Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 02, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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fcverv Sift e enhnne 1 PROM
Is a Long Distance
. ,. .
. .. .. ,. .
1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;
High Salaries Secure
Good Teachers For
Klamath County Schools
That the payment ' S00 alric9,
combined with good business methods,
will secure teachers that are well ptc
pared for their work, is shown by a
report recently filed with Superintend
ent of Public Instruction J. A. Church
ill by Superintendent Fred Peterson of
Klamath, county. The teachers in the
rural schoolB of Klamath county are
)id an average salary of $77.00 per
month, which is larger than the salary
paid by any other county in the state
to tho touchers of its country schools.
Upon examining into tho preiaratioa of
the teachers of that county, it is found
that 55 per cent of the teachers are
graduates of colleges, universities or
normal schools and over 1)0 per cent of
them are graduates of four-year high
Jn another county of tho state, in
which the country teachers are paid an
average salnry or $.15.00 per month, but
13 per cent of tiieiu are graduates of
colleges, universities or normal schools,
and only 77 per cent have finished high
The crusade for better babies has
spread from const to coast, and talicu
firm hold of American Mothers. Fow
women realize how much the ill henlth
of the mother influences tho unborn
child, both physically and mentally.
Women who suffer from mysterious
pains, backache, nervousness, mental
depression, headaches, etc., should rely
on Lydia E. i'inkhiun's Vegetable
Compound, made from roots and herbs,
which IVir nearly forty years hns been
the standard remedy for these ailments,
Jackson, Miss, Nov. 2. Eleven con
victs, six of them "lifers," Bcrving
murder terms, were free today under
Governor Brewer's pardon, because
they offered their lives for pellagra
'experiments. Six of them are afflicted
with the drend disease.
. I TO RECEIVE $1,600
you appreciate the full significance of
the above statement ? Do you realize
that from your telephone you can talk
to practically every city and town in California,
Oregon, Washington and parts of Idaho,
Nevada and Arizona?
Have you ever considered the economy of Long
Distance Service ? Think of the time-consuming
trips it saves. Think of the value of being able
to get into instant communication with a place
or person perhaps a day's journey away !
Your telephone may be used for either local,
suburban or long distance service and the entire
system of this company, with its millions of
miles of lines, is ready at any time to carry your
message anywhere you wish to send it.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station
i 1 ;
Daniel J. Fry Guarantees to Return the
Money If Mi-o-na Does Not
Relieve Ton.
"It s a pleasure to sou a meaicine
when my customers come in afterward
and toll me how much good it has done
them," said lianiel J. Fry, the popular
druggist to a Journal mun, "and that
is why I like to sell and recommend
Mi-o-na, the dyspepsia remedy. The
distribution of samples that I mado
created so much talk and so large a
proportion of those who received a
sample have bought a box of Mi-o-na
that, my clerks have been busy selling
the medicine ever since. I have so
much faith in this article that I am
going to guarantee it in the future, and
will return the money to any purchaser
of Mi-o-na whom it does not help. That
mny seem rash but my customers havo
said so many good words in its favor
teat I do not expect to have many pack
ages returned.
"Anyone who has dyspepsia, whoso
food does not digest weii, and who has
to take thought as to what he can eat,
and when, can leave 50 cents deposit
at my store and take home a box of
Mi-o-na and if the remedy docs not
regulato his digestion and help his
dyspepsia ho can withdraw. his money.
I don't know but what we would be
willing to pay him interest."
This shows great faith in tho morit
of Mi-o-na. It is really a most unus
ual medicine and the rapid increase of
sales since Daniel J. Fry introduced it
in Salem shows that it does all that it
is claimed to do relieves dyspepsia,
regulates digestion and cnablcB those
who use it to eat just what they want
with no fear of trouble after.
New York, Nov. 1. Bethlehom Steel,
once up to BOO urder the activity in
war stocks slumped to 450 today."
Government expert, eneineeri of Packard
and Ford companies, and other authori
ties, declare oil from asphalt-base crude
has greatest efficiency. And it was on
tfficieney that Zerolene, the oil made from,
Ca'ifornia asphalt-base petroleum, was
awarded highest competitive honors, San
Fianciico and San Diego Expositions.
Standard Oil Company
ike Standard Oil for Motor Cars
'ttttfif i I ? ? ? j 1 1 t"t
German Ambassador
Visits the Secretary
Washington, Nov. 2. Calling on Sec
retary of Stato Lansing for the first
time since the liner Arabic case was
settled by a German disavowal and of
fer of indemnity, (ierman Ambassador
Von Bernstorff said in advance that n.
important developments of the German
American submarine question were to
bo taken up.
After a 20 minute session it was
learned that while tho Arabic and Lusi
tanin cases were discussed, formal nego
tiations will not begin for several days.
Lnnsing informed the envoy that the
Arabic indemnity claims are not ready
for formal presentation.
It was assumed he also told him of
the navy department's findings that
the liner Hesperian was attacked by a
torpedo, not by a mine.
T Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
X Opens Air Passages Right Up.
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; the
ai passages of your head clear and
you can breathe freely. No more hawk
ing, snuffing, blowing, hcudache, dry
ness. No struggling fur breath at night
and your cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Halm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. 'It pen
etrates through every uir passage of
tho head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
it's just fine. Don't stay stuffed
up with a cold or misty catarrh.
President of Land
Show Dies Suddenly
Portlnnd, Or,
ley, aged 40, i
Nov. 2. A. .1. Kings-
president of the Oregon,
Chair company, and president of the
M,.nf,.,.(r, ,i i ..'..i i,..i....4 ..i. ....
which is in i) oirress her- ,li.i ,u.
ujiiHy roiiowing a Drier illness.
Kingsley was also director of the
chamber of commerce and was identi-i
fied wich every movement in Portlnnd
for civic betterment.
The Illness which resulted in Kings
ley's death iB believed to have been
brought on by incessant work in mak
ing the land products Bhow a success.
Kingsley was well known in business
circles all ulong tho Pacific const.
New York, Nov. 1. Three dkmi,
"Water pirates," the police said, were'
arrested todnv on the Stnten Inland I
ler, presumably in connection with the
Robert Fay bomb conspiracy. The
men's identity nnd the charges against
them, however, wcro kept a secret.
City Council Reopens Budget
Question and Reconsiders
Former Action
After returning to the appropriation
for the fire department the $10000 that
was taken" away and given to the street
fund the city budget now remains just
as first recommended by the finance
committee with the exception of &I00
that was loopped off of the city at
torney's salary and given to tho street
fund. The finance committee recom
mended that $14,600 be given to the
use of the fire department for 1916 but
when the budget, enmc up for the ap
proval of the council this was cut to
$13,000. The further sum of $300 was
cut from the salary of the city attor
ney making it $12000 for the year.
At the end of the budget the council
found that they had "saved" $1000
but as the tax would be but 14 mills to
ruiso the original $174,000 the council
added tho $1900 to the deficiency
fund for street work. Last night's
action simply returns the fire depart
ments appropriation to the original
amount of $14,600. However; it is not
certain that three regular firemen will
be put on instead of the call men as
first proposed as there was a deficit of
$1500 in tho fire department this year
when they had $1200, and tho $150(1
will just about conduct the department
on the same basis as last year accord
ing to the statements last night.
Councilman Huddleson stated that
there would be a deficiency -in the
bridge fund and moved that the $900
appropriated for a sanitary inspector be
turned into the bridge fund. This
aroused some warm debate and Council-,
man Von Eschen mndn the statement.
(that the city was 40 per cent dirtier
than at this time last year. He said
that even some of tho councilmen had
unsanitary conditions about their prem
ises. He said he could give their
names if necessary and when called
upon to do so replied that he had them
on paper and could produce them any
time. After considerable discussion
the motion to divert the $900 to the
bridgo fund was voted down.
The remainder of the session was
routine. The report of tho street com
mittee on tho improvement of North
Seventeenth street by Contractor
August Kehrbergcr showed the amount
of. $600.31 due and Tccominendcd that
the amount be paid,
The report was
, A similar report ion Hellevuo street
showed $547.24 duo Contractor W. II.
Dalrymple. Tho report was adopted.
The contractor will be notified to re
pair the curbing and other defects.
Another report recommended the
payment of $953.52 to Contractor Dal
rymplo for the improvement of Liberty
street from Oak ami Hellevue. The re-
port was adopted and tho contractor
ordered to repair defects.
City Attorney Trindlo recommended
that the city accept a deed to lot 7,
block 8, Riverside Park addition. The
report waB adopted.
A resolution was adopted requiring
the (Southern Pacific to bring all of
its tracks in the city up to proper
Resolutions for the installation of
fire hydrants were referred to tho fire
and water committee with power to act.
A number of sidewulk resolutions
were adopted.
Property owners on Division street
presented a petition protesting against
the immediate improvement of that,
street. Former City Attorney Rollin K.
Page was present and spoke from the
floor in behalf of the property owners.
Mr. Page said that he circulated the
petition himself nil said a majority of
the people who would be assessed "had
signed the paper. The petition was re
ferred to the street committee with in
structions to report at the next meet
ing. The council was petitioned to re
move the silver maplo trues on the
west, side of Fifth street between
.Market and Belmont. The petition was
referred to the park board.
Applicants for Jobs.
A petition concerning the bridge
over the mill race between Trade and
Mill was referred to the street com
mittee. F.. E. Irwin applied to the
council to be appointed wntcl.mnn on
the steel bridge as soon as there is a
11. E. Finley applied for the position
of sanitary and plumbing inspector.
il.ii. ,,,,.,i:,.ii,,M- wi.M. mm,. j o.i
plnced on file.
The Woodmen of the World poti -
tinned for the
? uso of top floor of tho1""" ' n K"1""' nurse or rortinnd
city hull.
The petition whs referred to the com
mittee on public. huirHingB.
The Salem Water company was noti
fied to put a screen over tho east end
of the High street bridge.
, An invitation was reud from Judge
Oullnwuy asking tho councilmen to at
i tend a presentation of mi American
Vr Ln.nTZ.l?n
... . i .: - it'.i i
,, ",",,
An "r.linance was passed for the us-
sessment of property owners for
i m
piovement of Seventeenth street.
Ordinances were passed for assessing
cost of improvement of Bellevue nnd
Liberty streets to owners of abutting
The street committee was authorized
to investigate a pile driver which
Chairman Cook hud in mind, and if
found satisfactory, to buy it.
Shanghai, Nov. 2. F.lcctinu returns
continued today to indicate thut Cliinu
Hart registered overwnelmingly for a
monarchy to replace the present re-
p lilic. JNortliem t lilns accepts the re
sult as fair; southern China threatens
disorders. The government is taking
' ii" i
(Capital Journal Speciul Service.)
Silvorton, Ore., Nov. 2. Harold
Riches, who has been working with a
government- survey party near Hood
River, enme home last Suturday for a
visit ivith tliA linmn folks.
m, t i i-. c i
son, and husband, also a nephew, Wil
last or tnc week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kubberness went
to Portland Saturday for a visit at the
home of tho latter 's parents. Mrs. Kub
berness' sister, Mrs. Charles Turrell, ac
companied them home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Joe Kircher is at the Silvcrton
hospital, where she underwent au opera
tion tho first ot the week. She is rc-
covering quite rapidly, and will soon be
able to come home. j
Mrs. E. M. Hnrtmnn and son, Lin-'
coin, who havo been visiting relatives
in this vicinity, left for their homo nt I
Wapanitiu, Ore., on Tuesday of this!
Mrs. E. M. Hicks visited with rein-1
, K. M. Hicks visited with rela -
and friends at the Capital City
st of this week
MUses Aha and Minnie Davis
tives and
the first
ti. -v
t.; ;'iwi i ....
lust of tho week. A trip up the Colum
bia highway to Multnomah Falls was
mucn enjoyed. They returned home Sun-
uuj evening.
Mrs. Nellie Savers returned from a
visit to Portlnnd and The Dalles the
lust of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stnlker are en
tertaining their friend, Miss Tooth, of
Salem, at their home on Second street,
this week.
Miss Mny Mnrcoe, one of the high
school girls living in tho country, had
her arm broken, when the pony she was
riding to school, fell, and threw her
to the ground. She is attending school
right nlong, und the arm is healing
B. Levy, proprietor of the People's
Market, of this city, has opened n
branch meat market it 371 State street,
Salem. Ben Levy, a flon, will hove
charge of tho market.
An interesting bit of news from
North Howell is the marriage of Mir
Kdith Beer to Lewis K. Sawyer, at the
home of the bride's parents, on October
24, in the presence of a linge number
of relatives and friends. Hev. Jasper
officiated at this pretty home wedding.
The bridal couple were attended by
Amy Johnson, Jessie Sawyer, Rob Beer
and Kenneth Coomler. The bride, wore
n beautiful creation of palo cream, and
carried a shower bouquet of white car
nations and fern. A lovely centerpiece
for the table was a basket of pink dah
lias presented by Mrs. A. T. Cline. The
wedding march was played by the sister
of the liride, Miss Muude Beer, nnd a
dainty lunch was served by a number
of the friends of the bride nnd groom.
At the home of tie bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Anundson, nt high noon
Wednesday, October 27, occurred the
mnrringn of Miss Kilna AimiiiiNum and
John R. Turner, of Portland. Rev.
White officiated. The bridal couple
were attended by (leorge and Mniie'
Anundson, brbthir and sisicr of the
bride. The decorations were chrysanthe
mums und the bride's dress was of blue
wool crepe and hnd erepe chiffon trim
mings. The wedding was a quiet home
affair with only a few near relatives
present, They were Mr. and Mrs. C.
Anundson, Mrs. J, F. retortion and son
' Harry, and Mrs. John Hnlvorsnn. The
I b'W i wc'l known in Silvcrton, hav-
l li.v'''1 'l1'8 vicinity severul years
Mr. Turner is a forest ranger of Ma
rlon county, and is to bo congrntnlnler
in his choice of a helpmate. The best
wishes for a long nnd happy life in ex
tended by tho many friends in Silver
tott. Mr. and Mrs, Mat Smnll lire taking n
well earned vacation, leaving fur Culi
fornia tho first of the week., Thev are
I planning on n winter in the suiiuj'
southland, and in the spring travel cm
to tho middle west and visit nt Mr.
Small's birthplace in Tennessee,
Mr .and Mrs. (', H. Buyiud and
daughter, Bernice, are milking an ex
tended visit nt the A. O. Lindflntt
home, coming over from Aumsville on
Tuesday of lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson, of (ler
vuis, were visiting the first of the week
with old friends in this city.
One of tho pleasant events of the
week was tho banquet in the Odd Fel
lows' hall in honor of the newlywcils of
that order. The entertainment planned
was games, music nnd a general social i
evening, isnpeniitenclent .lames acted
an toiislmnster. The short talks by the
older benedicts, and also the prospec
tive ones, was the caue of much merri
ment. It was a very enjoyable evening
for nil present.
The funeral lit Kling J. Dale,' who
passed nwny lit his home at Heotts Mills
Inst Saturday, wus held from the United
P Hi
( i ;
f fr
Cole! weather will be upon us most any day m)w, and so will Ihe rain.
It is therefore up to you not to wait until the last moment to' pur
chase your
i , i. , . . .
ne nave a complete line ior you to select trom, and we know we
can please you for we are sending away pleased customers every
day, who eventually become permanent tradespeople at our store
Absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction.
are also guaranteed to give satisfaction. Our Shoe Department is
complete in every detail and we can fit you perfectly as well as sell
you a shoe that has merit.
This is the beginning of the end of the Pony Contest. Please bring
your tickets in to be counted. Votes with every purchase. Thanks
giving Day the pony will be given away.
Lutheran church in this city on Holi
day, October 25. He ib survived by n
wife, two daughters and three sons. In
terment was made in the Evnna valley
The Fischersflouring mill has been
closed down for several months past,
but started up again lust Monday. The
low water was the cause of no flour be
"g mat e our. it is nupcu mere will be
'B' in f" from now on to assure
a Btcudy run.
8uih this Tity was t ho scene of.
merry gathering last Friday night. The
Ihe borne
of Mrs. Charlotte Ross
occasion being a surprise party given
by a number of the high school young
people or Miiverton, in honor of the six
teenth birthduy of Miss Kute Ross. The
surprise was complete and the evening
was a. success, for every one pi
had tho best time ever. The guests
nrnmrhr rnfi'nunirimitu nti.l MI.,., ir.t..
was presented with many nice tokens
of remembrance. Those present were
KRiv Jeuuio and Amy Ross, Alta und
""' Davis, Ethel, May and Viola
s,ll,icrfl Kmmn Mnnary, May Mareoe,
1)onfl -Uoser, Mabel Dahl, Nellie Porter,
',oni Karl, John and Bun Ross, Buy-
mo"fl B.Hxlol. Barney ()oet.,Quincy
,v...au.uvu.n, uiiu .umo rtu - ii -
1 " " '". nrney i.ioet, Ouiiiey
" 'if Harris, C loorge Thorn ley,
W ,n' Ar"""ry Harvey Buell, Jack Mos-
A !"'! ,,'r' UW) Uvenport Per-
!''' Dims, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Porter
Mint, Clotilde UarniC-i.
Having lost in a grim race against
death over tho red battlefields of
France, Madame Clotildo Gamier has
returned to Sun Francisco, which was
once her homo. Her husband, Lieut.
Alain Gamier of the French army,
was mortally wounded at Verdun. In
response to ft telegram she rushed
to his bedside, but he died shortly be
fore she reached the hospital.
Tho Capital Journal is the
only evening daily published
in Salem that is a complete
newspaper. Tho Portland papers
peddled hero are printed in tho
forenoon about II o'clock, are
simply tho regular edition of
tho day beforo with sonio
changes on tho first pugo. They
are only oxlras mndo up for
street sales and out of town
circulation, making no pretense
to being real newspapers. Tho
Capital Journal on tho other
hand, contains the complete
leased wiro service up to 3:.'10
p. in., which is 0:30 p. m. In
New York and pant midnight
in K u rope, tho sent of tho great
war. It also contains all the
local news of Nnlom and sur
rounding territory that is worth
whilo. It is t compluto after
noon newspaper and the only
one circulated in Salem, When
you pay your money for a Port
land evening paper here you are
merely being "faked" into buy
ing a cheap extra with big
headlines on tho first page and
yesterday's news everywhere
el so.
The Capital Journal sells on
tho street for 2 cents. 1'ny no
1 rl J
Rev. Carl H. Elliott spuke to his jun
ior congregation in the First. Presby
terian church Sunday morning on "The
Bible" us the most valuable book in
all the world. He referred to a set of
bookB tljat ho had recently read of that
had been issued by a modem govern
ment and had cost $25,00(1 per volume,
$3,000,000 for the set; but tho Bible
cost more than this for it cost the lives
of many men to write and transcribe
and translate. Tho Bible is valuable
because it has cost so much.
But he continued a thing may have
cost much und yet not be bo valuable.
Stime things cost moro than they uro
i worth. A thinu i vnlnnhl ..,.n-i;..
j what it makes. A tree may not havo
cost much and yet be worth u great
I deal because of 'the value of its fruit
' T ..... i ,t .
.i. rrn-miy miu or a muu in run rorn ii
I U'lln liua a tr.ta l,,,f .. , .
" ' " i.v I.,... mum u Kii-ui Jllllll-
ber of Alligator pears which retail nt.
from. 25 to 50 cents each. His tree i
so valuable therefore thut he has n
strong fence all around it and ulso hn
it insured for severul thousands of dol
The Bible is vnlunblo because of tho
fruit that it bears. Wherever it is hon
ored and its precepts uro obeyed, wom
en nro respected and educated. In
Kgypt where it is scarcely heard of only
three women in a thousand can rend..
The Bible makes huppy homes. Ev((y
home where there iH love und joy such
as the Bible brings is easily worth a
million of dollars. Muny a person wln
has hud such a homo and lost it would
rather have it buck than many millions
of money. Think of tho thousands of
homes made and kept true nnd glad
through the influence of I Ho Bible, and
each one of them worth a million of
dollars. Multiply them together und
yet you have como short of the real
value to the world of this book which
would bring love and peuce to nil the '
world if we would only let it.
Tneomn, Wash., Nov. 2. A posse
headed by Sheriff l.ongniiie uud a
bloodhound, is searching the dense for
est west of Hhelton on the Sutsop river
today for Harry Atchison, of Taconm,
who becnine separated from his hunt
ing companions Sntuidny and hns since
been lost ill the woods.
Word of Atchison's plight was
brought here by Dr. Arthur S. Monzin
go und his son, who returned exhausted
Sunday night. Dr. Moii.ingo bclicvci
that Atcjiisou may be injured. He hud
but two sandwiches with him uud Iiih
been exposed to a violent storm.
Krnost Blum hard, nnother member of
the hunting party, remained in the
moiintuins anil continued the search for
the missing num.
AUiison I. Found.
Tneomn, Wash., Nov. 2. Wold win
ijji'oivi-d hero today from Shelton thai,
I Tarry Alhison, who had been lost in
the wilds of the Olympic uiountniiri
since Saturday, und for whoso safety
grave fours were entertained, has been
found. The iiit'oriuiil ion came by long
distance telephone from Athisou's fath
er, who was a member of the posse thai,
set, out from Tneomn to eurch for tho
missing man. No details of tho reseun
were given.
It is tho Literary Digest that does
very well in digesting the contents, of
some hundred or more duily newspa
pers. It assimilates because it doesn't,
indulge heuvily in any one in purlieu-,
Gives a brilliant glossy shine that
diivn nl ruli tIF or dust oil Hint
snneiilH to (lie Iron -tlmt liutts tour
liiiiut si lung as miy otlior.
Black Silk Stove Polish
In In a cln by Itxplf. lt' motm
ftttiuuy ninnonmi muuo
lioiu bitter mater tutu
Try tt on jronr parlor
tir ur ittii rmiuo.
ir yon umt'i nmi u
th' bunt iM'linh voil
rver uhuU. your
tiiirilwHrn ur
butliorW'tl tu Tf
fund yuur
Jthlnm In
tmry Drop"
wxwwuuiiiuiw m iwiniii uiiMwPwmni