SPORTING NEWS THE DAILY MAGAZINE SECTION 0 1 H'ih sniiis mwi.iki f MUSISP. THIBTY-EIGHTH TEAS. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS. $Hi"S,$Pc55H! PMAI u r ! iun ' l cirrr-l II 3eP 111 U II in- If -ii J t What Is Expected By The"Kickerdom" ALL EYES ON "AGGIES" Kant Lansing, Mich., Oct. 30". The Oregon Aggies football squid took the kinks out of their legs this morning with a final limbering up practice for this afternoon's game with the Michigan Aggies. The Michi gauders expect to use the same plays 'which brought them vic tory over the Michigan univer sity eleven last Saturday. "Basket ball" tactics aro ex pected to be the feature of Oregon's play. Two Will "Be Out Of It. Chicago, Oct. 30. Two of the elevens in the big nine football conference will iie eliminated from the race for the championship this afternoon. Wisconsin will meet Chicago and Il linois and Minnesota will clash at Ur bana. The visiting team is the favorite in each contest. Chicago has been un certain this year and her championship possibilities are not really known. Wis consin, on the other hand, two weeks igo bent Ohio State easily after the Buckeyes had held Illinois to a tie. The powerful Minnesota eleven is ex pected to swamp the Illiui. Cuacn Zuppke's machine has little of the streugth it displayed last year and has liud n poor season. Coach "Hurry Up" Yost, of Mich igan, expects his squad to stage a come back this afternoon when it meets Syra cuse in the first of the east versus west contests of the vent'. Simultaneously it Lansing the- Michigan Aggies will meet the Oregon Aggies. Looks Bad for Yale. New York, Oct. 30. Prospects that Vale will taste defeat again loomed Mrge today when she met the powerful Colgate football team. Colgate hereto fore not exactly big league company, lias developed a remarkable fighting machine this season, and has rolled up over 200 points while opponents failed to gi t a single tally. Followers of Yale are decidedly glum with the Princeton game only two weeks off. Princeton, regarded as the star eleven of the east should have lit tle more than practice work to beat Vale, unless today and in the next two weeks she develops more steam than .'tic has had thus far. Harvard, too, facod a formidable op ponent in Pennsylvania State, though ner chances of holding down the visit-' ors seemed better than the Yale White, of Chicago, lost a popular de chances. I eisio,, to Mat Wells, the English light Dartmouth met Amherst, with pros- weight, in a fust 10-round bout here pects good for the Hanoverians. Prince- last niirht. according to the unanimous f ton had apparently soft work ahead I with VV'illinms for the team from the t-msuiie uus miieu iy snow ciass tins fei'niir.n v season. Cornel! has an apparently easy oppon ent in Virginia Poly while the Army and Navy tennis against Villa Nova nul North Carolina Aggies respectively did not anticipate terrific strug gles. ' Good Weather In West. Portland, Ore., Oct. 30 Weather eon-i ditions iudicnted that the three import- :mt football games in the northwest to- dny will be played on comparatively drv fields, Washington State college will play the University of Idaho at Moscow. Tdnho. the University of Oregon will meet Willamette university at Salem Constantly, with all the changing fortunes of war, friendly bacteria in the body arc waging war against invading microbes. Disease is the victory of the enemy, health the su premacy of the home guard. Intesti-Fermin Tablets combine (lie friendly, health giving bacilli of Bulgarian lour milk tcr. menu with Glyco-Bakter tl Bscillut of Long Life. Taken per aiUenlly. tlwy tend to prevent premature old age and guard sgaimt hesdsche, bdioiuneu. nerve and Itomorh duorder. such diuoeri at auto-intoxtcstioa snd hardening of list srtenes. $1.00 prr bottle week's treat ment sk for it today J. C PERRY Salem, Oregon. Call ilv (n eofir "rWnw QU Aia-ha Ca and Hmmm" tV) Ot.A V, . 0Vjoi. tMttfi-Frnma made urkaradr br The Berlin Laboratory, Ltd. New York Cr Fans and Whitman college will clash with the ; University of Washington at Seattle. I Due to the intense rivalry between the teams the W. S. C.-Idaho game is attracting the most attention. Siuce the schools established football rela tions each has won eight times ani there has been one tie game. The University of Washington is ex pected to win from Whitman, the ouly question apparently being the size of the score. The University of Oregon usually finds Willamette eRsy prey, but two years ngo the Methodists sprung a sur prise by winning out. Coach Bezdek isn't taking any chances this year and has trained his men carefully for the contest. Washington is Favorite. Seattle, Waah, Oct. 30. Washington was a heavy favorite over Vincent Borlesko's Whitman collegians today, though the Missionaries were expected to hold Dobie's team to the lowest score since 1910. when the U. of W. won V2 to 8 from Whitman. Borlesko's team will average about 172 while Washington probably scales us. i'rom tac.klo to tackle, Whitman will be ns big as Washington. "Dobie's system of defense is so re markable that I don't expect to do mucn," admitted borleske today. "J have some speedy backs whom I hope will be able to get awav. If thev do. and I guess Washington is slower this season, than for many years pant, Whit man may do better than expected. Mv team is inexperienced, but will be 50 per cent stronger than it was against uregon or the Uregon Aggies." ' ' Borleske has a speedy team and they may spill the dope, " was Dobie's comment, "i. dont' know who I'll start but mostly the older men because want them ready for California next Saturday." After Bear's Scalp. University of California, Oct. 30. Whether the California varsity has made any improvement since its weak showing against U. S. C. was expected to bo demonstrated today when the Bears clash with St. Mary's of Oakland. Today's contest is in the nature of a final tryout for positions for the big game with Washington, November 0. St. Mary's is making the California contest its "big" game, and has its strongest line-up of the season. Coach McAndrews has been perfecting his men in the forward pass, and expects to use it three times out of evory five plavs. Charlie" White Loses. Milwaukee. Wis.. Oct. 30 Olinrli.. opinion of fans todav. The milling was forced by White, but the shifty Briton was aide to Keep out of reach and had .l.A ..I ..... I.. I uie nubiiiH;u ju long range iiguung. The Tenuis Championships. San Francisco, Oct. 30. Opening rounds of the Pacific coast tenuis cham pionships were begun here today in men's and women's and junior singles, with many of the star players of the state competing. Several hundred tennis fans on hand for the opening day looked forward to tin itch between Miss Molls Biur- stedt, .ational woman 's champiou, and MisK Florence Soule. Miss Soule was expected to force the ehompion to ex ert herself to win as she is one of the strongest women players in the city. National chnmpion William Johnston will meet !. F. Stickney, and Johnny Oriffin will meet H. C. Batcheller. Prepare for Regatta. T'niversity of California, Oct. 30. With 170 candidates alrendv signed up prospects for a strong rrew at Califor-, ma this rear are bright. Work will be-1 gin on the Oakland estuary as soon as the football season is over, lhe annual regntrn win ne neiu wuu oiuuioru uc spite rumors to the contrary. Lost 1- the War Game. Baltimore, Md Oct. 30. "Johnny" Poe, Jr., one time Princeton football i.tar. soldier, adventurer ami club man is dead the victim of a Oerman bullet. Word from the London war office show ed he was "killed in action" when tho r.lnek Watch regiment, to which he be longed, was almost wiped out clurging ttie i crmans aiung in- ..r,. r ()m. of ,,u J(.Bt ,,roHM.u 0f the Franco-Flanders front. j hBj , , f011Bty in ' ,'h(i f(r(n nr Uronlr jvoril ' of ('BM pioneer of the county, Fan Francisco o t. To ItIic fnsteM .' Rowley .. hoolhous.., .bout spe,"l boat contest ever held on the ' ' K.-'kreall coast Is anticipated t.I,.v when the 1"."J Oregon Kid. champion of the const, and . ' n the farm, Mr. K.ggs not.ced the Barnacle II, the speed Chicago . slight of gas, but no atten tat, clnsh off the exposition grounds. tin was paid to it. Reeently, however, Both bouts have done better than .10 gasoline engine has been installed to miles an hour. CinltmliA Ulnrn kXpiCniDCr lllUI U Forlir In flpfnr)r LrfUIJ IU vvivuva (Monroe Lender.) There was an uncommon auto acci dent up the road a wnys on si recent wtirm ffi'emnir. A car uriven oy a rrr rV'"',r,, . i .il orient, iiuiu " - i-""- --...v - vounir lsdr wns engngHj In the interest ing ocrntion of taking a bath. The surprise waa mutual and instantaneous, for tiie young lady promptly fell out of the tub' and the driver bmt control Of hi ear and crashed into the fence. The damage to the car and fence was sllht, but the ladies' feelings were basil lacerated. Is Black As When "the Light of Other Days" the Candle Was In Use By WILBUR S. FORREST (United Press Staff Correspondent) , London, Oct. 8: (By mail) I.oudou, the darkest city in the world! Such is this ancient town's new title. Zeppo lin raids have indeed made it the world's city of darkness. Imagine, if possible, London one hundred years ago, before Benjamin Franklin started to experiment with a key on a kite string; before Kdison began to see the posibilities of small wires in a vacuum glass globe; before great power plants were built. Imagine, Broadway without a gleam of light; State street, Chicago, without an electric sign; Maraket street, San Francisco, without its "White Way" ami, even then, it would be hard to imagine how dnrk tho Zeppelins have made London. The great Strand, whose hotels and electric sigus once sent light far into the upper void, is ns black as the Ace of Spades. I'icadilly, Hegeut street, Westminster and till the rest are equal ly black. Add to this tin early autumn London fog and the approaching "black fogs" of winter and London will be found ns dark ns an American cross ronds villuee at midniirht. . Even the silent Thnmes, which tho Uermnns dunned guided them to Lon don on the last memorahlo raid, is doomed to blackness. Lights that for generations have reflected thoir yellow ness on the swift waters have 'ceased to shine. Moonlight alone can muke the Thames reflect itself visibly ut great altitudes and Zeppelins are not moonlight lurds. Darkest nights aro Zeppelin nights mid in them London needs must resemble the black, nothing-1 ness of open country. Residential districts, suburbs and all must curtnin their windows and shade their lights. Police constantly watch for unshaded windows and, if a vio lation is found, a sharp warning is ad ministered. A second offense moans a stiff fine. Shopkeepers report record sales of candles. From I'icadilly Circus, where the figure of Mercury on the fountain, can now, after dark, be scarcely seen fifty feet away, to Bond street, noted th' world over for fniNliionable shops, night is supreme. The shops of fash ion pull down their curtains shortly after 8, put llicir diamonds and other precious wares into Zeppelin proof safes and wnit for daylight. What Bond street is doing is vogue. In fifty shop ping districts within the metropolitan area shopkeeuers have recided to close at 8 throe nights a week, at 0 on Fri days and 10 on Snturdnys. After (1, customers nre forced to shop in semi on rK ness. On the streets motor omnibuses, taxi cabs nnd vehicles of nil varieties limit speed and activity after nightfall. The "buses" crawl through the haze with darkened interiors and showing faint blue and red lights fore and aft. Pas sengers of these "craft" nre just be ginning to know their approach by the sound of their motors. Taxicabs drone along at slow speed, the drivers always on a nervous strain for fear of bumping some groping pedestrian. The situation will be some what aided, if a suggestion to white wash nil of the city's 40,000 miles of curbstones Is carried out, London's already heavy street acci dent casualty list is expected to be al most doubled by the new situation. The authorities nre understood, how ever, to have taken this into considera tion, believing it better to have people killed singly by accident than in groups l,v Zeppelin bombs, l addition, it is ngreed, the former i ,,.!, easier on tho nerves of the . whole rjotrulation More Evidence of Natural Gas, Dallas Pallas, Or., Oct. 30. For years evi dences of oil or nutural gas have been found in various parts of Polk county, but ouly one or two attempts have bwn ..!. In .1. ...!,. ,1... ...1 thefe tuUH fjf U(,k of fnrM pump the water, and when thia is don in largj quantities the flow of gas bn- comes qtiito strong, and when a match I u applied to the of a huae con- i"'ted with the pump it spouts a jet f fam(, fr , j,,!,,,,., 0f .Veral feet. The weight of the water in the tub inn of the well evidentlr keens the Bas!"St, Jscoln Oil" is a harmless rheu in check. A peculiar rature of the ga is that it is entirely odorless. The water whirh foiiips from the well ili f i WWt Hr Mtuw, ulilrb h .. i . , . , ... t. ,j I said by experienced men to be a gnodj"HL Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, indication of oil or gas. The well is 16" feet deep aud the flow of bss ap parently comes from the bottom of the haft. There la plenty of money In the country for automobiles aad saovie shows; the railroads will have to wit. iFairgroimd Campers Show Appreaation At the close of the state fair the campers got together and decided to show their approeiatiaon of Mr. Al bert Toji'er and .iis sister, Mrs. Edith Tozier Weathorred, for their untiring efforts in inking the camping feature at the state fair a huge success and through the efforts of the committee composed of Mr. Huckster of Forrest Grove, Mr. Adam Hurnes of tho Waldo Hills, and F. A. Sutton, of Snlcm, se cured the following presents for tiiem. For Mr. Tof.ier a handsome solid sole leather suit case and for Mrs. Weather red a fine leather traveling bag. The taken a of esteem were presented at a meeting of the campers the Inst night of the fair held in the social center tent. To say that they were surprised would be putting it mild. Jud'o Wil liam Gallowny made the presentation 8cech in bin usual happy manner, and it was appreciated by all who were lucky enough to be present. Mr. Tozier bus been mayor or the camp ground for 21 years. Tho following is a list of those pres ent, and taking part in the gift: Miss Pauline lioney, Mr. J. F. Pep per, A. A. N'over, .1. D. Buxten, F. A. Suttou, A. 9. Huribiirt, P. A. Ilurlbnrt, S. D. Rodkins Hurbet Willnrd. ,T. M. Shaefer, Pert Hamilton, W. B. York, J. L. Bartlett, J. E. Young, Carl Rams don, N. 8. Catlen, John Darby, t. I. Needham, Wain Baker, Charles Spng ley, A. A. (leer, ('. E. Bowen, .1. W. LuBarr, Wm. McAdams, ('. W. finish er, It. 8. Voorhies, C. Wilder, W. R. Uay, O. W. Beard, 11. O. Vincent, Ed Shoot Mrs. M. L. Forrester P. E. Thoui eson, J. L. Hnlev, Frank Dunlnp, A A. Hurlbort, W. 1. gheard, J. T. Beckwith, L. P. Maiming Ed LnFountaiii, O. T. Jenkins, Sullie Smith, James Murphy, lnn Murphy, Pr. George lloeye, lleo. Veigpn, W. K Simpson, Henry Conn, A. Burns, Mr. Cork, D. C. Kenan, J. E. Mitts, O. M. Mills, It. V. Buel, O. O. Iluett, W. 0. Krimi, Mr. Munton, W. W. Smith S. I). Hart man R. A. Witxel, C. 11. Crawford, Mr and Mrs. I). II. Iooiioy, Mrs Frank Koch, Miss Ruth George, O B. Jones, Mrs. (). W. Thoiiiv- son, it. r.. - hompson, in. Alerchnnt, Mrs. R. 1). Mneads, C, E. Howen, E. F. In, Mrs). J. V. dispell, L. L. Basics, II. U Alderman, A. E. Alderman, II. A. Alderman. J. tl, Missler, E. A. Tttvlor, F. M. Taylor, l. D. Harden, J. K. Mitts, Mrs. 1). M. Calhrolh J. M. Murphy, Chester Nickelsoh, Mrs Frnnk Holier, Mrs. (. I). SwnloB," Mis. L. M. Bnrm'tt, Mrs. A. E. Tliniiiivon, Mrs. W. L. Ward, A. . Hnskins, W. J. McMinn, Mrs. A. K. King, A. L. Muiikers, C. w. Mineral, .1. r. Roberts, A. E. Ed wards, Burt Edwards, James Sawyer, Robert Long, Mrs. A. E. Sliuofer, 8. I"ge, J. W. Cooley, Win. Pmphrys, urunt, i lane. Xellaher Can Keep Place Open On Sunday Portland, Or., Oct. 29. A temporary injunction restraining District Attorney Evans from issuing complaints against tradespeople keeping their places of business open on Sunday was issued by i.ire.uit Juilge listens today, The injunction will be in force pend ing the hearing on November 8 of the nppeal of Iran hellaher, a grocer, fined m by District Judgo Dayton several days ago for operating his grocery on the Sabbath iluy. HE APPRECIATES HIMSELF. Itichnrd B. Case, a last year's grad uate in general agriculture, is helping his father on a ranch which he has re cently purchased near Vancouver, Washington. Mr. Case writes that he has not only an opportunity to practice whut he iias learned here, but also has a fine home nnd in n short time they ecct to have A model luriu. He firmly believes Hint every community should have a college man in it to put the modern method of furming into practice and instruct fanners by observation. t'orvallis tin otlo Tunc. . . Rub Pain Right Out With . Small Trial Bottle of Old Penetrating wSt Jacob's Oil" Rheumatism is "pain only." Not one rav in fifty requires Internal treat ment. Stop drugging. Rub soothing, penetrating "ht. Jscobs inl'' right In to your sore, stiff, aching joints and musWea. snd relief comes instantly matiam euro which unver disappoints anil can not mini uie sain, l-itniier up: Vf't complaining! det I "mail trial bottle of old, honeat ii auj In just a moment yon'll be free from rheumatic mlu, soreness, atiffnraa sod swelling. Don't suffsrt Relief awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" bss cured millions of rheumatism sufferers la the laat half century, and la Just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, package, sprsins, Did It Ever Happen ?Sd! OOiraJTOTHEXssrf iffA-rA I f rr- -"l THAT YCV MM. FIANCIAL AND TRADE CONDITIONS DISCUSSED New York, Oct. r York, Oct. 2.l.-LxtMtorJniHry further expanded by operations of tno Krll,i0 Bof suu u r i t-ios in thia ulusa has, i are taking piace ulmost daily new, reserve system. Tno fuct is tUtib ;nB0 been amply justified by recently attnict coiuiiarutively little at- our lending facilities are supombun-1 j,lrove,i conditions, A nuinber ot it' ll. Evidently we are rupldly bo- daut, aud were it not for thoir Mn-i dust rial sh:ires mo also benotitiiig by events which lention coining accustomed to the abnormal ayd no longer shiver at every new distur bunco or uuvel movement. Only a tew days u,pi tho most remarkable govern ment loan in history was pluced in this market, and lr;iU,0)u,iKio out of the ,t-l!io,(Ho,miu due was paid the first day without exciting a ripple in financial circles. Since the beginning of the current year wo have imported alniut $UOO,OOU,0tl0 oil gold, and much more is coining. Our merchandise uH)its again broke the record lust wook, uiiiountiiig to over ;;i,li()0,UiMl, or II, 000,000 in excess of imports for the same period. Uiiasiu negotiated a war contract tor IHI,000,OUO, and Italy of fered :!.'i10001000 of notes for war pur poses. A now American propuroducss policy, costing fully ii00,000,000 was announced from Washington without evoking any special interest. Thut such movements ttmt ideas as theau cau come und go without disturbing our serenity is ample proof of economic strength and sound meiitul equilibrium. 1'udny tho wholo business world is de pending upon America for both sup plies it nit credit, and these wo are giv ing without stint, yet amply within the lines of safety. Nuedless to say that when the war is over and normal con ditions lire restored, the I jilted Htntos will be found tu have uiado tremendous progress as a prune luctor in tun world's murkets. While other nations aro retrograding and emanating thorn- selves in the wasteful tragedy aliroM, the United States has forged ahead and won a position of very first iiuiMjrt' unce, which under new competitive con ditions urior tno war it will have to struggle to retain, but whii h it is nut likely to lose. roroiuii trade is still one ol the most i in h r t ii ii t tui'tors in our coiumercuil anil, financial activities. Our ""I"", iiihviimi" .,,,....; 1 k t v.ous reason that r.uiopo a energies e levotea lo priniucing cuininomiics oiu- er than the luxuries wnidi wo arc an- tnide, however, is expanding ut a rapid I nice, and must no cxpcitcl to giow.i I he uxiiort season tor cotton and 4111111 is now 011, ami big shipments from the United Htntea B d (iililida will o cu; 'luring the next f w mouths, the f man ci'ig of whii Ii wid fall clnctiy upoii the l ulled States. Shipments of wur mu nitions must also go lorwurd morn free ly as early re tracts are coinpMcij. I ho outlook then is tor m. other .l'.iKii excess of exports during the next lew months th t will fur outweigh the re cent tendency for incrmaed imKirts. Whether this Will develop another ens-. is in foreig 1 exchange or not, only events can ditennii.e. Exchange ul na. ly all ws signu of softening urder, 1 he pressur'i ot commercial bills: but, with tho advautugu of lust year s ox H'ricnce to oiiii finunclul entimout it would nci-iu as if injurious clfivta; such as oi'currmi last siinng rsu bo: safely guarded aguiust by anticipation.! Uieul llritiiin is ng.iiu sending gold' ouviiieut. .ill. tmO,()i)ii having come by Camilla this wek, with more to follow. 1 Ainericun sccuriti. held librosd have' also been scut hern ill Urge summits, so' that by one in.a. 0 or another her debts' aro being puld inoro readily than for-; cign commercial statistics suggest to: Hie uninitiated. Nevertheless, 1 1 rent 1 llritiiin and other countries will not un likely bn obliged to seek further credits, in Ilia United States, for tneir borrow-1 111X and our loidi g limits have by .10 mean a benn reached. Ileaides it is toj our best intermit to sell our surplus pro-1 ducts and accept payments on a time basia when moro immediate settle ments are lraisible. The arrivals of gold by the end of (he year will prob ably reach 1100,000,000, bringing our stock of the metal considerably over IL'.OOO.OOO.'SS'l. Thia affords an tin- 'mense basis of credit, which has been to You? ployuiout in foreign loans, wo would bo surfeited with funds and in danger uf plunging into riotous lunation, t up- itul has been steadily lncrcaning In this country, iu spito of tho war, but the customary amounts have not gone in to the dovelopnuvit of hoiuu enterprises, having instead been largely abaorbel in tho repurchases of our securities from alumni. Some authorities es tiuiulo that wo have lukeii back fully 00,lll)0,l)00 of our securities since the war began. Homo business conditions are grow ing more and more satisfactory. Un der tho stimulus of cheap money, good crops and war conducts llioro has been a very decided revival of commercial activities that has probably not yet reached its maximum. Advices from tho west nre of an encouraging nature, and merchants nre ijlockiug up more freely in anticipation of a good full and wintor triido. The railroads are al ready beginning to feel thn beneficial effect of good crops. The traffic managers Anticipate n rush of freight and a scarcity ot cars. In nil probabil ity earnings of the leading systems during tin) last three months of the current year will show very decided gains, gross and net, over Inst ycatr. es pecially in view of tho increased rates which have heea granted some lines. In fact tho railroad outlook is brighter than It has been for several yours, and tho advances which have so far taken tpca in tliu better Issues which have been jninteil some lines. In fact the railroad outlook is brighter that it has been for sovcral years, and the advancs which buvo so far tiiken place in tho better issues are more than justified. Tliu butter class of industrials must also share the coming improvement, bn.l iitliuttimi in miw liiiimr iliriu'leil to H.ocialtie Jiithorto neglected. Steel j issues urn lending In anticipation or I business revival. While war contrasts i.v i ....... .,.,,,,..,,; fn,.,r j ,,,,, r.H f ,,..,,' .(u.n,h iea. still A poor or inferior buttei will make the best bread distasteful THEREFORE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Marion Creamery Butter "Meadow Brook" Tt costs no more and you Get the Best . By Mort Burger tho logitim te demand for iron and! steel uol'iug from a natural recovery in business will prove much nioro perm anent. Tho ruilrouda have been econo niuin severely for yenrs. Already they are entering the market with largo or ders for steel mils, equipment and oth er inntoriafs, The steel industry Is now unusually active. Prices are ad vancing and tho rise in tho bottor the foreign demand for thoir product u rising from interrupted, jupplicis ubroud. Thus fur, tho rise In storks, other than tho wur group, has been fully warranted by general conditions, and particularly by tho great abundance of loanable funds.- Inflationary influences have been quietly ut work and have not yut appnrunt'ty exhausted them selves. At- times reactionary tenden cies appeared and the market is show ing wider unit more frequent fluctu ations. It is not likely thut the ad vance movement us a wholo baa reacliixl its end, but profit taking ami the lib eral discounting of many conditions tended to temporarily unsettle the mar ket. In the absence, however) of any . important unftivoruble developments ,(idd stocks are likely to prove a pur chase on ull pronounced reactions, The war is still a powerful factor in the situation and tho end not yot in sight. HENKY C.LEWS. PURE RICH BLOOD PREVENTS DISEASE Had blood, that is, blond that Is im pure r Impoverished, thin anil pale, Is responsible for more ailments than anything else. It nfl'ects every organ anil function. In some cases it causes catarrh; in oth ers, dyspepsia: in others, rheumatism; iiml in still others, weak, tired, languid feelings and worse troubles. It is responsible for rundown condi tions, and is the most common eause of disease. Hood's Sarsiiparilln Is the greatest purifier and er.riciier of the blood the world has evor known, It has been wonderfully successful In removing scrofula ami other humors, increasing Hie rod bliiod corpuscles, and building up the whole system, (let It today ni'T v v m awni -wi,ninni