Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 02, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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-:-Special Sale
Dress Goods and Coatings for Monday, Tuesday
and Tomorrow" -Fabrics Formerly Priced to $2.75
a Yard-Your Choice 95c a Yard
We have selected a fine assortment of. desirable wool fabrics which we
place on sale for the coming three days at an absurdly low price. Zibeline
Plaids, Cheviots, Basket-weave Coatings, Brocaded Mohair and Wool
Mixed Dress Fabrics. Widths up to 54 inch. Regularly priced up to $2.75
for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
95c a Yard
See the Window Display.
Special Sale Tomorrow's Sale
Our No. 767th
Men's Underwear Wednesday surprisenov. 3rd
(This week) A Sale of Mercerized Woolaine
Men's two-piece tan Un- oC f Vl V l 171
derwear-85 per cent wool , OC ljUallty--t.Xtra VaiUC
Regular $3.00 grade, 1C O 0 V J
special this week $1.98 a 10 C-OC a lard
Just at a time when Here 1S a fine Cotton Challie, looks like wool because
warmer underwear is in ifc h3 ben ? wo9 Process; desirable colorings
order comes this unusual and Patterns? 27 in- Wlde and a regular 25c quality,
offering of fine quality FOR TOMORROW
garments at a money-sav- p J tj a o
ing price only $1.98 a suit. rer yard 10 C
See the window showing. Sale Starts at 8:30. See the Window Display
10 saVol Groceries
At Damons
Now is the time to lay in a supply of
Groceries Compare these prices
with Credit Store prices: Then come
to Damons and place your order -
$1.20 Per Sack $1.10 Per Sack
FLOUR, made from 16 POUNDS OF
No. 1 Blue Stem SUGAR FOR
$1.40 Per Sack 3100
$5.50 Per Bbl. king. Baldwin or
t i i. . . J SPITZENBERG
Del .Monte Pineapple, attti?c
larpe, ....$2.00 Doz. rn t
Del Monte Tomatoes, 50c Box
larj;e $1.20 Doz.
No. 2 $1.55 Doz. JAP RICE
standard 20 Lbs. for $1.00
TOMATOES Broken Rice
2W.65 251kf0r'-00
Country Club Milk BEANS
Ye'ltowVan Miik " 17 Lbs. for $1.00
dy-c" 8Qc 4 Lbs, for 25c
hn7m 3 rouds of Our BEST
36c Pound 95c
Damon & Son n,()8
855 North
We Sell For Less
in the Dress Goods Section-:-
Because We Can
Salem's Big
No Evidence Shipments To
Neutral Nations Were In
tended for Germany
San Francisco, Nov. 2. "San Fran
cisco knows how" tho seventy-eight
turnstiles at the Panama-Pacific ex
position seemed to assert, as San Fran
cisco, aided by adjoining bay cities and
towns, trooped thronurh tho exposition
gates today to celebrate its "dav" at.
tho fair.
As early as 8 o'clock, when the (rates
opened, the rush for the exposition
grounds began and steady streams
flowed toward tho exposition thereafter
without interruption. From the early
morning attendance it appeared that
tho slogan of three hundred thousand
attendance would eoino dose to mater
ializing. Special schedules are in effect on all
ferries leading into San Francisco from
cities across tho bay, and in the city
every car was pressed into service.
Passenger traffic men estimated that
fully 100,000 visitors had arrived in
San Francisco from all parts of the
state, as well as many hundreds from
the east.
Leaden skies early today caused some!
apprehension as to the weather. j
The heavy traffic on the ferries in-'
dicated that Alameda county's promise J
that 100,000 of her citizens would help
San Francisco celebrate would be ful-i
filled .
At 12 o'clock the official attendance
figures were KI.K.IOO. I
John R. Pollock, proprietor of tho.
Wide Awnke Shoe Repairing eompnny,
now located nt Stuto and Liberty will1
move to the Waters building opposite;
l.ndd & Hush's bank. Heudquai ters j
lor the best shoe repairing.
Onkliind, Cal., Nov. 2. J. C. Rutter,
aged 72, quit smoking three days ago
after using the weed for 00 years. To
day he died. Hugh Rutter, his son, at
tributes his father's death to the sud
den stopping of the stimulant which
! hnd speeded up his heart for years. I
Car Pianos. ,
Geo. C, Will, the music nnd sewing
machine dealer, received a cur of pianos ,
i from Richmond, Indiana, today. ;
Portland, Ore., Nov. 2. Injured in a
jitney accident Snturdny, A. K. Myers
is dend todnv. Four other persons in-1
jured nt the snme time are recovering
Attention Moose, Special social meet
ing Tuesday evening, November 2. The
entertainment committee has prepared
an excellent program. Bring your Indies
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses correctly. U. 8. bank bldg.
Professor Wallace McMurray, of the
Willnmi'tlo uiii versify, will deliver a
lecture this evening it Katon "mill, dis
cussing (ieorKO Meredith, the Philoso
liher. This lecture is the one sched
uled for last Tuesday evening, but was
postponed on account of the sessions of
the Woman's Federation.
Get your candy and cooked food at
the Y. W. C. A. bazaar.
Reliable piano tuner. Phone 2354J.
Chester Roy Marquam escaped at
noon from the (State Hospital for the
insane, by in some way getting hold of
the attendant's keys. Ho formerly lived
at. :iar(unm, i niavorns county, Clifor
nia'and'it is' thUt he is heVd that I
way. He is 6 feet tall, weighs J (50
pounds, dark, hair, wore slippers and
blue combination suit.
Boy Scout dance, Armory, November
Tonight, tomorrow night will be the
last of the series of biff and volley ball
contests between the teams captained
by James llartwell ami Ernest Hunt.
The Hurtwell aggregation now leads
by two points and the winner of the
series will be determined by tomorrow
night's game. After the game the
teams will partake of a dinner given
by the Y. M. O. A.
Mclntiro, physician and
Unsonie. MdV Phone 440.
Dr. R. T.
turgeon, 211 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
Parole Officer Joseph Keller will
leave this city tonight for Lajuntn,
, olorado, to return with Robert A.
I Miller, a parole violator who is now In
j the custody of the Lajuntn officers.
Miller was released from the stnto pen
last August and for a while mado good
j but violated his parole by leaving the
I state and then came to the attention of
i the officers by getting into trouble in
1 ('olorado.
I Winter time is hot drink time. Phone
li" for coffee, tea, cocou and chocolate.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Yesterday a statement was made that
a conference had - been arranged be
tween County Judge Hushey of this
county and Judge Teal of Polk, which
was to have been held at the
county bridge, but that Judge Hushey
"was busy" aiuf did not attend. The
wires were a little crossed in that story
as there was no nrrnugenient for a
conference, but Judge Teal visited the
bridge for the purpose of having an
engineer or contractor of his acquain
tance take a look at it. Judge Hushey
says Marion county is ready at any
time to do anything towards repairing
or rebuilding the bridge that l'olk coun
ty will consent to.
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed,
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 416 U. 8.
Hank Dlrig, Phone 186.
The fire department was called out at
8 o'clock last night in response to an
alarm turned in from the residence of
F. ,. Brue, nt (ISO North Capital street.
The fire was confined to the flue nnd
no damage was done.
Don't miss Marjory Marvin and Carl
Gabrielson lit the Jituey Frolic.
Dr. Stone's Drug more.
H. N. Studenmeyer will hereafter
hnvo charge of the Snturdny night
dances ut the nrniory. Music will Im
furnished by the Peerless orchestra of
five pieces. Whilo Mr. Studenmeyer
hns been associated with the band as
tury band for the past nine years, he
has ben associated with the band as
player and director at different times
for tho past 20 years.
Visit the Tea Garden at the Y. W. C.
A, bazaar, Wednesday.
Ho, for Halls Ferry. Five minutes
service day or night. John Mather, pro
prietor, Nov fl
The Men's Liberal club will meet
Wednesday evening for reorganization,
election of officers, uinpping out of the
program for the season, etc. A number
of changes to the constitution have been
suggested by which the scope and in
fluence of the club may become in
creased. This is the first meeting since
the slimmer recess uud it is hoped that
all members will be present. Any mini
interested ill the Public Pornni work U ;
cordially invited to be present at thi '"ail wns 21x.J pounds dispatched, nnd
meeting" at the I'nitarian church Wed-1 2011.33 pounds received. According to
nesdiiy evening at 8 o'clock. i'11'8 record, last week Salem and vicin-
o j ity received daily 46.6S pounds moro of
Don't miss the Boy Scout dnnco in j f i rt class mail then sent out, and dis
the armory hull Thursday evening, No-j Patched daily 05.07 pounds more than
vember 4. Funds to be used to build j received of other mail,
a scout cabin. o
o I The high school boys are arranging
Friday of this week will he observed; for an excursio.i to Kugcne Snturdny
ns Library Dav in the public schools of 'morning, when 400 students ami friends
the citv.' In 'each of tho rooms talks!wiM "n' l'"".v ,iu'"1- Ei'Kc'"; i
will be made nn the value of reading f-'ur'''''' " prott.v strong team and the
min.1 li.mk. i.M.i ,i, ..i.ii.i-.,., ,.;n i. boys expect a strongly contested game.
urged to get permission from their
parents to tnke hook, from the Si.len,
Public, lilirary.
Forced to vacate in ten days. Will
sacrifice niv entire stock of millinerv.
Mrs. H. P. Stith, 121 North Liberty.
ine ntw law oy wnicn ine districts tiol, wUI b Biv(M1 t0 h ,li;;h .,,,
pay. the tutition of children attending Utudcnls. The specinl will leave Eu
the High Schools has resulted in nn nt-l ene nt 0:30 in the evening.
ii-iiuance oi .no in ine fincm Bcnoois
from outside points. The present en
rollment of the High School is 611, com
pared to Olio a year ago, although 200
High school students in the ninth grade
have been transferred from the High
school to the threo Junior Highs. If
this ninth grade had not been taken
from the High school the attendance
this year would have been soil,
Attention Moose. Special social meet
ing Tuesday evening, November 2. The
entertainment committee hns propnred
nu excellent program. Bring your Indies'
Hear Tom Ordeman at the Jitney
Frolic, Wednesday night.
The Monday Night Dancing club
gave their first dance of the season
last evening ut the Moose hull. It was
intlie nuture of a Hallowe'en affair.
Furs made and remodeled. Prices
very reasonable. 212 Hubbard building.
J. Ross Fargo, a prominent singer, of
1 ortland, will assise in the memorial
day exercises of the Klks, to bo held
in the armory Sunday afternoon, De
cember 5.
For Sale 133 hop sacks and 70 hop
baskets cheap. Cull W. L'. Sinker, phone
The Maccabee lodge will be addressed
V"TT ""'l' ".T."""1."
J. . Sherwood. He will explain the
new plan for special accident and dis
ability insurance.
Save time by phoning 67 for your
cotico, tea and spices. Satisfaction or
money back. I
John R. Pollock, of the Wide Awake
Shoo Repairing shop, on State and Lib
erty, will move to rooms in the Waters
building, opposite the I.ndd & Hush
band, and will be rendy for business
there Monday morning.
After breaking the record for a low
stage at tins time of year, the river i;
onco moro rising and today tho cunce
If0! ?b,ovi ' 'ow, ,er;, Thii8"
,"80 of 1 1'?.fc.('t. ,lurin8 tho P"8 24
nours, cnuscu Dytne Heavy rains in the
The Capital meat market on South
Commercial street changed hands yes
terday, li. Woolery selling his interest
to John Nelson, of Independence, who
owns the People's meat market nt Inde
pendence. Charles Sauvain will con
tinue in charge as mnnnger.
Walter GleaBon, who was recently
elected to the office of Grand Keeper
of the Records nnd Seals of the Knights
of l'ythins decided Sunday to remove
his headquarters to Portland. When
first elected, Air. (lleason announced
that lie would continue the office in
this city.
The lunches at the White Swan are
causing comments So good.
Mrs. W. C. Hawley and daughter,
Miss Iras, will leave tomorrow morning
on the Oregon Klectric for Washington.
Prom Portland, they will travel on the
S. P. S. and Great Northern. From
Denver their route will take tliem over
tho Burlington railway to Chicago and
from thnt city over the Pennsylvania
to Washington,
During the rainy days, phone 67 for
your fresh roasted coffee. Prompt de
livery. The upper story of the Roth buildlna
Nov9lwi" oo ready for the y. V. C. A. pos-
siniy by the middle ot this month, ac
cording to the contractors. Plasterers
have about finished the upstairs work.
Tho Koth Grocery will perhaps not
move into its new quarters until some
time in December, is specinl patented
fixtures ami show cases are now being
mado in Portland. The interior work
is now under construction by Otto Han
sen. The plumbers will finish their
work next week.
They all admit that you get more
quality in a l,a C'oronu than any oilier
10 cent cigar.
A Jitney bazaar and frolic will he
given in the Argo hotel building Wed
nesday afternoon and evening, for the
benefit of tho Y. W. C. A. As the same
indicates, it will cost but half a dime
to reach in the grab bag, althotigli the
grab bag idea is not the only pjitney
leuture. During the afternoon, Mrs. 1.
A. l.ivesley will preside over the for
tunes of the gran ling, nnd in the even
ing, Mrs. Zadok J. Itiggs. The evening
entertainers are Tom Ordemann, Mrs. O,
H. Gingrich, Priscilla Fleming, Albert
Kgun, Willard Hall, Hazel Krixon, .Mar
jory Marvin and Carl Gabrielson.
A record of the mail received and
dispatched was made bv the local nost-
offico for tho week beginning October
zo, nnd closing on the evening of Oc
tober 30. During this week, the aver
age of first class mail dispatched daily
wns 255..") pounds, and the average
daily of first class mail received was
305.18 pounds. For the same time the
daily average, of nil other classes of
The Salem high school team defeated
borg with u score ot 34 to 0, and
t'orvullis, .'IS to 0. The team is billed
j to piny Albany December 13, one of the
'strongest, tennis in the valley. Satur
I diiy morning the excursion truiii for Ku
geno will Ictiivp Trnde nnd Commercial
streets at !' o'clock and the S. P. depot
..f o.io i.-n. i.u ......... o . .
Business conditions In Salem are
gradually improving, judging from the
amount of business transacted by the
postoffice, compared to one year ago.
During the month of October, 1014. the
department here sold d.HS.dS worth of
stumps for letters nnd stamped papers,
compared to 7,53S.01 for October of
this year, a gnin for the month of
$302.10. The postage on second class
matter for the month show's a fulling
off of 13.07, as the sales for October
n year ago were 150" Compared to
l.Hi.OO ot this year. Hut as the gen
Doctors Rushing Work In
spectors Say No Ships
Will Be Delayed
San Francisco, Nov. 2. Working at
top speed, doctors in the government j
service today sought to test enough
seamen under tho new seamen's law so'
that no ships will have to go out short "
hunded or cancel sailings. !
Published reports thnt only 4.t out of1
2,000 .seamen subject to the act, here-'
abouts, had passed, came in for angry i
denial from government officials today.
Supervising Inspector of Steamships:
Pulgar's figures showed that 50 out. of j
4 H or 54 men examined had passed.,
Moreover, lie pointed out that there
hail been !)7o applicants, and as far as
his records indicated there are not I
2,000 to which the act is applicable.
Furthermore, the officials must basC
their figures on applications, not esti-'
mates . I
Bulgur did not sharo shipping men's
apprehension that some sailings may!
have to be cancelled to meet the re
quirement that 40 per cent of the crew
shall lie able bodied seamen.
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Small, two of our
old and respected ritizeus, lire off for
an indefinite "visit in California and
may continuo ou to a number of east
ern stnteB. They have been mapping
out and planning this trip for some
little time, and tho Appeal poins with
their many friends in wishing them u
happy journey. The home interests
are left in tho hands of their son,
Hugh, who recently returned from his
wedding trip to California points. Mr.
Small would not commit himself, but it
has leaked out that they intend to
spend the winter in California and in
the spring journey on. to eastern Ten
nessee, Mr. Small's birthplace. Silver
ton Appeal.
Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., Nov. 2. Dur
ing liesta'a Peugeot dashed over the
lino victor in the 100 mile auto race
here this afternoon.
His time was 56 minutes 55.71 sec
onds, an average of 105.86 miles an
Jiotir a new Americun record for the
Burmnn wus second nnd Eickeubnch
ef third.
By his feat Resta won tho Hnrkness
gold challenge cup from six starters.
He Palma went out nt the 40th mile
with a broken connecting rod.
Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 2. W. T. Tc
lnuey went fishing this morning and
the first time he drew in his line he
pulled tho body of a young woman to
the bank.
The body wns identified ns Miss
Gladys Anderson, telephone operator,
who was drowned Sunday when a
launch capsized in tho Sacramento
river near this city.
Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 2. l'nof
fw.itit iMnpe conferences will be held
soon at Lucerne, said several Swiss so
cialist papers today, despite inspired de-
. . , ".1 11
nulls or sucn moves, rormer v iiaiicenor
Von Buelow, of Germany, will attend,
they declared. Representatives of two
of the other belligerents nre reported
in l.n.iA nri'ivml nt Geiievn. but it has
been impossible to confirm this report.
Wilmington, Del. Nov. 2 One man
died from hums and 13 were seriously
injured when a spectacular fire swept
the niuc'nanical sorting room of Plant 1
of the Dupoiit. Powder Works at Car
n'eys Point today. Static electricity
probably caused thefire. Piles of pow
der were ignite I and the building wns
quickly destroyed.
St. Louis, Nov. 2. Kdward L. Pree
torius, publisher of the St. Louis Times,
committed suicide yesterday miiining.
Mr. 1'rootorioiis, who wns president
of the Gerninn-Amei'ican Press associa
tion, which published the Times and
the Westliche Post, was found dead in
tiie bntliroom of his home, where he had
shot himself.
b fe
I n T 1 P
PARTSCH In the city, November 2,
1015, Mrs. Theresa i'urtsch, nt the
age of 00 years.
The body was shipped this afternoon
by Webb & Clough to relutivcs in Port
land. is reflected in the sal eof stamps for
first class mntter, the increase for the
mom ii or .f.i!'-.io is assurance tiiiit rue
business affairs of the community are
in a satisfactory condition.
suiPuapiy4iiiiaii '
Brirjustthe resultsyou vvaiit
Try one to-morrowanisee
A torclosnre suit was filed in the eii
cuit court today by Coolblgo k Ma
Claine against W. A. Young nnd Ada N.
Young to foreclose u mortgage on 180
acres of land in this county. The mort
gage was given as security for a prom
issory note for $7S0. The plaintiff seeks
to recover he principal mid interest
on the note nnd tlOO as attorney's fees.
C. li. Koss is attorney for the plaintiff.
Judge Bushey today appointed D. ().
Minto and Jessie G. Miuto us adminis
trator mid iidministi'iitiix respectively
of the property held in partnership by
Hnrl'y Miuto, deceased, and D. C. Min
to. The estate in partnership consists
of real estate and personal property to
the value of iri2,.SO(l nnd Jessie G. Miu
to, widow of the deceased, is the only
Hose Burger, the daughter of Mrs. S.
A. Lllis, of this city, was committed
to the Oregon State hospital yesterday
by Judge Hushey after uu examination
by Dr. O. 13. Miles.
The county court meets tomorrow in
rcgulur session and will pass upon coun
ty claims and any other matters thnt.
might be brought: to the attention tf
the court at this time. The county
judge and commissioners were logetln r
when the bridge matter ciime up hit t
week nnd all are faiuiliiir with the cir
cumstances surrounding the struct urn
and it is not expected that any further
action will lie taken as regards Hi
bridge. Kcpairs have been ordered ami
the expenses will be borne joint ly by
Polk uud Marion counties.
"Military Preparedness" is the sub
ject for lecture and debute before tl
Men's Liberal club Wednesday even
ing. The subject will bo presented by
tie Hon. Dana Alien, followed by
Gideon Stolz, Dr. Mott, Col. Ilofer and
others. This is a vital question now
stirring the hearts nnd minds of the
American people nnd should be thoi
ouglily discussed throughout the land.
Let every man interested in the que".'
tion be present. Meeting culled ut H
o'clock at the t'nitariiin church.
While Mrs. Frank Siniernl aud daugh
ter,. Klsie, Mrs. Wyonla Ottoway ami
Mrs. J. P. Durno worn returning home
from Stnvton Wednesday night, nl'toi'
having intended n meeting of the Circle
at that place, they saw two deer by
the roadside in front of F. 1). knight '.i
place. The Indies say 1 he deer were si.
surprised to see four women out so lad
that they hardly ran nt all. Silveitc.o
At a meeting of the Junior Guild of
St. Paul's church on Toe. day nftcr
iidou, it was decided to hold tile nnuutd
linzaur on the seveiilh and eighth of
December. Theie will be on sale quan
tities of aprons and fancy articles, ulso
their famous plum puddings and
L. K. Johnson, of Lincoln, Nebraska,
will visit a number of Willumctte v.il
ley towns and the surrounding country
with the object in view of picking out it
suitable location for u number of fam
ilies who nre planning on coming to u
milder climnte to mnke their future
homes. He was in Silverton Fridny nnd
expressed himself ns very favorably im
pressed with this city and the sin round
ing country. Silverton Appeal.
Change of scredule. Beginning with
Monday, November 1st, tho schedule
for the Salein-Indepondeiice Auto Stage
will be as follows: Leaves Salem,
comer Stntc nnd Liberty streets, 8:00
a. m., 11:00 a. m., 3:30 p. in. and 7:30
p. in. Leaves Independence, oppnsitn
postoffice, D:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 5:0I
p. ni. nnd 0:00 p. m.
The Busy
Business Man
Wintry weal her will often
make it advisable for you
to lunch downtown. Wo
therefore desire to cull yom
attention to our
Including soup, salad, me.it
order ami dessert. Prompt
service, well ked food,
nnd pleasant. surroundingH
make our Club Lunelle
HINK How Many
happy travelers are
"wedded" to
v Hotel Nortonia
t iT!?? are weWJ o trie
HOME. LIKE element
that everywhere prevails..
They know how perfectl-3
the NORTONIA-lund
That it quickens the ap.
the clerk).
Truly thij is a good ideal
to be married" to. Why
not espouse it today"?
Roomi With priviltgt of fcitk $1
or rnor. tk. diy. R00m, m.it(,
Th thing that pptili-tnodtr.l.
114. off
i. S3
and come. Nov 2 aud come.
Nov 2 is reflected in a Mile of stamps for