet recently, surgeons at
the Sun Bernardino county hospital w
operate on him this evening and at
tempt to restore his eyesight.
Segundo has been blind nearly all his
life. Some time ago he quarreled with
his wifo and, it is alleged, tried to
strike her with a hatchet. He missed
her and the weapon struck the heud of
his baby daughter, Maria. She is near
Seized with remorse, ever since the
affair Segundo lias pleaded with doctors
to restore his sight, i even for only a
few minutes, so he could look nt the
child. At last surgeonB resolved to try
the experiment. Segundo occupies "a
room in the county hospital next to the
wnrd in which his sorely wounded baby
daughter lies.
Polk Boy Has Good Position.
Harold H. Smith, whoso father, Am
edec Smith, started- the first clay
working establishment in the north
west nt Biiena Vista, Folk county, in
1878, is now in charge of the Portland
offices of the Denny Ronton Clny 4
Coal company, through which nil Ore
gon territory business is handled. Fol
lowing in the footsteps of his father,
young Smith until recently bad charge
of the "image" factory of tho West
ern Clay Miiniifacturing company of
Portland. Dallas Observer.
London, Nov. 3 Austria will not eon
el ml c a separate peace with Italy nor
make territorial concessions to Italy,
according to a Vienna dispatch today.
Turkey's protest thnt women and
children in unfortified towns on (lulli
pnli peninsula have been killed b ythe
enemy's shells is largely offset by
what hos happened to the Armenians.
Rheumatism is a tormenting and
stubborn malady. In some cases it
yields to treatment which is without
avail in other cases.
The dartinjj pains, lame muscles or
stiffened joints only disappear by grad
ually expelling tho uric acid, and so
many thousands have been relieved by
the blood-enriching oil-food in Scott's
Emulsion that you should give it a
faithful trial. Scott's Emulsion actsns
a powerful blood-purifier by increasing
the red corpuscles nnd it strengthens
the organs to carry off the acids which
cause the trouble.
Try Scott's I'.mulslon. It cannot barm.
It has helped thousands niul may be ex
actly what you need. No Alcohol,
Uuilt Si Uuwuc, MuouiOcId, N.J. U-
i The making of new citizens in Judge
j Galloway's court today was an impres
sivo ceremony and the men who swore
i allegiance to the United Stntes stood
I in the shallow of the fine silk flag
! presented by Winthrop Hammond in bc;
! half of the Sons of the American Revo
: lution. The ceremonies begun with the
song "America," led by Mrs. W. Carl
ton Smith in which the entire audience
j which jammed the court room joined.
A large representation from the Sedg
' wick post of the U. A. ft. was present
and members of the county court and
I city council were on hand at the invita
tion of Judge Oallowny.
Mr. Hammond suid in part: "It is
my privilege! today, to appear before
you, representi.ig the society known ns
the Sons of the American Revolution.!
tho purposes of which are to inspire j
patriotism uml to perpetuate, the uiem-1
ory of tho men, who by their services j
and sacrifices achieved tho independ
ence of the American people. '
"No nation on the face of this
earth is so favored with natural re- i
sources, and no county offers such pos-,
sibilities for success from honest effort
as the United States. i
I "We are cnljed "the land of free-:
dom" and justly so. Kvery mnn isj
free to work and savo and "enjoy the I
I fruits of his honest labor, free from'
! enforced military service and excessive'
i taxation, so customary in the old World.
"Freedom,' however, does not mean
license, but just as long ns any man,;
whether or native or ot foreign birth,
I uueys me laws oi me itiuu lie is ireo.
I "President. Wilson has said: 'Now I
we have come to a timo of special!
stress ami test. Some of the best stuff
in America is. in the men who are nat-
unitized citizens of the United States.)
I would not be afraid upon tho test of I
'America tirst to tuae a census ot nil
foreign born citizens of tho United
States, for I know that tho vast ma
jority of them came here because they
believed in America, nnd their belief
has made them, better citizens than some
people who were born in America.'
"In order that every newly made
citizen may be most fully impressed
with the honor ami privilege of calling
the stars and stripes his flug. the Ore
gon society of the Sons of the American i
Revolution desires to present this ting
to tho honorable court, to be used espe
cially it the tLne of naturalization.
"I now ask your Honor to receive
Judge Galloway Talks.
In his speech of acceptance Judge
Galloway said:
"We impress upon you the import
ance of the sacred trust reposed -in you
to properly rniso your children. Edu
cate, them in American schools, then
will these children inspire you with love
of country and tench you in tho prin
ciples of its constitution and laws, and
you will bless the hour the mantle of
American citizenship fell over your
"Our churches and schools have ever
been ulert und active in inculcating loy
alty and patriotism into the hearts and
souls of the younger generation so also
have the surviving members of the
A. R. with their affiliuted societies in
teaching patriotism, good citizenship,
and lovo of tho flag,' the preservation
of which so many of their companions
in arms shed their heart's blood.
"In conclusion, to you my friends
who have taken the oath of allegiance,
and to those who wish to do so, we want
you to realize and feel thnt you are,
and aspire to be, citizens of the greatest
nation on earth. You are not nnd can
not be. (lerninn, French, Knglish or any
other hyphenated American citizens.
You are simply citizens possessing all
the rights, and privileges of any other
'citizen, whether native or foreign
WTiat Flag Stands For.
'"This emblem stands for the best
that is or can be, for noble impulses,
for that which is good and true. To the
individual in whose heart there is no
reverenco for justice, for law end order,
for civic virtue, it hns n perverted sig
nificance. Patriotism is a mrttter of ev
ery day life, of peace and war, of pros
perity and adversity. It proves itself
by un unfailing devotion to our ting's
trim inclining.
"Let us then looking into its folds
and calling our best impulses to wit
ness, learn the duties of good citizen
ship. Its rich red represents the blood
of heroic sacrifice. Its spotless white
stands for incorruptible justice, for
social purity and political righteous
ness. And the stars fixed in their field
of blue, niiike together a striking rep
resentation of the en 1 1 1 1 strength of har
monious unity."
A" Patriotic Talk,
Rev. A, Moon', of St. Joseph's pnm'i
was culled upon for a few remarks ami
words of advice to the new Americans,
Father Moore is of Irish parentage, but
was bora in America and through his
clone association witll the people of this
country anil the intimate knowledge of
their affairs he wus well qualified tfl
discuss some of the problems that beset
tho adopted citizen, Father Monro ad
vised his hearers to become citizens, not
only of record, but in spirit, and to
transfer their entire allegiance to the
United States where they hud decided
to make their home, to educate their
chihllcn to be Americans nnd to fulfill
inevcry ropect the duties imposed upon
them by citizenship,
Rev, Richard Tischcr, of the I'liitur
inn church of this city, was nlso u
speaker today. Rev. Tischcr is of (ler
ninn descent und is thoroughly fiimlliiir
witll the ((crinnn-Amcrleniis of today.
He asked them to drop the hyphen and
become Americans without nny (pmlifi
cation ns to foreign birth or resi
dence. Mayor Hurley (I. White welcomed the
new citizens to full citizenship and re
called to them their duties as voters
and their duties to their children who
were, now being educuted as Americans.
Come and buy Today while you have the cream
to pick f rora.
Just One Style
The above is just one style to be found in our great
assortment, of course we have all necessary furnish
ings, hats, shoes, underwear; hosiery, neckwear, etc.,
together with the above.
For the best and latest in Men's and Boys' Wearing
Apparel buy at
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase
Corner State and Liberty.
(J. B. 'Horner in Sunday 'b Journal)
Near McCoy, Oregon, in Polk county,
is a large dilapidated two-story edifice.'
The building is historic, and for that '
reason is visited by many people from .
nil parts of the state. It is what re-1
mains of Bethel college, one of the
first schools of higher learning estab-j
lished in Oregon. Its sister schools I
were Willamette university, Pacific I
university, Philomath college, McMinn-1
ville college nud Christum college, now
known ns tho state normiil School ot
Bethel college was built in 1S57 un
der the allspices of the Christian church,
which was assisted financially by Amos
Harvey, Glenn O, Burnett and other
men of public, spirit. Among the pres
idents and faculty of the institution
as recnlled by Senator C. L. Hnwlcy
were Dr. T L. Rowland, afterwards
superintendent of public, instruction;
Dr. Harrison, Dr. Hall and Dr. Hudson.
The school offered a strong literary
course and trained many of tho bright
est men nnd women of Oregon, among
whom were ex-Governor George L.
Wood, James Harvey, D. M. Holmes,
Judge William Galloway, Judge Wey
mier nnd the late Dr. Richiirdson, of
Tho college nt Bethel was popular.
But in the course of time Christian
college was organized nt Monmouth
by tho same church. Inasmuch as both
schools were dependent upon the snme
support, it was decided to combine
them. Hence tho working force of the
collcgo nt, Bethel was moved to Mon
mouth, where Christiun college pros
pered ninny years under the supervision
of President T. F. Campbell father of
President P. L. Campbell, of the Uni
versity of Oregon,
Bethel coIIcbo is a landmark In the
history of Oregon, recalling the time
where there were no state institutions
of higher learning, nnd tho people
were dependent upon church schools
for the literary training their children
received. To be sure, ninny of these
schools were scantily maiutuincd, uml
some of them ljed for lack of sup
port. But they served their purpose
well in tho history of Oregon. When
wc realize the sentiment und the self
denial that were back of these colleges
und universities, so that wo may com
prehend the great sacrifice the peo
ple made ut that curly time in order
that these schools might bo pussibiln
it becomes apparent how it happened
that so large a proportion of gruiluutc:'
of thnt time subsequently filled im
portant positions of trust und honor in
church and state. Also it helps us t
understand better why little church
schools liko Bethel college hold so
warm a place in the hearts of many of
the first families of Oregon, i
Thousands HaveDiscoveredDr.
Edwards Olive Tablets are
a Harmless Substitute
Dr. Edwards' Ollvo Tablets the substi
tute for calomel are ft mild but sure hixu
tlve, and their effect on the liver Is almo.it
Instantaneous. They lire tho result of DC
KUwurils' determination not to treat liver
and bowel complaints with calomel. Ills
efforts to banish It brought out these liulo
ollve-colorcd tablets.
These pleasant littlo tablets do the Rood
thnt culonul does, but have no bail after
effects. They ilon't Injure tho teclh llk
strong liquids or calomel. They take bold
of the trouble uml quickly correct it. Why
cure the liver nt the expense of the teeth f
Culonul sometimes plays huvoc with tho
ttoius. Bo do strong liquids, i
It Is best not to lake, calomel, but to lei.
Dr. Kdwui'ils' Olive Tablets lulio Its place.
jfost headaches, "dullness" nnd that
lazy fccllntf come front constipation und a
disordered liver. Tako Dr. lOdwards' Ollvo
Tubletg when you fw-l "loxiry" and
"heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" the spirit:).
At 10u and 25c per box. All di'iiKR'sts.
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
SYKACl'SK, N. Y., July 18. A gl
giuitic figum 7 was seen all last night ill
the sky between here and Oueidn. Later
it turned slowly into n question murk,
All Onoiidnga and Oiicidu Counties on
trail oT that "th point. Public mass
meeting called for this afternoon ut. slnta
fnir grounds,
Stfcrtms Gum
1 Crowded with flnvor
2 Velvety body-NO CRIT
4 Sicilinti purity
) From duyliiiht fsclory
6 Untouched by hand